Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The liberty to accomplish, the right to receive, it requires effort to maintain its feel its power, to perceive its uniqueness. Our esteemed and brave public servants who launch themselves into securing our freedoms to stay unified, to remain at peace, it all stems from their honorable and dignified upbringings. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were solidly and squarely handled with the epitome of integrity. That broad base of leadership, keen wisdom and the outstanding vision, led you down the pathways of Dade County in order for the residents to remain unified and at peace with one another. The ability to make meaning become clearer is the main issue that all professionals in law enforcement tackle on a daily basis. And it is the fervent hope that one day because of your courageous and undying commitment, Officer Cook, peace shall be as one. The world through your sacrifice will keep moving forward, front and center in a constructive way rather than a destructive manner. You will always remain cherished, treasured and loyal to the causes of proper conduct as you were only courteous and polite, calm and serene and when harsher measures were needed to quiet a situation you could be relied upon to carry through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is in your humility and humbleness that we can continue our pursuits of life in happiness and peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 26, 2016
Being free can be viewed as starting each new day with a clean slate. The past is gone and its events may be gone, but you our faithful servant to all mankind, Officer William C. Cook, are not forgotten. How can you forget a loyal and honest public servant of integrity and dignity? You created and inspired wisdom and knowledge from your comrades, Officer Cook. You saw to the needs of every citizen in Dade County and heroically did what needed to be achieved. A tall order for most people. Goodwill and the desire to do even greater tasks now can and will always be attributed to your unwavering commitment to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your strength of heart and character has provided the liberty for us to choose very wisely that which we can accomplish if we just take the time to make the endeavor. A police officer's legacy should stand for honor and courage, valor and bravery. This is something to be preached, practiced and produced with the provisions needed for people to live more safely and more prosperously.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 25, 2016
Freedom is the capability to be in control as free people. To choose to accomplish whatever it may be. Nowadays, we seem to run after perception whatever that might be. You ran hard after evil, Officer Cook, tracking it down with honesty, dignity and integrity following in your shoes. Why tragedies befall us, why you were taken from your family and colleagues before your time, only God knows. Only Our Creator has those answers. When we make proper decisions as you did with your life and career, then when we are fully aware of the scope of our actions, then and only then can we think clearly and get our acts together. This is what our most esteemed public servants help us do, they serve and protect diligently and with an enhanced vigilance. You did this, Officer Cook. You chose an honorable profession that can humble most our its work force. United we stand. Divided we fall. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your admiration and professionalism will forever be saluted. Officer Cook, you were a man of humility, that in itself speaks more humbly than we could imagine. Your legacy that has enabled us to be free, shall be like your wonderful soul as God has set it free to travel wherever it needs to be to observe what is taking place in this world. One still beset by too much violence. To much hatred. Too much bloodshed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 25, 2016
We allow our beloved heroes and heroines so proud to wear a uniform of distinction to honor us daily through their humble exploits. We offer them the unique opportunity to work within a framework of love and kindness, commitment and character in order for them to secure our freedoms properly and with a dogged determination. Your efforts, Officer Cook, as dignified and as devoted as they always were offered Dade County and its residents the relief they were looking for. Staying humble and humane, yet being there to answer whatever call came your way, it sure says a lot. Your character, courage and ingenuity all made up the very essence of your life and the watch you kept over all folks. Your loved ones have celebrated your life, your outstanding career and the missions you saw until the end. Endings can be tearful, yours was very tragic as you left this world too soon. God needed you up in heaven to patrol and to walk that heavenly beat watching His golden streets as well as over ours. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's in the souls of you, Officer Cook and the many, too many sadly enough other brave souls who paid the dearest price for aspirations and enhancements to keep going forward. Your decency and class won't ever be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 24, 2016
A leader of other officers through your honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, what people, your family, colleagues and friends will remember you most for is how you elevated others to perform the noblest of deeds. One can teach officers certain things, one can't teach humility and humanity, that has to be preached and practiced in one's home growing up. It's where your heart of compassion and your passion for perseverance began its growth. Public servants of eloquence orchestrate their lives and careers by the very virtues of good conduct and proper work ethics. Thus, your heroic legacy of goodwill, hope and faith can stay enhanced forever. A man who sacrifices so that his friends and comrades shall continue his outstanding should be so honored and saluted for having the valor necessary to stamp out violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 24, 2016
