Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt
God bless you, "Sarge", you may rest in peace!
Corrections Officer D. F. Holmes
February 12, 2007
Hi Jeff,
I haven't been by in a while, but I wanted to stop by and say hello and tell you that you are missed dearly! It seems like an eternity since you were taken from us, and it seems so much has changed. One thing never does, though, and that's the love and admiration that I see in people when they talk about you. I hope in some way you will always know what an impact you had on so many people, including me. You changed my life, and I don't know if I would be here today if it weren't for you. What happened that night made me open my eyes to a lot of things. I'm ashamed it took something like that to make me love and appreciate and embrace life. I tell people that and they say "wow you muct have been very close to him" and when I tell them I had never met you, they don't believe it. Sometimes miracles come in different forms, I guess. Just know that you are loved and admired, even by those who were never lucky enough to have known you personally.
A Friend
February 7, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you. Just got back from the funeral home. Mom's sister Martha passed away. So look for her okay? Out of the eleven children, only Mom and Aunt Lola left. Both Aunt Lola and Aunt Martha were at yours and Tracie's wedding. I'm glad I have the pictures of them that were made that night. They both enjoyed themselves so much. But time goes swiftly by, just as the Bible say's "Life is but a vapor". I'm the next generation now. Aunt Lola is in a nursing home now and Mom and Dad are breaking fast. But we have no promise of tomorrow do we? I just want to be ready, when God calls me home, Jeff. I want to hear God say,you have run a good race and fought a good fight, enter in thy good and faithful servant. Just wanted you to know I love and miss you. See you soon, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 4, 2007
I know the pain your family feels. Pain doesn't seem quite a fitting word because it's so much more, so much deeper.
Peter was shot and killed as well. His killer also turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. We were left with no real justice. Not that anything could ever be enough. Peter would still be gone just like you are.
But I trust that you welcomed him into Heaven with open arms. Rebecca, his wife, didn't get the chance to have his children. I mourn that loss for her everyday. I now add those you left behind to my prayer list. We will never forget. I cherish all I have because life is so fleeting and I am reminded of that in the pages of ODMP. What officers give to their communities is immeasurable. I'm sorry your family had to lose you in such a way. It's such a hard journey with you guys gone
LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
February 1, 2007
Dear Jeff,
Just wanted you to know that your on my mind tonight, as you are every night and day. You know that it's suppose to be snowing tomorrow night, so please keep watch over all the officers out there on the roads and also all the loved ones you left behind. Jeff, time has gone by so fast yet so slow since you left us. Almost three years, and so much has happened since that day. You wouldn't beleive how Taylor has grown. It's getting to where I have to look up at him. And he his so handsome, but most of all still so sweet. I hope he will always stay that way, and I know he will. Keep watch over him and Tra for me,will you? I'm trying so hard not to worry about them, to accept that God is in control and I am trying very hard to place them at His feet and leave them there. But as a Mom it's hard to do. Just as God knew what he was doing when He called you home Jeff. He see futher down the road than we do. We don't always understand, or at least I don't, but I just have to pray a lot. But I have to do that just for me too.
Jeff, still I would take your place if I could,and let you be with your family,but I can't, but I know that someday we will see each other again and you will be standing there with that smile (like your Dad's) and you and Mike can show me around Heaven, okay? I know it's got to be the most wonderful place to be. And the Fybromylgia won't be hurting me anymore. No more tears, no more heartaches, no more pain. Well sweetie, tell all the Hero's I send my love to each of you and you all will forever be remembered in my heart. See you soon. Love, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
January 30, 2007
Thank you for the note you left on my Daddy's page. I'm glad to know you have been able to reach out to other survivors through this site. I think it has been very helpful in my person grief process- and it is just that- a process.
I have met Tracie on several occasions at memorials and in DC. She is such a pretty lady and Taylor is quite a handsome young man as well. You asked where we are- Forsyth County is in the Peidmont Triad, Winston-Salem is the county seat. We were at the State memorial services in High Point (2005) and at Duke Chapel this past year, and also in DC both years. Dad's name is on West Panel, 40, line 24. Isn't it great we have Judiciary Square to go to and share the Vigil service? That is the most moving service each year- I find it so healing.
I have not personally met Bob Gordon but we have cooresponded on this site. He seems like a nice person, missing his beloved son. It'd be wonderful if we could all get together.
