Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

O Master of the Universe, we beseech you and ask that You give Your strength and power to all who upon it. To be able to handle whatever is cold and harsh in our lives and in everything we cherish occupying ourselves with. Instruct us to receive the winds that blow and to make whatever overwhelms us less formidable. Do not allow us to blow away or to falter in our paths. Guide and grant us the determination to stay the course. When dawn begins and the sun's rays first appear on our horizon, permit us to bask and to refresh and to invigorate our spiritual batteries allowing us the freedom to accomplish that which is solemn and acceptable. Every creature that is born, every animal born, the ideas, ideals and friendships shall remain squarely in place. Animals have this right to be free, so long as they cause no harm and are not a danger to any person. The glory of our rising, the work of our hands and feet shall firmly remain planted on this hallowed ground to prosper. Your mind, your hands and feet, Officer Cook, were solemnly in place as was your due diligence to all of Dade County residents. Your dignity, integrity and honor continued its pathways as did the winds that blew the trees and plants. It helped people remain cool, which was how you as a faithful and loyal police officer assisted those in need. Your calming influence is surely missed greatly today as is your ever engaging personality. You made people happy, you made them feel proud. Most of all you made them feel wanted when you went out on patrol to serve and to protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2014

The hidden life of everyone, so vibrant in every atom, it glows in every one of us. It embraces all who seek out its presence, as all who ever live. We are all one, all children of God. There were no hidden agendas, Officer Cook. Your life and that of your beloved wife, Karen, were well planned and thought out. You both served people with the same high grade quality and train of thought. Concentrating on your roles, it was your honor, dignity and bravery that served you well for your six tears of loyal service to Dade County and its residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2014

I wake up today, through the strength of God. The rays of our sun light up our lives. The flames of passion motivate us in all of our journeys. The wind, the sea, the rush of the waters, the prayers of man help stabilize our lives. Our faith and resolve should be rock solid. God's creatures acting as one. Officer Cook, as one of God's creatures, you made it a habit to act properly at all times. You afforded all citizens with integrity, dignity and honor. Your legacy will firmly stay planted among all who revered you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2014

Our Father, hear us, make us strong through Your support. Send Your knowledge down to all who are in need. Guide our hands and legs down the pathways of purity and inspire us who travel on far trips. Keep us and our hearts wise as the winds blow. I know God took your hands, Officer Cook, your feet and made what came from your lips as sweet as jelly. It was said that my dad, who was a policeman was too nice to be one, well, judging by your family and talking with them, you too were a very decent and classy gentleman. Our Lord bestows his kindness in all His creatures and I've got to reiterate that you possessed this loving trait and so much more. But, it is your bravery, courage, valor and commitment, along with the honesty, dignity and integrity that you'll always and fondly be long remembered for. Of course, we cannot have rogue and dishonorable public servants protecting the welfare, peace and unity of the citizens. They must be proper and prudent in all their official actions as yourself, Officer Cook, no matter the time of day, the place, the conditions inside or outside, everything must maintain a semblance of balance and decorum. You did this for six years, still way too short in both your career and in life. Your life had more to offer those who trusted and admired your determination and prideful perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The wind blows, the flowers may fade, your spirit continues to inspire. It will forever, nothing will extinguish the torch you helped to light nearly forty-one years ago. Four-hundred and ninety-two months later. I'll always pray for your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and for you too Mr. Cook. Nancy, your little brother, when I say it that way, he took his life and career quite seriously. I know he made you all laugh and he continues smiling down on each and everyone of you today. That's a positive infectiousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2014

O Lord, whose voice I hear amid the blowing winds and whose breath gives and sustains life on earth, hear those who are fragile and infirmed, give them the strength and wisdom to carry on with dignity. God gave plenty of good and honorable resources to you, Officer Cook, heroics is a character trait one is brought up with and must be taught, practiced and preached. Let all who are born walk the face of this world in beauty and allow their eyes to gaze upon the sunrises and the sunsets of the bright and hot yellow sun, the big white moon and the dark blue skies of the night. Our hands should respect that which was created and our ears and eyes should be focused to both see and to hear your voice. Our comprehension should allow us the unmistakable wisdom to teach and to learn all the things we cherish in life and in our chosen careers or professions. Give us the intestinal fortitude to fight off our own worst enemy, ourselves. Instill in us clean hands, pure hearts, straight eyes and sharp ears so when our life is nearly over, as the sun sets, our spirits may come to you without shame or disgrace. All your life, Officer Cook, you lived and were brought up by your loving parents, who set the example of what is meant by being honest and working hard to accomplish your goals, dreams and aspirations. You never disappointed anyone. Their pride and how very proud they both were of their humbly darling and heroic son, words only begin to pierce the surface. Your undying and unselfish courtesies and care for all people, for this Dade County, your colleagues, friends, loved ones and residents can be most appreciative. There are not too many who would have acted with boldness and swiftness, you were there. As a loyal and humane public servant, you were there, you went through trials, training and much study putting forth great effort to simply be the best officer one could be and you achieved in a proper fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You lived a righteous life and created a most resourceful career with the correct values to help navigate you through the venues you patrolled. Legacies don't just happen, like a good foundation it is a step by step process. One idea, one good trait to hone at a time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2014

