Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Dear Jeff,
It's been almost a month since I've stopped by to chat with you. But I guess you can see me moving. Pat is helping me, and is always there for me. God truly blessed me when He allowed me to have her in my life. Not only is she a dear sister but a devoted friend. Today she said it sure hard on two old women to move. She said if I ever moved again we would leave the funiture. I told her if I ever moved again I wouldn't need to take anything. That I would be moving into my Heavenly Home and I hope God built it right between you and Mike. I know it's a wonderful place to be. But I am so thankful that I have a reasurance that I will see you again. I know that Gods word says Jesus came and gave His life that we will have eternal life if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, repent of our sins and confess Him to others as our Lord. If I didn't have Him in my heart I would never make it. Yes, there are so many times I question Him as to why so many young people are taken without having the chance to live a full life, but I know we are not to question, as He alone knows the things that lay ahead.
I hope you still know how very much you are loved and missed by all you left behind. You are in our thoughts and minds everyday. You and all of the other Hero's who gave their lives for us. Thank you Jeff..But how I wish that we could have skipped over April 4,04. A day that will forever be branded in our heart and mind. But I know that you are having fun with Teddy. Well, Hon, continue to keep watch over all of us, especially Tra and Taylor. And always your brothers and sisters in BLUE. Love you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

September 23, 2007


As a Military Police Officer with the United States Marine Corps, I know the dangers that Law Enforcement officials face on a daily basis.

I remember the night that the call came across my scanner for assistance at the residence off of Fairhaven Court. I was so shocked to hear the next day in the Citizen Times that Buncombe County had lost an deputy in the line of duty. I lost my friend and brother that day. As a Marine, Jeff was part of a brotherhood of past,present and future Marines. "Once a Marine-Always a Marine."


September 22, 2007


Wanted to stop in and say that I think of you every day. Each morning I go to Michael's page so see if anyone visited and my next stop is yours. I know everyone down in N.C. have not forgotten you. They say it gets better with time, well it's been 3 years and it hasn't for me. I have come to the realization that there is not enough time on this earth to ever have it get any better. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones, come to them in their dreams in vivid color so they know that you are close and watching over them.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 13, 2007


Wanted to say "keep your head held high" after making the dreaded "decision." It's hard, but you are exactly right about him giving puppy kisses to Jeff. I bet Jeff is glad to have a piece of home with him, too.

Hang in there-- you've got a great guy watching over you and supporting you in all you do (he just has his wings now!)

August 30, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
I know it was a good day for you when you saw Teddy running to you. I know the two of you have had a great day. But it was so hard on Tracie and Taylor. Teddy had been going down for a long time, and Tra just couldn't bring herself to have Teddy put down sooner. I tried to get her to, but I know she felt she was letting go of the only thing, or the one thing she had that was close to you. She and Taylor cried their eyes out. And just as we still feel your presence in the house, we will now feel Teddy's too. But I'm glad he isn't suffering any longer. You were his Master, and when you left us,He stood just as a policeman's best friend would do. He protected Tracie and Taylor just as long as He could. So Jeff, you and Teddy have fun now. When Tra called and told me she had taken him this morning, she was crying so hard. She did the best she could for him, she kept taking him to the Vet, but there was nothing he could do. So now you and Teddy keep watch over Tracie and Taylor for me, okay? And alway's your brother's and sister's in Blue. Along with all those you loved and those who loved you back. You will forever be in our heart and memories. Love you and miss you so much. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

August 25, 2007

Hey Baby,
Well, I guess right now you’re getting tons of “puppy kisses”. I finally made the decision that it was time for Teddy to be with you. I’ve been watching the past few weeks and he had been deteriorating so quickly. It was all he could do to stand up long enough to eat. He has also gotten to where he was afraid to go down the steps because he might fall. He would just stand at the door and shake. I just couldn’t let him hurt anymore. I know I made the right decision. I stayed with him the whole time. I didn’t want the last face he saw to be a stranger. He went to sleep and started snoring…he wasn’t hurting anymore. Then in a moment he was gone. I can just imagine him walking into heaven…sniffing around enjoying all the new scents and then suddenly he hears a familiar voice…his head lifts up..his ears perk up…that tail starts wagging and he goes running to you. I’m sure he’s jumped all over you and been giving you puppy kisses. I know you must have been excited to see him. I’m just so glad he’s not suffering anymore. This is really hard on Taylor, but I just keep assuring him that Teddy is with you now and you guys can keep each other company until we get there someday.

