Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Public servants must be ethically proper while aggressively pursuing evil. You never turned your back on Dade County ever, Officer Cook. With such boldness and bravery, your heroism stands as those symbols of honesty,integrity and dignity while shielding us from peril. Only unity, goodwill and humbleness shall follow your righteous soul as it rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect is mankind's bond for a safer tomorrow just wished you could have been spared to witness the sun coming up.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2020
Only the kindest, gentlest and warmest of words remembering a hero for the people of Dade County. The esteem and resolve, the respect for mankind, its dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, were thoroughly satisfied by your unwavering, tireless and unselfish actions not just on may 16, 1979, everyday and every moment of your life and career so sacred and compassionate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, commitment and faithful trust, truth and convictions to wisdom, vision and maturity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2020
A touch of class and decency goes a long distance. All heart and mind while administering to the community of Dade County were you grew up and became a model officer, Officer Cook, leading others with honesty,integrity and total dignity which in turn can assist in keeping security and unity forever tied to one another. You are to be commended and forevermore a hero whose gentleness was undying and tireless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
You never sought the dramatic, Officer Cook and neither did you look for rewards. Our Lord took your hands,feet and heart with Him everyday you watched over Dade County and steered your earthly missions toward true justice and the trust of humanity. So much depends upon skill and a bit of luck, yet responsible men and women earn their stripes not only by being focused and valiant, but by being loyal and hopeful carrying dignity, respect and integrity to newer levels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
Always discreet and always friendly, a sacred passion that lead you to become a police officer, Officer Cook, never escaped from your heart. A smile and yet serious demeanor helped to combat the evil affects of violence that plagued Dade County and threatened its safety and secure movement. Always a heroic angel and a man of trust and truth, a young man born from class and humbleness always exhibiting humility and fine character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
You took charge and maintained a serene vigilance over Dade County, Officer Cook. Its landscapes were fairly protected and firmly kept up as you possessed a calming voice and all the honesty, assurance and causes and purposes of dignity and integrity. You are very much missed by all and Our Creator's skies are always lit up by your unselfish heart and soul. One with conviction, charm and candor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
A simple patch on a tire may allow the life of the tire to carry onward. Fixing a part of the anatomy hurt by a bullet is a tougher job for a doctor. I wished they could have saved your life at North Shore hospital that tragic day, Officer Cook and so did your beloved family and esteemed colleagues. Dade County and its people lost more than a fine gentleman and young man. All the humble honor,blessed humility and dignified integrity coupled with fortitude of character and stellar commitment always saluted for its courage and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
Though your tender and gentle heart, Officer Cook, was sadly stopped by violence, your soul and spirit continue beating within God's heaven where your honor, integrity and dignity are put to the eternal tests of watching over Our Lord's streets and gates of virtue and valor. So much has happened since your ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County over forty-one years ago. Crime seems to be up and rampant and through your unwavering and superlative character and leadership you'll forever remain a hero with wisdom, vision and maturity all forever loyally treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2020
The cowards of callousness come out and fiercely unveil their evil and what not. You came out, Officer Cook, dressed regally with full uniform and a badge of politeness that meant everything to you, your family and peers of justice and truth. Dade County did not need to pull out a periscope to view your exploits all for heaven's name and for the sake of keeping peace surrounded by your unwavering dignity and landscape of your character's integrity. You were one man, one humble legend who could be relied upon when the stakes were high. Decent and with desire to tackle any and all responsibility no matter the risk of life and danger following your treasured trails of justice and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility is a symbol of heart. Sanctity is a telling sign of a man's soul of devotion all within your spirit. An angel forever loved, adored and greatly admired.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Shame and humiliation are two bullies that need to be permanently banished from mankind. You took to the pavements, Officer Cook, to heroic honor Dade County with your excellence and moral courtesies. All the sense of direction, pride and accomplishment was left behind for other brave and noble women and men to carry on. To take heroism, integrity and dignity and bring their names to a higher level of value. You comported yourself, Officer Cook, with the handles of trust, respect and vigilance at all times not to be forgotten. A special man with virtue and vigor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Defaming one's honor and character is simply disgraceful. So disrespectful and no manners or class. Your blessed and cherished name, Officer Cook, stands tall among law enforcement heroes and heroines here in Dade County where you served the public over forty-three years ago. All heart, mind and soul figuring out the ins and outs of policing a community. It's where your dignity, charm and tireless integrity continue bringing goodwill and hope to those whom you protected. You are certainly entitled to homage and humanely sacred salutes for bravery and for loyalty above and beyond calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Fate and destiny at time share that freezer like feeling. You just never know when heinousness will strike at a community's heart. It struck Dade County and you showed you truly cared, Officer Cook, about its citizens. Your sense of direction, skill, honor and reverence all shined brightly as did your inspiring integrity, loyalty and thoughtfully serene dignity. All heroes and heroines angels pulling together to guard those sacred fortresses where only the true and trust remain alive forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Our cultures and fates depended upon your courage and genuine integrity,honor and dignity all humble,humane and most heroic. Dade County did not doubt your endeavors, Officer Cook, always undertaken with humanity in mind. Character and convictions that have stood the tests of time. Just too much has passed since the Lord called your spirit home to watch over your comrades today serving the public interest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Your heart responded only one way, Officer Cook. You met fate and did not flinch an eyelid. Dade County was supported by your