Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt
As tomorrow approaches, I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I haven't been able to make contact with you but hope things are going as well as possible. It seems like no time ago when I talked to you and told you how eventually more than a year will have gone by and you wonder how you've made it this far. I guess now you can understand what I meant huh? Keep your memories close to your heart and live the rest of your life so that you can be as happy as possible. I'm sure Jeff would want you to be happy! Take care girl & hang in there! God bless you.
Survivor of Calvin Taylor
April 3, 2007
Hey Baby,
Tomorrow marks the 3rd anniversary of the day you left us. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. So much has changed since you've been gone. Some of which would probably never have happened if we hadn't lost you. It's amazing how one tragic event can change so many lives.
There will be a candlelight vigil for you again tomorrow night (04/04/07) at the Sheriff's office. I met with Van...oops, guess I'm supposed to address him as "Sheriff Duncan" now...and John Elkins. They have a special night planned for you and "The Girls" from the office did a beautiful job of planting new flowers around your marker at the office. They made a special effort to make sure there were some "orange" flowers included. It's amazing how they continue to honor you each year...and I'm sure as long as "they" are there, the department will never forget you. This year the press will not be there. I'm so glad. I don't mean to be rude about it, but it will be nice to have an "intimate" moment with just family and friends.
Taylor and I are doing fine. Taylor is taller than me now. He's still just as smart as he ever was and is completely head over heels for a girl from school. Her name is Lauren and she is just the sweetest thing. I know if you were here you would be "ragging" him about it. My friends and family still make sure we are taken care of so you have nothing to worry about.
Jeff, some people may think it's crazy to write reflections to you on this website. Some may think it's pointless. I think that it's the most amazing thing anyone could have ever created. Yes, I realize you are gone. I know you are with Jesus. Maybe you don't know that we come here to "talk" to you....but maybe you do. I know that there are specific individuals who read what is written on the pages of this sacred place and say unkind words about it. Do they realize that no one has a gun to their head making them visit this site??? I just don't understand why people want to intentionally cause people pain. I've made mistakes in my life and I will continue to do so, but I can honestly say...I've never done anything that I thought would intentionally cause people to hurt. As for me and you, Lord knows we went through our trials. There were times I wanted to wring your neck and I'm certain you wanted to wring mine right back. There were even times that walking away crossed our minds. But you know what, we loved eachother and we stuck together and made it work. There were bad times, but they didn't matter because the love we shared had a way of healing hurts. I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Unconditional love" is so hard to find. Someone who when no matter how rotten I have been can still say at the close of the day, "I still love you". I hope God will have mercy on me and allow me to live in the fullness of that kind of love again. Well, I just had to get that off of my chest.
So, with that said, I love you and I honor you! You are in my heart always and I will never forget you.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally,
See you in a minute 1-4-3
I'll meet you in my dreams
Tracie Hewitt
Jeff's Wife
April 3, 2007
The anniversary of your EOW has arrived. To some it seems like yesterday that they were able to see your smile, feel your touch and hear you laugh. To others it has felt like an eternity. My thoughts are with all your loved ones as I know it is a day that none of us look forward too arriving. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. There is an old Jewish Proverb that says: "The only truly dead are those that are forgotten." You will never be forgotten and your memory will live forever.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 2, 2007
Dearest Jeff,
Well today is the Second of April,I wanted to be sure this message would be posted before the Fourth. It doesn't seem as if Three years have passed, since we received the worst words we had ever heard. That your life had been taken. It still doesn't register in my mind at times, I'm not so sure that the reality of it all,ever will.I wish it was all just a bad dream and that I would wake up,and that you would still be here, sadly, I know that will never be.
Jeff the only thing I know is that God in all His wisdom doesn't make mistakes. He knew before you were born, how and when He would want you back with Him. He knew what lay ahead, He holds our future in His hands. And I don't know the answers, I only know that you were the best as a Son, Husband, Step-Father, Brother,Son-in-law, Brother-in-law,Uncle, Grandson, Soldier, and Police Officer and Friend that anyone could ever ask for. Were you perfect? No, just like the rest of us, because there was only one who walked this earth that was, and we will be celebrating His resurection on Sunday. The closest any human can come close to Him, are the Officer's and Hero's, who also gave their life to save others. Just as Jesus went to the cross, that all could have everlasting life, Jeff, those of you who served and sacrificed your lives for your brother's and sister's. John 15:13 Greater love hath no man,that a man lay down his life for his friends." So very many Hero's who did this for the rest of us.
