Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Logistics have to be strictly followed and adhered to if the public and its protectors are being kept safe and sound. You kept your word, Officer Cook, sheltering the residents of Dade County in honor, integrity and the seriousness of dignity to be fondly remembered. Heroes and heroines are those gentle angels who soar higher in heaven because of your unselfish efforts and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2020
A bridge allows you to walk or drive to a certain vicinity to locate a certain thing. You created newer bonds and friendships every moment you policed Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose heart and spirit gave back more than we could ever ponder. Honesty, integrity and dignity are those very foundations your faithful devotion and goodwill helped to lay down. The cornerstones of reverence, sanctity and nobility have been enriched by other public servants who have surely embraced your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2020
Destinations are our very directions of which people travel to all the time. Day or night there is a reason for such movement. You patrolled a certain corridor of Dade County each day, Officer Cook, promising hope, goodwill and renewal to its citizens that won't be forgotten. A hero born of honorable intentions and whose life and career was not only constructed out of fascination, but dignity, character and excellence in integrity and respect for mankind. Such a humane and humble heart and soul saluted valiantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2020
With blood on his hands, it was just tragic and senseless the way May 16,1979 ended for you, Officer Cook and nearly for your esteemed and brave colleagues. You all were consummate, you were honest, humble and heroic facing danger and whatever else daily to make enhancement in Dade County last forevermore. All dignity, respect and integrity poured into your treasured endeavors to restore and create a more harmonious environment for all to live sacred and purposeful lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least your killer got his punishment!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2020
The fact is ferocity does a better job when tenacity is tied to its corners. When your life and days, Officer Cook, were spent in honorable employment here in Dade County where its residents trusted you and respected your virtuous endeavors geared toward bettering society, you cannot be forgotten. Heaven awaited your loyal and tender heart and soul of distinction. All humility, sanctity and the essence of loyalty saluted for bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
Humanity seems to have taken a severe beating at the hands of deranged individuals lately. From where they came and now go? Between 1973 and 1979, you served, protected and preserved the honor, integrity and dignity of life in Dade County, Officer Cook. A hero educated and raised with esteemed manners and certain very important principles. A gentleman beloved by all pays the price to extract endearing, enriching and most enhancing security and safety. Your treasured soul my neighbor, friend and hero won't be forgotten. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
Police tasks are pain staking and surely never so simple. Grasping the burden and making those earthly journeys can be marked with obstacles and whatever else lies in wait. Danger awaits those trained, skilled and talented whose virtue and eyes are that trusted and truthful of sense of efficiency. You always gave on one hundred percent, Officer Cook, heroism and respect never more carefully built. Your family and peers have solemnly remembered the bonds formed and bridges constructed making the cornerstones more stable though you are missed quite a lot. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
A role is a solemn action that will ultimately uplift society. If undertaken with humility and decency, honesty and reverence, then and only then can tranquility begin to take shape covering a community in safety. You performed your jobs, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County with a smile, yet, serious accountability supporting your versatility.Our lives have gone on despite your very painful and stinging loss to mankind and of course your family. Hope is still out there to be reeled by the best men and women of dedication and devotion who have taken over your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
A pause for the cause will certainly bring back a flood of memories. Most warm and humble, the one of you giving your life, career and everything truthful in integrity and in dignity to be saluted with everlasting affection. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your battle ground with your effort and tenacity leaning further into the fracases to trap evil and deliver the peace and goodness all people are entitled to live in. Nobility and civility never lost track of each other and your soul will forever be blessed and rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
As the decades just seem to fly by there is still no doubt about your wonderful and most honest life, Officer Cook. It was and remains heroically etched upon your family's hearts and minds and those who worked with you restoring hope, faith and serene goodwill in Dade County. You occupied yourself in humility, dignity and integrity, character never more unselfish to be fondly cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Esteem and sacred purposes all residing in the skies above where your angle wings fit perfectly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2020
Those who fall doing their jobs, our comfort is their family's strength as it binds their aching hearts together as one. Your family, Officer Cook, lost you so young, so honored and humble, heroic and ever so mindful of protecting the interests and values all Dade County citizens share. Your consummate advice and direction gave deeper meaning to keeping the tunnel lights perpetually lit. You cannot ever go wrong when dignity, integrity and their truth and trust is never shattered. Your soul, Officer Cook, rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero high atop God's fruited plains where angels gather to soar higher and heroically every moment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
Decisions, decisions, at some point in life important ones could result in either saving a life or one losing theirs because of some mistake or purposeful tragedy that took you, Officer Cook, from your comrades and loved ones. It was no accident and because of your tireless and unselfish endeavors peace, freedom and liberty may proceed forward as you watch over us and your loved ones with a pure soul and noble heart. Sacred and immortal, the heroism won't get tangled up by extra wires of limbs that's for certain. Heaven is that tranquil garden of hope and goodwill that God oversees Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County forever remembers a warrior and a welcome smile now all in the skies above, so sad!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
Perseverance is a sweet smelling agent of acumen, astuteness and basic awareness. The poison of heinousness still evaporates sadly within our region and a good man like yourself, Officer Cook, was heroically honorable and very versatile in virtue, vigilance and the validity of both integrity and dignity. Violence met its match when it faced a truly humble man whose service was interrupted by a wicked man so callous and bent on revenge. The skies are clear and sunny as you patrol those regions of resiliency always so perfect and quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