I left a message on Jeff's site (pg 5 I think?) after my husband, Jeremy, had just had his 7th of 8 surgeries and had been promoted to Sgt. He has healed to MMI (maximum medical improvement) meaning there is no more that can be done for him, and has been released from care just a few weeks ago after over 2 years of treatment/therapy/surgeries, etc. I continue to be thankful for his survival and recovery and give God all the Glory for that.
Jeff and his family are often on my mind, and I am glad to make this connection. Pat Tucker, our NC COPS president has the info to reach me or you can contact our Sheriff's Office. January is almost over and before long, it will be April again, a painful time for you all, then May and time for all the memorials. I hope we get to visit at the State service this year. Let your family know that we care and pray for you all, for all of us, as we continue this journey. HEROS LIVE FOREVER!!!
God bless you all~
Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO, NC
January 26, 2007
Dear Jeff,
I hope you can feel my love coming to you today as I send it to you every day. I picked Taylor up at school today for Tra, she had a meeting to go to. I'm so glad when I'm able to do things to help her out. When we got to the house (But not before stopping at McDonald's, I told Taylor he was giong to turn into a hamburger) we let Teddy out. It hurts me to see he has such a hard time walking, and can hardly hear anymore,you have to walk right up to him and let him know your there. I think he greaves for you so much. I know he missses you so much. He has been such a good dog, and the picture of you both in bed, heads on pillows, faces toward each other,him just a puppy, it is so cute. But Tracie just can't bring herself to have him put down. He has been so faithful to her and Taylor, since you left them. A part of the family. Jeff you are always in my heart. The other night I was watching my christian channel,and someone was singing a song about Heaven, for a few moments I saw you standing in front of me with that smile of yours. You weren't here long,but I felt your presence and saw you looking well. Jeff, I miss you and love you. And please keep watch over Tracie and Taylor for me, you and God. Help her along the way, will you? Well Honey, I'll be back soon,and will be glad when we will be reunited again. Say hello to Mike for me, and all the other hero's, Love, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
January 26, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Just had you on my mind,as I do everyday. I was just watching Rev.Ralph Sexton on TV and they were having a memorial for Mitchell Carver. A young man who gave his life in Iraq. He was killed in a helicopter crash. It was his second tour in Iraq. He had the choice to stay here on American soil and teach others to fly, but told his family he had rather go back,than have the children in America be subject to war in our country. They said when his helicopter was hit, had he not took every ounce of strength to vere the helicopter, he would have hit a home with inocent people in it. He was buried in Arlington. Va. in 2006.
Jeff, there have been over 3000 lives given in this war. So many Hero's. Many people say "Well it's their job, it's what they chose to do", that's true. Just like every Officer that patrol our streets,but it doesn't make it any easier when we hear of another life taken.Especially, when it was someone trying to protect us.
Seems as if life is taken for granted, that people think it won't happen to me. But Jeff, we can never be sure. We could leave this world today. I pray for each and every military, patrolman, policeman, fireman, anyone who wears those uniforms for the rest of us. Jeff, thank you for all you did for us. You served in Desert Storm. Mike in Bosnia. Only to come home and be taken from us here. I think of all the inocent lives taken on 9-11. I can't help but ask why? But I know that Heaven is full of Hero's. God, I beleive has a special place in His heart for those who sacrifice their lives for the rest of us. We wonder sometime why a baby had to die. But I beleive that Heaven is like a bouquet of flowers, some are just buds,some partly open, then others in full bloom. You, Mike and Joe were the ones partly open. Here I go again Jeff, I have no idea why I went this way. But maybe if someone who has lost someone,it may help a little. Jeff,I miss you. Watch over those who you loved so much and remember you are loved by us. Jeff we will forever keep you alive in our hearts and memories. Give my love to all the Hero's in Heaven today. Thank them for the ultimate sacrifice they made for me. Keep watch over Tracie and Taylor, and the rest of us you left behind Jeff. You and God. Love Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
January 21, 2007
Dearest Jeff,
It's been awhile since we've been in touch this way but you know we are with you in our hearts, prayers and thoughts always. This year your dad and I skipped Christmas, spending it at home, alone with our memories of you. We spent hours talking about you and all of the wonderful holidays we used to have when our family was complete. Both of us were ill and confined to the house, Drs. orders. I think God had a hand in all that has happened to us the past few weeks. We were forced to slow down, rest and heal. Just as we have in years past, our home had blue candles in the windows with a single one burning all night for you , Mike, Joe and all of your brothers and sisters; those still carrying on here on earth and those with you as you patrol the streets of Heaven. A single blue line ran the full length of the house and just as last year, two bright twinkling stars were turned toward heaven. Our Christmas gift to you is still waiting to be delivered to your grave site. Our hearts go out to Mike and Joes' family. It helps to know Jan brought you a rose, spending time with you, Joe and her dad. We'll visit soon honey.Just know that you are loved and missed so very much. We heard from so many from the dept. over the holidays; Special friends who will remain in our hearts always because they love you still with all their heart and soul. Susan sends her love. She misses her"little brother" so much. Just be her Guardian Angel honey. She is going thru some tough times. Take care, keep smiling and remember to save a place for us.
