Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt
Happy Belated Birthday...Keep watching over us down here...I can't believe that it is going on 4 yrs.....You are missed every day....I always remember your friendly demeanor while working with you.....
Coastal NC, Deputy/Friend
March 31, 2008
Happy Easter Jeffrey
March 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Jeff...we miss you.
March 21, 2008
Good morning son,
It's your birthday and a very hard day for us. Time just seems to stand still and it seems like only yesterday I held you in my arms with so much joy and love. You made our family complete and filled our hearts to bursting. Susan had the baby brother she always wanted and boy, did she love you! Your dad and I were oh so happy to finally have the precious son we had prayed for for almost 8 years. Never, ever did we dream we would have you for such a short time. You brought us love, laughter and joy beyond measure. When God chose to call you home we tried to understand and each and every day we pray for help in dealing with our grief. On April 4th we'll come together at the dept. to honor you, remembering the happy times when you were in our lives and supporting each other as we grieve because you are no longer with us. I feel your presence at the most unexpected times and I know you're my Angel here on earth.
Susan sends her love and wants you to know she sure does need you here to talk to; to be her "big" little brother and to just give her a hug when she really needs one. We love you honey. Susan, Dad and I will "see" you at the dept.on the 4th and at the run at the fire dept. on the 5th. Happy 38th honey. Give mom, Uncle Bill and Marie our love. They are the latest flowers from our family to be taken from us and to join you in Gods wonderful Garden of treasures.
You are loved and missed so much,
Mom, Dad and Susan
March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday E-EDWARD 2
We love and miss you!
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Jeff. You have not been forgotten
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 20, 2008
Hey Baby,
Happy Birthday! I hope you, Mike, John and Joe anr getting to celebrate. I'm at work right now...so I only have a moment to write. I love you so much and wish I could be with you today. Maybe one day soon. You are loved and missed so much. Taylor says "Happy Birthday" too. He just sent me a text and said "Isn't today Jeff's Birthday"...so even a 15 yr old hasn't forgotten you or your birthday.
I'll be out to the cemetary a little later this afternoon to bring you a present. I love you so much!!
See you in my dreams
Tracie Hewitt
March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday in Heaven.
Carol Gordon
March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Sweetie,
I sure hope this gets put in by in the morning. I haven't been up to par this week. But I didn't want you to think that I wasn't thinking of you, especially on your Birthday. I know that everyone will be celebrating you today in Heaven. And I know that the angels will sing Happy Birthday to you. I'll have a candle burning in your Honor Jeff and still trying to understand why you were taken from us so soon. Why, just as your life had started it was taken. In my heart Jeff, I think of you every day. I miss you..I miss you being with Tracie and Taylor. I miss just knowing that you were there taking care of them. Thank you Jeff, for all you did. For all of us.
My parents aren't doing to well these days, so please keep watch over them along with all the loved ones you left behind. You are not now, nor ever will be forgotten Jeff. You are the part of our hearts that has been left void. That can never be filled again, not today tomorrow or ever. The love we all had for you in our heart, is yours alone. The place that say's "RESERVED FOR JEFF". We can share the rest of heart with others, but not the part you took with you. And the memories you left for us. Thank you Jeff, not just today, but always.
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday today. Heaven became brighter the day you left, and a shadow that lingers forever in our heart remains. Our HERO our forever HERO.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY....I love and miss you.. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
March 19, 2008
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday Cuz! You have been on my mind alot our poor family has had some rough times but good thoughts keep bringing us through it. I love and miss ya!
Chrissy Hewitt
March 19, 2008
Hey Sweetie,
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Well I see where Tra has already told you about Olivia. She is so cute and Tra has her as spoiled as you had Teddy. I went over the other night and was holding her, as soon as Tra walked in she almost jumped out of my arms to get to her. She sleeps with Tra like Teddy did you. I hope one day Taylor can get a picture of them, like the one with you and Teddy, and put them in a double frame.
Jeff I hope you know there isn't a day goes by that we don't think of you. We miss you so much and the fourth year of being without you will be coming up soon. I still think we are all in shock from that dredful day. It still doesn't seem real. Still like a bad dream that I wish I could wake up from and see you with Tracie again. We will never understand why things happen and it's hard for our mortal minds to comprehend, but we have to try and accept that God doesn't make mistakes and that He see's much futher down the road than we do. I know all of the Hero's that He has called home, was for a reason we won't know until we see you again. And at that point, it won't matter. We will all be together again.
