Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Hey How is it going ? Everything is going good here. Putting up the fence for the dogs so they can go free in the badyard and slowly getting the house cleaned and ready for the baby. Macy Justice Evans will be here in 4 months! oh boy ! i cant wait to see her and hold her. The 3D ultrasound is so cool. You can see facial features and she looks just like Angel. Are you sending us and angel to watch over us ?! Mom and Chuck are helping me find a car so i can start driving soon. Im anxious to get it so i can drive to your grave EVERY Saturday and sit and talk to you ! When im riding or driving down the road i see Motorcycles and see everyone on them with smiles on their faces. Then i look at Mom and see this frown come across her face in sympathy. She misses you ! You have no idea how bad too! Brayden is getting so big. I pretty much see her every weekend now and Troy and Beth trust me and i babysit alot. We had her last Saturday after her 1st birthday party and when i would get out of the car she would scream for me ! She is so adorable. That night we adopted a cat ! He is so spoiled. his name is Sylvester. He would get in Brayden's carseat with her and she would pet the cat and say "Kitty Kitty". She is so presious. The high school is crazy now with construction ! but its lookin good. Well i gotta get ready for bed so i will post more later
Love you so much
I miss You
Zachary Greathouse
Grandson Of Thomas L. Cochran
September 15, 2005
Hey dad,
I know it has ben a while since I last wrote but, it has been so busy with the kids starting school and getting back to their in school activities and me going back to working nights. i had my baby visit and the baby is growing fine. They don't see any problems at this point except for she is in breech position and she doesn't turn I will have to have another c-section like I did with Zach for the very same reason.
She stubborn (she gets that honestly) and likes that position she is in. She moves a lot but always ends up with her bottom down. We had a 3D ultrsound and you could see what she looks like. That was incredible. We have been car shoping for Zach and think we have found a car we like. He got money for his birthday so he could put it towards his car. Can you believe that he is 16 years old? I sure thought that you would be here to see all that is happening and God knows how bad I wish you were. I have really questioned life and it meaning. How can all of the wrong people be left to rain their hell on this earth and on other people and someone as good and just as you be taken. I try everyday to understand that and of course there is no just reason. Brayden's birthday party was Sat. and she turned 1 yesterday. She is so funny and such a loving little thing. She would have made you laugh. i used to love being a nurse and now I hate it. Before I lost you I felt as though I was helping people and now it fells as though it (what I do) doesn't make a difference. It is weird how one passion no long is and another means more than it once did. I still miss those early morning wake up calls on the weekend and hearing your voice telling me to get ready that you didn't want to loose the best part of the day. Now I wonder what part of the day is best. After your accident I wanted to pack a bag and get on the motorcycle and drive as far away from here as I could. I still think about leaving here and wish I could but know that I can't. Funny how life rules you and you have no control over it. I love you and I still miss you like crazy.
Tracy Evans
September 13, 2005
Hi Tom,
I just wanted to say, watch over us and every day we miss you even more with all our hearts.We all miss you very much and that will never change!Watch over your wife and your kids mostly and keep them safe.
In your memory and honor,
September 5, 2005
Detective Cochran, I never had the opportunity to meet you, but wanted you to know that in July, I had the opportunity to meet your daughter Jessica, when she got off the plane in Milwaukee for the COPS Camp. I spoke with her while she waited for the bus to take her to camp. She talked highly of you and your career. You would be proud of how strong she is. My oldest daughter is just a few years younger than her and I hope to teach her the same qualities you passed on to Jessica.
