Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
To reiterate your resolve, Officer Cook, goes beyond words. These words you eloquently spoke were always used as motivational instruments in an effort to bring out the best from everyone. No citizen regardless of education, race or creed was only treated in a one-hundred percent classy manner. And it was your unselfish honesty, dignity and integrity that lessened the evil that still hangs around Dade County kind of like a morning fog. Your congenial way of respect towards all people has always been fondly remembered as is your tremendous character in dealing with all circumstances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police officers need to be able to function on a level playing field, the streets where they patrol, serve and protect. And unfortunately that is not always possible. They train as you did for all conditions and challenges that are placed at their hands and feet. Today, we face some of the toughest circumstances, but in order to become a better individual, one must try to overcome these impediments utilizing dignity and decorum tied together as one knot.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2014
Sometimes when we are alone within our own quiet moments, the thoughts we have, the sounds we think we are hearing are just Our Creator stirring above us. The sun, the moon, the planets and all the constellations that move across God's beautiful horizon are indeed His glory at work in those mysterious moments. Moments left to cherish for a lifetime. The birds chirp and sing proclaiming a large part of creature and these pleasant times. We can live very well, sometimes too well, overlooking the moments, the opportunities to pray to Our Master and loud Him for all that we possess. Our friends join us as guests, we're thankful nonetheless. When life begins, we praise You and make a meal of tribute in Your honor. The flowers bloom, they blossom full of scent and of different colors. Dawn comes each morning, reawakening and renewing our passions for life and how our day's about to begin. when at day's end, the sun goes down, we are also praising You Our Savior for allowing us to fulfill whatever we choose to accomplish that day. New life is born everyday, from age to age, from strength to strength and with it comes new challenges that we celebrate the chance we receive to champion a particular cause. You challenged yourself daily, Officer Cook, you strived to fulfill your role in this world as our protector and public service guardian to all Dade County residents. Your integrity, valor and dignity all found their way out in the streets of this county, where you patrolled with a passion, compassion for all and bringing humbleness coupled with humility and honor to your loving family members, comrades and the many friends outside of your profession that both you and your beloved wife, Karen, befriended. You were their hero, your memory and the goodwill that you represented is treasured forever as is your legacy as humane as you were, Officer Cook, stellar as they come. You lit the torch, set the example of what honesty and hard work really means. Your devotion, dedication and desire are what remains for other officers to follow. Your path to success started at a young age and remained as steady for all twenty-five years of your life, cut way too short by this terrible element in our society we label wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, all of God's blessings shine down upon us and it is our burden, our onus to take responsibility and to act properly and to maintain a semblance of dignity, law and order within our means. This insures the safety, peace and unity of the community and its fine citizens. As you comported yourself,Officer Cook, the least we could all do is try and at least act as civilized and as caring and considerate as yourself.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2014
O how wonderful it is to be a guest somewhere? Waves crashing about, the heaven's scent of a cool fresh breeze. We offer our prayers to You God of mercy and of wondrous miracles. You make things happen for a reason. A reason for the season, snow in the winter, hot and humid weather during the summer. You are always near us when we call upon You. Like a finely cut diamond, polished until it shines brilliantly. We rejoice when the sunrises and when it sets and the moon comes out and illuminates the skies at night, we remember You. We sing Your praises because of yourself, Officer Cook and the many other brave and gallant officers who made the ultimate sacrifice to guarantee our freedom, peace, unity and safety. Dade County, as does all counties around our great nation, takes time to salute with honor and a grand sense of pride and accomplishment, all of its heroes and heroines of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Metro-Dade Police Department honors you and your comrades for your dedicated and diligent service. We pray for happiness and contentment and your stellar character was the impetus for our prosperity, good health and everyday pleasures, which you had the right to be able to enjoy with your beloved Karen and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Summer, winter, spring and fall, we remember you, Officer Cook. Your humble legacy remains etched upon our minds and within our hearts. When it came time for business, your heart was as big as it could be in helping those to help themselves.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2014
