Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
If a coat of paint could mask all of our issues society might be much better off. It cannot and because of your due diligence and faithfulness to duty, Officer Cook, the folks of Dade County could live safer lives. Honesty and hope, dignity and dedication all serves their roles of integrity and respect when everything is all centered. You are never out of our hearts and minds my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2020
No one wants force to dictate movement and neither shall evil destroy a good world full of hope, devoutness and goodwill. Honesty, dignity and integrity are all a public servant's messages of unity and liberty. Officer Cook, badge#1664 won't ever be disrespected nor tarnished because of the unwavering and undying sacrifice you made on May 16,1979 in order for your community and our community of Dade County to face the challenges that crime and unrest bring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2020
The diabolical demons of destruction are up and about creating intense problems for mankind. Dade County was cared for by a most remarkably passionate young man full of zest, zeal and vigilance. Your whole life and six year career, Officer Cook, was the staple of everlasting honor, humbleness and the yearning to live and to protect sanctity with your unselfish integrity and dignity. They are forged bonds of bravery and resolve within the constant flow and changes of our land, one you should have been permitted to live and witness personally. Your soul is doing the observing forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2020
Your direction and sense of urgency, Officer Cook, headed off at least endeavored to stop a t man of violence from further disrupting the movements of society to live in unity and in tranquility. Honor and composure make up a public servant's commitments to character, dignity and integrity, always virtual and never more resolve. Dade County suffers from your loss. We know your soul is looking over your family and colleagues today who patrol those perilous streets and roads where rage can take a life sadly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2020
The best interests of society are at great risk because of torment. Your best efforts and honesty, Officer Cook, insured Dade County citizens would be safer and more at ease. Your heroic dignity, character and integrity, made that distinct impression in our community and shall never be forgotten for its humility, virtue and esteemed bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2020
With all these terrible incidents, shootings across our country, police have been constantly bombarded with so much going on, responsibility and the ability to respond in a moment's notice only a heartbeat away. You showed up with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, Officer Cook, just wanting to quell an otherwise dangerous situation, to diffuse an exploding object in this case an evil and revengeful man looking to perpetrate violence against his girlfriend and the citizens along with your comrades who nearly lost their lives performing their sacred and civil duties to humanity. You paid that tragic price, Officer Cook, so young and gifted beyond your esteemed heroism, honor and reverence. Only a man of dignity, vision and wisdom so humble to work through obvious peril, it's happening these days at an alarming rate, please my your soul keep watching over us and making your family and all who serve safe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
There is nothing worse than evil, wickedness and violence triple teaming humanity, society and mankind with all kinds of adversarial destruction. The smokes still comes from such ugliness and rears itself upon duly responsible citizens and their public servants. All who live to battle and fight for our freedoms and unities shall be treasured, honored and indeed blessed. Dade County saw firsthand your true humble perseverance, Officer Cook, everyday on the roads. Your passions respected. Integrity and dignity so cherished. It has a mark left behind for your family and peers who combine to lift up your legacy and hoist it upon their gentle shoulders. You were a consummate gentleman and an even greater human being superior in wisdom, vision and maturity always to be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Cornerstones and foundations are the frameworks of honest and most highly diligent public servants who had a sense of value and virtue. Vision, wisdom and decency landing right in their laps here in Dade County in Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, forever a hero of trust, truth and genuine character and the words undertaken to carry out your precise duties of onus toward them. For eternity you remain cherished and most respected for your sacred trails and paths of righteousness covering our society. We ail because of your untimely death at the hands of a madman while doing your utmost to stop him along with your esteemed and brave comrades that fateful day. Infamy shall stop and what ceases will never be afforded the opportunity to roam and create mischief and bedlam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family suffered greatly, Officer Cook and the huge loss of a dynamic man full of life and achievement yet to fulfill. God deemed your journeys as complete and took your soul back to His home to patrol His gates golden in gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Gratitude is your attitude. One plants their feet, hands, heart and soul to do a little searching for peace and engagement. You enriched the landscape of Dade County, Officer Cook, just by being yourself and no more than what God gave you. He implanted a sense of authentic intuition, ingenuity and integrity that defined what honor, character and dignity in performing your tasks is about. men and women risk their lives to protect them and to preserve the humility of mankind that pursues its missions just as an eagle soars over its nest of babies watching over them. Those who have succeeded you do so with a burden strapped to their hearts and shoulders. Crime and terror must be eliminated and the streets must be paved with peace of mind. Always remembered and saluted for boldness and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
A gentleman so gentle and serene, beloved, admired and universally respected by everyone. With a heroic legacy stamped in serious and in humane valor, Officer Cook, you'll not be forgotten for coming to aid and to service the people of Dade County. Thoughtful faithful, insightful with a warm and friendly demeanor, yet your unselfish and tireless endeavors and resolve won't go without notice. Fair, unbiased, trusted and truthful, the good Lord will bless and reward your soul for making the ultimate sacrifice to enable the citizens to march forward and yet something is forever amiss as you continue to be greatly missed but in the hearts of your family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
One way or another violence will be dealt with and finally driven from this planet. You left behind a rich legacy, Officer Cook, in honor, humility and loyalty to mankind to face the struggles and challenges that test a man or woman's character. Their reliability, versatility and virtual dignity must focus and be present to cast its talents upon folks who yearn for quiet and decency as Dade County did during your time watching over them. Heaven is where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels fly higher because of their intrinsic values to this world.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
