Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Today it takes the courage to fight an enemy so massive there is no telling what might happen. The pains any officer must go through to be able just to stay decent and honorable do at moments take a lot of polishing and practicing. Dade County had a steady officer in yourself, Officer Cook, so dignified and full of integrity that you received from your parents, friends and those trainers who helped groom and shape your professional career and life. Ambitions and dreams are part of life and can only take effect when morals and class are present. The hero in you, Officer Cook, was derived from character, commitment and the determination to see your missions until their completion. We should take heart, for your strength was from your heart, one of giving, compassion and the burning passion to succeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man of humbleness who displayed fundamentals and looked to decrease friction among mankind. Peace and unity shall remain the foundations of those living in Dade County where you served, protected and preserved the dignity of all citizens.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
That song back in the 1970's Do It or Die, written by the Atlanta Rhythm Section, when I heard it for the first time I thought of you. You never gave up. You did your job and paid the ultimate price for our unity and security to blossom. To cherish your life and career, one can go back a way and view some of these reflections. Number one was your maturity beyond the crowd. The honor, integrity and leadership all stemmed from your dignity to serve, to preserve the value of human life and its property. Carrying on with class, loyalty, decency and devotion takes a very special and humane being. If praying could revive you now, this world would be greater than ever. Still, you made Dade County and its people better. They received excellent and passionate concern while you patrolled. Nothing better than having character, class and resolve. It's the noble approach in how to battle a foe that nowadays is unwavering. An officer's mind and skills must surpass this enigma. You brought out the best in everyone, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forevermore will your blessed name and heroism shine like your beloved soul. I cried when I heard that song. Like I said you were the friend I was missing my entire life and now seeing your home being fixed up, wow what memories! If your sister, Nancy is there I would sure love to meet her.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
One day, Officer Cook, I'll try my best to place you and your in their proper spots. One thing your family, colleagues and friends know and won't ever forget is that you gave Dade County your best solid professional effort on a daily basis. Gallantry not anything else. Honor, dignity and integrity straight from the book. peace and unity, freedom and serenity do belong on God's green Earth. Violence and evil have no rightful place here and it was your unselfish heroism that saved the day on May 16, 1979. A legacy of humility to all humanity was forever set forth by a public servant humble and yet revered by all for coming through when you were most needed. Character and conviction shined brightly while they were worn on your uniform and badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The ideal gentleman. A most loyal and compassionate human being and acquaintance to all. Mankind won't forget the steps of progress made during your watch. A career and life filled with everlasting memories of enhancement and enlightenment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
President John F. Kennedy once said, ask not what your country could do for you, but what you could do for your country? Dade County as do all venues asks its finest and most reliable men and women to search, seize and strike the enemy. Violence and its evil which sprouts hatred, bigotry and ill will shall be destroyed. Wickedness should not be tolerated by the weary or feeble. The strong survive. What we needed was your participation, Officer Cook in this very fight, a battle that shakes the earth, but in the end takes down this unwavering adversary. Your task, your professional role was quite a large onus, Officer Cook. But, with fervor, honor and the humane tenacity, you tackled this job as you stellar character carried you in your flights for unity and peace. You were a gentleman of responsibility, humility and the noble sentiment to fight through difficulties. Life is not easy. It is not simple. It contains its joys and pleasures. You were taken at such a young age, Officer Cook. The horizons were looking up. There was more left to fulfill. God knows and we just ponder the why? Your loving family and comrades continue your dreams and goals of integrity and valor. So may this be Your will God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The constellations have the brightest of angels, their wings shine like the firmament The legacy you left won't ever be forgotten. You were class and a very decent individual, Officer Cook. The righteous bless us in ways we don;t comprehend at times. They are meant to save and to serve our best interests.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
