Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family, as we remember all of our fallen heroes.
I wish there never had to be a memorial in Washington, but I am hoping that I will be able to go see it and pay my respects there. I know how tough May 15th is for all those who love you dearly and miss you so much.
For Mother's Day, my 8 year old daughter gave me a big statue of a little boy in a police uniform. I hope you won't mind that I named it Jeffrey. (I name all my big statues and animal decorations!)
Continue to watch out over all of us.


May 19, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you tomorrow as we celebrate the lives of our fallen officer's. My heart is with those who are in Washington this week. I so wanted to be there with Tracie, Taylor, your parents and Mike's parents when they were there for you. An Honor for all the Fallen Hero's, but such a hard time for the families. None of us ever wanted to see your name on a wall of remembrance.
Carol Gordon is going to Titusville, Fl. this week, and will be taking a hat from the Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept., a patch and your picture to put by your name at the Policeman's Hall of Fame. I appreciate so much her doing that for us..
It's so hard to realize you have been gone for three years. Sunday, on Mother's Day we were over at Pat's as always, and Tracie said "me and Jeff would have been married six years yesterday". A day I will never forget. Everyone was so happy for you both and I was so glad to have you as part of my family. My other Son..I was and always will be proud of you Jeff. And you hold a place in my heart that belongs only to you.
I hope Tracie finds the same happiness she had with you someday, and I know that's what you would want for her to. Taylor did great in school this year and can you beleive he will be a Freshman next year? You would be proud of him.
Well, I'll stop by soon, please keep watch over all of those you left behind and your Brother's and Sister's in Blue. Also those who are traveling to and from Washington. Keep watch over all those families and also Mike's Mom...
Always know how very much you are missed and loved, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 14, 2007

Tomorrow, May 15th, is National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. I salute your courage and you being one of the heroes remembered on this day. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 14, 2007

Dearest Jeff,
Well here it is the month of May, the month set aside to honor our Fallen Hero's. How I wish you had not been one of them..But God in all His wisdom knew before you were born how you would be taken from us. I only wish those left behind could be prepared in someway for the hurt and heartache that follows. It is something that stays with you forever. And I know all of you Hero's, who stood for peace, took the oath to protect others would want those of us left behind to never forget what the uniform you wore stood for...Peace..Peace that you brought to us in so many ways. How I continue to Thank you for that and forever will. I know if you could still talk to us that is what you would still be doing..That was your's and all of the other Fallen Hero's desire and dedication to us, to bring peace wherever possible.
Jeff, all of us will be remembering you, Mike and all of the Fallen Officer's who were taken from us. I wish there never had to be another Officer lay down their life for us..I hurt for the families who have lost someone in the line of duty, but never comprehended what they went through until you were taken from us..
And how sad that it is through losing a loved one in uniform, that we even knew of this site..How grateful I am for it because it's as if we can come here and talk to you. So know you are still my forever Hero, and I think of you every day, miss you every day and always will.
Continue to keep watch over those you left behind and especially your brothers and sisters in Blue. Love, Carolyn mother-in-law

Carolyn Moore

May 2, 2007


I have left reflection for you and have read many inspiring reflections from Tracie. I was in Greenville SC a few weeks ago and talked with Scott Hawkins who is now working for your department and of course had to ask him how Tracie and Taylor are doing. I should have known just to get on this sight and read Tracie's reflections. Tracie don't worry yourself about people's comments, your reflections inspire me every time that I read them and for a crusty old fart like me they even bring a tear to my eye. Keep writing them because Jeff is and always be a hero and I know he is in Heaven and yes you will see him again someday. Jeff God Bless, and thanks for watching over us and for being a hero and a brother officer.

