Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus
Jon, was just thinking of you today,because in one month from today, it will be your birthday again. My heart is sad that you won't be here to celebrate with Kelly, Kaden, Ashlyn and all those that love you!!! Knowing in my heart and mind that you are in Heaven and Happier than we can even imagine...helps so much to remind me that we on earth are just being selffish wanting you here with us! We love you so much!!! Please pray for us. your friend, always !!
June 6, 2007
Still can't believe you are gone. I know you are with me and it gives me strength. The amount of grief I feel sometimes is unmeasurable. I think of you and miss you every day.
Love Sis
Michelle Rogers
June 3, 2007
Dear Jon, still thinking of you. The world just isn't the same without you. I'm really glad I had the pleasure of knowing you. watch over those in blue.
your friend
June 2, 2007
Kelly and Jonathan -
I'm thinking of you today - I know that today must be hard for Kelly. I am amazed at the strength and faith that she has shown through all of this. Continue to watch over her and Kaden.
Erin Jensen
May 24, 2007
Kelly - we hope Kaden has a wonderful Birthday!! We are thinking of you this week as you travel. And as we all remember Jonathan we remember you and Kaden and Ashlyn too.
You are a true tower of strength and courage.
We love you
Casey and Al
May 11, 2007
Kelly -
Please give Kaden a big hug and kiss as he celebrates his birthday!!! I hope you know how much I love and miss you guys.
Love You
May 10, 2007
I have not been able to bring myself to write anything on this site until now. I visit it often and get overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions. I miss you and your sense of humor. I miss seeing you a Kelly together and watching the obvious love that you both shared. I know that you are in the place where The Lord wants you to be, but that doesn't make it any easier for those of us that are left behind.
I have so many wonderful memories of all four of us going out and always laughing. You and I were like two kids while Dan and Kelly were the "adults". I miss those times. I have pictures set out of all of us together and look at them everyday. I am thankful for all the wonderful memories that I have like when me and you were wearing "Billy Bob" teeth at Chandlar's birthday party, or when all four of us were making your flower bed and 11 pm and you and Dan took the trash can to a nearby lot to "borrow" dirt. I'm surprised that your neighbors didn't complain about all the noise from us laughing so hard.
Kelly and Kaden are doing great, she is such a strong person and continues to be a great friend. I can't believe that Kaden is almost 2!! This next week will be difficult for Kelly and the rest of us, so please comtinue to watch over all of us.
Love ya and miss ya!
May 10, 2007
Kelly, we hope you are all safe from those horrible
May 9, 2007
Dear Jonathan,
I remember all those times that us springlake guys would come into the Dennys at 63rd and May and eat. I would always see you and would listen to all the funny stories you would tell and always thought to myself man what a funny guy. I really didnt know you that well but all I ever heard were good things about you and how great a husband, father, friend, son, you were. I always think about that day the Lord needed you and just wanted to say that you are really missed. God Bless and keep and eye out for your boys...
Sgt. D. Carter 1372
May 2, 2007
Dear Jonathan
Everyday as I set in my office, I look at your picture and think to myself this must be a bad dream. We will never get over your death. Your Father and I talk about you everyday. We so honor you. We know you made a difference to so many people while you were with us on earth. I know you are now my special angel. I know if I need you to help me with your Father's grief you will help me. Many times when he is overflowing with sorrow this past year, I have asked you for inner peace for your Father. You have always showed me your signs by giving him a little strength. Thank you for the help. God knows I need all of the help possible.
We had dinner with the rest of the family last week and it is very clear that Kaden is just like you. Ann and I are going to have so much fun teaching him about horses, camping and nature. Paul and I feel so blessed to have Kelly as our Daughter. She has been an inspiration to us all. She has conducted herself with dignity and strength. We know you must be smiling from heaven as you view the continued love and wisdom that grows in this family. We are now able to get together and talk about your funny side.
We know other families feel the intense pain that we have felt, when an Officer is lost. We know we are not alone in our suffering, it still doesn't help to remove the knife from our hearts caused by your senseless death. God just had bigger plans for you. I don't know if we will ever recover
Your Sister is doing great! We can't wait to see the twins over Memorial Weekend. We are going to Chicago to see your Brother too. Mureen is pregnant! That will be 8 grandchildren for us. Karen has a new job. She is happy and the boys are great! Michael is still pursuing his music and working for Dad in the Dental Lab. We all send you a bunch of love from us mere earthlings!
I read the reflection from Ashlyn. Ashlyn, we will never forget your birthday! Please call us. We miss you very much. We know how you are hurting from the death of your Father. We want to tell you about his life from his birth until God took him to heaven. We want to share with you all the stories of when he was a little boy. Just call us. We will always be there for you.
I ride your favorite horse all the time. Many times Blondie and I have quiet moments where we just hug one another and burst into tears. God, please grant us all strength.
