Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Thank you, Jeff. And God be with you, Tracie.

December 30, 2007

"The Badge"

He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.

He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.

Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.

He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.

His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.

He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.

And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.

But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.

Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.

Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.

So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.

In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.

Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.

Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas Jeffrey. I will be thinking of you and entire family during the Holidays. Please continue watching over us, and God Bless.


December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Sweetie,
Well it is here, and I did finish up shopping. We all went to Tracie's and celebrated Christmas together. She has everything so pretty. But I know you were looking down and was smiling over us. And Guess you laughed when Andrew and Tracie was saying who the best football team was. He, like his dad a Gator fan and Tracie like you the Big Tennessee fan. Andrew is nine now and is playing football for his school. And being his grandmother, I think he is to little. But he is doing great and won three trophies this year and his school won the Championship.
We missed you, and of course we all laughed telling the funny stories about and the things you use to do, like putting the TN sticker on Darren's car. Jeff, you will always be a precious memory that lives forever in our hearts. It is still so hard to beleive that you are not here with us any more. Tra got me a digital frame for Christmas and I am so thrilled with it. She had put pictures on it of Taylor when he was little, and over the years of how he has grown into such a handsome young man. There were the picture of you in your Marine uniform, and your picture in your Sheriff's uniform. Then pictures of yours and Tracie's wedding. of you and Teddy. Then a couple of Teddy right before she had to have him put down. Also pictures of you, Tra and Taylor at the Atlanta Braves game. She will never know how much that frame means to me. It is just so neat. I will have her to make pictures of her and Darren for me when they were growing up, then more of the grandchildren. Marcie has grown into such a beautiful young lady. She will be graduating high school this year. So hard to beleive. But time just seems to go by so fast.
Another year of celebrating another Christmas in Heaven. I bet it is so awsome there. And I know your grandmother is just having the time of her life. But we know that someday we will get to be with all of our loved ones who have gone on before. It's just that sometimes we just aren't prepared to lose someone we love so much. It's bad when you are trying to prepare for the death of a loved one, but the unexpected ones, you just don't seem to get over.
I sit here and look at your picture Jeff. To young, to handsome, to needed to be taken so soon. I know you feel our love reaching out to you as we can feel your presence. Especially at the house, like last night, I could feel you watching with that smile on your face.
Well I'll go for now, remember to say Happy Birthday to Jesus for me. Say hello to Mike and all of the other Hero's for me. And always know that you are alive in our hearts. I love you dearly and miss you so much. And I know that Tra, Taylor and the rest of your family does to. Till I see you again. Love, Carolyn PS. Merry Christmas again

Carolyn Moore

December 24, 2007

Jeff, you are very much missed every day. I have a blue light in the window for you. Please keep watch over us that are still in the line of duty.

Former Deputy, Buncombe County

December 10, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Well,here it is the second of December and as usual I haven't even begun to think of buying Christmas gifts. I have thought of it being our fourth year without you. Jeff, it still dosen't seem like you have been away that long. I haven't put up my Christmas lights yet. Carol Gordon sent me another flashing blue light to put in the window and you know that's for you and Mike and all of the other Fallen Hero's, along with those who are still out there trying to protect us.
And although I know there will be more sadness for your family this year since your Grandmother came to be with you, but I pray that they can have peace in knowing that you two are having the time of your lives. Singing around God's throne and celebrating the birth of our Saviour. And the way this world is today, I don't think it will be long until Jesus comes back for all of us. What a day that will be. And I am so looking forward for that day to come. Life here can get so weary sometimes.
Anyway, I'm gonna try and get the decorations up today. I miss my old tree and all of the decorations but Tracie got me a beautiful tree last year that I will always cherish,because it's got blue ribbon and angels on it and the fact that she got it for me. I know how much she and Taylor misses you. You are the one who helped make everything right for them. They are so close to each other and I am so glad for that. You know, God does turn things around but it's in His on time and way. So many things I thank you for Jeff. I hope you always knew that.
You took a big part of our hearts with you when you were taken from us. The memories linger with us every day. There isn't a day that passes that you are not thought of. Our Hero, in more ways than one.
Well I'll go for now, but will stop back by, before Christmas Day. Love and miss you,Jeff. Forever....Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

December 2, 2007

SGT. Hewitt your work on this Earth as we know it, is done. You are in God's Care now brother. May you now rest in peace.