Well Jeff I'll go for now, but will be back before your Birthday. Love and Miss you so very much. Forever in our hearts and minds. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
March 17, 2008
Hey Baby,
I've had you on my mind so much today. It's March 13th and your birthday is just one week away. I still see things I wish I could buy for you when I'm out shopping. There are so many new "toys" out there that I know you would love. I know how excited you were...waiting on your Dodge Ram Truck. It breaks my heart that you never got a chance to drive it. The department has the new Dodge Chargers as you know. I know you would have absolutely LOVED to have one of those. There are so many things I wish I could have given you. I drive by that house in Mills River every now and then to see if it's on the market. You know the one we looked at over and over again. You wanted that house so bad. I've had thoughts of selling the house and getting something in Taylor's school district. I just don't know....there's so much of YOU here....I'm not sure if I'm ready to let that go.
Oh...I have a new 10 week old baby girl! Her name is Olivia and she's a chocolate Long Haired Chihuahua. She's absolutely beautiful and spoiled rotten. I didn't really want another dog....especially since loosing Teddi...but I saw her and my heart just melted! I think I needed her as much as she needed us. She sleeps with me...I sleep on my side...so she snuggles up at my shoulder and lays her little head on my neck when she sleeps. The other night she was laying beside me and she wanted her head to be on the pillow too...so she had her little neck stretched as far as it would go so she could reach the pillow. She follows me every step I take. You would absolutely love her.
Well, baby...I guess I should go. You were just on my mind so strong and I had to let you know I'm thinking of you always. My heart still dreams that I will hear that garage door open and you will walk in and say "Hey Beautiful". I miss your smile...I miss your kiss...I miss your touch I miss every single thing about you. I so wish you were here to hold me tight and make me feel safe again. I'm absolutely nothing without you....but I'm everthing I am because you loved me.
I'm always searching for you in my dreams
I love you,
Tracie M. Hewitt
March 13, 2008
Thankyou for your service and sacrifice. You are a true hero who will never be forgotten. GOD bless your family
February 26, 2008
In a month-and-a-half, it will have been 4 years. Jeff--You are never far from our thoughts---especially watching NASCAR (especially Talladega). Thank you for your service to the community. To Jeff's wife Tracie and his other family members---You are in our thoughts and prayers.
K. Houston
Buncombe County
February 20, 2008
Hey Sweetie,
Wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Valentines Day. Sending hugs and love your way. I think of you every day Jeff and miss you so much. Just knowing you were there with Tracie and Taylor gave me so much peace of mind. I will forever know that God Himself sent you into Tracie's life, I will forever be grateful for that, but I will never understand why you couldn't stay. I was over at Mom and Dad's tonight, and we were talking about when you and Tracie got married. It was such a beautiful day. And everyone was so happy and glad to be together.
You and Mike watch over Bobby. He was sworn in today for the Chicago Police Dept. I know all the Gordon's were thinking of Mike as Bobby took an oath to serve the City of Chicago. I know he will be a great Officer, just like his Dad and Mike.
