Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
For the good of our country and the world for that matter, this change and transfer of power had better yield fruitful results. We can look back in history, though, the time is nearing and not a minute to lose by getting started right now. You never wasted a moment, Officer Cook, in your daily routines, even after six years or thirty years nothing is routine or mundane for that matter. Dade County over one-hundred years ago was entirely different than it is presently. It is a land of enormous opportunities for each man, woman and child to share in its dreams of peace and a unification like no other. Through your resolve and brilliance, Officer Cook, hope and faith are on the horizon. Commitment, character and conviction all made a difference, a dent in the fight on crime. So now, comrades can salute and honor a treasured soul, yours, Officer Cook, a heart of gold giving and caring and consideration for all. It sends a lovely message. That is to take charge, focus and stay the courses of honesty and vision. Well liked. Well mannered and very well respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stamps of your life and its legacy watch over us as does your beloved soul. You conquered and were our warrior and savior, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2016
I hate to see another officer killed while performing their duties as it's occurred again in Pennsylvania. But, that's what makes these heroes and heroines supreme. More than honor. More than integrity and dignity. Loyalty, faith and resolve to serve and to protect and serve the public trust through the missions of their lips, hands and feet. They must move quickly and precisely where evil and its wanton violence strikes. It shakes the very core, the very fabric of our society threatening the peaceful and unified movements of all. here in Dade County where you served, Officer cook, the citizens could not have been in any better hands. You too were a humble and trusted officer, a gentleman who honored society and his colleagues wit ha repertoire of dignity and integrity all blessed by Our Creator. God steers our directions as He guides our legs down the trails of truth and tenacity. Having a backbone and knowing when to be firm and yet fair, simply speaking is not routine at all. Enhancement and ingenuity reign because of your unwavering courage to fight, unquestionable and the want and driven desire to accomplish. All in God's name. All in your heroic legacy which etched the foundations of freedom for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend is a loyal comrade who defends their fellow man by sacrificing their life and career in the good name and will of professionalism. Special people who are willing to risk their lives for our continuance of our pursuits in life. Your dreams, goals and aspirations, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2016
Those who live and experience life, know it has its moments. Some rather funny. Other times most sad and seemingly hopeless. The grief families suffer when a love one passes before their time can be totally consuming. Rage. Anger. Puzzling. Yet, the time continues its movement onward. God is the master timekeeper, He keeps those clocks well oiled and in perfect timing. You kept dignity, law and order right in front of everyone in Dade County, Officer Cook. All in a day's work was your labors of love and endeavor. To feel the air of peace and unity as one it took a collaborated effort among your peers and those citizens in the windows of your resolve and resourcefulness. The means of your missions completed according to God's master plans for His devoted servants. The sands of time poured as you, Officer Cook, wrapped your entire being and soul into constructing careful happenings for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All any officer can control is their demeanor and to make sure you are performing your duties as called for. God takes over the rest. He solemnly called you home to walk that proverbial beat on His streets of salvation and redemption. Those days will be coming. Surely, as your conviction and character marked your cornerstones in Dade County and across our great nation which now has elected our forty-fifth president. Let us hope and pray america can become great and united once again. Your position, Officer Cook, called upon everyone's sincerest cooperation to make it happen.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
We yearn to learn. We thirst for truth and trust. We commit ourselves to integrity, dignity and honor. The scout motto is to be thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. The police officer's creed is similar along these lines. For any brave and devoted soul to have success in their efforts they must stay focused. You remained this way throughout your life and career, Officer Cook. It never led you astray. The fact is it made your resolve that much more telling. Devoted and faithful to your colleagues who too labored tirelessly to fight violence and the evil that is spread far and wide by its ugly affects. Dade County and its people felt the character and concern, Officer Cook, from your heart of kindness, concern and caring consideration for mankind. The very best professional was poured into your labors now etched in granite and in marble at Memorial Walls of Honor here in Miami at Tropical Park and in Our Nation's Capitol. The boards and nameplates signify dominance of a heroic nature. The calls of duty answered squarely, fairly and with peace and freedom for all to enjoy. The fruits of your diligence and vigilance, Officer Cook, have stayed as the mainstays of your legacy. It's where character and commitment rounded every corner of your life and career of stability and piousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You will be saluted and so loyally honored for being the savior and warrior with those golden wings that now fly like your spirit, so high. You were the personification, Officer Cook, of a class, decency and driven motivation, it was mounted in your patrol car by your sides.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