God surely, certainly and forever shines His grace and compassion upon us because of what you meant to your family, comrades and to society, Dade County in general, Officer Cook. Heroism to be taken seriously and so poignantly honored for its due diligence, its foresight, its strength and beloved esteem. No matter integrity, ingenuity and dignity from an outstanding character and commitment assisted you in your happiness, pleasures and daily work habits all from ethical conduct. All proficient and totally professional. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
You work, you pray, you hope. From those traits a reason and purpose may spring forth. You forged bonds with all people, Officer Cook, no matter their background, creed or religion. And for this sacrifice the folks of Dade County were and surely continue to be better served. A man goes out daily to patrol for tranquility utilizing his God given abilities and whatever dignity, integrity and honor were all humbly, humanely and heroically bestowed upon your heart, eyes and soul. You are missed very much and the sadness I personally experience from your loss just never seems to go away. I guess sending these reflections helps a little. But heaven has a golden angel of bravery walking that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Security and harmony open the many gates of hope and beauty. You discovered this, Officer Cook, while hunting and taking pictures of nature. Where you gave your life in Dade County for the people they can't forget your spirit of giving, the excellence of endeavor and the combinations of character, respectful integrity and devout dignity all sealed in God's castles above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Our Jewish new year is almost upon us and yet you are always going to be in my heart and mind. A great family, a lovely wife, a big sister, all so proud of you and they miss you greatly as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero within the palms of Our Lord who too watches over your parents' soul too. All for Dade County in honesty, reverence and adherence to faith hope, goodwill. The eyes of dignity and integrity shined down upon you as they guided your earthly missions of nobility and sacred purposes.Officer Cook, heroism was implanted within your most treasured soul. Your family should have blessings of health, peace and prosperity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Compromise can lead to a better ending. Tragically that day, Officer Cook, there was such a deal. One man's unearthly evil erupted the core of civilization and ended your life of honor, bravery, integrity and dignity. But, Dade County was served and saved by a loyal soldier of resolve, sanctity and humility from your wise and resourceful heart of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2020
Vacations are surely nice to take. But, before anything else honesty, character and the truthful and most humbly trusted directives of desire and endeavor must be ready to attack the issues, circumstances and problems of evil and violence confounding, confronting and confusing society. You were a decent man, Officer Cook, never more patience and precise ferocity poured into your labors of love and faithfulness given to the population of Dade County. Now they are to be celebrated, remembered proudly and saluted for unwavering, undying and unselfish efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
Seven days are in a week. Twenty-four hours a day communities all around humanity are vigilantly and diligently served and protected by some of the best officers, women and men making themselves known to the public at large. You were one of them, Officer Cook, the fraternity of sisters and brothers, brave, honest, decent and mostly refined citizens themselves. All anyone asks if for a little respect, common sense and the pursuits of both integrity and character all having dignity's versions of virtue and loyalty. You my neighbor, friend and hero cannot be forgotten and your family and peers are very certain Badge#1664 is hanging at the main headquarters being solemnly honored and will be etched in all hearts forever. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
Parallel to perseverance, proficiency and prudence must be honor, integrity and dignity. Never can any miss a beat nor skip a step. During your dedicated six years of public service, Officer Cook, Dade County citizens had the advantages of your acumen well versed, awareness well respected and visionary wisdom well saluted. You are to be praised as a warrior who saved and protected the quality of life so valuable as was yours. The walls of courage you fundamentally constructed have stayed in place as an honor of your most heroic legacy. The baton was passed down, the torch of your giving heart and soul always burns brightly in Our Creator's fortress with no one forgetting your courtesies and kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
The outlandish surely torment our society with their mischievous ways. Your tenaciousness justified your means to mettle, morals and proper conduct, Officer Cook and for having everlasting available honesty, humbleness and the incorporated integrity and dignity may the Almighty bless your sweet spirit of adventure and soul of virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
A good day and a great life work well together. On May 16,1979, Officer Cook, heroism and humility became those poles of honor stapling your integrity, character and respectful dignity together as one element freeing Dade County from violence that you took an oath to defend us from. You paid the dearest price and won't be overlooked nor forgotten. Sanctity and heroic actions have their distinct reasons in living a rather normal life. You enhanced and will be blessed for having heart and grit grounded as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
Security and maturity go hand in hand because without any honor, resourcefulness and resolute reverence one cannot go far. Your trails in Dade County, Officer Cook, did travel far because of undying and unselfish dignity and integrity, wisdom to be humbly salute here in heaven and wherever your family journeys in their pursuits of happiness and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
One sinks or swims based on their ability and capacity. Your reliability and versatility, Officer Cook, heroically permitted Dade County folks the right to live in safety. Your morals, mettle and virtue certainly will be so honored. Integrity, honesty and dignity feed off of each other to support outstanding character and precise commitments to truth and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
No surprises. All readiness to serve, protect and allow Dade County to forge ahead with life. A life and career surely to be solemnly remembered and duly saluted for everything honor, integrity and the wisdom of dignity represent. You became a hero, the day you were born, Officer Cook and the day you sacrificed your life became an angel forever esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020
Effort only enhances humanity and its purposeful journeys of unity and peace. Your life and career, Officer Cook, meant everything to you and your family, they could not be prouder of the wonderful legacy of heroism, honesty, dignity and integrity you left behind for them to uplift. Dade County was enriched by your smile and nobly trustworthy passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2020