Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day. I want to personally thank you for such a long and dedicated career in law enforcement. I wish you could have retired and had the pleasure of relaxing after working all those years in a job only a few dedicated individuals can handle. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones, protect them from harm. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 26, 2010
I am thinking of your family today and hoping you are all doing okay. It is very sad to think of all the things our loved ones have missed in these past 5 years. Maybe they are together up there , watching over us . I like to think that we will meet up with them someday. my thoughts and prayers..
Maureen Tutino
Mom of Deputy James Tutino EOW 1/26/05
January 25, 2010
Love you.
January 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Dad. Thank God for the kids who are my strength and reason to keep on keeping on. It is almost a relief that Christmas is here, like wow I made it and my heart didn't just rip in two. I thought of you and wished you were here. Now to make it through the 26th and 27tth of Jan. It was a heartbreak to lose you the day before my birthday. I miss you.
All my love-Trace
December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas to the Cochran family . I feel like it was just yesterday since we lost our loved ones.. I also feel like it is not any easier even after 5 years . Since we lost Jim .his son has become a Deputy Sheriff and was given his Dad's badge number..and his other son has had 2 children. We have given scholarship money to 16 kids to help with their college education . I'm sure your family has tried their best to carry on without you as well . Maybe since you and Jim went together have met up at the gates of Heaven and are watching over us all.
Maureen Tutino
Mom of Deputy James Tutino EOW 1/26/05
December 24, 2009
Hi dad! I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. It's Christmas Eve and I remember how we spent every Christmas Eve with you as kids and up until your accident. I remember our last Christmas with you and it was, by far, the best ever. Christmas has never been the same since and it will never be the same again. I try to hold my breath, muddle my way through the holidays and hold on until February, but I guess I'm not doing so good with that either because the doc had to put me on BP medicine. I will forever remember and cherish our last Christmas together, all of us! I remember you sitting at mom's, holding Bray and singing to her as she slept in your arms. That was a great day! This year seems even worse than the year before and the year before that and so on..... I thought it was supposed to get easier, but that's not happening. I really miss your big bald head, your beautiful smile and your funny (goofy) jokes. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and what you would do in any given situation. That keeps me going the best that I can and that's not so good right now. I miss you very much. I am so proud of you and glad to be your daughter, but I really miss you. I try to imagine what the holidays would be like if you were here. It makes me sad, but it also makes me smile to think of you goofing off. Keep watch over us all and keep everyone safe during the holiday season. I know we all miss you and wish you were here. Merry Christmas! I love you with all my heart.
December 24, 2009
Holiday season is here and I hate it this year as much as I have hated the last four years. There is no explaining how much I miss you. The holidays are for family and your not here. I can only remember the last Christmas you were here. Every year I tell myself I will handle it better, but I don't. I hate feeling so angry, angry that I can't share this time with you. I only do Christmas for the kids.if it wasn't for them I wouldn't do it, not even a Christmas tree. Ahh I count the days for Feb. to come to put this all behind me for another year. I can still see your smile and hear your voice. My heart breaks for all families having to deal with a loss so great for the journey is long and painful. It destroys your life-crushes your happiness, rips apart your family, and just make you a hardened person. I sit at your grave thinking you will mysteriously appear-crazy huh. I sometimes wonder if I am doomed to feel this way forever. I am not the same person I was-your death has changed me and I'm not sure I like this person as much. I feel alone in this struggle, like everyone thinks I should be over it which upsets me more. I knew you would go someday but I expected much more time than this. Going on five years of tears and that awful pain in the back of your throat every time I think of you is hard. I love you. I wish you were here.
