Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran

Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana

End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran

Dear daddy,
I really want to thank you for today!
when they suprised me with my new quad!! I really really love it! They said before you died you wanted to thank me for what I have done for you and you knew that I wanted a quad dearly. Josh had a big smile on his face. I almost cried. They said that this was the quad that you were going to get me and this was the quad you wanted me to have! Well daddy, I thank you so much! I love you so much! I am so proud of you! But dad you don't need to thank me I need to thank you! You have made me the person I wanted and needed to be! Daddy I love you with all my heart and I thank you so much I just wish You were here so I can say this to ur face. You are such an awsome, lovable, dearly missed, father, best friend, husband, but now a Gardiean Angel! I love you so much no words could describe!
I love you your baby girl,

Jessica Cochran, daughter

June 28, 2005

Hi,I just wanted to let you know that we all miss you so much.I sit and think about Jessica,Josh,and Jo'Nee and it makes me sad to think they could lose something as great as you and we need you so much! It baffles me that it had to be you to leave our world right when things were going good but everything happens for a reason. One day we will all be in heaven together and we will be together for enternity.We love you and miss you so much!!
love Kristin

Kristin Marshall, Neice of Tom Cochran

June 27, 2005

Dad- I'm sorry I'm a little late with my Father's Day wish, but I pretended it was any other day because I could not bare it. But today, I woke up in a frenzy wandering, did I let him know last Father's Day how much I love him. Dad, Happy Father's Day. I wish you were here. Everyday, I remember you. I sit and close my eyes and picture you and hear you. Jo'nee is right, dad. I too have bargained with God to bring you back if only for 5 minutes. Me and Patrick miss you so much and everyone else does too. It is hard to see everyone hurt so badly. I love you so very much. Dad, please come see me in my dreams. Stand at my bed. Please we all need to hear from you, somehow, some way. Me, Tracy, Troy, Jess, Josh and Jo'Nee, Doug, Donnie and Jeremy- - Dad we miss you so much. Love forever and always, never forgotten.

your daughter

June 21, 2005

dear daddy,
well i know i have not written latley because i wanted to wait for this day .... Father's Day. i want to wish you a happy Father's Day. today im going to your grave to put that plaque i got you about 2 or 3 years ago and you had it in your office that says "GREATEST DAD IN THE WORLD" i really miss u dad so much! but i still love u more than ever. i hope u know that i am so proud of you. i think of you everyday and not one day goes by that i dont. i think about the great times we had and that special father and daughter relationship we shared. and i forget the bad times. we keep your motorcycle clean and we ride it alot. i really miss you today! i wish i could say "Happy Fathers Day and I love you" to your face. but mabeye God will deliever that message to you for me. everytime i had a bad day or a rough time i would turn to you for help because you were the one who always had an answer. but mommy is goin to have to take that place now but dad you made me the kind of person i have been wanting to be. and i thank you for that. mommy is helping me get through this and your nice friend neil is too. mom misses you bad i can see it in her eyes. same way with josh. im so proud of mom because she is really strong when i have a break down she helps me. i really wish you were here i really miss you but love you more.
happy fathers day your baby girl,

Jessica Cochran, daughter

June 19, 2005

I saw your "girls" just the other night. We had such a wonderful time together. I only wish that we had done more when you were with us. They are still greiving so. Life without you is not the same and I need your help. I know the promise I made to you that night in the hospital, and I know you heard me. I'll do everything I can but I need you to help give them the strength they need. I know you are with them in their hearts but they need a boost, just a little sign to let them know your still around and keeping an eye on them. We love you so and miss you always. With all my heart!