I will forever keep you alive in my heart, and I can still see you, hear your laugh, and see your smile. I will always be grateful to you Jeff and be thankful to God that you were apart of our lives. God's plan for Tracie and Taylor's life worked out perfectly because of you, I will forever be grateful to you. Those who knew you were blessed.
I know you are resting in the arms of God, but are so missed by those who loved you. Continue to keep watch over the rest of us, and your brother's and sister's in Blue.
Thank you Jeff, for all that you were to each of us who were blessed to have known you and love you, for who you were and for giving your life for us. You will always be my forever Hero. Love and miss you so very much.
Your mother-in-law:
Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore
April 2, 2007
Sergeant. Hewitt, I would normally started this reflection off with "Jeff", however after reading your memorial I must Honor your rank. Your actions to protect and save the lives of your officers, is the bravest thing one could do for his men. You are a true hero. I am humble yet honored to serve in the same profession as you did and still do. Rest in peace, Sergeant.........
Lt. Stephen A. Joy #980
Prince George's County Police Department
March 30, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Haven't forgotten you, It's so hard to beleive your gone Jeff..I come here and just look at your picture for a little while, although pictures of you are all around me..It just doesn't seem like it should be on the ODM page. Time has not eased one bit, the shock...It's as if you are still with Tracie, Taylor and Teddie.I know I didn't get over there as much as I wanted to, but knowing you were there, gave me peace of mind. Jeff, you will always be in my heart, and I will always thank God for the time he allowed you to be a part of our family...I only wish you could have stayed longer...but I know you are with Jesus now and we will see you again some day. So keep watching over all of us and those still out there on the roads. Your brothers and sister's in blue.. Love and miss you so much....Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
March 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Jeff. Don't let Mike talk you into having a birthday shot of that Scottish Scoth he loves. Keep watch over all the loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 20, 2007
Happy Birthday!!! I still miss you today and everyday. Mom says Happy Birthday and we are flying the Flag for you today. Love you and miss you everyday.
March 20, 2007
Hey Baby,
Well, today is your special day...Your Birthday...Guess you and Mike will be celebrating. I think about what we would be doing tonight for your birthday...probably having a big steak at Texas Roadhouse. I look in the mirror and it seems like each day I'm greated with a new gray hair or two. I can't help but wonder if you would have looked any different now. I don't think so...You always worked hard and took pretty good care of yourself...so I'm sure you would be the same ole Jeff.
I'm so glad you came to visit in my dreams the other night. It had been a while since I had a dream about you. I'm greatful for the chance to touch your face and hold your hand even if it was a dream. I know that life goes on and it will take me down many new roads, but you will never be far from my heart. Somehow...like in my dream...I know you are there to help guide me and I know you will protect me in every aspect of my life. Although you are not here, I feel your presence. I know that you and God are always guiding me.
Honey, I hope your birthday is wonderful. Taylor and I will be by the cemetary this afternoon to visit with you a while.
I love you! Happy Birthday!!
See you in a minute 1~4~3
See you in my dreams
Tracie Hewitt
March 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Jeff.
We love and miss you.
March 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Sweetie,
Hope you know that I'm thinking of you, and I know that you will be celebrated in Heaven. You are missed so much by everyone and will never be forgotten. Jeff, I try to leave reflections for all the Hero's that have been called home, and every story, like yours is so very sad, and I hurt for all the families. We want to ask why, but know we will never get an answer until we see you again. And then we will be so happy to be reunited that it won't matter. Jeff, it seems like every day another Officer is taken away from us. I try to keep up but can't always. I do it in your memory Jeff. If I still greive over you, I can't imagine what the parents, wives,brothers, sisters or blood relatives feel. I only hope they all know that I hurt with them and that my prayers are always with them.
Everytime I hear a siren, I pray for those in the uniform driving those cars.
And going through the recently found fallen Hero's, it's sad that they are just now being reconized. But some died over a hundred years ago. But you've met and talked to them all. But most of you were just so young, lives just beginning only to be taken much to soon.