Well, babe. Guess I’ll go for now. Enjoy your day with Teddy I know you must have a lot to show him.

Love you forever,

See you in my dreams 1-4-3

Tracie Hewitt

August 25, 2007

Mrs. Hewitt:

My name is Lori Brooks. I am seventeen years old and the daughter of Bay Constable Richard Brooks, who died on July 16, 2004. I have recently just been getting over my anger and coming to the point where I just miss my dad. I've begun reading his memorial page, and on it, I'm not sure if you even remember, but you had left a comment on July 19, 2004.
I just wanted you to know that your every word was a comfort for me and I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for reaching out to my family and me. You mentioned that you have a son who I believe is a few years younger than I am. Please know that if he ever needs someone to talk to,or anything at all, I am here. Although it has been three years since we both lost our loved ones, contrary to popular word, time does not take the pain away. And who knows better the pain we feel than those who have gone through it.

Again, anything you, your family, or especially your son needs, from someone who understands, I am here.

Daughter of Richard Brooks

August 15, 2007


Well it's been three years and there's so much to tell
Been doing alright in spite of myself
Just wish I could stop feeling mad when I pray
But I know I'll get there someday

Got that job I was working toward
SometimeS it's tough
When who I want to be still seems so far away
but I know I'm gonna get there someday

Glad I told you all I meant to
While I had the chance
'Cause every moment I had with you
Made me who I am
Well I guess I'll be going on
I'll just leave these daisies by your stone
And Jeff, I still miss you every day
But I know I'll get there someday
When that will be, guess only God can say
But I know I'm gonna get there someday.

See you in my dreams 1-4-3
I love you,

Tracie Hewitt

August 10, 2007

I want to thank all of your loved ones that stopped at Mike's page for his 3rd anniversary of his EOW and left reflections. They know all too well the pain we live with each and every day without our sons, husband, fathers, son in law. Every day we live with the question, Why? No matter how many times we beat ourselves over the head with that question, it can never be answered. We carry on each day, putting one foot in front of the other. Our mission is to carry on and keep your memory alive. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten Jeff.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 10, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while, but that doesn't mean that I haven't thought of you everyday. The day's go by and you are still very much alive in our hearts and memories. You know that on the 8th,we will be celebrating Michael Gordon's life. I'm going to get three balloons and put notes on them, and let them go for Mike. I hope you both can see them and all of you Hero's let Him know how much we appreciated the sacrifice he made for us. AS we remember all of you. We don't know every name, but we know the hurt and void that is left behind for those who loved each of you so much. I wonder sometimes why the good are taken and the bad are still out there taking the lives of our Officer. Along with our Military,Firemen, Highway Patrol, anyone who is trying to protect us.
Jeff, I'm not trying to copy Bob Gordon and all of His stories of Mike. But He makes us all laugh and cry as we read His reflections. So, I've got to tell your friends the one I will never forget. I guess Darren's son Andrew was about 4 or 5 years old. We were all over at Mom's on a Sunday afternoon. Andrew had been rewarded $25.00 at church for being able to name all of the twelve deciples that followed Jesus and where they were from. I ask him to tell me who they were,and at first he shook his head no. Well, I told him I would give him some money to tell me,which he did. Then I told him to go around to every one and tell them and I bet they would give him some more money. Well I guess Andrew ended up with about Fifty Dollar's, with a lot of one dollar bill's. He was so excited. You were working that day, and when you stopped by,he was showing you how much money he had. Well you take a Five out of your wallet, and said let me help you out "buddy", I'll take five of your ones and that will help me out tonight because I'll need change. Then handed Andrew the Five. I was back in the bedroom, and Andrew comes running to me, with his little head down in his shoulders and his little hands turned out, he looks at me and say's "HE TOOK ALL MY MONIES". The serious look on that little face, I was laughing so hard yet trying to console Andrew and trying to explain that Five Ones was the same as A Five. Well, I don't think I ever convinced him. All he knew was that Uncle Jeff had taken all his MONIES. He could't say Money. But we still laugh about that one and I think Andrew will always think you took his Monies.. Such good memories we will carry in our hearts forever. But mostly you Jeff. You are not here for us to hug, but we know that you are forever with us. But the best thing of all is knowing that we will spend eternity together. Never to be seperated again. Well Jeff keep watching over all of us and all of your Brothers and Sister's in Blue. Love and Miss You, Carolyn P.S. I'll probably get a letter after telling this story.