Detective Steve Scully
Green Bay WI Police
August 31, 2005
I know this is the first time i have wrote anything but i"m not much on writting letters. I just wanted to let you know we all still miss you very much and we still think of you everyday. I wish you could have been here when me and Trace got married and i really wish you could be here when the baby is born. I keep thinking of the time i watched you with brayden when you were rocking her and singing to her, and that makes me sad to know you'll never get to do that with this grandchild. But i promise you he or she will never grow up not knowing who you were and what you stood for. I know you are looking out for us up there and pulling some strings along the way and i thank you for that. I wish you were still around so we could have gotten to spend more time together, i know we would have had fun. I just wanted to tell you we still miss you and you will never be forgoten
Chuck Evans Son-in-law
August 30, 2005
August 26, 2005
Dear daddy,
Well today is the's been 7 months..still feel the same. I miss you so bad. I finally started school. it's been a full week there. I love the 8th grade. My teachers are awsome.At home things are alot better. We all still miss you badly though. I have a really big picture of you blown up in my room in a frame its the one i took of you in the kitchen. i remember that morning like yesturday i took a picture of you because i hadnt seen you in your uniform in a long time and i said you looked so handsome so i did. It seems to be a popular picture. your bumper sticker that they made for you is on my agenda alot of ppl like it. well i love you with all my heart and miss you very much i hope you can visit every now and then. my x's and o's....
Your Princess,
Jessica Cochran, daughter
August 26, 2005
Sorry pal but it's been real hard for me to sit down and write you this. I think ever so much of the times past and I mean "past", going back to 1971 when we first starting working together, man that was a long time ago. Who would have ever thought back then that you would end up looking like Kojac and being a better detective than he was. I hold our memories near and dear to my heart. The days of "Club Dallas", the bad night in Aurora, and the night I was Jonee's and your best man. I loved the looked on your faced when you told me you bought the Harley in Fla., while you were on vacation, and was trying to figure out how you were going to explian it to Jonee and how can I ever forget the look on your face when you rode your 2nd bike to my house, with a grin larger on your face that looked like a kid on Christmas morning. We talked of riding in the spring and summer, now we have to wait until we meet again.
I feel so bad that you have missed so many things. I feel bad about the night you wrecked, I called off that night and it makes me hurt that I should have been there, I feel bad that you missed the union of your daughter, Trac and my son Chuck and that they will be giving birth to "our" grandchild. Who would have thought that back in 1971.
Tom, I give you my word that I will do everything I can do to help the loved ones that you so loved, by the way Josh and Troy both are turning out to be pretty good shots on the range.
Brother, I miss you with all my heart.
Looked down on us and guide us and use all the sugar you want with your coffee. Miss ya, Chuck
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg Police Dept
August 25, 2005
To the family and friends of Detective Thomas Cochran and his fellow officers in the Lawrenceburg Police Department: I wanted to extend my deepest condolences on behalf of my family for the grievous loss you sustained when Detective Cochran was tragically killed. You are in my thoughts and prayers. May you be comforted and embraced by the circle of love and support you will receive from the law enforcement community, and other police survivors. Your family writes some very caring reflections, and I can tell that Thomas was much loved by all his family. His daughter Jessica sends respectful and heartfelt reflections to other families that I know are appreciated. I hope all the kids do well with school starting back. This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the many years (35) of distinquished service your loved one gave to his community and the citizens of Indiana , and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made in the line of duty. His dedication to his work will be forever remembered and his memory honored.
Phyllis L. Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater of Pittsburg, CA PD eow 4/24/05
August 23, 2005
Hey Grandpa,
Its been 7 months since you left and its getting easier. When you left, it was the hardest on us all because the heo that helped us is gone and we will never see him again until we pass to heaven and see you ! I really miss you and cant wait to se you when i die ! I have my plans of life inline of what i want to do. I want to graduate school and go to medical school to start out being a nurse then eventually..a Doctor. Then im gonna buy me a brand new Buell Firebolt same color of the one mom 'had' and get a profeesional painter and have then put on your badge in gold ! so then i will know i have the safety of you with me ! That is what means so much to me...knowing your with me and Mom, Riley, Sydney, Chuck and the baby ! The baby is due on January 30th 2006 !! Its gonna be hard but i think its a sign of when a death occurs..then a rebirth is born ! Mom and Chuck have names picked out to honor you ! Were naming the baby after you. Mom goes to the doctor soon so find out what the baby is. Please help Mom and make sure the baby is born healthy !! :)
Brayden, Oh my gosh she is growing. I wish you were here to see her. But i know your watching over her. Since Troy started building Grandma's summer room i have been watching her alot when i got back from Florida. She is so cute and wish you were so she will have the greatest Grandpa.But i promise when she getas older we will show her who you are and how much your the grestest !!
