Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus
As your one year EOW approaches we lift your family up in prayer! You will always live in the hearts of all of us!
October 4, 2006
Jon, we lost another brother on sunday, I am sure you and trooper mcclendon are watching over us. I am positive you have that smile on your face and are probably telling a joke, and discussing the OU\texas game. Brother we miss you so much, It is two weeks to your end of watch date,and It still hurts. Shana and I check in on Kelli and Kaden .They are always in our thoughts and prayers. I saw Phyllis Poe at the fair and she showed me a new picture of Kaden , He is such a good looking boy, you did good.Watch over us. Kelli we love you.
Sgt. VanCuren
October 4, 2006
Miss having the OU talks with you this year, I'm sure your up there screaming at them refs to. Well enjoy your seats I think we could have a great year. Texas is coming up so be watching on the 7th. They say Adrian is having a great year and probably in line for the Heisman but you know how every is always down on OU we'll see. Anyways well take anything we can get. Bye buddy
September 25, 2006
You promised me you would show me how to make a boy. You assured me you knew how. You seemed shockingly confident. Well I never expected you to show me from above. But thank you. Jonathan Paul Rogers, your nephew and namesake, is due on 12/6/06. But we expect him and his twin brother Jamison Thor earlier than that. I can see your face mocking the name Thor. I assure you your sister had nothing to do with it. I just wanted both boys to be named after heroes and Thor had a comic book and everything.
Thank you for showing me the way.
As you know, your sister and I will likely not be able to attend the trial if it goes at the end of October. I know you would not want her water to break in a court room six hours from her doctor. Plus, I know there is no way she could handle it emotionally while pregnant. She loved and loves you too much. We miss you immensely. I will do everything I can to be there. I know the family will need every person we can to be present and lending support.
Kelly, Kaden and Kelly's brother Kevin came to KC two weeks ago. Your boy looks just like you. You'd be happen to know, he's very strong. He moved Samantha out of his way like a paperweight.
We love you and need your help to see us through with the twins. We just want healthy, although we wouldn't mind a quarterback and a tight end. See what you can do.
We know you're with us everyday.
Love your brother in-law,
Shawn Rogers
Shawn Rogers
September 20, 2006
Your life was full and had so much meaning,
you never dwelled on the chance of leaving.
Facing each day with a possible threat,
and not one moment lived with a regret.
So many people see but don't understand,
that we protect and serve in a not so perfect land.
There wasn't time for you to say good-bye,
but I can hear you clearly saying -- 'Please don't cry'.
Your life has been rich and sweet,
you'll be missed by your brothers and sisters on the street.
You don't have to face another hassle,
now you can go live in your own little castle.
Getting your wings up in the sky,
where one day you'll teach us all to fly.
September 18, 2006
Just want to let you know that we still think about you every day. It doesn't seem real...it's been a year since you and Kelly came to visit us in the hospital when Ashlee was born. We know we have a great guardian angel looking out for us though.
Kelly - you know we are here for you and Kaden and you are always in our prayers.
We love you all!
September 11, 2006
We think and talk about you every day Jon. You, Kelly and Kaden are always in our prayers and thoughts. I visit this site and post for the other families that are going through this and hope somehow it helps. I still have a painful lump in my throat and tears in my eyes when I think of you and Kelly and little Kaden. We might pretend, and say all the right stuff, but I don't think any of us will ever get over it.
OCPD mom and spouse
Will Rogers
August 21, 2006
Still think about you nightly Jon! There isn't a night shift that goes by that your family isn't in my prayers before going 10-8. Just to let you know, you still owe Sean breakfast for getting the cup off of that skunks head without getting sprayed! Miss you brother!
Ptl. Scott Schatzer
Warr Acres Police - Oklahoma
August 15, 2006
Hi little brother. I still miss you so much. There honestly isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I guess you know by now that me and Shawn are expecting twins in December. If you were here, you would have been the first one I called to tell the news. You would have been so excited. If God blesses us with a son we plan to name him Jonathan Paul.
Samantha is a little person now and she is in to everything. She has a vocabulary of several words and her favorite is Da-Da.
Brian and Maureen got married in June and it was an awesome wedding. Your absence was apparent and you were sorely missed.
I continue to pray for our family, especially Kelly,Kaden and Ashlyn that we can find peace knowing you are in a better place and that we can find comfort in your memory. It is still very difficult.
I miss you more than I can express in words.
Love, Sis
Michelle Rogers
July 26, 2006
When life brings untold sadness,
Is different than we've known,
We wonder just how we'll make it,
How we can carry on.
We try to hold our heads up and,
Make it through the day.
But we are oh so sorrowful!,
As we try to make our way.
Sometimes we hurt so much inside,
We can't seem to find relief,
Especially when alone with our tears,
There's nothing but our grief.
Just know that Jesus loves us,
He knows about our pain.
If we open up our heart to Him
He'll help us smile again.
If we turn our eyes upon Jesus,
And His promises we claim,
When shadows of the evening come.
Grief will not remain.
We'll find Him in the morning light!,
And feel His presence there.
He's there for us with open arms
And for us will care.
July 25, 2006
Dear Jonathan, Happy Belated Birthday!!! We were on Vacation so we were unable to write you on your birthday! This week brought back so many memories of you...I thought about the 4th of July we spent together at the Stolz' house...how Ashlyn burned her little foot by stepping on a sparkler...and what a loving and caring dad you were. I can still see you holding her and kissing her. I remember you calling us the next day saying that you had to take Ash to the doctor..and saying how terrible you felt for letting her go barefoot...although it was not at all your fault. I am so glad we have these memories of you. We love you...Hope you had a great view of the fireworks from up there.
