Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Your humble and heroic legacy, Officer Cook, conjures up the images of a wonderful life and a very sound professional career as a police officer. The Metro-Dade Police Department, its officers and employees respected tour skills, your leadership capabilities, most of all it was your care and concern, honor and integrity that paved the way for your success. And for over thirty-seven years you have been so honored, cherished and saluted for bravely battling the sources of evil. Your service of distinction served Dade County residents in surrounding them with the much needed unity and peace forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When character and faith reside together, those who followed righteousness are more soundly at ease. Enhancements that will last forever were brought about through your goodwill, good name and humility stay anchored at every venue, the very same places you watched over.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 29, 2016
The commitment was present, Officer Cook. why can't others commit to the same traits? If only honesty, dignity and integrity can flow as it should. You were counted on to do a professional task that would tax the mind of most people. For all its value you were the humble hero of Dade County, class and conviction, valor and vigilance beyond the scopes of preservation and service. Cherished, adored and revered by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A police officer's legacy represents a yearning to learn, lead and inspire others through the proper channels of communication. Always the appropriate message.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 29, 2016
Your mom, Officer Cook, would be so proud of you as is your dad and sister. One man's quest for peace and unity, a police career consummated by dignity, integrity and honor. Dade County and its residents will certainly salute your valor and commitment forever. What stands out in the lives of our beloved heroes is their source of compassion and attention to detail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroically humbly legacy stands as the beams of decency and decorum along with character and the courage to fight those battles that still wage on.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 29, 2016
You were a humbly benevolent man, Officer Cook. Your sincerity has never been overlooked. Neither has your integrity, dignity, honor and faithfulness. It has been spread far and wide, through and through. We the people of Dade County have able to live contented lives in clarity and with peace all because of your heroic actions. You will forever be cherished, admired and respected for displaying outstanding courage, conviction and the devout desire to do right by all folks. Your legacy stays imprinted within us as does the light shining from your beautiful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your life, a sacred message that is now kept in God's scrolls and golden halls of justice. Strength of character that was the top of the professional line. Other comrades should be running to catch this sound and sage advice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 28, 2016
Perpetuate is the action by which one keeps alive the dreams, goals and aspirations of their loved ones. You honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, is being kept alive and burning brighter than ever by colleagues, friends and family who have treasured your character, intelligence and glowing desire to commit to pride and excellence. Violence may take away a man's life, career and his determinations, it can never extinguish the passion nor compassion you possessed while serving and protecting Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One perpetrates kindness. God delivers justice to all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 28, 2016
The mastery over one's own character can take quite a time to manage. Officers have to get a handle on this before they enter the police academy. Those mysteries of life and yet your whole life and police career, Officer Cook, you lived devoutly and faithfully as prescribed by God's divine blueprint'. Dade County, your colleagues and its citizens were never fearful, as they had a supremely outstanding gentleman full of honor, dignity and integrity restoring their peaceful dreams, goals and aspirations. The eyes and ears of God directed all your movements and provided you with that driven desire to achieve, which you did beyond any calls of duty. You were a total and consummate professional geared towards bringing sanctity and leadership to your official position. Now you'll be forever saluted by your comrades and adored and treasured by your loving family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That compassion, care and consideration has been advanced to a higher spiritual level where you travel freely without any harm coming your way. You sacrificed so we can be free and the unity you persevered to obtain may be put to good use here in this world. It must not be wasted nor frittered away. Time here is of the essence. A blessed man and most heroic Godsend.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 27, 2016
Police work requires a whole lot of devotion and the physical dexterity, the mentality to go out and patrol, protect and to preserve the public trust, the peace and the prosperity that goes along with it. Exactly what you did, Officer Cook, so lovingly, so honorably and with a staunch dignity and integrity that went along with your bravery and resolve. Dade County lives on by your heroic actions of courage, commitment and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You afforded us the means by which to pursue our visions and aspirations of a happy life. You lived one and should still be here to pursue the same with your beloved Karen. When my wife gets a moment, Holly will send you something on your face book page. You were everything a wife should be to her husband and your courageous, cherished and loyally humbly husband was to you and the residents he served. His legacy won;t be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 27, 2016
One who is self-confident, not brash nor cocky, can motivate themselves to do the will of God honestly and without any form of deceit. Only the love of your profession, Officer Cook, the class, care and convictions that were central to the core of your onuses to Dade County and its people. The same folks who trusted your instincts, leadership and visions of optimism to stay calm and collected. A man who can think on the run during his patrols, yet keep civility and guidance in front of them should be so honored. You remain treasured among your family, colleagues and those who were fortunate to have known you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Achievements speak well. Resolve and loyalty is the fruition of one gentleman's heroically humble legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 26, 2016