To all that is brief and fragile, superficial, unstable, to all that lacks foundation, argument or principles, to all that is light, fleeting, changing, finite, to smoke signals, red roses, to sea foam and mists of oblivion....To all that is light in its weight for itinerants on this moving earth, somber, crazy with words of movement, we raise a toast to the lives of those marvelous enough to risk their lives for our security and protection. I'm sure your friends and colleagues may have raised a glass to celebrate your extraordinary life and stupendous career, Officer Cook. More than satisfactory, your professional feats and their capabilities were handled with more than a panache of loving kindness, honor and integrity. You created the foundations that you laid out by your devotion and dedication to all citizens. We are all very proud of knowing a police hero, true to form in all the morals and scruples that guided you, Officer Cook, on all your career paths. Never to be forgotten, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy remains as stellar as your enduring and engaging character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2014

Violence and destruction, receive our homage. Help us to shed the light upon darkness, to take away the pain, the anger. Where it can be seen for what it is-the balance wheel for our vulnerable, aching love. Within God's acts of creation, help us to harness a balance between hate and love. Help us dear God to be the always hopeful caretaker of our gardens where the spirits of our loved ones rest. Without darkness nor light we cannot have birth. Nor can flowers bloom without nourishment. You made your crusade, Officer Cook, through violence and destruction, making Dade County citizens and the streets they reside on much more safer and secure. You were the inspirational light amid the gloom and it was your loving grace, valor, honor, integrity and dignity that led the way. God has created a balance between power and wisdom and now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, assist Our Creator in separating this delicate balance for it is our life and length of our days, hours and years. Your years while too short, Officer Cook, were filled with heroic actions and candid care and consideration for all concerned. We must make the most of all of our God-given abilities as you faithfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2014

Soul of earth, sanctify me. Body of earth, save me. Blood of earth, fill me with love. Water from earth, wash and refresh me. Passion of earth, strengthen me. Resurrection of earth, empower me. Good earth, hear me. Within Your wounds, hide me. Never let me be apart from You. At the hour of my passing, take me, eliminate the suffering and pain. That with Your loved ones I may thank You for all eternity. Amen. For the extremely important work you performed on behalf of all people, Officer Cook, you deserve all the praise and salutes that one can have. Your legacy was created from your upbringing and with it came decency, dignity, honor and integrity. Your bravery and thoughtful courage and valor shall forever stand out among all who have sacrificed their lives so we can all continue to thrive and to prosper in peace, freedom and unity. Your morals were based upon these three things and they are totally unlimited. You too my neighbor, friend and hero had more to prosper, to live a humble life with your beloved wife, Karen. I know she remarried, I'm sure she still misses and thinks the world of you for such a remarkably talented and as gifted a gentleman as there can be. Rest in peace. One day soon you'll be reunited with the ones who loved and knew you. You live on in your loving family, I can see why they are successful in their achievements. Justin is one who doesn't let his situation and being in a wheelchair deter him from fulfilling his endeavors.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2014

Accomplishing in your life and during your brief six year career, Officer Cook, all the scents of decency and honor remain attached to you, for you were the ever devoted and faithful public servant to all Dade County citizens. All over our world do the faces of the many brave women and men of the law enforcement community shine ever so brightly. For your resounding dignity and integrity you shall be remembered. With loving tenderness were you born to fulfill and to achieve. You had more to both give and to achieve. All your twenty-five years were will spent as you separated right from evil. You waged a battle on this wickedness, staring it down face to face without trepidation. As one of God's children, Officer Cook, you faced the winds of turmoil and with good intentions you humbly walked down to the road of quiet. Your treasured spirit fills us with the light of goodwill and gladness that one day we finally will realize all that you meant to us. Give us the strength, the power, the good grace and the fortitude to comprehend that which our eyes visualize and instruct us to walk this soft earth as creations to all that live and thrive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2014

