Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Sometimes a little ingenuity and creativity are called for from our bravest servants to summon the necessary resolve. Their integrity, dignity and wisdom play a central role in their underlining challenges and the tasks that must be completed for peace and unity to take a firm grip on any given area. Dade County and its loyal followers were your concentration, Officer Cook and during each watch, each patrol you gave your best efforts to steer violence away. A man so humane and humble, resourceful with a firm grasp of the problems that lied ahead, you will be remembered for your esteem and respect for a position, a profession where the pitfalls of danger and perils were in your mirror for you to avoid. Your life, career and sacrifice brought plenty of sure enhancement to a community where you have been saluted for the inner strength to face a daunting challenge head on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life has its mysteries. There were none to your congenial manner, Officer Cook, a friend to all. You gave every ounce until your last breath. There was more life and aspirations to fulfill. God works in mysterious ways. We are left to ponder why He needed you in heaven at such a young age with more vim, vigor and vitality left in your tank.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 15, 2016
Police officers are a tight fraternity. They carry their scruples and honesty on them for as long as they carry out their onuses. You were tasked, Officer Cook, with protecting Dade County and securing its freedoms. A class individual who stood for law and order. So to take the yoke and diligently do your job you had to be focused and keep tenacity sewn together with the assets you already had. A hero of faith and optimism who was devoted to his community to serve and to protect them. You were and always will be treasured. When nobility and humanity came calling, you stood front and center. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor, integrity and dignity are all public servants' best friends.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
A salute represents a job well performed. A man's honor and dignity rest in their every action. All we pray for a positive outcome. All your resolves, Officer Cook, produced outstanding results, effort and the integrity police officer must carry on their beat. Dade County and its citizens came to rely upon your blessed instincts to see your career and its missions of service and peace to their completions. We won't forget your humility, Officer Cook, your shiny badge, polished shoes and a crisply worn uniform. As your legacy today stands for your commitments and character you were born with and gave full endeavor to see evil eliminated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courtesy and class always are expected, from brave men and women, it is the golden standard.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
When fear and tenacity merge, let us hope and pray that fear runs off into the wild blue yonder. A man who started his life in California and made his way with his family to Florida where he studied to become a marvelous officer and led his life with honor and reverence. Dade County was led by a gentleman of morals and character, the fabric of a wonderful childhood. You will be remembered, Officer Cook, for taking down violence and constructing the arks of awareness. peace and dignity among all. Those salutes of honor still remain as you continue to patrol God's heavenly venues. Your valor and due diligence saw to enhancement as the foundations of our future. A future that you were part of and will forever be an integral by virtue of your unselfish and unwavering heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
When the tornado of terror swirls its winds of wickedness we ask greatly that our beloved public servants preserve and protect us. Dade County asked a lot of you, Officer cook and never were let down. Perhaps, we let you down. If you had the side panels on that day who knows retirement might have been a reality. Your candor, class and concern was a product of your outstanding performance and it was your honesty, dignity and integrity which led you through your missions of accomplishment in Dade County. Peace and unity greeted by your character and perseverance were the symbols of your humble actions of nobility and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
The morale of the story is that you were one dedicated and devoted young man, Officer Cook. Your service and protection assured Dade County and its citizens at least the chance to live peacefully. No one can ask more of an individual, a gentleman with a kind heart and a giving soul who made his humility shine like a big bright sun. When you put your honor, integrity and wisdom on the front lines to secure peace and justice, you just never know God's plans for His angels of valor. You were the beloved and treasured son of your parents always there to help your mother. Mrs. Cook, stay well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peace and prosperity were your son, Officer William C. Cook's gifts that he humbly bestowed upon mankind. His heroic actions shall never be overlooked nor forgotten. His legacy is the cornerstones of knowledge, ingenuity and resourcefulness that was used as a calming influence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment three-hundred and sixty-six days a year. The words and their truth were the meanings of your work ethic and life lived each moment with reverence which now serves as our inspiration and motivation.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
Alert. Aware. Astute. If the honesty, dignity and integrity is not quite there a police officer's worst nightmares could heaven forbid happen. For the majority of law enforcement professionals this is not a problem. Those in the minority had better shape up and measure the moments they have got to start acting like humane servants. You took your roles to heart, Officer Cook, through diligence and desire, the drive to succeed was made a bit smoother. Dade County under your watch was secured in the peace and the liberty it required. No one could question your desire or determination, it was first rate. Calm and collective went well together as did commitment and conviction. This certain courage and the confidence to formalize fairness for all won't be forgotten. It is the noble piece of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our best friend and comrade now in God's loving embrace surrounded by other humane and humble angelic heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2016
