Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Mr. Cochran,
As you already know your daughter Tomya has been through the rough times herself recently. As before your death your daughter still works hard and you can see her thinking while working "what would dad do". Keep an eye on her for us down here as you know she does not listen to anyone else and thinks she is ten feet tall and bullet proof. Watch over us men in blue as the robbery, i mean holiday, season begins.
November 19, 2006
i love you with all my heart.
love your daughter, jess
jessica cochran, daughter
November 18, 2006
Hey daddy! Man, I miss you. I feel like I need you more than ever and you're not here. I'm back at mom's and trying to take care of myself. Patrick and I are done, after 12 years. And today, all I can think about is how great everything was going for all of us before you left us. Dad, I want all that back, but it's not going to happen and I don't know what to do. I see signs that you are watching out for me, but I just wish you were here so I could see you once more. You have made me a better person and I thank you everyday for the values you instilled in me. I remember when we all went to Outback for Chuck's birthday, ALL of us. That's the way I wanted it to be for the rest of my life!!! None of us are the same and I'm not sure we ever will be, but please watch over us and guide us. We all need it! I got you a card the other day and now I don't know what to do with it. I figured I would come to the graveside to visit and read it to you. I just wish you could talk to me when I get there, somehow, someway. I know you have watched me do some things you wouldn't be so proud of, but daddy, I'm trying and I need your guidance right now. I know you were there when I saw the Serenity Prayer the other day. I miss you so much and I miss our family. I know you never really believed in psychics, but there's this lady on TV that can talk to people who have passed (whatever, right?) and I so wish we could all do that. Maybe it would make everything better for all of us. Silly I know! Well, I'm a coffee drinker now and, of course, I can't get enough sugar. I think of you everyday. I love you daddy. I just wish I would have told you more often. Love you and miss you, Tommy!
Tomya Allen
November 16, 2006
Well it is about 1:30 am and I have just crawled out of bed. I worked 30 hours straight at the hospital watching a family say good-bye to a young family member. They sat at her bedside and talked about all of the fond memories they had of her with tears in there eyes and it brings back memories. They at that moment felt like family as we had the same in common, the pain of knowing their special someone has gone. We cryed and laughed together as they told me some of her stories. As I drove home thinking of them I felt weak and numb as I did when I drove home from the hospital after you passed away, hearing their voices in my mind "god takes the good ones home". I was wearing my scrub pants and my "roll call" sweat shirt with your name and all of the others who died in the line of duty in 2005. Many people asked about my sweat shirt and I was happy to tell them about all of those special names. One nurse said to me "that is too many names!" As she just then understood how many officers give their lives for us. I explained that I wear this sweatshirt as my security blanket and a reminder of what it is I do, I help everyday people become the heroes they are by giving life to others and a part of them then lives on. It isn't a job really, it is a mission. I am so proud to be your daughter. I love you and I still miss you very much.
November 3, 2006
Hey, Tom....
How's the coffee up there? I was just sitting here in my office and glanced up at the Memorial sticker of you I keep on my retirement shadowbox and I started thinking of you. Seems like yesterday when you would stop in my office and ask if I had any extra sugar for your coffee. I always did. All the memories we had working together are now flowing in my mind. Great times, huh? The wisdom that you have shared with me still comes into play to this day. I miss ya, Tom. Your family is in my prayers.
Charles Ashley, Retired
Lawrenceburg Police Dept.
October 25, 2006
Hey hows it going. Im doing good. Im at school and we had to type a paper and i got done early so i thought id stop and write to you. Farmer's Fair came and gone, hung out with friends mostly, besides from working. Work is doing good. Training new people now and just making the money. i just dont have enough hours to work. i only work like the total of 3 days a week...and i work every other weekend. so there it is..80.00$ a week..cant cover it!
Mom is doing good. Work has got her tied up too! outrageous hours, dont when she is gonna leave or come home. SHe is at home now sleeping finally with Macy at the sitters and everyone else at school/work!
RIley and Sydney are doing real good too! They are both improving on there football and cheerleading. School is going good for them too!
Macy, is yet a little rotten thing. She is crawling MUCH better than the scoot or rolling around, And she is quick!! She tells us what she wants with little words she is learning and with her body language. She is like a little alarm clock also, cause every morning..she is awake. at 6:45AM on the dot ready for her day to start. And by then im ready and i come and get her and get her changed and dressed and loaded up to go to the sitter's.
Halloween is coming up soon and i need to go costume shopping cause my friend is having a halloween party! Its gonna be fun!