December 15, 2009
hey daddy! sorry i havent wrote in a while. josh is playing guitar, all the family is here, bein loud. laughin, talkin, sharing memories. but you are once again missing this thanksgiving. your on my mind every single day! all day! its not the same without you. i really miss you dad. i love you with everything inside me. watch over us. help me through these times please. im almost 18 now and its the time i need you really the most!!! just give me some signs to point me in the right direction. i want to make you and mom as proud as possible. but i need your advice so dearly on college and such. my hair is short now. its different but pretty, i wish u could meet JT. you would LOVE him. i cant express how much i love him and how great he takes care of me. hopefully one day i will make him my husband and ur son in law. i know im young, but ive never been so happy in my entire life since u left. he fills in the emptyness in my heart. makes me whole.oh and you know how u told me ill know when my husband comes bc he is the only one that will ever treat and call me his princess?? well the other night he said "i love you, your my princess forever!" he never knew the princess thng between me and you, after he said that i bawled my green eyes out. i was happy and sad at the same time haha. god i miss you. ill see sooner than u know. tell micheal and grandma HELLO!! i love you father, happy thanksgiving from us all to you.
bessie lou la
November 26, 2009
Sgt. Cochran,
Times have been rough around the area recently. We need your help! Keep an eye on Tommy for us. She has some rough cases and one that is striking a little too close to home. A case that would have landed on your desk for the two of you to work together. WOW, that case wouldn't stand a chance- poor perp would be eaten alive!!! You know she struggles with Christmas time but these horrible cases are keeping her busy. Looks like we'll be testifying together next month in a case so keep an eye on both of us, I need it most; she is a natural-wonder where that comes from!!! As always keep an eye on the boys in blue!!!
November 21, 2009
Hi dad! It's been awhile since I've left a reflection, but Vanover told me I needed to get on here because it has been real rough lately. The flags are all at half mass right now after the shooting at Ft. Hood and the last time I remember seeing them like that was after your accident and it all came flooding back to me. I remember the guys wearing the black bands around their badges, I remember how many people came out to honor you and I remember how painful it was!! I remember walking into UC ER and seeing you lying there with just a little road rash on your forehead, but I was sure that you would get up and walk out of there. It feels like yesterday all over again. I just wish you were here! I think I could do my job better if you were here too. Things are getting worse and cases are getting worse! These cases are real hard to see and sometimes I just wish you were here to ask, but your not so I just think about what you would do and I just keep going. I miss you dad and I truly love you. You are my hero now and forever. Love, your daughter, Tommy
November 12, 2009
Hey Dad. It has been a while. Yesterday was so beautiful and today is nasty rainy weather. I think about you all the time. It still doesn't feel like it has been four and a half years since you have left us. It still feels very fresh like it was yesterday. I don't understand how people can say that time heals. That is like saying in time you will forget. You never heal you just finally understand that nothing you can do will change the situation. You are so missed. Your smile that use to light up a room and how you use to make me laugh until it hurt. I ran across one of your video tapes with your hand writing on it, it is things that simple that brings back a flood of memories, good memories. I just wish we had had more time together and that you could have met your granddaughter and your newest grandson. They are both so beautiful. Macy is now 3 1/2 and she is something else. She has your personality. She makes us all laugh like you did. She is so smart and loves to learn. She cut her own hair and said it was because she wanted people to be able to see her earrings. I sold my bike. Riding lost it's excitement since I don't have you to ride with, but maybe someday I will still take that bike trip we talked about. It is my favorite season. The leaves are changing and they are beautiful, the air smells clean and crisp. Halloween is next week and me and the kids are trying to decide what they are going to be for trick or treat and they have come up with some good stuff. Syd is on swim team and did really well this season, they placed second this year. She is really turning into a beautiful young lady. Riley has grown like you wouldn't believe and so handsome. He is my sensitive one and my animal lover. I just can't believe how smart they all are. Zach is 20 and I am just amazed with him, my social butterfly. I have slowed down, way down you would be in shock. I just didn't want to look back at all of the time I missed with my kids. I have found out the hard way that life is to short and that memories are to precious. Josh is now a road officer. We are all so very proud. Both Troy and Josh now wear county uniforms. They are following in your footprints. Jess will be going to college soon and i am betting that she too will go into police work but we will see. She is so pretty and has your smile. She looks so much like you.
I just never thought you would be gone. I thought that we would always have our get togethers and be making great memories forever. I just wanted to write because it had been a while and I don't want the reflections to stop. It makes me feel like you get these letters and that helps me continue to deal with your death and feel that I still have some connection to you. I love you Dad.
October 23, 2009 are always in my thoughts & will forever be in my heart. Please continue to watch over us as I know you are doing daily. We miss and love you more than anything. All my love.
