Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran

Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana

End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran

Hi Dad, Today is the day, the day of your accident 2 years ago and the start of a very long and painful journey. A journey that I feel will never end. They say it get's better with time but I say it is something you never escape. Because every year I feel is harder because there are more things we have missed sharing with you. You are loved so much and was so much a part of our lives that we will always feel that void. You gave me so may fond memories, motorcycle riding, talks at rabbit hash, strawberry shortcake glasses, Christmas shopping (that was such a laugh), bowling (basically you whipping my butt and so rubbing it in), sugar oh I mean coffee in the mornings before work, working cases together, your singing those crazy songs, you getting the dogs all worked up wrestling with them and then laugh because you were leaving any they would be bouncing off the walls, all of the phone calls you made to my drill sargents when I was in the Army (they'd call me in the office and beg me to try to get you to minimize the Dad call us again...), lunch at Bob Evans (you know we are lucky they loved you or we would have been thrown out...such a loud group) and the list goes on. How I miss those days. So on this day I wanted to Thank you again for all you gave me and Thankeveryone who has done all that they have to keep your memory alive. They are all right, you will never be forgotten. Know we all love you very much and you will live in our hearts forever.


January 25, 2007

To the Cochran family ,especially daughter Tomya, I thank you for finding us ,and I too will say a prayer for your family.Your Dad and my son are up there smiling down on us
from their special place in Heaven..that I think God reserves for all law enforcement people.Too bad we did not meet in DC..this year is harder than last for the Tutino family as well..a lot of things have happened that Jim was looking forward to being a part of. I will hold your family in my heart Maureen Tutino

Mother of fallen officer James P. Tutino

January 23, 2007

I recently found the website, and after reading some of the reflections, I am sorry that I never got the pleasure to know such a wonderful man. I am, however, very familiar with his face, as I see it many places throughout the community everyday. It takes a lot to bring tears to my eyes, and to hear people talking to and about this man made me cry. It seems unfair that someone who could make such a positive impact on so many people could be taken so suddenly. I am sure that God has plans for eachand every one of us, and it seems to me that Tom's plan was a great one, and one that he fulfilled. Tom impacted the community in life and death, and raised wonderful children. He continues to shed his grace over us with his memory and legacy. God bestows no greater plan than that, and Tom acheived it. Thank you, Tom, for everything that you did, and everything that your impact continues to do. You are not gone, as you live on through the people you have helped to raise and shape. Peace be with you and yours, and may your flame burn eternal.

January 18, 2007

Hey dad, I am thinking about you, like always. We (the family) are fighting a good fight. Hopefully, the city will help us to honor you and your committment to our community. I guess they all know I'm back in town since I've made myself heard. You know, sometimes I don't know when to keep my mouth shut. Oh well! I want you to know I'm still so proud of you and it's great, I look at us all and know we are headed in directions to do the jobs that run in our veins. Troy as a reserve officer and going strong to join the force, Joshy at Vincennes to be an officer, Tracy still running those corner runs, me up here at CHMC doing investigations and Jess determined to be healthy and strong. Her poems rock! Jo'Nee does whatever she can to keep your memory strong. Dad, that road took your life, not your driving skills or the seatbelt. It was that darned old road and the ice. Yesterday reminded me of the same type of weather where it had rained and water had froze along the roads. We were all calling eachother to caution one another while driving to and from work. We all miss you so much. We wish you were here with us. Please watch over us on 1/26/07 as we gather to remember what a great man, officer, dad, husband, and friend you were to us all. Dad, Uncle David and Aunt Sis have recently gone home to heaven to join you. Take care of them. I guess I better get back to work. I love you daddy. Always and forever.


