Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A God-fearing man is to be revered. A man of humility and virtue in all his actions is to be saluted. It your humble and heroic actions, Officer Cook, that we delegate our salutes of honor and show extreme dignity for a gentleman who stood tall and accepted his assignments accordingly. Everyday you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook, you brought with you a leadership and passionate wisdom for a very demanding job that can stress out a mere mortal individual. The time you gave all residents hearing and seeing the big picture and making a plan for their peace and unity, serenity and safety to be carried out, it speaks volumes of your character, faith and resolve. That has all been taken to another level of eternal reception. God now has you and others who acted with morals and principles to guard and help protect those officers who now stand face to face serving us and warding off wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A mission full of dreams and hopes accomplished and yet there was more left to achieve. I guess Our Creator decides what is left for us to succeed at in making this world a better place to live and to prosper. Nonetheless, your legacy of consideration, determination and driven desire will last forever an dis to be celebrated and honored accordingly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2016
You can say when times get tough, you must go on and stay the pathways of honesty, dignity and integrity. You can certainly say, Officer Cook, that you were a loyal and devoted police officer. Dade County had no qualms nor reservations about your conduct, candor, care and decency. It all went into the makings of a well lived life and well thought out and planned career. A personable professional through and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cherished colleague to all who fight the battle over violence. It makes a hero's legacy of hope, faith and courage that much more humble. God brings justice to His very gates of heaven through His angelic servants who are willing to pay that ultimate price and you, Officer Cook, revealed to us that side of conviction and proud and excellent commitment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 11, 2016
If Our Creator had afforded you, Officer Cook and Karen the opportunity to raise a family there would be no questioning the pathways those kids would choose. It would be that of honesty, integrity and of dignity. All your work, your goals, dreams and aspirations were the results of working hard and staying that literal course. Your department has remembered you and your comrades who have paid the ultimate price for Dade County and the liberty shared by its folks. You will be cherished and treasured for your humbly heroic actions on May 16, 1979 and each moment prior to that sad day. A day when your missions were deemed complete and God took you back to His heavenly shelter for an even greater eternal task. Look and watch us performing as supremely as you did my neighbor, friend and hero. A devoted and determined servant of God who helped stamped out evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2016
The period of time we now live in is surely not the same as when you lived, Officer Cook. Defiance rather than dignity seems to be the word of rules. Why can't we have all people just living simplistic lives and remain honest? What separates loyal and honest men and women heroes and heroines is their unwavering concern for the sanctity of life for all residents. And for this Dade County has its enhancements and cornerstones of which you laid down your life and profession for my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of comprehension and commitment for generations to look back at very proudly. Excellence and diligence observed at every corner. No shortcuts, Officer Cook, just loyalty and resourcefulness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2016
Your family, Officer Cook, can take solace and hope that now as God protects your soul from any harm, so too will He observe and make safe those who keep trudging on. Moving on in unison that sweet sound of peace, prosperity and unity for all Dade County. It must not take time off. It must not rest until every single person is accounted for justly and with justice for all. You loved your professional position, seeing a unique way to make those lives matter. Life has a different meaning to all. Some rest. Some stand. Most try to climb that ladder one rung at a time. The tasks of police work reveal those truly heroic and decent souls, the real women and men of honesty, integrity and dignity. it never leaves them even when they make the ultimate of sacrifices. A picture is just that. Your photo, Officer Cook, represented more than that lovely smile standing behind our American flag, you carried a message of peace and a treasured passion you had pouring your entire body into the fruits of your labor. Your missions won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing can ruin nor tarnish a legacy of humbleness, concern and compassion you took with you out on your daily patrols of your community, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2016
A person's dreams, one man's goals and inspirations now transfer into our aspirations, the hopes of freedom and peace you carried so faithfully, Officer Cook. You were raised with the ideals of honorable and dignified intentions all brought about through your love and proper respect for all mankind. Great and humble people devote their lives and souls to the partnership to all mankind living freely and without pain nor torment. Liberty City in Miami where you pursued and protected the public safety of all Dade County shall never forget their hero. As you watched, waited and assisted in producing the results that were necessary to keep unity in its proper perspective, we all wanted you to be here today to witness some of the most glorious enhancements that stood for your sacrifice on our behalf, Officer Cook. You were a supremely gifted leader and communicator who was able to succinctly get your message of goodwill across to a community where you were well received and revered even to this day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of class, decency and courage will be saluted forevermore. Your uniform and badge represented the challenges you faced head to head everyday and those who have taken over your watch now shoulder these awesome burdens. An onus made for men and women of bravery, strength and character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 10, 2016