Jo'Nee Cochran
July 27, 2009
Hey Dad. Sorry I missed Father's day. I was thinking of you but was so sick that I couldn't get off the couch. I am so anxious right now with all I have going on and most of it was because of me being sick. I just felt like I was walking through mud with cement boots. Now that I have finally gotten a diagnosis I can get the treatment needed. Things are crazy as ever around here. I wish I knew what to do. I'm so confused.
I'm praying and I hope God can hear me.
Love you.
June 25, 2009
This time of year (high school graduation) brings back thoughts of your time with our department and more so the friend-ship we had over the years. Last month we gave out 4 more scholarships to the area seniors. The tears were hard to hold back and Monday, June 1st was a little better,,, Chuck brought Macey over to the house for a swim in the pool as Tracey got some z's from working a double,,, I thought I'd let ya know things are fine with all your kids and grandkids and as always Watch over us and guide us to the end of our daily shifts and we'll keep an eye on the family. Rest easy my Brother.
Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg Police Dept
June 2, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 20, 2009
I wonder how you ever did your job without loosing your mind. It is much easier not to care, to mind your own business, and to leave every man for himsself. Loyality is a word that is overly abused. It has become common ground to not live by a code of ethics and a person word is worth nothing. And for those of us that still want to believe people are good, someones word means something and that you lend a helping hand to a person in need we are living in the wrong era. Your battle wasn't just right and wrong but to have to prove you are the man that still held those things to be important. How did you handle someone questioning your integrity? Of course those that knew you knew that you lived by example, that you were a man of your word. Maybe it is because I am a woman that I feel like I have to constantly prove myself. This world thinks that the economy or polution is something to worry about but what the real issues are the way they treat each other, their unwillingness to do right by themselves and each other. Everyone wants to shuffle the blame and not take responsibility for themselves. How hard is it to hold the door for someone vs slamming it in their face? This world needs more people like you and all of our fallen officers. Without people like you to teach these important lessons where will we be? I try but it is hard. God I could use your input on this issue. Right now I feel like throwing in the towel.
I love you, I miss you and someday I will see you again. Four year has been to long.
February 18, 2009
I had the worst, yet best dream. I got a call that you and Troy were hurt in a fire. Everyone was responding. They escorted me to you and Troy... And there you sat. You were both fine and I was bent over hugging the two of you, not letting go, then realized that I have this tatoo of your badge on my back and why did I have that because you were fine and sitting right in front of me. Then I woke up!!! I have been thinking about you so much. I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I miss you so very much, but I feel you watching over us. Keep an eye on Jess, watch Troy's back, praise Josh, give Jo'Nee an angel's hug and Tracy, well, she's Tracy and hard as you could be. Keep showing us signs that you are near, like my dreams or the feeling I get when I know I'm "doing the right thing," just as you would've done. You are so missed and the last 4 years have not been the same. I love you with all my heart and you are my hero.
Love ya, Tommy
February 12, 2009
hey dad.
man, how i wish u were here.
the other day was 4 years since your death and it STILL feels like it was yesturday. i need your advice on things in life right now so badly and i cant have it. my birthday wasnt too long ago and thought bout you all day. wishing i was getting called up to the office because a wonderful father dropped off flowers to me. im 17 now and everything in life is so confusing with boys school and just finding myself out. i need u here so badly i dont know who to turn to. im just trying to make my heart strong so i can keep moving. but i dont even know how to do that. i know your the only one who knows how to really make me feel better, your voice alone was so soothing. my hearts shattered and im trying to pick the pieces up. mom helps me alot greatly on things but i need a fathers help too.
at your service (at the grave) so many people still showed up to pay respects. its unbelievable how many lives you touched. it just sucks cause i was so young and didnt get a chance to have those father/daughter conversations with you. i guess the only thing i can do is ask my siblings for advice bc all the advice came from you. i just really wish i knew WHY. WHY everything. but truthfully i know no one can answer that for me. only god. hopefully i will figure out why everything happened one day.
i love you dad with all my heart. i hope u can help me in some way. watch over us.
xoxo your princess (ohh you better believe i still am ;)! lmao)
January 29, 2009
I will be thinking of your Family today was a day when God decided to take 2 good men to be with Him in Heaven....May they both rest in Peace., along with all the other fine men and women who left us while trying to keep us all safe. They are truly in the arms of the Angels.