But I hope you can feel my love and the appreciation of the days, day's that were cut so short,the day's that I was so proud that you were my son-in-law. Thank you again Jeff, for all you did, for all that you were to Tracie and Taylor. As long as there is a breath in my body, you will always be remembered.......the heart goes on...So you have a wonderful Birthday basking in the love of Jesus. And in knowing that you will always be alive in our book of precious memories......Love and Miss you, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
March 19, 2007
Dearest Jeff,
Tomorrow is your birthday and we miss you and love you so very much. You were taken from us just a few days after your 34th birthday and since that time 3 years have passed. Three years of missing you,loving you and waiting and watching for each and every sign from you. We feel your presence at the most unexpected times honey and you give us strength to carry on. Happy 37th honey. We are so blessed to have you for our son. There will be a blue light in the window for you and for all your brothers and sisters who are with you in Heaven and for those left here on earth to carry on without you.
We thought of you with love today,but that was nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday, and the days before that too. We think of you in silence. We often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part.
God has you in his his keeping. We have you in our heart.
Mom, Dad and Susan
March 19, 2007
Morning Jeff!
Another long, cold night on patrol. I have really been thinking about you lately since I have gone back out on the road. I taught detention school this past week and I told your story. There is not a commitment paper or gun call I go on that afterwards I don't think of you. I hope you are having a good time up there. Maybe my dad has looked you up -- I'm sure the two of you would go back and forth about who was better the Army or Marines. Have a good day, and thanks for being a good example! I miss you.
Deputy MA Burgess
Henderson County SD
March 19, 2007
Just wanted to let you know how your presence was felt and appreciated last nite with the situation our officers and communicators were faced with. You can only imagine how all of us felt when "shot fired" came across the radio.
We all love and miss you!
March 16, 2007
Dear Jeff,
Been a few days since I stopped by. Just got off the phone with Mike's Mom. Had to fill her in on everything happening around here.For someone who never gets out anymore than I do, sure can have interesting things happen to me. Was just telling Carol how awsome the vedio of Mike was. They are such great people and I was telling her that I can't go to any site on the ODM page, that Bob hasn't already been there. But you know I always told your Mom that if I ever got a computer, I would try to leave a reflection for every Officer's family who lost a loved one in the line of duty. And I guess I'm the only person up at 2a.m., writing. But due to the sleeping disorder that goes along with the Fibromyalgia (just learned how to spell that corectly) I'm up half the night and sleep half of the day. Then there are times when the head aches are so bad,that I'm in the bed for days, that's what I call my coma day's. But you knew all of that already. I would love to go back to work, but I don't know anyone who would hire me, in not knowing what day's I can get up. Sure would love to go back to work with Pat. I loved it there and the people seemed to like me. Pat says a lot of people say they miss me and that they are always asking about me, that makes me feel good. I just did what she told me to.
And I don't like being on the disability, but I did pay for it when I was working. But I guess anyone who has ever worked will draw Social Security one day. I just thank God for it, as it's the only income I have. But you know there are some people out there that even resent that. Hope I never turn into someone that is so misrable with there own life and self, that they just can't be happy. I can only live from day to day and thank God for it.
And Happy St. Patrick's Day. I know that was one of Mike's favorite day's. His Mom said he loved it when they colored the river in Chicago green. So guess all you Hero's are trying to paint Heaven green. Well Hon, I'll go for now, know that I love and miss you. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
March 15, 2007
Hey Jeff,
Well here it is March already, your birthday will be here soon. We will celebrate your life. Be thankful for the few short years you were a part of our family and remember the good times we shared. Jeff on April, 4 it will be three years since you were called to your Heavenly home. And it seems like yesterday, I know time has stood still in so many ways. "Friends", say , well it's been three years, and you should be getting over it by now. They have no idea how I feel, nor do they know what it's like getting a phone call saying your daughter needs you.The shock, the days preparing for a funeral,greeting the kind people who come to pay their respect, walking into a church, seeing all the flowers, knowing kind words are being spoken over you, and songs being sung,driving to the Veterans cemetary,hearing a twenty one gun salute, a bugle being blown in the distance, Edward 2 being called, no answer, then hearing Edward 2 has ended his tour of duty. I think that's how it happened, it's still a blur, it's still a dream and as if none of it ever took place. Just a bad dream..that I had. I remember staying with Tracie, she was trying to rest and I couldn't, so I went downstairs to wash some clothes, and there lay your clothes. I broke, but couldn't let Tacie hear me cry, so I picked up one of your shirts and cramed part of it in my mouth, to stifle my sobbing. I went out and sat on the back porch,crying so hard.I had held it all in during the day's before trying to be strong for Tracie, and she never wanted me to cry,never, when she married Tony, Taylor's Dad, She said, Mom you beter not cry. Jeff that was so hard for me, to me that was my baby, and how I choaked back the tears when her Dad walked her down the isle. She will never know how hard that was for me. I was just always so sentimental and would cry watching a sad movie.