May all my thoughts and words be in harmony with me. God within our souls and all around us, keep the breezes of truth blowing ever so properly, from leaf to leaf, branch to branch and from tree to tree. I am the beauty of the green earth, the stars that twinkle in the sky and all waters that flow, we call upon You to rise and uplift the spirits of those downtrodden. Let us pray to You in peace and with a resounding gladness of the heart. Let us of us love, honor, cherish all that is good for us that You've given to us. Let your strength, honor, humbleness, dignity and grace, Officer Cook, abound in all your family, friends and brave colleagues who courageously go out in their communities to serve and to protect its citizens. You have been with us in the beginning and You will never leave our side. Your faithful and valiant servant, Officer Cook, your treasured spirit will always be near to us. It will ascend to God's golden streets where you will always be. Our hearts desire so much and and it was God who sent you here to perform a special mission and now that you bravely endeavored to battle this evil you can now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2014

O God, remind us daily with the sanctity of all life. Pierce our hearts with the glorious wonders of Your creation. As we endeavor to respect all living beings, penetrate our very souls with the beauty of this world, as we stay attuned to the rhythm and flow of the seasons. Awaken our thought process with the intellect to achieve a peaceful universe and give us the wisdom to understand that we can have Your heaven on earth. O Great Master, remind us to love and to treasure, to cherish all of our heroes and heroines who laid down their lives for us to accomplish. Shine forth in Your glorious majesty over their beloved souls. You were a gallant police officer, Officer Cook, it was the knowledge that you obtained from rigorous training, studying and learning on the job, on what it takes to make an excellent public servant. Dade County residents came to know and respect your intuition and wise dignity, honor and integrity. It shines as brightly now as it did thirty-five years ago. You are missed beyond description, but, you will always have a special place in all of our hearts as will your beloved parents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I never heard your voice, I can only imagine that calmness and humility of it when addressing someone. It carried common sense, plenty of logical reasoning and a plethora of rationale.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2014

To Our Creator who allows the water to flow, causes the winds to sway the trees, we ask that You fill the earth with life, goodwill and cheer. Keep us alive, sustain us and allow us to all Your miracles of faith. Let the meadows and valleys lie still. Let the sheep and other animals You created live and nourish themselves on that which You produced. At this time of year, when some of us are lonely fill our hearts with gladness, watch over those who expose themselves to dangers so we may prosper. You did this quite well, Officer Cook, the embodiment of God's spirit as one of His loyal public servants. As your family sits down for Thanksgiving, I know they miss you very much, but, I do realize that you sacrificed for a reason. That being so we shall be one in mind, heart, good health, peace and unity. Men and women live on because of your ideals, values and scruples. The winds blow, we breathe fresh air because of you. Turkey and all its dressings are great, before we partake, a little prayer in your memory to honor your dignity, integrity and wise intellect for serving with all the richness and vigor of a cherished life and a career that you enjoyed and worked quite hard at to succeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faith and trust engineered your achievements and nothing can ever derail these accomplishments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2014

Earth teach me stillness, peace and quiet as the light of the sun shines brightly off God's grass pastures. You lived a quiet, humble and very accomplished life and career, Officer Cook, even though your young life was cut way too short by the violence that still circulates itself in a society where brave men and women try and lessen its appearance from those of us who endeavor to keep peace and pursue its virtues. Teach us on this Earth to heal the suffering of those who have lost loved ones. Humility and humbleness from its genesis are some of the means we utilize in helping those cope with tragedy. Your loving parents, Officer Cook, taught you and Nancy the lessens of life as you travelled the roads and pathways to becoming what we now and forever know you as, our hero. For what you did on behalf of Dade County residents, a thank you might not be good enough. More has to happen. As the tall tree by your grave, your courage and bravery on May 16, 1979, stands very tall. In fact like your treasured spirit, it soars high as an eagle in the skies above. There was no resignation from your performances whatsoever, Officer Cook, it was a young man's indignation in committing a cold and callous act against not only yourself, but to your agency, its officers and the entire nation of police families who band together as one sending their loved ones in harm's way to service and to protect our liberties, unities and peace, you cannot say it any better. Teach us never to forget the inspired women and men like yourself who laid down their lives for our concern with their caring devotion as a motivating factor. The kindness and valor you displayed in dedicating your creeds on our behalf will serve as your unwavering and faithful legacy. As the rain pelts us, the snow falls, though not in North Miami Beach, you always will be fondly thought of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2014