Last night at our Passover meal I thought about you, Officer Cook and the meaning behind honesty, character and valor. Meanings take on new agenda for each individual. Your agenda was to serve and conquer fear in people and to keep togetherness and liberty rightfully standing side by side. A respected and cherished gentleman, you were an officer who discovered the notion that hard work and staying loyal and true to form does pay dividends and to Dade County folks those enhancements which represented your sacrifice, your commitment and your strength to battle on have never been forgotten. As the annual police memorial comes up on May 5, 2016, you will be saluted and so humbly honored for dignifying your uniform and badge worn proudly and very bravely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentle spirit with a kind and caring heart. You honored Our Creator by your noblest of actions not just on May 16, 1979, but all through your life, one that had much more left to achieve. Your missions were accomplished with alacrity and boldness to behold. The humility within your being will always be the cornerstone and foundation of your heroic character. Your spirit, Officer Cook will always live on in the members of your family who perpetuate your good deeds of integrity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 23, 2016
To be serene and tranquil you need the best efforts of highly trained and efficient police officers. You must have honest, resourceful and durable public servants preserving and protecting our spaces. For your whole life and professional career, Officer Cook, all you did was an outstanding job in reining in violence. It's the very wickedness that threatens society and the calmness it deserves. One must stay the course in dignity and in integrity if peace and unity can take their proper places within our society's framework. A man of humbleness, you were a blessing to the throngs of Dade County citizens who came to rely on your loyalty and devout kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you have slept soundly in God's eternal shelter knowing you did all you could to pacify those who were angry and lent your big heart to help those oppressed. A legacy of character and courage surely to be saluted forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 23, 2016
God bless ingenuity and dignity, the innovations of any hard working public servant. God bless you, Officer Cook, your family and those who devoted their resources to making people feel better about themselves. Honor, dignity and integrity integrate themselves diligently within each officer's patrol. It's your consideration, caring and charisma that you will forever be remembered for. We sleep sounder. We smile broader. We laugh louder all because of your humanity, Officer Cook, one that has broadened its horizons all these years later after you gave your life and career for the productivity of society to keep marching forward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 22, 2016
To be decorated by awards is one thing. To be a humble servant developing the humility to carry out one's assignments with decorum and class is something else. Your excellent work, Officer Cook, spoke lovingly of an honest, yet dignified public servant whose integrity dictated all the proper moves. All police officers patrol differently and yet their heroicness can only be achieved through not not courage and conviction, but by class and ethical decorum. Your fruits of labor, Officer Cook, have allowed Dade County and its residents to live more freely and more unified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That legacy of endearment and engagement stays anchored high above in God's heavenly shelter. Imagine over twenty-one thousand other heroes and heroines of law enforcement who operated and had a similar thought process as you, Officer Cook. Bravery and the boldness to act as you did on May 16, 1979, God surely has a true heroic Godsend.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 22, 2016
You were proud to be a police officer, Officer Cook. You could see it in your big bright smile behind the American flag. But, you were aware of the tasks, big or small that greeted you each and everyday. We can state without doubt nor reservation that you took your ques from your loving and devoted parents. Honor, integrity and dignity transform themselves by who represents them. And you performed your professional role well above the average person. You were candid, concerned and kept your cool about yourself. Peace and freedom have to take their roots from someplace and someone, you were the humble servant of God who led and make certain others would follow suit in their pursuits of safety and in serenity as you faithfully executed in your six years of quality and in outstanding service to all residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Other comrades have taken over your watch as you continue watching over us with your soul continuing to light up our skies. You will never be forgotten. Always treasured and cherished for eternity. Your heroic legacy of character and leadership will be the tools of your profession proficiently passed down to others.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 22, 2016
