Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
To live content with small means, to seek elegance rather than luxury and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable and wealthy not rich, to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars and birds, women and sages, with open hearts, to bear it all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never-in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony. It all started as a young man for you, Officer Cook and now I can see how proudly you beat those drums through the hallways at Norland High School here in Miami Florida. Your accomplishments on behalf of everyone were done the modest and proper way affording, honesty, dignity and integrity to all. So now we can look proudly although somewhat sadly to the great heavens above where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and where your loving soul can travel wherever God deems it necessary. You lived humbly, toiled greatly and provided a very happy life for both you and Karen.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 24, 2014
Let the trees be consulted before you take any action every time you breath in thank a tree. Let treeroots crack parking lots at the world bank headquarters. Let loggers be druids specially trained and rewarded. To sacrifice trees at auspicious times. Let carpenters be master artisans. Let lumber be treasured like gold. Let chainsaws by played like saxophones. Let soldiers on maneuvers plant trees. Give police and people looking to mend their ways a shovel and a thousand seedlings. Let businessmen carry pocketful of acorns. Let newlyweds honeymoon in the woods. walk don't drive. Stop reading newspapers, stop writing poetry. Squat under a tree and tell stories. Boy oh boy do we all wish we could do that now with you, Officer Cook. We civilians don't know how good we had it when you were out on patrol, serving and protecting our very lives with honor, bravery, compassion and loving affection for a community where you were admired and revered. You probably would be on a vacation with Karen somewhere on an island with only the comforts of each other. And you both cared for people, people persons. Nurses and police all have some uniformly similar characteristics that set them apart from most professions. Dedication and precision can take a person a long way down the line to success. You my neighbor, friend and hero will never ever be relegated to the back pages of some book of police heroes and heroines. You always humbly stood front and center. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 23, 2014
A little too abstract, a little too wise, it is time for us to kiss the earth again, it is time to let the leaves rain from the skies. Let the rich life run to the roots again. I will go down to the lovely rivers and dip my arms in them up to the shoulders. I will find my accounting where the alder leaf quivers, in the ocean wind over the river boulders. I will touch things and things and no more thoughts. That breed like mouthless May-flies darkening the sky. The insect clouds that blend our passionate hawks, so that they cannot strike, hardly can fly. Things are the hawk's food and noble is the mountain, Oh noble, by the steep sea-waves of marble. Your superior service to Dade County and all its residents, Officer Cook was one born of nobility, integrity and honor, so now God has called you home to patrol your beat on His golden streets where you have been joined by other brave, courageous and valiant comrades. God makes an accounting of all His creatures and yours was and does remain par excellence. May flies, it surely does and when it arrives sad as it may be, we remember your wonderfully engaging life and a most passionate and promising career cut way too short because of a troubled man's wanton violence against police and society in general. We are here and I'm sure your loving family can't wait to embrace you in their arms again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No more darkness or despair, only the brightness of your very cherished soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 23, 2014
Grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and grasses, among all growing things and there may I be alone and enter into prayer to talk with the one that I belong to. You belonged to this world for twenty-five humble and most fulfilling years of honest, dignified service to all mankind, Officer Cook. You relished your time outdoors, snapping off picture after picture of God's greatest creations. A man with a keen sense of awareness and a humanely confident manner in all your self convictions. The citizens always sensed your likeability and knew they were certain to be protected and served with determination, dedication and devotion, from one of Dade County's truly brave, courageous and valiant police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, keep taking those most beautiful pictures of eternity where for having served proudly, you can now keep watch over God's golden streets walking a beat where no harm will ever come your way. You deserved to still be here, I just cannot get the what ifs, the could, should or would out of my mind. I know you were not going to ignore that call or any that you were dispatched to. Your impetus for performing with integrity leaves a stellar legacy of good work for all to remember and to cherish those wonderfully insightful memories for all to share. The world shares in all of its loyal and faithful servants in whom we place a great onus upon. They all deserved a better fate. God calls His truly humble servants to serve a most important mission for Him.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 22, 2014