Grace and nobility. Gallantry and valor. They all are an officer's integral honesty, dignity and integrity. They too can never be forgotten. Neither will Dade County ever forget your heroism, Officer Cook. It represented the foot marks that have been the cornerstones of your life, one lived humbly and with a sense of purpose. Your police career carried out precisely as well was bounded by the very exact manners of professionalism that all brave souls shall bare. Those who dared to commit were warned of your presence. One of inspiration and desire to take direction and funnel that to others through intelligence and keen vision which motivated others to follow your leads. Leadership is not a given nor does one garner this humility overnight. It must be studied. Put in practice, preached and coached in order for one to receive its desired effects. The peace and prosperity was at your door, Officer Cook, for all who wanted to take part in this plan. Now cherished and honored for actions that signified endeavor. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Knowledge is a tool of the profession which must be utilized wisely and freely by all brave and able bodied men and women to maximize the end results.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
Almighty God, grant shelter among all heroes and heroines of the law enforcement profession who have given their lives for liberty in the name of nobility and honor. They shall now be called angels of mercy, who have displayed heroism in conviction, commitment to pride and excellence and the proper character duly sworn agents of the law shall maintain. You kept common sense freely among the people in Dade County, Officer Cook. The bonds of boldness, the preservation of all was surely in your hands and feet. they worked as one machine producing the desired results. Peace and serenity now flows as does enhancement for residents to freely chase after their goals, dreams and desires. Let evil be banished. Allow your wisdom and knowledge to spread their wings of wonder like no other. Missions were firmly put forth in the name of Our Creator who watched you and your honorable comrades conduct their daily affairs with astuteness and valor. You left a legacy of love and respect for all to cherish. It distinguishes itself in the very foundations of focus and in fairness. Cornerstones that created permanent solace for a people who were yearning for reliability and relief. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A great man. A more humane public servant. Officer Cook, you stood tall for us all. Your labor of love now serves us from above. Your golden wings and your spirit travel far and wide keeping us safe from harm. A salute to desire and its gravitating affects. It is easy to see why you were so well liked and a pleasure to work alongside.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
When good people of character and integrity have their lives not only interrupted, but, taken by the very evil they are supposed to stop, we call this callous and plain old rotten to the core. Proud commitment and resourcefulness demands challenges and the superior endeavor from all brave and honorable professional souls. God takes those sturdy, steady and pure servants to His place in heaven where they sleep in eternity for concluding their missions here in trying to foster peace and goodwill among all folks. Exactly, what you aspired to do, Officer Cook. Not one person had any complaints, doubts, reservations or hesitations that the job would not get done properly. A treasured man with a loving family and a perpetual stream of close friends, you saw to it that challenges would be met reasonably and most prudently. Character and loyalty do take time to hone, you were the example of dignity and desire donned in a pristine way in your conduct, badge and uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who toil now ever so faithfully have taken their cues by your leadership, devotion and rock hard determination. Dade County and its citizens have been the recipients of your humble admiration and esteem for them. You performed here, Officer Cook, with heroic humility and nobility for the causes of righteousness for all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
Since most live for the moment, permanency is never certain. In police work nothing is a sure thing until resolutions take place and the officers can return home safely. Dignified and well mannered, you conducted your affairs, Officer Cook, the only way humanity hoped for and that was fair, honest and with solid integrity. Rules and department standards do not need rewriting. They just need these brave souls to go out patrol, keep peace and liberty together while staying within the paths of proficiency and perseverance. Dade County had its shares of tensions, your job, Officer cook ,which you chose freely and willingly was to navigate around its venues and keep the wheels of justice moving forward, which you did quite well and now because of your commitment, character and decency, you will be saluted and so honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God takes His angels and their heroic legacies and has that serving and protecting His golden streets above where no harm will ever come their way.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
To lay the law down and to execute your professional affairs in an honest and humane manner, it speaks volumes of that officer's humility. Yours, Officer Cook, was brought about through the genuine efforts you put forth on a daily basis on behalf of Dade County. Its strength and missions of resolve were all a part of the peace and unity process legislated by your unwavering integrity and boldness to continue fighting this adversary we call callous, brazen and heinous. Never could any of us or your family and colleagues envision violence taking you from us. This world is definitely less safer by your absence. Senseless and utterly shameful when good men and women, loyal and faithful are taken in the prime of their lives. You'll be remembered for character and engaging interactions with all who knew you. Now one of God's most shining angelic heroes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A fountain of leadership quenched the hearts of your colleagues and those on relied on wisdom, vision and intellect to guide them through. A hearty thanks and salute for your unselfish valor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2016