Kevin and Terri Tucker
July 11, 2006
I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the friends and family of Sgt. Dragus. We are all one family in law enforcement and my heart goes out to you.
Sgt. Dragus, watch over us as we continue our watch. I know you are at peace with the Lord.
Officer Donna Vaughn
Roswell, Georgia
July 8, 2006
Happy Birthday Brotha. We think about you everyday.
3rd Shift Hefner
July 6, 2006
We miss you. Still. Every day.
July 6, 2006
Happy Birthday Jonathan!
I know that because of where you are, this is the happiest birthday you have ever had, but that doesn't mean that I don't selfishly wish you were here so we could celebrate together. With each passing day, the pain doesn't go away like so many people have said it would. I am just learning to live with the hollowness I feel inside. I miss you terribly and still can't make any sense of this horrific nightmare.
Just know that I love you just as much now as before and that is something that will never change. I will always miss you and have a hole in my heart that can never be filled. Thank you for continuing to watch over Kaden and I. Everyday he looks more and more like you and I know he misses you too.
As our friends and I gather to and celebrate your life today, please know that we all remember you so vividly and your memory will live on forever. You were the kind of person that no one forgets, no matter how large or small of role you may have played in their lives. Thank you for being that kind of person and thank you for choosing me to spend your last years with. I find comfort in knowing that we were both so incredibly happy together. I am only saddened by the fact that we didn't get to share so many more.
Kaden and I love and miss you so much. We remember you today and always. Happy Birthday Jonathan!
July 6, 2006
Happy Birthday Jonathan! Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you today and always!
Messena Howze
July 6, 2006
I have wanted to post to this page for several days now. It is always so hard to find the right words.I found this website due to another website set up by an alumin of U.S. Grant. What a small world I left USG in 1994. Kelly, I hope that all is well for you and Kayden. Words cannot express the loss and sorrow I felt for you and his family on his last day as I took care of him. What a tragedy.
Deborah RN OU Medical Center
June 20, 2006
June 19, 2006
Jonathan was one hell of a guy. Always a pleasure to be around and a hard worker. He is missed by all who knew him and to those who did not have the privilege, you missed knowing a great person.
June 14, 2006
Kelly -
As I'm sure you know, people are still praying for you and thinking about you and crying for you every day...even people who have never met you or Jonathan. I hate that it takes something like this to make us take a step back and remember to be human again. I can only hope that this tragic, unfair, senseless accident serves as a reminder to all of of us to kiss and hug our officers every day before they go to work. You, Jonathan, my husband and every officer on the department are in my prayers every night. God bless all of you and thank you for everything you do.
June 14, 2006
Working without you just isn't the same. You were such a huge part of our shift and it just feels incomplete without you there. We all miss your one-liners and your quick witted responses during line-up. Your absence at our cookout was overwhelming apparent to all of us. You are missed more than any of us could ever explain.
I still miss that signature laugh of yours. You were always smiling, laughing or cracking a joke about something and I miss how you seemed to uplift any situation.
My normal is no more. I have to start from scratch and try to rebuild and redefine what that is now. If it weren't for all of the support I've received from the incredible people at work, as well as your wonderful family and mine, this would be unbearable. I will be learning how to live without you here with me for as far as I can see into the future, but I rest assured knowing that God will continue to give me the strength to go on until that day when I see you again.
I love you more than words could ever give justice to.
June 13, 2006
We miss you very much. I find myself thinking of you and Kelly moreoften these days and feel very proud to call you all my friend. Its been hard trying to hide the hurt since you've been gone, but I'm not always so successful with keeping in the tears. Please watch over us while we try and live up to the high standards you set being such a great officer.
Your an inspiration to us all. The strength you have shown us over the past months is amazing. I only hope we as a department have shown you the support you need. It makes me so happy to hear your voice back on the radio, and I think your doing and outstanding job since you've been back.
Co-worker OCPD
June 13, 2006
I just want you to know how much I admire you for your strength and courage in times like these. It's amazing to me how volatile life is and yet it leaves such a mark on all of us in the blink of an eye. You have left quite a mark on me and I know that Kaden will grow up to be every bit of the man that Jon is because he has you as his guide and through you he can experience his Father's love. I'm so proud of you and seeing you return to work just compounds that feeling. Just be safe and know that not only are all of us looking out for you, but Jon is always there with you as well. I know it may be hard to believe at times, but like many other things in life, seeing is not always believing, for Jonathan loved you so much that he is always there for you. Please continue to smile. You have such a beautiful smile and I'm sure that is one of Jonathan's many favorite things about you.
God Bless you Kaden and Ashlyn! You are all loved very much and remember that we are always here for you as your extended family.
June 9, 2006
Kelly it meant a lot to us to see you come back to work. I know your strength makes us stronger. I know Jon looks over you and kayden everyday. God Bless you Kelly, we love you.
Hefner 3rd
June 8, 2006
I went to this page today because I thought of you and Jonathon. I only saw Jon on a few calls every now and then but you and I had great times in the academy. Though I didn't know Jon well, he always made me feel like a friend. As I read your reflections on this site, I started to cry. I wish I could have taken his place that night. I remember when you told me you were marrying Jon I said "if you had to marry an officer,I am glad it's him." I still feel that way.
He was a great officer, father, and husband. I love you Kelly.
Oklahoma City Police Department
June 7, 2006