Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

We pray that we may be aligned with You. So that Your powers may flow through us and be expressed by us. For the good of this planet earth and all living beings on it. O Great spirit of the south, Protector of the fruitful land and of all green and growing things. The noble trees and grasses, Grandmother earth, soul of nature, great power of the receptive, of nurturing, and endurance, power to grow and bring forth, flowers of the field, fruits of the garden. We pray that we may be aligned with You, so that Your powers may flow through us for the good of this planet earth and all living beings upon it. As always with our devoted and dignified men and women of the law enforcement communities the power rests on your broadest shoulders to hunker down and serve with promise and a solidifying validation to stamp out wickedness. You were one of the many souls, Officer Cook, who undertook this awesome onus, this burden of bravery, not one to be cavalier in their commitment. Your showed others the way and did it shining brightly forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. From all directions, from far distances you brought the picture close for us to view and a sight never to be obstructed. We pray, we look, we feel, we hear all the good vibes of your determined and very solid career and humanely humble life. Your comfort and service delivered peace to all. It won't ever go unnoticed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2014

Power to dissolve boundaries, to release holdings. Power to taste and to feel, to cleanse and to heal. Great blissful darkness of peace. We pray that we may be aligned with You. So that Your powers may flow through us and be expressed by us, for the good of this planet Earth and all living beings on it. O Great Spirit of the north, invisible spirit of the air and of fresh, cool winds. O vast and boundless Grandfather sky, Your living breath animates all life. Yours is the power of clarity and strength, to sweep out the odd patterns and to bring change and challenge. The ecstasy of movement and the dance. Your breath, your calming voice, Officer Cook, helped bring many changes in the Dade County and to its citizens that you served and watched over. It's truly a crying shame and tragedy that you could not be here to personally witness them taking place. From God's golden perch do you now and forever get to see things taking shape eternally. Your boldness to bravery, the courage and conviction you maintained, Officer Cook, to clean up evil from its streets is how you gratefully be remembered by all. Your loving family, your esteemed colleagues and wonderfully incisive personal friends of both you and Karen. The great spirit of God forever rests in His beloved heroes and heroines who maintained both honor, dignity and integrity during their humble lives and in their professional responsibilities. Things will always align properly because of your unwavering unselfishness, Officer Cook. You made other officers matter and take notice because of your outstanding leadership, wisdom and maturity to answer the calls of duty rightfully and with alacrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2014

O Great Spirit of the east, radiance of the rising sun. Spirit of new beginnings, O Grandfather fire. Great nuclear fire-of the sun. Power of life energy, vital spark, power to see far and to imagine with boldness. Power to purify our senses, our hearts and our minds. Your power, Officer Cook, was never in question as you had full command of your situations that needed resolving. Your passion was like the sun, burning brightly to garner more insight, more knowledge that would serve and protect not only yourself, but those citizens under your watch. As a youngster you probably knew and were destined to become a valued member of our society, serving the public interest with the decorum it demands, and the humbleness that is called for. We pray that we may be aligned with You. One day my neighbor, friend and hero we will reunite with you. So that Your powers may flow through us and be expressed by us. For the good of this planet Earth and all living beings upon it. You paid the price for our freedoms, peace and unity to blossom and for us to cherish this. Officer Cook, God gives His special male and female servant the power to go out on patrol, how we choose to handle this daunting task and its challenges is up to each officer. You were this very special, loyal officer and gentleman to all your comrades and those who gave you proper training and direction. O Great Spirit of the west, Spirit of the Great waters, of rain, rivers, lakes and springs, O grandmother ocean, deep matrix, womb of all life. From all four directions did your dignity and integrity spread its wings. Your legacy, Officer Cook, reaches far and wide throughout our world from all four corners of it and it will continue its radiance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2014