Carolyn Moore

August 1, 2007

***To All Those Who Still Remember***

Thanks again to all those who continue to visit Jeff's page. It is such an honor to have been married to a man who was loved and admired by so many. It is so uplifting to visit this page and read the funny memories or just the thoughtful words you all leave on his page. I'm sure he continues his watch over every one of us. I have a scrap book of things I keep regarding Jeff. I have pictures of him with of some of the "memorial tattoos. If any of you have a picture ..maybe even a picture of your tatoo...I would love to have a copy for the scrap book. Feel free to contact me via the Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept. They will direct everything to me.

Thanks again for remembering a HERO!


Tracie Hewitt

July 30, 2007

Hey there bud! My first 10-94 today since I went back on patrol. What a rush! Funny thing though, everyone kept asking me if I was okay! "You were going a hundred miles a minute and then you were gone!" Duh! Calls could have stacked up! Anyway, I am still doing good. I just finished FTO school last week so now I can warp people just like you did. Just kidding, I hope I can be half as good as you were. Keep watching out for me like I know you do. Tracie sounds really good in her reflections. I know she is so stoked that she has her CPC! Jeff, have a good day tomorrow and sleep tight.


Deputy MA Burgess
Henderson County, NC Sheriff's Department

July 23, 2007

Hey Baby,
I've got some exciting news! I passed my CPC exam! I took the exam in June, but just got my results yesterday. I was so excited, I couldn't get the smile off of my face all day. Baby, I owe this to you! Thank you for the time when you supported me while I was going to school. You let me stay home and go to school and you never complained. You worked at the Dept, ran the lawn business and all of that secondary employment so that I could go to school. I had finished school and was about to take my National exam about the time you were taken from us. That just put everything on hold. My career no longer seemed important. It took enough effort to just get out of bed everyday. But life has slowly crept back into me and I knew you would want me to finish what I started. So, Baby, we did it! This certification is yours as much as it is mine. I'll never forget all of the nights that I stayed up til 2am to study... and there you were laying right beside me on the couch because you never would go to bed without me. Bless your would have to get up at 5:30am...but there you would be sitting up with me all night. I'll never find anyone who loves me like you did. I was so blessed!!!

I'm going to Greensboro in a couple of weeks for a COPS event. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the friends I have met along the way and spend the day with other survivors. I haven't been to one of those events in a I think it will be good for me.

Well Baby, I'm off to bed. It's been a busy week so far and I'm exhausted. Thank you again for everything you did for me and making this moment in my life possible.

I'm so excited to sign this email this way for the first time...

Tracie M. Hewitt, CPC
It's no MD, but I'm still excited about it ha ha)

I love you forever
See you in my dreams 1-4-3

P.S. Teddy is still hanging in there. I won't do anything until I feel it's time. I continue to love him as you did and slip him a cracker or two each day.

Tracie Hewitt

July 11, 2007

Hey Baby,
Just wanted you to know I'm missing you so much today. Sometimes I don't think I can do this without you. I wonder what my "purpose" is. I feel so empty without you. Nothing and No one will ever fill the void.