SGT. Daryl Brewer
Clarksville Police Dept. Clarksville, Tennessee

December 1, 2007

Jeff, thinking of you today as I decorated the outside of my house in all blue lights. It's cold up here in Chicago and I kept telling myself that these lights are for all the brave heroes so quit complaining and I finally got them all up. One of those lights will burn in your memory, every night from now until New Years. You are a true hero. Continune to keep watch over all of your loved ones and protect them from harm.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

November 25, 2007

Dearest Jeff,
It's Thanksgiving and as always you are on our minds and in our hearts. Mom is with you now but I don't have to tell you that. The day before she passed she told me she would see you soon and she was so ready for that wonderful reunion. She had fallen and broken her neck in four places and surgery wasn't possible. She was facing months in a brace and her frail little body just couldn't take it. She just wanted to see the streets of gold, be with God, you and all of her sisters, brother , mom and dad who have passed before her. Now her sight is 20/20, her body is healed and she can hear the angels sing every day. Susan and I were by her side when she slipped gently into the arms of the angels. Now I'll look for the two brightest stars as I travel to work each morning and as I return each night. We made the trip to Moorehead City to honor you just a few days before we lost her and her one thought was that she might be able to see the ceremony on TV just like she watched the DC services. She was so very proud of you. Her eye sight was so bad she only saw shadows on most days, she had lost so much weight she weighed less than seventy lbs. and her kidneys had begun to shut down but she still wanted to "see" the memorial service because she loved you so much. God called a very precious Angel home. Another piece of our hearts have been torn away and the hole just gets bigger as we try once again to deal with the lose of a precious loved one. Doves were released at the cemetary in her honor and Amy, RoseMary and Helen came to be with us. "Little Carol" sent her love and we know she was with us in spirit and in love. They came to honor you honey and to give support to our family. All four of them are so special to us and we would be lost without them.
We're trying to be thankful for all our blessings today but it is so very hard to do. Dad, Susan and I will be spending the day together, remembering better days and holding each other close.
I spent Veterans Day(Sunday, Nov. 11th) at the cemetary with you. Mom had just passed on the 2nd of Nov. and I needed to talk to you and be near you. The day was so beautiful and a warm breeze was blowing. I just sat on the ground beside you , praying and talking to you about so many things. I claimed the day for us and everyone understood, letting me go alone. Heart of my heart I love you.

You are missed and loved so very much,
Mom, dad and Susan


November 22, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Wanted to let you know that you will really be in our hearts and memories. The Holiday's are the worst time of the year. There is never a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts. But Thanksgiving and Christmas are so hard. I know this year you will enjoy having your Grandmother with you. But just alway's know that we know that you are right here with us in Spirit. Send a few of those butterfly kisses to all of us. It's as if at times when you can feel that slight touch of air from the wings of a butterfly. You are not forgotten and will live forever with us. You are so missed and so loved. Keep watch over all of us, especially your brother's and sister's in Blue. Have a great day, and our love to Mike and the rest of the Hero's . We love you all, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

November 22, 2007


I just wanted to let you know you have been on my mind. I hope all is going well with you and Taylor. I know there are days that are tough and you feel as if the world is crumpling around you, but you will make it through. Give me a call sometime, and let's catch up. Still the same cell number.


You will always be remembered and honored for your sacrifice!


