Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus

Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma

End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus


Its been almost three months. I can't believe its been that long. I'd like to say things are getting easier around the house, but they really aren't. Your sister doesn't even have to say anything for me to recognize that she misses you to no end. You played a greater role in her life than you will ever knew. I hope you know now how much you meant. She is now a different person without you. I'm trying to be there for her, but it is really difficult sometimes. Of course, I miss you also but I wouldn't even pretend that there is any comparison of what each of us are going through. Then I think of Kelly and Ashlyn and I just want to cry.
I am so busy at work and so stressed and I come home to such sorrow. I'm just waiting for this whole thing to make us stronger, because at times we feel so defeated.

In any event, we love you and miss you.
Sammie is getting so tall and she talks all the time. SHe's built just like your sister. Her neck all the way around is about the size of a silver dollar.

Love, your brother-in-law Shawn

Shawn Rogers

January 11, 2006

My deepest sympathy to the Dragus family for their loss. There are no words I can offer to comfort you and sorry is not a word that I can use to ease your grief and broken hearts. Jonathan will never be forgotten by those that love him nor will the Family Blue forget him. Jonathan, keep watch over your wife and children, parents and close friends. Wrap your wings around them in an attempt to relieve them of some of their grief. Watch over and guide your children and help them choose the right path in life. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

January 11, 2006

Kelly I sit her today thinking about you and Kaden. Well, I do every day. I pray for peace and understanding for all of us and I just pray that you feel the love of everyone around you. I don't even know how to convey into words how I feel and how I pray for you and your family. I've always enjoyed the midnight feedings with the kids because it's a time that I can also spend in prayer and feel very close to God....and now all of those times are spent in prayer for you and Kaden. I just always feel that I can really talk to God during this time and plead with him for something that I could do to help you. I know he has a plan and it's not my place to judge but I just wish there was something; anything that I could do to give you just an ounce of peace and joy.
I don't write or speak as eloquently as others but I just hope that you know you are loved and have so many still praying for you, and yours and Jonathan's family.

A friend

January 10, 2006

Jonathan, today I had lunch with some girls from my work. The song that played at your funeral started playing in the background. I fought hard to choke back the tears. Three months and it still hurts like the day you left. I only find peace in knowing you are in a far better place than me. Some day I will be able to hear that song and smile as I remember you and how you were. The other day me and Dad were talking about the time when you were little and we were swimming at the pool. You were wearing floaters on your arms because you were to small and didn't know how to swim. You got out of the pool and demanded Dad take them off. When Dad asked you why, you said "I can't get to the bottom". It made me laugh. That is how you lived your life. You were always trying to get somewhere and you never let anything hold you back. Everything you wanted to do in life you did. I am so proud to have you as my brother.

Love always, Sis

Michelle Rogers

January 10, 2006


I still can't believe that you are gone. Everyone says that this will get easier "in time". I'm just not sure that is true. Each day goes by and I miss you more and more. Kaden does something new and I just wish more than anything you could be here watching him. He is the only thing that I can find any joy in. He makes me laugh with all the faces that he makes and all the things he does. He is definitely his father's son! He is a super social baby and he loves it when he's got a crowd around him. He is looking more and more like your baby pictures with that toe-headed blond hair just like yours was. I hope he grows up to look and be just like you. He can't really talk yet but the one word that he understands is "da da". I show him your picture several times a day and every time I ask him "Where's da da?" He looks right at your picture and smiles so big. I know he misses you too.

I miss just being around you. You made me smile a hundred times a day. You could lighten up any room and people just seemed to gravitate towards you. You were just the type of person that people want to be around. I still miss you more than anything and there are so many others who miss you too.

Life just isn't and never will be the same without you. We left town over Christmas and my birthday because I couldn't do what we've always done for the holidays. I know that there is no place on the planet I could go to escape the saddness I feel but I just wanted to go away. One thing I noticed was that beaches just aren't as beautiful, the water just isn't as blue, waves just aren't as awesome and times that are supposed to be fun just aren't without you with me. The whole time I was just thinking of what a great time we would be having if you were there. We all miss you so much.

I continue to pray that God gives me strength to get through each and everyday. I pray that God will comfort me and Kaden as well as Ashlyn, your dad and Michelle, along with the rest of your family and mine. We all miss you more than anything. Life just isn't the same for any of us without you here.

I find comfort in knowing that you are with our precious Lord in his perfect care and I know that I will see you again.

I love you more than anything and can't wait for the day we are reunited.


