Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Thursday, October 20, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant Jonathan Paul Dragus
Hey Jon...Quit giving the sooners heavenly help...I know that's why you guys beat us!!! I still love you anyway.
November 28, 2006
Texas shockingly loses to A&M. Oklahoma has the chance to sneak into the Big 12 championship, then beats OSU. I see your smile.
November 25, 2006
Reading the reflections attached to the loss of Sgt.Dragus, it is explicitly clear what type of family, friendship and service example was set by this fine officer. Our prayers are with the family, friends and sibling officers of Sgt.Dragus. It was an honor to even have heard of you through this forum, Rest in Peace Sir.
Detective Mark Techmanski
City of Syracuse, NY Police Department
November 21, 2006
Still missing you more than anything...
November 17, 2006
I was at the US Grant High School reunion function today and I am remembering you and praying for you & your family.
"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them."
God Bless you.
November 4, 2006
Not a day goes by that you are not thought about or missed. Meeting you and Kelly enriched my life...your laughter...your jokes helped me through some hard times. Now to help us through this hard time, you are still helping because we still laugh and smile in memory of you. It cannot fill the space in my heart that feels the sorrow and hurt of always knowing your gone...and Kelly hurting...and Kaden and Ashlyn growing up without you. I know you are watching over them. And I know that each person you have touched must feel and know you are watching over them. Jon, we miss ya brotha' so very much...
Kelly, I love ya sis...
Shana Lesnau
November 2, 2006
It’s been a year and 1 week since we lost you and it is still as hard as it was that horrible day. I still remember you jumping at volunteering you and Chris’ time to help me get my home surround sound system working when I bought my house last year, and you two crawling around in my attic trying to figure things out (Guess what? It still doesn’t work!). I hear you making jokes and messing with everyone in line-up, then joking around on the radio. A student at OSU (sorry) interviewed me the other day for a class project and when she asked me, “Have you ever been scared?” my thoughts immediately went to you and that awful morning. I just lost it. Some scary things have happened on the shift the in a year and a half time: Shawn getting shot at, David’s wreck & his car catching on fire, then your wreck. Nothing could be more frightening, however, than hearing from the EMSA supervisor that you were not going to make it, but not being able to tell Kelly. Then trying to find your dad, and trying to talk to Phyllis on the phone so we could find him, but unable to reveal too much information before they got to the hospital. Your picture still sits, undisturbed since the funeral, at my house. My son wanted to borrow my uniform had one day but when he picked it up, he saw the same picture inside and put it back; he knew it was off-limits.
The shift is doing okay and Kelly is back to work part time. She’s a strong lady with a strong will. I know it’s hard for her to put a smile on for us, but she does it anyway. I cry every time we sit in my office and talk. She’s too young to have to go through this. It’s not right. Kaden is just a doll. I wish I could see more of him. I run into your folks from time to time. They are always good for a hug. We haven’t gotten any of the tributes & memorials to you finished and hung at the station, or at your house. I think it is because we don’t want to turn loose; don’t want to completely admit that you are gone. Don’t worry about Kelly and Kaden, we will take care of them.
Help me watch over the shift Jon, we could use the protection of an angel!
You'll know who....
Oklahoma City PD
October 28, 2006
G-d Bless you and your family.
October 24, 2006
God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way.
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love....
I don't know the author, but this has brought me comfort during some dark times in my life. To the family and friends of Sergeant Dragus please know that my thoughts and prayers have been with you and will continue to be with you always.
Becca Knight
OCPD Officer's Wife
October 21, 2006
A Million Times
A million times we've needed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could've saved you,
You would have never died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else could ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
Part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
October 21, 2006
We wanted you to know that we are thinking and praying for you and Kaden, as well as the Dragus and Keef families on this difficult day. We miss Jonathan, and know that he is watching over you and Kaden.