Life can be blissful and most bountiful. It can also be an enormous challenge just to make it through the day. Our most esteemed and beloved police officers of honesty and courage display characteristics that are not as pronounced in others. But proficiency and perseverance do make wonderful partners for all brave public servants. This helped you greatly, Officer Cook, when that time came for you to go out on the streets of Dade County to patrol and preserve the integrity, the unity and the peace conditions of all citizens. No matter the occasion, no matter the call you were their with your humility to aid and to save lives. You will remain cherished and admired for having the vision, knowledge and leadership to calmly and positively lead others through the tough times. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. A warrior and a hero, May 16, 1979, will never be forgotten here in Dade County or anyplace else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our heroes and heroines leave humble and committed legacies of distinction that last for eternity where God surrounds their valiant souls with love and affection. You were a Godsend with a good name and reputation in your community.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 22, 2016
Unless you walk literally in someone's shoes you can't really feel the pain, torment and anguish they experience over losing a loved one. The hole is so wide and you as the years roll on by you hope and pray they are at least comforted in knowing their brave relative performed their tasks, humbly, with honor, dignity and integrity, grace personified navigating their every movement. The streets of Dade County that you protected and watched over were done so in courage, character and the strength of heart and mind directed by Our Lord who tries to see us through with our goals and dreams. No dreaming. Only the harsh reality that hard work pays dividends to those who persevere and are vigilant in all their endeavors. The most treasured and respected of the many heroes and heroines who gave their lives for the foundations of peace and unity to take shape. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of commitment and conviction has and always will be eternally bonded with those whose inspirations have since directed us to further enhance our society. Your family keeps living, Officer cook, as this is what you would have expected from them. Keep fighting for what you believe in, have a cause and pursue it faithfully and righteously.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 21, 2016
There is a saying that one must hit the ground running. For duly honorable and dignified public servants this process begins at home from their beloved parents. The Metro-Dade Police Department had a stellar and most respected police officer within their ranks, yourself, Officer Cook, the epitome of a humble and very passionate gentleman with a soft heart and a caring soul. Your soul, Officer Cook, continues its eternal quests in God's heavenly kingdom which is reserved for the most loyal and courageous of heroes. The valor one must possess cannot truly be measured nor eclipsed. You were a very intelligent and articulate young man whose mission of faith and resolve never wavered. You were there when that call went out and did what any other conscious minded officer would do, perform as only you knew how. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy of your life and career now is forever bonded with those of other heroes and heroines on the same mission, to procure peace and prosperity for all. Unfortunately, some shirk responsibility, you, Officer Cook never did. A real blessing and a mighty Godsend.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 21, 2016
Be safe. Be wise. Be smart. I guess when people go out of their homes one should be aware of their environment. Police officers all brave and bold in their commitments have to look, think and at any moment react to any given situation that may arise. Your parents, Officer Cook, your beloved wife, Karen, were the mainstays and people in your life and career who assisted you in whatever you needed to become a better individual. But, hard work and the choice you made to become a police officer could not have been any clearer. You wanted to be a public servant of which you were an outstanding gentleman, as well as a devout person who allowed God to navigate all your movements in and around Dade County. You will remain admired and cherished and will continue to be honored for your bravery and effort, one that never lacked. Police can take time off and yet their full concentration and attention to detail must never waver. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As it has been noted, you were a very wise and intelligently mature man beyond your twenty-five years. No one will forget the hero in you and the humility of which your courage and character was centered. You performed a mission of love, hope, peace and unity to all of society for which mankind will be completely indebted to you and your family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 20, 2016
People of all professions wear different uniforms. Letter carriers wear blue. Police officers wear uniforms of multi colors. Yet their unwavering actions are represented by how they comport themselves honorably and with an integrity that helps keep them straight down the pathways of righteous and relentless resolve. Your dignity, Officer Cook, was the driving force and motivating factor behind your supremely humble work. It was a love for your position and an acknowledgement that Dade County and its residents were going to be well served and vitally protected. We all have some sort of missions in life we want to accomplish, your bravery and courage, compassion and kindness will always be front and center. You were a humanely fearless warrior who put his life and career on the line to save people. Those folks will always be thankful, grateful and remember the hero in you who will be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, as my family gets ready to celebrate the Passover holiday Friday night I will think about you and your family and cherish your mother, Mrs. Cook's letter she took the time to write to me. Be well Mrs. Cook and to the Wilkersons and the Tidwells. No matter the color scheme you wore your uniform and badge smartly and quite proudly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 20, 2016