To lead is to let effort advance desire. To inspire your comrades by your example. Your honor and dignity, Officer Cook, was the epitome of your humble achievements. In Dade County the peace and quiet was based on your attention to detail. Great leadership and for your bravery solemn salutes of honor by all. One cherished professional. A class person of character and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism has laid the enhancements of all mankind. Our futures have marched on, though the hurt is still there over your absence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
Everyday we are alive and well we can be thankful. So too do officers and their families pray for their safety. We prayed, Officer Cook, that things would be alright. Your humbleness and honesty was brought about through respect, love and a genuinely terrific upbringing. No doubt Dade County was in good hands when you patrolled and secured the peace and unity. Dignity and integrity can do wonders when one centers their morals and functions within the standards set down by all departments. You will always be fondly remembered as a hero of character, class and decency. The cornerstones have been laid. Now it is the time for those who have succeeded you to act accordingly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
To stand tall, it made your family proud as all. To be bold, something forever to cherish and to take hold of. The concern, the commitment, character and ability to see fairly and precisely what was in front of you, Officer Cook, a tall order, you were the right man to tackle the challenge. Faith and resolve, honesty and dignity held together helping you set the tone for peace and serenity in Dade County. A sure fire lesson for all to take in. A man of courage who could lead other comrades in times of duress. The stress alone might doom most of us, but not you, Officer Cook, no way could violence and its tarnishing image due to a dedicated young man on a mission of enhancement and sacrifice. The confidence to act heroically and surely won't ever be overlooked. You stood humble and mindful of wearing your uniform and badge with diligence and an energizing smile. A personality that conducted your affairs with an achieving grace and vigor no matter the time or problem at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County heroes and heroines are honored for their part in improving and maintaining the dignity of our society. Violence and wickedness have no parts, their plans are hopefully swept aside by those tough enough to battle until the job gets done. Professional and proficient. Resilient and efficient. They all accentuated your efforts on our behalf, Officer Cook. You were the class among your peers and those you trained under. Time well spent. If only God allowed you more years to keep grinding out this message. It's etched on the Memorial Walls of honor here in Miami and in Washington, D. C. for all to take a moment and to pause, reflect on your well lived life and a career carried out very succinctly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
With character and its conscience clearly dignifying every police officer's life and career, those who served their roles with distinction and nobility are the ones who will not be forgotten. They stood up and faced society and what ails those who seem to rise up and commit heinous crimes. If they want passion, have an ambition and stand up and run after those pursuits in life that will have the most effect. Dade County and its people won't forget your dignity and devotion to mankind, Officer Cook. Your eloquent character and the truth in your speech influenced many to do good. Your great nature spearheaded the masses and delivered that essential unity and liberty for all to continue their passions in life. Your career, Officer Cook, was maintained by morals and stellar conduct. You were a gentleman and wiser beyond your years. Your foundation of faith and hope were some of the factors that have kept your heroic legacy alive and well now and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You devoted yourself, Officer Cook and we dignified our belief in your resources and skills all learned by meticulous hours of dedication and steadfast determination.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
Those happy times should be shared by you, Officer Cook. But, no doubt you were a hero of honor and intestinal fortitude who loved serving and protecting. Those fortunate were Dade County and its residents. A loved and respected officer, a family man who relished his quiet moments with Karen and your family. When being treasured and cherished means something that indicates you were a success in your endeavors. Colleagues and family, friends and those who knew you from afar have remembered the special servant who guided and paved the trails for other officers to set their sights in protection and preservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
Showboating and bragging have no place in law enforcement. They should be replaced with consistency and diligence. If an officer keeps their composure and honesty together, the chances are better their integrity and dignity will guide them along in securing the needed peace and freedom the citizens require. Your due vigilance provided Dade County with a better chance at stardom, their relief was in sight. A man of infinite wisdom and character navigating his patrols where it was needed the most. A pro through and true. A hero humble and noble graces us with his bravery and gallantry. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2016
The wells of justice seem prime for those who want to commit crime to just leap in. When they do jump, let that big hatch trap them and their rush to unleash violence. Police need to climb walls, fences or whatever to chase down these notorious individuals. In Dade County you have these scenarios and for your part, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity was quite relevant. You caught your share of evil persons and were praised as any officer should be. You were not like some sports officials who look for attention. rather, your humility allowed to accentuate your concentration on finding means to peaceful endings. Sanity and civility was the rule when you patrolled. And now because of your fine and upstanding commitment, conviction and courage colleagues all have saluted and honored a fine man of trust, responsibility and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your work spoke loudly and rationally.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2016
