Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Hey Dad,
Only 11 days until Christmas and I want nothing more than to see you. Sdy's Christmas program was tonight and Riley's is tomorrow night. I watched a movie that had a daughter who was in labor and she was telling her father how much it meant to her to have him there. Of course my "hormones" really got the best of me. It doesn't seem right that this grandchild of yours will never have known you. Zach, Riley, and Syd always talk about you which makes me happy. They remember all of the funny stories and they smile. They have grown so much over the last 11 months. I have been working hard on starting my own business and finally it has happened. I prayed long and hard that it wasn't just a dream that would never come true. We went to the Christmas party though I was supposed to be on bedrest. I had this numb feeling knowing just last year how you were smiling and having yourself a good time. The kids had a good time getting to see Santa, getting their present, and running around with Brayden and Val's little ones. I miss you still. I hope that you'll be looking down so you can see your Grandaughter when she comes. I wish that I could call you with the news but I guess this will have to do. I love you.
December 15, 2005
Its hard to imagine that is has almost been a year since you left all of us. I still remember me being sick from school and i thought i had it bad with a little flu. Then i turned on the tv and i heard about your accident. I called my mom in disbeleif. Tom please help your family out through the holidays. Happy Birthday Josh!! Tom take care up there. I know your looking down at all of us and protecting us still. I visited your grave not to long ago. It is so beautiful. You can tell JoNee and your kids have spent a lot of time making it look so lovely. Happy Holidays Tom. JoNee, Josh, Jessica and to all the Cochran family i hope you have a special holiday. My prayers and thoughts will always be with all of you.
December 14, 2005
Dear Cochrans,
I found this poem the other day and I thought of you and Tom.
"I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below with tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular please wipe away that tear for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you of the joy their voices bring for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you you the splendor or the peace here in this place. Can you just imagine Christmas with our Savior face to face?
I'll ask him to lift your spirit as I tell you of your love so then prayfor one another as you lift your eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful and let your spirit sing for Iam spending Christmas in heaven and I'm walking with the King."
W. Bencke
I know that this holiday season is going to be difficult and overwhelming.
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season, as always.
Love, Jill
Jill Lanning
December 13, 2005
My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to Officer Cochran's family during this most difficult Holiday Season.
Jo'Nee I just read the very loving and heart wrenching reflection that you left for your husband and have tears running down my cheeks. You obviously shared so much with Tom and had so much LOVE!!! I admire that! Keep that love alive, Tom will always be a part of you. I know that as your first Christams without him approaches it seems to be almost impossible to make it through, and then on to the one year mark. I too know how this feels, five years ago on July 19, 2000 I lost a very close friend, more like a brother to me Shane Allen Britton. When this happened time almost seemed to stand still for months on end. He left behind a beautiful wife, and two young children and a wonderful family. I now watch his children grow up through pictures and "visit" Shane often at the Cemetary. Even five years later it does not seem to be fair. I say this because you ask how the healing is supposed to begin, I really don't have an answer for you because it takes time and it just seems that one day at a time you start to feel more like yourself. I will say that being involved in MI-COPS and taking part in Project Blue Light seems to bring each day closer. Trust me time does start to move again allthough the memories of all the times you have spent together will never leave you. Cherish them!
To Officer Cochran's children, it is very obvious that your father loved you very much! I'm sorry, doesn't seem to be adequate enough for the loss you have suffered, but I am sorry that your time with him was cut way too short. Cherish the memories that you do have and live each day for him. I cannot promise you that in time things will be better, because I still feel at times that things are not better and question why things like this happen. Especially to our HERO's!!! Just know that your father is watching over each of you everyday and I am sure that he is VERY proud of you!!!
Again, my prayers are with all of you during this Season.
Federal Protective Service
December 13, 2005
We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 29, 2005
We miss you, your smiles and laughter, your serious tones, the way you kept us at it until you got the picture you needed. I miss the way you made us all feel like we too were part of the team...You made us believe what we did mattered. So much of your memorial and funeral is all a blurr for me I was there but I don't remember much except Jay and his family showing up for you, Tom that was inspiring.. you meant so very much to so many...
I pray that God give us your friends the wisdom and understanding to do your memory justice and be there for your family as you would have done for us.
