Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Woe to those standing idly and not lending a hand. Those hands of our bravest surely could use the help of those they serve and watch over. Citizens that day in Dade County wanted to help you, Officer Cook, the young man that took your life shot one and chased another away. One thing not be be running from was your dignity, honesty and confident and humble integrity. It rushed from place to place keeping you up yo date as you were always a man of awareness, an asset for any professional. You were respected, admired and loved by your family and friends, one reason out of many your legacy is so humane and remains so treasured. A man of detail and vigilance who won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2016

You were the decent and astute individual, Officer Cook, Dade County's hero of advocacy whose legend of faith, character and heroism leaves no doubt you'll be solemnly honored. When it came time to put on your uniform, pristine and precise, we the citizens knew it could be done only one way and that was with integrity and dignity supporting your every movement. A cherished man who took his responsibilities seriously, you handled your life and its fulfillment squarely on the button par excellence. Those foundations are stronger now than ever thanks to your diligence, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2016

When will it end? Officers seemingly are under fire everyday. They give their lives in different ways, it is hard to understand how it can happen with all the training they receive. Officer Cook, you were the consummate professional who persevered and protected life and property through your honor and character. Dade County like all venues in this country possesses a large police presence. Men and women, our very best and very special brave hearts who dare to risk everything to benefit our hopes, dreams and peace. They don't come any more humbler and courageous. Your valor, Officer Cook, allowed you to seek out the troubled areas, the hot spots so to speak and offer relief and unwavering resolve. As comrades salute your commitment and convictions they will know that all enhancements were because of the many heroes and heroines who left legacies of humility, humanity and God's golden angels who sought peace and pursued their dreams accordingly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. you had desires and turned them into wholesome accomplishments. You parlayed effort into energy. Fairness and firmness into equality for everyone. Our society is indebted to you, Officer Cook. A most gracious gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2016

To advance one's own special dreams takes considerable work and humility and honor to succeed mightily. You aspired to become a police officer, Officer Cook. A very awesome challenge indeed, but with dignity and integrity hitched to your every effort, it soon became a reality. For those of us living in Dade County, the battles rage on. And though many decades have elapsed since you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, other comrades toil long and hard, many hours to tackle this adversary that never seems to rest. It is the perpetual motion that motivated these heroes who like yourself were filled with decency, class and the character to contain dangerous situations. You won't be forgotten for having paved the way for others to follow suit. A brave man. A gallant public servant who promised peace and unity and delivered on your bond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2016

To live by principles and devote your life and career to this, one should be commended. Highly respected for having the grit and gumption to meet the demands daily of a highly risky profession that does have reward for those whose service is loyal and faithful. You were a God fearing man, Officer Cook, devoted and yet humbled to fulfill the will of Dade County and its inhabitants. Their prosperity and peace could not have been fulfilled if not for your achievements in maintaining calmness, fairness and the firmness that is called upon from our dignified heroes and heroines. Those honors which you should be afforded, Officer Cook, are the results of your loyalty and humility that was demonstrated to all. A gentleman of kindness. A servant of class that have been respected and admired by all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero lives their life as humbly speaking as possible and lets their actions speak for themselves. Integrity and dignity talk. We the people listen and soak in their wisdom of intuition and ingenuity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

With liberty and justice for all falls under the same umbrella all citizens should be treated no differently than one another. Each person is entitled to the due process of the law. The rights of individuals are sacred and should treated as such. Those sworn law enforcement personnel must too act the part. It's when dignity, integrity loyalty and honesty all meet at the same crossroad that the process becomes clearer. The clarity meets the criteria and that officer may than move to pursue peace without interference. You moved around Dade County, Officer Cook with the determination of a lion and did not back down from the faces of violence. It represents your life and career of distinction and of humility where those cornerstones and foundations are well rounded and can last forever in the history of our beloved heroes and heroines who gave something we sometimes take for granted. Life and its dignity. For you too had rights, Officer Cook, just as any public servant and to have them violated hurts more than we could begin to imagine. Your loss is beyond words. Your family and colleagues have missed you greatly all these years and have saluted your bravery. You were bold and ambitious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