Soil for legs. Ax for hands. Flower for eyes. Bird for ears. Mushroom for nose. Smile for mouth. Songs for lungs. Sweat for skin. Wind for mind. Just enough. We all need our body parts functioning as one. Your ears, your eyes, your mind, Officer Cook, worked superbly during your life and career. How else can we be reminded of how fortunate most of us are? You were very blessed indeed, with a solid upbringing. Great parents. A loving sister and a very lovely wife in Karen. Nancy, Karen and your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, could not have been any prouder of you and that goes for your beloved father, Mr. Charles Cook, may he rest in peace. The songs of the birds flying overhead, the songs you sung in school if you were in a choir or at your church were you worshiped and prayed with a devout sense of faithfulness and humility one should maintain for their Creator. Honesty, dignity and integrity were always emblazoned on your uniform with your shiny badge and smartly polished shoes. Your life should have continued, Officer Cook. Our Creator needed you in a place most of us might not understand the eternal role you any your determined and dedicated, brave and courageously valiant colleagues performed in their communities. You made life matter. You took service and protection to an even higher level and the respect you afforded all continues this day to represent your legacy among all Dade County police heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The soil where you rest eternally will always be respected by my family and myself. Those stones I place when I visit equate to us letting you know we came and we care for you. You were a very integral humanitarian in this world, never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2014

The small plot of ground on which you were born cannot be expected to stay forever the same. Earth changes and home becomes different places. You took flesh from clay, but the clay did not come from just one place. To feel alive, important and safe, know your own waters and hills, but know more. You have stars in your bones and oceans in your blood. You have opposing terrain in each eye. You belong to the land and sky of your first cry, you belong to infinity. Now for serving with gallantry, Officer Cook, you belong up in God's eternal kingdom to watch and patrol His golden streets where no harm will ever come again to you. You probably climbed hills as a young boy and swam in the deep blue oceans, now your beautiful soul helps God steer its currents. Nothing unfortunately stays the same, change abounds at any and all times. We are all sorry, Officer Cook, that you did not get the chance, the right you had to see these many changes and enhancements in the Dade county area. But we just need to keep repeating, that your brave and valiant sacrifice is the sole reason for these advances. It was your professional mission marked by the many courtesies and kindnesses that has allowed us to continue your fight, your battles against a very confounding foe. The very adversary is wickedness and for six loyal and profoundly faithful years you tried to stay on course in this battle. For some unknown reason that is baffling to this day and has been for these last thirty-five years, a troubled young man bent on evil against police officers took your young and promising life and nearly that of your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll never forget you or that tragic day. I'm here to help in that fight against this enemy that needs to be eliminated from our culture and in the society where all of us are equal in status, aspirations, inspirations and the goals we set and choose to fulfill. They were your dreams and goals too. "We Shall Be One." One body. One soul. These words glisten off your gravestone. Like a bell that is rung, it's our call to action.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2014

Sons and daughters of the earth, steep yourself in the sea of matter, bathe in its fiery waters, for it is the source of your life and your youthfulness. You thought you could do without it because the power of thought has been kindled in you. You hoped that the more thoroughly you rejected the tangible, the closer you would be to spirit that you would be more divine if you lived in the world of pure thought, or at least more angelic if you fled the corporeal? Well, you were like to have perished of hunger. You must have oil for your limbs, blood for your veins, water for your soul, the world of reality for your intellect: do you not see that the very law of your own nature makes these a necessity for you? As one of God's children, many, many children, Officer Cook, you were born into this world to attempt to make it a better place and you did quite mightily. The sacredness of your very soul, your inner breathe and all its beauty for within propelled you each day into making this a more safer and serene place for all to live and to prosper in peace, goodwill, freedom and unity. This is all an integral essence of our very lives of which you too had much more to still live and prosper for in good health and peace with your beloved Karen. The torch you held and carried vigorously as a Metro-Dade Police Officer has continued its journeys throughout the Dade County community, it still shines as brightly as when you carried it. Its light will never be extinguished for you see it is the brave, courageous and valiant officers such as yourself who lead by example with honor, dignity and integrity. You were both a superior communicator and leader of others because of your vast knowledge, skillset and maturity. No one would go hungry when you served and protected, Officer Cook, you poured you entire being out for all citizens and on May 16, 1979, a permanent legacy took shape from that day and for eternity. The highly respected and quintessential hero was remembered, your actions of heroic value further enhanced the dignity of all people. You were a warrior until the end, never giving up nor giving in to violence and evil. Mercy and compassion, along with care and consideration were among your many bookends to a very humble life and career that ended way too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The reality is that this world misses you mind, your sense of humor and your inspired passion. We need this more from our many fine police officers. Your son, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your darling brother, Nancy, is the living reminder everyday of why we are born, why we need to be honorable and why we honor our commitments, no matter the price. Officer Cook, you paid the dearest price in order for us to keep our aspirations and commitments alive, to make this world what it should be, more prosperous, more safer and more peaceful through conversation, not wanton violence and bloodshed. These were your aspirations, these were your commitments, the cornerstones of your life and proud profession.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2014

