Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus
Kelly -
As you head back to work, I'll be thinking of you and know that Jonathan is watching over you in all that you do. I realize this has to be so incredibly hard for you and wish that I could be there to help you. You are doing such a wonderful job with Kaden and I know that Jonathan is looking down with pride in his eyes and love in his heart. I love you and am here for you day or night!
June 6, 2006
Thinking of you today. Know that you have prayers from all of us. We are all here to support you now.
We love you.
June 6, 2006
I just don't know what exactly to say. I have wanted to leave something on here for months. Please know that I think of you and Kaden daily. I know you have had some really tough days lately. You are such a strong person!
I can remember the first time you came home and told me about Jonathan. You were so excited about him. You knew immediately he was the ONE for you. I know you knew that, because I could see how happy you were. You even said that he was the ONE from the very beginning. You both knew you were meant to be together. Jonathan was different and in the best way for you. He was such a great guy and I know he made you so happy! I hope you will always share your memories with us all!
You know that no matter where we are and what is going on I will always be here for you. I am sorry I am not closer to OKC currently, but I am still here day or night to talk. I thank God everyday that you have Kaden and your family to support you through this as the days go on. Thank you for being the friend that you are! Jonathan knew he had met his soulmate and took advantage of that from the moment you guys met. He was a smart man.. You already know that. :)
God bless you!
Michelle Wakeland
May 29, 2006
Remembering you today and always.
May 29, 2006
I just wanted to let you know that I think of you and Kaden often. I know that you are about to go back to work and I am praying that God will give you strength, courage, and peace as you do. I also pray that God will watch over you and bring you home safely to Kaden every day. I will be praying for and thinking of you and Kaden as you make the transition back into work. I pray as well for the officers who work with you and ask that God give them the words to bring comfort to you, along with patience and understanding.
May God bless you, comfort you, and keep you safe!
OCPD officer's wife
May 25, 2006
This is the first time I have had the strength to read all of the beautiful reflections left on this site. Mike and I think of and pray for you daily. Kaden is such a doll and a mini version of his daddy! You are such a wonderful mom with so much love to give. My heart still aches every time I think of Jonathan's accident.
The "vegas marriage" is the sweetest thing I have heard ever. What a wonderful addition to a beautiful love story.
You and Kaden , as well as the entire Dragus and Keef families, are loved and admired.
I just wanted you to know that I think of you often, and that I pray for you every day.
Suzanne Labadie
OCPD wife
May 24, 2006
It's been three years today since our Vegas wedding. That day was always so special because it was something that was only shared between us. Although we had only been dating for abouth three months, we just knew it was right.
The last seven months without you have been the hardest of my life by far. I miss seeing your smiling face and hearing you laugh. I miss all the goofy things you would say. I miss how EVERY SINGLE time you ate Double Stuff Oreo Cookies you would put two together and say "Look, Quadruple Stuffed!" I even miss all those silly songs that you would just make up as you went along to whatever music happen to be playing at the time. I miss everything about you. I still haven't figured out how to live life without you here.
You and your "little buddy" Kaden are my greatest gifts and I give thanks and praise to God for blessing me so abundantly with you two.
I love you with every piece of my broken heart.
Happy 3rd Anniversary!
May 24, 2006
As you have my love and support everyday, I realize today, May 24th, and the anniversary of your marriage to Jonathan, may be an extremely difficult time for you. There is nothing I can say to ease the pain and sorrow that you still feel so I won't even try. Just know that you are
loved by many. And, know that Jonathan loved you with all of his heart and all of his soul and stood in awe of the strength you displayed delivering his precious son, Kaden. Kaden who, with every step, reminds us daily of his dad.
Thank you for allowing me to sing the following words at the Blue Mass for Law Enforcement Officers and especially Jonathan.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see.
A man in blue has lost his life, in service of the law. No greater love hath man than this, then to lay down his life for all.
The sacrifice you made for us, will never be forgot. And left behind to carry on, we will proudly take your watch.
May God bless and keep you safe in the palm of His hands.
I love you!
May 24, 2006
It's been extremely hard leaving a message on this page. We are so heart broken over your loss. Not a minute of a day goes by that we don't think about you. The pain is so overwhelming to a point that sometimes we think we can't go on another day. We are serviving because of the wonderful Police Officers that have surrounded us with love. They carry us when our tears remind us of the stark reality of your death. There I said it, your death. Your Father and I have been changed forever. Son, I promise you we will do everything to honor you. Your death will never become a soft memory. We will live our lives as you lived yours. We love Kelly with all of our hearts and we will always be there for her. We will watch little Kayden grow up and everytime he moves,laughs,talks we will see you. We will share with him all of the stories of your childhood and let him know how proud we were of you. Remember our Christmas tradition of the special Angel award. You are now my special Angel. I know you are watching us all with a smile and a good laugh. You were always the first one in the family to do everything, you are now the first one in heaven. Say hello to God for us. Hopefully we will see you in the by and by.
Phyllis and Dad
Father and Step-Mother
May 22, 2006
May 22, 2006
Kelly - There is not a day that goes by that we don't think about you and Jonathan. There's always that first tinge of sadness, and then I remember something that ALWAYS leaves me with a smile. We feel priveleged to call you friends, but honored that you considered us friends. In all that we do we hope we can honor his memory and be an example of the kind of person Jonathan was.
We will continue to remember you and your family in our prayers.
You are such an example of grace, dignity, and strength. I pray daily that no other officer spouse ever has to endure this, but know it is inevitable. I just pray that if I' ever on the other side that I can be the pillar of strength that you have become.
