Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Keeping our streets safe and sound relies upon an officer's caution, consideration and compassion. Where honor, dignity and integrity lie, so too does courage and bravery. From the moment you were conceived, Officer Cook, until your very last breath of air from your lungs, this was your greatest priority. A test handed down to every obedient and loyal police officer. Stay the course and go in and root out evil. Nothing simple. No magic wands. Just plain sweat and a day's labor of love so passionately out there for Dade County and its residents to witness. Their harmony and unity have been founded upon your cornerstone, Officer Cook, of goodwill, hope and the faith to see all your missions through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your boldness, charisma and diligence have marked a wonderful life and an even more prominent career of servitude.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2016
Heroes never pass. While their physical beings go back down to earth, it is the spirit of their brave and honorable souls that is returned to Our Lord for safekeeping. Dade County, your family and friends, Officer Cook, are truly missing a gallant gentleman. You lived a life of inspiration that was founded upon the values and principles of morals and unquestionable character. That courage to commit yourself totally to the well-being of all mankind can not be overlooked. it just keeps getting brighter from your shining soul lighting up our darkest skies. Your fortitude and calming influence are what makes up the courage of our esteemed and beloved servants. Now the peace and quiet can be channeled in the proper direction. Forevermore, a most humble and treasured man resides in His Creator's house for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2016
Grace and its beauty are to behold. Public servants are to be saluted and revered when they sacrifice each day for our benefit.For what you meant to our society, Officer Cook, your honesty and integrity, accomplishment was not enough. You heroically answered a call you responded to many other times and gave the very same endeavor. This will never take away the humane side of your engaging persona. We will not forget your kindness, your gentle spirit and the pattern by which you handled your personal and professional affairs. All done in a decent and classy fashion. Your humility is being protected by God who assisted you in securing peace for all Dade County. Citizens have a lot to be thankful for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2016
By the love of God does His countenance shine forth upon us. He guides your very soul, Officer Cook, on those eternal journeys in heaven as you watch over us. Your family and comrades surely worked beside a most righteous, honorable and dignified gentleman. The eyes of all look to men and women, the staples of integrity who bravely and valiantly go out and patrols our communities. Dade County and its residents were inspired by your perseverance and persistence in gathering the much needed peace and unity for it to thrive. A much beloved public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing will take away your supremely humble sacrifice that enhanced our ways of sanctity and civility. Life is too short for one's character, commitment and convictions to fall short of expectations especially when one is mandated to secure serenity for all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2016
You are loyally helping God, Officer Cook, with those body cameras that are attached to some officers. But then again, one never knows. God only sees, hears and observes our going and coming. He watched you perform at a high level, exemplifying honesty, courtesy and superior integrity. You will remain treasured, respected and always the consummate hero of your time. The unity and peace have blanketed Dade County forevermore thanks in large part to your wisdom, keen vision and integral leadership skills. Thank God for a wise and humane human being such as yourself, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep our bravest safe and secure, Officer Cook, with Our Creator's mercy, love and kindness. Exactly did you devoutly follow God's blueprint for achievement. Humanity and humility went hand in hand with your conviction to justice, fairness, desire and commitment to excel.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2016
Back in your day, Officer Cook, computers and other modern technology were not around. Now we have them and for some police officers who stray from the paths of honor and dignity, perhaps if we did not have them to be used prudently some of these men and women would not fall prey to what one can google from them. Officers who have troubles, betray their badges and uniforms surely need to be off the streets. For it lies in the humbleness of heroes such as yourself who exposed themselves to the dangers each and everyday. You were a, more courageous than most. Your legacy for all to see spells out these factors. Character. Loyalty. Responsibility. Accessible. Most importantly fundamentally moral and a man of principles. You'll always be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God surely takes His very angels to watch over us. Dade County and its citizens were always in good hands. You were the steady warrior that could be counted on to provide the finest service and protection
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2016
I meant to say, if the evil did not take your life. One that was robbed of some many talents. God has assembled a collection of humble, loyal and dignified heroes and heroines among the many angels that now surround Him. Your always be our cherished and resourceful hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy, Officer Cook, has the sweat and toils of your labor etched all over it.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 6, 2016
The realization that one day your family will reunite and see their loving son, brother, uncle and great-uncle, a hero of abundant humility, sound influence, passionate leadership, unwavering honesty and dignity, no wonder Dade County was in most capable hands. Officer Cook, if only North Miami Beach and its residents could just walk up and speak with you. If only evil which you served and protected the general population from did take you from among us. It is like could, should or would. You did your department and colleagues proud. You dispatched fairness to all and compassion in a most gentle, yet firm manner. Fondly remembered. Saluted for outstanding heroism and valor. A righteous man who embellished his uniform and badge with honor and kindness to all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I hope, Alexis, Skyler, Legend and Legacy are doing well, Gina and Trevor. Mrs. Cook, stay well out there in San Diego, California. Stay hydrated. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Your son is one of Our Creator's supreme angels who lived a life of peace, sanctity and holiness. His service reflects his morals and excellent character, courage to fight a foe relentlessly and with resolve and fortified conviction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 6, 2016