First you must love your body, in games in wild places, in bodies of others, then you must enter the world of men and learn all worldly ways. You must sicken. You must return to your Mother and notice how quiet the house is. Then return to the world that is not man, that you may finally walk in the world of man, speaking. Your entire body, your engaging manner endeared you to so many, Officer Cook and it was the making of one truly fine public servant who was one of Dade County's most honest and dignified law enforcement professionals. We who walk and toil in God's ways could surely learn a thing or two from you and your humbleness. The thoughts of you not being here with us all these years still leave us sick to death and for those who loved you, quite lonely. One day we shall meet and greet you again and this will make us more joyful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, keep embracing us with your spirit that continues its heavenly journey lighting up the darkness that still causes despair in our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 22, 2014
Tired of all who come with words, words with no language. I went to the snow-covered island. The wild does not have words. The unwritten pages spread themselves out in all directions! I come across the marks of roe-deers hooves in the snow. Language but no words. Police officers all try to convey this very special message and it needs no decoding. They speak from one heart, sincere, loyal, honest and caring. You spoke the language that all Dade County residents wanted to hear, Officer Cook. it was not just freeze and drop your weapon. You spoke it on May 16, 1979, tragically it did not penetrate that troubled young man's ears. Your words came from your upbringing, your diligent training, your soothing and calming demeanor came from your inner being and for the most part it served and protected not only the citizens, it protected you. A completely righteous gentleman who was just performing a profession that you wanted to become from the time of your youth. Your soul as it rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, now spreads itself out over God's entire universe. The unwritten pages are a constant reminder to all of us that your life and career were indeed still not finished and you are missed by all who treasured, cherished and most of all loved and respected you. Your legacy, Officer Cook will never have a real conclusion, for we know it continues until the day we all will see you once again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2014
When despair in the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound, in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water and the great heron feeds. I come into the place of wild things, who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the peace of the world and am free. Despair and gloom overtook us when you were taken from our midst, Officer Cook. It was your genuinely kind disposition, honesty and valor that has so validated your presence among the brave, courageous and dignified souls. Now your mission as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero is to continue lighting up the world with eternal hopes of freedom, peace and unity for all one day real soon.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2014
I swear the earth shall surely be complete to him or her who shall be complete. The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. I swear there is no greatness or power that does not emulate those of the earth. There can be no theory or account unless it can corroborate the theory of the earth. No politics, song, religion, behavior or what not, is of account, unless it can compare with the amplitude of the earth. Unless it can face the exactness, vitality, impartiality or rectitude of the earth. We affirm you were one excellent police officer, Officer Cook, passionate and yet with a calming influence that made people fell comfortable. We can conclude you did all things by the letter of the law with a sterling self-confidence and a matching maturity of one who could advise and steer other officers. Maintaining self-respect and a devotion to dignity were many of your humble and humane traits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing jaded nor jagged with your professional feats. Only solid first class service to all who sought you out for anything that would enhance their lives and raise their self-esteem.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2014
Blessed sister, holy mother, spirit of the fountain, spirit of the garden, suffer us not to mock ourselves with falsehood. Teach us to care, teach us to sit still. Even among these rocks, our peace in His will and even among these rocks, sister, mother and spirit of the river and spirit of the sea, suffer me not to be separated and let my cry come unto Thee. Your parents, Officer Cook and your loving sister, Nancy, made sure you were supported in all your endeavors. They gave you the love and respect you gave to them knew you would turn out alright. Your commitment to serve and to protect all Dade County citizens was born out of honor, dignity and integrity. It assisted you by leaps and bounds to be able to solemnly carry out your duties. No one will ever forget this. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You taught us all the grand lesson, this was not to sit still, but to make it happen. It took rock solid leadership and a maturity beyond to years to keep the peace and unity so necessary to a community which respected and cherished you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2014