Ancient sun, eternally young, giver of life and source of energy. In coal and oil, in plant, wind and tide, in spiritual light and human embrace. You kindle the heavens, you shine within us, (for we are suns and hearts afire-we light the world as you light the sky and find clouds within whose shadows are dark.) We give thanks for your rays. By the light of the sun, by the rays of the moon, you were a ray of goodwill, hope and optimism in Dade County for its residents, Officer Cook. A humanely and humbly accomplished leader of all officers. It was your wit, wisdom and maturity which assisted you in your daily professional duties. The blood that pumped your heart, the air that invigorated your lungs enabling you to breathe and maintain the quality of life essential to all mankind was a proponent of Our Creator. God who oversaw your journeys in life as you and your beloved family members attended different functions and in your outstanding career with the Metro-Dade Police Department where you afforded accountability, reliability and responsibility to your superiors and those comrades privileged to work alongside of you. The residents knew you to be a man of your word and always thought highly of you. Not everyone is born with the bravery to bravely carry out very demanding tasks, but you my neighbor, friend and hero, carried them out courageously, valiantly, without any hint of doubt. Dismay and despair were words that never crept into your mind when answering any calls. Your free spirit lit up this world, as did your engaging personality and lively sense of humor. It will always shine brightly, dispelling the doom and gloom, evil and wickedness that still pervades our society as we know it. We'll try to keep good positive thoughts as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2014

Within and around the earth, within and around the hills, within and around the mountains, Your authority returns to You. My words are tied in one, with the great mountain. With the great rocks, with the great trees in one with my body and my heart. Your heart and mind, Officer Cook, constantly functioned at a higher level enabling you to perform your duties at the optimal purpose on each day of your life and professional career. God shares and passes down God-given talents to those who serve and protect those citizens of their communities with honor, dignity and integrity. Your talents humbly speaking, Officer Cook, were carried out in bravery, courage and valor, thus this was the driving force of both your personal and professional successes. And you'll never be forgotten for having responded swiftly and without any sources of doubt. You tried to maintain peace, calm and unity in Dade County and will always be held in the highest regard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While on this earth, Officer Cook, you soared brilliantly within the calls of duty. Now your soul climbs above the highest mountains as you watch over those men and women who have taken over your watch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2014