Jeff, I hope you know how much I love and miss you. That you will always be a part of our lives. You will never be forgotten. Like I've told you before, you were my Hero, in more ways than laying down your life. You know it still doesn't seem real to me.It has been very hard for me to accept that you aren't coming back. Maybe it's because I was going through so much when it all happened. It's like it is a void spot in my mind and heart. I think all of us were in such shock, and I don't know if I have ever come out of it. Maybe my mind just stays in overload, I'm not sure. The one thing I do know is that I can see your face and see your smile and hear your voice. And I don't ever want that to leave me, because that's how I keep you alive. Tracie stays pretty busy. I worry about her when she works late. But I'm a Mom, and no matter how old your children are, to a parent you will always be their child. But I let them live their own lives. If they ask for advice or need me, I'm here, but I try not to be to pushy. I just want all of my family to know how much I love and need them. I go to the Dr. Thursday, he will be running some test. I don't know what all, but I just don't feel great. So be with me, okay? Well, Hon, I'll go for now. Keep watch over all of us, and all of your Brother's and Sister's in Blue. Tell all of our Fallen Hero's that they have not been forgotten, but live forever in our hearts and memories. Love and Miss you. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
February 13, 2008
Hey Baby,
It's almost 1am on Saturday. I'm at the office working. I've been really busy the past few weeks. We've had a funeral to attend each week. You already know about Taylor's friend, Chelsea, being killed. I've been so worried about Taylor. He was devastated! He was a complete wreck the other night. I was so worried about him. He was talking about you and how much he misses you and how you should be here to help us through these troubled times. It's so hard to try and explain why something like this had to happen. But how do I?? There's no logical explination of why that innocent little girl had to be taken....or why you were taken. He was talking about how in love we were and how he could see that love in us when we were together. I did my best to comfort him. I ended up calling his dad to come over. I think he really just needed both of us to be with him. I am so greatful that Tony and I get along now and I have you to thank for that. I'm glad we can be friends for Taylor. Taylor was saying he didn't want to live anymore if he has to feel this kind of hurt. I tried to let him know that good days are just around the corner. I know you are watching after him and he is in God's hands. There is a counselor coming to the school to talk with the kids next week. He should also get some one-on-one time. I'm hoping he will finally get a chance to deal with some of the feelings he's having. He hasn't even gotten over losing you and now he's faced with a terrible loss again.
Well Baby, I should get back to work. Taylor is with his Dad...so there's really no point in rushing home. I'll just work a little longer. I get a lot done when it's quiet.
Know that I love you and miss you so much!
See you in my dreams 1-4-3
Love you,
Tracie Hewitt
January 26, 2008
Hey Sweetie,
One of those nights when I can't go to sleep and had you on my mind. Tra and Taylor came over this afternoon, well Tracie had to work so she brought Taylor over to stay with me. He is so upset over his little friend being shot. She had e-mailed him the night before telling him she would be moving back up here and would be back at his school. It was so tragic. Her Mother and sister were also killed. I just don't understand these things. The mother's boyfriend shot them. The Police shot him, and he is in the hospital.
Taylor, is like me, when something happens like that he really hurts. But it's okay for him to cry. I know that's why God gave us tear ducts, and not just to women. And it's the outlet He gave us to let some of the hurt out or else I guess we would explode. But my heart aches so much for Taylor and Tracie, they have both gone through a lot in their short lives. Especially Tracie. I want to just hold her like I did when she was little. I would hold her for hours at a time and rock her, not knowing all she had facing her in the years to come. And Jeff, as all Mother's know, when your child is hurting or being hurt,that Mother hurts just as bad if not more. Because every Mother would take the place of her child. And I know that Dad's do to, but it's like there is a Law, that they can't show it. Well they can and to me it makes them more of a man than less of one.
While Tra went back to work, I cooked dinner for her. She picked up a peice of fried chicken and said That's good stuff. Well you know I thought of you as that was always your saying "That right there is good stuff". No matter what it was or how it was cooked. You will never be out of our hearts and memories Jeff. But I love to cook for her when I am having a good day. And if we had thought about it, we could have called the Sheriff's Dept out. You know how I cook. For an Army. That just made me think of your Dad and how we teased each other about the chicken legs.
Well Hon, I'll try and get some sleep. Remember how much you are loved and missed. Keep watch over all of us you left behind and your Brothers and Sisters in Blue. I always remember them in my prayers. Sending love your way.
Carolyn Moore
January 23, 2008
Hey Jeff,
Almost 4 years now. Wow. I know I haven't written in a while... I'm sorry. Things haven't really been going well lately. Like yesterday; one of my frinds, Chelsea Gregory, wsa shot and killed yesterday morning. She didnt deerve this, she was so kind and warm; she would never do anything to upset anyone or cause anyone harm. So maybe you can give her a nice warm welcome? For me? It would really mean a lot to me.
I had a dream about you the other night. It was a good one too for a change. I had always had dreams of just watching everything that happened to you. And i couldn't do anything about it. But this time I dreamt that you had been away for a long time and had come back home to me an Mom. We need you. Things aren't the same without you.