June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day! At the Christmas party you talked about having fun with your family and you glowed. You were so happy. I miss you so much and I miss your was contagious. Now without you there are much fewer smiles going around. I was going to borrow Michelle's Buell and ride to rabbit hash today but, her bike is in the shop. It is beautiful outside and you would have done something to celebrate the day. Chuck is going to be a father for the first time and that would make you a grandfather again. The baby is due in Janurary of all months....let's bet that will be an emotional delivery. Chuck has pick out the names already partly because he is so excited and partly because he wants to name the baby after you. I have a hard time getting excited for fear that I will have someone else who means the world to me taken away. I can't imagen how I will manage without you in my life or how anyone manages without you. You were such a rock of strength for so many. You could handle the weight of the world and maintain fairness. You sound like a superhero....and you were this littlegirl's superhero. If love could have brought you back to us, you would have been back the very second you were taken from us. I hope you get all your father's day wishes from all of us who truely miss and love you. Rest in peace dad, you have earned your place with God.
All of my love,

Tracy Evans

June 19, 2005

Tom....your being gone seems like an 'eternity' yet also strange as it may seem....also just like yesterday.
I held Jess the other night.while she sobbed & cried over just about everything.Just as you had done EVERY night before (minus the heartbroken cries) telling your "Princess" goodnight as we both tucked her in then without fail, also saying "I LOVE YOU". I have bargained with God so many times for just 5 more minutes with you..of course to no avail.
Basically, I'm writing ( a bit early)to wish you the MOST LOVED & BLESSED FATHERS DAY you have ever expeienced near the side of God. Please know you are always in our thoughts & again, we find ourselves facing "another "FIRST"'
Each one harder than the one before. I need you Tom so much! Always did.
Again, the kids & I hae something special for your grave & I tended to it today to ensure it looks nice for Sunday. I can tell you get lot of visitors leaving specil momentoms to you & your loving memory. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TOM.....YOU ARE THE BEST!
Me & the kids miss you & you are always in our hearts forever. We will celebrate your memory as we always do...always remember that I LOVE YOU as do Josh = jess = & rest of kids & family. Forever in our hearts.
Love you always, miss you much, & as promised - will continue to uphold the respect & dignity of how you lived. You are NEVER FORGOTTEN & ALWAYS LOVED.
Until we meet again Tom.
I Love You always & forever.
Jo'Nee Cochran/Spouse
Det/Sgt Thomas Cochran--E.O.W.1-26-05

HE'S STRUGGLING with alot of teenage growing pains on top of all of this....the ONLY worlds she could speak through all her crying was: "I wish Daddy as here: 3 of the 'most important words in our language & I encourage everyone to use them every day & night. You 'NEVER' know when it will be your last. Thankfully, we as a family did just that.....but somehow it doesn't make anything easier. The heartbreak is still there, as is the denial, & at times, I notice one of our kids displaying anger....he is working on it, getting better at it & we are finally going to grief counselling.
I Pray with all my might it helps because I honestly don't know what else to do. Tom, you & I both have been in 'tunnels' before where we can't see the light of resolution...however, -together- eventually found "OUR" way hard 'tho it may have been. I've never found myself in a tunnel like this that is so dark,so LONG to haul, so afraid, & one that gives me the feeling of being 'crushed'. Yes...I'm DEVASTATED....but I mean "literally CRUSHED" by a hughe boulder on my chest that I can't get off, & it won't let me breathe. And there is such excruciating PAIN with each breath I do take....JUST KNOWING YOU'RE NOT HERE TO HELP ME. What I miss most is our time alone, & the comfort you gave me by just being close & holding me & allowing me to bury my face in your neck for however long I needed to. You always made me feel better.....Oh my God don't know how much I need that now. I've bargained with God to give me if only down to 5 more minutes with you.

Jo'Nee Cochran/Spouse of Thomas Cochran
Det/Sgt @ Lawrenceburg Department

June 16, 2005

Tom, I MISS YOU SO MUCH I can hardly stand it! My best defense is to again put up that "wall" I've found the need to do so often - just to get us through this. The pain, for all 3 of us I've observed, is becoming increasingly intense & painful....mostly unbearable. I held Jess last night (as you had EVERY

Jo'Nee K Cochran/Spouse
Lawrenceburg Police Dept.

