Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Well brother a year has come and gone since the end of your watch. It's been a tough year for all of us. The Cochran Clan seem to be holding up well, and by the way,, you're a grandpa,Again! Trac, Chuckie and baby are doing well. And she looks like Chuckie and Trac... NOT you or me, no gray hair, got your bold head though!!!
I've started working on this year's Scholarship Poker Run, it will be in July this year, it looks like it will be biggger that the first one.
Brother, look over all of us, help us all get to the end of our shift's everyday. OH and by the way Jo'nee is blowing the X out of the target!!
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg PD
January 31, 2006
I can't believe it's been a year since you left us. I hope you were looking down on the memorial service given you, that Doug worked so hard on, & everyone did a great job who helped!
I cannot thank them enough! To honor your memory is all we have left & something I'll never stop doing. You are truly missed Tom.
We love you,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Tom Cochran
January 31, 2006
Sergeant Tom Cochran it is so hard to beleive that is has already been a year since you left. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. The day of your anniversary was the most beautiful day we have had. The sun was shining and i felt as though you had something to do with that by letting us know not to let it be a sad day but to remember all the great memories of you. It's like you were smiling down on all of us. Im proud to say I am from this community because we have such a GREAT hero who will never be forgotten. Take care up there Tom.
Your friend always
January 29, 2006
Please know that Det. Sgt. Cochran and his family are in my thoughts and prayers during this first anniversary week of his passing. He will forever be remembered as a hero.
Linda Lamm - LEO Wife and Sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
January 28, 2006
Thank you for your dedication to keeping the streets safe. You will never be forgotten. I will keep your family and friends in my thoughts today.
Friend of Officer Nick Sloan EOW 1/30/04
January 26, 2006
Just wanted to let up know that I'm thinking about you today, you will never be forgotten.
To the family you are in my prayers, everyday is hard some just harder than others. Just wanted to let all of you know that I'm thinking of you. On Clint first anniversary I decided that I wanted to say it was his first birthday in Heaven, so on that note, Happy First Birthday in Heaven Detective Cochran.
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
January 26, 2006
You dedicated more than half of your life to law enforcement in an effort to help others. I only wish you could have enjoyed some retirement as you and your family earned it for the many sacrifices all of you endured during your long career. People don't understand the shift changing, not being around for those special holidays and working at a job that most people could never do. I salute you as you are a true hero and will never be forgotten. Keep watch over your family and protect them. Wrap your wings around them to help them with their grief. I know their broken hearts will never completely mend, but they will love and remember you always. Please keep watch over my son Michael since you are a veteran police officer and can show him a few things. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
January 22, 2006
To the family of Sgt. Thomas Cochran,
You and Tom are remembered prayerfully as the anniversary of his death approaches. I am very sorry that you must walk this painful journey. From reading some of the reflections on this page, I can see that he was a good man and dearly loved. May this hero rest in the loving arms of God.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
January 22, 2006
Now that I am gone,
remember me with smiles and laughter.
And if you need to cry,
cry with your family and friends
who walk in grief beside you.
And when you need me,
put your arms around someone
and give to them what you need to give to me.
There are so many who need so much.
I want to leave you something --
something much better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I've known
or helped in some special way.
Let me live in your heart
as well as in your mind.
You can love me most
by letting your love reach out to our loved ones,
by embracing them and living in their love.
Love does not die, people do.
So, when all that's left of me is love,
give me away as best you can.
Always remember that you can clutch the past so tightly to your chest,
that it leaves your arms too full
to embrace the present.
Live in the's what I want for you.
As you approach one year without Detective Cochran, we wish you peace and continued faith, knowing that he is with God and watching out for each of you every single day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you...always!