Doris Smith
November 27, 2005
My dear Tom,
It's the night before Thanksgiving & I have begged God to just remove me from the planet & bring me back (only for Josh & Jess) not until February because facing what lies ahead seems unbearable. I didn't know the human body could actually produce so many tears, so much grief, & most of all, so much emotional pain. If there are truly 'stages of grief', then I am apparently the first known person to lie in limbo, never having left the first 'stage'.....that of heartbreak & disbelief. I still find myself looking at your side of the bed EVERY MORNING I wake to see if you are there.
A reality I still can't believe. It seems there is so much happening, one right after the other-starting with Thanksgiving, Josh's 18th birthday, Christmas, Jess' birthday, the 1 year anniversary of your accident (& the worst day of my life), the cruise we'd planned & will now take without you there (it won't be the same but all 30+ family members who attended that first cruise with us have so many fond & funny memories all thanks to you! You were a different person, cutting loose & 'letting your HAIR down', having the time of your life & I thank God for giving that to us), THEN both in the same month - (May), we will travel to Washington DC to HONOR YOU & all the other fallen officers whose families have become very dear to ours, & as far as my brain can take me...finally....Joshua's graduation. You would be so proud of him Tom....he's been accepted to Vincennes University to study Law Enforcement.
Jessica is, in just one year, such a beautiful "young woman" - having grown up too fast since you left us, A-B honor student, & they both have your best qualities - living life as you had lived, knowing right from wrong, & standing up for what's right whether for themselves or a friend in need. Always referring to what you taught example! What a tribute to you & the man you are, & the adults they are soon to become! He & Jess miss you so much Tom....I'm still struggling to figure out how to help them....seeing & feeling their pain, wishing I could take it away, knowing I can't. The closer we get to the holiday's, the more I see the toll it's taken - as hard as they've tried to hide's becoming impossible & it's killing me that I'm in a tunnel myself that I can't see out of, & don't know how to help them....God help me Tom.
Josh finally went into meltdown which actually took longer than I thought anyone could hold up.....but am scared as he now seems to be in shut down. The last year of school, which for most is the most exciting, for him is filled with only thoughts of what you & he are missing. He's wrestled since about 6th grade & after much struggle, has decided NOT to wrestle his last year......I don't need to ask why since you were the one to go to all his meets...both home AND away as I could only make it to home meets. Jessica keeps to herself alot.....too much.
I can't comprehend the holiday's....nothing is the same & there is nothing about how I feel that is "festive". For me, I wish they (the holidays)would go away.....but for our kids, I want to 'try' & build a memory that when they look back on it, is one that was in remembrance of you, & the start of building a new tradition that you will always be a part that can begin HEALING. I wish someone could explain to me how to balance that...something you want to do so badly, yet physically, emotionally, & mentally don't know where to begin.........?
My ENTIRE family, changed whatever tradition they had in years past, & for our family & in your honor, are spending Thanksgiving (all of us)together. 40 plus of us.....WOW! I am never ceased to be blown away at what a great family I (WE) have & what a mark you must have left on them (us) all. We even flew mom in (of course) which as you know, hasn't happened in the 5 years she's spent the winter in FLA. For our kids & family...."I AM THANKFUL". My one wish in life is that YOU were here with us. We WILL miss you.
I love you with all my heart. If things that are 'broken' are discarded as things that don't work....then the heart is surely not one of them. If that were true, then mine would not feel so much pain. Until we meet again.
All my love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Wife of Thomas L. Cochran - LPD
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det./Sgt. Tom Cochran
November 23, 2005
Hi Dad,
It's quiet here, the kids and Chuck are all in bed. Sitting here in the dark thinging of you wishing you were with us still. It's times like this when everyday life slows down that I have time you feel the pain of your loss....again. Anytime the phone rings in the middle of the night (for whatever reason) my heart sinks and I in a split second re-live the night of your accident...pure panic runs through me as it did then..knowing in my heart that the call I was about to answer was not good. I started to pray even before I answered the phone that night. I really have no idea where I would be if it were not for Chuck...he saved my life. You were didn't need to worry about me anymore knowing he was with me. That sure didn't mean that I didn't need you still. Your accident makes being a nurse even harder then it first was. Before I felt sympathy for the families who lost a loved one and now I feel their pain. Before your accident I use to try to say something to help them deal with their pain...and now I know nothing anyone says will help...only time and prayer. In death there are a lot of lessons to learn (though I would surely like to have gone without learning them). I Thank God for every moment he gives me with my husband and children. They are truely a gift. And having you as my father was also a gift. I know how much you loved your children and how you worried about every one of thems wellbeing. Troy is the only one I talk to anymore but, you would be so proud. He is raising an awesome little girl...and lord have mercy she has Cochran written all over her. So independant and head strong. You would be so tickled by this one. She is so funny. Zach is such an awesome Uncle. I don't think he could be more proud of her if he tried. Not even a year has gone by but you have missed so much. I try hard every day to get back to life as I once knew it and then realize that that life is gone forever. Every precious moment in life is also very sad because I can't share it with you. I just still can't believe you won't be here this Christmas. This year will be so different. It will only be me, Zach and Chuck, the two little ones will be with their dad. I guess I had better get to bed, I have to get up and get the kids off to school. Tomorrow night will be a late's pizza and movie night with all of the kids and their friends. I miss you and I love you.