"No words from any wise man, can comfort the heart that has lost what it held most dear"

Love you

See you in my dreams 1-4-3

Tracie Hewitt

July 8, 2007

Hey Baby,
I've had you on my mind so much lately. Seems you I can't close my eyes at night without seeing your face. I wonder is you are trying to tell me something. I wake each morning trying to remember each detail from the last nights dream. Sometimes it's later in the day before I remember certain details. Usually there's no substance to the dream at all...just a glimpse of your face or you softly taking my hand and gently pulling me toward you. What are you trying to tell me??? Each time...I hear you say, "Hey beautiful". I still have that tape of when we talked on the phone the day of the incident. "Hey Beautiful"...those were always the first words you would say to me....Then you said you would be home as soon as you could to kiss me goodnight. I'm still waiting on that goodnight kiss.

I talked to Jesse the other night. He is a member of the Honor guard (Fire Dept) now. He went to Charleston for the memorial service for the Fire Fighters that were killed. I told him how proud you would be of him.

Taylor and I have been doing ok. I had to hire someone to mow the lawn. I ended up with Poison Oak again. This time it was REALLY bad. I had to have a shot. That was fun. I think you must have willed that to me... I had never had it before until last year. I really appreciate you thinking of me. lol I hope I didn't let you down. I tried to keep the yard looking nice...I wanted to make you always took such good care of everything.

Teddy is hanging on by a thread. I still just can't bring myself to make "The decision". His hip is really giving him a hard time. He has fallen a few times...Now he's scared to go down the steps because he's afraid he'll fall. He just stands there and shakes because he so scared. He's like a baby. I have to stand at the door while he comes up the steps. He wont come up unless I'm standing there. If I don't he just stands there and barks. I just don't know what to do. Teddy was your baby! I want to do what you would want. Sometimes I pray that he will just pass in his sleep...I can't seem to let go of the last piece I have of you. I know that soon he will be going to see his Daddy. I know he misses you so much. I remember when you first left...he couldn't sleep...he was always so anxious. Everytime an officer would come by...he would hear the radios que up and his ears would perk up...then he would realize it wasn't you. I finally put one of your t-shirts on his bed and that seemed to calm him down. I know he is in pain...I've been trying to make him as comfortable as possible...I just need you to let me know what to do. He's been such a good dog...he's been a good protector for me and Taylor. You would be proud of him.

Well hun, I guess I'll go. I miss you every minute of every day. I'll see you in my dreams.

See you in a minute

Love you always,

Tracie Hewitt

July 5, 2007

Hey Jeff:

I miss you buddy and wish that you where still with us here in Buncombe County.


Jason Raynovich LCPL USMC

July 5, 2007

Happy Fourth of July Jeff, Just wanted to Thank you for your service to our Country, our Town. If not for people like you,Mike,our Hero's who lost their lives for the Freedom of our Flag. It's sad so many died on Foreign soil, there bodies brought home with our flag draped over their casket. But for you in Blue, who fought on those far away soils, only to shed your blood on your on land. We never were ready for those days that will will forever be in our hearts and memory. But we will stand with pride, when that Flag flies high, and mourn when it's at half mass for another fallen Hero. So I know that all of you who walked before us, will be celebrating the Fourth, the day that reminds us how we got and still have our freedom.
Thank you Jeff, Remember I love you and miss you. And all of you Hero's I know will have a front row seat to watch all of the beautiful fireworks. So Happy Fourth of July.

Carolyn Moore

July 3, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Well the month of June is almost gone.Sorry it's been a while since I have stopped by, but it seems as if I am in therapy everyday. Well therapy and going to my dermatologist, and my regular doctor. Mom and Dad seem to be going down a little more evry day. I fell so helpless in not being able to do anything.
But you are still in my thoughts every day. Jeff you will forever be missed by the ones you left behind. It still seems like a bad dream to me. As I know it's the same for all who loved you. A void left in our hearts that can never be filled again. You took part of us with you that fatal night. The only hope we have, is knowing we will meet again someday.
My heart breaks for the families when I hear of another Officer whose life has been taken. And it seems as if we hear of another Officer being taken at least once a week or more. This world is getting worse every day. People just have no feelings for others. I hope in some way I can offer some kind help to hurting people. I think of your grandparents a lot, and hope all your family is doing well. I know like me they have their good days and bad ones, just as every other Officers family goes through.
Well Hon, Know how much you are loved and missed and keep watch over all of us. And when another Hero gets to Heaven, be sure to welcome them to their final resting place. And keep watch over all your brothers and sisters in Blue. Love You, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