You speak softly and carry humility steadfastly in your heart and soul. Badge#1664 carried effort and dignity around Dade County with gusto and a passion like no other. You fared quite well, Officer Cook, always a hero of resolve and integrity gentle and fair touching hearts and minds never to be forgotten. The baton seems to be weighted down a bit but after a while things hopefully will be on the uptick. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction keep the golden streets and pearly gates propped open forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
Stepping into a bear trap can surely hurt. If humanity could catch all the crime and evil with these traps I don't think everything would abate just yet. But, as long as good public servants honest and valiant as you were, Officer Cook, continue pursuing the trails of law and order perhaps Dade County can outlast this infamy of wickedness. For class, decency and reverence may God bless and provide comfort to all who mourned your tragic loss and continue to humbly heal the gaping holes left by your absence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
An essential part of any job is honesty and surely integrity coupling with resourceful dignity to quash those fires of evil. You certainly acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, very well on Dade County's behalf. harmony, liberty and some unity that can overcome the very obstacles of senseless terror which you tried to stopped the day you made the supreme sacrifice not to be forgotten, only saluted for its dedication and fiercely loyal determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
Crisp,clear and pristine. So honorable and heroic and that was your adoring presence, Officer Cook,here in Dade County where over forty-three years ago you began a dutiful career serving your community. You were definitely well read and well breed in character, respect, dignity and integrity which fortified your trails of justice, peace and truthful trust never more outstanding and especially on May 16,1979, when society witnessed your final feats of bravery and now you soar as an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2020
Accidents are just that. Callousness and heinousness are not that and are not incidents to be wiped up and forgotten. On the contrary, they are to be received and duly noted and respectfully saluted for their honor,their breath of dignity and integrity, yours, Officer Cook, have never been more accepted and so poignantly honored for their purpose in life, devotion to uplift Dade County's citizens and their prospects for peace and liberty. Badge#1664 will never be tarnished nor overlooked for its virtue, visibility and durability to aid others through peril or worse. So God fearing and relevant. You are missed very much my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
Courage, bravery and gallantry are all your borders of boldness and esteem. If you honor, dignity and integrity is centered, focused and forthright all else should be a bit easier when you patrol your areas of responsibility. Dade County was your onus, Officer Cook, heroically placed upon your road maps of resolve and resiliency. A uniform and a badge polished just as its wearer, a man of desire and noble causes whose passions led you to become an excellent servant of society and whose wings now allow you to soar for eternity and may your name and humility be rewarded and forever cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
The ink on the paper dries faster than you can imagine. The evil permeates quicker than a blink of an eye. Your reaction and responses, Officer Cook, all decent, honest and heroic lead Dade County into a new day and age. Integrity, dignity and humility are for authentic leaders and not to be dishonored, disrespected and demeaned. Your colleagues who toiled and worked along side of you have not forgotten their friend and brother who departed this earth all too early. You certainly had more left to fulfill. Our Creator needed your inspirational wisdom,vision and maturity in His nests of perfection to groom and to welcome those who too made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
A hand slaps. A belt bruises one's skin. Torment, turmoil and evil do more than just touch the surface. They humiliate society. They embarrass humanity. They just whip the heck out of integrity, dignity and one's self composed honor. You did your finest job, Officer Cook, not only on May 16,1979, but, everyday of your six years of loyal and treasured service receiving Dade County and its community into your family with loving arms. The eyes and ears, the feet and lips, so truthful, faithful and most trustworthy. A legacy that soundly and humbly constructed cornerstones for a sounder and a more serener future. One that would have been more stellar if God had allowed you to live on and to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Sacrifice means a purpose and bravery means more than just refined character, commitments and convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
Earthquakes shake our very foundations of peace and delicate unity. Evil and terror set off more harm than good and for being recognized for honesty, excelling in your chosen profession, Officer Cook, Dade County remembers, salutes and has your blessed soul,heart of heroics and integrity etched upon walls of honor where angels who gave their souls can be fully respected for their humane and unwavering efforts not to be overlooked nor forgotten by mankind. Sanctity, civility and nobility are too important to just glance at. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
For a life well lived and a career where you were duly honored and respected, Officer Cook, it will always bother me why side panels were not around during your watch. But, nonetheless, your hope and goodwill shielded Dade County residents from adverse harm. You were the consummate and loyal leader whose dedication, devotion and character was warmly greeted each and everyday. Humility, heart and heroism working their utmost to ward off the terrible sounds of violence. Keep looking down from your angelic perch of perseverance and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.An inch, a quarter of an inch and who knows what the outcome might have been. I'll always be concerned when a public servant suffers harm or worse heaven forbid!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 7, 2020
Don't complain, just comply when any vested officer gives you duly noted instructions. Save yourself a host of problems. Your actions that day, Officer Cook, permeated goodwill and a feeling of friendship within Dade County. Your community where humility and sacrifice lived and breathed and gave strength to a worried area. The weary and downtrodden all lifted by your enhancing goodwill and spirit of affection. Character and conviction cited as your courage and everlasting bonds of bravery. An angel with perfectly fitted wings to fly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor and integrity keep God's gates of gallantry perpetually unlocked.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 6, 2020
Shape up or one must ship out. Stay in the honorable path and look to terminate terror. You, Officer Cook, were a first rate gentleman with a heart of passion, compassion and surely the bounds of boldness and efficiency and for this Dade County was preserved by honesty and dignity never allowing indifference to come between you and the public. You'll be solemnly honored and your memory etched within walls and hearts of all who knew a legend of humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 6, 2020