Maureen Tutino
Mom of Deputy James Tutino EOW 1/26/85
January 26, 2009
January 26, 2009
Hey daddy. It's hard to believe it has been 4 years today that I last saw your beautiful bald head. I miss you very much. I remember that fateful day like it was yesterday and even 4 years later, I will never forget. I remember talking to you and rubbing lotion on your feet, hoping and praying that you would be okay. We all were!! I remember the neurologist telling us that we had to decide what to do because everything wasn't okay. Four years ago, this was the worst day of my life... I couldn't stay in there anymore and watch as you left us. I miss you still today like it was that day. You are with us all on this day, and everyday, as we remember the sacrifice you made. You are my hero and I love you very much. I miss you on Christmas and remember our last Christmas with you as you held Brayden as you talked to her. I miss you on your birthday and everyother day of the year, but especially I miss you today. I will never forget. I live everyday as you would want from me. I love and miss you very much daddy. Watch over us and keep us safe. W
January 26, 2009
Sometimes I wonder why I come here night after night and read these sad, sad stories. I can't understand why anyone would choose to serve in law enforcement and yet, at the same time, shudder to think what it would be like if no one volunteered to do it. I am not naive enough to think all law enforcement personnel have integrity, but the majority of the ones I've read
about here have my admiration. I just can't imagine the courage it takes to put your life on the line each and every day you serve. And thank you just doesn't seem to cut it.
Remembering you on the anniversary of your death. May God comfort
all those who are still grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times
and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. God bless!
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
January 25, 2009
hey dad.
it's been awhile since ive wrote. i've been thinking about you alot. can't get my mind off of you. whats new though right? been wondering if your with micheal. probably are. i can see you two having a great time. wow, i miss you so dearly. i still wear your handcuff key around my neck. everyday. school. i have so many dreams i want to achieve for you. for mom. for myself. but i need your help. but cant have it. i need you with everything. boys.. school.. life.. everything. the holidays aren't the same, nothing is. 2005 was the last time i was actually happy. words cant even explain how much i miss you, need you, and love you. watch over us. i love you dad.
jessie bessie
December 16, 2008
Hey Dad. I think about you everyday. Something I do or see reminds me of you or our conversations, our jokes. I can't believe how many things I forget, little things but the memories of you are still so very vivid. I guess that is the hearts way of holding never let your mind forget. I miss bowling, riding bikes, discussions about work and life, joking around and just sitting in the sun. I miss lectures about how dirty my car is and why I haven't waxed my bike. The lectures about putting to many things into my tiny schedule. Your accident has made me realize that those things are what life is really about, making memories with the people you love. I miss making those memories with you. I have never stopped needing you or wish that you were still here or wondering how when I woke one morning you were just gone. Every year at this time I am filled with dread. It comes near to the next holiday that we are left again to celebrate without you, so close to the anniversary date that we lost you. I keep thinking maybe next year will be better but it never is. So now I just prepare myself for the widelwave of grief to wash over me. You will be missed again this year but we know you are with us in spirit. I love you and I thank God I got to tell you that that one last time.
Hugs and kisses.
November 12, 2008
Well life continues to move at a speed I wonder if I can't keep up with. I use to thrive on the go go go of work and family but now I just try to balance it the best I can. My company just announced my promotion last week at our Regional Meeting. I am now a Regional Administrator for Southern Health Partners. Now I have 7 jails vs. only 1. I am loving what I do. We contract with jails to cover all of the inmate healthcare needs. Who would have thought this is where I would end up. I miss you and wish so much you were here. Jail is working at a Detention Center too. The whole family works in law enforcement to some degree.
You would be so amazed by your grand-daughter, Macy, she is a wild one and even though she has never met you she knows who you are. You are her pa-paw Tom. On your birthday she was telling everyone it was pa-paw Tom's Birthday. She is a smart one. Riley and Syd are getting so big and are doing such a good job in school.
We miss you and we love you and someday we will see each other again.
September 22, 2008