The superlatives have been superbly stated. The eulogies from the Auxliary Bishop and other celebrants eloquently stated. The knots of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and integrity tied forever, laced as neatly as the uniform you donned, Officer Cook, on the first day of your professional police career. Captivating and charming a humble man who set out in search of safety and security in the Dade County venue. The zestful enthusiasm, the vim, the vigor, as much as your valiant attempts to rein in this terror we label evil. You were the consummate police officer who endured on our behalf. You stood toe to toe with an element we brand as dangerous, all the while you were risking your very existence so we the ordinary person could carry on with our lives, careers, aspirations that we actually try to accomplish. The goals that we set to complete with all the self-confidence as you fervently displayed, Officer Cook. The dreams you made part of your young life that you so devoted, dedicated your entire body to achieve through constant, learning, training and practice. They, your department doesn't just put its officers on these streets without going through an intensive trial. All the fine attributes you, Officer Cook and your comrades went through is not just based on trial and error. Being intensely loyal and faithful is not enough. Dignified, toiling through hard work, as is the case with a police academy recruit can identify who belongs with the fraternity and who doesn't. Communication skills are quite ideal, it is with this very mental and physical toughness that helps the supervisors determine who fits the mold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, God took an angel to be cherished and treasured forever up to His shelter to patrol His golden streets where nothing will ever again cause you any harm. Though it's still tragically discomforting that you are not here with us to continue your mission and to be holding hands and hugging your family members. Your love and support grows eternally by leaps and bounds.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2014
When will we ever learn to respect and come to cherish all that God gives us? Love and respect begin in the home. One o four very first lessons we all learn from our dear beloved parents. We ask for pardon when we wrong someone and are judged accordingly. As gracious as God is and as He is slow to anger, so too must we behave as such. You learned this lesson, Officer Cook and it stayed with you for your entire lifetime and police career. We pray for peace and harmony and as Your trusted flock of loyal servants, we ask for Your blessings for all the goodness and goodwill to be spread out throughout our world. May we serve with more fervor and with a renewed resiliency. You were diligent, devoted and determined in all your efforts, Officer Cook, the results speak for themselves. Though you left us too soon, the memories of your wonderful life and proud, yet humble police career will stay with us forever. The picture of you in your uniform with the American flag behind you, my, there had to be many proud moments for all of your treasured family members. In God we trust, we put our faith that God is watching you, my neighbor, friend and hero patrolling His golden streets above with the same sense of a calming influence and profound passion as you so vividly displayed here from the time of your birth until you were suddenly taken from among our midst by wanton violence perpetrated by a very troubled young man. You both had rights and now sadly that has been abruptly gone. You'll always be remembered and saluted by myself and my family. I will always keep you, Mrs. Cook in my thoughts and in my prayers. You darling son was a marvelous gentleman who did not deserve any evil placed upon him. He humbly wore the crown of achievement and his heroic actions saved his colleagues and those civilians. Who knows how many more may have perished if not for his boldness and quick thinking actions that day of May 16, 1979?
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2014
By the marvelous grace, O Lord have You brought forth the many creatures, constellations and so forth. From the heights of mountains and hilltops do we offer our prayers to You. In wisdom and in abounding kindness have You allowed us to think, plan and ponder our most important decisions in our lives, careers, whatever we plan to achieve. Arrogance, ignorance and greed shall be replaced with words such as: honesty, dignity and integrity. One can travel much further down the tracks if they can keep things simple and basic and just focus on these three words. Police officers have enough trouble these days seemingly being able to allow these words to infiltrate their workspace. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you were a humble and loyal public servant. You lived humbly, acted humanely to all persons you ever came across and conducted all your personal and professional affairs with honor, courage in commitment and with valor. So there will never be any qualms regarding your conduct or your preoccupation in helping make peace, freedom and unity a reality for Dade County and its citizens. In life we take risks to make this a safer world, you undertook these risks, Officer Cook and by your brave actions you helped to change the landscape forevermore. Your handiwork enabled us the right to worship, to live, to breathe and whatever we choose to accomplish because of your unwavering success in helping Our Master lessen evil and its harmful effects on society. You were a gifted man, a wise gentleman, whose wit, loyalty and sense of humor will remain etched in the hearts of all those who knew you, respected and adored you. Pollution, destruction, erosion and an environment poisoned by wickedness has been made a little smaller by you compassionate acts of courage and pride never to be forgotten. Rest in peace. The sweet smell of success is being brought down from heaven, hopefully it will carry over to those officers who choose to inhale its magnificent scent.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2014