We live for the moment, so we cherish those loved ones who sadly are not here with us today. Police officers understand when they sign on this proverbial dotted line what might be expected from them. Yes, it means your honor, your dignity, your integrity, whatever, Officer Cook, you had to do to secure the peace and liberty for all citizens in Dade County, it was considered complete. A mission started as a young man who dreamed of becoming a public servant and ending tragically when wanton violence ended your future hopes and aspirations. Colleagues carry that sacred torch you passed down to them loyally and with valor. Certainly you'll be saluted for heroism and conviction worn proudly on your uniform and badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To you Mrs. Cook, to your daughter, Nancy and family and to the Wilkerson Family hope you are are well and enjoy a happy summer.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2016
Looking at your portrait, Officer Cook, a black and white seven inch by five inch picture of yourself smiling, you were among the many brave and honorable souls here in Dade County who sacrificed his life and career for the peace, protection and goodwill of all mankind. Yes, I did cry when I looked at your picture and yet you meant the world as a peacekeeper to your humble family, your close personal friends and those comrades who patrolled these dangerous streets with you providing law and order. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism and humane actions on May 16, 1979 and everyday before that will be solemnly remembered as will your integrity, courage and character. A gentleman with a big golden heart. Old Glory blows in the breeze as did that cross on your parents' porch. Devotion, reverence and faithfulness always front and center in the Cook household.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 9, 2016
In conformity it is an obligation for all honest and dignified law enforcement personnel to remain level headed and calm, though the stress of this important professional position calls at times for the most drastic of measures, officers must stay the course so as not to alarm the public of which they are charged with protecting and securing. You were counted on, Officer Cook, for whatever awaited you and you were ready to tackle any assignment no matter what was involved. Dade County counts its beloved heroes and heroines as those guardian angels who now occupy a sacred space in God's eternal shelters of eternal life. A life and career valued beyond any means. Your outstanding service, Officer Cook, was and is the pinnacle of those enhancements which have stayed within the hearts and thoughts of all citizens you served. Never to be forgotten, it's your legacy of heroism and the true fighting spirit of gallantry that are treasured within your family, colleagues and friends who respected your decisions to become a police officer. Metro-Dade Police Department had one of the truly most humblest and excellent officers within their ranks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The dignity of your badge and uniform are the shining examples of how officers now and in the future should conduct their affairs in decency and in class. God remembers His faithful and pious servants and rewards them for their efforts each in their proper time.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 8, 2016
In order for sacrifice to hold a bountiful meaning there first must be a dignified and honorably heroic action that accompanies this notion. Well, you had integrity, Officer Cook and yet you kept your wits about you when you patrolled the corners and various venues in and around Dade County. the most loyal and yet, humble of public servants, your resolve and valor have travelled along with those who have taken responsibility for serving and preserving the public's unity, peace and liberty they are all entitled to . You will, Officer Cook be revered as a blessed Godsend who will forever remain cherished for all that you meant to mankind. Society can surely be grateful for your leadership and knowledge, the vision to stay vigilant and to keep on persevering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A charismatic man of character, concern and consideration that coupled together with your commitment, courage and conviction meant the world to those whop rose to the task of combating evil as you did so superbly and with much humility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 8, 2016
Thank God for freedom of speech. As I browse this website some of the comments reflect feelings of hope and yet frustration still rears its ugliness in society. What showed up in Dade County was your personable manner of confidence and honesty that went out on your patrols each and everyday. Never to be overlooked was your dignity and the driven determination to make things as smooth as they could be. Your humble legacy of heroism, as brave as you were, Officer cook, reflected the hopes and optimism that peace would last as it has thanks to your devotion and faithfulness. Nothing can bring you back, Officer Cook, badge#1664 will be forever saluted for achieving your dreams and aspirations to be a good person, a gentleman with a kind heart and a treasured servant of Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You cared and now that baton has been passed on down to others to take ownership of this onus.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 7, 2016
