Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
May you rest in peace, along with our thoughts and prayers for the family, friends and co-worker of Detective Cochran. A job well done!
Boone County Sheriff Dept. (Indiana)
February 21, 2005
I saw the brief tribute for Detective Thomas L. Cochran on AMW. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family & fellow officers. Stay safe.
From California,
Chris Galluzzo
Chris Galluzzo
February 20, 2005
26 Days have passed since I got that call early in the morning of Tom's accident. I still cannot believe, what has taken place. And a void has been left in our department. Tom was not only a fellow officer, but a very good friend, of which we had so many conversations over a "CUP of COFFEE", (Tom's cup the one with all the sugar) Those conversations about a pending investigation he was working on,or those conversations we had during the rough times of the "Whistle Blowers" days. Tom Cochran was the definition of a POLICE OFFICER, deicated to doing the right thing. Tom, I will always remember the good times we had, and of course the bad times we went through. And as you know it took some time, but it was proven we were right "They were Wrong". I am so glad that I was one of the ones that stood up with you during all that time. It is sad we take so many things for granite, and find life can be so short. Tom you have left us, but you will never be forgotten. Jo'Nee,Josh,Jessica,Tracy,Troy,Tomya and families, you will continue to be in our prays. We are only a telephone call away. Tom this is not Good Bye, it is "See ya latter". Take care my friend, and my God bless you.
K-9/Ptl. Doug Taylor
Lawrenceburg Police Department
February 19, 2005
hey daddy, we still very much miss u! And so does "Stakin Shake" for using all their sugar and I bet their not used to looking at the table you sat at with no sugar left! Everyone at school is asking who is going to walk me down the aisle and you know how much I loved weddings and I already had mine planned out at 13 ! And I know you would want Josh and Troy to do it so im planning on that but no one could ever replace you not even your badge number! I'm always so proud to say that you were my father and even though your not here you will always and forever be with me and your presence and love with me until we meet again so save a place for me! And I know your up there rooting me on and still telling me what is wrong and what is right! This town ain't the same without you! I still miss your smile that could brighten up a dark room, your laugh that could cheer up a sad person, your love that could lift a fallin one, your hands that could help the helpless, your justice that you brought to make our town a better place for me and you, your support that helped mom, your fatherhood that I loved the best,
and your hugs daddy that kept me safe overnight! I will always and forever love you dearly and just like I told you at the hospital " Go ride, have fun!" I'm so proud of you daddy! I'm nothing without you though I love you!
You daughter,
Jessica, daughter
February 19, 2005
Hey Grandpa,
Im writing this to let you know is that I miss you and love you. Your still not gone from my mind or my sight. I heard the motorcycles the other day and i heard one real close to our house and i was hoping it was you to come and get mom and go for a ride but it wasn't. I wish it was you. I really miss you Grandpa and I wish you could be here. Everyone misses you and we ALL love you dearly. When im swimming i think of you and know your there with me and keeping me going and not letting me quit. Thats One thing you taught me..."Never to give up on something you love" and I thought of that last night a sectionals Prelims. I wish you could come and watch me but i remembered, your watching over me and watching me swim. Riley and Sydney miss you too. They always ask me to tell stories about you to them every now and then and i of course tell them. I tell them what a great man you are and that you should NEVER give up and to keep going. I wish you would be here for my graduation of High School and Josh's and Jessica's but you will be there. You'll be there in the front row. Watching and smiling of what a great accomplishment we are. And when were at our Graduation dinner, you'll be there drinking your cofee with 16 packets of sugar in it and just smiling. You loved what you did and we loved you for it. I want you to know is that i love you and the rest of us. I will NEVER forget you.
Wait for me on the other side. and i cant wait to see you again.
My Love Always
I want to thank everyone that has helped our family through this hard time. He is much appreiciated by it and the same from our family. Thank you So much.!! :)
Zachary Greathouse
February 18, 2005
Hi dad,
It's Feb. 15, 2005. You left us only twenty days ago and it sure isn't feeling like it will ever get any better. Today is beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and 66 degrees. If you were here you would have already called me to go for a ride on the motorcycles. There were bikes out everywhere today and the sound of them that you loved so much makes me feel like my skin was crawling. I can't believe that next month we were supposed to be in Daytona on those bikes. They are actually still in the trailor where they have been since the funeral, still all shiney and waiting for us. This is so hard not having you here to talk to, I feel like a part of me is missing and I can't find it no matter where I look. I can't manage to do much, but think about all of the things we did or talked about and cry. I went to your grave yesterday almost expecting to see you there. I miss you so much. JoNee, Josh, Jessica, Tomya, Troy, Chuck and I all went and had tatoos done. I have your dagger with the banner of JUSTICE across it and your unit number (which they retired). I will never forget you.
Happy Valentine's Day.
February 15, 2005
I am his 17 year old son. Tom was my father. He was also my best friend. We played paintball together almost every sunday, we had just started riding motorcycles together. One of my dreams in life was to have a father like him, someone i could do those things with. He has touched so many lives. Even my friends thought he was the coolest person ever that one of them, soon to be about four of them, are getting the dagger that was on his arm reading justice acrossed it tattooed on their bodies. Some are getting different memorial tattoos. that just shows that he could touch someone so deeply that they would get somethin of someone of no blood relation permanently put on their bodies. once you meet Tom he will stay with you forever.I couldn't have asked for someone as perfect as my dad. I know you are in my presence. You will be deeply missed by me and I love you. I can't wait to ride the clouds with you on the other side.