This just seems incredulous, Officer Cook. Another hero taken from us in Georgia. Inspectors Funerals harden officers' resolves and honor in getting peace and prosperity connected on the map. The dots start with a little dignity and integrity. Your comrades witnessed greatness from your outstanding professional perseverance and dogged persistence with paid dividends to all Dade County residents. A gentleman with a kind and giving heart, a spirit of consideration and admiration which has been duly saluted for courage and character. The kind of humble heroic legend that has been stapled together with your unwavering desire, devotion and loyal faithfulness to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We got a very blessed Godsend. God holds you, Officer Cook, Dade County's own close to Him in those large palms for safekeeping forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2016
Could it be my whole world is only confusion? Could it be what I thought was God's world is not true? Yet, my dream is as bright as the brightest illusion and the sky in my dream is much bluer than blue. Could it be that I will not see the fruit of my yearning? Could it be that I may never rid myself of my load? What matters most is not the end of the journey, it is the journey itself and the bright sun lit road. First and foremost, Officer Cook, your road to humbleness was not tainted. Only honored with outstanding integrity and dignity. The truth came from your lips and it was in your gentle hands that peace was properly arranged for all Dade County residents to partake of its fruits of liberty of Thee we sing. Police often are given an abundant amount of professional assignments all of which you handled diligently and most courageously. The sun that day you sacrificed your life it was a hot day and yet you came to the aid of civilians and your fellow colleagues. The pathways to success are not always as perfect as we would like them to be. Your energy and effort, Officer Cook, relieved and resolved the dilemmas at hand. Thanks to your commitment, character and convictions we can carry on with the tasks that need to be accomplished. Our missions shall continue as God saw your missions as completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero is the antithesis of a righteous individual. You'll be saluted and honored for unwavering and unselfish nobility which graced our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2016
Police take different courses in solving crimes. Though, the paths that are taken are ones that consist of dignity, honor and integrity, they can be long and winding. For those who think they can stray better ponder again. Our Creator is observing your every move. In Dade County your treks, Officer Cook, were made a bit smoother by your perseverance and vigilance. If only everyone were as perceptive as you. It goes a long as to why you were so admired and loyal to your comrades. It takes a team effort to accomplish. It's not a singular issue. When faithfulness and fairness to secure the necessary peace and togetherness bond as one entity, chances are looking good for things to happen in a positive manner. The enhancements of construction take on a newer meaning. Since wickedness is only destructive, public servants as brave as you, Officer Cook, had to dig in and channel your influence in a most calming and persuasive way. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and commitment to excellence and pride has made your legacy shine like your beloved soul now serving in God's eternal shelter where other angelic heroes and heroines walk that sacred beat.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2016
Today, we turn the clock back one hour. Time though moves on in life and after one has heroically served their missions. Through the devotion, hope and faith do we go about our businesses on a daily routine. Though, there is nothing ordinary about a young man who wanted to become a police officer. You trained and worked exceedingly hard, Officer Cook, to be the very best. For some it is difficult at best to keep their honesty and integrity intact. But they must, after all dignity too must take its professional appearance from those two important traits. It is why you had success in protecting an din serving all Dade County and its citizens. You have been honored and solemnly saluted for having the valor and ambition to take on major challenges which test any public servant's resolve. The war against evil has been started, now those flames of destruction must be extinguished, they cannot smolder anymore. It took your keen vision and unwavering intuition and leadership to make it happen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To spring forward and then to fall back has its repercussions. The ramifications of your solid performance, Officer Cook, have led to the enhancements of peace and solidarity for all mankind. Our community could not be more grateful. the gist is for officers to be aware and cautious when tackling crime and its sinister clutches.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2016
Samson versus Goliath. Good versus evil. Surely goodness and its goodwill to all mankind will triumph. When the righteous servants of Our Creator must deal with the indignity of the defiant, something must give. The earth shakes and then maybe violence with tumble. It can only happen if any officer's integrity and tenacity are greater than the sum of the terror, turmoil and torment. The sum of your work on behalf of Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, was stellar and supremely cherished. You have received the salutes of bravery and heroism from your colleagues, friends and family whose righteousness in their pursuits of life and its challenges has allowed your soul to lift itself higher each day. Their missions are a continuation of your endeavors of effort and energy that help make this world a better place to thrive in peace and to channel unity down the lanes of endowment. What more fitting a legacy than to have your foundations of enhancement stay as cornerstones of kindness, fairness to all and consideration, compassion and care for a community where you are respected and revered as a hero for the eyes of humanity. The ears hear. The vision is clear. The lips spoke the truth. An outstanding job saving comrades and civilians that awful day of May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One huge loss for society. Though preservation and conservation stay well grounded in those who cared and watched your professional conduct of courtesy and morals mirror your terrific upbringing. Your folks have been and your mother will always be proud of her courageous and beloved son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2016