A man of ideals, a police officer on a crusade to rid this world of the very violence that took you too soon from it. The courage to collaborate and to consolidate all of your goals, dreams and aspirations into one standard and by that standard you performed your professional responsibilities with all the class, honesty, dignity and the integrity so vital, Officer Cook, that you were a large part of helping to eliminate the chains of evil which still handcuff our many communities nationwide. No man from your family, friends and comrades will ever dispute or question your infinite wisdom, wit and leadership skills you acquired through very intense training. Your participation in our community as a trusted, loyal and dedicated public servant serves forevermore as the stimulus for how all other police officers need to conduct their personal and professional conduct. You were above reproach my neighbor, friend and hero and are to be humbly saluted and revered for having the intestinal fortitude and intuition to truly make a difference in the hearts and souls of all Dade County citizens. Rest in peace. The tragedy that took your young life should never ever happen to any other officer again. "We Shall Be One" the words on your gravestone have a profoundly deep meaning, as they are meant to awaken us all to the calls of duty. Laying back won't produce the desired results, action not talk, usually gets it done. You have to "walk the walk," not talk and talk. The world relies on its creatures to improve it by actions and good deeds. Something you aspired to be and got done during your twenty-five faithfully fulfilling and fruitful years of service to all people.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2014
I meant to say, Officer Cook, that it was through your humble ways that you allowed the opportunity to patrol a community where you were revered and admired. Bless us O Lord, for allowing Your arc to perpetually surround us each and every morning that the sun rises and each evening that the sun sets. For Your friendship to all Your creatures is a blessing only mankind can realize. The miracles and challenges that You present to all serve as a test, a wake up call to stimulate our souls to repent and to act accordingly. For those who have violated Your laws and statutes we pray for their redemption and for the chance to make a change for a more peaceful life. For all your convictions, Officer Cook, for your courage to commitment, the pride you brought to all, your family, your colleagues and friends from all over, you are to be saluted as your treasured life has been celebrated. Men and women who grow up in an upbringing of honor and decency need to be thanked over and over for their work, their toil in this age where wickedness still spreads its cover over this very society. Your contribution, Officer Cook, along with your other comrades who paid the ultimate price for peace, freedom and unity shall be duly noted and celebrated even when the day comes when evil no longer exists. But make no mistake, we still need faithfully serving police officers whose dignity and integrity grace our nation. Your grace and gregarious personality will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I try sincerely to get the you and your properly affixed in each reflection I leave in your honor, honoring a true hero whose good name and valiant actions precedes your legendary humble life and police career. Forty-two officers serving a common cause and laying down everything for our security, prosperity and good health. The battle continues as you all look down from the heavens above on those who took over your watches.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2014
Blessed is the Lord of all creatures, whose light shines through all who walk this earth and from You are their lives defined. You provide food and drink to all who are in need and sustain them. You bring joy and good cheer and a renewed vigor to all who toil for the sake of Your holy name. Blessed are our loving parents who give birth and help bring life and honor to us. To be able to act in goodness and stay honorable to all we ask for a very extra special blessing. Heal all who are not well and induce a proper healing to them. Champion the causes of the less fortunate, hold Your crown of victory over their heads. Pardon those who transgress Your laws and bless them as You guide them on the proper pathways of life. Instruct them how to live a righteous and devout life and to carry out whatever career they choose in love, respect, dignity and a rightful integrity. Lead all police officers and whoever champions the causes of justice, peace and unity with a devout humbleness. Serve God, be strong and you shall triumph in the end bringing redemption to the whole land forevermore. Forevermore we remember you courageous actions, Officer Cook. The pious and unselfish convictions which carried you in all the humility and dignity that is required of all public servants. You were a God-fearing gentleman who humble ways allowed you to steer and to patrol Dade County streets with an inner peace that offered you the opportunity to both sooth and to calm those angered by this disturbance of evil. The light of your cherished soul had helped these last thirty-five years in quelling misfortune the root of this wickedness. Keep watching from above as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2014