Family of Officer Robert Stanze
EOW 8/8/00
January 21, 2006
Well dad this will probably be the last time I get to write in a while. I went to my doctors appointment yesterday and she wanted to schedule my induction for the 26th but, we talked and she agreed to move it up to the 23rd. So we should have a baby Monday. I am a little nervous. I hope you will be there with me. I know they are having a memorial for you at the Lawrenceburg Fire Dept. I don't know if I will be there or not since I am not sure when the doctor will discharge me. So I wanted to write and let you know how much I love you and how proud I am to be your daughter. This baby will never have met you here on earth but will know you well, that I promice. I always think of you and imagen you are on some trip and that I will get to see you again but the memorial is just a confirmation that it is reality that I won't see you again here. I hope that there is a reason that we still are not yet aware of for your being called home to heaven. Because you are so missed and will forever be remembered. We went bowling last week and I sat and smiled remembering how you and Chuck would argue who was the better bowler and the smug look on your face when you bowled a strike. I feel lucky to have such wonderful memories to look back on and I try very hard to give my children those same fond memories that they will one day cherish as much I do mine. It will continue to be a hard journey year by year and we will all be ok knowing you are watching out for us. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you.
January 20, 2006
I can not believe I just found this site tonight while working!! I am so upset with myself,,well you know how I get. I miss you everyday and when I come to work EVERY night I have a pic and a poem on the board of you that I talk to,I know you hear me . It will be a year next week that we lost you and I can not find it in my heart to let you go!! Mike Lanning and I go on and on about you and what we both lost. A man without due respect.. A friend, a co-worker and now an ANGEL!! It is so hard at times to think of you not being here,I know I am no-one special,,But I never got the chance to tell you what you meant to me!!NO one other than your family could be any prouder than I have to have had such a WONDERFUL MAN IN THEIR LIFE!! I miss you TOM! I will forever remember all we had to go through! I pray for Jo'Nee and the kids,,what a beautiful Family,,The love they have for you is overwhelming.I put my blue candle in the window this year at Christmas time for you,and now I have your pic and the blue candle in my Living room (thought it might help with the mice)ha ha.Well my DEAR FRIEND I could rattle on forever but I realize you have lots of prayers to hear,so I won't keep you.I will be back now that I found this site,Lord knows I need someone to talk at night while working.
All my love Tom,Till we meet again!!
Cindy Dietrich,L.P.D. Police Clerk
Police Clerk , Cindy Dietrich
Lawrenceburg, In
January 20, 2006
hello i moved away and it breaks my heart i love you all so much and miss you dearly.tom was a great guy and a hero to everyone!!!! i just wish to be here with jessica at all times but im far away. i dont think you all really underatands how bad my heart throbes because i love you sooo much. i was there before you left and i will never forget the smile always on your face are all of the memories. i pray everyday to be so strong like jessica and i look up to her so much. As for my mommy you always helped me when i needed to talk just know i appriceate you so much and that tom waas an awesome guy but you dont need me to remind you. tom i know you are so proud of your family and friends we all love you.
Lauren Eckstein
January 18, 2006
It has been a year and we still miss you as if it were yesterday. I hope that some day I can be half the person you were and in our hearts still continue to be. We pray each day that your family know that God has you in His hands and one day we will see you again.
We love and miss you
Your Pastor and your Friend
Tony Rox
Glendale Police Department
January 12, 2006
Hey dad,
hows it going? My birthday was one expierence. Mom was in a car acciedent the morning after my birthday. We were celebrating it and trying on clothes then me and Kristin went off to bed. I truly believe you were there. It was really a blessing. She was on her way to Wal-Mart around 12 in the morning to get my suprise birthday gift. She was in Josh's truck and she took the long way around for a joy ride because she likes to shift i guess. Well it was rainy and foggy. she was on 1-48 toward the Horton's house.Well right before Horton's house theres that little turn and she was only going 30- 35 mph. she started fishtailin' it and just rolled, She hit a telephone box and went in this ditch. she was trapped in there for over an half hour. The neighbor came out and talked to her. Katrina and Doug Taylor, god love them.Katrina crawled in there with her. Doug picked me, Josh, and Kristin up and took us to the hospital. Doug said i got up like a deer in the headlights. I know i just cried and cried and prayed. We were there til 4 in the morning. I finally went to bed at 5 in the morning. I had to get up at 6 in the morning for school. Mom was sooo blessed and i think you were by her side the whole time. She has a sprained neck and a hurtin back. She has bruises and a seat belt burn. The truck was so messed up. I am so happy shes alive. I wouldn't call it "luck" i would say "someone up there loves you" or just simply "blessed by God" i think you and god both know Josh and I need her so badly. I will always love you and mom with all my heart and it will never stop.