Phyllis Dragus
Phyllis Dragus
April 30, 2007
This has been a very tragic week. Watching all that has gone on and watching these families that have lost loved ones so suddenly has brought back so many memories for me. That tragic sudden loss is hard to accept. It's still so fresh in our minds and on our hearts. As I watch the news and watch these families I'm reminded of those early morning phone converstations getting details of your accident and trying to make sense of it all. It never goes away. I'm just so thankful that I had the privelege to call you friend.
You will be forever missed and that hole that you have left will never be filled. But we know you are watching over us and your spirit and your sense of humor is still with us today.
Kelly, we love you and Kaden!! God Bless you!
April 19, 2007
Change is never easy...at least for me anyways. I've had to change and adapt to more things in the last 18 months than I ever wanted to in my life! When things get overwhelming though I just think about how you would handle things and it helps me out. I try to be strong because I know that you would be a rock. You had amazing faith that could get you through anything and I still admire you for it and I thank you for continuing to be an example to me even though you aren't here to actually show me.
I hated leaving everyone on 3rd shift. I missed them before I even left! That was my home...it was your home and it was extremely hard to walk away from. Those guys weren't just my support, they are my family...just like they are your family. I didn't want to leave for the same reasons we didn't want to leave after Kaden was born. Everytime I told someone that I was leaving but I was going "kicking and screaming", I thought of you because you must have said that 100 times when we thought we were going to have to go to days.
Well, as much as I hate to admit it, things are actually going pretty well in Investigations and I think that it will ultimately work out alright. Not sure if I'll ever get used to getting up at 5:30AM but I'm working on it. By the way, your son isn't a morning person either! :)
But the absolute hardest thing about being downtown is walking past your name on the Memorial and wishing every single time I passed it that it wasn't there. I never in a million years would have imagined your name would be etched in that stone and I can't even begin to explain how I wish there wasn't a need for it to be there. Although I'm slowly adapting to the new position, I don't know if I'll ever get used to that. No matter what is going through my head as I'm walking up to that monument, I will forever think of you and your sacrafice when I see it. It's so hard though because it is yet another reminder of how much I miss you, but I know if I think about your smiling face and remember that adorable laugh it will surely make me smile.
Loving and missing you...now and forever.
April 17, 2007
Good luck Kelly, you'll always be in our prayers.
April 16, 2007
I just wanted to say you will be missed as you move to Investigations and begin the next phase of your career. I'm thankful that I got to see and talk to you as much as I did over the last few months. And I'm also thankful that Scott and Blitz took a few nights off so Harry and I could come search your buildings for you. I enjoyed getting to talk to you afterward, and also when I ran into you and Kaden at the mall, even though I had just finished dropping my drink on the Food Court floor!
I certainly hope that you will have time to ride with Scott every now and then, and that you will let us know when you do. I admire your strength and courage, your devotion and endurance, and you are an inspiration to many on our department, myself included.
Take care, Kelly...stay close.
SSgt Brian Cook
OCPD K9 Unit
April 9, 2007
Hey John i was sitting here 10-8 just waiting on a call....For some reason i was thinking about you....i wear the dog tag with your picture on it everynight.....miss you, tell Jeff and Matt to keep watching out for us........Blu
April 1, 2007
Missing you today and everyday...
March 29, 2007
Dad I miss you I've tried writing so many good things about you to remember you but it never works.I miss hugging you tight when I came over to see you. I just pray that your watching over us at this time of month speeking of month I still celebrate your birthday hopefully you will to don't forget my birthday on the 26,of March.
March 19, 2007
Although it looks like reflections are slowing down, we will never ever, ever forget what you you gave up for us!
I hope you know that!
March 19, 2007
Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
Thinking of you all.. as always.
Messena Howze
March 18, 2007
Thinking of you today. I hope you know how much you are missed and loved.
March 13, 2007
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know."
John 14
March 8, 2007
Jon...We were looking through our photo album this week and came across old memories of you...it broke my heart!! I remember when I was laying in the ambulance and you came over to be with me and make sure I was going to be O.K.!! I remember you asking the Paramedic if I was O.K. ....and staying by my side until Kevin arrived. I will never forget that!!! I was scared to death...but, I felt relieved that you stayed with me. I never had a chance to say Thank You...so...Thanks Jon! You were such a good friend!!! We will never forget you!!! Please pray for Kevin as he goes through this uncertain time...and I hope you know we continue to pray for you and your family. Love, Terri
Terri and Kevin Tucker
February 27, 2007
Jonathan...We were so happy to hear that some justice was served for your death!!! We pray that you will watch over the officers who protect us daily! We miss you!
Terri and Kevin Tucker
February 16, 2007
You will always be remembered. Rest easy, we have it from here.
February 8, 2007
Kelly, We know with Valentine's Day coming up this week...it will be a very difficult day for you. We wish you love and happiness. You are always in our thoughts and prayers!! Jonathan, we miss you!
February 8, 2007