Hear, O Humankind, the prayer of my heart. For are we not one, have we not one desire, to heal our Mother Earth and bind her wounds, to hear again from dark forests and flashing rivers, the varied ever-changing Song of Creation? We all hurt deep inside, Officer Cook, over your very untimely loss, hopefully God heals all wounds and we can trudge forward with the tasks at hand. O Humankind, are we not all brothers and sisters? Are we not the grandchildren of the Great Mystery? Do we not all want to be loved and to love, to work and to play, to sing and dance together? You sung, Officer Cook, I'm sure you and Karen danced. You played with your neighbors, Leonard Cooperman and other school chums. If you were here today you would love and adore not only your two nephews, but your two-great-nieces and great-nephew. Great kids destined for success. It's in the DNA of the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell families. But our society today lives with fear. Fear is hate, it is restraint, envy, greed, vanity. A positive fear is one who is ambitious, like yourself, Officer Cook, looking for ways to help others to achieve. Competition that is healthy is good for all. It toughens ones exterior to be able to handle the rigors of your position. Loneliness, anger, bitterness and cruelty are words that all law enforcement must be aware of a resist the slightest temptation. Love is life-creation, seed and leaf, blossom, fruit and seed. It is growth in a positive nature. To search, reach, touch and dance. Love is to nurture and receive pleasure. You were a benefit to all who touched your very soul, Officer Cook. The pleasures of this world are the rewards of the next world awaiting those loyal and honest servants. Our brave heroes and heroines. Love is indulging from time to time in beauty. A chocolate cake, walking hand in hand with the person you love. Love is life believing in itself and in yourself. Life is the Sacred Mystery, treat it accordingly. It sings to itself, dances to its own drumbeat. its spirit is reverent, we clasp hands, we pray and rejoice with one another, for life is believing in itself. We believed in your capabilities, Officer Cook, we pray for peace, freedom and unity. We pray that you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your spirit moves higher and humbly higher for all the good you exemplified in this world. Bravery, courage and valor to all and for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2014

...So, friends, everyday do something that won't compute. You did things everyday, Officer Cook, that were of a high standard. Your police work stands and has stood all these years later as the leading and humbly shining example of how all police officers should commit to their profession. If honesty, dignity and integrity does not eminate from your shining badge or very polished shoes that you walk or run to apprehend evil, then how else can you maintain? Love the Lord. Love the world. work for nothing. You embraced God as one of His loyal and dedicated servants. You loved life, those who knew you, knew from the moment you set foot in the police academy you were going to be a conscientious worker who was destined to become a solid leader of others because your wisdom to learn and to absorb was ahead of others and your maturity was ahead of most of the others. I'm pretty sure the salary of police officers back in your time was fairly humble, livable and yet the bravery, courage, valor and resolve you possessed was endless. You were a very caring, compassionate and concerned public servant, something Dade County residents need to see more of from their police officers today. Take all that you have and be humble. Love someone who does not deserve it. You loved your family very much, Officer Cook and they are loved, admired, respected you for a job well done and miss you very much. Your picture that was taken of you in your uniform with "Old Glory" the American Flag with you smiling, I know this had to be one of the happiest moments professionally and personally for both your family, friends and yourself. I look at that picture quite often and cry, my eyes well up, forty years ago that was taken. Memories to last a lifetime of a true hero. No doubt about that. Ask questions and someday you'll receive answers to them. Like why? Why would someone look to do harm to any police officer? You encountered many people during your career, if you were asked a question, you probably thought for a moment and gave them a most logical answer, not some incredulously arcane response. You cared. You mattered. All that you planted, the seeds of your labor have long been sown. It's only a matter of time before they bloom. Call this profit. Prophesy such returns. You rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero near a tall oak tree, one that is sturdy, as you so were in all your duties. The consummate communicator, the stellar gentleman of character. The humanely loving person with a giving heart to match. When Y2K arrived fourteen years ago, that was a new millennium, the year 2000. Many things have changed, many advances moving forward, all because of your unwavering resiliency, Officer Cook, to see things through. If we only knew, only God right now knows. You were so young and full of promise and passion. Aspirations left undone, inspirations to last forever. The world never ends, it is only God's creatures, we don't know, only God knows when our missions are complete. As I've reflected in the past, you and your beloved wife, Karen, would have made great parents, leading by example, parenting patience and calm as you did when handling domestic issues among other people in need. Be like the head of a lion, not the tail of a fox. Be true to your word, yours, Officer Cook, was a golden bond. Make tracks in the right directions, your treks for six loyal and faith years of service to the Metro-Dade Police Department were blessed, they were blessed to have you as an officer and as a friend. Practice resurrection. One day we will reunite with you and you can share in the good graces of God's eternal kingdom where you now rest in peace for having served your mission, you and those who have been loyal and brave watch over those trying to accomplish similar feats of humbleness as you achieved with all the blessings anyone can ask for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2014