I'm starting my Sophmore year of High School tomorrow ! i cant wait, and im nervous cause im scared to get lost due to the construction !! I have pictures of you i found in the big box in the top of Mom's closet from my 7th birthday ! and there are pictures with Me, you, Josh, Jessica, Riley and Baby Sydney. you have this HUGE white bright smile, cause your so happy !.
I need your help Grandpa. Watch over Mom with her office and help her succeed. She has been wanting this and she needs your support. Thanks Grandpa.
I Love You and Thanks for listening.
~Love Always~
*x Zach x*
Zachary Greathouse
August 21, 2005
Tom....It's well after midnight & I 'think' is now Thursday....The days don't mean anything anymore....just another painful day without you to share it with as I had done for so many years. I don't know how to do this without you. I just got home not too long ago from my step-mother Gloria's visitation. I feel as though someone took a vacuum to my body & again withdrew what little energy I had....every funeral now is like
re-living the hell of yours which is burned deep within my brain....and my heart. She's been my step mother (aka: 2nd mom) now for 39 years. I've watched Dad now for 3 days since she passed.....knowing EXACTLY how he feels & not being able to do anything to help him...just as no one can take away my pain. It is heartbreaking to have your father cry in your arms, breaking down at knowing your child (me) can relate to the pain you feel at losing your with him 'knowing' the SURMOUNTABLE pain at losing that spouse. Not something you can ever explain to anyone nor would I wish it upon anyone. I could only hold him while he briefly cried...dying inside all over again...wishing I could help..knowing I can't. I could only tell him that I DID know how he felt....I describe it as someone taking a shovel & digging a hole in your chest that NO ONE can fill. There is no comparison to the pain of losing your partner....but Dad looked at me acknowledging that..."Yes, I DID know how he felt".
I felt a mixture of relief from him that he could relate to someone....but sadness at our loss of you. I hope in some small way I can help him but when I too am falling apart...whether inside or out....or both....I wonder if I'm a help or a hinderance.
One things for sure Tom.....we have some of the DEAREST & BEST FAMILY & FRIENDS God put on the planet....many of them came to visitation much to my surprise. It was such a comfort to have them there! I hope each of them knew how much it meant to me. A little reminder that when I'm home still grieving in my own little world, they are still out there to pick me up when I fall.
Tonight....EACH of them kept me "from" falling. I don't know why God is taking all the GOOD people....something I may never understand. I told Dad of a conversation I had with Gloria shortly after your accident. She was so impressed with the outpour of family, friends, co-workers/Police Officers, & community support which was a significant statement of what a wonderful man you are.....she went on to say, "we never really got to know him". I explained that you were a very humble man...never boasting, always busy doing something to help others, or the things you enjoyed such as paintball with the kids or riding your motorcycle...& there were many "different" sides to you....but they were in fact ALL YOU.....I told Dad that I believe that Gloria is now in your side, "Getting to know Tom!" What a wonderful thought!
Show her all the sides to your life & personality Tom...each one more beautiful than the one before. It's what I LOVED most about you....always full of surprises. I remember little about your funeral Tom....I had gone 3 days with no sleep....finally becoming afraid to sleep thinking I was having my worst nightmare & if I slept, I would then have to wake up only to find it was true...that you were gone. One thing I remember quite vividly is a co-worker of mine coming to me & asking: "why didn't you tell us about Tom & all he had done & what he meant to this community"? - "We had no idea"...she said....I remember thinking for a second & my response was "because Tom never did it for the fanfare". "He was a very humble man".
I am so very proud to be your wife Tom.