January 18, 2007

Hi Dad. I am back on night shift so while the rest of the world (it feels like) is sleeping I am sitting here in the quiet thinking of you and life in general.
Your anniversary is fast approaching and I can feel the anxiety starting to build. It is a day I know I will not function well. I wasn't ready for you to go and I still can not let go. The tears are still always so close to the surface. I wonder if things will ever feel right again, like I never really have functioned at 100% since your accident. A part of me died that day (the best part) and what is left sure doesn't feel like much. It is so selfish I know but still can make myself get my shit together. I sure wish you could see Macy, I want so much to share this wonderful little person with you, she loves to make people laugh. The kids are what have kept me going this far, I don't know what I'd do without them, I probably would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. There were times you could make things ok and I need that now, I need to have thing feel ok again,to feel normal again. Every year with the new year I pray to have it be better than the one before, though I have a way of keeping that from happening and I am all out of answers. I have always been able to bounce back from whatever so why not now? How crazy is this to still feel this way? Why does your anniversary drag me back to the day of your accident? I feel just like someone is dragging me back to that day kicking and screaming to face that week all over again. I miss you so much. I put another angel on your grave last week and one on Aunt Sis's too. So if you or Aunt Sis could send one my way I am sure I could use it. I love you and I miss you so much.
Until then,


January 15, 2007

Hey dad. Me, mom and Patrick are sitting here drinking our morning coffee. . . . sugar please. It's been quite a morning and last night. Your dog bit me in the mouth. Gizmo chewed me up and spit me out. Of course, I was bleeding and Patrick had to jump up and call Tracy who came to the rescue, Zach behind her, as he is the nurse in training. She was upset she didn't get to stitch me up, because it doesn't really need them, but she doctored me up. Then that darn bird (Parker) got me again yesterday and first thing this morning. I just thought you'd like to hear about Gizmo. She was just being protective of mom. I think they should name that new 48 after you, you deserve it. If they'd been doing their job, you'd be here. We all miss you dearly. Talked to Jo'Nee last night. Joshy needs you to watch over him, as you have passed on some of the infamous genetics to us all. Watch over us all, especially now with your anniversary coming up. WE LOVE YOU. Love, Tommy and Patrick


January 14, 2007

Hey dad. I'm sitting here at CHMC and I have once again put up my shrine in my new office. I can't help it but everytime I drive by the new 48, I get so mad. They should have had that road done and you'd still be here. I miss you deeply. I had to tell Shep and Jo'Nee (and everyone else) about my new job since I couldn't call you. The 2nd anniversary is fast approaching and it all comes back to me that day, your final moments and how they honored you. I wish we could turn back the hands of time and somehow this would not have happened. I love you with all my heart and miss you too. Love, Tommy

Thanks Kev. You know I'll still be seeing ya. Thanks Valerie. Yes, Tommy is funny to hear because that is what they all call me since I was suposed to be Thomas Lynn Cochran Jr. I never knew that, I don't think. LOL


January 11, 2007

How beautiful it is to read of the deep love and respect from all the children of this officer. He sounds so much like the Dad (CPD) I lost so many years ago. Long will their legacies of love live on !

Mother, daughter, sister, and granddau. of LEOs

January 10, 2007

well today is my birhtday. another year gone...another year older. 15. i missed you awhole lot today. i didnt get a special delivery of a hand full of beautiful flowers from the best father i could ever ask for. =[[ i miss that so much. i thought about you all day long and i kept getting a lump in my throat, and i'd try to swallow it down with my head held high and continue my day. it was hard. i couldnt concentrate and my teacher noticed and asked me if i was okay. i sed f.i.n.e like mom always says. =]] hehe.and i kept thinking about when you would sing me chantilly lace by jerry lee lewis =]. i'd sing along with you and when you'd say 'hair in a pony tail,,,,ohh makes my world go round round round round' and i'd swing my ponty tail around. lol i remember that like it happened today. [ which i wish it did ] no words that i write can EVER explain how much i miss you each day and love you.
i love you with all my heart daddy.
until we meet agin...
your princess =]].