June 16, 2005

Tom i can still remember waking up and hearing on the news of your accident. I couldnt beleive it. I always hear of officers getting hurt but i never imagined that it would happen to a great guy like you. I dont understand why our community had to lose such a great hero like you. I would like to say that Jo'Nee you are a GREAT women and are SO brave. I dont know how you have gotten through this but you have. And i consider you a hero too. I remember when i lost my friend. I cried all the time and to this day i cant imagine life without him. It has been almost a year. I dont know why he did what he did and i guess that is why i cant accept that fact that he is gone. I wish i could be strong like you Jo'Nee but i cant. Detective Cochran you have a wonderful wife. You will NEVER be forgotten Tom. Rest In Peace.


June 8, 2005

Mr. Cochran, I write the message to you regarding your daughter Tomya. I never met you as a fellow police officer but i had the blessing of working with your daughter on numerous occasions. It seems as though your strong investigative skills and always working til the job was done has since been passed onto your daughter. She is having a rough time you leaving, but she does understand the reason we do what we do. I spoke with Tomya the evening before the trip to Indy, sorry i could not make (court rules the calender these days),she was very concerned about how she would handle the memorial. I told Tomya you'd take care of her and that she was not alone. Tomya has picked up where you left off with the work habits, and misses you dearly. I try to keep a watch on her but i ask that you keep a watch on the rest of us as we do this great job you loved to do.

Friend of Tomya

June 8, 2005

Although I visit your memorial page often, I still cannot find the words to express how MUCH I (we) miss you.
I find myself in the loneliest darkest place even when in a room 'full' of people. My heartbreak has stayed with me, only sometimes now turning to pure anguish. NEVER could I have imagined my life without you in it. You ARE still 'very much' in everything I do as I feel you in my heart....that is, the love we have. When reality sinks in however, also, still the worst pain in my chest that will never let me forget.....nor do I intend to.
YOU are the love of my life. Every day I wake up, the minute my eyes open, (after taking forever to fall asleep)...I STILL find myself having to think about whether I'm having a nightmare....or if this hell is real.
All I have to do, is look to the untouched side of the bed,& my heart breaks all over again. I miss you so much!
Again, I hope that God opened up the heavens to let you see the honor & beautiful tribute/dedication made for you by Otis (a true friend to you & us Tom..You only picked the BEST as I find to no surprise)& so many of your brothers/friends @ LPD as well as so many family members all who came to watch this truly SPECIAL dedication as it came from your cruiser & now sits with you forever at your place of rest. The message from Otis on it is very touching & truly fitting as YOUR MEMORY, HONESTY & INTEGRITY will not 'ever' be forgotten.
(Thank you Otis) & all the overwhelming number of you....all of whom are family as well....for again attending this dedication for Tom......I KNOW HE WAS THERE WATCHING & APPRECIATES IT as do we, his family.
What an Honor!
Tom, many of us also attended the Police Memorial where you were honored in Indianapolis.
A beautiful award noting "for the supreme sacrifice given by Thomas L. Cochran" now sits in the curio I bought you to honor all the memories from the past & your visitation as well as these & future memorials. This is a world I never knew existed Tom! (I didn't 'want' to know as I know all who are now 'survivors' feel) A possibility I never thought would happen...I still can't believe this is real! Your dedication to your profession, our family, the community, your friends & co-workers; to LIFE itself & living it to the fullest, has resulted in you being recognized by so many wonderful people in ways Tom that have had a profound effect on Josh & Jessica, as well as Troy, Tomya & Patrick.(Tomya truly is blessed with special co-workers/friends & I'm glad she shared some of her encounters/conversations...her work ethis reminds me so much of you) To experience your 'depth' as such a gifted Detective & overall wonderful, giving human being, through the eyes of so many has been more than a blessing. I only hope someday I can sit down & recall ALL the stories told to me in your receiving line the night of your visitation as I want your kids to hear them all. They even left me in AWE! The Indianapolis Memorial was a truly touching experience for all the fallen officers families where you were one of 5 honored that evening. The first time seeing your name engraved on a Memorial Wall is one I'll never forget.
We will continue to attend each one, carrying all the love you gave us, showing the dignity & respect you well how you lived. YOU MADE US SO PROUD...but still, we were already proud. We didn't have to lose you to feel it. You were best as husband - and father. I see it every day in the sadness of their eyes. You are deeply loved, sadly missed, & NEVER FORGOTTEN. I'll love you always.
Jo'Nee Cochran/Spouse
Det/Sgt Thomas Cochran E.O.W. 1-26-05

Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det./Sgt. Thomas Cochran

June 7, 2005

Tom thank you for the years we served together and the things you helped me to understand about law enforcement. I wish every person who wears that badge had your heart and your value for family. I pray you rest in peace and the arms of Almighty God.

Your friend

Officer Sheldon A. Rox
Glendale Ohio Police Department

June 4, 2005

Detective Cochran its hard to beleive that it has been 4 months since you left this community.Even though i didnt know you personally i still miss you every day. I see a brave hero in Josh every day. He is very strong. You have raised a great son. You have made me want to become involved with the law after i graduate. You are a great man and ALWAYS will be. Thank you for all the hard work you have done. My prayers will always go out to your wonderful wife and children. They are all brave. Rest in peace Tom.


May 31, 2005

It has been 4 months and it seems like yesterday. There are two memorials coming up to honor you and I truly hope everyone can make it. Well, tomorrow is my birthday, but I don't want to celebrate it. I wish you were her to celebrate it with us all. I just cannot seem to understand why this had to happen and why we must all struggle with this devastation. Dad, you are a hero. Patrick was looking forward to taking you flying this summer and he misses you too. I love you with all my heart and I will see you again. Until then, please watch over us all and keep us safe, like always. Love always,daddy.

Tomya Allen

May 28, 2005

I know you know what is going on and I know how dissapointed you would be if you were here. Remember the discussion we had at Rabbit Hash that one day, well it has happened and I wish I had you here to talk to me. You were the only one who truely understood. I miss you so much. I hope you understand that I can't go to your memorial services or the grave anymore. That doesn't mean I haven't built my own shrine to you in my heart because I have. I have your picture in a locket that I wear and pictures of you in my office. I light a candle for you every night. I finally decided to give up riding, partly by choice. Since you've been gone I have realized that you are the only one I could count on and now I have to go it alone. And sometimes that is really hard to do. I guess writing you is the only way I have to make it through the bad days. I hope you know how much I love you (the last words I got to say to you).

Tracy Evans

May 22, 2005

I want you to know that I still miss you so badly but I still love you more! I have been struggling without you here and I wish you were here! Nothing is right in my life since your death. I remember that day like it was yesturday. I remember my last words and not wanting to leave you. That was the worst thing that I had to EVER do in my entire life! I never want to do that again. Your gave looks awsome! Mom did a great job on it! I bet if you were here you would be getting those bikes out in a heart beat! I hope your watching over us. Baby Brayden is doing good she is crawling!! I bet she misses you from when you sang to her and she fell asleep on that last Christmas! Well we are going on another cruise in Feb. just for you! We all know that you loved that vacation and it was your favorite. We will play Wheel Of Fortune just for you too! I bet Josh will sing for you too! I think about you everyday and I love you so much!! hugs and kisses** your baby girl,