Detective Darron Sparks
Anderson Police Department, IN

May 2, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Haven't been by lately to say hello and tell you how much I miss you and love you..Hope you know that you are in my thoughts everyday..We finally got summer back, but you know that already..It really stayed cold here for a few days. I guess all of your butterfly's flew away in the strong winds we had..and so many people without power...Mine was out for one night, but Tracie's longer, so she and Taylor came over here to take showers. Tracie went to work and Taylor was out of school due to trees fallen every where..Taylor is so sweet still, but beginning to come out of his shyness now..Jeff,every time I see him, he has grown another inch..You would be so proud of him..He has gone to the Carolina Coast with His classmates, there were three bus loads going, so keep watch over them for me..And Tra has gone to Myrtle Beach with her friend,,so watch over all for me, okay?
Jeff, the time goes by so quickly, yet stands still. Everything still seems like a dream to me, and it's so hard to face reality sometime..But we have to. My heart still breaks for all of the families who have lost a loved one who was trying to protect our streets. All of you will forever be remembered in our hearts..There you are still alive and still with us, forever. Jeff, you and Mike look out for all the students from VA. Tech, who's lives were taken so sudden and so unnessary , they too, are Hero's that will not be forgotten..
Jeff, continue to watch over those you left behind, and your brother's and sister's in Blue....Love and Miss you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

April 21, 2007

Dear Jeff,
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you..keep watch over all of us, and your brothers and sisters in blue..just to many of you Hero's have been called home...never dreamed you would be one of them...and never realized what an impact it leaves on those left are missed and always will be...and loved very much....Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

April 11, 2007

Happy Easter to you and all your loved ones.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

April 7, 2007

To Jeff and his loved ones

On this the third anniversary week of your tragic death, please know that you are remembered and honored for the life you led and the ultimate sacrifice you made to safeguard your community.

Your heroism will never be forgotten and your spirit will continue to live on in the many hearts in which you hold a special place.

Semper fi, Jeff, and may you rest in peace.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater of the Pittsburg, CA PD and Captain USMC eow 4/24/05

April 6, 2007

Tonight I'm going out with fellow Officers, just like you and I have done. I was listening to music while getting ready and somehow Amazing Grace w/ Bag Pipes made its way on to my computer. That song brought so many memories and I realized the date.

I miss those good times and wish you were here.

I never had a chance to tell you that you have made me a better Officer in many many ways. But, I still can't get my uniform as square as yours.

Tonight, if I can find one, I'll have a Bush Light and remember.

Larry Hurst
Gwinnett County Police Dept

April 6, 2007

This week was hard for me and the rest of our community. We still think of you daily and remember you for all the honorable achievments you reached in your life. I still look for you when I drive past your house on my way to work and home every day. Wednesday was an especially emotional drive past your home. My heart still goes out to Tracie and Taylor and the rest of your family. Not a day goes by that you don't touch my life in some way, and I can only imagine how they feel. God bless you Jeff, and thanks for watching over us. We need all the angels we can get nowadays.


April 6, 2007

Dearest Jeff,
Wednesday, 04-04-07 was filled with so many emotions and so much love. Your dad, Susan and I spent the day in Asheville, arriving early and spending time with you at the cemetary. Rosemary,Amy, Helen and Carol stayed with us thru out the day. They are so special to us, making sure all of our needs were met and sharing old and new memories of you.
The love those ladies have for you is never ending. The wind was blowing so hard and it was freezing. The candle light service took place in the lobby of the dept. with the lights turned down low.It was beautiful. Outside, around your Memorial new flowers had been lovingly planted. As always the search was on for some Orange ones, your favorite color. The search was sucessful. As the winds continued to blow all of the flowers so lovingly planted just held steadfast, just as everyone who attended the service as well as those who could not be there are holding steadfast in their respect and love for you. Without the love and support of all of the wonderful people who come each year I don't think we could hold it together. Watch over them and keep them safe as they go about their day. Watch over Sheriff Duncan as he leads the dept. He dedicated his day to you, spending time alone with us, sharing so many memories of you and letting us know how special your were to him and his family. Watch over Bobby and keep him safe. We know his heart was breaking and we know he would have been with us if he could have. At the end of the service White long stemed Roses were given to us to be placed at your memorial. Susan and I placed four in the ground,just behind yur stone and when we left they had joined the other flowers, blowing in the wind in your honor. The run is Saturday. Be with the fire dept. as they prepare to honor you once again. I know it's alot to ask but could you use some of your influence with God and ask him to hold up the winds and freezing temps. for just a little while, just until the run is over?
We love you and miss you honey,
Walk beside us always and know that you are in our hearts and on our minds 24/7
Mom, Dad, Susan and Family