Mike and Suzanne Labadie
mike and suzanne labadie
October 20, 2006
Hi Jonathan,
You are on our minds every waking minute. We were going to be at the spot that took your life on this day. Dad and I couldn't go there. I don't know when the pain of losing you will ever go away. We keep hoping that one day it will. But our hearts are so empty. We talk about all of your funny monents and we hope that gives us some relief. I don't think anything ever will. We are so grateful for our wonderful daughter-in-law and beautiful Kaden. We know he will grow up and be just like you. He is totally rotten!! I know you are a special angel. I prayed to you a couple of weeks ago about your Father. He is so depressed sometimes that it is hard for me to bring him hope. I asked you to help me with him and the next day he sounded much better. I have found confort in knowing that God really needed you in heaven. He needed your stength and happy spirit. What would heaven be like if it was only filled with a bunch of old people! Your sister is doing good. We are concern about her, but we know she is in good hands. We love our son-in-law very much. Brian came home for a home game. Dad and I went to the game with him. You would love Mureen. The wedding was so full of your spirit. We knew you were watching from above. Karen and Michael are doing good. We all love you and miss you so much. We have become a much closer family, you have taught us so much from the fine example you left on earth. We have all learn to appreciate life more, love deeper and share our feelings more. But we still wish you were here with us. I just prayer the pain will become less.
Mom and Dad
Paul and Phyllis Dragus
Father and step-mother
October 20, 2006
Jonathan, I can't believe it has been a year since you left. If it has been a year why does it still hurt like it was yesterday? There has been so many times where I have fought the urge to pick up the phone and call you to tell you things that are going on in my life. It seems this year has been a busy one and I have tried to focus on many other things but at the end of the day nothing erases the fact that you are gone. I try to think of how happy you must be to live eternally in a place where you will never feel pain or hurt again. What a wonderful place heaven must be. I know you are with me a lot. I can sometimes feel your presence. October 20 was the worst day of my life. I think it was for so many people. I know how you want me to live...and I am trying. I just wish you were here. Your death has taught me a life lesson that I never wanted to learn.
Jonathan and Jameson will be born soon and I know you will be there in the background somewhere watching over them. I miss you always.
Love, Sis
Michelle Rogers
Sister of Sgt. J. Dragus EOW 10/20/05
Michelle Rogers
October 20, 2006
Although you served in another state, your loss is felt by every officer, and every wife of every officer and many others as well. I pray that God holds your family, friends and co-workers in His loving arms and grants peace and comfort on this most difficult of days.
I know that you look down from Heaven to guard those left behind. Rest well, warrior, your brothers and sisters in blue will keep it in order down here.
October 20, 2006
Yes you are gone...but not forgotten. No one had to remind me of this day. I found myself right back at Hefner Radio today dispatching and assisting officers just as I did for you last year. I still love my job...but would give anything to have never lost you on my watch. I said last year that the 10th street group would never be the same and it isn't. I am honored to have known and worked with you.
God Bless
PSC Dispatcher II, Michelle Anderson
October 20, 2006
I'm remembering you today Jonathan. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting you, I've heard so many funny stories about you from my fiance. He enjoyed working with Kelly the last few weeks of her pregnancy with Kaden and I could never believe there could be a bigger OU fan that he is...but I heard that you gave him a run for his money. I was honored to be with your police family at the hospital the day that you left us and that's a memory that I will always hold in my heart. I know that you saw all the love and support that was given to your precious family and I hope we made you proud. Thank you for your service Sergeant Dragus, you will never be forgotten.
OCPD Family
October 20, 2006
Sure miss ya man! Been thinking about you a lot lately. Football season just isn't the same without you.
I regret that we didn't get too many chances to hang out over the past few years. It seems like we both got married and lost touch somehow. I never really got a chance to say thank you for all you did for me, but I hope you knew. Not only were you a great friend and game-day-buddy (I'll never forget how cold we were at the 2000 Big 12 Championship Game), but you were a HUGE influence in my life when I decided to pursue God's best for my life. Not only did you lend me the very book that got me to thinking about God, but you were always so excited to talk to me about Him and what He meant to you. I can't thank you enough and remember you often. Your family is in our prayers.
Friend and Fellow OU Fan
October 20, 2006
Well, it was a year ago today that our hearts were broken and lives changed forever. Still seems so hard to believe. While we miss you every day, your absence has certainly been noticed at all of the cookouts and birthday parties. You were always the life of the party. Our only comfort is that we will see you again some day. We know you are watching over everyone and keeping them safe. We still remember you smile and your contagious laughter.