November 17, 2005
Hey Tom,
How is it going with you.It is pretty good here.I am sorry that i havent writen in a while.Well me and Jessica are really close.We are together everyday mostly.And, I know she misses you as much as I do. We miss you very much.Everyone does!
Thank you for everthing,
Luv Kristin
Kristin,Niece of Thomas L Cochran
November 11, 2005
Hey daddy,
Hows it been going? pretty good here. Yesturday was the first halloween without you. It wasn't as fun. I was really sick and so i didnt get to go trick or treating but i did take Kristin on my quad. I really miss you! I love you so much! HAPPY HALLOWEEN Dad!
love your baby girl,
Jessica Cochran, daughter
November 1, 2005
I miss you more everyday. And always think of you. People still tell me how much you are missed and how things are not the same without you. Boy if they only knew just how different things have become. Only 10 weeks left until your granddaughter arrives. And for once in my life I and really scared. So much has happened this year and I haven't been as strong as I use to be. I worry that the stress may have effected her. I can't wait to see her little face. I sure wish you were here to see her too. So many emotions. It has been 9 months since you left and it feels as fresh as yesterday. I guess I should realize by now that I will never stop missing you or needed you and that it is just something that I will have to forever deal with in this life. I miss you. I hope you are watching over us and our new addition to the family.
November 1, 2005
October 26, 2005
It has been awhile since I've written. I have been working hard, a lot of hard cases lately, and I look at your picture and try to move on. I can't do it today. One of my clients was murdered! I told the police what he told me. I did it because it was the right thing to do and that's what you taught me to do. I know I would have called on you for advice and you aren't here for that anymore. Often, when I'm faced with a hard situation, I think what would dad tell me to do and it helps me through it a little. God, I miss you. The holidays are coming up and it just won't be the same at all. I just can't imagine what we will all do without you. I wish you were here, I wish it everyday. I love you daddy.
Tomya Allen
October 24, 2005
Tom, I just found out about this website. Not living in the area has a lot of disadvantages. I know if I had stayed in Aurora after graduation, we would have been close like we were as kids. You've always been my hero and I know you are looking down on all of us with our departed family members. I stop by the cemetery whenever I am in the area to visit mom, dad, grandma, Aunt Frankie and now you. I couldn't bear to think you were there. I'll always love you. Your cousin, Pat
October 23, 2005
Boy could I use a pep talk right now. My office will be done next week. I put a lot of hard work into that place and poor Chuck has worked on it non-stop. Now that is finished I have to make it work, and that scares me. I sure could use your help. I know you would have told the world and business would be booming. This is what we talked about, what I have dreamed about and to be this close and not know if it will work out is more than I can describe. I miss you so much. This office is a good thing but in the same token if I had done it sooner would you have been dong police work? You had said you would do private det. work out of it if I managed to get it up and going. Makes me wonder if I could have prevented your death and that is hard to swallow. The only thing that keeps me from beleiving that is I know how much you loved what you did. That is what made you fight for the right thing, the love of the job. That is why I could never blame the job for taking you from us, we could have never taken you from the job. You were so dissapointed when I went from police work to nursing and now to combine the both...who would have known. You were more than just my father, I have lost my best friend. I have so many good memories like the weekend before your accident when you were getting the house ready for the birthday were pushing the vaccum and dancing. Crazy that someone who loved life so much and made everyone else enjoy being in your presence could be removed from our lives so soon. Well I guess I should go back to the real world and get the daily tasks done. I miss you so much.