Officer Kelly Dragus
Oklahoma City Police Department

January 6, 2006

Shawn & Michelle,

I read your post tonight on Todd's page - like the 2 of you, I read it is true - a website that we didn't even know existed is one that we look at each day. I too have read about is funny - I can see the love that you have for him & it so reminds me of the love that my sister & I have for Todd. I'm not certain if all brothers and sisters have these bonds, but I know that we do & my heart goes out to you and your baby. I can see how much you wanted her to know her Uncle & she will in the stories that you tell her about him. He died loving what he did & I believe there is a special place in heaven for he & Todd & other great heroes who stand watch & allow us to sleep peacefully at night.

God Bless you and your family - & I hope that we are able to meet you in may to support you while you honor Jonathan.

Sister of Trooper Todd M. Larkins, EOW 7/8/2005

January 5, 2006

Our first Christmas without wasn't the same. For the first time in 13 years you were not there for Dirty Santa and for the first time in 13 years the game was a dud. This whole thing is so strange. The reality that you are gone still hasn't set in but at the same time the grief is so strong. I hope that you know you are loved and missed by so many. Ashlyn especially misses you terribly. Your absence in her life will be felt for so many years to come. I will never let her forget you. Please continue to watch over her and Kaden. You would be so proud of her. She is playing basketball and is probably the best player on the team. I know you are watching her from Heaven but it just isn't the same. We miss you Jonathan...every day.

Tanae Dragus-Clark

January 3, 2006

To the family of Sergeant Dragus,

My husband was killed in the line of duty 9 months ago, leaving me a widow with a 6 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. You also have been widowed, with 2 children. How many times have you said that this just isn't fair? I think I've said it at least one million times.

I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you and tell you that you are all in my thoughts and prayers during this holiday season. I understand all too well the pain in your hearts. I can only pray that the New Year will bring hope and new beginnings for all of us.

Mrs. Dragus, please know that your heart won't always hurt the way it does right now. The pain will soften with time. I believe that our husbands are our guardian angels now and that they will wrap their wings around us, will protect and guide us on this very painful journey. I pray for you, that you will have strength and courage. I pray for myself too.

God bless all of you, and God bless Sergeant Dragus. May you rest in peace, Blue Angel.

Carin E. Sollman
widow of Easton Police Officer Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05

January 2, 2006

Dear Kelly:

I came across your name from another officers reflection and I had to look up your husbands name and reflections. I am sorry to read about the death of your husband....your solemate...I can't even imagine your pain. I do know the pain I felt and still sometimes feel pertaining to the line of duty death of my brother Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi. And yet, even though I feel my pain, I cannot even imagine my mom's.

There doesn't seem to be enough pictures, videos, cards, etc.. to ease the pain. My only help, has been God. Everytime i am feeling that intense pain, I pray to God to ease it...and he has. I've filled my life by turning the tragedy into something positive, I started a non-profit organization Fallen Officers Remembered, and now I am so busy trying to make a difference, that the pain has eased for the most part. I want to continue my brother's dream of helping to keep people safe and able to sleep sound. I know he is proud of the accomplishments of our organization.

Your husband and you have chosen the most courageous paths, and even though his life here on earth has ended, he will live on. I've resolved to believe that life on earth is just a test for the next and we all need to make some kind of difference in the lives of others. So, keep doing that in anyway you can. But, do allow yourself to be human and grieve. If you ever feel alone and need to talk, just email me.

I will continue to pray for you and your little ones and the family and friends of your husband.

My brother loved the quote "Life is not about the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away"...(something like that)

Take Care, God Bless, and just hold on.

Sincerely, Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03


Imagine how our world would be
If every police officer quit
Turned in their gun, turned in their badge,
Just finally had enough of it.

No respect, no loyalty,
No appreciation of all they do,
They’d give their lives for all of us,
These wonderful officers of “Blue”.

Kicked at, spit on,
Punched, stabbed and shot,
Everyday assaults on officers,
Done…without thinking a second thought!

Our laws are in favor of criminals,
There’s always some loophole in their case,
Out again to commit more crimes and murders
…creates pain, that we, the family and friends
…in time will never erase.

Why should they do it?
Why take the risk?
Why put their life on the line?
Subject their loved ones to endless suffering,
When their precious life is lost while fighting crime.

More murders, more kidnappings, more robberies and rapes,
Just to mention a few,
Please ask yourself how life would be,
If there were NO officers in Blue!

Would you do it? Could you do it?
And for how many…would YOU give it all?
Rewards are a 21 gun salute, a Medal of Honor,
And your name gets added to the Wall.

Think about it. Why are they here?
And why do some hate them so?
Because they enforce the laws that put convicts and murderers
In jail serving time, or on “Death Row”.

All give some and some give all,
It’s a risk they chose to take:
To put their heart and soul in it,
To put their lives at stake.