Resting on one's laurels cannot accomplish anything positive. Acting and speaking with authority and self-confidence can achieve more than you could ponder. If a police officer stays within the foundations of dignity, integrity and honesty at least they have a fighting chance to quell any problems that might occur. Officer Cook, you were the model officer who patrolled the streets of Dade County offering peace, hope and the availability to pursue whatever we chose to chase after. One should always choose wisely. After all, wisdom and intelligence are gifts of God to be used and distributed fairly. Justice is meant to be doled out in the same fashion. Comrades and friends all respected you first as a gentleman with a big heart and a resourceful soul that keeps lighting up our world. Your absence can only make our hearts grow fonder of a wonderful person and a humane servant who composed himself at all moments as a hero to his family, friends and colleagues who battled with you on a daily basis the wickedness still lurking in our community. A community that cared about you and shares in your loss today as it did on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We shall remember this you cared, were concerned and above of were polite, considerate and acted with morals, the strength of your character, courage, commitment and conviction to both excellence and pride. You were loved and revered by everyone, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 19, 2016
Invention is the innovation of ingenuity. Surveillance is the service of watching over a collective throng of people. What goes into any officer's devout and faithful duties rests upon their dignity, integrity and honesty all driven by their mental and physical work ethics born out of habit. Your roles, Officer Cook, were destined to be driven by all of the above. Practice makes perfect, yet it is only God who is perfect in all His ways. Dade County residents were made safer by your invaluable perseverance and patience that must be displayed by all men and women of the law enforcement profession. You will be admired and saluted for having the know how to calmly influence others to do what is right and for the leadership and wisdom to combat that monster we brand as evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy and your soul are now being guided for eternity by God's divine grace, the same humbleness you shared with all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 19, 2016
We leave certain challenges, tasks and assignments to those personnel who have been supremely trained to go out and patrol the peace and unity of the public at large. Dade County and your department relied upon you basic good instincts, Officer Cook, to see things through to a safe and peaceful resolution. What better shape we are today because of your unwavering sacrifice to perform in a heroic fashion. Heroes and heroines are mature, yet humble by nature as they go about their professional duties. You took your life and career about as honorably and with as much integrity and dignity as possible. All of this put together meant the people would be safe, secure and serene. Your legacy reflects the basics of both a lived well lived and a career that was successful all by your courage and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your put your stamp of resiliency and resolve forever on that marble wall of honor at Miami's Tropical; Park and at the Police Memorial in Washington, D. C.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 18, 2016
The sounds of silence can be deafening, yet when there is no noise there is calm and quietness. The loudness of sounds echoing around Liberty City on May 16, 1979, were coming from the hero you were, Officer Cook, sad that are that tumult and kayos had to happen because of a troubled young man who was misguided in thinking violence against society would solve whatever problems he had. One will not ever forget your passion, perseverance and honesty in bringing dignity and integrity back into the hands of all Dade County residents. The best laid plans of our supremely brave and valiant men and women of the police community can sometimes tragically go off the true and just path. But you'll be saluted for aiding and saving many lives that day. You came to work ready for whatever tasks lay ahead of you. Commitment and conviction coupled with your outstanding character always appeared on guard. You gave the effort and now other comrades must share in this tremendous onus as well. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 18, 2016
Life is joyful. Life has its challenges and certain limitations. We leave our protection and freedoms in the capable hands of men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, who keep the rudder steady. You experienced many things in your twenty-five years, first and most importantly was your family. Your family in my opinion was a pioneer family in North Miami Beach, Florida. Your beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Julia Cook, were the rule models for both you and your sister, Nancy. Honesty, dignity and integrity were the words of wisdom spoken in your home, so it's plan to see why you were the consummate police officer here in Dade County. You were the reason why enhancements continue going forward, yet we can always look back on a life of heroism, courage and conviction, realize the commitment and character was never lacking. You will be saluted and remembered for having the knowledge and leadership to encourage others comrades to stay the course. There was more left to achieve and yet your mission was fulfilled and God took your beautiful soul back to heaven for an even more greater mission. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble man yesterday, today and forevermore. There will never be a question. You performed in an outstanding fashion, Officer Cook, saving lives, this was your love for both Our Creator and all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 17, 2016
