Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Hide and seek is a game kids play. Police work is special work assigned to all who willfully sign the dotted line and keep honor, integrity and dignity within their hearts and badges which you always did, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of humility, sanctity and trust of the people. Your missions, journeys and life have been remembered for respectful character, loyal commitments and convictions of excellence and humble virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 17, 2020
Retaliation ratchets up confrontation. Lately, we seem to have become a society bent on anger and conflict. Protesting in a dignified manner is allowable as per our constitution. But, vandalizing and looting are surely now the right path or honest direction to travel to make your point. You spoke in measured tones, Officer Cook and nothing was difficult to understand. If only your heroic integrity and character could have convinced Mr. Pearsall, the man who took your life to surrender to you and your comrades that terrible day of sadness for Dade County and your beloved family members. Heaven is not some laid back venue,it's a humanely stoic location where all angels of valor go to walk those pearly gates of boldness and you my neighbor, friend and hero won't be forgotten. Rest in peace. The stars and constellations shine brightly because of how you comported yourself with class,manners and respect for humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
The floods come and with them come so much adversity. You handled everything, Officer Cook, as a man should, heroic, honorable and with certain dignity and sheer integrity. Dade County citizens won't overlook your welcome character and graceful composure at all times. Poised and ready to defend and now we paid salutes to a blessed heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
The final resting place for all heroes and heroines who distinguished themselves in their communities is heaven's peaceful perches of freedom to move about and gallantry. Dade County is where honor, respect, integrity and humility spoke with dignity and full attention to all details never once, Officer Cook, did your mind wander off the streets where total satisfaction was guaranteed. Now we salute as does your family your vital role in enforcing the law and in restoring order. Nothing worse than terror taking its awful bite. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero of character and truthful convictions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
You orchestrated goodwill,devotion and sure fire dedication to perform the sacred will of God, Officer Cook. Its purposes were your humanely honored passions. all special, all dignified and all virtual. Dade County was well served by a man who brought everything happy into this world and left honored and blessed by many. Just sad that your life and career was halted by one man's evil violent nature. Loyal, humble and with a most gentle heart and soul now nourished by Our Creator's rewards for excellent work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
The gates stay unlocked and the books of remembrance are always open for business and a cheery entry. Honesty, integrity and your ever dependable dignity, Officer Cook, are there forever to salute for bravery, to behold their boldness and to enhance our very futures ones made brighter if you were able to be present to partake of their happiness. That is up to your family to carry out your heroic legacy and continue tapping into its many resources. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and your unselfish badge belong together as they made that ultimate sacrifice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
When I view the officers down page, Officer Cook and I see your sisters and brothers who laid down their lives many things are conjured up. First and always honor and pride, dignity and integrity above all else while fighting and defending our liberties here in Dade County. A venue with goodwill, hope and cherished loyalty. Your life and consummate career was about morals, ethical trust and guided truth from your heart. The Lord guides His flock of angels where they can graze and now you may walk that perfect unharmed beat forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The smiles and yet all these families experienced sorrowful grief and pure agony mourning their heroic loved ones.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
Kids and adults can laugh and play so long as humility and honesty address all the dignity and integrity needed to sustain oneself while patrolling for peace. Your serene nature, Officer Cook, was most heroic and such a benefit to mankind and to all Dade County. Without your respect, character and loyal commitments to pride and excellence who know today where we would be? You'll always be fondly saluted and remembered for sacred acts of concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 16, 2020
A tree is pruned periodically to be able to survive and to continue being nourished. Police nurture their communities with an abundance of standards all geared to the public and their survival. A failure to stay honest, dignified and to say the least have respectful character could result in a heaven forbid loss of life. No one wants that and that day no one including your family, Officer Cook, wanted you to be taken suddenly at such a young age with more left to accomplish. Your goals, dreams and aspirations have turned into heroism and inspirations to further mankind and other brave colleagues who go out of their normalcy to risk their souls for harmony. Dade County will never forget you and what you meant and always will to your beloved family, Officer Cook. The righteous are rewarded while the evil shall be punished. Truth and trust marched solidly as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
All your life and professional police career, Officer Cook, you looked to chip away at the corrosion that callous evil causes and to build esteem honorably within the Dade County community where you lived and sought peace. Nothing ever seems to come easy and yet your fearless missions were undertaken with great respect, vision and the wisdom of both integrity and dignity surrounding your heroic heart and very humble and sacred soul. Always loyal, devout and special, it's found in great leaders where virtue bands together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
The jelly and peanut butter together make a more superb sandwich. Honesty, respect, integrity and dignity make a far better combination combating the ailments of mankind. Society and Dade County greatly appreciated you, Officer Cook, devoted to the practical purposes in life and by your most deeply meaningful missions to serve mankind. Our Creator has your soul sheltered for eternal keeping and may you and your family only recognize health, harmony and truthful journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The courage and charm you displayed won't be forgotten!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
Consistent is better than lukewarm. Police have their diligence firmly on the pulse of those they protect. Your heart and soul, Officer Cook, were prideful and mindful of Dade County and never once let their integrity and dignity wander from responsibility. Today, you are honored poignantly for goodwill, hope and the loyalty demonstrated as a top flight officer never more succinct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
You can but an item at the store and return it for money or credit. A life lost cannot be bought back for credit or cash. A soul that gave his all in honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, cannot be overlooked. You paid the ultimate price for Dade County to persevere in admiration, respect and adherence to virtues. God sadly felt your life and career did its all in twenty-five years and took a treasured soul back to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your mother, father and their beloved and darling son, a hero forever all reunited in God's loving arms.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