O God, as a youngster, I ran through Your fields to play. Their beauty and elegance is like music to the ears. It makes my eyes as big as saucers, but this is why You created me. You were created, Officer Cook and you lived your whole life on the foundation of truth and peace. Your home had to be a most humble abode where you and your sister, Nancy, invited many friends over to play, laugh and to study with each other. Your loving parents instilled a peaceful and a most dignified upbringing, one that would lead to your successes in life and in your career as a police officer. You took the most beautifully wonderful photos of nature and all that this world affords us. You were a happy person, a strong person, humanely dignified with a stellar character to help you maintain law and order. Your loving spirit has always wrapped its wonderful being around those who both loved you and admired you. You'll forever be by their sides guiding them along the pathways of justice. One can never go wrong acting and doing the proper things at all times. Your beloved wife, Karen, knew you to be this type of gentleman, literally and an extraordinarily humble hero who validated his life and those ideals and aspirations by your valiant acts of both faith and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wherever and whenever your spirit travels this and everyday, you will always be remembered by all people for having the fortitude to serve and protect in a fearless and in an unwavering, determined and devoted manner.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2014
We offer our praises and prayers for those angels born into this world to serve and to protect mankind with their bravery, courage and valor. They possess feelings of sensitivity just as the people they watch over. They start out doing whatever is given to them and then their assignments can range from the simplest problem to solve to the most complicated and dangerous mission or dispute to quell. They live as our heroes and heroines, happy lives and peaceful homes do they come from. They give of themselves in a faithfully and dedicated manner to witness peace, liberty and unity ride high in their communities. They maintain our rights, the right to prosper in good health, the right to pursue whatever opportunities present themselves, they too have these rights and when they are violated, we the citizen feel ashamed. When their lives are taken, we feel a strong sense of grief surrounding us, for if not for there loyalty, we would not have any hope, which springs eternal. Their loss, is a loss not only for their beloved families, their comrades, but for an entire nation. When you were taken from our midst, Officer Cook, you always fought for our dignities, while all along maintaining a calming presence over Dade County, the community where you grew up and lived. your integrity and honesty were many of the focal points of your well-lived life and a professional police career that was cut way too short and how very sad this was and still to this very day is. All of the changes, the new buildings, the new homes and businesses in Liberty City and in and Dade County were largely in part because of your heroic actions on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We won't forget! You are now one of God's treasured angels charged with looking down upon us and helping to keep us safe and secure.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2014
Praise God who creates us each according to His will. Your cups overflows brimming with greatness. We can now drink to our hearts content and refresh ourselves to serve Your will. All the planets and stars are arranged so we can view their loveliness at night. We see your sparkling soul, Officer Cook, still shining brightly. Like a rose that shines, like polished diamonds that glisten so uniquely, we gaze in amazement. It is You who gave us whatever, that includes our devoted and adored heroes and heroines, police officers who serve and protect with wisdom and valor. No other kindness can ever be repaid. We watch, we look back and we cherish the times we spent with them. sometimes there is no time to say hello or goodbye, so our words and thoughts when greeting them should be respect and esteemed admiration for a dangerous profession well done. It was your pleasure, Officer Cook, to serve us, you could have pursued another profession, you chose to become a gifted and valued member of the Metro-Dade Police Department. You provided extraordinary service never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy remains as humble as yourself who donned his uniform in pride and in honor. Your shoes that carried you from one point to another were like polished diamonds, no scuffs whatsoever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2014
We sing our praises to God for providing bounty for all who are hungry. All those creatures that walk or fly around nourishment is left for them. For those born and those who sacrifice their lives for the security of all in bravery and in commitment and conviction we owe our thanks. We should be thrilled to worship and to revere Your greatness, it resonates around our universe. our homes are filled with honor and goodness, our friends are many, we give thanks. Those who honor You, we shall honor. For songs and good cheers we sing Your praises, our hearts are happy. Not entirely so, there are those who hearts are still filled with grief and loss over your untimely passing, Officer Cook, though it was all for heaven's sake and for the betterment of Dade County and its residents. Your inspiration and heroism have long been a part of us and the culture that surrounds those who carry on your good name in humility and in humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All give some and some give all. You gave your entire being for us to stay unified in peace and in liberty. Your sister, Nancy used these words regarding some and all giving. She knows her darling brother quite well, your friendship with me and my family would surely have been welcomed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2014