jessica cochran, daughter

January 9, 2007

Dearest Tom,
Hard to believe. We have again been through another 'long' year without you. Joshua's 19th birthday, Christmas, New Year's, Jessica's 15th birthday tomorrow, & again dreading the upcoming 2nd anniversary date of first your accident, then the day we lost you. What a price we've paid! I just want to run away & hide. With each hurdle, I find someone or some way to help me get through it mostly by talking so fondly of all the funny stories & events we shared. I think so often about Deb Dixon's introduction to her Eulogy at your funeral asking the literal hundreds' of attendees; "Which Tom did you Know"? You are quite an extrordinary man, father, husband, & human being in general Tom Cochran. That was truly such a fitting intro to you because you were so many personalities, all of them 'over the top' great, all of them different, yet all of them you. Me, the kids, close family & friends & a few co-workers were blessed to have known ALL of them (you)....and now carry hearts so heavy from your loss. It is still felt as if it were yesterday.
We are working on our transportation arrangements to again attend DC for National Police Week where we will honor you & all the other officers & their families who were 2006 'line of duty'.
Tom, me & the kids miss you so much. Jess is right. No holiday will ever be the same. We are doing all we can to make them better. You left us with the best friends Tom. They all care for you so much & show it through the gestures & willingness to help. We are still trying to find our way. Petey said it best today.....we were "robbed" of you unexpectedly. I had a nice talk with her & many others at APD as well as LPD. Struggling a bit today & they helped alot whether they knew it or not.
Jess turns 15 tomorrow.....send her flowers in her prayers Tom, just like you did the last birthday she had with you.
Not much makes her happy, but that would overjoy her. Watch over Josh as he begins his second semester....he's doing well & wants to make you proud....he's accomplishing that I know. Also Tomya & Troy. They are such a blessing to me, Josh, & Jess. Watch over them as well.

As for Tom's cousin Valerie McCrory. I do remember Doug as Frankie spoke of him often. It's good to hear from you & we would like to stay in touch. I have books that I made for all the kids & would welcome any stories, thoughts, or memories you may have that you would like to add. You can contact me through the Lawrenceburg Police Dept. c/o Mrs. Tom Cochran 349 Walnut Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. They will ensure to get anything to me as they do often. Thank you for taking the time to write & hope you all are doing well.

Tom, we love & miss you. Until we meet again.
All my love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse EOW: 01-26-05

Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran

January 8, 2007

Dear Jo'Nee, Tracy and Tomya, and all of the rest of Tommy's family,
Hi, I am your cousin, Valerie. My dad was Doug, Frankie's brother. We never knew each other, circumstances in my part of the family kept us away from all of you. However, as kids before everything kinda fell apart I was around Tommy and Aunt Frankie and Anita a lot. Tommy was always "my hero" when I was growing up. I practically worshipped the ground he walked on. I was in awe of him. After my mother died in 1968 I spent many weekends at Aunt Frankie's house in Rising Sun. Tommy knew I was going thru a rough time and would always stop by to see me. Then when I was a teenager and had a CB radio my friends and I would be on it late at night on weekends. Tommy worked 3rd shift back then in Aurora and would sneak down to the channel we were on and listen to us to see what devious plots we were conjuring up and we wouldn't know he was there until he would suddenly cut in. Sometimes he would disguise his voice to sound sinister and scare the bejeezus out of us by telling us he knew where we all lived and such. haha One time I was joking around on 19 with tommy and a friend of mine came on from his home base CB and was watching a vampire movie and was giving us all play by play action on the movie on radio channel 19. After a few minutes I told him we better go down to another channel instead of tieing up 19. It wasn't 2 minutes later that suddenly Tommy broke in and remeinded me in no uncertain terms that he knew what car I drove and were I lived and that if we didn't come back up to channel 19 so he and the truckers could hear the rest of the movie he was going to pay me an "official" visit.
Anyway, the reason I wanted to leave message is because I read about the bird and the message from the psychic and then I read where some of you were wishing he could send you a message. Go back and sit down on that bench at Riverview and read that book! He hears you. When I was there 3 deer came out of the woods across the road from Tommy and sttod there watching me. I started walking toward them and they didn't leave, they slowly came closer to me. We were only about 20 feet apart when a car parked near where we were and tthe deer stopped, looked at the car then at me then slowly turned and walked back into the woods. I've always felt that they were Tommy, Aunt Frankie and my mother, who is just south of Tommy, near Aunt Frankie.
there have been many times over the years since my mother went to God that I have felt her presence. The sudden whiff of her perfume on a breeze. Or standing at her gravesite on an overcast day and suddenly the sun breaks thru.
God wouldn't bless him with such a strong presence then take it away! Tommy was......IS BIGGER than life. He will always shine thru to us and be here to guide those he loves.
I feel very fortunate that although I lived away from Indiana off and on thruout most of my life my son Brandon was fortunate enough to have met Tommy a few years ago and they got to know each other.
You probably aren't use to hearing him referred to as Tommy but that is what I have always known him as, that and TC or TomCat.
You also have a cousin on this side of the family that is in law enforcement. Oh yea, and xtra sugar in the coffe come from the McCrory side too. lol
Well I just wanted to share a few of my meories of tommy with all of you and if possible bring you some sense of peace.