When terror and torment land in a community then it is up to the many brave and superb public servants to come to the defense. How do they achieve that? Stay honorable and keep your wits and integrity at a humble level. A man like yourself, Officer Cook, carried themselves with decorum and principles. Heroes operate this way and generally speaking the residents are much more at ease. Dade County has seen many things, many changes since your untimely death and yet enhancement has not taken a siesta. Violence never takes days off. Your badge number, Officer Cook, #1664, if we added the first two numbers they equal seven and then if we multiply the last two numbers, we arrive at twenty-four. Symbolizing and recognizing that all men and women who take this solemn affirmation to serve and protect are indeed twenty-four seven. Character and resolve are priceless for they carry within their identities trust and loyalty. A truthful young man gifted with nobility and the confidence to lead and be able to take direction, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Help us Officer Cook as you keep observing your family and comrades doing right as they pursue their goals and agendas of life and its meaning. Stay the paths of dedication and vigilance you surely can't go wrong.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
Trepidation interrupts tenacity, it slows the progression of peace and unity down a bit. When terror has a free reign that can certainly cause harm to any community seeking a respite from such actions. Here in Dade County there you and your humbleness were, Officer Cook. Integrity and dignity were your backbone as was your telling honesty. You will be a so honored hero for having the intelligence and courage to handle those tasks and challenges that most would shy away from. Your loyalty, trust and leadership of others guided others down the pathways of bravery. Your uniform was the role model of character, class and decency. A legacy safely tucked away in God's heavenly shelters where other brave public servants patrol those sacred grounds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
Honor and humility earn respect. Bravery and valor earn the right to be nobly saluted. Police officers, our heroes and heroines who expose themselves to dangers and perils deserve the eyes and ears of the communities they serve and preserve. here in Dade County you earned the affections and respect from all colleagues, Officer cook. When integrity, wisdom and ingenuity are rightly aligned the results of your labor can only be one thing, resolve and proper dispensation of the law. Police professionals are not courts or judges, but, if they make the righteous commitments and stay within the framework of morals, then they can say they accomplished. Twenty-five years, six of those as a proud and humble public servant wherein residents could focus and channel their energies in a peaceful and unified manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The ultimate legacy is not only heroism at its finest, it's about loyalty and devotion, the desire and determination to shape the landscape as needed. You were a mover and a doer, Officer Cook and will never be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
Police must diverge themselves from habits that may conflict with their official duties. Only the honorable and dignified men and women should be out bravely serving and protecting the public interest. You were present and reliable in all your professional tasks, Officer Cook. You stood for faithfulness, trust and loyalty. That is why comrades have saluted your bravery, courage and character. When someone so cherished and respectful goes out and performs their jobs with humility and with a sense of resolve, they should be commended. You'll be forever remembered, Officer Cook, for your passion and care for all Dade County and those citizens you served and provided with unity and peace. it was all accomplished justly, smartly and with wisdom beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
When diligence is properly delivered, perseverance and preservation may take their rightful position. Here in Dade County you took your place, Officer Cook and brought honor, decorum and dignity to a profession where the stress and danger could figuratively consume them the day they begin. Except, you were accomplished in making unity and peace and their interests matter. When terror was right around the corner you were accounted for, Officer Cook. A man of integrity and wisdom who performed just as you were instructed. You left a wonderful heroic legacy of character and fulfillment for other officers to set their bars higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One who occupies themselves in faithfulness is rewarded by God forever. Among the many angelic heroes and heroines are you, Officer Cook, your soul may travel higher and higher each day.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
If one desires glitz, than police work is not for you. To meet expectations aside from being skilled by training and practice, you must possess a certain fixture of tenacity along with honor and integrity. Being able to measure up and to perform professionally and humbly when life matters is what really the job is all about. Caring, consideration and obligation to make peace and unity the reason for living and breathing. You made so much matter, Officer Cook, coupled with your courage and heart of heroism, it doesn't take a whole lot to understand why you were successful in your endeavors to facilitate goodwill among all mankind. Where you grew up if only more read or knew you. They would catch a glimpse at real humbleness, a real sense of why you were the human being and gentleman of class, decency and devotion. It all stemmed from your upbringing where speaking the truth and being faithful to friends and colleagues made loyalty count. As insane as our world is, it took a calm and rational public servant to reel in terror and evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family gave you the gift of life provided by Our Creator where your pathways in life were calibrated and consolidated as one. Nothing finer than a true intuitive and mature young man on a mission of resolve. Dangerous undertakings tend to motivate the best servants and you, Officer Cook, dignified life and its holiness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