Love and miss you always,
Mom, Dad & Susan
January 18, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Thought I'd stop by and let you know I was thinking of you, as I do every day. I really miss you Jeff.
We are suppose to get an ice storm, so please keep watch over Tra and all the Officer's who have to be on the roads. I say aprayer over all of them every day and night. It really hurts me for the families, when I see another Officer has been taken. Just to many of them. People just have no respect for the uniforms those guys wear, but you already know that. But you know Jeff, people just don't care about their fellowman any more. It's as if everyone just thinks of themselves and no one else. So Sad.....I wish sometimes I could be cold and hard, then things wouldn't hurt so bad. But that's not me. Maybe I am beginning to get a little tougher, but I never want to get to where I don't care at all. Well I don't know why I'm telling you all this. All I meant to say was that I love and miss you very much. And Please watch over Tra and Taylor for me, will you? Give my love to Mike and tell him I'll stop by soon. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
January 18, 2007
Hey Jeff,
I was thinking of you and your family as I often do. I know how difficult the holiday season was for them as it was for me and my family.
It was so rainy on Christmas Day! I hope you liked the yellow rose. I love to leave red roses for you and my dad and Joe but the red ones at Ingles were just not pretty enough to leave for you guys. I'm sorry I did not write on Christmas but I just had a difficult time at the cemetery that day. God has kept me incredibly strong but Christmas was one of those weak moments of missing and remembering those of you whom God has called home.
Well a new year has come and I know you will as always continue to be with those who loved you dearly and with those of us who had the honor to work with you.
January 13, 2007
Sergeant Hewitt....We know why you responded that day with dedication. All of our Armed Forces Service Veterans(Department of Defense Police Officers) and active duty Master At Arms (military police)honor you. What a great Marine, Police Officer, Husband, Father, Family Member, Co-worker and PERSON you must have been. From these 26 pages, there is no doubt that "Jesus Wept" when he called for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with your Family, Friends and Law Enforcement Family. Thank you for your service.
Police Officer
Naval Weapons Station, Charleston, SC
January 13, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
I guess you thought I had forgotten you, but you know I never will. I still look at yours and Mikes picture every day and night. They still sit on the TV, so you know all the times my eyes are on your pictures instead of whats on the TV. After all this time, although it still seems like yesterday and still we hear your voice,your laughter and see you in our memories. I still ask why, Jeff. It's only a few days into the new year, and already, five new Hero's have joined you and Mike. The first Officer to be taken this year was from TN.,and only 26 years old. My heart hurts for each of those families. I know all to well what they are going through and the days, months and years to folow. You and Mike help keep watch over these new Hero's families, okay? They are going to need our prayers, as we needed prayers when you had to leave us. Jeff, You will always be missed and loved by those you left behind. So don't think for one second you will ever be forgotten. You took part of us with you Jeff, and left a void in our lives that will never be filled. So give my love to Mike and all the ones who walked before you.
Continue to keep watch over the rest of us, especially Tracie and Taylor for me, will you? Know that I love you and miss you so very,very much.
Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore
January 12, 2007
Hi Jeff,
Just wanted to let you know that I was driving on Interstate 55 and day dreaming, thinking about Mike and just before my exit to get off for home I came up on a pickup truck with a camper and low and behold, on the back window of the camper was a Big Orange "T". Immediately I smiled and thought of you. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line and say hi to Mike for me.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 5, 2007
Dearest Jeff, Another year is slipping by, 2007 is almost here. You are in my thoughts every day. I miss you Jeff so very much. Time has not healed the void you left in our lives. Thank you for being such a wonderful son-in-law. I was blessed when you came into Tracie and Taylor's life. I never worried about them then. You were there when things were so tough for Tracie, and somehow you brought peace,where I thought there never would be. Thank You, Jeff. You will forever be in my heart and memories. You were a Hero in my world, for bringing happiness to my daughter, before you became a Hero for laying down your life for us. Jeff, I simply cannot put into words what your being apart of our lives meant. So I guess all You Hero's are celebrating the New Year, with shared stories of your loved ones and when you caught the bad guys. Jeff,you,Mike and all the other Hero's, please continue to keep watch over the ones you left behind. The Officers still patroling our streets and your families and friends that will never forget you, and will always love you. Happy New Year, Sweetie. See you soon. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
December 31, 2006
Well Jeff this year has come and gone and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and what a friend you were. The past few years of turkey hunting I always think about the fact we never got to go that spring and I say a prayer for your family while sitting alone in the woods. We are thinking of you and will never forget you my friend.
Phillip Wolfe
December 30, 2006
Dear Jeff, Merry Christmas Sweetie. We were at Darren's last night for Christmas. You sure were missed, but ever present with us. Tracie loved the UT sweater and the angel standing over the policeman and little boy, you helped me find. And I wrote on the note, exactly what you told my heart to say. Taylor loved the angel to. Jeff, you know you are always going to be part of our lives. We were so proud of you and so thankful for the short time God allowed you to be with us. You will forever and always remain our Hero in more ways than laying down your life for us. I dont't know how Tra would make it without Taylor, and of course Jon. He was also a God Send,many years ago. I will forever be thankful to him,for always being there for Tracie. Jeff, I just wanted you to know you are in my heart today. The Holiday's will never be the same without you. Keep watching over us all, will you? You and Mike and all the other Hero's try and watch out for all the other Officer's out there, trying to protect our streets,comunities and our beloved country. Way to many of you have given your lives, that we might still have our freedom. Thanks Jeff, thanks so much to each and everyone of you. My prayers are with every family who had to lose a loved one. And if my heart hurts so much, I can only imagine the hurt of the wives,mothers,dads,sisters,brothers. I would give my life to give each of you Hero's back to your families. I truly would. So all of you have a great day celebrating the Birthday of our Lord and Saviour. I love and miss you Jeff, I always will. Carolyn Moore, mother-in law
Carolyn Moore
December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Jeff. We'll never stop missing you.
Baker Squad
December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Jeff to you and all your loved ones. I will have the candle burning for you and Mike tonight and tomorrow. Neither of you will ever be forgotten
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Jeff we will never forget.
Lt.Chuck Long
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
December 22, 2006
As yet another Christmas is upon us without you, the blue lights are once again in our windows and on our trees. Your Christmas tree in front of the office is all in blue, as is your tree in the back parking lot this year. You are still missed and loved by all of us.
Merry Christmas Jeff.
December 21, 2006
Good Morning Jeff,
Well, christmas is a mere 4 days away!!! However, I'm not as excited anymore without you here too... It is amaxing how time flies, I would say "when you are having fun", but that is hardly the case. The reality is quite the contrary. You always made holidays brighter didn't you?? :) And yet, I never expected that they would seem so dull and average without your smile and luaghter to brighten them. And with the holidays so much closer, you are on my mind even more......