God bless you all,

Valerie McCrory

January 6, 2007

Mr. Cochran,
Well it seems like always your daughter Tomya is questioning her work abilities to you again. Both of us know she questions her ability but goes right for it when it comes down to it, never questioning a thing! Her new position will be a challenge but the home visits to the great streets of 45216 were coming too easy for her!!! She will be great as you know. She wears your badge not only as a tattoo but you can see your badge shine right through when she gets that gut feeling, yeah you know the one, and goes right for it! Keep a watch for us down here. You never left my mind as units were in pursuit and went through Lawrenceburg on 1/3/07, knew you would keep those boys safe!Tomya keep up the good work and congrats you deserved that promotion!!!
PS.- aka CPD!!!

PO Kevin Vanover
Elmwood Place Police Dept.

January 4, 2007

Hi Dad. Well Christmas and New Years came and went again and here I am. Of course it didn't go so smooth but I know you understand what I mean. I miss you and can hardly believe that you have been gone almost two years, it still doesn't seem real. I love you and miss you.

Until then,


January 3, 2007

Hey dad. Another Christmas and New Year have come and passed without you here with us. I remember your last Christmas with us when you came to mom's house and you were holding Brayden. Wow, has she grown, dad! All too soon it will be the 2nd anniversary of your accident and the worst day of my life. Shortly before Christmas, mom and I found Aunt Sis passed away in her bed. It brought so many bad memories to the forefront and I never look forward to Christmas. It just makes this time of the year that much worse. She passed in her sleep and I pray she went peacefully. Dana stopped by just to check on mom and us kids. Patrick and I are doing much better. I just wish you were here because we are really hoping to be celebrating something I have been wanting for a long time. Cross your fingers!! I wanted to call you so bad yesterday to tell you about my new position. I will be working out of Children's Hospital at the Center for Safe and Healthy Children where you orchestrated many of your cases. I will be working on the major medical trauma and sex abuse unit with all the folks you met at the Child Abuse Team. I wanted to call you and tell you but your not here to tell you and I knew you would like that move in my career. I'm worried about my forenic interviewing skills. But with time and the fact that skills run rampid in the family, hopefully the learning curve will be quick. Watch over me and guide me through this newest challenge. Dad, I miss you so much and I have to remind myself sometimes that I can't just pick up the phone to call you. The new Rt 48 is done and I can't help but think you'd still be here if it was done on time. I love you and I miss you so much.

