Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Hey Honey!
Had you on my mind so much tonight. I didn't get to attend Police Week this year. I had planned to go, but it's a good thing I didn't. I ended up with Strep Throat so, I've been in bed for a few days. I remember when you were here, how you would spoil me and baby me when I was sick. There was a candlelight vigil downtown for the past years fallen officers, I didn't get to attend that either. Didn't think it would be a good idea to be out in the weather. I know I don't have to be there to be close to you, but I hate I missed it.

Honey, the last few months have been a real trial for me. I know you already know what I mean. I also know that you have been right there with your arms around me, whispering into my ear ...helping me remember what is important. I'm trying so hard to do what you would want me to do. I know that you are here to protect me. I know that the cruel words that others speak can only hurt if I let it. It's not so much what they say, but rather the source that it comes from. Guess we really don't know what people are capable of. Funny how people forget about the good stuff.

Baby, I miss you so much! Thank you for always letting me know that you are by my side. You're little signs don't go unnoticed. Jeff, I know you love me. You can rest easy .....Baby, I know.

Tina came by today and brought a beautiful statuary for the flower bed. I love it...and it reads that you are always in my heart.

Honey, I love you so much! I can't wait to see you in my dreams.

See you in a minute 1-4-3

I love you

Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

May 17, 2006


Wrap your wings around your Mom and Tracie today for it is a special day for them, Mother's Day. It is a very hard day to get through as they will be thinking of you all day, but then again, that is every day. Keep watch over all your loved ones and all the officers still out on patrol. You have not been forgotten Jeff, nor will you ever be. Say hi to Mike for me and tell him I will have the candle lit for the both of you today. Also, tomorrow is National Police Officer Memorial Day, a special day for you, Mike and all your fallen brothers and sisters. St. Michael will probably have a big shift party for all of you and give you the day off.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

May 14, 2006

Good morning son,
Today is mothers day and I miss you so very much. I miss your wonderful smile; the sound of your voice on the phone and the warm feeling of knowing that you were always close by even if we couldn't be together on this very special day. I remember the day you were born and the joy and the love I felt the first time I held you so close to my heart. Honey, you are my son, my moon and every star in the sky. I feel so strongly that you are with me today. Keep watch over the loved ones and families gathered in DC to honor you and your brothers and sisters lost in the line of duty in 2005. We feel their pain and understand their grief. We will keep them close in prayer as they try to deal with the sensless violence that took their loved ones from them. Even though we couldn't travel to DC this year we did send a beautiful Memorial to be placed near your name. Once again members of the dept. traveled to honor you, to carry your banner, to stand guard and to place our tribute at the "Wall of Fallen Officers". We will be attending a Memorial Service in Asheville on the 17th of this month. You will be remembered at that service and we'll be at the Veterans Cemetary for the Memorial Day services. We honor you each day in our own way. Watch over the family and be with us as we work thru each and every day without you. Please watch over Levi, Logan and little Chloe. They easpecially need your love and protection.
Dad and Susan send their love. We look for signs from you in everything we do. You are loved and missed so very much and we know we'll be together again some day. Give Jo and Mike our love. I know they are watching over their mothers today.
LOve, Mom


May 14, 2006

As always you are on our minds and in our hearts. Please keep our officers and their families that are traveling with them to DC today and tomorrow safe. As so many of us made the trip last year to honor you, the same is being done this year.
We love and miss you,
Your BCSD family


May 12, 2006

Sgt. Hewitt,

I was only a Police Explorer when I had heard about you.
I was honored to represent my Explorer Post at your funeral. You had a lasting impression on me, and helped me make my decision to enter law enforcement. I worked for APD for almost a year, and now I want to join the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office as a reserve. You gave the ultimate sacrifice, and one day we'll both be walking the Golden Beat in Heaven's streets. God bless your wife Tracie and your parents as well.

Officer Jonathan Diehl (Resigned)
Asheville Police Dept.

May 9, 2006

Hi Jeff! I've been thinking of you and Little Joe a lot today. Thank you for your sacrifice to the community! Tell Little Joe hello too...We miss you!

K. Houston

May 5, 2006

Honey, you are on my mind and in my heart!


See you in a minute 1-4-3

Tracie Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

April 25, 2006

Hello Jeff, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter!