Resolve and resourcefulness cannot rehearse, for they must be learned, practiced and preached over and over. It is similar to honesty, dignity and integrity, in that all officers must show this from top to bottom on their uniforms and badges of courage and humility. Officer Cook, you orchestrated proper conduct at all times by following rules and regulations set forth by your department. I'm sure whenever comrades in Dade County had the golden opportunity to partner with you, they must have exuberant and it probably rejuvenated them as well. The peace, the freedom, the togetherness was all part of your commitment, convictions and character to see your missions until finality. Finality, the destiny of all of us at some point in time. At age twenty-five there was still much more left to achieve, as I've reflected many times, God rules this world and determines when our dedication, desire is enough to complete those professional tasks at hand. You performed beyond admirably, Officer Cook, you were superior in intellect, leadership capabilities and in speaking with a passion in calming those who needed a friendly nudge. Now, you are perfecting the most sacred of assignments, watching over those brave public servants who like yourself serve and protect us for a reason. That being to take away violence, evil, wickedness, terror, torment and turmoil from our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With the knowledge you exemplified your life and career, Officer Cook, you deserve all the salutes of honor for as job well done. Humanity has benefited from your sacrifice, one that has forever enhanced our world, your community and wherever you traveled in keeping serenity and safety tied as one entity. Sanctity and sanity were with you when you preserved and persevered.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2016
One who desires honesty and dignity, must first demonstrate their desire, devotion and dedication. You displayed dignity and perseverance, Officer Cook, as all public servants must wear on their uniforms and badges humbly pinned to their chests. When Dade County calls upon the expertise of its brave and honorable men and women, they must prove beyond any doubts unwavering commitment, conviction and that word time and time again, character. Class and decency must separate itself when the wars of strife and terror occupy those who take and affirmation to protect our security and quiet. Though you were a reserved and taciturn gentleman, Officer Cook, your messages spoken precisely and clearly were heard. We just need something extra drilled into our minds, a sought of food for thought. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When the time came calling, destiny took you to that scene on May 16, 1979 and your actions personified your whole life and career that was meant for you to become. A cherished savior. A resourceful hero. A very blessed Godsend. You are missed more than words can tell. We shed tears for your tenacity. We mourned your loss and leadership abilities. Those bagpipes sent a message of mindful proportions. Stay safe. Give full effort. Don't stray and above all be honorable to your colleagues and department.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 12, 2016
We are a curious nation. As individuals we seek our own identities and take comfort in our accomplishments. In Dade County the citizens took comfort in knowing you were around, Officer Cook, preserving and protecting us from evil. When a brave and gallant young man go on a mission so vital to our existence and enhancement, we can only pray you are safe. Your faithfulness, honesty and integrity never left your side for six years of wonderful professionalism. A legacy left behind to revere and to treasure. All the result of devotion, resolve and character to take to a newer place, God's heavens where you now patrol His golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 12, 2016
Geared to guard us, as we reach this holiday season police need to be on the lookout even more so. As much as the roles and tasks may be emotionally draining, physically challenging and mentally taxing, all eyes and ears must be on the people who ask for service and protection so that their peace and unity may be never ending. Exactly what Dade County and its residents received from you, Officer Cook. an honest day's work, a respectful and trusted servant directed by God who watched over your journeys of faith , hope and integrity. Now, after giving your life and career with unselfish commitment and unwavering loyalty, you'll be so honored and saluted for your valor. A legacy to cherish forever. A professional true and through whose missions resulted in the solid foundations of enhancement and assurance that serenity will follow those who admired your work ethic and morals carried with esteem and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2016
Angels are the messengers sent down to this Earth by God to both lead and direct the traffic during times of distress and turmoil. Our beloved public servants are brought to their missions in life by a certain designed destiny. The will of God must prevail and evil and its wickedness strikes a chord. Our Creator sent the right individual, a gentleman with the caliber of courage and class, the strength of honor and dignity to fight through. Your deliveries, Officer Cook, were the genesis of why peace and liberty were shared by all Dade County people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication, determination and desire pursued you, Officer Cook, a most humble and righteous hero to all humanity. When violence lands police must tax on over very swiftly to produce the most desired resolve. It's resourcefulness and reverence that must accompany our heroes of nobility and never ending service to their tasks and challenges that await them daily.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2016
Supervising others with esteem humility, your endeavors, Officer Cook, were the makings of outstanding parents who loved and cared for you. Your mother misses you very much. You were her darling son and community hero whose intelligence and integrity carried you to answer your calls with firmness and alacrity. We need our police to be dignified and unafraid to stand in the face of violence tracking it down fiercely and with a commitment that never leaves your uniform and badge. You delivered peace and serenity to all Dade County citizens and as such your legacy will always be remembered as the foundations of both freedom and unity. Prosperity and perseverance can take their proper spots among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When the moment arrived to speak, education, the welfare of the people and their enhancements came out louder and clearer than ever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2016