I love you!
Jessica Cochran, daughter
January 12, 2006
Hi dad! I've been thinking of you and missing you bunches. I feel that now Christmas is over, I can leave you a reflection without loosing my mind. It seems like I miss you most when things are at their worst. Work has been crazy, but I think I get my strength from you. I think. . . when faced with adversity, keep your integrity and be righteous about your convictions. Silly, huh? Anyway, Patrick and I took our CCW class because you always told me I needed to have a gun while doing this crazy job that I do. I don't think I'll carry, but I understand your point. These times are when I miss you most. . . you could relate to my cases and I could tell you all the neat (to us, but crazy to everyone else) stuff. Helped catch a bad guy last night. Man, it was fun! I thought about you and I hope you were watching with that big ol' smile on your face. Donnie called me about your memorial and I can't believe it has been a year. This past year has been the worst that all of us have ever had to deal with and it has taken a toll on each of us, individually. I just hope this coming year is better and we can come together to remember, instead of to mourn. I miss you. I love you and I remember you always. Love ya daddy!
Tomya Allen
January 12, 2006
Hi Dad,
Well I thought that your granddaughter was going to make her grand appearence tonight but, I guess she just wasn't ready. So we are back to waiting week to week. This one is going to be a wild one...she is already very opinionated. I cannot wait to see her. They say that at birth each of us will be given our own personal guardian angle to guide us through life and that all you need to do is to ask of it what it is you need to know. I believe that Macy will be granted you as her guardian. And I am being to believe she is going to born on 1-26-06 so that that day will no longer be a day of sadness but of the happiness your granddaughter will bring. We will see. I wish it could be different and you would be here to see her and hold her in your arms. You'll know before I do when she will make her enterance into this world. I love you and miss you.
January 9, 2006
Hey dad! How was Christmas with Jesus?
Christmas down wasn't the same at all. i cried and cried and cried and it wouldn't stop!
Josh and I went shopping with his new Girlfriend, Kaylee Wright and her two sisters Kristin Wright and Tiffany. I really like this one! I bought so much stuff daddy you would be proud! I have lost sooo much weight (57 pounds)!! I'm pretty happy about it. Josh and I have been doing some new stuff together. Over break Josh, mom, and I are goin to get new tattoos. well im adding on, im gettin the two swords behind the cross with a banner that says "justice" that u served many times. Josh is gettin praying hands on his right side! i think it will be gorgeous! Im not sure if mom is gettin more or not.
Well for Christmas i wanted to get mom something special. So I wrote her a poem that i might post on later. Its about you being home for Christmas and how your still with us and about her ring. It made everyone cry. Well with the poem i bought her a heart that was a locket (necklace) and when u open it there is a picture of you and her. It's really pretty. well i know it might be a little late but Merry Christmas! I cant believe in one month it will be a year! time just flew by! well i will post again later! I love you with all my heart!
Your daughter,
Jessica Cochran , daughter
December 28, 2005
Hey hows it going ? Things are good here. only 30 more days till your anniversary. I cant believe its been a year already. Time sure does fly. i miss you so much, and im sorry im late to say this, Merry Christmas, and i love you !
Mom is doing Great these days. She got her buisness up and running and she has some cases to work on. Me and her sat in her room all day yesterday while she worked, i vommited. I had some kind of virus of some kind. It really sucked ! But im better today, still dont feel to hot so i took the day off from work. Speaking of which, i got a job at the beginning of November ! I work at the Dearborn Country Club. Im a dishwasher and a busser. Its different going there after school and i know the job may sound sucky but what i learned from you, start from the bottom and soon your dreams will be granted as you move up !
Im counting down the days till Macy gets here. Im so excited and cannot wait ! Chuck is axious also ! Mom let him buy anything he wants to for Macy. And can you believe how much was bought ! HaHa. Mom is finally OFF bed rest. It was scary when she fell. Im glad their BOTH ok !
Mom's birthday is coming up, and 2 days after her birthday, i get my license FINALLY !! Its been a long time and finally i get it !
Christmas was ok this year. We of course had it at Grandma's and when we all got there, Grandma said "I cant believe it 1 year ago, i talked to Tom in this very house, and now any of us can anymore" It was a teary-eyed moment. But other than that, it was a good holiday !