Dana Shriver (Moody)
Fiance' of Deputy Joseph C. Rodgers eow 4-9-97

November 19, 2007

Happy Veterans Day Jeff, thank you for your service to our Country.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

November 11, 2007


As Tracie said you will always be a member of Edward squad.
Even though that squad doesn't exist anymore under the new administration, you will always be Edward 2. I don't think a lot of people realize how special that squad was. I would have given anything to be on it. It always felt good to be working with them, because I knew we were going to get into something good and take care of buisiness when it needed to be taken care of. And they were always professional no matter what the situation. So I just wanted to pay tribute to all of you, the old Edward squad that is.

Lt. Chuck Long E-1
Sgt. Jeff Hewitt E-2
Sgt. Rocky Owenby E-3
Dep. John Miller E-4
Dep. J.J Bailey E-5
Dep. Courtney Mumm E-6
Cpl. Will Cummings E-7
Dep. Bo Hensley E-8
Cpl. Jim Hickey E-9
Dep. Grover Lewis E-10

You Guys were the best, I learned more from you than I did any other squad. Even though a lot of unit numbers have changed, and people have been promoted and some have moved on to better things, you guys will always be Edward Squad to me. Thanks for all you taught me, All of you showed me how to be a better Deputy, and even though Edward 2 has gone 10-42. I will never forget what he sacrificed for this department and what he did for the 2 Edward Squad members who were with him that awful night. Rest In Peace Sgt. Job well done

annoymous BCSD deputy

November 6, 2007

Dearest Jeff,
I know that Friday was a great day for you. Your Grandmother came home to greet you.What a reunion you must have had, and your getting to show her around Heaven. Like you, no more pain or heartache. But I am so sorry for your Mom,Susan and the rest of the family. I hope they know that they are in my prayers. I didn't know until today when I happen to see the writeup in the paper. I am sure every one was to upset to call or you know that I would have been there for them. But Jeff, I promise to be lifting them up in prayer. Like I told you before, I enjoyed the day I got to spend with your Grandmother after you and Tra were married. She and I talked a long time. She was a very special lady and your Grandfather just as fine of a man. I know his heart is broken to loose the love of his life, his companion and friend. But God gave them a fine family and wonderful grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jeff, I tried to find Garrett's Funeral Home to leave your family my condolences but couldn't find it. But I know they come here to talk to you often, so they will know how very sorry I am for the hurt they are going through, but the Bible say's that we are to rejoice at a death and cry at a birth. Although that's a hard one to do, as we still greive in our heart's for you. So give your Grandmother a hug for me, until I can get there and hug you both. You are loved and missed so very much, just as your Grandmother will be. So know that you both will remain alive in our memories. I love you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

November 5, 2007

Still thinking of you. Thank you for your sacrifice and for continuing to watch over us all. We miss you.


October 30, 2007

Dear Jeff,
Just wanted to apologize to the people of Morehead city. I had New Bern on my mind as my sister Pat and her husband were stationed there when he was in the Marines. They lived in Havelock but went to church in New Bern. Also one of my best friends who died in 1990 was from New Bern. So to those who read this, from Morehead, please forgive me. Love and Prayers, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