My help is in the mountain where I take myself to heal the earthly wounds that people give to me. I find a rock with sun on it and a stream where the water runs gentle. And the trees which one by one give me company, so I must stay for a long time, until I have grown from the rock. And the stream is running through me and I cannot tell myself from one tall tree. Then I know that nothing touches me. Nor makes me run away. My help is in the mountain that I take away with me. Earth cure me. Earth receive my woe. Rock strengthen me. Rock receive my weakness. Rain wash my sadness away. rain receive my doubt. Sun make sweet my song. Sun receive the anger from my heart. Because of your virtuous and humble duty, Officer Cook, any hostility we still hold inside should be taken from us. We can look back on the happy times of your life and career, though cut too short because of violence perpetrated against you, your family and the entire police community as we know it. You personified what it means to be a hero and to champion its causes in honor, dignity and integrity. The humbleness of your upbringing and the career you worked valiantly at to be the best, serves as our inspiration for generations to come. It shines as brightly as the badge you were proudly on your chest and now as your soul brightens up the darkest of skies. One great man who lived his dream to be a success. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2014
Let us think of Mother Earth, her rich bounty that will result from springtime, the golden corn and the seeds of harvest, all grown strong from Mother Earth, the spring rains and the energy of Father Sky. it is time to consider healing: healing of ourselves, healing of a loved one, healing of adversaries for peace among nations and healing of the harms done to Mother Earth. Oh, Great Spirit, I pray for myself in order that I may be healed. I pray for my close friend who is sick and needs help Oh, Great Spirit. I pray for this world that atomic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction will be obliterated that we point toward one another. I pray all adversaries will communicate and all mistrust will be healed. I pray for the environment. I pray for its cleansing and the renewal of our Mother Earth. We all pray on your behalf, Officer Cook, that you may rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero to all. Adversity was something you and all other police officers had to deal with on a daily manner. and you did so with honorable intentions, dignity and integrity in the face of evil to help the seeds of goodwill sprout. And they surely did. Let us really focus and pray that no more harm comes to anyone, particularly any of our brave, courageous and valiant men and women of the law enforcement profession.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2014
Grandfather, look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the sacred way. We know that we are the ones who are divided and we are the ones who must come back together to walk the sacred way. Grandfather, sacred one, teach us love, compassion and honor. That we may heal the earth and each other. If you knew your grandparents, Officer Cook, it is easy to see where your excellent traits came from. Your parents and their parents raised very fine children who turned out to become successful in all their endeavors. For all your achievements and for making Dade County because of your honorable commitment, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May God's humility shine down forever on your loving and beautiful family. Just remember, Mrs. Cook, you and your husband raised two beautiful children who you could be very proud of. Your son will not be forgotten by me or my family. He put his life on the line to enhance his community and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers along with your husband may he too rest in peace together with his wonderfully brave son.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2014
We join the earth and with each other. To bring new life to the land. To restore the waters. To refresh the air. To renew the forests. To care for the plants. To protect creatures. To celebrate the seas. To rejoice in the sunlight. To sing the song of the stars. To recreate the human community. To promote peace and justice. To remember our children. We join together as many and diverse expressions of one loving memory for the healing of the earth and the renewal of all life. Yes, we join together. We came together as one nation to honor the memories of all honorable and dignified police officers, Officer Cook, you were one of these many brave, courageous and valiant heroes and heroines who sacrificed for our benefit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The darkness of evil today will be replenished with plenty of sunlight tomorrow.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2014
Let us be united, let us speak in harmony, let our minds apprehend alike. Common be our prayer, common be the end of our assembly, common be our resolution, common be our deliberations. Alike be our feelings, unified be our hearts, common be our intentions, perfect be our unity. As those words on your gravestone say: "We Shall Be One." Yes, Officer Cook, you were of sound mind and body who went out to patrol the streets of Dade County in an effort to bring sanity to a community that was suffering from unrest, tension, escalations of violence, persistent pain from evil that lied in wake to ratchet up its ugliness. Your commonsense approaches, Officer Cook, your honor, dignity and integrity served to inspire those citizens who admired and respected you and where and you enjoyed your watch over them. We pray that one day violence will be gone, innocent bloodshed will cease and baseless hatred will stay grounded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul, Officer Cook, hovers high above looking down on those who persist in this battle and who do it like you did it, with valor, courage and bravery.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2014