I have a new respect for OU football too. Never thought I'd say that! But I couldn't even enjoy that Longhorn win this year. Always enjoyed the rivalry with you!
Thank you for all the good laughs and memories that you have left us with.
See you on the other side!!
October 20, 2006
I was just laying in bed while your sister slept knowing that when she wakes up an impossible day will begin. One year. Unbelievable. We think about you and miss you every day. Your namesake will be here shortly.
There are no words.
October 20, 2006
I remember reading about you a year ago and the tears
have not yet dried. My heart goes out to all those who
are missing you.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
October 20, 2006
Jonathan - I remember the last time I saw you like it was yesterday...so I can't believe that it's been one year ago today that I kissed you goodbye for what turned out to be that last time. I still miss you more than words can tell. This entire month has really hit me hard. I think I hate October now. I associate the whole month with losing you. The fact that its starting to get cold and everything is just starting to feel like it did when you were taken from us...it just makes me miss you more.
Yesterday was hard for me. I couldn't help but think about how it had been a year since we worked our last day together.
I keep hearing you say "Man, I wish we could just take the rest of the set off..." since we had just been off work on vacation. I can't tell you how much I wish I could go back and make you take the rest of the set off so none of this would have happened.
This month has been so hard. I keep replaying everything in my head and it breaks my heart all over again. But what makes me feel better is thinking of something goofy you did or something funny you said to make me laugh. Thank you for giving me so many things to smile about. I can still hear your laugh and it brings a smile to my face every single time I think of it.
I never thought I'd say this...but I actually miss football being on the TV what seemed like ALL the time during football season. Thank you for explaining everything in complete detail and doing so with excitement in your voice. I really miss you telling me why we needed to watch "this" game because of how it effected OU. And I miss hearing about each player. I "certainly" miss your Stoops impressions...but I guess "Everybody knows that!"
Kaden is getting so big and he's so honery!! I'm sure he is going to be just like you...so I'm in for it! :-) You and I looked so forward to raising him together and I only wish you were here with me to show him the way. But I know you are getting a kick out of all the goofy stuff he does and I know that you are incredibly proud of him.
Although our time together was short, I was and continue to be blessed by every moment God gave me with you. And I am a better person because of it. I could never thank you enough.
No matter where my life takes me...I will love you forever.
October 19, 2006
October 18, 2006
Sir it has almost been one year since your EOW. You gave the ultimate sacrifice while doing the job many wouldn't do. While reading about you, I have read what a great Police Officer, Husband, Father, Family member, and Friend you were to everyone around you. God called you home to walk a beat on his street and look down and watch over all law enforcement. Your a true hero and your the true meaning of a police officer. Your still missed!
October 11, 2006
To the family of Sgt. Dragus, my prayers go out to you as his EOW date approaches. We did not know Jon personally, but he was a part of our law enforcement family and we will continue to mourn with you. I come to this site often, to see how Kelli and Kaden are doing. And Miss Ashlyn, I think of you most. I bet you were a real daddy's girl. As you grow up you can bet that your daddy will be watching over you and protecting you. To Shawn and Michelle, Congratulations!!...When Shawn had posted that you were having twins I just almost knew that at least one would be a boy. I'm sure he is proud of all of you. On Sunday a good friend of ours, Trooper Bill McClendon, went to be with Jon in heaven. They are probably trading stories on their kids. Be strong as we will try to do the same. We will be praying for you and all of our Oklahoma law enforcement family in this time of grief.
Police Officers Wife
October 9, 2006
Hey Jon: BOOMER !
I thought about you so much last week when PJ and I were at the game. You were there somewhere, I just know it. I looked all around for you. Ron is now a Sooner fan because of you...he keeps an OU cap on the table next to his chair on the porch. He does that because your OU cap was always on the coffee table at your house. Wow! I never thought I'd see the day Ron would be wearing Crimson and Cream instead of orange and black.
Today's the big game - Hookem' Horns! We miss you so much. Wish we could watch the game with you.
October 7, 2006