Between the cracks and crevices comes the courage of brave and honorable souls of dignity and integrity. They serve and protect our rights, liberties and unity. The world is a better place when saturated with love and respect for one another. Dade County was blessed with so many humble and intelligent public servants all striving for the very same and unique characteristic and that is the safety and serenity of all citizens. Your assignment, Officer Cook, was to pursue peace and eliminate violence at all costs trying to be diplomatic and to make things better for mankind. The conviction, the commitment and the excellence in pride and humility shined vividly as does your beloved soul. It is now and forever a very important staple in God's heavens where you now patrol His streets with the zeal and perseverance as when you navigated around your community keeping it cleaner and more prosperous to live. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2016
A composed and honorable officer is always preferable to a distant and dishonest public servant. The people of Dade County as do the residents of all communities speak, it's up to those officers to listen and to decode the message. Your life and career, Officer Cook, had the trimmings of tremendous resourcefulness, tenacity and a high pitch of dignity and honesty. So then how could peace and prosperity go any other way? You were a cherished and admired public servant my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace wearing the garments that you donned humbly and with unwavering strength and valor. Your legacy of heroism shall be so honored and remembered forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2016
Crime and wickedness sure does not discriminate. All any public servant can do is to avoid pitfalls and obstacles which may block their due process in order to provide the necessary safety for all people. Back in your time, Dade County had its moments. Some good memories, others not so pleasant. But, with your smiling face and pleasant disposition, peace and quiet were attainable. Comrades a have saluted and so honored your diligence and desire to act with honor, integrity and morals. With men and women, heroes and heroines like yourself, Officer Cook, the eyes and ears of good hard working servants of God can give their full attention to the matters at hand. Your resolve and faithfulness will never be overlooked nor will your sanctity in dealing justly and smartly with others. A man of leadership, wisdom and vision taking his cues for Our Creator. One of God's many angelic heroes with golden wings to carry your soul higher and higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your concern and care were perfectly attached to your uniform and badge of courage and bravery.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2016
Officers must get rid of bad habits and start acting the part. The public demands excellence in character, commitment and conviction and it can only occur when their honesty, integrity and dignity stays intact. Thank God, Officer Cook, you stayed decent and devoted to your calls of professional duty. Grit and gumption alone cannot win a war on violence unless you have men and women doing their endeavors with a humble passion. And Dade County and its residents certainly have you to thank, Officer Cook, for your sincerest efforts. Peace and its freedom were like a good cooked meal when you patrolled its venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Born into class and decency. You made this world more civilized and structured for all to live succinctly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2016
Violence creeps and crawls around like a bug. Hoping to squash its moves police have to employ certain tactical maneuvers to assure safety and unity. During your time, Officer Cook, honesty and integrity flowed like a reservoir. You were a humbly reserved gentleman, yet one who was smart and astute, one who was led by dignity and wisdom coming from God's lips. Your life and the sacrifice you made my neighbor, friend and hero was the direct byproduct of a sound home life and intuition shaped by hours and months of training. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2016
Do we dare to disrespect police authority? The way things are happening now it sadly seems to be an everyday occurrence. The problems that were happening in Dade County during your watch, Officer Cook, were among the reasons you became a public servant. You stayed open and honest, interested in helping residents stay safe and at peace. But then again, loyalty, trust and faith were a product of your outstanding work and career. Comrades never forgot your leadership, bravery and the intelligence to lead other men and women through the stressful rigors that your profession demands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism helped shaped the enhancements that we all enjoy today. Your humility on humanity's behalf has allowed the flow of dreams and aspirations to carry on.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2016
