Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus

Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma

End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus

Dear Kelly,

I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. I see reflections left by Michelle and Shawn Rogers on the site of every fallen officer - you seem to have wonderful family surrounding you.

Jesse has been gone now for 11 months - I don't know how has so much time passed, yet stood still at the same time. I can't believe it will soon be one year. A whole year. It feels like he was just here.....

I hope you and your sweet baby are doing alright. I'm still praying for you.

Take care, Kelly.

Carin Sollman
widow of Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05

February 28, 2006


Jon knew you were there. He waited for YOU. He waited for Kaden. He waited for Ashlyn. Then he waited for all the people who loved you the most to surround you before he said good-bye.

Jon loved you so much and it showed. Your love for him showed also. A lot of people don't get to meet and marry their "soulmate".

As badly injured as Jon was he stayed with us for several hours. He had to make sure you were okay before he left.

He would want you to go on with your life. He would want you to be happy. He would want you to remember all the happy times together. He would want you to be happy when you remember your times together instead of it making you sad.

He is with you. He is a part of you. He is a part of Kaden. No one will ever be able to take that away from you. When we see you, we see Jon.

We all wish we could heal your pain and answer your questions and ease your fears. If we knew how to bring Jon back we would. Unfortunately none of us has figured out how to do any of these things.

You are loved.

February 27, 2006


Tomorrow is Samantha's birthday. I can't beleive she is going to be a year old. I guess I'm going to have to stop cursing soon. As you know, that is going to be challenging. I looked at a picture earlier tonight and marvelled at how small she was in the only picture we have of you holding. That picture will always grace her room as I know you are looking over her and your sister. Hey you can even keep an eye on me if you have time.

Kelly and Kaden are coming to see us tomorrow in Kansas City for Sammie's birthday. I am really looking forward to seeing them. Obviously, once he is big enough, I will take him to any sports event I can. He will know how unbelievable Adrian Peterson looked on his high school video. He will know Steve' Ribs. He will know what type of man his father was. And he will know he can always talk to his uncle if he needs a male perspective.

Right now, as I type this, I am extremely saddened by you not being here this weekend. More than just family, you were my friend. I miss you buddy. Obviously, your sister misses you more than words can say.


Shawn Rogers

February 22, 2006

Dear Jonathan...I know you are in a better place but, I hate knowing how much Kelly is suffering!!! I remember talking to you when I was going through such a hard time...and you told me that it seemed really unfair but, I should be strong and that GOD would help me...and HE has...but, my life has been forever changed. I Know Kelly's will be as well. Everything looks, tastes and sounds different. Life just never seems to make sense after something traumatic like I worry about Kelly. I still remember getting your wedding invitation in the mail...It seems like yesterday!!! I think about how proud of Kelly you were...I wish she could have heard that conversation!! I stopped by your grave site again and your O.U. flag was still makes me laugh, because I remember you giving me a hard time for being an O.S.U. alum...we will hash it out in I will always miss you! I know you would want me to help I will do everything I can...Just like you helped me in our time of need. You were such a good friend...I'm sorry I didn't tell you the last time we saw you...I'm telling you now!

Love always, your friend.

February 21, 2006

Kelly - I am thinking of you today. Wow, it still doesn't seem real. I pray every day for you and that things will get a little better for you, but I also know that if it was me I don't know how I would be doing. It just doesn't seem fair that such a wonderful person would be taken from us. But I know that God has a different plan...I just don't understand it and have to trust His will.
I replay that day over and over in my head and I hate it. I wish I could offer you some workds of comfort....just know that we love you and are praying for you and Kaden and Ashlyn.

Love Always!

February 20, 2006

It has been 4 months that seem like 4 years. We still think of you everyday.

We miss you!

February 20, 2006


I am missing you so much right now. I can't help but replay that horrible night in my head over and over. I would do anything to change the outcome. And I would do anything to know for sure that you knew I was there with you those last few hours. Everyone says that you know, but I just wish I knew for sure. I wish I could have gotten to the hospital faster. I wish I would have been working that night so I could have been right there with you every minute. I still can't believe this has happened to you.