unselfish and undying composure to duty and onus. It was all in your genes of integrity, gallantry and honest effort. They all have been fondly remembered as the sources of your commitments and ingenuity in which your intelligence, vision and wisdom kept serenity marching onward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Each day, Officer Cook, your plate was filled with things to tackle, tasks to unfurl and challenges for certain to be corrected. Dade County received loyal and gentle care and concern from a beloved man of devoutness and determination. Only the finest ethics and character participating in locating goodness from evil. One never knows what lies beneath this earth. A truthful heart and trusted soul of sacred passions and missions giving society every ounce of strength to right the ships of destiny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Public servants are like dentists in that they must pull, tug and make things fit just right. Nothing can out of alignment which can jeopardize the safety of all mankind and of course Dade County where you preserved the sanctity of life. A career cut from the fabrics of ferocity, dignity and heroic honesty. Never overlooked nor forgotten for building bridges of esteem, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were the consummate professional gifted and skillful always resolute to solving issues and various circumstances.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
The Lord dons glory, mercy and compassion for His creatures. He girded you, Officer Cook, with a strong body, mind and soul to patrol all Dade County and bring them a semblance of peace and togetherness. You my neighbor, friend and hero were cherished and blessed with an abundance of acumen, dignity so devoted and honorable integrity so well placed. A soul of trust and truth, so humanely sacred and forward in giving. heroism well etched and saluted forevermore. Rest in peace. The skies above have respectful character and staunch commitments roaming free to guard the gates of valor and boldness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Peril is unrelenting and causes a community to quiver thinking what may be next? It's cold and callous just what happened to you, Officer Cook, the day you gave your heroic life and career so versed and blessed for Dade County. You'll not be forgotten for demonstrating beyond any doubt resourcefulness and faithful loyalty all because of your honest and dignified trails and paths of integrity and decent character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2020
Consternation cannot come and push consideration around like a bully. Honor, dignity and integrity will never standby and let the unthinkable happen. It did not for you, Officer Cook and you will live on in your family and comrades' hearts as a Dade County legend. A hero of the highest regard whose record of excellence and loyalty stands ready to meet whatever needs to be reckoned with. Good character. Sterling integrity. Stellar dignity. Respect and respect. Faithful and devout without a doubt and never forgotten. A young man whose challenge was to provide a securer Dade County for all to cherish and you now are forever treasured as an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's tragic Mr. Pearsall had no class or character taking an innocent man's life away when you were protecting the community's serenity and safety.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, may you rest in peace. You had the heart of a lion,brave, bold and so humbly authentic. You rescued Dade County everyday from adversity, calamity and plain unending tragedy. You led an exemplary life of promise and prudence, all proficient and practical. It asserted itself into the frays of fiery evil and never once did you shirk responsibility. Reliability and sanctity don't hide. Ferocity and tenacity turn up those back burners of trust and truth and your character and commitments to excel and accomplish made your earthly journeys of faith,goodwill and serenity stand up for saluting. A hero whose heart, soul and spirit reside in God's den of angels next to your beloved parents may they too rest in peace. The pride of North Miami Beach, Charles, Julia Cook and their darling son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge #1664, of esteem cherished by all humanity. Your smile is truly missed very much as your family endeavors to transport your legacy forward for generations to come. A principled man and an even greater gentleman blessed with fundamental acumen, wisdom, vision and maturity beyond your unselfish dignity, integrity and honesty. The heavens shine with vim, vigor and vitality all from your caring disposition. You cared and achieved your missions of fruitfulness and devotion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
Remember those who remember you. Civility and good conduct are most essential while occupied with the duty of policing the streets and corners. You placed down solid and steady foundations for a brighter future, Officer Cook, one heroic and honorable. Dade County has not overlooked your dignity, reverence and hope for a better tomorrow. Integrity gleaming off of those pearly gates of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
The untimely death of a good man a friend and colleague to all leaves you speechless like being punched in the stomach and face. You took the fight to evil, Officer Cook and were the hero of truth and trust whose legacy of heroism shall always stand tall and sincere. Dade County was watched over by your virtue, duly humble vigilance and concerned dignity. No matter your character always classy and your thoughtfulness, faithfulness and responsibility will always be validly blessed by Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
Bliss will only appear when torment, terror and turmoil disappear from our landscape. Just an exceptional man fighting and battling for our lives here in Dade County. Your courage and convictions, Officer Cook, were most proper and valid. The values, ideals and morals were as accentuated as much as your dignified life and career where honorable integrity was a living part of your performance which was only outstanding and blessed with nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
I don't know why, Officer Cook, some of your brothers and sisters who have fallen in the line of duty are not on this page to reflect? Surely, for some decades later they will not be forgotten and for those who died maybe ten years ago their names shall heroically be listed. You gave your life for citizens living in Dade County to be sounder, safer and securer. Let there be no doubt honor, integrity and dignity lives on in your family's hearts, minds and souls. You were their uncle, great-uncle, a brother, a son and a husband to Karen. Forevermore shall your revered and blessed name and its humility be amplified in heaven as the Lord has taken your wings to a higher calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020
No more suffering, pain or torment shall engulf our society. Humanity and mankind have enough issues and problems to work itself through. You worked and toiled for a purpose, Officer Cook and that was for harmony to co-exist along with good cheer, good nature and goodwill here in Dade County. A man vested in vigilance and in vigor all trying to make serenity and safety a by-product of one another. You place integrity, dignity and conviction on the same table as respect, resolve and trust, somewhere they all must fit perfectly. Always saluted and always cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2020