Training to become a diligent police officer takes years of preparation, care, a tender touch. In the way of speaking with courtesy, carrying ethics and morals within your being. When an honest and dignified gentleman goes out and performs a dangerous task and is successful, we salute their achievement. Dade County salutes and honors its heroes and heroines of valor and goodwill who display the sound character to be able to accomplish that which they set out to do. You became a legend of humble status, Officer Cook, here in Dade County and over our entire nation precisely by your hopeful consideration, concern and respect for those you led and those who directed your movements. The peace and unity spoken of was born from your excellent upbringing and practice. Preaching and practice. It goes together with being an honorable, dignified and man of sense and influence to keep preservation along with service anchored together as the progression of how we can better lead our lives. You will always be a cherished and admired gentleman of devotion, driven desire and determination like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We pray your family and colleague sat this holiday time of Chanukah and Christmas are safe and sound and are able to prosper in their dreams, goals and aspirations of which you are now forever their inspiration and heroic savior. Turmoil, terror and torment were properly dealt with under your watch. A watch of thought and the realization that God is protecting us with your beloved soul flying humbly higher everyday. A righteous man who spoke the truth. Your lips and feet carried you to newer levels every watch. Good cheer. Goodwill. Good natured. Your son, Mrs. Cook, was the living and breathing example of exemplary service. God and his father, may he rest in peace, Charles, be mighty proud of his life and career. Three-hundred months of loyalty and dependability. Hope other officers carry this same accountability and responsibility as seriously as you did, Officer Cook. It will make society stand up and take note. God's eternal camcorder is running full tilt. It sees, hears and responds when destiny comes calling.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2016
Guiding your travels under God's auspices, Officer Cook, was your faithfulness, loyalty and trust. Words all police officers must live their lives and function as professional public servants. It's the honesty, dignity and integrity which too must surely ride down those trails of reason, resolve, resourcefulness and unwavering tenacity. A man such as yourself, Officer Cook, Dade County and its esteemed citizens thank you for your valor in serving and in protecting their needs of peace, shelter and prosperity all the while you were trying to stay safe and make wickedness and its terrible evil a past obstacle to normalcy and sanctity. You won't ever be forgotten for your character, commitment and the inner courage of your heart which has sealed your heroic legacy of enhancement and the hope that all future officers who followed you will act this way. Pray. Stay in shape. Eat right and get a solid night or day of sleep. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The heartache of your loss, Officer Cook, still leaves your family, friends and colleagues looking for that ray of light that will someday dispel all this nastiness. Violence and terror leave marks upon society which at times are hard to remove. Your badge and uniform was donned with pride, nobility, humility and the conviction to tackle the hardest of challenges. Since our world is not perfect, all we can expect from the police is an honest day's endeavor. You gave each day, Officer Cook, Our Creator recognizes those who make the ultimate sacrifice to benefit mankind forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2016
As I look at my father, Owen's certificates of appreciation from the New York City Police Department where he patrolled for almost forty years going back to the 1928, my family can only humbly marvel at his dignity, honesty and heroism. Back in his day police did not have bulletproof vests and yet he gave humane and loyal service to keep peace on the street. For your service to Dade County, its peace, unity and prosperity, Officer Cook, more than ever were you a devoted and determined officer. You preserved and protected and installed proper conduct back where it belongs. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. My dad who should rest in peace got to enjoy his retirement. Yours, Officer Cook should too been enjoyed. Violence was what you went after and your wonderful soul travels among God's celestial heavens with other heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2016
Those public servants who act succinctly and stay in sync are humbly rewarded for their endeavors. It is those few who stray from the righteous trails of tenacity that may lead them to trouble. Dade County's wants and desires were all met by your friendly and sincerest loyalty, Officer Cook. When a man of character commits to do what God asks from them, we say they are blessed. You were a Godsend and a truly humble hero, Officer Cook. Society shall always be grateful to those honorable and dignified professionals who give their every ounce of effort. You put forth the humility and courage to bring the peace and safety back to Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2016
Distinction follows a person so long as they act honestly and earnestly. Police officers don't look for rewards, for they are awarded for smartly carrying out a position that puts them in harm's way at times as they serve and preserve our liberties. Dade County will seemingly be a hot spot for crime and violence tragically and no telling when any officer will get that call to react quickly and wisely. You acted, Officer Cook by the book, with dignity and integrity shadowing your movements. Determination and devotion helped to celebrate your life and a career in which you served Our Creator inspiring wisdom and being able to lead other men and women through peril and danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. People of conviction and character will always have a spot reserved in heaven in one-hundred and twenty years for their feats of hope and faith. We all pray they come home safe and sound. The same safety and peace you patrolled to deliver to the areas of Dade County, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2016