So when I am alone, I can cry all I want, and I will always come here, look at this picture, and it's if you are getting ready to speak to me. Oh how I wish you could.
I wish I could have told you goodby,hugged you, and heard you tell me you love me one more time. Life can deal us a lot of pain, sorrow and heartaches sometime,Jeff. And we don't understand, but I carry you in my heart and think of you every day. Still, will never understand a lot of things, but like you, when I get home to Heaven, I'll have all the answers. I was,am and always will be very proud that you were my son-in-law. Thank you for all the peace you brought into so many lives, for the officer and Marine you were, the husband and step-father you were,and the other son God gave me for a short time. Love and Miss you,
Carolyn P.S. Give my love to Mike, Joe and all the other Hero's, and all of you continue to watch over those you left behind, and your Brother's and Sister's in Blue
Carolyn Moore
March 7, 2007
We kiss our families goodbye and go out into a world that few of you will ever see or know anything about. Statistics show that over half of us will one day come home to an empty house and note saying, “Goodbye, I can’t take this job anymore.”
But, We Carry On.
We know we have a job with one of the highest divorce, suicide and mental illness rates in the world.
But, We Carry On.
You curse us when we stop you for speeding. You weren’t there two hours ago when we covered the body of a three-year-old child, killed by a speeding car.
But We Carry On.
We’ll intervene in fights and take the beating meant for you, knowing that you wouldn’t do the same for us and probably won’t even thank us.
But We Carry On.
We investigate the murders, rapes and robberies and have to watch the victims’ families weep in court when a judge has to release the suspect on a small technicality.
But We Carry On.
We see families wiped out in accidents. Then we listen as the person who did it is fined $100 for drunk driving and given a limited drinking privilege so he can get back an forth to work and church on Sundays.
But, We Carry On.
We know that if you hit us, unprovoked, you’ll probably get a fine in court, for assault. We know that if we hit you, unprovoked, we could lose our jobs and everything we own for police brutality.
But, We Carry On.
The uniform is not armor. It won’t stop bullets, knives, bricks or sticks. We have gone in burning buildings, burning cars and icy waters to try to save lives. Some of us will lose ours in the process.
But, We Carry On.
We are part mediator, problem solver, professional driver, weapons expert, guidance and marriage counselor. We are part analyst, lawyer, fireman and doctor, and sometimes boxer and wrestler. Does your job require this much and sometimes even more? I doubt it. We know all of this.
But, We Carry On.
We’re not expected to be the one thing we are – human beings. Sometimes, though, we forget and act like them. We get angry, we say or do something we shouldn’t. Please forgive us. But if you don’t…
We’ll Carry On.
BCSD deputy
March 2, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Thought I would stop by and talk to you for awhile,haven't forgotten you and never will.
I guess you and Mike have welcomed your brother in blue from Spartanburg home. I know all of you Hero's were watching as Kevin walked through the gates of Heaven. Since you had to leave us Jeff, you know that I'm always going to the ODM page, praying there's not another name on that list, but there always is. My heart breaks everytime I read another name. Sometimes I wonder if people really care. Well, you know that me and Bob Gordon are always going to leave a reflection for these families,as we know how very much they are hurting,although we can never tell them that the hurt never goes away. We can only let them know that our prayers are with them and that we will forever remember their Hero and keep them alive in our hearts. And this we will do.
Jeff, I didn't always get to be around you as much as I would have liked,due to my being down so much with the Fybromylgia, but I sure loved it when I could be. I was always so proud of you and so thankful you were there for Tracie and Taylor. How I prayed that God would send someone into her life to watch out for them, and how blessed when she met you. I miss you so much Jeff, and will always love you and appreciate the time God allowed you to be with us. Only He knew what lay ahead, and why He called you home, and the only thing I know is that He never makes mistakes. Before you were born, He knew how He would bring you home to Him. I thank Him that you never suffered, I beleive that is for the ones left behind.