We give our appreciation for God creating this wonderful world, great homes, beautifully flowing bodies of water and that which is delightful. Everything that rests firmly in the hands and feet of all our beloved heroes and heroines, we treasure. Officer Cook, some of our beloved officers come a dime a dozen, you were worth your entire physical being saving and serving with that pleasant smile and calming voice, with a wit and wisdom to reach out to others. By God's greenest lands and all earthly belongings do you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines are born and then they create their lives by chartering a pathway of righteousness all the while they do so in honor and with integrity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2014
Spring after spring, summer after summer, winter after winter and fall after fall, we ask for Your favor in renewing and replenishing all that is good and just, for our needs we ask of Our Creator. The mountains that stand tall, the hills that have green and the trees that grow and produce the best fruit, may we continue to relish in them. To the stars above and their constellations aligned according to Thy will we ask that you remember all those who gave their lives in bravery and valor and dedicated their careers to preserving goodwill, peace and unity, may they rest in peace as yourself, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. By the blades of the green grass may your head rest, one that supplied, humility, wit and wisdom. May your legs that carried you in dignity, honor and integrity rest well. You were a supremely faithful and loyal officer who was determined to see justice carried through in a proper and in a fair manner. We belong here because of your service, Officer Cook, our lives were placed in your responsibility and you indeed succeeded. You were here. We thank you for your gallant actions and the honesty that came from your lips. Forever remembered. Police officers serve our causes all seasons and answer all calls at all times. When an officer responds voluntarily to saves his or her comrades and the civilians involved in a dilemma we pray they all remain unscathed. You were there. your legacy remains as stellar as your upstanding character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2014
Our Creator, Your name shall be forever praised. All life, forests, plants whatever color they may be shall be blessed. The waters, the streams that wash our bodies and quench our thirsts too shall be revered. The air we take in to maintain and sustain our survival, shall be blessed. All creatures who fly, run or swim shall be honored. All living beings who share in this society they too shall be honored and permitted to carry on and thrive as they may. The sun that rises every morning, its light and the moon that glows in the dark up in the skies where all constellations are arranged according to Thy will may they be received favorably. O God, whose voice we hear, whose spirit we try to emulate hear our cries and prayers and fortify our desires to do good, allow us the knowledge to comprehend that You are everywhere anytime we call upon You. Anytime we call upon our heroes and heroines they answer the calls of duty not knowing what dangers or challenges lie ahead of them. You answered the calls of duty, Officer Cook, with a resounding passion to succeed with valor and vigilance. Your commitment to excellence and your compassion to do the most prudent and proper thing in safety and in the name of security will be cherished for all time sake. The evil that you faced on May 16, 1979, was tragic, no doubt and the sacrifice that you made on behalf of each and every resident of Dade County shall be forever remembered. Integrity and dignity deserve to remain as an epitaph to a well lived life and a consummately humble career that you maintained for six loyal and fruitfully faithful years with the Metro-Dade Police Department. As far as I'm concerned everyone is important and a much needed cog to survival, but you were District#2's number one police officer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2014
O Lord, bless those fortunate to recognize themselves. Shield them from misfortune and from temptation. Allow them the privilege to see themselves for who they really are. With sweat and hard work comes a reward. From suffering, pain and torment comes everlasting healing. May those afflicted recover and experience a new day dawning. Amid a sea of hands gather all to take hands and join in praising Your glorious and awesome name. Emit a light under those whose bodies are cold and lonely. Warm them in the bonds of brotherhood beneath Your rainbow of peace, freedom and unity. And it is and was with these very blessings that you served and protected all citizens, Officer Cook, you watched over us as surely as Our Creator looks over His flock. Your honor, dignity and integrity rain down from the heavens above like a hot sun illuminating all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's brave flock of brave and loyal servants continue to watch from above all those humbly privileged today to serve and protect.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2014