Those who live with denial have a hard time facing reality. If one lives with a purpose, a motive in their actions, that in of itself does make the world a better place to prosper. You lived with morals and principles, Officer Cook, having been raised with decency and dignity, it is not all surprising that you accomplished more than we could ever know. Your comrades have saluted your good name, character and courage to commit yourself to fighting off the forces that evil and the very violence that develops from it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What comes from a well lived life is an everlasting legacy of goodwill and peace in Dade County for its residents brought about through your unwavering commitment to both pride and excellence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 26, 2016
It takes a whole department of reliable and honest men and women to battles the forces of wickedness. And yet there are those who display a certain uniquely refined integrity and resolve that sets them apart from other comrades. So true. Dade County and those officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, lived by ethics and when those problems came calling, you answered the bell. That bell rings of resolve and freedom loud and clear. Because of your sacrifice, Officer Cook, citizens can live more peacefully and with a greater meaning, the esteem and appreciation they had for a heroically cherished young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resourcefulness and faithfulness rests together with you in God's sacred kingdom along with your fellow angels of hope and devotion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 25, 2016
Love and respect for all, it means as much as the morals of good character and sure honesty. It all comes from the upbringing our heroes and heroines receive. A preparation before they start learning the ropes of resolve and responsibility in the police academy. Officer Cook, you knew as we all hopefully know that the grass is always greener on the other side. Having integrity and dignity, being charismatic and focusing in on staying calm and acting as any officer would positively, this certainly enabled you to skillfully patrol Dade County and keep its peace and unification moving justly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cornerstones of a good man's legacy are the humble heroics of your strength of commitment to excellence and a pride you upheld while carrying out your professional duties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 25, 2016
We stay the course. And keep navigating around Dade County each way that we see fit. Our honesty, dignity and integrity should never lessen, as yours, Officer Cook, never wavered. You kept your affirmation to serve and to protect, heroically, you accomplished your missions. Twenty-five years of love and respect, devotion and admiration, no matter the place or time, it was only about Dade County, its citizens and their quests for peace. An aspiration you had as a young man. You secured. We remained serene. No more violence should be every officer's motto. Yours was fight with all your might. You did, Officer Cook, until your last breath. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's in the bloodlines of those decent and deserving whose legacies of character, commitment and courage remain vigorous. You were determined to battle, Officer Cook and for this you'll forever be saluted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
I'm still glad we do have mostly honest police professionals. They share a common goal, a bond of peace and freedom through the bonds of integrity, dignity and plain old fashioned honesty. A little smile. A humble dose of self-confidence was all you needed, Officer Cook, to motivate you to perform your roles sincerely and with valor. Dade County lives on through your ideals and inspiring leadership of other comrades. Wickedness exposes its elements in many stark ways, yet, in the end, Officer Cook, you answered the call and maintained calm and trust among all mankind. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Exactly what you were as a devoted public servant and an even finer gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
That situation in Baltimore, Maryland looks very tense, Officer Cook. Last year a man police arrested there, Freddie Gray, died while in police custody. he suffered a fatal spinal injury and was not strapped in the police wagon. At least six officers were charged with various crimes and according to the medical examiner, he was murdered. Yet, recently, two officers were tried before a judge who exonerated them of all charges, thus rendering the trials of the other officers charged as difficult to get a conviction. You were sound in your professional convictions to honor, integrity and in dignity. Battles today wage on in Dade County, yet you fought the toughest by far and your sacrifice bears this out. You were loved, admired and quite respected for your diligence and service to all mankind. Your courage and bravery, leadership and intellect surely is missed greatly today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
If you permit peace and liberty to join one another as one, then one should allow honesty, integrity and dignity to join forces as they conquer evil. The biggest fight may very well occur after the battle itself. You highlighted your life and profession, Officer Cook, with a quality of superior courage. Outstanding character. The strength of your heart as you stood face to face with wickedness. police officers sadly have to live under the umbrellas of violence, the very same that tragically took your life, Officer Cook. You were a friend and gentleman to all. A thought provoking inspiration to your family and comrades. the very same humble and humane women and men who defended the honor of those whom you served and protected with your might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society lets its heroes and heroines legacies of faith and resolve rest against the pillars of justice, equality and fairness to all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
Most people believe in honorable intentions. Most of all believe in the morals of good character, dignity and integrity. Yet, most of all could even comprehend what our esteemed police officers have to deal with on a daily basis. You were a constantly moving officer, Officer Cook. You took the people of Dade County and carried their burden on your broad shoulders promising peace and liberty to last a lifetime. Those six years of dedicated, devoted and mighty faithful service have been proudly honored and soundly saluted as your humbly heroic actions of May 16, 1979, have provided the relief and resolve for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