Tomya is doing good. Im seeing her ALOT more and its good cause now she can see us all more and not have to deal with hassles at home and stuff.
Well, im gonna close this letter for now, i will update later. And till we meet again
I love you
Zach Greathouse
October 16, 2006
Summer is fading away and fall is creeping in. Several months ahead before motorcycle weather is here again. Not that I ride much anymore with a little one. I wish you could see Macy, what a pistol. She is such a happy baby. Always smiling and giggling. She has mastered crawling and now pulling herself up on things and trying to walk. She follows me through the house calling out "Mama", it is so cute. She's a jabber box and will be talking my arm off soon. When she gets tired she crawls over and lays her head on my lap and goes to sleep, it is so adorable. By Christmas we won't be able to keep up with her, walking and talking. Boy do I wish you could see her. Just like you, she loves to make people laugh.
I miss you and I love you.
October 16, 2006
Well Tom,
Another Fall Fest has come and gone. The crowd was fair and the event went well.. I was glad to see Trac and Chuck there, as well as the rest of the clan... It's just not the same with out ya bud... As again guide over us daily and see that we make it to the end of our daily shifts... until we meet again and have coffee, I'll bring the sugar... Rest my brother, we are trying to hold the fort down.
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg PD
October 3, 2006
i love you dad soo much...&& miss you everyday!!!
love your daughter jessica
September 27, 2006
It is me once again. Having some hard times and your not here for me to unload on. So much to say and can't so I hold it all in, and you know I was never very good at holding back. The picture of us on my desk, everyone that sees it makes a statement to the effect that I couldn't look any more like you. Grins from ear to ear. Miss those days. Miss you most. How does anyone ever move on? I can't. I feel forever frozen in time and just going through the motions. Your death was a tidal wave that just wash everything away including apart of me and now I am searching for it all, any small resemblance of life before the tidal wave. I talk to you often and feel so cheated that I'll never hear the answer. Loosing you has effect my job, when I have to talk to a family who has lost their loved one I can't relate and I feel their pain and the long journey ahead of them. I love you. I miss you.
September 20, 2006
You are ALWAYS on my mind & I (as do the kids) miss you more than ever. Another revelation came true that I was told would happen by a C.O.P.S. surviving spouse after your accident. (& I wish that a glimpse of the 'old me' that you could always call on who could wear a b**ch hat & take care of any problem or idiot that came down our path would show herself..& stick around) A year & nearly 8 mos later, I still feel heartache as though I am a beat pup. I always thought I was strong....I could do & take care of (& ususally did) anything. I know that YOU were my strength & I feel like only half a person. And....I also recall someone saying they found their 'second' year harder than the first in dealing with the loss of their spouse....I was skeptical as I couldn't imagine it getting any worse....well it does. I guess it's because the 'fog' I was in so deep is starting to lift, the pain still there (never leaving like a bad flu)....but REALITY sets in & my brain is now more alert unfortunately as to what my 'reality' is.....Tom I don't know how to do this without you. Just needed to let you know that I'm struggling a little bit & could use your unbelievable ability to calm me, comfort me, & let me know everything's alright. I hold on to the memories of our times alone just holding you which are also now more vivid than ever.
I still have your bottle of cologne where you left it & use it whenever I need to recall when you were still lying across from me & all I had to do was reach for I only grab your pillow.....but if I close my eyes, I can grab one 'mili-second' of thinking you'd never left as only then do I smell you as though you were still there. Please keep watching over our kids & keep them safe as I know you've been doing. We made great kids honey! I picked the best Dad & for that, we are all blessed. You left such an impact & are such a great example for them to truly touched them in leaving your best instilled in them even though you were only on this earth much too short a time. That alone takes someone very special which you were & still are. Thinking of you always until next time.
We love & miss you Tom. Until we meet again.
I Love You,
Jo'Nee Cochran, Spouse
Det/Sgt. Tom Cochran, LPD, IN EOW 1-26-2005
September 15, 2006
Hey Dad it's me again. I miss you so much and wish you were here to see Macy. She is almost 8 months old. She is an angel (and I tell her she was sent to us by you). She is what has kept us going and held us together. The kids love her so much. You would be so tickled by her, she makes you laugh and then she laughs with you. Her favorite word is daddy. She is very independant already, letting you know just what she wants. I am so amazed by her and I just want so much for you to see what an amazing little girl you have as a granddaughter. She is starting to finally grow some hair and somedays it is blond and others it is strawberry. It is hard not being able to share such an important part of my life with you. I love you.