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to dwell on past errors. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to speak of self separate from others. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to possess any thing or form of life selfishly. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to harbor ill will toward any plant, animal or human being. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow to not abuse the great truth of the three treasures: touching, seeing and listening. Knowing how deeply you cared for others, Officer Cook, you were always a welcome sight when citizens saw your smiling while you were out on your daily patrols, serving, protecting and fortifying our goodwill among all people. it was your bravery, your honor, your courage and vigorous valor which captivated all of your colleagues to act as you did both personally and professionally. Your giant heart was your fighting spirit enabling you to be your best. it took not much more to motivate you and the stellar character you had steered you down the righteous and proper path. Six years of humble service to Dade County was too short as was your twenty-five years of a life, a marriage and all the goodness that comes from a heroic young man, a true gentleman sent by God to perform a truly remarkable mission. To keep the peace and to rein in the wickedness that plagues our society. They certainly don't come any better than you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hearty and most humble salute for your gallantry, resourcefulness, loyalty and devotion to the calls of official duty. Tonight being Halloween, a happy one to your family. Be safe and enjoy. Mrs. Cook, I have been saying my prayers with you and your lovely family in mind. Be healthy and stay well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2014

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to kill. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow to not take what is not given. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to engage in abusive relationships. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not to speak false or deceptively. Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, we vow not harm ourselves or others through poisonous thought or substance. Knowing how much you were a large part of the Dade County community, Officer Cook, you kept the peace, clean speech among others. You were a sound and practical motivator at modifying, a supremely loyal servant serving and protecting us with your gallantry. Relations between each other today can be traced in part to your service my neighbor, friend and hero. The past, the present and the future are always going to be intertwined forever as your legacy among the many heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community who served bravery, honored their commitments with courage and possessed the much needed valor so vital to their profession. Officer Cook, forty-one others with Metro-Dade Police Department lived and performed outstandingly, you were and continue to be one of this county's brightest souls that light up the nighttime skies overhead. Keeping looking down and observing our going and coming. Rest in peace. Your life was lived by the golden rule, do unto others as they do unto you. Violence against anyone much less police officers will never be forgotten. The good names and actions of these heroic people will always stand tall in the face of adversity and turmoil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2014

By the power of the setting sun, we call upon You God to have pity on us so that we may live. You are the source of both power and destruction. For many years, the way of the people has been weak and there has been fear. While some of the old ways have been lost, so too can the power of a drenching rain restore the earth, give it the power to restore its way and create new life. We ask of You God that You give life to all so they may live and be prosperous. In ignorance and in carelessness they do not comprehend they are all living beings. They cry out for help and hope You can help them in their times of need. You were present for all those in need, in suffering, Officer Cook, whatever you needed to do to function you did earnestly and with a positive zeal and enthusiasm. You served and protected all who looked to you for advice, to quell disturbances that threatened the peace, freedom and the unity of all. So beloved not only by your treasured family members, but by your comrades, friends and all of this community. One troubled young man bent on wanton violence, one humble and faithful public servant, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664, giving his supreme efforts day after day. Nothing can be said more eloquently than the fact that you were magnificent and marvelous in all your actions as heroic as they were on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sun shines, the rains pour down, all the while as you watch from the heavens above. The light of peace will finally overtake the darkness of gloom and evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2014

Great Spirit, give us hearts to understand; never to take from Creation's beauty more than we give; never to destroy wantonly for the further of greed; never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty; never to take from her what we cannot use. Give us hearts to understand that to destroy earth's music is to create confusion; that to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty; that to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench; that as we care for her she will care for us. Amen. You served our common interests, Officer Cook, your duties were always carried out with kindness, care and compassion for all. They were done bravely, courageously and very valiantly. You never let up in the battle of evil and that ugliness that comes from it. You were willing to sacrifice on behalf of all Dade County citizens and now we must sacrifice a little everyday in remembrance of your dedication, devotion and determination. Mother Earth is better off today let's hope because of yourself, Officer Cook and the many other brave comrades before and after you. Those who have been passed your torch have accepted willingly upon themselves to honor their positions with the same amount of integrity, honor and dignity as you so faithfully did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The beauty of nature rests upon the shoulders of those brave enough to see matters through until the end. you were a nature lover, Officer Cook, from God's kingdom you can assist others in protecting its dignity and bounty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 30, 2014