Tomya Allen

January 3, 2007

i love you && miss you!!

jessica cochran, daughter

January 1, 2007

Merry Christmas daddy.
i miss you like crazy.
but love you alot more.
your princess,

jessica cochran, daughter

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas, Tom

Love you, Pat

Pat Bott

December 24, 2006

Hey Dad, I miss you something awful. I was thinking maybe this year would be a little easier than the last, I was wrong. The holidays are sohard and I have had to make myself do anything related to Christmas. We just got our tree yesterday and put the decorations on it tonight. That is sad. Aunt Sis passed away last week and her funeral was today. She isn't far from you. Tomya and Mom have plots beside her. Another funeral, another family member gone. I am again numb and wondering if the numbness ever really goes away, it seems a part of me always stays numb and if it were not for the kids and Chuck I think the numbness would have consumed me. I wish you were here to give me a push because I need it. I feel like everytime I try to get up I get kicked so why bother and I have to stop feeling that way. I wish something would motivate me to get up and stay up. Looking at my Christmas list this year was so sad, half of my family is gone. This year it will probably only be me, Chuck, Macy, Riley, and Syd. Zach will be in Florida with his Dad. I hope what hey say is true, there is no sadness in heaven, I wouldn't want you to feel the pain of being seperated from your family. Good days and bad days they say, time will help the pain become less they say. I don't think it works that way. I love you and how I wish you were spending Christmas with us other than in our memories, in our hearts, and in spirit. Dad I need you to help me find my way again because at this moment I have never felt so lost, this week has been hard and the tears flow so freely. I am no longer the strong person you knew before your death and I wish I were. Watch over us all. I love you. I'm sure next month will not be so easy either with it being the anniversary of your death.
Someday we will be together again.


December 19, 2006

hey daddy,
hows it been up there??
down here ... it's pretty cold!! the holidays are right around the corner. another christmas without you here. i hate it. it will never be the same at all. i think i can speak for everyone on that one. umm well Tomya and I are doing some things together alot more now. im excited because i have missed her very much. we have fun when we are together. but i miss alot of people that i don't get to see anymore.
Josh and Kaylee are doing very good. Josh is doing good at college from what I hear. he is gonna be one heck of a cop. Just like you. Im so excited for him. And so very very proud. and wow daddy. i wish you would have got to meet Kaylee. shes everything to josh. i can tell. i love her to death. you would love her too!
mom is doing good. trying to cope still but good. we all are. but i am very proud of her.
and well doing okay. struggling here and there. i miss you alot. high school is actually going really good. i like it alot! umm im done loosing weight. i've lost it all thanks to you dad. i have no idea how to repay you. i have lost 86 pounds =]]! you literally changed my life. im glad i could keep up on my promise that i promised you before you went home to God. (that i would loose all the weight just for you) i love you so much. you really are my hero daddy. until we meet again......
your daughter xoxo,

Jessica Cochran, daughter

December 4, 2006

Well the holidays are here, wouldn't it be nice to have the entire family together again? Sad that it won't happen. I want so much to have Christmas of 2004 back again. That was such a good Christmas. The police department Christmas party sure will not be the same. But seeing Laci, Debbie and Randy will be nice. They have been so wonderful. You have a couple really special friends and I so love to talk to them. The stories we tell and laugh about is so wonderful. I have decided to go back to school and get another degree. Time to put our "dream plan" into action, though I guess I am missing a partner. I don't think I will be able to find one to fill your shoes. The kids are doing well and I couldn't be more proud of then. Your youngest grandchild has been showing her redheaded temper lately, she is so rotten. It is funny though to see her give you her opinion, Ha Ha. The weather is changing and of course I hate it. I have you another picture of the baby but I have to have it laminated first. Thinking about moving again. Chuck's job here is almost finished and then his company goes back to Pittsburg and Hawaii. It won't be until 2007 (which is right around the corner). We are all going to Churh Sunday and it will be a nice time (as usual). The kids so enjoy it. Riley is getting so good in basketball and so is Syd, it is so exciting to watch them play. They are growing up.
Well I don't think I will have that Harley before your next run so I guess I will have to try and make it a goal for 2008. Missing you like crazy and have you on my mind everyday. Aircare flewover the house last night like it did the night of you accident and chills ran down my spine. The three of us kids are doing good, with the never failing support of Sherry. Don't get me wrong we still make our shareof mistskes, but she is always right there. Well I guess I should go for now. I love you so much.