To live, all one needs is food, clothing and a shelter. But to become a duly professional police officer one requires skill, fitness, dignity, integrity and honesty. Hopeful optimism is nice but to do the job right and to promote peace and its stability you need everything clicking as one. The wheels of justice and fairness need to go in unison. You were a successful person, Officer Cook, because of sync. For resolve and its effect to happen the timing of situations must be right. In Dade County happiness and the gift of life were your inspirations and realities, Officer Cook, to see them through decency, desire, drive and determination was central to the chores at hand. Achievement breeds accomplishment. There was no talk of failure as heroes are expected to humbly and humanely deal with whatever comes their way. Colleagues salute your unwavering boldness to action, the conviction to excellence which was your life commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations can be torn down and rebuilt. Legacies from the courage of one's heart stay forever as cornerstones of a well lived life and a career shaped by ethics and morals. Scrutinized and well founded, you were the consummate public servant, Officer Cook. Your smile of hope and faith says it all. The persevering photographer you were all those pictures have been taken. Now God is developing them for us to see. An angel of valor whose wings spread far and wide. Having the sense to synchronize the tasks you were given gave you the best possibilities to be resourceful in your decision making processes.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2016
In life sometimes there are those who just want pleasure. You can't always have your cake and be able to eat it also. You receive what you deposit in the bank. Withdrawals only can happen if you give. You took life seriously, Officer Cook. You made people laugh. Yet, we cried when you were taken. I'm sure your family, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, she is a great lady, very devout and loyal to her Creator. God has plans for us all. He designed the trails for you to become a dignified and valiant public servant. Service and protection went along on patrol just as integrity and honor. No officer may leave without this. They are inseparable. They are the bonds that Dade County and its residents were acclimated to. Resourcefulness . Reliance. Relief and resolve. Peace and dignity for all mankind. Presented by a treasured and loyal comrade, yourself, Officer Cook. Those missions of hope and faith honored by unselfish humility to see your life and career through, though you had more left to achieve. God dictates, He directs our destinies each day through good and bad. Violence shall one day be cast aside as your beloved soul watches over those who now proudly serve their communities in respect and in admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of character and concern were heard through your soft tones of tenacity and loyalty. You were your parents' hero. They could not be any prouder of your life and what you meant to Dade County. I'll keep praying for you, Mrs. Cook. Take care. Still very upset I never met you. Two weeks. You were already out in San Diego, California. I should have looked you up after your beloved "Billy," Officer Cook gave his life for his friends and community. A righteous, truthful and pious gentleman with a kindred spirit that soars higher and higher on God's golden wings. Those wonderfully crafted wings given to all of His angels of heroism.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2016
To understand what needs to be under scored, police need to have the right attitude if they are going to be able to make a dent in the war over violence. Dade County just buried a police officer yesterday. In Iowa, two more officers will be laid to rest next week and in New York another of New York's finest paid the ultimate price for peace and unity. They are integral to life wherever one pitches their tents and puts down their families to live and to prosper. You committed to justice and fairness done properly, Officer Cook and completed without any hesitation. Your beloved character and dignity, honesty and integrity will be cherished forever as you were a champion of unwavering conviction and courage from your heart that comes from a most respected and loyal professional public servant. Service was diligent, prompt and with your passionately engaging smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2016
In anything one endeavors to become there usually is a means to the end. Police work is a never ending battle between good versus evil. So true and so too is there supposed to be a never ending amount of honesty, dignity and integrity exerted to bring about peace and goodwill for all mankind. You were a decent and honest human being whose service won't be forgotten. In a past reflection, Officer Cook, I think the word I meant to use was dignify. How can any community dignify officers being killed brutally and heinously by thirty to sixty rounds of gunfire sprayed in their patrol cars? We must stand united in our efforts to make lives matter and bring back sense to America as you did to all Dade County through fellowship, leadership and that word character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a patriot, Officer Cook, more than that a man of diligence and humility that tests the resolve of other brave souls to conduct their affairs that way too.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2016