April 6, 2007

Dearest Jeff,
I put a reflection on your site when I got home from the memorial service for you, but for some reason it didn't go through, so I'm trying again. We had to have the candle light vigil inside because it was so cold and windy. But it was beautiful. Chaplain Baird and Sheriff Duncan both said such beautiful and true words about you. Your picture was sitting there, and everytime I looked at it was like you were really there, and I know you were in spirit. I missed seeing some of the people that you worked with, but at the same time was glad to meet new people.
Jeff, I was glad to meet Sheriff Duncan and his wife, they were so kind to all of us. I beleive He will be an asset to our county, and will do a great job. But I will also be grateful to Sheriff Medford for the honor that was bestowed upon you the day of your funeral. I know that you thought a lot of both men, and that you and Sheriff Duncan were good friends so keep watch over him and his family, along with all your family and friends and your brothers and sisters in blue.
Jeff, your friends from the Highway Patrol were there, I appreciate so much that they always come to the memorials for you.
You will forever be remembered in our hearts Jeff, and will always be our Hero. It's just hard to beleive that we are going on four years now, since you left us. The time has slipped by so fast, life goes on and I know that is what you would want for all of us to do, to never forget you, hold you and keep you alive in our hearts and memories (and I always will). Thank you again,Jeff for being a part of our lives that will forever be appreciated.
You made a way, where there seemed no way. You truly were a peacemaker in more ways than being an officer in blue.
I know that you were a man of courage and honor, true to your calling of protecting others. Know that you will never be forgotten by anyone who ever knew you.Please continue to keep watch over all of us you left behind. Keep watching over Tracie&Taylor for me , all those that loved you and you had to leave behind, your Brothers and Sisters in Blue. Happy Easter...How awsome it must be to be in Heaven with our Lord and Saviour to celebrate His resurection and to look upon the face of the one who died for all mankind, that we may have eternal life. Give my love to Mike and all the other Hero's, and always know that you took a part of our hearts with you. I love and miss you very much..Mother-in-law; Carolyn Moore

Carolyn Moore

April 6, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
I know you were looking down tonight at the Sheriff's Dept. As we gathered to celebrate your life and honor you for the sacrifice you made. Your life.. Sheriff Duncan, Chaplain Baird and Carol, Mary, Rose Mary and all the others I know made you proud. The candles were all aglow and burning brightly in remembrance of you. I know you saw them, and all of your friends and family were there. Well I know some were working, but at 2211,Sheriff Duncan said so many special things about you. About the wonderful person you were in every area of your life. Some of the new Officer's I met for the first time, and I have to be honest that I missed some of the old gang. But things change, and we all must work together and I know that's how you would feel. I will always appreciate Bobby Medford and wish him well, but I beleive that Sheriff Duncan is going to make Buncombe County proud. I only pray, we never have to go through losing another Officer, ever. Our prayers are with the families who lost there loved ones in Charlotte, as we know the hurt and pain they are going through and will stay with them for years to come.
Jeff, we all still hurt in our own way, and I know that if you were still with us there wouldn't be a feeling of seperation. The hurt is still in the eyes of everyone, each of us dealing with your death as best we can.
I was so glad to see members of the State Highway Patrol there tonight. They haven't missed a memorial service for you, and we really appreciate them.
Jeff, we miss you so very much, and will forever hold you in our heart's and memories as our Hero. You will forever be a part of our lives. But I wish you hadn't been a Hero, then you would still be here with us. But I have to remember that God needed you with Him. So many young lives are taken,trying to protect us. Thank you Jeff,for being the man you were. Your Mom and Dad did a great job raising you, and I hurt so for them. Because the one thing you will always be is there Son.
Well, it's almost 3am, and the start of year four,that you had to leave us. The years go by, but the memory of you will remain with us forever..We will see you again some day,watch for us and watch over us all until we meet again. Know how much you are loved and missed. And we do appreciate every reflection left on this site for you from different states and different people.
Tracie and Taylor miss you, and I pray she finds happiness again. As I know you would want the same for them. Jeff,I'll be bace soon to visit with you. love and miss you, Mother-in-law; Carolyn Moore

Carolyn Moore

April 5, 2007

Well another year has passed since you were taken from us. I want you to know not a day goes by your not thought of and missed beyond words. REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND!!