Ordinary try to climb the highest of heights. God's angels of mercy and heroism with their humbleness they reach the stars where their beloved souls illuminate the very darkest that comes from the evil they try to eradicate. Your dreams, Officer Cook, started out as a child and manifested into bigger aspirations. Dade County and its citizens were well received by your loving presence. Your recipe for success was keeping your integrity, dignity and honesty tied to your professional attire. A tireless position that called upon a humble legend of a man whose character, charisma and courage matched wits with those who committed evil. You worked. You prepared. You practiced. You planned. We never know. The pious and faithful servants just go about their business and take care of the affairs while tying up the loose ends. All done well. Very outstanding. You saved lives that day. May 16, 1979, was the day Dade Count was rescued from the forces of violence that left everyone mourning your loss, Officer Cook, a huge hole that will forever be tough to close and emotionally difficult to come to grips with. God helps the healing process as time moves forward. I know your mother, Mrs. Cook and your sister, Nancy, miss you. They won't forget your sterling character, decency and desire to perform smartly and with that delicate balance of precision and proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A God fearing person revere their Creator. Their trust and faith allow God to do His role of steering them through their missions peacefully and in safety. Forevermore you are our inspiration, Officer Cook. You made things happen no matter the dangers you faced.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

Nothing is sublime. Nothing is ridiculous when dealing with the public trust and serving to make peace and satisfaction a way of life. Just a humble and dignified gentleman serving and preserving our peace and liberty. Officer Cook, as one of Our Creator's heroes, your challenges were met with grace and gallantry. So no matter what our professionals of the law enforcement community have to sort out daily, you were there to be seen by all. Dade County is one of the largest counties in our country so its police presence needed to be magnified. It was enlarged by your integrity and valor. No one will forget nor overlook your beautiful being, a soul now fitted with golden angelic wings that allow it to fly higher everyday. Your poise and precision in handling domestic issues as well as most situations will leave your friends and comrades saluting your commitment. The uniform you donned was one of intellect, vision and vitality. So reliability, resolve and class were never in doubt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those righteous people who leave beautiful legacies behind do so with the utmost care and consideration for their positions in life and their enhancements are forever felt by mankind. They appreciated you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

To flourish. To cherish. To reach fruition. Just about everyday, every call all officers answer there can be no telling what might transpire. To put it succinctly and quite seriously, you placed your honor, dignity and integrity in harm's way, Officer Cook, in order to persevere, to preserve, to protect and to serve whatever the needs of Dade County and its residents had. To possess humility while patrolling the streets to save humanity and its face from wickedness says a lot. You were a treasured gentleman and a man of maturity and responsibility who took his roles professionally and prudently. God has placed His beloved public servants here for a beloved purpose. That was to restore sanity and sanctity among all people in a civil manner. You'll always be so honored, Officer Cook, for the caliber of your character, the esteem of your commitment, tackling your convictions with desire and fairness. A splendid soul of a man whose legacy helped to pave the trails for other officers to follow in as smoothly and as courageously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

We never stop loving those individuals whose bravery and character contributed to making this world a safer haven for all to exist. You are dearly missed and it really makes those who knew you appreciate your humility. It is the persevering way with which you went about your personal and professional business, Officer Cook. You were the darling son of your parents and little brother to Nancy, a beloved and devoted husband to Karen. For unfortunately never having the humble pleasure to meet and to converse with you, Officer Cook, you sure made people feel better about themselves. For anyone to come face to face with a truly humane and loyal hero, that alone speaks volumes. That's how Dade County and its people will honor and cherish your memory, Officer Cook. A lover of the outdoors and a pursuer of peace and liberty for all. You left us much too soon, though you left behind a remarkable legacy of pristine wisdom and knowledge, the leadership for others to follow in. Those footsteps are looming, just as the gentle breezes that take your beloved soul from one place to another in God's beautiful skies up above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As a man of character and commitment, the convictions and the valor always validated all your journeys through life and during your police career. your were that neighbor and friend I've greatly missed out on associating with. All class, decency and devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

In any line of work, endeavor or profession of choice there is no room for prima donnas. You can either do the assigned tasks, fish or cut bait or else look for something to occupy yourself with. You were a passionate man, Officer Cook, diligent and vigilant to the causes of peace for Dade County and its citizens. Today, it's your unquestionable character, courage and commitment that has left that indelible imprint upon your legacy of wisdom, vision, integrity and honor. So those colleagues who are dignified in pursuing evil, they now perform a role that was your life and the cornerstone of an outstanding career. One with more left to fulfill. God takes those batons and knows full well who to give them to. They are as you were, Officer Cook, brave, considerate and full of morals. The kind of mannerisms that warriors and saviors possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