We who have lost our sense and our senses-our touch, our smell, our vision of who we are, we who frantically force and press all things, without rest for body or spirit, hurting our earth and injuring ourselves, we call a halt. We want to rest. We need to rest and allow the earth to rest. We need to reflect and to rediscover the mystery that lives in us, that is the ground of every unique expression of life, the source of the fascination that calls all things to communion. We declare a Sabbath, a space of quiet for simply being and letting be, for recovering the great, forgotten truths, for learning how to live again. Unfortunately, violence has caused this society to lose its perspective as to why we have marvelously brave and courageous men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, who serve, protect and allow us to live peacefully and in unity. This perspective needs to be reinforced and your sacrifice drives this point home. You were God's humbly loyal and devoted servant who was undaunted, unafraid to face reality that police officers have to look at daily. you won't be forgotten as God has called you home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with those brave comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice to make this world a better to succeed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2014
I have come to terms with the future. From this day onward I will walk easy on the earth. Plant trees. Kill no living things. Live in harmony with all creatures. I will restore the earth where I am. Use no more of its resources than I need. And listen, listen to what it is telling me. It's hard to come to terms when someone you respected, someone you loved is suddenly taken from you. This is most comprehensible to most people. When word came that you were taken from this earth, Officer Cook, those who loved you cried uncontrollably. It is just human nature for one to express their inner emotions. The moment hits you, hits home like a punch to the gut. The callous disrespect for police authority that day of May 16, 1979, was usurped by a young and troubled man bent on violence against our authority. The ones who keep the peace, freedom and unity in a community that at the time was crying out for help. Tensions went untamed, torment reined down like a cyclone. You were there for our needs, Officer Cook, with a resounding confidence that things would workout in the end. You attempted to handle a situation you attended to many times during your six years of high quality and loyal service with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Lord knows you tried, then we cried at the news of your untimely loss. A heart-wrenching one that choked our insides with all the scenarios of the what ifs. But, make no mistake you were courageously compassionate, caring and concerned for all people and willing to give the benefit of doubt more than once. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your benevolence stands out in the streets of Dade County where it was your dignity, honesty and integrity that was your saving grace. And you graced this world for twenty-five very profoundly meaningful years, Officer Cook. You walked humbly as one of Our Creator's most faithful public servants. Serving and protecting with outstanding leadership and wisdom beyond your maturity. It was how you handled things with a calming approach and a soft voice of logic and reason.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2014
All healing involves making whole again-resolving the contradictions that exist between self and other, body and spirit, mind and nature. Knowing we are not encapsulated, self-enclosed entities, but rather fields of energy integrated with the environment, everything we do transforms and reshapes the world. If our actions can destroy, so can they heal. You do not have to be good, you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repeating. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Police officers are not chaplains, they don't pretend to know everything. Yet, their professional positions place them out there in modern society to help make our lives a little safer and more secure. And you were that shining example, Officer Cook, of what it means to serve and to protect. You went out on the streets of a community where you were known and admired, yet went about your official business and performed quite admirably without all the fanfare and hype. Your humbleness, generosity, honor and decorum just accelerated your manner of how you performed. Something that all officers need to have, if not heaven help those whose lives hang in the balance. You were be immortalized, Officer Cook, for your unwavering bravery, courage and valor to serve Dade County as faithfully as the affirmation that you solemnly took. We have you to thank beyond any words, other than consoling those who still grieve over your untimely tragic loss. A stinging and a most penetrating one that pierces each of our hearts today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You good nature and goodwill remains the base of which is the foundation of your legacy among all Dade County police heroes and heroines. Those who dare risk their lives for our benefit so that we may prosper and continue with their fight over evil which was their goals, dreams and aspirations. You were a blessed Godsend who did his part, you won't be forgotten, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2014