Well, I'll go for now,but I'll be back soon. Keep watch over all of us, and the officer's still out there patrolling our roads. Love and Miss you, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 28, 2007
I just wanted to let you know that I was coming home this afternoon after a weekend in Gatlinburg and saw a van with a sticker in the back window that said "In memory of Sgt Jeffery Todd Hewitt" and I thought of you and your family. On the back of our Excursion, we have an ODMP sticker with Daddy's picture on it in memory of him. We really mean it when we say "Heros live forever!" You are not forgotten!
I said a prayer for your family, I know how they miss you.
We will be attending the funeral for Sgt. Plauff from the Winston-Salem Police Dept on Tuesday. I wish we would never have to attend another funeral where a wonderful officer was murdered, but we all know these things will happen and we will be there for each other. God bless you.
Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO
February 25, 2007
Watching the NASCAR race today made us think of you. You are not forgotten and we miss you. To Jeff's family, you are in our prayers always.
The Houston Family
Weaverville, NC
February 25, 2007
Hi Jeff,
Thought I'd stop in and say hi as it's been almost a month since I was last at your page. Keep watching down on those you love dearly and keep them safe. Also, continue to keep watch over those officers still on patrol. Carolyn had sent me a few of your memorial shirts. I gave a few to other police officers around Chicago to wear so that your story can be heard by officers up here and the hero you truly are. One Chicago Tactical Officer told me that it is his lucky shirt because each time he has worn your shirt he has made some great arrests. Must mean you are present as he works in Michael's old district so I know you and Mike are close. Mike must be showing you around the hood. Keep watch over those guys too. Take care. Tell Mike I love and miss him terribly. You will never be forgotten Jeff.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 23, 2007
Just to let you know that I'm thinking of you. You and Mike have a good time celebrating his birthday. I know all of you Hero's will be teasing him a lot. Just remember yours is next!!!!!!!! We will be remembering you as we will Mike tomorrow. Love and Miss you both, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 19, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Wanted you to know that I had you on my mind, as I do every day. I was watching a program a little while ago, where a woman's sister had been killed. They caught the guy who did it, thank goodness. But what really got my attention was the words the sister said. The murder had taken place quite a few years ago. But the sister said, people would say it will get easier and she said I don't know why people say that because there isn't a day goes by or even one hour that she doesn't think of her sister. And I agree, we might go for a little while doing something, maybe talking to friends or doing something else, but you are always there, in my heart and memories. Sometime I have a problem in comprehending you are in Heaven.That I won't see you until I get to Heaven with you. But I know I will see you then. I know you are watching for all your friends and family,Jeff. You are a child of God Jeff, along with Mike,Joe the three officers from N.C. that gave their lives this year, all of you because it says so in Matthew 5:9. I beleive God's word with all my heart, and I know those who have sacrificed their lives defending this country, our land, those in uniform that stand for what is right, are very special children of God's.,and I know He honor's everyone of you. We are all His children, but I do beleive those who wore the uniform's, no matter the color, Blue ,black,gray or brown, are His special angels, that keep watch over us all. Just thought I'd let you know and stop by and say I love and miss you. Keep watch over the rest of us, especially Tacie and Taylor for me. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 18, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
I was at the Dept recently and visited with Van and John. It was so good to visit with the "gang". Work keeps me so busy...so I dont get to visit much. They seem to be getting settled in now. I know they have a lot of work to do. I can't help but know how hard you would be working to help them and how excited you would be. John is working diligently to extablish another Memorial. I won't mention what it is....I hope it ends up being a surprise to most. It will be a great honor if he can make it happen. You sure deserve it.
So many people write on your page...expressing gratitude for your service. I wish I could personally thank each one. I hope they know how much it means to me and your family.
Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I was thinking of you. I just wanted to tell you that no matter where life takes me, I will always carry you in my heart. Thank you for watching over me and Taylor....and thank you for the "butterflies".
See you in a minute 1-4-3
Tracie Hewitt
Jeff's Wife
February 13, 2007
Hey Sweetie,
Happy Valentine's Day! Know that you are loved on this special day. and missed very much. You are always in my heart Jeff, at least the part of it you left behind.For all of us that loved you, will forever hold you, love you and keep your memory alive in our hearts. Love and miss you. Mother-in-law, Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 12, 2007