I love you with all of my heart.
October 21, 2005
Hey How is it going ? Its ok here. First day of Fall break, and woke up thinking to myself, Mom would usually be leaving with you on a weekend ride. Then i woke up and checked on her and she was sleeping peacefully. Alot has changed since you left. Macy is a whole pound now and she is due on the 30th of January. She is gonna be our little Angel you sent us. Thank you ! Mom and Chuck are so excited, but mostly Chuck considering this is HIS first baby. He wants to buy everything for her and mom is letting him ! When we went to Friendship Chuck bought Macy a onesy that says "West Coast Strollers" !! Its so adorable. Riley and Sydney are good too. Riley is in the middle school now and Syd Has one more year at the Elementary school. She cant wait till she gets to the Middle school so she can be with Riley. She tells me how lonley she is when she cant beat up her brother at Recess ! haha. Mom, Chuck and us kids have been working with Mom to get her office ready so she can start her Legal nurse consulting. The office looks very good and Mom has a place where your pictures will go. So you can guide her o along the way in her career.
its so muggy out today, and very cold. Lets us know Winter is coming and Christmas soon. Its gonna be different with you not there. We wont be able to see you Rock Brayden to sleep anymore, but we can always watch it on the video camera. We Miss you.
Halloween is coming up so can you watch over us and keep us safe while we Trick-or-Treat ?! We are always awaiting your graceful Eye on us. We miss you Grandpa and We love you !
Talk More Later
Love Always
Zachary D. Greathouse
October 21, 2005
October 20, 2005
Even though I have never meet you I feel it a must to tell you that I wish I would have had the opportunity. As I speak to people that knew you, Only the best things are said. I know that Jo'nee and your children were the luckest in the world to have shared your life with you.
Please always look down from your new home and watch over your family and help them learn to be happy again. I know you are truely missed and loved. Thank you for everything you have done in this life. Thank you for giving a dear friend of mine ( Jo'nee) many great memories. Please help her to be strong and know that she is not alone!
God bless you Tom!
Always in our prayers,
Stacie Damon / Friend of Jo'nee Cochran
October 13, 2005
Oh,it has been a rough week. Thinking about you constantly. So many important things that I want to share with you. So many you and what a g people still talking about you with such nice things to say. I bought a wristband the other day it says "truth" something that many people don't undestand or just don't care about. Your new grandchild will be here in a couple of months. Her middle name is Justice...exactly what her grandpa stood for. Since she's a girl I couldn't very well name her Thomas as I had planned if it were a boy. Though I did think about Tommie. Which is still a possibility. Sitting here looking at your picture with that famous grin just mae my heart break, I miss it so. I would give anything to talk to you one more time if even in a dream. When my office is finished there will be a picture of you on my wall as my motivation to give my business my all as you did with your family and your police work. So you will be at my grand opening but how I wish it were in person. You said I should open my own office and I wish that you could see it. I just finished a night shift and need to get some sleep before the kids get home from school. We love,the kids, and Chuck.
Love you always.
October 7, 2005
Dear Daddy,
Hey dad hows it going up there? I'm pretty good down here.It has been really rough though through these few weeks.Alot of changes.I just hope you know how really thankful I am to have had you as a father and no matter how long I had you i'm still so thankful because I look at all my other friends like the other day my really good came to school crying because her dad told her he didn't want anything to do with her and never wanted to see her again and never wanted her to be born. I about cried. My friend also had a dream the other night. She said that me and her were like bestest friends and we always hung out together. And that when I always got on the bus in the morning at the Elamentary school that your standing there at the big tree and wait for me. I sometimes see you and go over to give you a hug and a kiss and you say you love me and I say it back.well daddy I LOVE YOU! She also said that when I get off the bus in the afternoon your again waiting for me but I don't really see you and I walk past. The weird thing is is that this girl who dreamt this never met you before. She has only seen pictures. I hope you know how much I love you, and miss you! Last night me and mom and Jenna went to your grave and cleaned it up. We trimmed the grass and I cleaned your headstone really good. Your bench still looks good! Well I love you so much no words could describe. My X's and O's! good-bye for now.