A self-sufficient and yet self-confident man whose goals with your department was to preserve and to protect the public and their property, you took responsibility, Officer Cook, to heart legislating peace and goodwill between all folks. The quiet and safety of all mankind was steered by your devotion, dedication and fierce desire to battle an enemy so complex, it took courageous men and women many hours of classroom time and in the field training sessions to properly sharpen their skills. But first, honesty, integrity and faithfulness must follow suit. A cherished man with a duty to support and to adjudicate justice firmly and fairly for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cornerstones of a career and life lived well and taken to a higher level.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2016
On a crusade for justice, serving with astonishing astuteness, the boldness to bravely face danger with diligence and dignity. Police officers must stare down peril persevering with integrity. It's what makes their legacies a staple of their outstanding character. Dade County and its residents had the assurances that they would be protected and served by a man of commitment and the convictions to fight with all his might. Your labors, Officer Cook, were brought about through good morals and ethics that each public servant has got to have and top be able to maintain the dignity and the peace and unity that grows forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family has never forgotten its beloved hero and warrior. A humanitarian whose humbleness came through when it was counted on at the important times.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2016
Mortgaging our futures with superior service, police officers take into account their roles, responsibilities and reasons for their honest and brave actions of heroism. Our futures are brighter because of you, Officer Cook, and one-hundred and thirty-nine Dade County heroes and heroines of loyalty, integrity and dignity. Your commitments now rest in the badges and uniforms of those who have taken over your watch. Hopefully they are as prepared for the rigors for which they took an affirmation to serve and protect. Dade County was in excellent hands when you cruised the corridors and concerned yourself with morals and courtesy which stood out as a symbol of your outstanding devotion, desire and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Walls can be painted over and replaced. A life of a noble and loyal servant cannot be replaced. Death takes its tolls. All those who have lost a loved one can do is pray and have a little resiliency that those gaping holes, the pain and anger may lessen a bit. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. It was your confidence and care that carried your days and life. A life and destiny honored and cherished by colleagues, friends and your beloved family. Saluted forever. You had the right stuff to make accommodation the preoccupation of your watch. The lessons, the speeches, they had an affect that has left your spirit shaping our world from God's eternal kingdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
Pestilence and perversion just pile up like a chain reaction crash on a highway. Police officers drive on patrol from scene to scene looking to take back the streets where quiet and freedom shall rule. What ruled over Dade County during your time, Officer Cook, was racial unrest and tension. Strife and its struggles were relieved by your concentrated endeavor to fix what needed fixing. To correct when necessary you must be able to take positive criticism and go with the flow. You handled adversity very well my neighbor, friend and hero. You treasured and relished opportunity when it came. The courage to see the big picture and the wisdom to be able to lead others through thick and thin does take a special person. You were a gentleman of humility with the nobleness to battle toughness and flip a negative into a positive influence. One foundation never to be torn down. Hope and devotion were exactly what those citizens clamored for. Rest in peace. Your angelic wings, Officer Cook, are the motivations for your shining soul to fly brightly in God's celestial heavens. You were a man of motion, Officer Cook, your future was bright, God looks at our pictures and takes His servants where they are needed the most.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
With the courage to commit, the fortitude to be fair and rational, the bravery to believe in oneself, all any officer wants is to not run away from evil and to stay dignified and accomplish those professional tasks as set forth. The light must stay lit for honesty to assist in any plan. Dade County and its residents had grand plans, you maintained a vigil, Officer Cook, branching peace and unity as one. When a man has dreams and aspirations, you do whatever you are able to in a decent and class fashion. Years after you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, the enhancement and dignity of all the cornerstones you laid for others to follow in have remained the stable of your heroic legacy. It speaks wonders of morals, loyalty and the mutual respect you afforded all individuals. One sure thing, you kept your cool, used a positive voice of reason to persuade those in trouble to turn things around. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and righteousness speak the truth. God has that truth sheltered in His kingdom with over twenty-two thousand other valiant and efficient men and women from the law enforcement community. If only those who commit heinous acts would just stop and think about their actions and the atrocities they bring. Please God deliver us some good news and peace for all mankind at this holiday season.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
Delving into reality that is how a day and life of an officer begins. Greeting people with a smile. A glad handshake. Courtesy and honesty coming from one's lips. Those same lips that give instruction and convey a message of hope, peace and togetherness. Your smile, Officer Cook, was congenial and cordial. It was brought about through your admiration and consideration you had for all Dade County residents. Their prospects and hopes rode on your faithfulness and resolve. If loyalty and respect cannot accompany any public servant, the end result may not be as one might expect. You tried, Officer Cook, to maintain calm, influence others to do the same. All the people ask is for consistent effort. Dade county will forever cherish a man of action, a gentleman of commitment who wore his badge and uniform solidly and quite proudly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016