Your smile, Officer Cook, is what keeps motivating your family and colleague son their ever present journeys in life. Your police career was the shining example of what a little honesty, dignity and integrity can spark when used justly. Now Dade County and its people can reside in peace and serenity, hope and faith forevermore. You'll be saluted for your unselfish professional attitude and astute nature. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heroically humane legacy which is etched in the foundations of perpetual enhancement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

Police are our crusaders who cruise their communities in search of peace and unity. The causes for which they represent our driven by their honor, dignity and a courage from within their hearts. Your drive, Officer Cook, was the hopeful determination and trust that you gained through experience. Dade County and its residents were the ones who received your integrity and perseverance daily in your fight against crime. You helped your comrades take this monster off the streets in order for us to pursue our dreams. Thanks again, Officer Cook, for your unwavering character, bravery and wisdom to see you through your missions of faith and nobility all accomplished humbly speaking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As your old home gets fixed up you are watching and guiding those tools steadily as they go.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2016

Violence leaves us stunned and depressed. It also leaves us pondering why we have individuals who feel compelled to commit these cowardly acts. One never knows why the diligent and dignified have to suffer. Why anyone would cause bodily harm to men and women whose greatness is stored within a professional attire meant to calm, preserve and protect the public. We clamor for quiet. We require unison. We ask for God's divine blessings of faith, hope and optimism. It keeps things in perspective. You kept your cool, Officer Cook, in the very face of what you confronted daily, wickedness. There can be no doubt as to your astuteness, integrity and wisdom. It could be seen from miles away. It was readily in your bright smile and the pride with which you undertook your responsibilities. You were a Godsend of a hero blessed with passion and a special compassion to assist those struggling with the ordinary meanings of life. Liberty and freedom do come with a price. That being life. Once God calls us back to heaven there can be no turning back. He has an angel of valor. A man of mercy. A likable legend of heroism so humane, that's the humbleness of a dedicated and truly righteous man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2016

To sail away in the glorious majesty of Our Creator, those honorable and humble public servants who sacrificed on our behalf do hold that special spot reserved for reverence and resiliency in our hearts. You will always occupy a unique place in Dade County history, Officer Cook. A place where you grew up and called home. A venue where common courtesy and its sense were located on your badge and uniform. The persevering gentleman that you were ushered in the peace and quality of unity for all to take in. Your fellow sisters and brothers within your department and profession have not forgotten your courage and desire. They blended together well with your integrity and dignity. Of course, character and commitment lead to achievement that has fulfilled your mission. One that God laid out quite well, though you should still be here with us, Officer Cook. The holidays are fast approaching and your absence makes our hearts only grow fonder amid the sadness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those colleagues who gave their lives just like you, Officer Cook, are equipped with golden wings reserved for humble servants who spent heir careers fulfilling their dreams, goals and aspirations. We never forget!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2016

Those who humbly speaking have the means should spread it around. After all, next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, not just for football, not only for turkey and all its trimmings. It is a day of reflection for the many women and men of authority and honor who in deliberate fashion looked to slice and carve up evil from the streets. You did just that, Officer Cook and so much more. Every year your birthday falls around this season. I'm sure they are very thankful, yet sorrowful that you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace as you my neighbor, friend and hero are very much missed. You both lived along with your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your sister, Nancy, with values and morals. A man of scruples who lived by God's testament and there is nothing that will change that humble fact. You were a righteous and a God fearing individual, Officer Cook. We allow people to be confident and sure of themselves. And because of how you lived and gave your life for your friends, God has set a table where only His angelic heroes and heroines can partake. He leads you as He guides your strolls on that proverbial beat on His streets paved with golden wings. A man's mission of mercy, hope and optimism carried out exactly as planned. We still don't know why, Officer Cook. We do know that justice and fairness will always prevail, it trumps wickedness. You did your part, now others must follow your lead as bravery and as clearly are can be expected. Police work demands total effort, it's a team of professionals who have taken on a new challenge. The test starts the moment you graduate from the police academy and begin patrolling, serving and protecting the people in your town or community. Diligence, vigilance and motivation are all called upon when duress and trouble rear their ugliness. Families gather to eat, drink, reflect and to reminisce. Plenty of memories. Just you should be there to smile and laugh. That you did. You were serious and took life and your career that same way. I'll continue praying for you, Mrs.Cook. Stay well and Happy Thanksgiving. Your son, "Billy" won't be forgotten. His acumen was outstanding as was his faith in handling life, its situations that were placed before him. He wore his uniform so proudly and smartly. He fulfilled his role to the letter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2016