Happily I go forth. My interior feeling cool, may I walk? No longer sore, may I walk? Impervious to pain, may I walk? With lively feelings may I walk? As it used to be long ago, may I walk? Happily may I walk? Happily with abundant dark clouds, may I walk? Happily with abundant showers, may I walk? Happily with abundant plants, may I walk? Happily on a trail of pollen, may I walk? happily may I walk? being a sit used to be long ago, may I walk? May it be beautiful before me? May it be beautiful behind me? May it be beautiful below me? May it be beautiful above me? May it be beautiful all around me? In beauty it is finished. In beauty it is finished. You walked this earth, Officer Cook and for your family and friends it was a pretty beautiful and humbling experience. You patrolled the corridors of Dade County with bravery, courage, valor and wisdom and it was a sight to behold. A humanely vigilant and devoutly loyal man who insured our freedom, peaceful travels and unities, that hopefully will last a lifetime. Your work on this earth, Officer Cook, is complete, as one of God's golden heroes and heroines, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero as you now do along with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace in the eternal beauty of Our Creator's heavenly kingdom, where no harm will ever befall you. For your part in making this a safer and more secure world, Officer Cook, we need only look up to the heavens above for your calming and logical advice. It sure would be a very uniquely welcome sight indeed. Of course, you should still be walking in happiness and serenity with Karen, your family, colleagues and many wonderful friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2014

House made of dawn. House made of evening light. House made of the dark cloud. House made of male and female rain. House made of dark mist. House made of pollen. House made of grasshoppers. Dark cloud is at the door. The trail out of it is dark cloud. The zigzag lightning stands high upon it. An offering I make. Restore my feet for me. Restore my legs for me. restore my body for me. Restore my mind for me. Restore my voice for me. This very day take out your spell for me. Happily I recover. Happily my interior becomes cool. Exactly, Officer Cook, you maintained law and order in part because of your compassionately calm interior and exterior. No matter the time of day or meteorological conditions outside, it was my neighbor, friend and hero who rests in peace because of your honor, dignity and integrity in restoring, preserving, serving and protecting the goodwill of all Dade County residents. Your feet, legs and whatever a good police officer needs to carryout their assignments were utilized in humbleness and with a God-given faithful vigor. You were a humbly grand person whose stellar character will always be legendary.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2014

Oh God of all, at this time of our gradual awakening to the dangers we are imposing on our beautiful Earth, open the hearts and minds of your children, that we may learn to nurture rather than destroy our planet. Amen. Your nurtured us all, Officer Cook, with your candor and beautifully crisp pictures of nature outdoors in all its splendor. You were by your stellar character a gentleman who prided himself on responsibility and devotion to the calls of duty. No citizen, no colleague of yours ever had to worry about how you would perform. Outstanding beyond any one of our imaginations. Your determination and dedication are the legs of which your treasured legacy will forever stand in Dade County police history. Not just the past, but presently and throughout the future. You carried the torch with honor and valor, now it has been passed on to other officers with the same class and reverence you maintained during your life and in your professional career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2014

Almighty God, who are mother and father to us all, look upon Your planet Earth divided. Help us to know that we are all your children; that all nations belong to one great family and all of our religions lead to you. Multiply our prayers in every land, until the whole Earth becomes Your congregation, united in Your love. Sustain our vision of a peaceful future and give us strength to work unceasingly to make that vision real. Amen. God, You gave us many superior brave men and women. One of these very fine police officers was Officer William C. Cook, of the Metro-Dade Police Department of Miami, Florida. To measure your heart, your compassion, your honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, where need not look farther, only into the heavens above where your cherished soul my neighbor, friend and hero, rests in peace. You were the beacon of light that helped to dispel the darkness of evil. You were that humble and loving servant and protector who brought grace and valor, peace, freedom and unity to a nation and a community, not only by your career that you performed excellently, but in your life, one led by example and of a charismatic upbringing by two wonderfully loving and honorable parents. One day real soon we pray that your sacrifice on May 16, 1979, will finally unify this world bringing an everlasting peace where no more wars or bloodshed will occur. This is the vision and the strength, Officer Cook, that has allowed us to live and prosper. Heroes and heroines all who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us at least the hope we need to continue on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2014