What I meant to say, Officer Cook, is that the housekeepers who clean the homes of our friends in North Miami Beach, Florida where you lived should be afforded more respect from the children of their clients. These ladies work very hard and one hour later the houses are in disarray. We know kids are kids, they are young and need to be taught at a young age to put away their laundry when dirty in a basket and put away their toys. You and Nancy were taught, your neighbors too, I guess it takes a little bit longer for the message to sink in. Not with my hands, but with My heart I bless You. May peace and unity forever enthrone your being. May honor and dignity surround you and may God's gifts of love endear you to all. Your words and actions, Officer Cook, spoke lovingly and most humbly, I don't think you had to repeat yourself too many times. As time passes, as the beauty of nature enhances our world, we remember you and in the end we are all better for having you serve and protect us with integrity and congeniality. Your wisdom to help us withstand the wickedness that still carries its ugliness within our surroundings, we cherish your perseverance in battling to maintain the high caliber of justice all citizens come to expect from their brave and courageous police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 2, 2014
Bless the works of Your hands. Those that have touched life, nurtured creativity, held someone in distress, embraced passion and compassion. Bless us all. Those who enjoy working in their yards, those close to anger, plant the seeds of hope and calm in their hearts and minds. Cherish those who clean, mop, scrub and cook for us. Where I live the children of these keepers should be afforded them more respect. Pray for the aged and the infirmed. Do justice for their cause, reach out to them and offer them a good word, a good cheer for it is in Your hands to be faithful to them. Bless and heal all parts of our bodies to serve You with more dignity and the reverence needed. You carried on with a devout determination, Officer Cook, you were a very practical and thoughtfully intellectual person. Your leadership skills spoke right to the very stellar and honorable man that you were. To do a job, to be able to carry out a profession of both risk and danger and yet one that in the end can be most rewarding, you can't say too much more. You were bestowed with humility and the greatness to succeed where others might not have. For six short, all too short years, for twenty-five well placed and well meaningful years of both life and commitment, you were there. Dade County citizens, think about this. A young man, a hero who stood humbly tall in your own backyard serving and protecting you and your family. Affording you the honor, the right to live and to prosper in peace and in unity. Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664, Bill or Billy to those privileged to have known you, to have befriended a loyal and faithfully honest individual. It doesn't happen too often. I'm sorry we never had the humble pleasure to know you and your family, although I did meet your niece, Gina and her family and your nephew, Justin, who does look like you. Mrs. Cook, I hope you are well at age ninety-nine. I'll always say a loving and humble prayer for you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you are very much missed by all, myself and my family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 1, 2014
May the light from God's blessings always be upon you. May the radiance of the sunlight shine down upon you keeping you and your friends warm and comfortable. May the rain fall upon your spirit, and may that moisture further enhance the growth of all the plants and the forest trees. When moving about from place to place, may the Lord's blessings keep you safe and secure from evil. May God bless each of us kindly in a manner that is proper and dignified for all. Always dignified. Always prepared. That way was how you lived your life, Officer Cook. Honest and with an ever faithful integrity surrounding you and your family. Dade County by now, long before has known the person, the police officer with an ear for hearing, eyes for viewing and an intuition for intelligence, you utilized and balanced all of these characteristics in proportion to serve and to protect each of our liberties allowing us to live in peace and unity. It was your calming approaches to life and to your profession that have made you from then until now and forever our hero, whose legacy burns brightly and whose cherished soul will always keep the lights of our dreams, aspirations and goals lit for eternity. You only gave one-hundred percent concentration and endeavor each time during your watch. Now, even though your goals and dreams tragically have not been fulfilled because of the wanton violence that took you from our midst, your special mission is to now patrol God's golden streets where never again any harm will come to you. You were our shield and protector, God takes those who loyally serve Him and keeps watching over them as they look down upon us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We will forever salute your courage, gallantry and valor. I also clean the stone near the graves of my beloved parents. For what you meant to this community, humbly speaking, it was the least I could do to humanely lend a hand. A person's grave should be neat and treated with the utmost respect, a police officer's surely requires this action.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 1, 2014
How good and strong is the earth we live on. Bless us all Dear God, our land, the forests and waters that flow with Your cooling waters. May the fish that swim upstream do so with the same eagerness as you did, Officer Cook, when watching over us. You set a table for us to serve and to worship You, keep all those who serve with grace and honesty safe from harm's way. Quench the emotions of those whose anger boils over, calm those entwined in calamity. Act as Our Savior and Redeemer. Reward those who carry honor on their lips and punish those whose foolishness finds trouble. You carried out your duties, Officer Cook, with nothing but zest, zeal and great enthusiasm. We all should act and respect like you, the world would certainly be better served. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 30, 2014