I love you, I hope to see you soon.
Taylor Youngblood
January 19, 2008
Dearest son,
You are on our minds and in our hearts today and every day but today will be especially hard and we ask for your presence as we say our final goodby to uncle Bill and and John. Uncle Bill will be buried this afternoon and we know he is already with you, mom and the Lord. Later this afternoon we'll say goodby to John and give our love and support to his family. He will be laid to rest tomorrow but we know that his journey is already complete and he is safe and happy as he stands tall by your side as as you join forces to protect your brothers and sisters as they continue their watch here on earth. The Holidays were very difficult for us this year. We lost mom, Uncle Bill and John. As always the blue light still burns in our window each night. It will not be removed and will burn for you, Mike, Joe and now John. We miss you with all our heart and soul honey. We'll visit you today ,spending time in prayer and seeking strength to go on.
Susan sends her love. Watch over her and keep her safe.
Love you honey,
Mom, Dad, Susan and family
January 5, 2008
Edward 4 Buncombe, I'll be 10-8 with Edward 2
BCSO Deputy
January 3, 2008
We hope you liked the orange rose that Rhiannon picked for you for Christmas. I see that the little tiny jack rabbit she picked for you and and we hid is still there! I told her we had to hide it from that mean ole weedeater. She hid Joe's little wolf too.
Anyhow, just wanted you to know that you are not forgotten. You are loved and missed by so many people.
Please continue to watch over all of us until we meet again.
Jan and Rhiannon
January 2, 2008
Hey Baby,
I got the news today that John Miller was called home. I'm sure you guys had a lot of catching up to do. John was such good man and a fine officer. He was always so good to drop by from time to time to see if I needed anything. My heart breaks for his wife and family. I tried to call tonight, but his cell was the only number I had. I had a sick feeling in my stomach when I heard "Leave me something after the tone". Hard to believe he's gone. I'll call the office tomorrow and try to get a home number so I can check on them. I sure don't know what I would have done if the department wives hadn't been there for me. I really couldn't have survived with out that department. So many I had never even met..but they were "family" and remain so.
I hope you had a beautiful Christmas in heaven. It's been really busy for me lately. We had Christmas with the family here this year. The first time since you've been gone. It felt strange. I remember how you were always there to help me before. I guess I will never feel completely "normal" ever again. I still miss you so much. I went to see a new movie last week. It's called "P.S. I love you". Man, it was hard to sit through that one. The person who wrote that hit the nail on the head. It pretty much expressed every single emotion I've had since you've been gone. It also made me remember that you are always in my heart and you always have your eye on me. I know you whisper into God's ear every now and then on my behalf.
Please let John know he will be missed. Like I said, I will check in on the family tomorrow. Tell John not to worry...they are in good hands.
I love you so...and miss you every day!
See you in my dreams 1-4-3
Love you,
PS Taylor had a dream about you finally. He's been hoping so much that you would visit him in his dreams and you finally did. He was so excited to spend some time with you. Stop by our dreams any time...you're always welcome and we're always looking for you.
Tracie M. Hewitt
January 2, 2008
We know you wrapped your arms around John (E4) as he came and joined your "new squad" early this morning.
We love and miss you, and now John also.
January 2, 2008
Hey Jeff, It's hard to wish you a Happy New Year when you are not here with us. But we wish you one in Heaven. And I know that the years you have been there have been happy for you. For us, we say the words, but how can we have total happiness with out you here? There will always be the sadness that was left behind when you were called home, but we try to go on knowing that you are wishing us a Happy New Year. That you are watching over us. Please keep doing that. And always remember that you are very much alive in our hearts and memories. You were loved on this earth and still loved although you are at home in Heaven. Never,Never to be forgotten. You are loved and missed so very much. Maybe we will get to see you again this year, as none of us knows what tomorrow holds. Just like you and Mike. You never thought for a moment those dredful days, that you wouldn't make it back to your earthly home. But we will see each other again some day soon. Seems like the New Year is a little easier to get through than Thanksgiving and Christmas. Well I stop by soon. Give Mike and all the other Hero's my love. Carolyn
Carolyn Moore
January 1, 2008
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones as the new year approaches. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 31, 2007