December 1, 2006

Hey dad! I figured me and Jess needed to spend more time together so we're going to try to do something once a week. I made promises that I need to keep. I need you to watch over me today because I have an appointment at 4:30pm that I have to do. Watch over and keep us all safe, dad. We love and miss you extremely! Love always,

Tomya Allen

November 28, 2006

Another holiday has come & almost gone that I had been dreading. We had Thanksgiving at home but you were very missed among all the many family members. Great having everyone here, even our little newest addition Lexi (Graver) came....she's a beauty & I know you two would already be friends even with her only being 5 weeks had no fear holding & talking to babies. But in all the visiting & hectic in & out of everyone coming for dinner or just stopping by.....I did take the time to look around, knowing what a great family I am blessed with, but specifically looked at Josh & Jess - & realized that I am SO THANKFUL you & I had blessed me with the best of you, your heart & now spirit so giving, you are in front of me every time I look at them. I hope they know how proud I am of them much we love them & that I am trying now to love them enough for us both. You had so much love to give. I realize I have to keep going for your memory....& for them. Tomya & Patrick stopped by & visited...they look great & are doing well. I am so proud of them....Tomya is strong & has your drive & ambition in her....I never realized how much like you she was. Makes me so proud & I know you are too. Josh doing great in school.....I can tell he misses you so much.
He plays guitar & I know you are listening. (He's good, huh?) Jess has one trimester down of her Freshman year & I can tell she is struggling, missing her daddy, but also know she's strong. Watch over them as you have done.
I know I have alot to be thankful for....these are but just a few....but mostly I am thankful for MY LIFE WITH YOU. Happy Thanksgiving honey.
We love & miss you.

Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran

November 23, 2006

Hey Dad. Yeah I know me and Tomya are nuts but boy the way the psychic when on and on talking about you and your personality it sure sounded like she knew you and she couldn't have, she isn't even from around here. I have to say I was in awe the rest of the day. It was really weird, for about a week and a half this bird would come everyday and peck peck peck on my window and even more weird it would follow me from room to room pecking at each window. Once it would get my attention it would prance around and really put on a show (boy I know this really sounds crazy but it happened). I really started to enjoy seeing it (and I finally found out it was a grey-white long tailed mockingbird). So when me and Tomya when to see this psychic she told me "you know this is your Dad's way of delivering you a message". OK I was skeptical but then like I said she describe you so well. When she began to laugh and say that "Your Dad wants me to tell you he was sorry for all of the times he embaressed you but not really" I about fell out of my chair. That was so funny. But as the reading went on she said the message was don't quite, don't mourn, live my life and cherish my family. The other thing she had said that I was so freaked out about was that she said he wanted me to know that he knew how bad I wanted to run and move away because I felt like I didn't belong here anymore (how true) after his death and that he said I wasn't allowed to leave here, I belong here. At the end of the reading she said "You have recieved your message and the bird will not return" hasn't been back since. So that is the story believe it or not? I don't know but it is at the least a nice thought. I love you and I know I have been hanging on to anything that make me feel like you are still here. I truth is our relationship had been better then ever before your death and we had shared so many good times that I just didn't want to give that up (and I probably never will be ready to). Dad you were the glue that held the family together and so now what do we do? You were also right about Chuck. You said I had finally found the right one and you were happy that I had him because he would take care of me and worry about me like you did. He literally spoon fed me after your death because I was so withdrawn from the world, I didn't want to feel that pain. If not for him and the kids I don't know where I would be. I loved so much the time we spent together, mostly when we would ride to rabbit hash and sit on the picnic tables and have those real heart to heart talks. Sorry if I haven't live up to your expectations, I am trying. Tomya is back in our lives like it should be, we have so enjoyed her spending quality time with us. We talk about you all the time and laugh about the crazy things you use to say and do. There are still people missing from our lives but that is not something I can change, I have to bethankful for what I do have and I now realize that is a lot. I love you so very much and I promice I will always keep you in my heart. People say it get better with time but I say it never gets better you just learn to live your life differently. Macy is going to be walking soon, I can believe how she has grown. It is a shame that she will never know part of her family but all I can do is love her and tell her about those special people. Keep watching out for us we still need you.
Happy Thanksgiving Dad.