Class and decency belong in the same category as honesty and integrity. Nothing can work well or function splendidly without any of these desirable characteristics. Police officers, those brave and dignified men and women who serve and protect life and its property cannot go out in their communities on patrol if they don't have the correct focus. Dade County was made safer by you, Officer Cook, a gentleman of intellect and a masterful orator. The humbleness and humility of your life and career came from an outstanding upbringing by your parents and instructors at the police academy on what it means and takes to become an excellent and efficient public servant. The peace and unity is directed related to your professional ethics and principles of justice being delivered promptly and prudently. Your heroic commitment and valor will forever keep enhancements anchored rightly where they belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2016
Those who commit violence don't look at submission as a solution to a problem of enormous proportions. All police officers whether here in Dade County or for that matter wherever they may patrol must stay alert and be on guard at all times. Those moments come and go and it's during these crucial times that care, caution and integrity must shadow each beloved and brave servant. Your trust and dignity, Officer Cook, was quite instrumental in securing the proper peace and togetherness for all citizens. The people spoke and you answered all your professional roles and calls with clarity, class and alacrity. An alert person can focus better on what needs to be done in order to shape the landscape of our society. And because of your diligence, devotion and determination, mankind can live and breathe much more easier and safer. the commitment, character, convictions all worn on your crisp uniform and shiny badge were the messages of faith, hope and optimism for justice fairly and firmly to be exercised. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man's heroic legacy, yours, Officer Cook, that will be humbly and humanely saluted. You kept the integrity of your department and other officers who you led on the straight and proper path. No deviation. Your life and career were of the proper balance and fabric of morals and principles.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2016
A top notch officer who helped to keep a semblance of balance and reason pinpointed within all citizens. Those Dade County residents expected and received excellent service from you, Officer Cook. You were kind and compassionate. Firm and fair. It's loyalty in most officers that drives their professional ambitions. Yours were honest and sincere. Charismatic and consistent. All anybody can really expect is a day's effort bring forth by the virtues of vitality and valor while preserving and serving the goals of those you watch over. Keep observing, Officer Cook, give those who have taken over your watch the inner strength to carry on with your legacy. One of dignity, resolve and decency. When integrity and leadership, vision and wisdom surround those brave souls, their tasks in fighting crime and its associated violence are made slightly easier. Though, police work is not easy, simple, routine or mundane. You had the right tools to tenaciously do battle. Your humbleness spoke from your heart, it is what keeps your family going in their pursuits in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2016
Engineering ingenuity. Pioneering perseverance. Distributing dignity through distinguished service. Providing protection. Serving residents of Dade County and helping top keep sanctity and peace bonded as one, you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. With a kind heart you gracefully delivered enhancement and everlasting vigilance with honesty and integrity. Your sterling character shone beyond any calls of duty. A professional through and through. Now God has your treasured soul up in heaven assisting Him with His eternal role and that is to fly high ever so humbly each moment watching over those who take on this tall task. And that is to be as loyal and as brave as you were, Officer Cook. When one commits to do the will of Our Creator they honor Him in being faithful and devout. For twenty-five years of accountability to all humanity, your nobility and humility rose to the standards expected of all public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2016
I meant to say, Officer Cook, that police officers live by the creed that respect must be gained. And the way it is earned is by being honest and loyal in all your professional affairs. Dade County and its citizens knew you had their backs and so peace and unity rested upon your morals. When courage and devotion meet at the same crossroad, character and decency too meet. The tracks of hope and destiny are made for all public servants to follow. Those who go astray will lose their rightful place when it's time for God to judge them. And more importantly, the safety and security may be infringed upon. You were our warrior and hero. It was in your genes to be helpful and considerate. You were a legend, Officer Cook, with commitment and consolidation always a part of your pristine appearance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2016