Things are so tough. I only wish I knew exactly what you would want. Just know that I am doing the very best that I can. I have given Ashlyn lots of pictures of you and a couple DVDs so she can remember you. The videos of you are so perfect because they show exactly how you were. Like when you were jumping on the moonwalk acting silly at Ashlyn's birthday party and when you were cracking up laughing at Kaden because you were making him laugh so hard. I absolutely love that and I'm so glad we have those moments on film.

I love how on the other video you tried to make Scott feel better about the dog making a mistake on your traffic stop, and your laugh....I will always cherish that part. It was just so you. I love how you were always yourself. You never compromised who you were for anyone. So many people could learn how to be a better person by looking at the life you led and I am blessed to have been given the three short years that we had together.

There are so many times that I get upset because we both waited so long to find the perfect person and now that we found each other, now that we were both finally happy, you were taken. It seems quite unfair. Although we had our forever planned, God had a drastically different plan. I have to trust that He knows exactly what He's doing and have faith that God will see me through this because I know that's what you would do and that's what you would want, but I still miss you terribly.

I get so upset when I think about how Kaden has to grow up without you. I think about how much fun you would be having with him now that he is crawling everywhere and getting into everything. I'm sad that you won't be able to take him to any OU Football games. I will try to do everything I think you would have done with him, but it's just not the same.

I pray that Ashlyn and Kaden will be able to grow up together. Kaden needs her. She has more years of happy memories with you than any of us and I know he will want to hear all about them when he gets older.

Time is such a funny thing. It will be four months since you've been gone tomorrow and I still feel as if the calendar should still be set on October 2005. But at the same time, it seems like an eternity since the last time I saw you and had the opportunity to kiss you goodbye before you left for work. I miss you so much and I will never stop missing you. The huge hole in my heart will never be filled. I just pray that God will continue to give me strength to get through every situation, every moment and everyday.

I will love you forever and can't wait for the day that we meet again.



February 19, 2006

We miss you so much. It is still so hard to believe. Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind.Everyday Ashlyn comes through the door, I see you. She is really having a hard time right now. She misses you so much. It breaks nmy heart.She wishes you were here to watch her play her sports. I told her that you were watching but just not here. She is wanting to see all the pictures, movies, and everythinkg that we have of you and loves for us to tell her funny stories about you. Lord knows we have a few of those. It is just so unfair... We love you and always will..


February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day Jonathan. We all miss you more than you can imagine. Today I watched 2 videos in memory of you. One was from Ashlyn's birthday at Pump it Up and you are jumping on the moonwalk, then afterwards you come give me a hug. I remember that like it was yesterday. The other video was one of you on duty and it reminded me of when I got to do a ride a long with you. I still brag about that night to my friends every day. I know you are watching down on all of us, can't wait til we meet again so you can make me laugh like always. Love, Shayla


February 14, 2006

I miss you and think of you every day. I am trying to stay strong because I know that is what you want me to do. I just wish I could talk to you.

Love, Sis

February 14, 2006

Daddy i wish i could hug you right now but I know your busy working for Jesus. I miss you so so so so soso much and I cry for you every night. I have some pictures of you that remind me of you and mommy tells me storys all the time to. i miss my best xbox buddy and i miss going to see you on the weekends. I just want to tell you that I miss you so much and to tell you that I got a new pet sugarglider for chrismas and I named him SugarD like our last name backwards and to remember you. I am going to see uncle brian on my springbreak in Chicago and mommy is going to teach me how to ski to. i love you daddy so much. your daughter, ashlynbear


February 12, 2006

Thank you for your kind words. I know they came from someone who knows how we feel. Chuck and Sgt. Dragus were too young to be taken, but unfortunately they were. I take comfort that they died with honor doing what they love. The one year anniversary will be hard, as will the trip to Washington in May. It will be awesome to watch these heros be honored as they deserve. You and your family are in my prayers. Tell Kelly that I think of her and the kids. I know how hard it must be for them. "Blessed are the peacemakes, for they shall be called the children of God"

Brandy Mapp
Cousin of C. Haist EOW 2/16/05

February 6, 2006

I still can't believe that you are gone. My heart hurts still for the loss we all have suffered.
Please continue watching over us....until we meet again.

February 6, 2006

I would give anything to turn the clock back to Oct. 19. You are in my thoughts every minute of every day. When my work here is done and in God's time I will see you again.