So, please take a moment,
Please give it deep thought,
Think of what “you can do”…

To help show respect,
To help follow the laws,
So we’d quit losing our Heroes in Blue!

Written by Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
Sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03.


Imagine how our world would be
If every police officer quit
Turned in their gun, turned in their badge,
Just finally had enough of it.

No respect, no loyalty,
No appreciation of all they do,
They’d give their lives for all of us,
These wonderful officers of “Blue”.

Kicked at, spit on,
Punched, stabbed and shot,
Everyday assaults on officers,
Done…without thinking a second thought!

Our laws are in favor of criminals,
There’s always some loophole in their case,
Out again to commit more crimes and murders
…creates pain, that we, the family and friends
…in time will never erase.

Why should they do it?
Why take the risk?
Why put their life on the line?
Subject their loved ones to endless suffering,
When their precious life is lost while fighting crime.

More murders, more kidnappings, more robberies and rapes,
Just to mention a few,
Please ask yourself how life would be,
If there were NO officers in Blue!

Would you do it? Could you do it?
And for how many…would YOU give it all?
Rewards are a 21 gun salute, a Medal of Honor,
And your name gets added to the Wall.

Think about it. Why are they here?
And why do some hate them so?
Because they enforce the laws that put convicts and murderers
In jail serving time, or on “Death Row”.

All give some and some give all,
It’s a risk they chose to take:
To put their heart and soul in it,
To put their lives at stake.

So, please take a moment,
Please give it deep thought,
Think of what “you can do”…

To help show respect,
To help follow the laws,
So we’d quit losing our Heroes in Blue!

Written by Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
Sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03.

Fallen Officers Remembered

January 2, 2006

Happy New Year!! Hope you enjoyed the fireworks from up there!

January 1, 2006


Tonight is New Year's Eve. Your sister and I just plan to stay home with little Samantha. I can't believe it's been more than two months since that horrible day when we drove five hours not knowing how you were doing and not knowing whether we would see you again. I will never forget when I was told you had passed. I didn't even have to tell your sister. I just slowed to the speed limit and she knew without a word. The first thing she did was take off her seat belt and jump in the back seat and look at little Sammie and say that all she wanted to do was have children and try to fill this void in her life. It is now clear that the void will never be filled. Having fifteen children still would not replace you and what you meant to us. We love you, miss you and talk about you everyday. In any event, we still do want to have more children, so please put in good word for us upstairs. You never did tell me the secret on how to make little boys. You said you would. The confidence you had in whatever the secret was was incredible. I guess I'm back to the coin toss. Happy new year.


Shawn Rogers

December 31, 2005


December 31, 2005

My dearest Kelly,
I would love to wish you a Happy Birthday today, but instead I realize grief and disbelief are still too present to feel you could ever again find happiness without Jonathan. The unbearable pain I too am feeling is not only from the loss of Jonathan but at watching you grieve and finding no words to console or help you find comfort. The sorrow and anguish doesn’t seem to lessen with the passing days like people say it should. Even though it has been two months, I find Jonathan ever present in my waking hours and I wake every night at approximately the same time that I received your phone call tearfully asking me “Can you come over…something’s happened to Jonathan.” I hear your words over and over in my head and still pray that it’s just a nightmare. If I feel this way, I can only begin to feel your pain. I’m so truly sorry that you have to endure this. I pray every day for you Kaden and Ashlyn and I want you to know that I’m here for you now and will be whenever you need me. God bless and keep you safe.
I love you,

Anne Keef-Brown

December 28, 2005

I read your reflection on Chuck's page and wanted to tell you that you and your family are in my prayers. I am very sorry for your loss. My family shares in your pain. It is harder to lose someone so young and so suddenly. I know that is what I struggle with. But, I know that Chuck and your brother died doing what they loved and what they believed in. They, along with all the other fallen officers are true heros and I am proud of them. May God bless you and yours in the new year.

Brandy Mapp
Cousin of Chuck Haist EOW 2/16/05

December 28, 2005


I pray for you and your family. As a sister - one that has a strong brotherly love, I truly and deeply feel for your loss. I know the Holidays are tough, as they are for our family. Life simply is not the same. As you mentioned our brothers are with Jesus this year and are finally at peace. I with you, this is the only thing that brings me hope knowing he is upstairs and looking down on us! Know that Jonathan is in good company and that you are thought of daily. My heart and prayers to you and your family!
Sister, Fallen Officer Chuck Haist

Kathalee, Sister of Fallen Officer

December 27, 2005


December 25, 2005

To Jonathan's family:
I just wanted to let you know that your family has been weighing heavily on my mind this holiday season. I am thinking and praying for all of you and pray that God will continue to give you the strength that only He can provide to get you through this difficult time. May God give you comfort and peace throughout the days to come. I hope that you have a truly blessed Christmas!