Brothers of the sea, look at the stars, look at the deep blue and set the world free. Our right is to live and to be free. Freedom will not come from outside. It is only in ourselves united. United we stand and united we fall. We shall be one. Officer Cook, of course it's sad that I never met you or your parents personally, but from everything that I have read about you and heard from Justin and Gina speaks volumes. Such a wonderful gentleman, literally and professionally, your ventures into the Dade County neighborhood to restore vitality, peace and unity only tap into what you represented to all citizens. A man or woman's sacrifice as brave and valiant as you performed spoke humbly and simply of your life and career honored by integrity and dignity that can be unmatched by any ordinary person. You were a warm and soft spoken human being who too had rights that were taken by a troubled young man. Maybe somewhat difficult for those of us to comprehend. Outstanding and stellar character that precedes your legacy for others to carry on. Carry on we must. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those words on your gravestone speak lovingly and thoughtfully of your humanity to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2014

From that which we fear, make us fearless. O bounteous One, assist us with Your aid. May the atmosphere we breathe breathe fearlessness into us, fearlessness on earth and fearlessness in heaven! May fearlessness surround us above and below! May we be without fear by night and by day! Let all the world be my friend! Indeed, Officer Cook, you were our consummate police officer, a friend to all with a charming personality and a sense of humor engaging to all. You carried out your official duties as well as any police officer. Faithful, honest, dignified with all of the integrity that any brave and courageous officer needs to push on in this war against wickedness. Society and our communities scream out for it. On May 16, 1979, Dade County cried out for help in the Liberty City area and you and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were there to lend a helping hand to your comrades and to those civilians whose lives were endangered. Your actions were outstanding and humanely speaking probably saved countless other lives. Your sacrifice will always be appreciated and thought of in the highest regard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our brightest star, Officer Cook, fearless and faithful illuminating the whole world with your treasured soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2014

It is up to us to receive and transmit God's word. It is up to us to see that the world still stands. May the time not be distant when nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. They shall beat their swords into plowshares, for the earth will be filled with the wonder of life. then shall we sit under our vine and our fig tree and none shall make them afraid. You were a fearless and a quite faithful police officer, Officer Cook, one who did not pound his chest, nor boost, you let your performances speak for themselves. Your colleagues knew had their backs and they had yours. You'll be forever thought of as one of Dade County's heroes who delivered honest and true grit each and every watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The weapons of evil should one day be placed down for good and you'll be the reason, your sacrifice, Officer Cook and what you meant to all will have surely been felt.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2014

Let trees grow by the billions around the world. Let green life invade the deserts. Let industry serve humanity and produce waste that serves nature. You served and protected all mankind, Officer Cook, with all the energy that any public servant needs to persevere and get the job finished with a positive outlook and sense or feeling of accomplishment. Let technology respect the holiness of Mother Earth. No doubt about the respect you afforded all persons, Officer Cook, your upbeat character, your courage, bravery and dignity endeared you to all. Let those who control the mass media contribute to create mutual understanding, contribute to create optimism and confidence. You led your life and career by example, Officer Cook, it was your engaging persona that allowed you the opportunity to lead others and to show them the ropes of your profession. Let ordinary people meet by the millions across the borders. Let them create a universal network of love and friendship. You served, Officer Cook, the rainbows of peace, freedom and unity were spread far wide because of your humbleness. I just read something, Officer Cook, sadly the Auxiliary Bishop who offered the eulogy at your Inspector's Funeral, John Joseph Nevins, passed away in August after an illness. The words he delivered had to have a chilling and left a most profound affect on those who honored your life and career. Allow the flocks of people to create a good future for their children and grandchildren. Let us survive in peace and in harmony with Mother Earth. I know you and Karen would have made very devoted and loving parents and grandparents. You both were dedicated to serving people in health and in safety. The world has lost one terrific ambassador to humanity and to all the good it represents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2014