April 16, 2006

Dearest Jeff,
Last night was such a beautiful night. The moon was full, the sky was full of stars and there was a warm, gentle breeze. It brought back so many memories of you and we knew you were with us. Susan and I were returning from N.C. We had the twins at our house all day and had taken them home. How we wish you could see them. They were two in January and they remind us so much of you at that age, full of energy and smiles that can win anyones heart. They had your dad, Susan and I going around in circles, both of them going in different directions at the same time! We have a wonderful, life like picture of you mounted on the wall between the flags we received when we lost you and over the beautiful shadow box we made(with the help of the Sheriff's dept.) for the memorial in DC last year. Levi looked up and asked "who"? I told him about his uncle Jeff. He would look up and say "Jeff". It broke my heart. Soon we plan to take them to "your" park to play. We went to the Memorial run sponsered by the Skyland Fire Dept. Some of them had been fighting a fire on the mountain most of the night but they were there to honor you. Members of the Sheriff's Dept. were there also and it was so special. I looked at one of the Fire Engines and there on the side of the engine was E-2---. Each engine there had E-2 as the first two characters of the engine #. Tomorrow is Easter and we know you'll be with us. There will always be a place for you at the table just as there will always be so much love in our hearts for you. Watch over us honey, protect us and guide us always.
Love always,
Mom, Dad, Susan and Family

April 15, 2006

Happy Easter Jeff,
You and your family are in our thoughts today. Keep watch over them.
Bob Gordon, father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

April 15, 2006

Thoughts of you are heavy on my mind today. Somedays I go over and over in my mind the steps of that day. Replaying the image of what happened ..or how I was told anyway. I can't imagine what was going through your mind when you crossed that fence. The main thing is knowing you just went there to help. I know that if Eddie Cassada had just given you a chance you would have talked to him and calmed him. Everything would have worked out fine and he would probably have gotten the help that he needed. I guess I'll never understand. I also wonder what you would say if you were here. I play that scene over and over in my mind too. What if you could come back...what would you say about the course of events over the past two years. Would you walk through the door with your big smile and say "Hey, Beautiful". I know you would want me to move on, but I guess the "what if's " still hold me back. You are still such a part of me. I don't feel like myself without you. Give me strength... Lord, give me strength!

See you in a minute 1-4-3

We had the Memorial Run yesterday. Skyland Fire Dept did such a good job organizing the event. Buncombe County was there to help out as well. We had a great time. God bless our everyday Heroes!

Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

April 9, 2006

Hey Sweetheart! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to leave a reflection on the anniversay of your EOW. I was so busy preparing for your memorial, then I had to get Taylor ready for his trip to Washington. Tony and I met at the school this morning to see him off. I'm so happy that he had the opportunity to go, but I miss him so much! Please watch over him for me. He's everything I have in the world. The memorial service was beautiful. So many singers offered their time free of charge to offer honor to you. Dick Hyatt Fotos donated a beautiful portrait of you in uniform. It really set the stage. It was like looking right into your eyes. I felt as though I could reach out and touch you. There were representatives from the NC Highway Patrol, Skyland Fire Dept, Asheville Police Dept, and your own family (Buncombe County). I am so touched by their presence. I tried to thank each one personally, I hope I didn't miss anyone. They will never know what it meant to me that they were there with us. I recognized the officer's that were there at the scene and the Departments who have made effort to preserve your name. I ordered plaques for them, you might know...they didn't get here. But they did arrive I will distribute them right away. I was sorry that your Mom, Dad and Susan couldn't attend...but I understand that they had a prior engagement. The main thing is that we were all spending time doing what made each of us feel close to you, honoring the sacrifice that you made for all of us. After the memorial at Trinity, we went to the vigil at the Sheriff's Dept. Everyone was so sweet! The memorial Badge with your name that was unvailed is just awesome. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so grateful to the Sheriff for placing it there. I am grateful for any measure, by any person, of remembrance of you. I understand that the Asheville Police Department had a tribute to you on the radio as well. Chief Hogan, his staff, and the officers have been so incredible. They have done so much for me and have offer so much honor for you. That amazes were from another dept., but still their brother and a part of the Thin Blue Line. I hope they know how much that means to us.

Baby, the 2nd anniversary wasn't any easier than the first...I don't know if it ever will be, but I have your strength to get me through. No matter where the road leads me, Jeff....I will never stop loving you and honoring you. There isn't anything or anyone who will ever change that. I know that happiness awaits me and you are helping God set out the perfect plan for my life. Like your Mom said, we need your help as we learn to live without you.
Mom said she sends her love!