Justice may be blind, in the eyes of God things are perfectly clear. Justice one day will prevail for all who have transgressed. For a model police officer, Officer Cook, you were a humbly outstanding and loyal public servant whose honesty, candor and consideration spoke for you. Your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, reverberated around Dade County and its people spreading messages of calm, peace and unity for all. This is what has made your legacy grounded on the cornerstones of transparency. No matter the time or place you were there to aid and to do whatever was needed for the security of the civilians and your comrades who too worn their with pride and professionalism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The eyes of all look up to the heavens above where you now patrol God's sacred streets keeping up safe and serene.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 17, 2016
The humble speak softly. It is in their undying and compassionate ways that chores and assignments get carried out. You carried out your missions in life and during your career, Officer Cook, as well if not better than most. Seeing reality is what makes police want to act honesty, with integrity and dignity proceeding their every movement. Faith and devotion may take a person down the trail toward success, but if the upbringing with politeness and manners does not come before all else, the chances are achievement may be harder to attain. A person of quality character and conviction, something you always aspired to be, Officer Cook, assisted you greatly in changing the way Dade County citizens hope, live and stay unified. Your valor and grace, calming influence of decisiveness has left such an imprint that can never be tarnished as you donned your professional uniform and badge with pride, excellence and resolve in intuition and leadership not always visible to most folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Actions will only represent more than chatter. You went out and performed in one way, the only way you knew humanely and heroically.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 17, 2016
To be able to live and to breathe the air we breathe we can in large measure thanks to our beloved heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community who perform more than mundane and routine tasks. Your service and protection to all Dade County residents, Officer Cook, has served as an inspiration to what unwavering commitment is all about. As adored as you were by your loving family members, so too were you as treasured and revered by all your colleagues who too bravely and efficiently went out on their patrols to fight the miserable and vile forces of evil. Never knowing if they too were going to return to their homes and families safe and sound. One humble man's heroic legacy of devotion, class and decency now stands forever centered upon the foundations of morally righteous conduct with the strength of compassion, concern and character to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cause any officer represents is the effect their sacrifice leaves in terms of perpetual enhancements. Your actions, Officer Cook, have left a noticeable impression upon our society, one that goodwill, peace and unity will never be taken away, nor will your good name ever be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 17, 2016
Sometimes a good tongue lashing is what it takes to make a person more accountable. If you were here today, Officer Cook, you would be that individual to deliver such a rebuke to some of your colleagues for their unacceptable behavior. Police work demands the utmost decency, dignity and integrity, if the honesty, devotion and desire is lacking perhaps one should look for another way to earn a living. It is not just a way to support yourself and family, it is having the proper mind and body to undertake the rigors of not only a dangerous task, but one that rewards those who achieve smartly and with a sense of pride and humility. All the right tools you garnered from a sound upbringing only accomplished with class and concern. Thus your heroic legacy of honor, hope and goodwill shines as brightly today as does your wonderful soul now travelling high above in God's heavenly abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You committed yourself to doing what was right, why can't others follow suit? You'll not be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 15, 2016
The tip of the hat and the raising of the hand to salute and to honor one humbly brave warrior. This is you, Officer cook. This was for your unwavering courage and commitment to the citizens of Dade County who came to count on your outstanding resourcefulness and relentless pursuit of excellence in dealing with violence or any issue where the steadiness of law enforcement is called upon to act heroically, promptly and most professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career of character and efficiency will stay embedded in the hearts and minds of those who cherished and admired a great and gallant gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 15, 2016