To state succinctly, whenever one gives his or her life, we give them the honors of humility and heroism they richly deserve. Bravery is not something everyone is born with. Neither is dignity and integrity. Those lacking in these areas, humbly speaking may need to look outside the law enforcement profession and surely gain their focus on being honest and dignified. It will serve them well when it's most counted on. You were counted on, Officer Cook, to pull Dade Count and its residents out of the doldrums. You more than pulled them out, your gained their trust and centered peace and togetherness where it rightfully belonged. The hearts and minds of your fellow officers had heavy hearts the day the came to say goodbye. God welcomed you with open arms as one of His angelic heroes. He gained an angel of humane resolve, faithfulness and devotion. Life is about concentrating on your goals, aspirations and dreams, taking the next step towards them becoming a reality. You were a man of decency, class and genuine leadership bringing your colleagues closer to the center of you many battles over evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of courage and of unwavering valor you will always hold a special spot in the hearts and minds of family, friends and comrades alike.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

No officer should be without a humble mention of their dignity, bravery and humility. They are all the tell tail signs as to the behavior of that particular public servant. Serving Dade County as one of the many brave and intelligent souls, Officer Cook, your tasks that you accepted without reservation was to formulate a plan of focus, an action delegated to bringing prosperity and peace to those who yearned for it. You did and much more. Comrades have looked back on your career of deliberation and determination that has exacted what was expected of you. You met those demands, never complained and laid your life and career on the line for those of us to continue moving forward in our pursuits of happiness, hope and faith. We pray to the Almighty that those we love and car enough about come home safely. Six years of resolve and loyalty could not tarnish the uniform and badge you wore with pride. A professional with compassion, a gentleman with his senses directed on responsibility and resourcefulness. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Truly terrific. Completely humane. Humbly honored. You were deserving, Officer Cook, to be here today and share the joys of your beloved family's accomplishments. An officer and a gentleman, you very spirit touched the hearts of all people, Dade County and its citizens and just about wherever else you traveled. Your pursuits in life and the professional prowess that chased away evil left your legacy of hope and faith, character and resolve looking more and more as the solid building blocks of enhancement and its foundations of fierceness in battling one large impediment, violence, its roots and branches of wickedness spread out so far and wide. Yet, you performed in an outstanding way everyday. History records and inscribes any hero or heroine' deeds for God to judge. His judgments are pure and serene. His fairness was just as your fairness and honesty, Officer Cook. A cherished and noble man who humbly placed his trust in God and now God has you in His arms for safekeeping as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For the joys of your family, you'll be fondly remembered in name, in action and in your gentle soul which flies high each day looking over this land where you toiled with dignity and tenacity. God instilled His traits in your being, they made you the devoted public servant who was unwavering in courage and in passion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Those officers who persevere are the living proof we shall be one in unity and in peace. Dade County witnessed greatness from its beloved and humble servant, Officer Cook, you wrestled with evil, fought as only a man should to conquer this terrible plague. Now, residents live more quieter lives while you placed your life and career in harm's way for resolve to roam as it should. An honorable and dignified hero of courage and conviction, you are now and forever being so saluted for bravery and the recognition to dedicate yourself to warding off violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was your leadership, vision and knowledge that assisted you mightily. You never gave up hope. You were the consummately loyal and faithful colleague to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

The hearts of steel and resolve are the ones deep inside our beloved and brave servants. They help seal our lives with more peace and unity through their own honor, dignity and integrity. You had a gallant heart, Officer Cook. It did not wait at the corner. It navigated quite vigorously around the different sections of Dade County. Salutes of character, wisdom and vision are and forever loud and clear. You were a trusted and reliable professional who made his achievements the living enhancements of a community where you grew up and were a humble individual. Your legacy of heroism is marked by your uniform and badge which have accompanied you to heaven where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Donned with determination and experience. You'll never be forgotten. The call went out that day on May 16, 1979 and you were ready and prepared as best you could to save your friends of action and those civilians. Your life and career were carefully constructed and mapped out. Violence puts its callousness on those maps altering even the best laid hopes and dreams of those who aspire to become great. You dreamed, Officer Cook and made reality a factual destination for all Dade County. Our hearts will always be a little sadder, but, one day we will see you again serving Our Creator in His enchanted kingdom where your beloved colleagues walk that heavenly beat alongside of your beloved soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Those officers who are truly dedicated to their craft are the ones who will get the job done properly. Their intellect, honesty and integrity are their wellsprings to a sound and we all pray a safe journey through the streets of the communities that they serve and protect. perseverance and preservation must start someplace and that venue is the home environment where they received their dignified upbringings. You were a devoted and loyal public servant, Officer Cook and those who you watched over were extremely satisfied with your outstanding service of character, pride and excellence in distributing the peace and unity where it was needed the most. A treasured man who was loyal to the and who battled evil until the end. You will always be thought of and saluted for valor and nobility beyond humanity's calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Comrades have remembered your smile and leadership abilities that helped to fight crime and its associated violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