When the animals come to us, asking for our help, will we know what they are saying? When the plants speak to us in their delicate beautiful language, will we be able to answer them? When the planet herself sings to us in our dreams, will we be able to wake ourselves and act? When those who have lost heroic loved ones come to us could we console them? Animals speak their way, we humans speak with our own tongues in the language that we are most familiar? When you spoke to anyone, Officer Cook, people were than glad to lend an ear to you. Words of encouragement have at times a prolific and a most profound affect. You will be revered for your personification of bravery, courage to commitment, valor and your youthful faithfulness to succeed, accomplish your goals, dreams and aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever near and dear to us all. Humility and humanity are some of all police officers best friends and should be used to calm down folks when necessary. These were two of your closest companions, Officer Cook, while you went out on your daily patrols.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 15, 2014
Hey! Lean to hear my feeble voice. At the center of the sacred hoop you have said that I should make the tree to bloom. With tears running, O Great Spirit, my grandfather, with running eyes I must say the tree has never bloomed. Here I stand and the tree is withered. Again, I recall the great vision You gave me. It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then that it may leaf and bloom. And fill with singing birds! Hear me, that the people may once again find the good road and shielding tree. Your voice, Officer Cook, was calming, yet packed with humble power that you utilized to resolve and solve any assignments that you were handed. The tears have been shed and still can be felt over your untimely passing. The tree where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero still stands tall as does your compassion for all Dade County residents that you served and protected in honor, integrity and with great dignity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 15, 2014
Who took the dream of the land? Who staked down private property through the soul of the deer? Who diverted streams, cleared forests, burned fields? I seek to know my own name. I seek to know why? After all that I have done to hurt her does the mother continue to embrace me. For what you gave to all Dade County residents, Officer Cook, you deserve to be honored. Humble in deeds and commitment to action, it was your heroic swiftness on May 16, 1979, that saved your comrades lives and those of the three civilians. You live on in so many lives of your family who loved and revered you. Those officers who went on patrol with you to battle this evil and those who came across yourself and Karen. Too many to humbly name. You'll be fondly remembered as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's loving arms sure have the many brave and courageous cradled in them for safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2014
Here we are, God-a planet at prayer. Attune our spirits that we may hear your harmonies and bow before your creative power. That we may face our violent discords and join Your energy to make heard in every heart Your hymn of peace. Here we are, God-a militarized planet. Transform our fears that we may transform our war fields into wheatfields, arms into handshakes, missiles into messengers of peace. Here we are, God-a polluted planet Purify our vision that we may perceive ways to purify our beloved lands, cleanse our precious waters, unsmog our life giving air. Here we are, God-an exploited planet. Heal our heart, that we may respect our resources, hold priceless our people and provide for our starving children an abundance of daily bread. You provided for yourself and Karen, Officer Cook and you maintained a provision for all to live more peaceful and safer lives. Your career was just full of promise and hope when it was taken from you at much too young of an age. Back in your day, I've got to believe there was respect for police officers. You served diligently and valiantly, there was no lack of honesty, dignity or integrity on your part. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Here we are God praying for your soul and peace among all people in this land.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2014
Infinite Spirit, when I pray each day for shelter for the homeless, let me not ignore the pet without a home. As I ask protection in those areas of turmoil and unrest, let me not forget endangered species of life; when I pray that the hungry be fed, let me be mindful that all God's creatures have need of sustenance; As I ask Divine assistance for those afflicted by fire, flood, earthquake, storm or drought, let me remember that this includes every living being; in seeking miracle cures for human disease, may I also speak for the well-being of the planet itself. Let the words of my mouth, the meditations of my heart and the actions of my life be as one, that I may live each day in harmony with Mother Earth. Amen. A statement with a very telling and implying meaning. Your creed in life and during your career, your marriage to Karen was exemplified by this prayer. You took it with you each day and combined with your honesty from your lips and the courage, valor, bravery and dignity, it never led you off course. One day we all pray that evil will be wiped off this planet and all people will once again live safer and happier lives. Your work continues, Officer Cook, as you view down from heaven helping God in all His glory and majesty making sure your comrades are doing their part with everything that is needed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 13, 2014