Michelle Heath
wife of OCPD officer

December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas JON!!!!!!

Hey man am going to miss you. I know you are looking down on us and looking over us. To the family take care and just remember the good times.

December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas Dragus!

Kelly, We will be thinking about you the next couple of days and remembering you in our prayers. We truly hope you and Kaden have a Blessed Christmas.

Sgt. Kevin Howze and Family

December 23, 2005


December 23, 2005



December 22, 2005

It was three months ago yesterday, but it only seems like yesterday. There isnt a single day that goes by that I dont think about that night. At times I feel so angry, not only for myself, but also for Kelly, Kaden, and Ashlyn. You had such an impact on all of us. Myself and the rest of the guys miss you more than you can imagine. The one thing that gives us comfort is knowing now of where you are at.

December 21, 2005

Dear Jonathan, it has been 2 months since you left us. That day is still so fresh in my mind. I wish I could have said goodbye. You were taken so fast. I replay that day over and over each time hoping to get a different outcome. Me and Shawn watched the video of all the photos taken at your funeral last night. The pictures that show the amount of people that came to show their respects were truly amazing. You touched so many lives. I hope you know how much you were truly loved. Although you are not here in flesh I know that you are with me every day in spirit. Christmas will be here soon and I am trying my hardest to make it a special one for me and my family. I miss you more than I can express in words. I still can't believe you are gone. I can only imagine what joy and happiness you are feeling now. I will continue to find strength in what remains behind and in the many memories I have of you.
Love, Sis

Michelle Rogers

December 20, 2005

This post is to Jonathan's little angel, Ashlyn. Darlin I want you to know that I also think of you and your little baby brother Kaden every day. I have a son too, his name is Shaun. He is 9 years old. Your father has seen pics of him and he knew of him as I told him about him through the years. Well I just wanted to tell you that when I came out to pay my resects to your family that I stood there to wait my turn to console Kelly. And I had brought two long stemed roses one that I had intended to give to Kelly and then the other one to lay on his casket. But I saw you sitting there with your mother and you looked up at me with a kind smile then I smiled back. You sat there like a little lady and you had your hands placed on your lap and I heard a soft voice say to me "Robin will you give my little girl my rose for me" and I went up to you and kneeled down and I told you that I was your Daddys barber, and he just wispered in my ear for me to give you his rose. I remember the gentle smile upon your face as you took the rose and you gave me a big hug. I hope you will always keep that rose honey. It is a rose for you at your Daddys requset, he was watching you and he was near you closely. Your Daddy will be with you always, for he will always be your Guardian Angel for years to come. Never forget that honey. And do you know what? You are going to always be close to your younger brother Kaden for years to come! He will grow up looking just like your Brave Daddy! Who knows, he might even serve on the Police Dept too! You both have such love from your family and a wonderful future is going to be yours! I just know it! Well I hope that Santa brings you nice presents for Christmas and great peace in your heart. You will always be in my prayers from this day on Ashlyn. Stop by to say hello at Mastercuts at Ouail Springs Mall when your mommy takes you shopping, okey! Love Robin K. Riddle and Merry Christmas from Shaun and I...........

Robin K. Riddle
Master Cuts at Ouail springs Mall

December 19, 2005

Hello and Merry Christmas to every one that reads this post. I want to share my love and grief for Sergent Johnathan Dragus. He was my dear friend and my client for several years. I attended the funeral service and said my good bye to him in prayer at the Memorial Cemetery. His wonderful wife, Kelly was such a strong woman at that time in her life. I could feel her loss and pain in her eyes. She introduced me to his brother and father and mother. Jonathan had told them all about his Barber, Robin. It made me feel good to know that he had shared our many laughs and great police hair cuts! Well I want to say to Kelly that I have said a prayer for you every night. I cannot tell you Kelly that I expect Jonathan to walk in with his happy smile to the salon and ask if I can cut his hair that day. It has been hard to not see him agian to get his hair cut by me, I miss him too. I know this is Christmas time and I am just heart broken for you darlin. I Want you to know Kelly that I pray that you will feel the presence of your dear husband this Holiday season. And remaember what I wispered in your ear, Our Lord Jesus will always hold you in his loving arms at night when you sleep and bring you and your little baby peace and healing. I just wanted to let you know that you are never forgotton and neither will dear Jonathan! I love you and Merry Christmas to you and the baby. I was told that you are getting back to work soon. Just be safe and take care of yourself okey! Peace to you and stop by to say hello if you are ever in the mall. Love Robin and my 9 year old son, Shaun...........

Robin K. Riddle
MasterCuts hair salon, Ouail Springs Mall

December 18, 2005

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