June 26, 2007

Good morning son,
It's early morning here and sunrise is just starting. This is my favorite time of day, a time to spend with my thoughts of you as a new day begins.
As I quietly sit in my rocking chair on the front porch listening to the birds and the gentle breeze as it moves softly thru the trees in the woods surrounding the house I know you are with us. I see your wonderful smile and hear your happy laugh and I know you will always be near. We miss you so much and the hurt and pain of losing you has changed our lives forever. Your dad, Susan and I attended the Memorial Services at the cemetary. The release of the Doves was so beautiful. They circled over the graves so many times, flying in formation, one formation forming right behind the other. Jan and her daughter were there and we placed special arrangements on yours and Joe's grave. We also met three of the Soldiers who were with Joe when he lost his life. A gentleman who didn't give his name came to your grave, took pictures, gave me a hug and, with tears in his eyes he honored you. Just as quickly he turned and left. We searched to see where he went but we never saw him again. So many people miss you and will always love you. We missed the walk. The first scheduled date it came an ice storm and we didn't learn of the second date until it had passed. It is such a special honor to you. Next year we will be there, we promise. Be with your dad as he enjoys his new lawn tractor. Now he prays for rain just so he can use it. The place never looked better. He feels you would approve of his choice, he looked for features you would have suggested. Sometimes I'll see someone mowing on a mower like yours and my heart will stop for just a moment because I see you there instead. As more and more of your sisters and brothers join you, we know you'll be keeping watch over those still carrying on here on earth. Save a place for us honey and as always watch over Susan. She is so lost without her "Big little brother." You were the glue that kept her together. She always knew you would be there to tease her out of a bad mood, to pick her up when she was down and to be there thru her happy times. As always she sends her love-still no computerof her own.
Love you honey,
Mom, Dad, Susan and family


June 17, 2007

Hey brother! It is hard to believe that it has been three years it still seems like yesterday that I heard the news. I am well still doing the Corps thing. I talked to Tracy on myspace but it has been awhile been real busy lately maybe I will drop her a line soon just to see how they are doing. I started a memory profile for you on Marines: Together we Served a website for Marines active and Veterans. Well gotta go I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Keep watching our backs Jeff Law Enforcement and Military, I am probably heading back to the sandbox soon and might need some backup.

Sgt Ronnie B Sprouse
MPCO Camp Lejeune / Woodfin PD / BCSD

June 17, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Did you think I had forgotten you? You know better. You are in my thoughts every day. Jeff it doesn't seem like you have been gone from us for three years. It's as if time has flown by but yet stands still. There are still those days that I think you are still here then realization sets in and I have to accept that you are now in Heaven. I know all of you Hero's get together and sit around telling how you got the bad guys. I only wish there had just been two others that you and Mike had got. I'll never forget that fatal night as long as I live. And then I think I am still in shock at times. Trying to pretend that it never happened.
I called Tra tonight and Taylor said she was mowing the grass. I told him not to bother her, but when I got off the phone, I couldn't help but cry for her. She works so hard and puts in so many hours, stays on the go for Taylor, then comes home to take care of the house. You would be doing so much to help her. I know there are so many times I can see that look in her eyes that only a Mom can see through. She stands so strong, an Officer's wife trys to be as strong as the man she married. But I do worry about her, Jeff.Please help her and keep watch over her and Taylor for me.
Well I finally got that shot put in my neck today. Hope it takes away some of the pain. I guess I did a lot of damage to it when I moved. Plus so much to fast. Your leaving us in April, losing a good friend the first of June, putting the house on the market it July, then the move in Sept.. At my age, just to much, so I really haven't been up to par in a long time. But you already know all of that.
Jeff, Teddy isn't doing well at all, but Tracie just can't bring herself to have him put down. I know she and Taylor love him so much and I know Tra feels like Teddy is one of the last things she has alive that she can feel close to you. She has taken him to the VET, but nothing seems to help him. So help her and the VET, do the best they can. But you know Jeff, since you were called home I could see the hurt in Teddy's eyes, and I know he has greived for you, just like we have. Animals are very smart, and they know when something has happened to their Master's. Well Honey, I'll go for now, but will be back soon. Keep watch over my Mom and Dad too, they both are having health problems. And send Tra some help, and keep watch over your Brother' and Sister's in Blue. Oh, you would like the new patrol cars that Sheriff Duncan got the Dept. Forgot what make they are but they are really pretty. I love the design on them. Remember you are loved and missed so very very much. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