I miss you more than words can say. Please help me to raise Josh & Jess the way WE wanted & planned. They miss you so much & I'm still struggling to help them through this. Nothing about their world or daily routine is the same as you were such a BIG part of that. You came HOME to us every day...for over 20 years, that was the ONE THING I could count on. Now I can only count on daily heart break...that you're gone & I know the kids too are hurting. Help me help them please.
We love & miss you with all our hearts.
Say hello to Gloria for us! Until we meet again.
All my love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran
August 18, 2005
Dad, it has been a long weekend. Mom had a heartattack and i thought i was going to loose my mind. It was all to familiar. She called me and I called the squad (Wes and Sue came ASAP). The wanted to aircare her but the fog was too thick so they made record time on the ground and took her to Cincinnati and straight into the cath lab. My heart was in my throat the whole time. I just couldn't imagen going through loosing a parent all over again and so soon. I Thank God for sparing me that pain a second time. I don't know what I would have done except fall to peices again.
So much has changed since you left us, I wish so badly that you were here. I hope that you continue to be with me through all of lifes little suprises, good and bad. I will stop back down to your grave and water your flowers today. I will talk to you more then. I love you and as always I miss you.
Tracy Evans
August 15, 2005
Dear Tom,
I just wanted to wish you a late happy b-day.Sorry i have not wrote in a while but i dont have the internet at home.Jessica just got back from camp and I was so excited to see her!She misses you and so do I!So does the rest of your wonderful faimly.I wish i could go back in time at least long enough to say i love you and thank you for everthing you have ever done for me or any of our faimly.I would also say thank you for the lives you saved!You were always a great uncle to me to!
So Thank You-n-Miss you,
Kristin Marshall Niece
August 14, 2005
Dear daddy,
Josh and I are about to start school. I am kinda nervous. I really miss you daddy. Everyday I try to make you proud. I want to be a great person like you. Everyday I need you more and more. I really wish you were here. On your birthday we put a picture of you in uniform and put it at the head of the table. placed a peice of cake that you would have loved! and lit a candle on it, so mom had me and josh blow it out. I love you so much. since you always gave me flowers for my birthday at school im going to put some pretty flowers on your grave. I hope you know how much we all love you and miss you. please come down to visit every now and then. I love you so much i hope you had a great birthday!
with all my love your baby girl,
Jessica Cochran, daughter
August 14, 2005
Happy Birthday Dad. I visited your grave today and took you flowers. Today was hard, not like the past years, wishing you Happy Birthday and not having you to celebrate with. Life will never be the same again and this I know for a fact. It doesn't get any easier and it is as painful as it was on January 26th though I think I was more numb then. The realization that you are not coming back only happens as time goes by without your presence. And no matter how badly I would like to change that I can't. I can only hope that you are in a better place than we are and that there is only happiness. Until next time, I love you and I miss you.
Happy 57th Birthday.
All my love,
Tracy Evans
August 9, 2005
Dad, today is your birthday. Happy Birthday!!! You would have been 57 and just beginning to live life. I want you to know how proud I am of you and you have made me a better person. I miss you everyday, but today is especially hard. It is truly a celebration of your life. Every time I see a calendar today (which seems to be every 5 minutes) I think of you! Mom just called me and said she would call Tracy and Troy so we can celebrate your life. Today I will try not to think of the regrets and heartbreak but the wonderful life you lived and all of the people you touched. You were doing the "right thing." That is the motto in which I will continue to live my life and make you proud. I love you so very much. Happy Birthday Daddy. I miss you.