Your physical being, Officer Cook, has returned to the earth from where you came. Your heart,soul and spirit went back to heaven to serve a more grander and humbler role, to walk a perfect beat patrolling those gates of bravery and to allow those who give their lives a hero or heroine's welcome. Dade County had your smile and display of friendship dedicated to dignity,desire and integrity that all attracted humility during your sometimes heated wars over wickedness. We cannot forget you and I'm quite sure neither has your family forgotten their "Uncle Bo" Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
Over forty-one years ago and still solemnly and fondly memorialized for heroism and honesty so entrenching. For your wisdom and unselfish vision, Officer Cook, Our Lord has surely rewarded your basic acumen and reverence all because of how you and your sister, Nancy were raised at home. Respect, loyalty and faith certainly can take one's goals, dreams and aspirations far down those humbly trusted and truthful trails of tenacity. You my neighbor, friend and hero built a solid foundation for other public servants to follow your morals in and around keeping Dade County residents safe and sound. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
When success comes, you try and be honorably humble about it. You just perform your tasks and roles the best you can and hope peace and safety envelop your community. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook, where virtue and valor worked and sweated hand in hand. Always accomplished and forever dignified and stoic integrity the blessings of excellent character and amazing commitments. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 15, 2020
The albatrosses around any officer's necks are as follows: wanton evil, callousness, heinousness and malicious violence. All honored and humble public servants attempt to do is to enforce the laws and restore peace and order of which you acquitted yourself very well, Officer Cook. The burdens of your labors were handled quite succinctly and excellently as far as morals go and by the letters of dignity,integrity and totally respected character never forgotten by Dade County. You can be certain up in heaven your heart, soul and spirit of holiness has continued soaring as you fly like angel with devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resourcefulness, reverence plus proficiency are equal to any feats of ordinary folks. Yours, Officer Cook, were beyond that scope as was your unselfish wisdom, vision and maturity that helped to tame terror and spark a new dawning.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
You gave your heroically honorable life, Officer Cook, for the virtues of Dade County to all validate your charm and candor. With a smile and dignity, did you go and seek to find a path to tranquility. Not easy even with integrity and respect leading the charge. You will be remembered and etched within your family and comrades' hearts forever. Never a waver, never a hesitation. You provided first class service to a community and gave goodwill,hope and devoutness their sincerest of blessings. Your spirit continues being rewarded for its heroic journeys all heavenly in peace and cause. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
With a soft step and a noble heart, away on patrol you went, Officer Cook, reeling in peace while serving Dade County's humane and sacred interests. Your years had a certain humility about themselves in that your fortitude carried sway over anything else. Your priorities were set in stone, the citizens first. Integrity, dignity and honesty hold a certain mettle and each man and woman must carefully and gently balance their loads and onuses. We salute your heroism and display of outstanding character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
The university of faith, devotion and dignity begins its honored humility from the time one is born until Our Creator calls for one's soul. You were certainly a cherished angel, Officer Cook, most dignified and with integrity so confident in being capable to handle your endeavors of danger, peril and obstacles that try their best to deter and to derail peace and freedom. The community of Dade County where you served and sacrificed your heroic life cannot forget you and your career of competent public service all made from the diamonds of character and everlasting morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
Public servants are critiqued and judged for performance every second of their careers. Yours, Officer Cook, never swayed nor wavered. It was straight ahead honesty, dignity and integrity acting as professional as the man wearing his humble badge and uniform with pride, reverence and a most respectful compassion patrolling Dade County for security and unity for all. Heaven has the roll calls of angels all valiant and vigilant walking their perfect beats where no harm will befall them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
Police work is not television's version of Let's Make A Deal. When lives so rich and humane are endangered it was your protection and persistence, Officer Cook, that made that distinct and heroic difference. Dade County felt honesty,dignity and integrity right from your caring heart. Now and for eternity we salute bravery and the balances of resolve, resourcefulness and your certain faithfulness defending us against the advances of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deals are only made under certain circumstances. If police bargained every little matter then who knows what mankind's outcomes would be?
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
Bold and humble they along with honor, integrity and dignity can transform a world of trouble into a society of serenity if those doing their jobs are the quintessential agents of peace themselves. Dade County was under your most admirable service, Officer Cook. Their hero and your family's pride and hero. Sacred and with a passionate purpose you'll be surely remembered and saluted for valor, conviction and the respect you gained by being a stoic man of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 14, 2020
Surely your personality has transformed heaven into an exclusive den of dignity and desire dedicated to aid the missions of mankind very humanely, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 and its wearer, yourself,provided the impetus for integrity and honesty seeping into your serious professional roles where good decision making is always crucial. Nothing however can return you to your family and that is very sad my neighbor,friend and hero. You were most beloved, admired and adored and that is what we need to continue making strides in society and in Dade County where you worked, served, toiled and protected for the common good of sanctity. Heaven has yourself and many other angels whose very souls touched humanity very gently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 13, 2020
Dade County will never be the same without you, Officer Cook and your appealing smile. A handsome and rugged man of sure resolve, quick thinking and resourcefulness surely not forgotten. Your composure and courage that day of May 16, 1979 and everyday sparked the flames of ferocity and its duly noted honor. Integrity,character and dignity were your sincerest form of reverence which you afforded humanity. Its succinctness and sacred journeys will be the basis for which you heroic legacy stands forever tall and proud. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 13, 2020