September 6, 2006
Jo'Nee, I read the reflection you left on Lt Dudley's site. You truely write from your heart-what beautiful words you had to say. I then found your husband's site and and read the reflections from you and your kids to Tom. I was so touched by all that you've written, your words are so similar to what I have felt since my husband Dave was killed. Standing by Tom's bed, determined to be strong, to honor him. I too stood by Dave's bed, kissing him goodbye, turning to pick our screaming daughter's off the floor, having to tell our son on the phone that his father was dead. He was fighting fires in New Mexico at the time. Remembering that last kiss in the wee hours of the morning as he left for work. Our empty bed, his clothes, I know you understand. Trying to find some sense of your life when you feel that half of you is gone. Dave's accident was only 1/2 mile from our house, I heard the sirens, but who would think- Dave was the Dept.'s driving instructor, he knew better than anyone how to handle a Crown Vic, but when someone pulls out and stops in front of you, so Dave drove off the road, he was left no choices. Sorry I could go on and on-
I recently got the news that Calif passed a bill to name the portion of the hwy where Dave died after him. Dave was born and raised here in Sonora, so it is quite an honor. I wonder if Indiana could do the same for Tom?
Please know that I hold you and your family close in my heart and wish the best for all of you.
Take Care,
Richie Grant
Richie Grant/Surviving Spouse
Deputy Dave Grant/EOW/5/31/04/Tuolumne Co. Sheriff's Dept.
August 25, 2006
Hey, sorry its been a while since i wrote. Alot has been going on! Summer came and went, and Macy is getting older. I helped mom babysit Riley and Sydney and Mace all summer while she got back up on her feet! And then school finally started. Being a Junior is weird cause i am almost done with it! Then on to Nursing School i go. I'm taking the Nursing class out at the Career Center, and by the end of the school year, i will have my CNA license to be able to start working in a hospital.
Mom has been good these days. Keeping it strong for us as we catch things up. Chuck has been good too. Enjoying the thrills of his daughter,watching her grow up.
Riley is playing football again this year. He really likes it! And he started the 5th grade, he says its "awesome".
Sydney finally made it up to the middle school and she says she likes it better than the elementary school, and she is also doing Cheerleading for SD Pee Wee.
Macy, oh so many words to explain how she is doing. She reminds me of you. She makes ANY bad moment a upbringing of joy! She makes me smile,laugh just like you would do if things were in bad moments. She is so sweet. Its like she is a Guardian Angel from you, so make us happy while time takes days on and on! When i got sick 2 weeks ago, and the doctor said the possibility of Lukemia, i was so scared. I didnt go home till late and when i walked in the door, she was sleeping. When i woke up the next morning, she was awake and she made me smile bigger than anytime before. She got me to forget about the possibilty of what would happen to me and i was thankful she was alive and there with me to make me happy. I love her so much.
Me and Mom have gotten really close, and its nice cause she is like my closest best friend. i can tell her anything, and she stands by me NO matter what. And i help all the time with Macy when Chuck is at work,or on nights when she is cooking dinner or helping Riley and Sydney.
Swimming starts in October, and im pumped up cause i missed last year cause Mom was gonna have Macy. SO im excited that its coming up!
Well, i gotta get off here and get the house organized before Mom comes home, so i will enclose some more later on soon.
I Love You and Miss You Grandpa. Watch over us all.
Till We Meet Again
Love Always
Zach Greathouse
August 22, 2006
Hi Dad,
It is so weird, we all write like you are only out of town, keeping you informed of our new events, knowing somehow you are supporting us. But, how I miss you saying things will be ok or you making a joke to keep things from feeling so awful. Zach has been sick and they worked him up for leukemia and you want to talk about scared, that would have been enough to just kill me. I thank god the test were neg. but, they are not sure what he does have and that scares me too. But, if you would just watch over him for me because I need him and love him so much I couldn't bear for anything to be wrong. Keep him strong and here with me. Watch over all of your grandbabies for me. I love you much more than words can say.
Love Trace
August 17, 2006
hey daddy!!!!
well i am sorry i haven't wrote lately!! well lets see here....
mom- she is doing good. she is starting to clean out the sun room this week!! lol finally huh! she is gorgeous as always, too!!!!! Josh- well he leaves tomorrow for College!!! im going to miss him sooooooooo much!!! It is gonna be very weird with just me and mom in the house now :( !! its hard enough with out you!! he is pretty excited to go. he is gonna have a blast!! and of course he is gonna be just like you....a police officer!! and me- well high school starts tomorrow!! and wow am i pretty nervous!! i hope it goes really good! im so sad that your not around to see this all....but somewhere in me i keep faith that you are and hope that i will see you again someday. i love you so0o0 much dad!! keep watching over us please!