Being dependable and reliable relies upon one's focus on honesty, integrity and dignity when releasing their challenges. You handled your roles, Officer Cook, with the utmost level of faithfulness and versatility. Police officers must be available to work all different assignments, you, my neighbor, friend and hero engaged, enlightened and educated the public at large in Dade County. Now and forever will those improvements resulting from your unwavering commitment to excellence be there for us to share in. A man of sound thinking. A resolute gentleman. Rest in peace. Always cherished. Always special. Moreover a hero saluted and devoted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 6, 2016
The pursuits of relentless perfection can sometimes be interrupted by the corruption which incorporates its ugly self upon those police officers bold and honorable enough to defeat its march forward. I would confidently surmise, Officer Cook, that your labor of love and skill greatly helped you ward off this troubling terror while you resourcefully served and protected all Dade County folks. Sometimes reprehensible actions call for certain restraint, yet the actions as heroic as yours were, were of the highest in morals, dedication, class, character and humble decency. No fine things can be said, Officer Cook, you brought peace and civility to our nation and to a community where you were so honored and saluted for your grace, bravery and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's inscribed in your legacy, first, your were decent and loyal, second, you were devoted and determined and finally a man of action, a gentleman treasured by all mankind. Enhancement lives on in its relentless pursuit of justice and equality for everyone.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 6, 2016
The corridors of courage begin at home. The trails of honor, decency and integrity takes their cues from one's home environment too. Yours, Officer Cook, all started from your solid morals and conduct as learned from your devoted and wonderful parents. Dade County, its residents have pinned their hopes, desires and dreams upon your unwavering sacrifice and the faithfulness you displayed to your colleagues. It makes your legacy of character, conviction and commitment that much more outstanding. Your performance in the field was just that and now God has you help Him patrol those golden streets in which the valiant heroes and heroines stand guard over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence and the pursuits of the treasured over its advance stand out as their actions of determination and dedication. Your life, Officer Cook, was the epitome of respect and resolve, the ability to conquer an opponent of gigantic proportions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 5, 2016
Today as I was driving, Officer Cook, I passed the sign named in your heroically humble honor. What a Godsend! You were mighty brave, honest, dignified and full of integrity to fight that difficult battle that has Dade County and its citizens reverently and loyally cherishing your life and career. Comrades, friends and your family realize your every movement was predicated by God's divine power and he saw your missions as successful and complete. Those who have taken over have the baton, the torch of a very instrumentally sound gentleman and gifted squad leader. A legacy of humility and love, admiration for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 5, 2016
Utilizing dependability along with the realization of good conduct, unquestionable honesty, die hard dignity and incorporating integrity into your every watch, Officer Cook, you were a hero of the most humblest of magnitudes and your valor, vigilance and vitality kept the scope of civility, unity and peace in Dade County at a high standard forever. You were a much beloved, esteemed and admired public servant who enjoyed the challenges of police work despite its inherent risks that come with protecting life and property. Your legacy of heroism is now tucked deeply in God's golden shelters of eternal rest. Your courage and ingenuity, intuition and leadership is just what is helping you watch over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 4, 2016
Your wit and resolve, Officer Cook, assisted you in tracking down peace and unity in Dade County. You'll not be forgotten for your candor, intelligence and tireless leadership. Your department relied upon your diligence and desire to defeat that enemy that seems unrelenting. You stayed the course and we will have the history to forever lend credence to what you meant to society, Officer Cook. Your conviction, commitment to pride and excellence has and will last for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A respectful young man, moreover a humbly heroic gentleman whose life, career and exceptional character will be etched in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. God watches the simple, He also protects those who righteously served Him with honor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 4, 2016
Today is July 4th, our Independence Day. But are we truly independent? The world seems chaotic, violence is being perpetrated all around us. Where is the civility, decency and character of people gone? Your pleasantness< Officer Cook, your smile, engaging personality, honesty, dignity and integrity kept civility enhanced in Dade County and its residents. Because of your heroic actions, my neighbor, friend and hero, we can light fireworks, grill in our backyards, something you and Karen would be doing with family and friends. Dedicated and devoted, determined and valiant. Your perseverance was of a God given passion, your compassion to all mankind will never be forgotten. Rest in peace. A legacy to be fondly saluted, cherished and celebrated.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 4, 2016
We love faithful people. We cherish those who display loyalty and resourcefulness above and beyond the calls of duty. A man whose humility and humbleness helped him conquer evil deserves to be noted. More than that honored and forever saluted. You will be, Officer Cook. A gentleman who achieved just by staying the course of integrity and dignity that was delivered to all Dade County. It's a terrible shame your missions in life ended all too soon. Your courage, commitment and valor carries on the lives of your family and comrades who too fought the very same battles over wickedness. Your left a legacy of love and respect, heroism and reverence toward humanity. Never to be forgotten. A debt of gratefulness to last a lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2016
If one is driven by honorable desires, then the devotion and determination will forever lie in one's dignity and integrity. Your heroic life and career, Officer Cook, came from the values of a terrific upbringing. Dade County and its citizens come to expect quality service from their humbly brave and loyal public servants. You will remain a large part of the ever changing landscape here and around. And you'll remain a cherished and faithful gentleman to those you worked with in garnering the much necessary peace and unity. You were that kind of inspiration your family and friends can fondly remember. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2016