November 22, 2006

FOR EVERYONE TO READ: Some may be skeptics about what I'm about to tell you all, but it is important for everyone to know so here goes. Me, mom and Tracy went to church and the Psychic Festival on 11/19/06. Tracy has had this bird pecking at her window incessantly for several weeks so we were trying to figure out what kind of bird and what it meant. We found this lady who had an animal book and we could not find the picture of this bird to know what kind of bird it was so the lady asked us some questions. She then said there was someone she wanted us to talk to and she didn't know her very well, but felt we needed to talk to her. Tracy sat down with this lady and told her about the bird. The lady said "It's your father and he is sending you a message." But first, he wanted us to know that he went quickly, like a vacuum (she didn't know he was ejected from the car) and he is in a good place. She said she had a good connection with him, strong connection. She said he is a silly man, isn't he. She said he is laughing. There were several messages for Tracy and I'll leave that to her to tell you all, but the funniest thing he said to me was. . . The lady said, "Who has his badge?" Me and Tracy said Jo'Nee. She shook her head no. We said what badge, he had so many. She said who is WEARING his badge. I stood up and showed her my tatoo of his badge on my lower, lower back and dad said, "Leave it to you to get my memory on your butt." He also said he "freaking hears every word we say." She said he used to sing a song, a funny song and he's singing it now, but Tracy and I couldn't figure it out. So we're thinking of 3 different songs, Chantilly Lace, Bad to the Bone or Bad Boys- Bad Boys (from COPS). He said he loves us! He said he is in a good place and he wants us all not to quit. We need to be a family again. I guess I got my wish and I know she was talking to my father because he then said, "I'm sorry for embarrassing you, not really!" And laughed. Thanks dad! I needed to hear from you, however it happened. I love you and I strive everyday to do better because of you. I hope we can talk again, but if you're going to send a message in the form of an animal, will you please send me a monkey because I always wanted one. I miss you and love you so very much, Tommy.

To CPD: Thank you. You definitely mad me smile.

Tomya Allen

November 21, 2006

Hey dad, I haven't wrote in a long time. I'ts hard to do this for me. My mind is still in fast forward since your accident. I'm in tunnel vision with getting out of school and to get right out in the beat. Doing the things you did. I'm almost done with my first semester here at Vincennes University. The best law enforcement school in the State.That's the ONLY thing it's good at. My Law Enf. classes are great. I have been learning alot of things. I will be ready when my time comes to put that badge over my heart where it belongs and where it will forever stay as do you. I can't wait to put on that uniform you once wore. I think about you every day, all the time. I've met some really good people here that are here for the same reason I am. Some have heard of you and others want to learn of you. I tell them as much as I possibly can. That is alot to tell. I bought you a sweatshirt from school that says "Vincennes University DAD". It is foled in your display case at home. You always wore my South Dearborn wrestling sweatshirt so I thought it was time for an upgrade. I sit here on my laptop and right above me is a picture of you that I look at every time I walk in my room. kaylee and I are doing great. I sure wish you could have met her. You'd love her as much as I do. She tells me the same about you. I will see you in time so have that paintball gun gassed up and ready to go. I've been pretty rusty since you left but I can still hit a 3 inch tree trunk in the dark from about 20 yards away. Look over us and all in Law enforcement. Here soon, I will take over your post on the thin blue line. Love ya and I will see you in time.

Josh Cochran

November 20, 2006

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