May 22, 2006
Shine your light down on me! by Robbie Robertson is a beautiful song that I think you will enjoy!
May 18, 2006
well i guess it has been a long time coming but i feel its finally time i left a message on the board and say a see ya later to jon.So SugarD, i had fun and it was a pleasure knowing you brother. rest in peace, we will take the watch from here...you can just check in on us from time to time. of course it goes without saying that we will continue to do all we can for kelly,kaden and ashlyn, but if you dont mind give'em a hug from time to time when they most need it to let them know you can still hear their i love yous.we miss you doesnt quite say it well enough so ill just say see you when my watch is over.boomer-sooner!
to kelly:
they say it gets easier with time. i have had the sorrow of having to bury both my parents, and after time has past, it has gotten easier. its easier now because i no longer remember the things that bring me sadness, every memory brings a smile or makes me laugh and i get a really good feeling in my soul. kinda like i just spent a few minutes remembering the thought with them. and then i continue to smile and it makes my day go a little easier. i still think of them everyday...but with smiles and laughter, not nearly as much sadness. i would like to thank you and jon for showing me something. the last time i saw you two together was at the fair and i had my kids there. i saw you guys together and i actually believed in true love, i could see it written all over the both of you. going through a divorce at the time i didnt believe in it but on you guys it was impossible to miss. since i dont watch the news when i went to get my son the next day, he said im sorry your friend from the fair died last night, and my heart just sunk. again i felt that familar feeling of utter disbelief and just thought, not jon. but its not my place to question god's plan and i try not too, but sometimes its seems a little off the mark and the wrong people get called home.i thought i was a strong person thru my loss, but watching you over the last few months has been impressive. your now a hero in my book. keep doing what you do. but remember this, when the doors close and the people leave and its all quiet, and the sorrow and loneliness and so many other feelings start to set in i honestly belive that when jon's the closest to you and can hear you best so if you wanted to talk to him speak with your heart and i would bet my badge he could hear you.
May 17, 2006
Kelly, I found this poem while searching for something completely different one day. I just wanted to share it. You and the entire family continue to be in my prayers...I'll always be here for you. Heather
I Never Dreamed it Would Be Me
(By Sgt. George Hahn, LAPD, Ret., engraved on the Peace Officer
Memorial in CA, across from the west steps of the Capitol Building.)
I never dreamed it would be me,
My name for all eternity,
Recorded here at this hallowed place,
Alas my name, no more my face.
"In the line of duty," I hear them say;
My family now the price will pay.
My folded flag stained with their tears;
We only had those few short years.
The badge no longer on my chest,
I sleep now in eternal rest
My sword I pass to those behind,
And pray they keep this thought in mind.
I never dreamed it would be me,
And with heavy heart and bended knee;
I ask for all here from the past,
Dear God, let my name be the last.
Heather Pope
May 15, 2006
You are remembered every day as we stand at attention to remember our fallen heros. You are missed very much and we really appreciated what you did to help the community even more.
Ryan Clanton
May 15, 2006
May 15, 2006
It is been five months and my heart tells me that this didn't happen. My head tells me to accept it. I don't know when or if my heart will catch up with my head. I never knew I could miss someone this much or that my heart could hurt this bad. I will continue to pray for who you left behind and for the strength to carry on.
Miss you brother.
Love, Sis
Michelle Rogers
March 20, 2006
My our sorrows be with you and your family in this freak accident resy in peace brother
Patrolman Brothers
Geary Oklahoma Police Department
March 17, 2006
I found this while looking at another officers reflections. I hadn't seen it before and I thought it was too nice not to share. It really does sound like something Jonathan would say.
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; Here is just enternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me and he said,'I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.'
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....In the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human they are bound to bring tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you would not understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you to;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night...."My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low:
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free.
Remember you're not going...you're coming here to me.
I will always be with you.
Love and Prayers,
Messena Howze
March 16, 2006
Still thinking about you every day. Wish you were here more than anything. My life will never be the same. None of us will ever be the same.
Love, Sis
Michelle Rogers
March 15, 2006
Don't grieve for me, for now I am free,
I'm following the path God laid out for me
I took God's hand when I heard Him call,
and turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
to laugh, to live, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that peace at the close of the day.
If my parting has left a void,
then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh a kiss;
ah yes, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine for tomorrow.
My life's been full; I've savored much,
good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me.
God wanted me now. He set me free.
~We love and miss you more than we could ever explain.
March 13, 2006
March 9, 2006
Dear Jonathan...We miss you and love you! Can't wait to see you again. I'm glad we got the chance to know you!! Lauren says "Wuv You". Kelly- Hope you are well! We love ya. Take care of yourself and let us know if we can do anything for you.. Give Kaden and Ashlyn our love. Kevin, Terri and Lauren Tucker
Kevin and Terri Tucker
March 4, 2006
Going to work isn't as fun without you. Not a night goes by that your name isn't brought up or a funny story told about you. We are all trying to give Kelly support and trying to ease her pain. Thanks for all the memories you gave us to talk about every night. Keep watching over us brother...
OCPD 3rd shift
March 2, 2006
Jon First of all I want to say Im sorry, that I have not wrote till now. I really dont know what to say, but I was told that it helps just to write. Ive worked with you for over 10years and, I cant think of a better person,leader, or friend that I could have. You were always happy,loving,and always willing to listen no matter what! We will never forget all the fun times we had. We think and pray for Kel and little guy everyday. We know you are watching over us, and Lord knows I need someone watching over me. We love you.
March 1, 2006