Sgt. Chad Edwards
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

April 5, 2007

Well Jeffrey it has been three years...and today we held our memorial service to honor your memory (and talk about you lol) We had a lot of new faces join us tonight. I was so glad to see them there. Sheriff Duncan (boy I'll bet you get a kick out of that huh?) did us all proud when he got up to talk about you. When he talked to his officers and the community on channel 1 his voice never wavered. We knew he was hurting but he stood, he honored you with every one of his guiding principles. I don't think I could have done as good....and you know I love to talk. I've never really sat down and thought about the night you were killed until today. I'm still angry Jeff and I'm not sure how to deal with it. You should be here with us. I can't even imagine how your family feels...speaking of family Taylor has grown about a foot in the past year. Maybe he can play on our basketball team next year. Thank you for giving us your family and a bunch of really good memories! We miss ya brother, we'll stand in DC next month in your honor and hold you in our hearts until we see you again.

Lt. Helen Hall
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

April 4, 2007

Today I was teaching Detention School again. Leray Coggins brought up his test for me to grade, and said "You remember what today is, don't you?" I thought for a minute, It's Wednesday. Then I looked down at the class roll - 4/4/2007. I looked up and said "4/4/04". Leray said, "Yea, three years since Jeff's been gone." It just doesn't seem possible that it has been that long. I know Jeff, John, Van, and the other guys at the department miss you and think of you all the time. You changed people Jeff and we didn't know how much until you were gone. I look at your picture here and you look so stern -- not smiling. I remember years ago when I first met you how I thought you were just awful. But then, you would crack a joke or make a funny comment. I'd turn around and that same stern look would be back on your face.
Jeff, you are so missed. In a month when it's my Dad's anniversary, I hope you two do something special. Keep me safe -- I need all the help I can get.

Deputy MA Burgess
Henderson County, NC Sheriff's Department

April 4, 2007

Today is the day that lays heavy on our hearts, a day which we will remember for the rest of our lives, today is the day that we reflect on that tragic night three years ago. I'm here to tell you that on this one day we have special prayer services for you and a memorial service where we gather together in your honor but not one single day goes by for the remainder of the year that you are not thought of. Of course it still brings a tear to our eyes to be reminded of the tragedy that took you from us but it's all of the fond memories that we have of you when you were here on earth with us that puts a smile back on our faces, most times even a laugh to go along with it.
Each day I pray for God to continue to comfort Taylor, Tracie, Pat, Bill, Susan, and the rest of your family and friends. I realize that I don't leave reflections for you as often as maybe I should but sometimes it's hard to put my thoughts for you into words on here. Thank you for being my friend, Jeff.

Psalm 91


April 4, 2007

We just wanted to let you know that we are remembering and honoring you today....the 3 year mark of your EOW. You are missed greatly. To Tracie and Jeff's family, you are still in our prayers.

Houston Family

April 4, 2007

sgt.Hewitt , you are not forgotten... to your family i give much respect and as a sister in blue i thank you for your service . although this marks another year of your absence , i pray that all of those that remember you today with give you honor i salute you sarge...

officer val pickens
b'ham p.d./b'ham,al

April 4, 2007

It seems like yesterday, not 3 years ago that you were taken from us. We survive daily knowing that your presence is all around us. We will honor you tonite with a memorial
service same as we have for the past 2 years. Even tho there are so many new faces at the Sheriff's Office, we are making sure that you and your sacrafice are not forgotten.
As the candles are lit tonite, and a moment of silence is observed on the radio at 2211 hrs, we know that you will be there will all of us, and your family.
We love and miss you.


April 4, 2007

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Sergeant Hewitt lost his life in an effort to save his fellow officers. Rest easy blue angel on your 3rd anniversay in Heaven.
wife of a LEO

April 4, 2007



April 4, 2007

Sergeant Hewitt,
You are still missed everyday. We will be attending the memorial tonight and everyone will be together remembering the night you gave your life so others could survive. Sir you are a HERO and we will NEVER FORGET!
God Bless...


April 4, 2007

Three years ago was your EOW and your "fans" have
kept your memory alive and time has not diminished your sacrifice.
"May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you. May the Lord bless and protect you, may He be gracious to you, show you His favor and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26. God bless all who knew
and loved you.
Lynn Kole
Washington State

April 4, 2007

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