Your princess,
Jessica Cochran, Daughter
October 6, 2005
Hey I really wish you were here. Things will never be the same around here without you. Everything I thought I knew.... I don't. Everything I believed in.....I wonder. I should have plenty of things to keep me busy and keep me from thinking about the big void in my life but, just when I think I have it all figured out it's like a slow motion video of all that is lost running through my mind. It feels like quicksand. The kids are almost a year older and they sure are growing. I am a very lucky mom. I have beautiful, smart, loving children. Your poster hangs in their rooms. Chuck's birthday is comming up...there will be no party at the outback like last year. Christmas is right around the corner (the last holiday we spent with you) and this year will be hard. No Christmas party this year. No plans for a spring trip or even a simple trip to rabbit hash. No more Applebees on the river. No meeting your new granddaughter. I miss you so much. I can't even discribe how much. I have so much to tell you, things that hold no significants when I think about it. I guess it is just the daily stuff we use to talk about. Well I guess I should go for now.
Love you always.
October 2, 2005
Sorry it's been awhile since I've written you....a COPS wife, who calls herself a "survivor" - (a place I feel I'll never be....) & whom I have great respect for (as well as ALL wives I now stand with & wish I didn't) once told me that I would find myself forgetting about the world & my surroundings when I get on ODMP & write. She's right! Every time, it's just ME & YOU. I ache every day for that again....a moment alone with you, to hold you, kiss you, bury my face in your neck, & RUB YOUR BALD HEAD. I miss everything about you Tom & every day for me is a "first". Thank GOD I am blessed for one thing....that is that I have no regrets..we celebrated all of lifes holiday's, family moments (I even recall you telling me how glad you were to be a part of my family as we were so large & close....they took you right in).....we were CLOSE & I found THE TRUEST LOVE OF A LIFETIME IN YOU......You, I know, loved me too & we both knew how the other felt. Some people never find that in their life. I still have everything of yours. Don't know if I'll ever be able to part with it. I even have your toothbrush in the holder beside mine still.
I saw all 'the guys' on Saturday night.
ALL I could think about is: "This time last year" the INFAMOUS picture of you was taken by Jess exactly 1 year ago as you were getting ready to leave to work Fall Fest as Chuck had mentioned when he last wrote you. I can tell you, YOU WERE MISSED TOM.....I was SO LOST & sad, even though I was surrounded by the kids, mom, family & great friends.
I recall you looking 'FORWARD' to going to work @last years fall fest, feeling as though you could put the recent internal department issues behind you & noted 'you were ready to move on"....I was SO PROUD OF YOU...I still am! Attending Fall Fest was 'bitter-sweet". Brought back a FLOOD of memories of you as well as making the day of the kids (Josh, Jess, Troy, & Tomya) - as well as them, Travis' manager; etc. - requesting that I come back for a "meet & greet" session with TRAVIS TRITT along with the kids......It was very humbling (THANK YOU DONNIE)....The look on the kids faces was well worth it! Travis was VERY NICE, introduced himself to us all, shook Josh & Troy's hand, then hugged Jess, Tomya & myself noting he was sorry to have heard about 'OUR LOSS' *& that he'd you were a big fan of the community.....we discussed that the boys sang Travis' song....'LOVE OF A WOMAN' your funeral which Travis noted the song before I had a chance to - which I am SO PROUD OF THEM FOR DOING IT FOR YOU & GETTING THROUGH IT WITH SUCH DIGNITY...just as you did all things in your daily life/whether work or home......but will never know what you had planned for that song when using it for our 20th wedding anniversary celebration in April.....(which I spent without you).
When Travis sang the song, 1/2 way through....he announced that "THIS SONG GOES OUT TO THE COCHRAN FAMILY".
WOW! Josh was SO floored as well as Jess...(as were we all) = very humbled...but I had my expected melt down....I WISH I had that on tape!(The song & dedication to our family...not the meltdown-of course) I just can't think anymore Tom.......but WHAT A TRIBUTE!
My mind still never stops..exhausting - & is ALWAYS thinking about you......and how much I need you to help me raise our kids. They miss you so much!