I love you!
See you in my dreams 1-4-3


Tracie Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

April 6, 2006

Dearest Jeff,
Two years ago yesterday we lost you and our lives changed forever.We spent the day remembering and honoring you in so many ways. The dept. was wonderful to us, staying with us thru out the day, going with us to the cemetary where we spent time with you and Joe and to the park that will now be a memorial to you.
-River Bend Park, A Memorial to Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt- will be the official name of the park. Honey, you are still being honored in so many ways and it makes us so proud to know that you will always live on in the hearts of so many wonderful people. May God bless them and protect them as they continue to tell your stories,remember your smile, your humor and your dedication to those you protected as you strived to be the very best that you could be.
A beautiful gold star was unveiled during the memorial at the dept. It is mounted over the front entrance of the dept.; is a replica of the Sheriff's badge and bears your name honey. Carol read the last call and did a wonderful job. The car radios were silent thru out the county as a moment of silence was observed, just before the tones sounded. My heart went out to each and every deputy on duty as well as those gathered around us. We know their thoughts as well as ours were on that night two years ago when the call came in that we had lost you. The agony was once again so fresh in our minds and the pain so deep in our hearts.
As we begin yet another year without you honey we'll hold you in our hearts and when we think of you we'll try to smile instead of cry because we know that's what you would want us to do. Be with us and have patience as we try to find our way without you.
We love you honey.
Mom and Dad

April 5, 2006

Dear Brother, it has been some time since I've written, yet everyday I have spoken to you in my heart. Last night was very personal and emotional, as your department(your friends), your family and others honored you and your life. Tears fell, stories were shared, smiles and hugs were frequent and laughter was heard as we exchanged some of our favorite memories of you. So hard to believe, even still, that we must do this without you being there. However, your presence is so often felt. Your laughter is heard in response to a funny story , or a comical mishap, your name spoken so often and every day things remind us of you. Our loss is as great today as it was when you lost you. Our love just as strong and our pain just as deep. Time doesn't seem to heal all, as our hearts will always need repair. Yet, how fortunate to have these wonderful memories and to have had you in our lives. I would never trade one day of the pain I feel without you, for everyday of being your sister and your friend. I miss you my "big" brother, you will forever be my hero. Thank you for the people who have entered my life because of you. Thank you for the pride I continue to have, as others continue to keep each memory of you alive. I love you, miss you and will always need you. Susan


April 5, 2006

Jeff---It has been two years since you left this world, and moved on to the heavens above. We miss you greatly, and honor the sacrifice you made in serving our community. Tracie, Taylor, Jeff's parents and remaining family and friends---you are in our prayers continually. Jeff was a special person to work with and to hang out with---we had such a great time in Talladega one year. Tracie----we have a deep admiration and respect for the way you have kept Jeff's memory alive. You are an admirable, strong woman.

The Houston Family

April 4, 2006



April 4, 2006

On this the second anniversary of your eow, I wanted you to know that your memory is honored and revered today and everyday. It is funny how when you read these pages, there are certain attachments one develops...certain families that you so identify with that you feel like you have known them forever.

You and your family is like that for me. I don't know if it is the same North Carolina background, the way you died, the Marine connection...all I know is that you are one of the angels I think about a lot because you and Larry share so much in common.

Rest in Peace, Jeff. I salute your sacrifice that you courageously made so that others could be safeguarded.

I hope that God is holding each of your loved ones in the sweetest part of his heart today.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05

April 4, 2006

Two years ago toinght(2211) our lives at BCSD changed forever. My thoughts and prayers will of course be with Tracie and your Mom & Dad.
Continue to watch over us and keep us safe.
We miss you Jeff


April 4, 2006


Your service to your fellow man is evident by your service to your country and community. Thank you is not enough, but Thank You.

I how you are patrolling the streets of Heaven, so we can meet at our great roll call with Him. But if you are gaurding the gates of Heaven like all great Marines, I will salute you and smile.

God Speed Brother.....

Semper Fi !!!!

April 4, 2006


On my way from Florida I stopped in Ashville to visit with Tracie, Taylor and your mother in law Carolyn, what a gracious lady. We stopped at the Buncombe Sheriff's Office where you worked and they greated me with open arms. We felt so welcome. It really showed us the meaning of southern hospitality. I'm sorry we couldn't be down there for April 4th as we really wanted to be there to honor you but we had to get home with the birth of a new grandson while we were on the road. In talking with Carolyn and watching a video she showed us, there are so many likes in your career and life and our son Michael's. I know they had to pair you both up as partners and you are really keeping those streets up there safe for everyone, maybe they call you two Batman and Robin as thats who you both were like. Take care, keep watching down on your family and those still out on patrol in Cuncombe Co., they all love and miss you and they will never let your memory fade as you are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

April 1, 2006

Hey Sweetheart!
The two year mark is upon us. I can't believe it! I have been working with Rick Cummings to get everything ready for the Memorial Service at Trinity. It's going to be just like we did last year. We had enjoyed it so much last year, we had decided to make it an annual event. It's amazing how all of the groups were so willing to jump right in and offer their time for free. They were excited to come again this year and be a part of honoring you. Robin is coming as a special treat for your mom and dad. I know how much they loved her version of "Go rest high on the Mountain".