I love you,
Taylor Youngblood
December 21, 2006
Hey Jeff,Thought I'd stop by and let you know that I'm thinking of you. But I do everyday. There isn't a day goes by that I don't miss you and wish you were here. I know you are in spirit, we feel your presence forever around us. It's just that, if we could just hug you one more time. Jeff, did you see the tree, Tracie brought to me? It's so pretty with the angels on it. I was so down and feeling so depressed after finding out my decorations had gotten lost. I was going to divide them between Tra and Amy. Some were made when Tra and Darren were small. We would paint them, and they had their initials and dates on the back of them. Like you Sweetie, something that can never be replaced. Thanks Jeff, for the happiness you brought into Tracie and Taylor's life. Well all of our lives. Just isn't the same without you. Everyday of the year,we miss you, but especially the Holiday's. There will never be a time Jeff,that you aren't in our hearts. That's why I know you will always be with us. Keep watching over Tracie and Taylor for me along with all the other's,you meant so much to. You and Mike enjoy Christmas around God's throne celebrating our Lords birthday and tell all the other Hero's we send our love. Jeff, we will see you soon, and I know your watching over us until we can all be together again. Watch over the Gordon's to. Bob and Carol do so much in keeping the memory of Michael and all Officer's, or the children of other parents alive. No wonder Mike was such a great Officer and like you a fine man. Jeff there is so much going on in this world today, seems like people just don't respect their fellowman anymore. It's so sad. Well, I'll talk to you soon. Know that I love and miss you always. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
December 19, 2006
Hey Baby, Christmas is almost here and I'm no where near ready. Seems it always creeps up on me. Your tree decorated in blue lights stands outside. Holidays just aren't the same anymore. Seems the meaning of "family" is gone. We visit with family...but it just isn't the same. I've been sitting here looking at pictures of us. Each one brings back a memory of a particular moment that is held frozen in time. I can specifially remember the events that each one commemorates. I see your smile and it's like I can actually hear your laughter. I find myself laughing and then it seems in the same moment I'm crying until it takes my breath. I've tried so hard to be strong and be the woman that you loved, but I just can't seem to find my purpose here without you. There's an emptiness inside me that will never be filled. I'm so lost without you.
Jeff, I'm so proud of who you were. We had our share of "hard times", but no one could have had a better husband, son, brother, stepfather or friend. You were an amazing man...I guess I've idolized you to some extent. It's a shame people wait until someone has pass to remember the wonderful things they did. I'm guilty of that as well, but know there isn't a day that I don't remember you were the most wonderful husband I could ever ask for and everyone would say...."A damn good officer"!! No one was a more dedicated officer! I don't know if I have ever thanked you. That night when you were taken from us, you went there not only to do your job, but to protect Ann Cassada. You were there to try to offer help to Eddie Cassada. You were not only protecting the community, but you were protecting your friends and family. I don't know if people realize that every officer is not only out there making a paycheck, but they are trying to make our community a better place. I appreciate that they go out there everyday and risk their lives to protect "me". Please watch over each one of them... I pray that God holds their wives each time they return to duty and gives them peace of mind until their officer returns home.
Honey, I love you with everything within me! You are missed every day!!!
See you in a minute 1-4-3
I love you!
Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife
December 11, 2006
Hey Baby, Christmas is almost here and I'm no where near ready. Seems it always creeps up on me. Your tree decorated in blue lights stands outside. Holidays just aren't the same anymore. Seems the meaning of "family" is gone. We visit with family...but it just isn't the same. I've been sitting here looking at pictures of us. Each one brings back a memory of a particular moment that is held frozen in time. I can specifially remember the events that each one commemorates. I see your smile and it's like I can actually hear your laughter. I find myself laughing and then it seems in the same moment I'm crying until it takes my breath. I've tried so hard to be strong and be the woman that you loved, but I just can't seem to find my purpose here without you. There's an emptiness inside me that will never be filled. I'm so lost without you.
Jeff, I'm so proud of who you were. We had our share of "hard times", but no one could have had a better husband, son, brother, stepfather or friend. You were an amazing man...I guess I've idolized you to some extent. It's a shame people wait until someone has pass to remember the wonderful things they did. I'm guilty of that as well, but know there isn't a day that I don't remember you were the most wonderful husband I could ever ask for and everyone would say...."A damn good officer"!! No one was a more dedicated officer! I don't know if I have ever thanked you. That night when you were taken from us, you went there not only to do your job, but to protect Ann Cassada. You were there to try to offer help to Eddie Cassada. You were not only protecting the community, but you were protecting your friends and family. I don't know if people realize that every officer is not only out there making a paycheck, but they are trying to make our community a better place. I appreciate that they go out there everyday and risk their lives to protect "me". Please watch over each one of them... I pray that God holds their wives each time they return to duty and gives them peace of mind until their officer returns home.
Honey, I love you with everything within me! You are missed every day!!!
See you in a minute 1-4-3
I love you!
Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife
December 11, 2006