Ingenuity and integrity walked together with you, Officer Cook. Your whole family walked and spoke the praises of Our Creator in a loving and fond fashion. Your desire fueled by your passion to preserve and persevere can never be overstated. A solid performance, a professional through and through. Our beloved and humble heroes, their memories stay inscribed within our beings as we carry on their legacies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When the heat was turned on, you responded, Officer Cook, you never turned an eye when evil struck. Violence shall one day be gone and your spirit shall continue flying high. Keep watching from your eternal shelter, Officer Cook. Keep those smiles coming. It will certainly brighten our days ahead.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
The good name of Officer William C. Cook, is personified by his heroic deeds, fearless bravery and unwavering honesty, character, dignity and integrity. We ask that our men and women who protect and serve stay this course in addition to having resolve, resourcefulness and faithfulness at all times. Your colleagues of the past have saluted you and have remembered your vision, wisdom and maturity beyond your twenty-five years. God gave you a plan. You followed his mission perfectly by the letter. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, there is no doubt you brought dignity and unity to all. Mankind will be exceedingly thankful. Though you are missed very much each and everyday.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
You loved your parents very much, Officer Cook. It's sad that your parents home is vacant. I wish there was something I could do. You would. The love and respect flowing from your home was unending. Giving of yourself so that peace and enchantment could stay the course in Dade County is how you will remain honored and saluted. You were a humble and devoted officer whose life's missions were founded upon faith, determination and that driven desire to succeed. Your legacy will forever represent the zenith of friendship, solid leadership and the firm resolve to acquire peace for all mankind. You'll always be treasured. You were the humane gentleman with a soft and kind heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If ever i could do a favor for your family, The Wilkerson's could contact me. I'm now living around the corner from where you grew up.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
We allow our heroes and heroines the space to perform their sacred professional tasks in life and those careers where dignity, honesty and integrity is so essential for achievement to be realized. Your guidance, grace and gallantry, Officer Cook, spurred you on in your pursuits of Dade County and its peace and unity. You will remain cherished and will be saluted for your feats of bravery and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of goodwill and faith will last forever. The people you watched over are grateful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
Through terror and torment, through good times and bad times, our most beloved police officers are there for us protecting and serving. Bringing joy, peace and prosperity to all. And you sure were there for us, Officer Cook, your engaging honor, dignity and integrity. It is said that after a person passes they are still alive in their deeds. Your spirit flies high. It keeps watching us attempt to do what you did your whole life. What was that ? To be honest and to act with a divine purpose. There must be a reason for everything. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A treasured legacy of heroics founded upon the principles of decency, class and character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2016
If not for your courage and bravery, Officer Cook ,kids and adults could not enjoy their summer vacations. Peace and unity could not go down that water slide. Picnics at the beaches would not be fun. For your family this will always be a time of reflection. What you meant to them, your department and to those who served and patrolled with you. So devoted. So fearless. So humane, humble and adored. Saluted and honored. One man's fight for unity led by his very own honesty, integrity and dignity that was properly worn. Perfectly fitted. A crisply worn uniform and shiny badge. That's your soul now, Officer Cook, shining brilliantly from God's eternal headquarters where other comrades too many rest in peace with you my neighbor, friend and hero. They fought. They battled. Yet they protected and kept their honorable actions moving forward. They led. They spoke. The message is clear. Your legacy tells us this. It was heroism and humility, the two leading words.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2016
You delivered results. You produced peace and quiet. You unified Dade County and its citizens like never before. For having the honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, you will be revered as a hero. A police career so honed in on the passion to protect. The loyalty to preserve. The admiration to be astute. Comrades keep the faith as you did, Officer Cook. They fight on with seemingly brutal war against wickedness. You left this world too early, yet you accomplished and for this your family is proud of your humanity and enhanced humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman's legacy that has touched the hearts of so many people. To be shared and to be fondly remembered forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2016
Police officers must have nerves of steel if they are to maintain law and order. You had the right mentality, honesty, loyalty and integrity to fight through and to vanquish evil. It must be stated that beyond any doubt, hesitation or reservation that your faithfulness, resourcefulness and resolve helped appease Dade County and its citizens. Officer Cook, you carried an awesome burden, yet your dignity, class and character did not let anyone down. If only those side plates were there for you that day. For performing in an outstanding manner, God now has you by His side for eternal keeping. A mission complete. A life well lived. A hero cherished and respected forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a blessed man, Officer Cook and a relentless warrior. We fight on here. You watch over us and help protect the dignity of those brave comrades who endeavor to keep the peace and unity churning forward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2016
The nemesis is there, sadly we must send brave and fearless warriors out into the streets to conquer. A challenge that is tall and demanding. When a person's decency and civility must be poured into these labors of love, we must pray for them. Dignity and integrity can help overcome most dilemmas. The hope and welfare of Dade County and its residents followed you, Officer Cook. Your uniform and a badge donned wisely and most intelligently depended on all it took from your influence and calmness. It is in the logic and rational methods that peace can be brought about. A tall order indeed. You achieved. Humility and humbleness delivered enhancements then and now. For this you'll be honored, cherished and saluted a sour heroic hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2016