Great spirit, whose dry lands thirst, help us to find the way to refresh your lands. We pray for your power to refresh your lands. Great spirit, whose waters are choked with debris and pollution, help us to find the way to cleanse your waters. We pray for your knowledge to find the way to cleanse the waters. Great spirit, whose beautiful earth grows ugly with misuse, help us to find the way to restore the beauty of your handiwork. Great spirit, whose creatures are being destroyed, help us to find a way to replenish them. We pray for your power to replenish the earth. Great spirit, whose gifts to us are being lost in selfishness and in corruption, help us to find the way to restore our humanity. We pray for your wisdom to find the way to restore our humanity. I meant to say Officer Cook, thanks for making this world a better and more serene and safer environment to thrive in. Your spirit my neighbor, friend and hero continue sits journey ascending God's great ladder of honor for displaying the courage, the bravery and the valor necessary to replenish that which lives on. You and your dad, Mr. Charles Cook, if not for your efforts, we could not begin to imagine nor to appreciate all that you did during your lives. We pray that other officers, heroes and heroines are supplied the much needed dignity, integrity and honesty so vital to serving and protecting Dade County and all its residents in peace, freedom and in unity.The wisdom and maturity you gained from experience helped you to be a most humble, loyal and ever faithful public servant serving the public interest. The past, the present and future are linked to the legacies of our police officers from the past who sacrificed for a common goal. You resourcefulness, Officer Cook, was a large reason why Dade County can prosper today. Rest in peace along with your dad. I'll keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, in my thoughts and prayers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 13, 2014
I meant to say you got the job done right the first time. Imagine a place without a pipeline, without an oil well. Without a rig. Imagine a place without a coal pit, without a smoke stack, acid rain tree. Imagine a land of long white vistas, ice cold saviors, gleaming glaciers, breaking into the sea. Imagine the earth without an oil slick, free of pollution, no radioactivity. Imagine a place on earth so awesome, so vast, so pure, we can hardly breathe its air. Imagine the earth alive with morning. Shimmering white lights. No end of sky. No end of sea. Imagine if we have officers without honor, commitment or dignity. But we had you, Officer Cook, your boldness to bravery without false bravado. Conviction to commitment, the courage to accomplish. Eagle eyes to see far ahead of what needed to be done to serve and protect all Dade County residents maker them feel more secure. Imagine an earth being destroyed by unnecessary wanton violence, no one could believe their eyes. We have honorable officers who succeeded you, Officer Cook, they are picking up where you left off without missing a beat. Thank God for these humble individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in Our Creator's most humble abode. Cleaner air, less crime, you were a big difference maker.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 12, 2014
Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed, if we permit the last barren forests to be turned into comic books and plastic cigarette cases, if we drive the few remaining members of the wild species into zoos or to extinction, if we pollute the last clean air and dirty the last clean streams, push our paved roads through the last of the silence, so that never again will Americans be free on their own country from the noise, the exhausts, the smell of human and automotive waste. And so that never again can we have the chance to see ourselves single, separate, vertical and individual in the world, part of the environment of trees, rocks and soil, brother to the other animals, part of the natural world and competent to belong in it. You belonged to this world, Officer Cook, to serve, protect and maintain the quality of life for all citizens. The flagbearer for your department, you carried the much needed resources of honor, integrity and dignity. Your decorum was central in your ability to achieve all your success. You maintained passion, composure and did it both humbly and very humanely. You beat those drums happily while at Norland High School through the hallways. For sacrificing on our behalf, those bagpipies wailed loudly with a profound sadness as Dade County bade you a hearty farewell. You were a true police hero in action never to be forgotten for your exploits of security and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is quite difficult to ever replace those whom we loved and shared our lives with. They cannot ever be replaced. Only thing one can do to continue their legacies is to carry on with honesty and commitment. To your ideals, dreams and aspirations that were their motivations. Our loved ones we remember them for these attributes.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 12, 2014