Troy is dating a new girl ! Her name is Valerie and she has 2 boys. Things are doing good witht them and many blesssings from me for their future !
Brayden is a little Chatty-Cathy ! Talk Talk Talk all day long. Sydney has been practicing with Her to be ready for Macy ! They are excited.
Well, i gotta go and get things done around the house, and i will post more later on in the week hopefully.
I Love You Grandpa, And Many Wishes To Come !
In Your Rememberance
Your Grandson
Zachary Greathouse
Grandson Of Tom Cochran
December 28, 2005
Tom is with you always, Jo'Nee... I see in his smile that the minute he got to Heaven, he put in a special request to look down and watch over you and I'm sure his brothers and sisters in blue in Heaven with him are helping when he needs to sleep... I promise I'll never let anyone forget your husband and his sacrifice. God bless you.
LEO fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
December 28, 2005
Josh & Jessica,
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintery nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I'll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just wanted to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
to stay in His grace
I came here before you
to help set your place
You don't have to be
perfect all ofthe time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
In a new special way
I love you all dearly
now don't shed a tear
Cause I'm spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year
Merry Christmas from Heaven
December 27, 2005
It is Christmas day & I just want to tell you how much our heart aches that you were not here. Words I still cannot believe. We love & miss you more than words will ever say. I know you made Heaven a much happier place this year with that infectious beautiful smile & a laugh I cannot get out of my head. This world lost so much the day you left, but mostly we (your family) who love you most, know this best. I hope you keep watching over Josh & Jess, they've had a hard time & need do we all. This is the first time I find my heart breaking so much, yet empty for words, after trying to consol Josh last night as he stared at last years (& unbeknownst to us - our last) Christmas picture with your arms wrapped around all of us, & today, Jess crying (more like sobbing) that she wants her daddy.....a Christmas gift we all want so badly, & I can't give it to her. There's nothing I wouldn't give of myself, to take away their pain (& mine) if it would only bring you back to us. Merry Christmas Tom. We miss you.
All My Love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt. Tom Cochran
December 25, 2005
December 24, 2005
Hey Dad,
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I wanted to let you know that I will be thinking of you and of course wishing you were here. I can't tell you how many times I thnk of these words " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I think now I know why they meant so much to you, more than I care to. I never thought in a million years I would ever experience something like loosing my best friend (you). I miss the times we had so much. I look at your picture as I write this and can't believe that I will never see that smile again. You seem to really be loving life so much in the months before your accident and we were loving it with you but now is seems so much like a chore at times (life). You had this way of cutting loose and making people laugh and smile (still engraved in my mind the picture of you and Josh in those pink strawberry shortcake glasses). It is hard to imagen those crazy days are gone. You meant so much to so many and I wanted you to know you will never stop being in my (our) thoughts. I am working cases (not criminal case like yours but med-mal cases) and I pray that I can, like you, help people find Justice.
Merry Christmas Dad. I love you.
December 23, 2005
We are so very sorry for you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this holiday season.
Shawn and Michelle Rogers
Sister and brother-in-law
Sgt.Jonathan Dragus
Shawn Rogers
December 17, 2005
To Detective Sergeant Cochran and his family, May God be with you all. It is so hard to hear how great of a person that your are and how unfair that you were taken away from them and the ones that love you.I know from experience that the days seem so long and the nights even longer when you are not there at home with them. They (family and friends) will know in their hearts that you are looking and watching out for them every day and night.Your family should always know that you are with them every step of the way. Life does not seem fair at times,(most of the time),but when you can't be with the ones that you love our mind and spirit are always there. Not one person can take away from your WIFE or your children what you meant to them and all the memories that they have of you.Family is the most important thing for being on this earth. May your wife and children always think of you and all of the things that you all done together and let no one take those memories away from them. Try to keep your chins up. I'm so glade that you all got the chance to spend the holidays all together, that means alot. Some are not that lucky to be able to do that. I wish all the best to your family and friends.May GOD be with you all and rest in peace BLUE ANGEL. THANK YOU DET. FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE.
MY 2 FRIENDS EOW 12/13/2003
December 16, 2005