Let there be peace, welfare and righteousness in every part of the world. You were our police savior and staunch defender, Officer Cook. Let confidence and friendship prevail for the good of east and west, for the good of the needy south, for the good of all humanity. for all people you served with distinction, Officer Cook. Let the people inspire their leaders, helping them to seek peace by peaceful means, helping them and urging them, you were a masterful and mature motivator, Officer Cook, you helped bring delight and balance into this world, building better relationships for all, a place called home, a world with food and employment for all, physical freedom and the right to worship as the people choose. Let everyone who has the financial capacity give according to their hearts to assist others. You and Karen gave. Your selfless compassion was used to help the good of citizens. Police officers have certain powers, it's those brave souls who harness and channel it properly, to engage and develop peaceful and effective means of communication. You were a calming and soothing speaker, Officer Cook, that was why you were driven to succeed. You knew when you needed to use your weapon and when not to. An outdoor lover, you maintained an admiration and mutual respect for Mother Nature and all Her children. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, keeping watch over those who have taken your spot as our savior and protector. Let them not go astray. Assist God as He attempts to help others to live prosper and be healthy to do so. You will always be well thought of and I'll keep you, Mrs. Cook, in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2014

We call upon the earth, our planet home, with its beautiful depths and soaring heights, its vitality and abundance of life and together we ask that it: Teach us and show the way. You taught us so many lessons, Officer Cook, you called North Miami Beach, Florida home where you grew up and several miles south for capably and ably performing you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero near a tall tree. We call upon the mountains, the Cascades and the Olympics, the high green valleys and meadows filled with wild flowers, the snows that never melt, the summits of intense silence and we ask that they: Teach us and show us the way. Too much silence since your very untimely passing, Officer Cook. Winter is soon upon us and your sixty-first birthday will soon be approaching. Hard to fathom so many years later. We call upon the waters that rim the earth, horizon to horizon, that flow in our rivers and streams, that fall upon our gardens and fields and we ask that they: Teach us and show us the way. for one who spent many happy days outdoors, Officer Cook, watering your lawn was one way to nurture that which God provided us. We call upon the land which grows our food, nurtures the soil, the fertile fields, many gardens and orchards, the vast forestry, the great trees with earth packed in their roots. We ask that they teach us and show us the way. Your camera was taking the most beautifully crisp pictures of modern nature, it was your way to relax, Officer Cook. The creatures of the fields, all the animals, show us the way. We call upon all those who have lived on this earth, our ancestors, our friends, who dreamed the best for all future generations and upon whose lives our lives are built and with thanksgiving, we call upon them. We are grateful for your courage, bravery and savvy, Officer Cook. Finally, we call upon them, all that we hold sacred, the presence and the power of the Great Spirit who assisted you, Officer Cook, in serving and protecting Dade County citizens for six faithfully devoted and loyal years and for living twenty-five accomplished and humble years. The love and truth so valued that flows from this be with us to: Teach us and show us the way. You were a pioneer, Officer Cook, your achievements have paved the way for all future officers. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2014

I have come to terms with the future. From this day onward I will walk easy on the earth. Plant trees. Kill no living things. Live in harmony with all creatures. I will restore the earth where I am. Use no more of its resources than I need. And listen, listen to what it is telling me. You listened to your parents, Officer Cook, they never let you down. Of course, it's a person's upbringing that can lead them to success in all their endeavors. In that regard, you were not very different from all others. Once you decided to become a Metro-Dade Police Officer, through diligence and arduous study and training did you develop into a top notch police officer. Able to lead others because of your vast wisdom, maturity and integrity, this is why you were a hero born to conquer evil. You carried out your tasks very skillfully and with bravery and grace and as humanely as you could. You'll always be fondly remembered as your humble legacy stands tall. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You still stand tall as one of God's humble and loyal angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2014

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