It is incumbent upon society to gave homage and honor, praise and salutes to our bravest and most loyal public servants. Dade County sleeps soundly at night or by day because of your unwavering and dignified actions, Officer Cook. You were a uniquely caring man with a concern for compassion, peace and unity. Comrades through the years have paused and reflected back upon your wonderful life of both humanity and humility. What drove to was your humbleness and the integrity to do all you could do to avert violence. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we came to rely upon your calming voice of eloquence in allowing us to pursue those hopes and desires that assist in making this world a better place to live and to prosper.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 7, 2016
I meant to say, Officer Cook, the choice you made to become a police officer was indeed a wise decision. We say let your conscience be your guide, we can all concur, it was and if not for your honesty, integrity and dignity then no telling where Dade County people would be today. Their lives have been certainly enhanced for the best outcomes. You will always be well respected and admired for the courage you displayed professionally that awful day you lost your life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 6, 2016
A person certain in their beliefs knows and comprehends exactly what their actions will result in. Officer Cook, your dignity and integrity were the makings of an honorable life and the epitome of a solid professional chose. Police work is not for everyone and yet you persevered and preserved the safety of all. As a hero here in Dade County you have been saluted for sage wisdom, leadership and maturity beyond your years. Your parents, family and colleagues have cherished and have remembered the wonderfully rich life you lived by morals and proper decorum that is expected of anyone with a caring and humane heart. Yours was golden, Officer Cook, your bright smile which has been sorely missed could be seen lighting up the biggest room. It shines down as it illuminates God's heavenly abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where character was clutch, courage was stellar beyond any thought. One day the violence that took you suddenly from our midst will be extinct. Let us hope and pray.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 6, 2016
Undaunted by the mighty pursuits of good versus evil, you went about your professional affairs, Officer Cook, with concise precision and candor, unwavering honesty, dignity, loyalty and decency. The people of Dade County can be mighty humble that your humanity and humility was spot on. It was no accident what happened to you on May 16, 1979, you gave your life and police career for the perpetual vitality for all future generations including those who have been passed your torch of freedom, unity and peace for all. Your heroism my neighbor, friend and hero rests in peace in God's heavenly abode where your comrades have too made the ultimate sacrifice for dreams and aspirations to prosper. Your legacy of care and compassion forever stands tall next to your courage and the strength of character so important in fighting off the forces of evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 6, 2016
When onuses call you were right there, Officer Cook, delivering a solid effort. It could only be achieved through your honorable and most humbly dignified actions. Heroes and heroines lead lives that are sterling in character, commitment to excellence and conviction to handle whatever issues needed resolving. Gallantry and grace distributed to all citizens of Dade County and the quality of protect ion and service that has left a lasting enhancement in peace, unity and goodwill for all. Your heroic legacy remains the staple for which all public servants must carry on and for your devoted family members to thrive by as they succeed in their endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing can tarnish a badge and uniform wore very humbly and proudly displayed with courage, bravery and resourcefulness. You never backed down from wickedness, Officer Cook. You did your utmost to assist people and had a very caring heart, one of gold.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2016
Patriotism is the embodiment of heroism and within your soul, Officer Cook, it was the source of your dignity, honesty and integrity. A career as a police officer that was most promising with more accomplishment left to fulfill, you'll never be forgotten for coming to the rescue of your colleagues and those civilians who depended on your service and protection. You will always remain cherished and very valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2016
We greet each new day with a smile as you faithfully greeted the day and all folks, Officer Cook. That marvelous upbringing you received surely paid dividends. Dade County and its residents were afforded the finest in care and in service when you patrolled those streets which at times can be unforgiving. Forty-three years ago that smile, Officer Cook, can still be felt within your beautiful spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A uniform of unity and hope. A badge of boldness, brilliance and a most loving man with a golden heart. God has all His angelic heroes and heroines in His golden shelter for eternal safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2016
When our men and women heroes and heroines give something such as their lives for our enhancements to move forward, we salute their class and decency. We treasure your memory, Officer Cook, a model citizen, a top flight Metro-Dade Police Officer, an intellectual gentleman of character, commitment and courage. You battled and fought the forces that evil presents these uniquely supreme individuals. Peace and unity rely upon one another as did those of us on May 16, 1979, North Miami Beach, where you grew up and an entire nation felt the anguish of your sudden loss, as heroic and yet reserved as you were my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2016
With liberty and justice for all comes the perils of keeping honesty, integrity and dignity anchored on a uniform you wore so humbly, Officer Cook. You relished a challenge and the amount of effort that went into your professional duties. Nowadays, it seems as if some public servants just go through the motions. As admired and as cherished as you were to your esteemed comrades, Officer Cook, so too the community of Dade County can remember the spirit beneath your wings that carried your physical presence throughout your patrols protecting the preservation of all mankind. Your heroic legacy of courage, character and conviction should be taken seriously by all future police officers. It is in these brave and loyal individuals that we can call for help in staying unified as one community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman who served with a refreshing attitude and inspired all folks in the right manner.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2016