October 29, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Been a while since I've stopped by, but that didn't mean that I wasn't thinking of you. You are on my mind every day. I was so thankful to be able to go to New Bern with Tracie, Taylor and my sister Pat to the memeorial the Blue Knights and the Carteret County FOP, Lodge 77 had for the Fallen Hero's that had taken their Law Enforcement Training there.
I could never express to each of them our appreciation for their thoughtfulness and kindness. I know when you were there you must have met a lot of wonderful people. The memorial alone was beautiful, and afterwards the food they served was great.
As I think of your name being engraved on a wall in Washington,D.C., on a stone outside of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept., at the Policemans Hall of Fame in Titusville,Fl. now on one in New Bern. So deserving for our Hero's, but forever your name will be branded in our hearts. Along with that smile of yours and your voice. The years and weather may fade your name on a wall, but never in our heart and memories.
Jeff the rain was terrible driving down to New Bern and when we woke up on Saturday morning it was still pouring. As I looked out the window of the motel, I said a little prayer that it would stop long enough for the memorial, as I'm sure that everyone there did the same. And just before the memorial started, the rain stopped. So would you thank God for me. And I feel sure that you,Mike and all of the other Hero's had a hand in our beautiful weather. But as soon as the memorial was over the rain came back. Not for long though. The weather was beautiful driving back home.
Jeff, I know that you are so proud of Tracie and Taylor. She knows that God Himself sent you into her life. On our way back home she was talking about when you two met. You both had told Tina you weren't looking for a lasting relationship, but when you met each other that day in Dillard's that was it for both of you. You were together,until you were taken from her. We all know that she will never find another YOU. And Taylor knows that he will never have another step-dad like you. I do hope that when the time is right, that you and God will send someone into her life that will take care of both of them as you did. I will love him, but there will always be that place in my heart that will be yours alone.
I was so sorry to hear about your Grandmother,Jeff. I do hope she is not in a lot of pain. I loved your Grandparents the first time I met them. They are wonderful people. When I visited your Grandmother in the hospital after you and Tracie were married, I knew she was a good Christian woman. So if God should call her home. We know she will be in Heaven with you.
Well, Sweetie, I'll go for now, please keep watch over those you left behind and all of your Brother's and Sister's in Blue. And especially Bobby Gordon as He joins forces with the Chicago Police Dept. I know he will be as dedicated in getting the criminals off the streets as Michael was. Know that you are not FORGOTTEN, forever loved and missed. Till we meet again, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

October 29, 2007

Hey Baby,
I just got back in town from Morehead City. A memorial was placed outside the BLET Center at Carteret Community College in memory of you and other fallen officers. The memorial is absolutely beautiful. We met so many nice people. They all made us feel so welcome. We continue to meet new friends everywhere we go. Lt. Overby and all of the Blue Knights worked so hard to make it such a special day. Inside the BLET building the walls are filled with pictures of the previous BLET graduates. I look and looked and finally found your class picture. You looked sooo young. I guess you were about 19 or 20 then. I couldn't help but think about you actually walking those halls that I was standing in. I also wondered how many practical jokes were played in that place. Bet there are some funny stories to be told about those days!

It's so nice to have everyone go to such lengths to memorialize you...To show you honor and make sure that you are never forgotten. I know you are everyone's hero...especially mine. But oh how I wish you were still just "Jeff Hewitt"...just one of the boys on Edward Squad...and most of all..I wish you were coming home to me tonight.

Baby, I you so much. You still consume my every thought. Know that I am so very proud of you!! Come see me in my dreams as soon as you get a chance.

See you in my dreams 1-4-3
I love you,

Tracie Hewitt

October 28, 2007

Dear Jeff,
It's been some time since I've written; but not since I've talked to you, which is every single day. I miss you so much that words will never express or describe it. We just returned from Morehead City (Mom, Dad and I), where you were honored once again in such a special way. Your name rests among other heroes, like you, who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, so that we may go on with ours. I think of all the other families that miss their loved ones as we do you. So many friends who lost their very best friend, so many people who lost someone so very significant in their lives, just as we have. It means so much to see that others think of you often as we do, and how your life touched so many in so many ways. Sometimes I get so lost in missing you, that I don't give enough time to celebrating you. Gosh Bubba you always made me laugh. I have been proud of you since the day you were born. My hero then and now, today, tomorrow, always and forever. I keep your smile with me, I hear you laugh, (at your own jokes Susan