I went with your Mom, Dad and Susan yesterday to AB Tech. We are establishing the "Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt Memorial Scholarship". The scholarship will be available in the Fall. I thought that would be the top honor for you. I had met with Van Duncan and Scott Bissinger last year at AB Tech, but it seems that I never could get it together and get things rolling. I don't know what has been wrong with me. Like I said before, I feel like I have been living in some kind of black hole or something. The house has been a wreck, I've been a wreck...but things are getting better, much better! I'm feeling "alive" again. Starting to feel a little bit of motivation. It's like I feel you nudging me to pull myself together.

I'm really trying to get past the "anger" I have felt. I hate to admit that, but yes "anger" has been my strongest emotion since you left. You know I don't like to cry in front of people if I can fight it, it was easier to just be mad.

It's been a long road, Jeff! I never imagined it would have been this way. Sometimes along the way, I have let my emotions get the best of me. I've said some things that were very hurtful to people. I've made an attempt to make it right, guess that's all I can do. All I can do is start over new today! I can't change yesterday.

There are several great things happening in your honor. There was recently a park named after you, the scholarship fund, and the Memorial the Sheriff is having made. It is so wonderful. I get so excited when I hear of something new being done in your honor. You deserve every bit of it! The wonderful thing is....years from now people will still know Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt. They will see your name as their children play at a park, they will see your name on hallowed walls, and they will always hear your name in the voices of those who loved you.

Honey, I love you! Be with all of us as we prepare for your memorial. Know that each and every one is doing their part to remember you!

You have all of my love and all of my honor!

See you in a minute 1-4-3

Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

April 1, 2006

Hey Jeff,
Just wanted to drop you a line wishing you a happy belated birthday and to thank you for all you sacrificed for your community. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your family. I saw were Tracie was planning an anniversary event and I think she is amazing for all that she has survived and does to keep your memory alive. I am glad you found her and had I am glad you two made each other so happy. You deserved happiness. Jeff, be with her as the two year mark approaches and help her to continue to be strong. She is great and she is doing an awesome job at making sure you are not forgotten.

Never Forgotten!



March 26, 2006

Dear Jeff:

Hey buddie. It's been almost 2 years since that night that we had to say goodbye for the last time. I hate that Buncombe County doesn't have you on the force anymore.

By the way Happy Birthday Jeff

Semper Fi

Jason Scott,SGT

March 23, 2006

Well, let me try this again....I was just trying to leave you a reflection, but it was deleted somehow. I don't know if it you just might get to hear all of this again.

Happy Birthday, Baby! I guess you have spent your day with loved ones who have gone before. I suppose you have been showing Joseph Ray around the place. I'm sorry I missed your parents at the cemetery yesterday. I went over yesterday morning to leave a few things for your birthday. I wish I could have stayed with you longer. I've been in bed with the flu for a few days, but I couldn't let your birthday go by without visiting with you. I guess we would be eating ice cream cake if you were here now. While at the cemetery, I look out over the hill at the beautiful mountains...The view was so gorgeous, but I know it doesn't even compare to the beauty you must see. I hope you are having a wonderful celebration.

Thank you, baby! Thank you for watching over Taylor, Teddi and I. I took Teddi to the vet last week. He had a mass that came up on his neck. He had to see a different vet...Dr. Pierson was out. Anyway, he did two aspirations and seemed to be pretty concerned about it. Well, the results came back and it is benign. Nothing to worry about! I know he is 14 years old, but I'm just not ready to let him go. I know he misses you so much! I also know that you are waiting for him where you can play ball with him all day and he will never get tired. I can't see age sweeping over him. He sleeps all of the time and he seems to have developed your "selective hearing" ha ha just kidding. I know he can't stay around too much longer, but I'm just not ready to let him go.

Well, Sweetie! I'm going back to bed for a while...this flu is really getting the best of me. Please continue to watch over all of us. Put your arms around your Mom and Dad today as I know they are missing you so much. Know that I am thinking of you. I miss you more every day! I can't wait to see you in my dreams.

I love you!

See you in a minute 1-4-3

Tracie Hewitt
Jeff's Wife

March 21, 2006



March 20, 2006

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