"Time" for me.....doesn't seem to make much of a difference....just another day without you....lying in a big empty bed, looking at the side you slept on....wishing you were here, so I put your picture next to me on your pillow. I had SO MANY beautiful moments with very humbled at all those who look out for us, & who still talk about & think so much of you. Doug & Bill always there still...they are TROOPERS as you well know Tom....If I talk to them, I know I don't have to worry about it...especially Doug...he's all over it. He's truly a good friend to you & he & KATRINA look out for us...MUCH wouldn't be done still if it weren't for them. I am keeping everything possible to try & grasp whatever 'good' memories me, Josh, & Jess can make of our still shattered lives, trying to be "O.K." for the kids & am even now back to work...which was a necessity for many reasons. I am blessed (as you know Tom) in my profession & what a wonderful company I work for. They've been very patient with me. It is SO SLOW getting back into it but the gov't agencies, & customers have been very generous & not bombarding me the first day/week....but all let me know I am in their thoughts as well as our family. I also have GREAT customers - many of which whom are friends. NOTHING can make me feel better Tom...BUT YOU....there are days I don't think I can get through it without seeing you, touching you, or telling you I LOVE YOU....& 'knowing' you hear it....So I'll end this for now, by telling you again...I LOVE YOU TOM WITH ALL MY HEART. I miss you more than words can ever say. I got me & the kids a new wristband, used at the DC memorial..but me & Jess couldn't says 'HEROES LIVE I KNOW, 'you, Tom' will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.....& will FOREVER LIVE...IN OUR HEARTS, no matter how broken...YOU are there. Here's something I read, & intend to try & teach our kids....pretty much says it all: IT GOES:
** B R O K E N C H A I N**
We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, & though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, & nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again....
Until then Tom..I miss you with all my heart & LOVE YOU more than words can say. I've lost my partner, my husband, my lover, & my friend....I miss our talks, our laughter we couldn't stop for reasons we didn't know why we were laughing in the first place...AND...considered ourselves "slap happy"..."Happy" is not a word I use much anymore. Always look over us all & let me know you're there...I need you.
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Tom Cochran
September 27, 2005
Well, it's Monday morning and the Fall Fest Concert is over. This year went well, only had 2 arrests, not bad for having over 50,000 people. The bands were great, Grand Funk,Three Dog Night, Rare Earth, Sugarloaf, Tanya Tucker, Travis Trett and John Anderson,
JUST'A Swing'n, when he sang that song I sat down and tears came to my eyes. It seems like yesterday that you were trying to sing it and trying to dance to at C.D. and I mean TRYING to dance to it. I guess that by now you know that Chuck and Trac are having a little girl, man I hope she takes after Trac and Chuck and not you and me, could not see her bald or gray haired!!!
Brother, guide over us, help each and everyone of us make it to the end of our shifts each day. Later.
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg Police Dept.
September 26, 2005
In our everyday worklife people come and go uneventfully, not Tom Cochran.
There are those whose warm smile and cheerfulness make you glad they passed your way , and those whose nasty agumentative dispositions make you want to hide. Whatever you thought of Tom, you initially understood this was a man you could trust to do what he perceived as the right thing and to do it with all his might.
In a past dark time I was accused of standing by this officer because he was my friend, but I tell you the truth,I stood by this man because I knew he was pursuing a cause that he believed to be just and in doing so I found a true friend.
Tom is one of a very few men who earned my respect.
Doris Smith
Doris Smith
September 23, 2005
Hey dad,
We finally bought Zach a car. We bought it from Mike P. I wish we could talk like we use to. I really miss those days. The picture of us at rabbit hash, I remember it like it was yesterday. I don't know if it is the hormones or if it is the fact that you are not here in such an important time in my life or both but, the last few weeks I have really had a hard time with you being gone. It as if it were yesterday and I am struggling not to fall back into that state of depression. I talk about you daily and tell even complete strangers about you and what a special person you were to so many people. This old world could use a few more like you. I can't help but wonder why, why you had to leave us so soon. I feel punished. It makes me more afraid, more cautious that in a blink of an eye everything could be gone. How could I assume that life would always be so good? I don't know if I can live with this for the rest of my life. It isn't only the pain of you being gone it is the pain of the the new things in life that happen that you are not here for that makes it impossible to heal. I have never had to carry so much pain for such a long peroid of time and it wears me out. I feel so bitter and so angry and so full of hate sometimes and I don't like those feelings either. It wasn't enough that god took you from me, others had to do everything in their power to take your memories and every little connection I had to you. You know dad I wish you could have left me some of your courage...I could use it right now. Well I have to go now. At least when I am here it is like you are just away and I am writting you a letter and I check everyday as if you will answer. I love you and miss you something awful.
Love you,
September 22, 2005