Star light, star bright, first star i see tonight, i wish i may, i wish i might, have this wish, i wished tonight ** ;) !!
i love you and miss you alottttt!!!!!!
xoxo your daughter.
Jessica Cochran, Daughter
August 16, 2006
Well Tom, it's been awhile since I dropped you a line,,, The Scholarship Run went well. We had a good crowd,, would have liked to have more,, but it was good. Rasied enough to stay "afloat"..
I know that you are watching over the department, there's a few things going on that could use your imput,, Troy and Chuck just finished up the 40 hour Pre-Basic,, man talk em out of wanting to get into this business, just kiddin they did great,,, Hopefully they will be on the Reserve Dept soon and start working some details,,,did ya ever think that they would both be wearing our uniforms,, second generation, Cochran and Evans,look out LPD, Tom you would have been proud of both of them,, they both gave it their all, a little shakey on the range, must have been their Firearms Instructor!!
Music on the River's going well, one of your few Off Duty details, Shep has filled that spot,,Det's take the pud ones!!! Doug and I are selling raffel tickets for a little "mini chopper" for the Scholarship there each week and will be there for the Fall Fest and Farmer's Fair.. This year Charlie Daniels and Blake Shelton will be there, should be a good one and we'll be there raising funds for the scholarship!
Tom, watch over us, guide us each and everyday to the end of our daily shift's... Love ya Brother
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg PD
August 14, 2006
In memory & honor of Tom...we are grateful at your reflections to our family. Tom is truly a Great Hero, who stands among many (unfortunately), & loved by all. Tracy sums it up well as we appreciate yours (& all those) who visit our loved ones site....noting our loss, which is great, & a love that will last a lifetime. Tom was a great husband, father, friend, Police Officer, & human being. This world lost alot the day he left us. But he took with him a part of all of us & we thank you for acknowledging the love we send him with each message. You are a friend to all Peace Officers - & their families.
Hopefully we will have a chance to meet someday. It would be our honor.
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran
August 9, 2006
Happy Birthday!!!
August 9, 2006
Today is your birthday. You would have been 58 years young. We miss you & hope you feel the love we send.
Jess baked you a Pie for your birthday. It has become tradition that we will continue in your memory. Josh & Jess again placed your picture by your pie, lit a candle & they blew it out for you. I hope that whatever they wished for comes true. Know how much we love & miss you.
Continue to watch over us as next week Josh leaves for college & Jess starts High School. A new chapter in their lives that I wish you were here to share it with.
Until we meet again....
All my love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran
August 9, 2006
I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to Tracy and her family on this day, her father's birthday. It is always those special days and holidays that really remind us of how much we really miss someone. Tracy, I know you really miss your Dad today. Wrap yourself up in all of the wonderful memories of him and be comforted in knowing how much he loved you and how blessed you are to have had him as your father. Take Care.
Shelly Elam
a friend of his daughter, Tracy Evans
August 9, 2006
Happy Birthday!! Sure do miss you! And I know you are watching over all of us!!
August 9, 2006
Happy Birthday!
Tricia Wilder
Friend of Daughter
August 9, 2006
Hey daddy! It's been awhile since I written, but you are never far from my thoughts. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I wish you were here for me to tell you in person. This was the day you entered the world. At least, you are again with Grandma on your birthday. We have all missed you so much. There have been so many events you should have been here for and others that wouldn't have taken place if you were here. We all have worked very hard to keep your memory alive. Jo'Nee is a trooper and she always knows what to say when she is asked to honor you. Dad, Josh is leaving for college, Jess is going into high school, Trac is a mom again and Troy is in reserve officer training. I just wish you were here to see this stuff. I miss you so much. I will always honor you. Work is a little crazy, well a lot crazy, but every time I want to move onto something else. I remember how important you thought this was! Well, happy birthday dad! I love you so very much and I miss you (especially today). Watch over all of us and keep us safe, in heaven as you did on earth. I love you.
Tomya Allen
August 9, 2006
Thank you for you kind words and thoughts of us, I read your reflection today ( my father's birthday ), a day when a few kind word went a long way. Dad would have appreciated too that someone reached out to his family as he did may other peoples families. It is people like you and him that make a difference even if only one person at a time. God bless you and take care of you. Even if we never meet consider yourself a dear friend.
August 9, 2006