May the earth continue to live. May the heavens above continue to live. May rain continue to dampen the ground and its forests go on growing. Flowers shall bloom and we too shall continue achieving. Your physical being has left us, Officer Cook, that means your spirit stays alive in all your family, friends and comrades as you guide them each day in their personal affairs. You'll always be a part of anyone who came to know you. They at least got to know an honest and hard working gentleman, gentle by nature, humble and dignified in character. Stellar in wisdom and in leadership. No one ever wants one whom you admire, respect and cherish to ever leave their side. God called you to patrol His golden streets where no harm will ever come your way. You sacrificed for Dade County and its residents in a manner that all officers might have to do at one point. We hope never, but these brave and valiant folks know risk is part of serving and protecting. You were a supreme and superior servant and are to be commended and forever saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2014

May the wind blow sweetness, the rivers flow from sweetness, the plants all grow this sweetness, truth flows from this. Your words, Officer Cook, dripped from your honorable lips like the honey of a tree. The light of day and night, the pleasant scent of all that earth offers us. May the shining sun and all that we as Dade County citizens do, be done with the spirits of all fallen police officers in mind. For it was the many brave and courageous men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, who dignified their profession with grace and valor not many can display. Poignant and personable was how you handled your day to day affairs. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2014

To my family relatives may they radiate the sun, the moon and the earth like the stars in the sky. My life gave beauty to all that which was placed in you with God's strength. Your work, Officer Cook, was borne out in goodness because of your proper upbringing. Your spirit lives on in all your family because of your truth in deeds and dignity and integrity in acting with swiftness to stop a troubled young man bent on evil. You gave others the wisdom to continue your battles that you waged on Dade County streets daily. So now we must pray for physical and spiritual strength. We must come together. As your stone says, Officer Cook, "We Shall Be One." Pray that earth one day soon becomes a safe haven for all to cherish. Pray that all waters flow in unison and make the heavenly rain moisten those fields that God delivered fertile produce upon which we nourish ourselves with. Pray for a gigantic moon in all her glory and splendor, along with the twinkling stars set according to God's alignment and to a blazing hot sun to dry that which had rain pelting down upon it. Your blessings, Officer Cook, should keep freely coming down upon all mankind, your family, colleagues who fought with you in trying to eradicate this wickedness from our society of which your role was quite unique and very integral. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2014

Peace be to the earth and those who inhabit it. To all police officers who expose their lives on a daily basis for our pursuits of happiness, peace and good health should be granted to them. Peace is everywhere in heaven where it is eternal. In the waters, the myriad of them free flowing from all four corners of this world. From trees that grow and hold steady in form, peace shall be with all its powers. Wars and innocent bloodshed shall finally terminate in a peaceful manner. Dialogue is the way to broker healthy relations between all people. You were a peacemaker, Officer Cook, as steady and as unwavering in all your deliberations in service and in protection. The cruel elements that all police officers have to focus and concentrate hard upon is what makes us able to do and choose how we want to live and to thrive. We appeal to all that peace shall appease those in strife and in turmoil. Peace may it prevail and everything good shall be peaceful where all people come together in unison. If honesty, dignity and integrity do not function as one, then how can those who took an affirmation to serve do so? Twenty-five years of life, Officer Cook, were you and your sister, Nancy, raised with the proper morals, six of those years were well spent as a Metro-Dade Police Officer dispensing goodwill among all mankind. Your service was one of dedication, determination, devotion and a dogged sense of distinction. As you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero among the brave souls who were as courageous as yourself, let us stop and wonder, realize why we have life. You had life, you had so much more to giveback to this society. Only God has these reasons. We sit or stand and ponder His rationales.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2014