February 1, 2006

Kelly and Jonathan -
I'm thinking of you today and remembering your wedding day. I know this day has to be incredibly hard for Kelly. I don't know if I've ever seen two people more happy and in love than the two of you on your wedding day. I thank you both for letting me share in your special day. You could see that you were soulmates. I wish with all of my heart that you could have had more days together.

Jonathan - you would be so proud of Kelly. She is doing a wonderful job with Kaden. He is so loved and you should see his face light up when you ask him where Daddy is and he turns toward your picture. I don't know that I could be as strong as Kelly is given everything that has happened.

Kelly - I'm so glad that I was able to come down and stay with you for a few days. I think of you daily and wish that I was closer so that I could physically be there to help you with everything. Know that I think of you all the time and I'm here - day or night for anything.
I love you.

Erin Jensen

January 30, 2006

Thinking of you today Kelly... and your beautiful son as well as the love of your life that was so tragically taken from you far far too soon. You remain in my prayers day and night.

LEO Fiancee,Verified Member of police wives online, and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05

Someone who cares

January 29, 2006

I miss ya brother

January 27, 2006


I still can't believe you are listed on this site. It just doesn't seem possible. We were supposed to have that double retirement party in 15 years that you were already planning, go on that retirement cruise and live happily ever after. It still isn't real to me that you are gone. I miss you so much and just can't get over the fact that the world is never going to see you smile or hear you tell a joke or give advice again. You seemed to know a little bit about everything...or at least pretend to :)
I miss having you explain something to me and then having to ask if you were serious. I miss that big smile and then the "Nah, I just made that up."

I just can't understand how someone who had so much to life to live can be taken from this world...and from me. I miss you more than a million words could explain.

We never spent a day apart and now it's been just over 3 months that I've had to live without you. It's just not fair. Kaden and I miss you more than anything. I can only imagine how much fun you would be having with him now. He is into everything and doing so much. You would be so proud! Actually, I'm sure you are proud because I know you are looking down on us. I just wish you were here with me to share in the joy that he brings.

I love you more than anything and I will never stop missing you. I pray daily that God gives me strength to get through each day and that Jesus walks with me and carries me when I'm weak.

Keep watch over us...until we see you again.

I love you!


Officer Kelly Dragus
Oklahoma City Police Department

January 22, 2006

Kelly, My husband Kevin was an Oklahoma City Police Officer until 2003 and graduated the police academy with Jonathan. We were friends with him and loved him very much. We have so many good memories of him. Kelly, I think of you everyday and I pray that you are doing better. I know Kevin worries about you as well... Please let us know how you are doing!!! We wish you love and happiness in the future...We know jonathan is watching over you and the kids!! We will continue to pray for you everyday!! P.S....When you go back to work, do not be have 1000 officers and 1000 angels backing you!!! If you ever need a lunch partner call me!! Sincerely, Terri Tucker

Terri Tucker

January 20, 2006


Everytime the 20th rolls around, I find myself thinking of you all day. I drove by the accident scene on my way to lunch today and had pull my car over and get control of myself, but I know that my feelings are so small compared to what you must be going through. Please, please let me or Jeff know if there is anything we can do for you... even if it's just a playdate or babysitter! I think of you everyday, and pray for you every time.

Melisa Tanksley

January 20, 2006

It has now been 3 long months but your smile lives on!

To Kelly and Jonathan's Family...
You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

January 20, 2006


January 19, 2006

Thank you so much for the words of comfort. Only someone who has experienced this tragedy can truly understand the pain. Such bright and ambitious young men. It hardly seems fair that life ended at such an early age for them. I will certainly look for you in Washington as we remember Jonathan and Mark and so many others that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our safety. Until then wishes for peace, love and happiness are sent from me to you.

Thomas Carthron Jr.
Brother of Corporal Mark Carthron EOW 09/12/05

January 18, 2006

Though I didn't know you, I feel like I did. I know Michelle and Shawn and have listened to many stories about what kind of man you were. I can feel their hurt, their pain and their emptiness You are loved and missed very much.

Joy Powell

January 13, 2006

Sugar D,

We all miss you so much. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you. I know that you are up there watching over everyone every day and being our protector. You are doing a great job of it, just like you did a great job down here.


Keep watching us Jonathan, until we can all be with you again.

January 12, 2006

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