June 4, 2007

Wishing you a Happy Memorial Day. Thank you for your dedicated service to your Country and also to law enforcement. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 27, 2007

My Dearest Jeff,
We will be honoring our Hero's on Monday. I want you to know that I will be thinking of you and honoring you as I do every day. A day that we all stop and remember those who sacrificed their lives for us. Who shed their blood on foreign soil and those who shed their blood on American Soil. So many lives have been taken by criminals,illegal alien's, or a crazed psychopath,a drunk driver, a drug addic. So much I will never understand.
Just this week one of our School Teacher's lives was taken in a car wreck by an illegal alien driving without a drivers license. Although there were four of them in the car, their lives were also taken. I just don't understad what's happening in America today. Yes it's the land of the free but how can people like this be allowed in our Country? So many of our Border Control's lives have been taken trying to protect us and keep the alien's out. I'm not saying that everyone of them are bad, and those who come here should immedeiatly go to the Government and have to pledge their alleigence to America, learn English, and leave their flags in their own Country. Every Amreican should read the rules for entering Australia, Mexico and other requirements illegal alien's have to abide by. In Turkey if you kill an Officer, your shot on the spot. There is no trial. Just so much I don't understand Jeff.
Maybe I've said to much, but I feel that more people should speak up, and stand up for ALL who lay down their lives for the rest of us. I am so thankful for the Veteran's who fought to keep America free. I honor each of them who gave their lives in battle, but I also feel there are those who lay down their lives in America who should be acknowledge more. I think of those today who lost their lives on 9/11, inocent lives just wiped out.
Well I guess I've said to much already. I put flags out yesterday for you and Mike and to represent all our Hero's.
My heart goes out to every family who has lost a loved one while trying to protect our Country. I salute everyone of them. Thank you Jeff, for your ultimate sacrifice. You live forever in my heart and Memories. And will be remembered every day, but especially on Memorial Day.
With Love, your mother-in-law, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 26, 2007

Well we made it back from DC. The radio in the van didn't work right the whole way up there and back so that made for even a longer ride. We worn your picture proudly on our uniforms and even left one at the Marine Corps Memorial in your honor. We held your Memorial 5k run a couple of weeks late due to snow on the day we had it planned. We will continue to have the memorial run and continue to stand in honor and memory of you in DC each year. The Marine Corps motto of Semper Fi means always faithful to God, Country and Corps, it also means we will always be faithful in honoring and remembering you and the sacrifice you made. Semper Fi Devil Dog!

Rick Wood, Battalion Chief
Skyland Fire-Rescue

May 20, 2007

Hey Sweetie,
Hope you know that I'm thinking of you and missing you every day..
I also hope that everyone that went to Washington, got home safely. I know that it was a sad time for those who had lost someone in the line of duty. All of you were Hero's, but families had rather have all of you back with us just as you were. The honor given each of you will forever be appreciated, but we wish your name was not on a wall of rememberance. Then on the other side, each of you deserve to be Honored forever.
Mike's Mom called tonight and she and her friend had gone to the Policeman's Hall of Fame and took the Buncombe County Hat,patch and a picture of you with an American Flag on it, to put by your name. I appreciate it so very much..She also took things for other families who had lost a loved one in the line of duty to put at the wall with their names on them. I know Mike is so proud of His family and all they do, not only in memory of Mike, but everyone else. They really are thoughtful people and have become such dear friends. I know you and Mike had something to do with that. I know that you were standing at Heaven's door waiting for Mike when He got there. And I imagine you both had those little crooked smiles on your face when you met face to face.
Well just wanted you to know that you are always on my mind and in my heart. Please continue to keep watch over all of us you left behind and your Brother's and Sister's in Blue.. Love you forever. Mother-in-law, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 20, 2007

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