Josh Cochran (son)
February 15, 2005
Rest in Peace! Romans 13:4 NIV
Special Agent Darin L. Paul
February 15, 2005
As a member of the Hamilton County Police Assn. Honor Guard, I want to pass along to the Cochran family our deepest sympathies and respect for a man who was true to the profession. He will be sorely missed. I can tell you that participating in his funeral services was an honor and we hope our efforts will be of comfort to the family.
Your friend, Tom
Lt. Thomas Wells
Springdale Police
February 13, 2005
I have known Tom for my entire adult life. I first met Tom while working at an attorney's office - he was often there consulting with a prosecuting attonrey on cases. He touched many lives and many hearts. He was the police officer who others strove to be like, and the kind man that victims of horrible crimes turned to for help and comfort. His contribution to our community will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to JoNee and the children as they heal from this terrible loss.
Wendy Perkins
Former officer, RSPD
February 12, 2005
My earliest memories of Tom were also when I was a youngster growing up in the community of Aurora,IN. Our community along with the other small towns of Dearborn County, IN, afforded many of us the luxury to personally know each and every law enforcement officer. For many this was a good thing, for the others who had less than admirable tendencies, they may not have liked it so much. But, I tell you this man was a very well respected individual. I had the opportunity to ride with Tom on a few ride alongs, as well as some other Deputies when he was with the DCSD. I learned a lot from him and many of the deputies in the department. I also got the opportunity to be with the man out of uniform, playing softball. I currently live in Dallas, TX, and occasionally read the local news blurbs offered by the local papers via the internet. This was one story that hit very hard, and I was deeply saddened with this news. Tom was a exceptional guy, and will be sadly missed by many! The only consolation is that Tom left us doing what he loved to do and that was help the people of his community. My deepest sympathy and prayers go out to his wife and children, and to the other officers at LPD and DCSD. This was definitely hard news to learn about from so far away, but wanted to know there are many of us former residents of Dearborn County out there thinking of you all at this time. God Bless you all and your families in this difficult time.
Steve Craven
Civilian in Dallas, TX - Formerly from Aurora, IN
February 11, 2005
Tom was my father. He was a great guy and we all loved him so dearly. No one knows how to get rid of this empty place in our hearts and I remember my dad said "go big or stay home" I'm so glad he was a happy camper when he died. I wish I would have had more than 13 years with him, but I am very happy I even got to meet him I'm so happy he was my father. I will always and forever love him and I know his presence is still here.
Jessica Cochran, daughter
February 10, 2005
I am so sorry for the loss of this fine officer. From the reflections I have read he was deeply loved, admired and left a hole in many many hearts and lives. None of us has the answers as to why such accidents happen but they do and the pain and loss we feel is at times unbearable.
Please know others are praying for the family, friends and co-workers of Detective Cochran.
May God walk with you during this difficult time and give you strength and comfort
Love a mom of an officer killed in the line of duty in 1998
February 10, 2005
I want to thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers and support as we mourn the loss of a great man. He will be deeply missed by me and my family, but the community as well. He was 100% committed to doing the "right thing" and protecting the community. He devoted 35 years to law enforcement and he did his job with passion. He genuinely care for the victims and felt justice would be served in the end. Again, thank you all. Dad, I love you and I will see you again.
Tomya Allen
February 10, 2005
May you rest in peace now that you are in a safer place. May you watch over all of us to help guide us thru the day. May you be remembered for who you are, and the lives you touched.
God rest for you are not forgotten.
Inspector PA Gust
United States Customs Serivce- Detroit
February 10, 2005
February 9, 2005
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Det. Thomas Cochran. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God bless your family and all of the men and women who have the determenation, bravery and courage to walk the thin blue line!
Officer A. Boesken
OH Private Police Officer
February 8, 2005
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and the Lawrenceburg P.D.
Fallen but never forgotten.
Bryan Laurie son of Fallen Officer
Nathan Laurie E.O.W. 7-29-04
February 8, 2005
Rest in peace Detective.
February 8, 2005
My deepest condolences to all the family and friends of Det. Thomas Cochran.
The thoughts of the police community are with you...
Cst Bournival
Montreal Police Department
February 7, 2005
I first met Tom Cochran when he was an Aurora City Police Officer back in the 1970's. My father, Bill was the former Police Chief for the city. I later became aquainted with Tom in 1989 when he came to Rising Sun and recruited me to come to the Sheriff's Office in Dearborn County. That is when we became friends. Tom was the skilled seasoned Detective and I was struggling to learn the job. He taught me how to interview people and to follow my instincts. I later was honored that he chose me for his partner. Tom and I spent many long hours talking about what was really the most important things in our lives (family). Tom loved his wife and children more than anything in the world. He would always say that if anything ever happened to him, please make sure that his family was taken care of. Don't worry Tom, your law enforcement family will take care of them. Thank you Tom for helping me become the man I am today, not just as Sheriff, but as a husband, father, and friend. You will be deeply missed by me, my wife Carrie who worked beside you for the past nine years at the city, and the rest of your friends at your old home Dearborn County Sheriff's Office. Rest in peace and I will see you on the other side, and to Jo'Nee, Tracey, Tomya, Troy, Josh, and Jessica, we love you and are extremely sorry for the loss of Tom. You are always in our prayers, David Lusby
Sheriff David W. Lusby
Dearborn County Sheriff's Office
February 7, 2005
February 6, 2005
To all the family and Friends of Det. Thomas Cochran,
Please accept my deepest condolensces for your tragic loss.
Mitch Perry
Sgt. Mitch Perry
Ontario Provincial Police
February 6, 2005
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your police family will be there for you in this time of tragedy and sorrow. God Bless.
Charlesa Arnold
wife of Ken Arnold Grayslake, IL #37, friend of Eric DeWit Matteson, I
February 6, 2005
February 5, 2005