Susan Hewitt

October 28, 2007

Good morning son,
It's fall and the leaves are turning. It's very early, just before day break and I have just been sitting on the porch listening to the sounds of a brand new day. Honey, I can feel your presence so much stronger at this time of day. It's deer hunting season and I know you would be sitting in a tree stand just waiting for that first big one to come strolling by. The last big one you had mounted hangs in a place of honor in our great room. Watch over Susan and be with her always. She misses you so much. She is busy being a grandmother to the three little ones and she shows them your picture and she tells them about you. I worry about your dad. He still grieves for you and nothing seems to help.Watch over him and protect him.
Each time another officer loses his or her life it fills our hearts with sadness because we know how sensless it is and how much the lives of all who love them will be changed forever. We needed help from your Brothers in Blue the other day and they never hesitated to offer their assistance. Your "brothers" from Buncombe County and from Greenville County came together to try to help us. We know we'll be with you again someday and that's what keeps us going. We love you and miss you so much honey. Just know there is never a moment when you are not in our hearts and on our minds. You are our last thought at night and our very first in the morning. Tears are shed in abundance for you but that's okay because without their release, we would surely die.

To each and every family who has lost a loved one, please know that our prayers and our sympathy are with you. To each and every "Sister and Brother" visiting this site, please know you have our love and our support. We know Jeff is watching over you and covering your back. May God Bless You All.
Love and Prayers,
Bill and Pat Hewitt


October 21, 2007

I dont know you but after reading Jeff's reflection and what you've written I feel somewhat like I do. Everytime we have to serve commitment papers I think of Jeff. I did not know Jeff personally only by name. I've only heard good things about Jeff as an Officer and friend. He must have been one heck of a guy to leave such an impression on your son, family, you and other Officers. Your love for Jeff is a testament to everyone. The reflections you leave today are as heartfelt as when this tragedy first happened. Some days are better than others as you have written but remeber Jeff is an Angel and he is looking after you everyday. I can't even imagine what you have had to endure over the last 3 years but I ask God to be with you and guide you in his will. May God and Jeff watch over all of us.

Cpl. Alan Corn
Henderson County Sheriff's Dept. NC

October 10, 2007

Hey Jeff!!

Been awhile since I stopped in and said Hi. I have my first trainee now, and I feel the responsibility you must have felt. Am I making her into a good officer? Am I letting her learn enough? PRESSURE!!!!! Terry and I got into a fight a couple of months ago with a 10-73. It was bad, and almost got worse. But, we made it through and we both went home, and that's the bottom line. Guess what? I have a boyfriend. I know, SCARY!! He's wonderful. He's not LEO and I keep trying to explain to him about how hard this line of work is not only for the officer, but for the loved ones. Maybe I need to let him see how Tracy writes to you all the time. I don't want to scare him, but I have told him that any day could be the day. One ironic thing I just noticed, the first time Jason told me he loved me he commented on "1-4-3". At the time I thought to myself, I have seen that somewhere before but brushed it aside. Then this morning I saw where I had seen it before - You and Tracy!!! Well, we may adopt it for ourselves, but I know you all won't mind. My Daddy's birthday is coming up on the 20th. Tell him I stopped by and was bragging about having a boyfriend. I am sure he will love that. Keep us all safe. Never forget that we miss you so much.


Deputy MA Burgess
Henderson County SO

October 10, 2007

Hey Baby,

You've been on my mind all day. It was a troubled day...but I know you were with me. You can rest assured that the department continues to watch after me. Thank God for your "brothers and sisters" who came to my aid today.

Thank you for always watching over us and keeping us safe. I was reminded today of just how easily a situation can turn bad. I pray that God will protect each of the deputy's as they protect us. Watch over them, Jeff! Make sure they go home safe.

See you in my dreams 1-4-3
I love you!

Tracie Hewitt

October 7, 2007

Dear Tracie,
I have read your comments on other people's pages and I just wanted to stop by and say father was a deputy for over 30 years and lost one of his mentors back in 76. I can't imagine what you have been through..and I know it was also hard when you recently sent your four legged furry child over the rainbow bridge to be with Jeff...take care of yourself..I am sure your husband is VERY proud of how you are raising your son...

Charlotte Olson

October 6, 2007

Hello Jeff,
I just wanted to say we miss you and think of you often. Please continue to watch over us and keep us safe.


September 29, 2007

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