Tomya Allen
August 9, 2005
hey daddy, i miss you so much dad.i really need you here. I just got back from camp. It was full of kids about my age some were my age and i made lots of new friends. This camp saved my life dad. I used to think i was alone and i didn't think any other kids my age felt the same way. I came to reliaze that none of this gets better and that there are kids that feel the exact same way! I met this one girl her name is Jackie. She is the same as me. she didnt want to be there and she acted like she hated everyone but the next day she told us that she feels stupid telling her mom that the camp saved her life and is goin to come back next year because she loves it. I did alot of stuff that i didn't think i could do. The girls and I got really close when the week was done. I am so happy I went. Dad i want you to know that i love you with all my heart and as bad as the pain gets in my heart i still try to live through this life without you. I am really sorry that i didn't say good night the night before i will never forgive myself. when i got out of my shower i stood at your door almost goin in to say good night i love you and i thought "well, i will see him tomorrow in the morning and then i will say I love you" but I never got to.that is one of the lessons i have learned. You never ever know what tomorrow will don't know how much i miss you and how much i love you.what i really wanted to say is HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!!!! even though i know it is a couple days away i want to tell you early. i really do love you and i really do miss you. I will always be your little girl and your princess. please come to visit me in my dreams or something because i can't stand it without you. I really need to see you. I wish i could feel your bald head again! I love you with all my heart! I hope you know that! so does mom and josh.
Love your baby girl,
Jessica Cochran, daughter
August 7, 2005
Hi Dad. You must have heard me talking to you because somehow someway I got the answers I needed. Everything I was trying to figure out just fell into place without my effort or knowledge. I kept thinking to myself "Dad did it so why couldn't I?" We talked about it and I told you last year how afraid I was of taking such a risk. But...I did it dad and I can't beleive it. As of Sept. 1 the doors of my own business will be open. Everything just fell into place and I am still wondering how it all happened. The opportunity was almost handed to me and I can't help but feel you had something to do with this, that you were looking after me. I am so happy but at the same time so sad because your not here for me to share this with. I do know that I am sure to take the time to appreciate the things I do have, like having the blessing of having a man like you as my father. I don't think that I ever would have done it if you hadn't done it first (open your own business). The company name is Trinity and it is so fitting. I can't beleive that your birthday is only a couple days away. This day will be harder then any of the other holidays for me. I have a doctors appointment only a couple of days after your birthday and we will find out if you are getting a grandson or a granddaughter. I will only get to imagen your face holding this grandchild. I still remember the look on your face when you got to hold baby Braden, who is whizzing around walking on her own now. She is such a delight, such a happy baby, you would of had a blast playing with her. She has your smile....infectious, making everyone around her smile. Oh, how I wish you were here. There are so many important things going on that you were supposed to be a part of and it is breaking my heart to know that the younger children and the grandchildren are missing out on being able to have you with them during all of the wonderful adventures they will encounter growing up. I love you and I miss you.
Tracy Evans
August 3, 2005
Me & Jess visited your grave today. Josh would have been there with us but he left today for the COPS camp. I told him you'd be there with him so please watch over him & keep him safe. I've talked to him several times already & can tell he's a little homesick...but it's only the first day. He won't be able to call tomorrow so I'll worry & wonder until he gets home.
I miss you like I can never describe. "Every day" I wake up, I am still in a fog of thinking you are lying next to me...only to find you're not. The nightmare goes on.... Physically I am so exhausted because mentally, my brain never quits thinking of you & our times together...what our kids have lost....what you are missing out on every day with them..& they with you... The one thing I've learned for sure, is this is the most painful thing I've ever endured & I'm living in a world that "goes on" but feel my life is standing still. To someone who doesn't know the love we had, that would sound crazy...but they didn't have you. It still seems like just yesterday that I watched you walk out the bedroom door after telling me goodbye...adding "I'll call you later".
You never did....
The last thing I said to you was "I LOVE YOU TOO" re-inforcing you to call me before I left for work....I wish that phone had NEVER rang.
The closer I get to your birthday which is now 9 days away....the more intense my grief. I will celebrate with you in spirit - along with Josh & Jess & many others who will be with us on your birthday...planning to TOAST TO YOUR WONDERFUL CONTRIBUTION IN OUR LIVES. You are so GREATLY missed. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write again before that HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOM!! (August 9, 1948)You would have been "57"...I planned on you still being around to celebrate # "107" had so much life!!