As I walk and drive by your old home in North Miami Beach, Florida, Officer Cook, I have noticed a Chevrolet Silverado with an Arizona license plate parked in the driveway. They are at your parents' home fixing up. I know if you were here, Officer Cook, you would have had that task completed long ago. Sometimes in life the best laid plans of mice and men can go awry. But, you answered a call of a domestic issue over thirty-seven years ago and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Our very peace and freedom do come with a heavy price and arduous burden. Your test, Officer Cook, was to translate desire and devotion, dignity and courage, honor and integrity, to bring the big picture into focus. Your family, comrades and friends have cherished your memory, as your absence only make sour hearts grow fonder of the hard work put into being a most loyal and reliable professional public servant. A salute for bravery and unwavering character, pride and commitment that was donned in a pristine fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Back in your day, Officer Cook, police were not compensated as much as today, your effort was reflective of a job well done. You were a humble man who worked tirelessly for his wife and family. Parenthood would have only humbled your blessed heart more so. God determines our lots in life. You'll never be forgotten for endearment, engagement and enhancement. During my dad's day as a New York City police officer, there were no bulletproof vests and his take home pay was about two-hundred dollars a month. Rest in peace dad. We called him pop. I still wished they had those side panels, Officer Cook, your sacrifice brought about their usage. One inch. One lousy inch cost you your life, Officer Cook. What a travesty! What an indignation! You are and always will be our hero who saved the day on that awful day of May 16, 1979. No one overlooks pride and consideration. Your compassion and manner of speaking were extraordinary. Many hearts were sad and sorrowful because of your superb gallantry, Officer Cook, delivered with excellent eloquence and the examples of fine work. History that sad day brought victory and relief for citizens wanting serenity, safety and peace of mind. No small task. Challenges do mount. You fought hard, Officer Cook, to keep them from forming an avalanche of trouble. The snowball affect. Police deal daily with this common occurrence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Nowadays, it hard so to speak to put all your eggs in one basket. You just count your blessings and lucky stars that we still have more honorable and dignified heroes who go out and risk everything for us. You were one of many, Officer Cook, diligently and vigorously serving to reign in terror and bring about peace and desire for all Dade County. Police work is never monotonous. You just have to persevere and maintain constant courage and calm while influencing the masses to do what is deemed correct. All anyone can ask is for each and every woman and man to pull their own weight. Tackle each challenge, each test as skillfully and as expeditiously as possible with your might. Keep in mind, haste makes waste. Never dilly dolly. Just stay within the bounds of proper morals, ethical behavior that make your department proud of your service and character. This is the communication. Keep focused. Pay attention. Try to stay safe and alert. Preserve the public trust the way you know how to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were a noble and gallant young man. There was more left to fulfill. God's giant radar screen saw your life's accomplishments as concluded, Officer Cook and He in His glorious mercy needed you in heaven for an even more vitally eternal role. To walk that proverbial beat and overlook those who have taken over your watch. May real sure they are acting ethically and doing their utmost to stop this barrage of violence as it threatens the very fabric and core of our society. One marked by unity, peace and well founded prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

For the people who put trust and bravery in the right place, they know the end results of a good man's resolve and faithfulness. They relished your open honesty along with your integrity. It brought the most desirable sources of peace and liberty. A comrade whose heroism struck down the core of wickedness. You were the personification, Officer Cook, of a meticulous and measured professional. There can be no doubts your commitment and convictions were squarely spot on. No task is ever simple for any righteous and oriented person. Common sense and rationale were part of the grand scheme of peace and satisfaction for those you protected. Nothing stopped you from doing your job. It was completed smartly, astutely and very wisely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. History were remember your reverence, resourcefulness and relative effort always one-hundred percent. You were a Godsend, Officer Cook who delivered on your word. Your lips spoke the simple truth. Now if only we could heed those messages as your beloved soul travels throughout God's sacred skies. Golden wings for an angel with a golden heart of compassion and concern.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

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