A giver of loyal and most efficient service to all Dade County. You will be remembered as a hero here in Dade County, Officer Cook, for your professional roles of relief and resolve. It's the resourcefulness and the humble honor that humbly walked in front of you as you patrolled a community where you continue to be so honored and saluted for your valor. Valor that validates all the enhancements your care and concern brought all people, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy forever etched in the hearts and minds of all colleagues and family. Those who loved you and admired your career ambitions. Very noble. Humanity's gift from God. A blessed hero. Help keep us safe. Keep flying high on those angelic wings, those sacred golden streets are forever at peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2016
Here is now. Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is a fresh start. Police officers leave by the creed that everyday must be respected and cherished. Their dignity and honor rides upon their movements around the communities they serve and protect. Your integrity, Officer Cook, incorporated the peace and unity of all Dade County residents. A very special servant whose heroism was on par with his humbleness and humility. Lives were saved. Structures remain sound and sturdy because of your unwavering courage and commitment. A gentleman with the kindest of hearts and the blessings from God for a job well done. Where and when character mattered, you were there, Officer Cook, to persevere and preserve the public interest most professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2016
The turning point of a person's life and career is judged by how well they perform that which they chose to follow through upon their dreams and aspirations. Dade County will record its heroes and heroines who gave their beings in a most dignified and honorable fashion. Integrity and intellect were you outstanding points of protection, Officer Cook. No officer while their salt may leave their loved ones without searching out these characteristics. A classy gentleman of desire, pure devotion and driven by the calls of Our Creator who guided your pathways in both your career and life, Officer Cook, one you took to heart in making Dade County more healthy, smart and efficient in hoe people treated each other. Never will you be forgotten for excellence in morals and upholding the laws we live and breathe by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The other day as I was visiting your grave on your birthday I came across two young folks. The lady Rochelle and her friend Mr. Torres were laying her one-hundred and two year old Godmother to rest. Mrs. Ann Esther Ramiro. Mrs. Cook, I'll keep thinking and saying my prayers on your behalf. One-hundred and one! Your life and its fruitfulness, faith and devotion shall always be celebrated. Continue enjoying good health, peace and prosperity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 2, 2016
Thanksgiving is an emotional time for my family. My mother, Bernice, passed away thirteen years ago and is very much missed. When your family gathers and celebrates the holidays, I'm sure your on their mind, Officer Cook. A loyal and gracious fellow whose gallantry and grace was revered in all Dade County. Its residents were the priorities of your service and protection. When a person embarks on a journey in life, we pray for their success in their every endeavor. Honor and humility rode in your squad car along with your partners who persevered while keeping peace and its hopes unified. We Shall Be One. Worthwhile. Superior. Beautiful. Outstanding. Your beloved soul and those angelic wings, Officer Cook, sure do fly high over our region, one filled with your humane accomplishments to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy of courage continues its crusade today, tomorrow and in the future. It contains your lessons and messages of faith and optimism attached to each future officer's service while out on patrol. Vigilance shall only be victorious when violence has been vanquished.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 2, 2016
When I see your bright and congenial smile, Officer Cook, I can only wonder beyond normal comprehension why your life and career ended so suddenly at the tender age of twenty-five? Police work is not having fun or the time of your life. The time to solve, the moments to resolve are upon us. One should seize the opportunity to channel your integrity and dignity and in an honorable manner contribute your God given talents back into society. The world of Dade County has been made more important and prominent by your sacrifice. Heroes and heroines grace our communities with their wisdom, vision and leadership capabilities. Yours, Officer Cook brought new life and promise to areas crying out for assistance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Though, you enjoyed working with some of the finest, the humblest of men and women who had traits and the very same fine character as you so possessed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 2, 2016