I found every card we had given you that you saved....I kept all mine from you & the kids also...but didn't know you did. A bittersweet find. My last card to you for your 56 th birthday, told you of how much I loved you, spoke of the future (we were unaware would not be)....& wishing you many more happy celebrations. I also found every Valentine, Christmas, Sweetest Day, Anniversary, Father's Day; etc.
The list goes on & re-inforces what a SPECIAL husband & father you are....always professional yet caring in your work...yet never afraid to grieve with someone whose case you were working on with that "dogged determination" never giving up until you got your man...then coming home changing back into the BEST husband & father anyone could ask for. Finding all the years worth of cards you kept truly speaks volumes for the man you are...and an example you set for your children that is still talked about & felt throughout the community. I am so proud to be your wife...always was.
Just know that we LOVE & MISS YOU TOM.
I just need to tell you so many things, mostly need to hold you again, but sadly can only write...hoping God lets you have the message that we WILL BE celebrating your birthday...& I know you'll be there with us because I always feel you in my heart...even though it's still breaking, something I've come to realize I'll never get past....It's also the pain of love that surrounds you...Until I see you again.
All my love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Thomas L. Cochran
July 31, 2005
Hi Dad. I am real need of one of your pep talks or at least you telling me to stop being so hard headed. Wonder where I got that? I had a dream about you the other night. You were asking me how things were going and boy did i unload (I had to catch up for the last 6 months) and you sat there with a smile on your face just shaking your head and trying to keep up. I guess my subconsious knows how much I need to tal to you and so it dreamed you up. It just isn't the same. I sit here looking at your picture and I can still feel your bald head I use to rub (I guess I thought it brought me luck). I worry that someday i won't be able to remember those things and that scares me as much as loosing you did. Everyone says it is normal to have good days and bad but the bad ones are so painful that I try to keep the away. But then they (the bad days) find me and hit me twice as hard as to let me know there is no escape. It is so hard living in this small town because at every corner there are memories of you. I still have moments where I think "Oh, I have to call Dad" and then I realize I can't. Sending these little messages does help, like this is your mailbox to heaven. I have realized that the small things in life are the ones that are over looked and matter more than the big things. I know you know what I am talking about because you mentioned it to me before you left. It isn't what you have it is if you appreciated how you got there, if you notice the little things along the way. You left so many smiles on peoples faces before you left and that is what everyone remembers most about you. Reading these stories that people have left for you makes me proud and makes me smile and sometimes cry, but they are all so appreciated. Even though I wasn't there for the pink pin stipes on your cruiser I can see the look on your face and I smile. I miss you like crazy. Your picture stills hangs in many of the businesses around here, keeping you where you belong, here with the people who love you. I'll write you again later. I love you.
Tracy Evans
July 29, 2005
Hey Brother just wanted to write and say that everything here in the Burg. is still busy but that I have found time to ride that new Harley you were on me to get lol. Me and Jill rode two Sundays ago in the Crimestoppers ride and during the whole ride I thought how nice it would have been to have you and Jo'Nee riding next to us. I miss you very much and like I wrote the last time I know we will see each other again someday.
I love ya brother.
K-9 Officer Mike Lanning
Lawrenceburg Police Dept.
July 19, 2005
My dearest husband Tom,
I visited your grave today. Something I find harder to do as time goes on since the reality that you ARE actually
there hit me. I promise you it will NEVER stop me as I will spend my life honoring yours & how we shared such a wonderful life together. THANK YOU TOM for the best years of my life & for giving me 2 beautiful children that are 'very much' a reflection of all your best qualities...frankly, I just realized that you had NO bad qualities to leave behind. I am so blessed to have had you Tom. I feel it every day when the world goes on, & I struggle to take a breath through this pain in my chest, much like I'm up to my neck in water that is suffocating me, but KNOW it is my broken heart. Lack of sleep is really starting to get to me as the nights get longer & longer. I am told time & again that I will feel this way "for a long time". That thought is almost unbearable....but deep down, I know it's true.