One must have compassion and yet be most compassionate about their duties and the due diligence that rests behind each task at hand. Your unwavering courage, dignity and honorable actions, Officer cook, was the springboards of enhancements in and around Dade County. The citizens can rest easier knowing a very loyal and faithfully devout servant protected their unity and freedoms. Police work can be grueling, taxing to say the least, but with your commitment to justice, Officer Cook, the peace process has been given a proper foundation for other officers to try their hands at combating evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No quit in your bravery, nothing can slow down your family members from succeeding as mightily, yet as humanely and as humbly as you performed. May 16, 1979 was the day of recognition that you delivered resolve and admiration as all officers are expected to do.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2016
Whenever I hear or read of any police officer charged with a crime, I think of you, Officer Cook, you were a very decent and honorable gentleman. Your colleagues have always looked back on your courageous life and career that constituted and kept the streets of Dade County safe from harm. Now looking back on your passion to become a public servant one must think about all that you went through. Just about each morning, I drive by the old Bennett and Ulm Funeral Chapel where your wake and visitation was held on Friday, May 18,1979, truly a humble gathering to honor a most beloved and esteemed officer of fairness and justice for all. Auxiliary Bishop John Joseph Nevins on a sunny Saturday, May 19, 1979, put these words into context stating, there must be a Good Friday before there can be an Easter Sunday. I think the meaning is clear, one most compose themselves at all times with integrity and dignity if they are to succeed and keep grinding along that path. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy fulfilled. An affirmation upheld.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2016
Those drums you beat at Norland High School, Officer Cook, were loud and clear. Just as loud, clear and concise were your honesty, dignity and integrity that went out on your patrols of the good people of Dade County. When the sound of violence can longer be heard, there will never be a discouraging word, only the voices of sound reason and logic, your care and calming compassion for those seeking renewal and hope from one of God's most loyal, true hero and a most valued servant. Now that your mission in this world was deemed finished by Our Creator, you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero high above in God's golden dome where His angels of heroism rest beside one another. Your legacy of strength, courage and commitment all now are together forever. Comrades too as will your wonderful family fondly salute their son, brother, uncle and great-uncle as will your beloved wife, Karen, who was your widow honor your endearing memory. You emancipated and you enhanced so the future can march forward in a dignified a classy fashion. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. never. Always cherished, revered and admired by all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2016
We the people enjoy having marvelous and wonderful men and women courageous enough to take their turns trying to wipe out evil. Officer Cook, you led a life of integrity, honesty and stellar dignity by virtue of your excellent upbringing, Dade County wants and most importantly needs the continued participation of all its brave and resourceful officers to stand out humbly and in taking charge to reign in wickedness. Rules are set by departments to ensure quality of service and renewed safety for both the residents and those officers who serve and protect the public interest. Colleagues always will look back on your life and career, Officer Cook they'll keep your flames of passion alive as your beautiful soul continues its flight high above in God's grandest of skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legends live and achieve through their righteousness. Your accomplishments, Officer Cook, stay grounded in the optimism you provided all mankind through your humane sacrifice, your legacy of character and its strength reveals the wisdom you imparted in all your comrades and in those who befriended you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 1, 2016
Performing a dangerous job and yet you could be counted on to do your tasks with alacrity, dignity, integrity and honesty. You can't say enough, Officer Cook, regarding your feats of heroism and the forever lasting enhancements brought about through your courage, valor and bravery. Comrades, friends and your very special family have kept the flames of hope and goodwill alive through your unwavering spirit. Dade County residents can rest soundly each and every night by your grace, gallantry and protection of citizens who allowed you into their community. We don't forget our heroes and heroines. You remain treasured and it was your loyalty and resolve that forever keeps you, Officer Cook, in our hearts and thoughts as are your wonderful parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy you left for us to salute and to celebrate is one of character, commitment and conviction to both pride and excellence. The uniform of the Metro-Dade Police Department was donned clearly and concisely as were your actions of caring, concern and consideration that drove your career and allowed you to lead through your positive intentions. Life is serious and so is the good work you achieved in this world. We'll remember your engaging smile, Officer Cook and all you delivered in a first class and decent way.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 1, 2016