O God, our Sacred Creator, Creator of all life, trees, animals, etc., everything is all for Your Honor. The drums beat a happy melody, the people rise and dance with noise and pleasure. You took mud, all the essential elements and brought them together as one, what we label creation. All for our benefit, all for our beauty for our eyes to behold. The loving grace You display is for us to enjoy and to reap dividends from, as much as we cherish a beautiful cool day outdoors. When thirsty, we drink in Your refreshing beverage to keep us cool and calm, just as we hear the birds chirping and flying all around us. You patrolled around the corridors of Dade County during all times and conditions, Officer Cook, your passion and consideration has been forever noted. The world owes you and the many other brave and courage officers who sacrificed a huge thank you for your outstanding efforts and determination in serving and protecting our best interests. Today, on what would have been your birthday, I took the time to visit your grave and to clean the stone, as someone, a young man was buried next to you eleven days ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your tenacity and dignity will never be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 30, 2014
We offer our blessings to Our Creator above us, beneath us and from within us. Those who suffer affliction, heal us by dressing our injuries. Be Our Savior who removes the bonds of restraint and free us so that we may experience what it means to be truly free. You surely and with a quiet and humble confidence, Officer Cook, endeavored to make peace. liberty and unity in Dade County and for all Dade County one and the same. You will certainly be remembered for your heroic actions on May 16, 1979 and tomorrow, November 30, 2014, you would have celebrated your sixty-first birthday. Where have all these years gone and my do they come and go so fast. Thirty-five years ago, seems like a lifetime. But a lifetime of warm and wonderful memories of a gallant and an engaging young man with a heart to match. Never forgetting a legacy that shines like sterling silverware. The badge you wore, the one still pinned to your chest as you were laid to rest, nothing could ever tarnish it. Your reputation still stands tall and as humanely humble as you lived a righteous and upstanding life and carried out and maintained a decent and honorably dignified career. As I've reflected, your entirely wonderful family, esteemed colleagues and terrific friends will always remember your down to earth mannerisms. You did your part, even though there was still much more for you to fulfill, now it's time for us to fulfill and act as you bravely did as we continue your battle over this enigma we call evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 29, 2014
I meant to say, Officer Cook, to all who call upon it. To all who call upon our brave and heroic police officers to tackle this evil that surrounds our society, O God grant them all the tenaciousness to do battle. May Your intellect dawn upon us and the wisdom unveil itself from within our beings. May Your knowledge appeal to our senses to do what is proper and prudent so that we may enjoy the fruits of our labor. When we gather together as one nation, under one God with liberty and justice for all, allow Your blessings to shine down on us all and place an end to the wars, bloodshed and grief that overcomes us. You gave your all for our needs, Officer Cook, you greeted each challenge that police officers attempt to tackle as an opportunity to serve, protect and to relish in seeing freedom, peace and unity prosper once again. God's light that keeps your very treasured soul firmly illuminated up in His heavenly shelter, may it shine brighter each day. Your personality was one born of life with honor, commitment with conviction and boldness to act with the courage so essential to help maintain the peace and security that all residents of Dade County and all communities surely require. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 29, 2014
O God, as the Master of refreshment, grant us the warm and gentle feeling of our homes, food and clothing that rests on our backs. When the heat comes, cool us and comfort our lives and our travels. Let Your warmth make plants grow, let all roots take shape and may all of our friendships nourish and prosper throughout our land. When the sunsets and darkness appears give us the wisdom to distinguish between night and day and settle all of the stars in the sky according to their constellation. We give Thanksgiving for all Your greatness and praise our heroes and heroines of law enforcement whose undying bravery, convictions and commitments have made this a better place to succeed. You power brings good and bad together and helps to mend those fences torn apart by its ugliness. Allow us to change for the better, less strife, less war, less bloodshed. For when it is our time to pass, do not leave us nor the families left behind by a loved one's loss. Your arms, Officer Cook, were full of goodness. They possessed the integrity, dignity and honesty to get things done right the first time. Your fought the battle, which your colleagues have continued fighting as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's palms for eternal safekeeping. You were a true hero and friend to all. You always strived for humility and your humbleness shall always be cherished. Thanksgiving is a time to remember all who gave their lives for a noble reason. You gave yours so sanctity and unity could meet as one.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 28, 2014