Peace comes as a calling. the ways to acquire it vary from place to place. From person to person, from one police officer to another. Peace can be looking at the waves of the sea brushing against the rocks. The waters flow, they can rise, they can recede. May all our bodies of water flow unimpeded. The peace of the blowing air, which fans our faces on a hot day, the air we try to breathe into our lungs that sustains our very lives in order for our hearts to beat in rhythm. The quietness of being in this world to do as we please so long as we don't violate our neighbor's rights to live. Just stability and tranquility is all we ask of you God. The peace to go outside our homes at night and gaze at the multitude of stars in God's golden galaxy. The darkness that surrounds our varied thoughts, we know Our Creator is up there moving and shaping the structure of our world that we live, think and challenge ourselves to be better citizens. Ones who care. Ones who get it. Ones who love. Ones who are honest and dignified in all their mannerisms. Something you and your family, Officer Cook, ascribed to be. Simple, humble, yet bold in bravery, reliable in resourcefulness. Fair and yet faithful and unyielding when justice demands this from every one of its heroes and heroines. You were the responsible public servant, one of God's confident officers who steered mightily in the proper direction to turn wickedness away from your fellow Dade County resident. Your spirit shines peacefully and brightly as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, just as you stood humbly in your uniform behind the American flag on that very day you graduated from the Miami-Dade College Police Academy. One man or woman steeped in honor for all. All police officers we all hope are doing that exact job at this moment saturated in honesty, dignity, integrity and impartiality. Care and concern for all. Compassion and consideration for all. Officer Cook, you were the proverbial all around good guy, the officer all who knew you came to admire and cherish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2014

More things are brought by prayer than the world knows of. This is what I want to happen, that our Mother earth may help clothe, feed and provide shelter for all who seek it. God's creative confidence has allowed each of us to unburden ourselves, our egos, our demands, free ourselves of unnecessary hardships. May all beings be happy and prosperous. You were a spiritual person, Officer Cook, faithful and devout right until God took you up to heaven after you served mankind and the citizens of Dade County with honor, dignity and integrity. As a police officer, your mission was to try and conquer this evil. You my neighbor, friend and hero stared it down daily face to face. May 16, 1979, was a day of tragedy, losing you in this battle that you fought long and hard for six courageous years of vigorous and vital service to a community suffering from racial tensions during this time. You and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went to the aid of your fellow officers and those civilians embroiled in this dispute in which a young troubled man thought violence was a way to solve his problems. Unfortunately, it is not and you gave your life, Officer Cook, in a brave and valiant effort to further the causes of peace, liberty and unity in a community where you were respected and loved. You are greatly missed by your cherished family, courageous comrades and a whole host of friends outside your department who knew the real Officer William C. Cook, Bill or Billy to them. You never disappointed anyone. Your loved ones are very proud of what you stood for in conviction and in commitment to the calls of duty. Like the rays of the sun, your legacy shines brightly from above each moment your spirit travels to wherever God needs your assistance patrolling His golden streets as our true blue police hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2014

We stand up on the rocks and look far and wide at the waters splashing against the rocks. The wind blows, the trees move back and forth. We look and listen at these God produced miracles. This living land is all there is, forever. We are it it sings through us. We could live on this earth without too many needs. You lived a humble life, Officer Cook. You performed a job with grace and humility. It was your very honor, dignity and integrity that fell like a gentle snow upon the ground. And it was your compassion that riveted the hearts and souls of all Dade County residents. They could then and now can hold their heads up high and proudly because of you, Officer Cook. You were the kind of conscientious police officer who would never stand pat, always looking for ways to improve your work routines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Citizens should always sing the praises of its heroes and heroines for they are the actual leaders of democracy and hope for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2014

I lie alone. I lie alone remembering changes how sudden crystals grew from water falling, in a cup in a rock surprising forms acids in a cup or in a rock receiving lightning a cup in a rock receiving lightning. I am here. I lie alone. No one completes me after lightning. I bide my time. I hold my forms beyond surprising islands. You lie in a hallowed ground, a plot of earth where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, for being so caring, polite and dignified in all your essential police duties. Having sadly completed your mission, you'll be forever noted for your bravery, courage and valor. Lightning strikes twice is a noted saying. Your humble feats of congeniality only appear once in our lifetimes. You were a true hero and Godsend. No one can ever replicate your commitment or actions that day that saved at least seven lives and possibly many more. Your boldness and swiftness blocked and stopped more evil than we could ever imagine. The people of Dade County never expect any less from their officers, you, Officer Cook, delivered promise and excellence each day of your watch. No more harm can ever come your way, for it was yourself unwavering and steady as ever, Officer Cook, your presence and perseverance paved the way for peace, liberty and unity to march down the streets of which you patrolled with a devout and quite faithful a sense of vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2014