Jessica Cochran, daughter

May 11, 2005

My Dearest Tom,
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to honor you as yet by leaving my reflection on your memorial page. My heart is still broken and I can't seem to get past it. It is pain like I've never felt before. I thought I was strong but found that YOU were my strength....and if I let myself crumble, I won't get up. What I 'do' manage to do, I do with how YOU would want it done in mind....from the yard, to the house, the kids, & even your grave. I went there today & planted more grass seed, trimmed, & put a bench along side so I can sit & talk with you. Our headstone is truly beautiful & the most handsome picture of you with that "infamous grin" is now there so I have you to look at when I go there. You would be proud of it & need to send blessings from Heaven to Doug (& his dad) for all his help given me to get you the perfect stone. Also, Mike & Chuck & ALL those who were part of your Memorial Ride. I was actually 'speachless' when we pulled up & I saw a "sea of bikes". You would have LOVED IT Tom. You NEVER left my never will. I am SO HONORED to be your wife. I KNEW what I had....I didn't need to lose you to find it out. I hope that God opened up the heavens to let you have even a glimpse of the HONOR & RESPECT shown to you at your visitation & funeral....(& Memorial Ride). You were given the tribute you well deserve & there are SO MANY people to thank for that. In time, I hope to thank them all. I've written you a THOUSAND letters in my head and in my heart....but words never seem to come to me when putting my pain, and how much I miss you on paper. There are NO words. I still watch for your cruiser to pull in the driveway...I know you're cruiser is not coming home....I've seen it. An image I'll never forget. I'm SO SORRY Tom!...This CAN'T be real! We had so many plans. How do I go on without you?
I can still see the image of you walking out our bedroom door that night, after kissing me goodbye..exchanging to each other "I LOVE YOU"....& you saying; "I'll call you later". I went right back to sleep figuring "as always" I'd see you later. Tom, I am SO LOST. I 'never' expected to get 'THAT CALL'....could never have possibly prepared myself or the kids for what, in an instant, changed our lives FOREVER. We miss you you cannot imagine.
I, in such a short time that you've been gone, have already spent a birthday, our 20th Wedding Anniversary, Easter, tomorrow-my first Mother's Day, & soon, POLICE MEMORIAL WEEK without you there to share it with. I spent our 20th Anniversary, sitting in our living room alone, reading all the cards you had given me in past years...from my B-Day, Christmas, Valentines, Sweetest Day, to the last Anniversary card that spoke of a wonderful past..(which WE HAD).....and how you were looking forward to our FUTURE. I'll never be able to explain the heartache I felt just when I didn't think it couldn't get any worse. You touched ('TRULY TOUCHED') so many lives. I spent well over 22 years with you & even I am in awe! You were so very humble & private about all the kind things you had done for people, both children & adults alike. I have been told time & time again by various people whose lives you touched, whether by going the "extra mile" with a case..showing you CARE well beyond just the investigation, to the kids you touched through your paintball store, or just every day acquaintances.
ALL of them stories I needed to hear! Beautiful stories of what a unique soul you are. Your children got to see what a wonderful Father they have..the one they already knew....AND..the one through the public eye....we are all HUMBLED, yet so honored. You would be so proud of the kids. Troy is a GREAT DAD & has grown so much to be the man of responsibility & pride, well beyond his years....I know you're proud as always. He & Josh spend alot of time together...also being a great older brother, as well as helping me take care of the yard...the way YOU would want. I'm so proud of the hurdles he's overcome & the goals he's set. I know you are too. Tomya & Patrick are great! Taking time from their busy schedules to also come & visit us...which means so much! (as you know they are 'work'-alcoholics as you are) yet still taking time to get away alone....which we all now know is all too important! Saw Tracy & kids today & they too look great. Josh & Jess are struggling....but hide it well. I'm trying to take good care of them Tom but know I'll never be able to do the job that we would have done "together"! I'll do my best as the kids are the one thing that keeps me going. You always loved being taken in as part of "my family", which you were so very loved by all of them. You would be so proud of how much they ALL have helped me. I know for that, I am blessed. I've fixed the house & finally got new carpet as we had been planning to do for 2 years & had already started some of the projects for. I hope you like it. Your memory is EVERYWHERE & your spirit in my heart for eternity. You took a part of me with you that night Tom. Keep it in your heart until I see you again some day in Heaven. Until then, please help me get through this if you can. I'll love you always & forever. I know you are watching over us. I miss you more than words can say & am thankful for what little time we are one of a kind.
All my Love,
Jo'Nee-wife of Thomas Cochran of LPD
EOW: 1-26-05

Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran-LPD

May 8, 2005

Hey Tom,
It has been a hard four months for all of us. I know this happened for a reason but i will never know that paticular reason for it.It is so hard still for me to understand why this had to happen to you.It is hard for all of us.We all miss you so much.It is so hard to go to your house and find you not to be there sitting in your favorite chair.Your kids and your wife have

kristin marshall,neice

May 7, 2005

Hey Tom,
Hey,i really miss your jokes and how you were always said where did you come from and other stuff like that!You were the best uncle ever and the funniest person i ever met! I could cry every time i hear a sad song that reminds me of you!This is so sad because i sit in my room and look at a picture of you and think "Why him!I may not have shown how much i love you but i just figured you knew it.I wish i could go back and tell you i love you just one time! In conclusion when i look at Jessica, Jo'Nee, and Josh I see you!I miss you so much i cant even say it enough!
so i never said i love you before but i will say it know!

Kristin Marshall, Neice of Tom Cochran

May 4, 2005

Dad, it has been 3 months and I am still lost without you. I have to tell you that I am sorry I was not there more than I was, but I am so thankful for the 6-8 months prior to 1/25/05. We were all doing so much together, all of us, just the way it could still be, and that's what I cannot handle. I wish you were still here with us. It has taken a toll on so many and us. We are lost without you. So many days have passed, Easter, your vacation, the ride, you and Jo'Nee's 20th anniversary and Josh got prince at prom. Dad, Brayden is crawling. We miss you so much. I will never, never forget. I love you and I will always love you.

your daughter

May 4, 2005

Ionly met Tom Cochran one time.And that one time that I met him I could see that he was a very good man. Tom loved and cared for his children more than anything!Most of all Tom csred for his loving wife, Jo'Nee.We love you Tom and wish you were here to share this beautiful weather with us all.In loving memory of *203*
Kelsy Kinnett, friend of Jessica Cochran

Kelsey Kinnett

May 1, 2005

Although I have not met you, It is evident that you have not only served your community as an officer but have also made a great impact on your family during the course of your life. You are a true hero.

Rest in peace Sergeant.

April 22, 2005

Hey dad. I still miss you so much and still think that only if this or only if that...we would still have you here with us. I think of you daily. I heard your ride was nice and the weather was was supposed to rain but I thought that you may of had something to do with it being a sunny day instead. It is hard now that warm weather is here and I know how much you were looking forward to it. Things have changed so much since you left us. I wish you could be here to put it all back together. I hope you still know just how much I love you and how I pray you have found the ultimate peace in your place in heaven. I love you and never will forget the times we shared....I'm sad that there wasn't more in our future.
I was thinking of you and wanted to let you know how special a person I thought you were. Me and the kids took flowers to your grave..they really miss you. We all do.
I love you.

Tracy Evans

April 21, 2005

i love you so much!! i miss you and need you so badly! hugs and kisses!
your baby girl,

jessica cohran, daughter

April 19, 2005

hey daddy,
we visited your grave yesturday! it was my first time and your dirt isn't grass yet! it still feels like you just died yesturday! i remember that morning. when mom said you were in a car accident and it wasnt good i couldnt think at all! i just remember me in my room praying to god and begging him to let you come back home with us and i remember this one image in my head like i was right there. it was you turning around with a huge smile on your face holding flowers just for me at school! you have no idea how much i miss you! You were my best friend, my hero, my father! i would give ANYTHING just to see you again! i hope i will see you when i die. tell grandma frankie hi for me. i love you so0o0o0o0o much! hugs and kisses!!!!!!
your baby girl,

Jessica Cochran, daughter

April 18, 2005

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