Humility toward humanity is just what the public looks for in their brave and composed police officers. Seeing that you were a calm and serene gentleman, Officer Cook, those who knew you and worked with you realized your honesty and dignity would never betray them. You led others by your very mannerisms of decency and class. Something needed doing it was considered done. No questions. Peace and liberty in and around the Dade County corridor are the direct result of your heroism. A cherished soul. A beautiful human being. A blessed man and a Godsend to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2016
We act at times in a peculiar manner. Yet we are particular in how we are provided for. You protected and served Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, with the same level of courtesy, character, dignity and honesty as you always did. When integrity and intuition were on the line, it was there. When leadership was needed you led by your humble example. Now, you will forever be saluted for having unwavering valor and commitment. Pride and excellence are wonderful tools to be demonstrated and utilized properly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2016
Rhetoric is for a rebel without a cause. Relevance is attached to a doer and pursuer of resolve and resourcefulness. One who is devout and loyal to their Creator can succeed beyond anyone's wildest expectations. Officer Cook, if you said something would be done, consider it done. No backing down. No running the other way. You were a gentleman of candor, class and decency. As well as a public servant of integrity, honor and dignity. Dade County can rest a bit more smoothly as you distinguished yourself in heroism and valor. One man's legacy of commitment to excellence and pride should be every servant's map to at least serve and protect adequately. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your upbringing from two loving parents is the symbol of why you were geared to completing your missions here. I'll continue praying for you, Mrs. Cook. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Key West, Florida two years ago. Congratulations on your new great-grand daughter. Your son was and is much beloved and missed by the entire Cook Family. His masterpiece of faith and loyalty has painted a very moving picture that has inspired those who knew and respected him. A legend and a hero of blessed proportions. You had a cause, Officer Cook, for your whole life that was your primary motivation. People and making them more productive citizens.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2016
Achievement breeds contentment, Failure can bring heartbreak and disappointment. If we can all follow the very same trails, those flames of honesty, dignity and integrity will not be extinguished. Your soul, Officer Cook, burns as brightly now as it ever has before. Officers try to keep the peace, liberty and unity tied together. A tough test. With a little ingenuity and vigilance, the job can get done right. Righteous people and their deeds always triumphs over evil. Violence is sadly a normal part of any officer's routine, they just have to steer clear of temptation. You were a most devoted and dignified young man, Officer Cook, you won't be forgotten for having the courage and perseverance to see clearly and it was your stellar leadership and vision that has assisted greatly in Dade County and its enhancements then and now. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courageous and of humane character, your pride in the uniform and badge you wore will be forever saluted. You truly earned your accolades humbly and it was your humility that allowed you to perform as any officer should. Morals and scruples were the pillars of your whole life and career. One destined for more humanity and fulfillment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2016
Diplomacy and diligence. The cornerstones of any person who works and shares an investment in this world. How this world functions depends in large part on how police maintain their honesty and dignity while protecting and serving our best interests. You served us well, Officer Cook. Prudently and proficiently. Loyally and determined. Your colleagues of the past and present have saluted your labors of love and consideration for all Dade County with nothing but class and decency. A hero full of humbleness and a blessing for all to cherish and to revere. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of freedom and unity, peace for all mankind has remained the enhancement by which all can freely live, aspire and inspire as you so faithfully did.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2016
Show us a clear vision, we will demonstrate to you what humility and honesty will accomplish and how far this can carry a person's life and career of bravery and dignity. It made your life and police career and its missions of unity and peace, Officer Cook, stand out. It has stood tall and most valiantly all these years later. Dade County and its citizens looked up to you, Officer Cook. They relied upon your devoutness, loyalty and resolve to get them through tough times. Times are tough today, yet we move on and endeavor to carry your heroic legacy proudly and with commitment. Heroes bear arms. They also bear a heavy burden and try to meet the challenges faithfully and with a compassion for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2016
The source of happiness is one who lives a dignified life and practices good manners. All from your upbringing, Officer Cook and now you have an addition to your family, a great-niece, Legacy. Legend and Legacy it compliments honor and integrity. Dade County when you patrolled its venues was always in excellent hands. A man of accomplishment. A mission fulfilled and carried out with reliability and resolve. You never let evil overwhelm you. It was face to face with your heart and soul being poured into your total endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage, grace and gallantry have made enhancements better than ever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2016
A source of reverence and relevance, you were the epitome, Officer Cook, of goodwill and honesty that has spread its wings throughout the Dade County neighborhood. You'll be saluted for sage wisdom, sound leadership and heroic actions that will never be forgotten. A cherished and proud man of contentment and commitment, resourcefulness and dignity to last forever. Your wings my neighbor, friend and hero shall indeed fly high. Rest in peace. Your legacy of integrity has kept the pathways of your loving family and comrades who have taken over riding smoothly as they pursue both good and honest aspirations.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2016