What a thing it is to sit absolutely alone, in the forest, at night or by day, cherished by this, wonderful, unintelligible, perfectly innocent speech, the most comforting speech in the world, the talk that rain makes by itself all over the ridges and the talk of the watercourses everywhere in the hollows! Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it. It will talk as long as it wants, this rain. As long as it talks I am going to listen. The citizens sure listened and took note whenever you spoke with them and to them, Officer Cook. Anyone who would lend an ear to someone to polite, kind and calm and cool under the pressures and rigors from a most demanding profession where stress, duress and yet joy and relief when something goes well occurs. You backed up your speech, not with rhetoric or just to spew empty words. They packed a wallop intended to wake up and to invigorate its listeners. Your commitment to serve and to protect with authority, wisdom and leadership was central in all your efforts to combat this blanket of wickedness which spread itself out in Dade county where you were known and admired for your articulate nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The rain pelts down, but the light of your brave soul shines down to dry the grounds moistened by its effects.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2014

Officer Cook, I was just reading some of the reflections for officers who died in the line of duty today, November 17, 2014 and a reflection was left I believe by your friend, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs of the Porterdale, Georgia Police Department. It was dated Sept. 28, 2014 for Florida Highway Patrol Trooper, Claude Baker, Jr. It said retired Chief. Your buddy, friend and police academy classmate finally retired if I am correct. You were his best friend, Officer Cook and after forty years approximately Mr. Jacobs has retired. He has your words of encouragement in all his life and future endeavors. Good health Chief. Maybe now we can get together for a meal, talk and we can visit the grave of your friend, my neighbor, friend and hero. Your buddy, Bill Cook, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 was a true legendary police officer, humane and honorable, courageous and brave beyond what any words could describe. We all miss Officer Cook, the beserk and troubled young man who took his life, what more can we say?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2014

O Lord, one tiny bit of water rests on the palm of my hand. I bring it to You and with it I bring the whole ocean. This tiny drop has the power to ease the burning thirst of men, when spread on the earth, to give life to the seed and the future harvest, when poured on the fire to quench the blaze. A tiny drop of water can cleanse the whole of my impurity when blessed by Your forgiveness. But, O Lord, more than all this, this tiny drop of water passed over my head is the symbol of my birth in You. A tiny seed and the world witnessed the birth of a hero in life and in his career, you, yourself, Officer Cook, on November 30, 1953, were born into a house of humility, where a core system of values existed and where you dared to dream quite proudly of becoming a policeman when you grew up to become the man, the gentleman, who truly treasured his life and its wonderful opportunities that awaited you. The water we drink to quench our thirsts, the air we breathe from our lungs are the symbols of life and ones not to be taken for granted. Courtesy and honesty too are words not to be taken lightly. Tread upon them humbly and with a sense of pride, for they will not normally lead you astray. They never did. Tragically, violence does lead one astray, it was your sense of courage to commitment, boldness to act that validated your valor. It will never vindicate the wrong that was perpetrated against you and all police officers that awfully sad day of May 16, 1979, you acted, you cared, you respected each individual's sanctity and dignity. It's how you were raised and brought up by two devoutly proud and wonderful parents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Because of your humanity, Officer Cook and that of your comrades who bravely sacrificed on our behalf can we drink, eat and breathe as God has allowed us to. This dignity should have been afforded to all of you who laid down your lives for our honor. Respect needs to be earned, you all earned yours in a very heroic fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2014

I think it placed the word your twice, Officer Cook. I try my best and each of these reflections is in its very self a reflection of your life and career. It all begins in the home, for without proper dignity, honor and grace in the house, how can one go out on the streets to police them with a renowned sense of both awareness and decorum? Soundly and with a humble tone of voice were you able to properly communicate with all residents. Beseeching the breath of the Divine One, His life-giving breath, His breath of old age, His breath of waters, His breath of seeds, of riches, of power and of good fortune, asking for His breath and into my warm body drawing His breath, I add to your breath that happily You may always live. A person reaps what they sow. You planted the seeds of your many great and heroic deeds in our lifetimes, Officer Cook, in order for them to be fruitful and replicate many times over. You were Dade County's loyal and faithfully devout servant whose service and protection to all has allowed the enhancement of liberty, peace and unity to grow many branches. You'll always be thought of in the highest regard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, by the ponds of our waters, during the sunlight of day can we see your wonderful soul and its light glistening from these waters. We beseech You O God to give us each the power to humbly and faithfully carry on with our lives as Your servant, Officer William C. Cook, carried on with his life of twenty-five years and to act with an unwavering sense of urgency to maintain the proper degree of law and order. We need this everyday! This young man represented all the good and morally ethical values of our society and his legacy stands tall upon his courageous acts of duty to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2014

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