Me, Josh, & Jess attended a COPS picnic today in Shelbyville. You stand among MANY very honored & deserving 'to be' honored fallen officers. We are here to stand with the broken hearted families. They take 'GOOD CARE' of us Tom. I am proud to be a part of such a strong group & hope 'some day' I too can be
that strong...don't see it happening anytime soon. YOU were my strength.
I am (as are Josh & Jess) trying our best to 'keep our chin up' JUST AS YOU HAD ALWAYS DONE....honoring your memory, standing PROUD in your reflection, & hoping we can make you as proud as you always made us.
I am so proud of Josh & Jess & know you are too. They've come a long way,
but still have 'miles to go'. We miss you EVERY DAY. I Love You with all my heart & just wanted to tell you as I had done EVERY DAY for the near 22 years we were together. I STILL bargain with God for 'that minute' with you - just one more time. I promise to take good care of Josh & Jess....until my job here is through, then I'll spend eternity with you. We miss you Tom.
All My Love,
Jo'Nee Cochran
Spouse of Det/Sgt Tom Cochran-LPD
July 16, 2005
Hi Dad.
I miss you like crazy. Miss Syd turned 8 years old on the first. It brakes my heart you won't be here to see her grow into a young lady. Your being gone is so damn hard. I just never imagened that anything could happen to you. I act as though your still here and occassionally remember that you are gone and wonder how tomorrow will come. I don't think that I have ever experienced anything this painfull in my life. The night Jonee called me was awful. My heart was in the pit of my stomach. I remember calling the hospital as I got dressed. They wouldn't tell me anything instead they transferred me to Donnie and as he spoke his voice cracked. Then I knew it was a race to see you one last time. The officers that did CPR asked if it was the right thing bringing you back. It was the right thing. Being a nurse this long I do know that you rarely ever get a heart rate on a trauma patient once the heart has stopped beating. You fought hard so we could say our last good-byes and I love yous. And you did that for us. And I thank god for the officers,EMT's, and medical personel that fought hard to give you to us for just one more day. I got to rub that bald head of yours and say "I love you". And until now I didn't realize how much that meant, I was too busy wanting you back. But I can imagen not getting to say good-bye and I love you. Though in my rebelious teenage years I wasn't so sure of this and until the last few years didn't know just how true this statement was...."I was the luckest person in the world for having you the 36 years (minis 1 day)that I had you in my life." I have your middle name and I gave it to Sydney and I hope she will pass it on along with the story of what a wonderful man her grandfather was and how dedicated he was to his police work and the individuals involved. I love you and I miss you so much.
Tracy Evans
July 4, 2005
Tom, hello my friend. That morning when we got dispatched for a auto accident I didn't know that it was for a LPD unit. Every day when I go past the site where your accident happened I still find it hard to believe that you're gone. I saved some things out of your curser and gave them to Jo'Nee. I asked her if I could make you a headstone marker out of one of the red and blues, I hope that it meets your standards. I miss working on your curser and getting your floor mats all dirty with my boot prints, and you setting down with us guys telling jokes and cutting up. What about those pink pinstripes that I put on your wheels, I can still see that grin on your face, that was a good conversation piece. My friend till we meet again, watch over us and protect us. I had a brass plate made for your marker, this is what it says. Tom, all though these lights are no longer shinning your integrity and honesty will never be forgotten, your friend Otis.
Kevin Anderson
City of Lawrenceburg Mechanic / Firefighter
July 1, 2005
I know that I have not wrote in a while and I am sorry. There has been a lot going on here in town and we sure could use your help. I miss you like crazy and there is not day that goes by that I don't think of you and wish you were here to make me laugh, but I know one day we will both be sitting side by side and it will be like old times. Well I am going for now but I will write soon.
Love ya brother
K-9 Officer Mike Lanning
Lawrenceburg Police Dept.
June 30, 2005