Lawrenceburg Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Reflections for Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran
Dad, we are all missing you so very much and it breaks my heart that you are not here. I know I could really use your shoulder right now. Me and Jess were talking the other day about how different things would be if you were here, to hear your words of wisdom, for you to make a joke so we would laugh and know that everything is going to be ok. We have all had those talks about if only you were here. I know you were with me on 7/19/11 which was one scary day. I know you got me out of that truck and gave me the strength to survive. What any one of us would do just to have one more day, one more minute with you to hear you laugh, say some witty and give us a big hug. I try to always remind my sisters and brothers that you are with us and you can hear us even for us to just say we love you. You would be so proud of all of them, I am. Troy is at LPD carrying on the Cochran name. Josh is at Jefferson and just made the SWAT team, you would be so proud. Tracy is really doing good and of course, still at the Coroner's Dept. Jess wants to be an EMT and I believe she can do it. Well me, I'm headed back to HCJFS to do forensic investigations again. I just wish you were here for all of this and I could see that beautiful grin on your face. And your grandkids, dad if only you could have met little Macy. She would've given you a run for your money. And little Kale, he reminds me so much of Troy. Zachy misses you too and talks of you often. He tries to tell the other grandkids all about their wonderful grandfather. I tell everyone that we have two moms now cuz and boy, Jo'Nee and mom sure make a heck of a team when we need them most. But again, we would all give anything for one more minute with our hero. I love you dad and you will always be my hero. We all remember the words that described you the most, JUSTICE, INTEGRITY, HONOR. Unitl I see you again in the Heavens above dad, keep watch over us. I love and miss you so very much. Love your daughter, Tomya
Tomya Cochran Allen
daugher of Det Sgt Thomas Cochran, EOW 1/26/05
September 15, 2011
Today would have been your 63rd birthday and I miss u more today then ever. I just wish u were here if only for a minute so I could hug u and tell u one more time how much I love u dad. We are all getting together to remember u tonight. I just wish u could walk thru that door. Happy birthday dad. I love u and miss u very much.
August 9, 2011
Today would have been your 63rd birthday. You were so full of life. Me and the kids as well as great friends who also love and miss you...will have our yearly get together for dinner to honor your memory, and remember all the great stories. We know you will be with us because you have never left our hearts. You would be so proud of your kids! They are all amazing and I love them so! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you...that grin...the sound of your laugh...and your voice saying" I love you" you you left our bedroom to go to work on the night of your accident. I can only wait til it is my time to join you. I love and miss you dearly. We all do. Continue to watch over us. Wish you were here to celebrate.
Jo'Nee Cochran
August 9, 2011
rest in peace.
maureen rolniak
widow of an officer 2-4-04 det william rolniak jr
June 13, 2011
Hey Dad. LPD put up a memorial with the departments fallen officers names and E.O.W. It was hard, not that it is ever easy. Chuck retired and I couldn't help but think you should be retiring with him. Not that I ever thought you would retire, you loved it to much. Six years. You would think that that day would not be such a vivid memory but it is. I refuse to forget all the memories, I can still here your voice. Six years of feeling like emotionally I was just existing is a long time. Not knowing how to deal with the emotions and the grief was a whirlwind for me. But now feeling I understand it all better. Wish it wouldn't have taken me so long, I missed a lot during those years. Don't think I will ever be able to remember you without a tear with the smile but that's OK that's what makes us human. During those years after loosing you I didn't want to be a nurse (but it was all I knew). It was as hard of a job as yours, watching people loose their loved ones and feeling their pain. It left me with an open wound. I didn't want to continue to feel that pain. But as I have become a little bit stronger, closer to the person I was before I have found the drive to love what I do again. I went through so many jobs scared, so scared I didn't want to go back. I am still very emotionally attached to the lives lost at work more than ever and it sets me back but with a better understanding. I think about all of those families. And I pray they do not judge the way each other deals with the grief but helps them through it. Sometimes I joke and say "remind me why I am a nurse" or " I want a job that doesn't deal with the loss of human lives" but that wouldn't be me. I've come to understand all of these things (and other get tired of hearing me talk) and since we both know I have to tell someone, I came to you. Well me and your grand-daughter are going to go plant flowers. I'll be thinking of I always do.
I love you.
May 25, 2011
Happy 26th Anniversary Tom. Wish you were here to celebrate with me. I often thnk of "what could have been". I miss you so much. I will always love you.
jo'Nee Cochran
April 20, 2011
I can't believe it's been six years today. I think of you so much. Love you, Pat
January 26, 2011
Tom-I think of you & your family on this day-wishing for them peace in their hearts. I have been lucky enough to know them & watch as the kids grow up. Jo-Nee is an inspiration to all of us-she is a special girl-you're lucky to have had her.
You're missed by so many, but never forgotten.
Richie Grant
wife of Deputy Dave Grant/EOW/5/31/04-Tuolumne Co Sheriff's Dept.
January 26, 2011
Tom...remembering this day, 6 years ago, receiving the worst most heartbreaking phone call. You had been in an accident...and it didn't look good. What an understatement that turned out to be. Still can't believe its true. Miss you so very much. Love you forever.
Jo'Nee Cochran
January 25, 2011
to the Cochran Family...Each year at this time I think of your family and realize what we both have been through these 6 years and I pray for all of us. Jim's 3rd grandchild is coming this week, all since he has been gone...It was one of the last things we spoke excited he was for that to happen. His youngest is now a Deputy and was given his Dad's Badge number..his brother is also a Deputy. Tom's smile is beautiful ..just like Jim's ..I'd like to think they are in a special place for all the fallen officers and smiling down on us all. Tracy ..I do feel that they are around us ,and if you are open to it ..some day you will feel that too. If not around then in our hearts . May they both rest in Peace. I am having a Mass said for Jim and all other fallen officers and the families they left behind on Saturday .. I will think of the Cochran Family ...
Maureen Tutino
Mom of Deputy James Tutino LASD EOW1/26/05
January 20, 2011
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones during this holiday season. I know it is especially hard to celebrate holidays when all we think about are the ones we have lost, but we carry on and take one day at a time, thats about all any of us can do besides keeping the memory of our lost heroes alive. You will never be forgotten as true heroes never die. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 13, 2010
Hey Dad. Christmas is almost here. I've held it together this year but I guess that doesn't matter much, it is always something. I will miss you this year, same as years before. I can not believe it has been 6 years. Still ready to move, hate this place. Hate Aurora but kids have grown up here and Jonee, Josh, and Jess are here. Tomya is doing good, so glad to see her happy again and things get less stressful for her.
I still struggle with things but only because I have came a long way and fight to find that person you use to know. I don't know the answers but I try. For some trying isn't enough. I have never said I was perfect or that your death has changed me. It made me see how fragile I can be. But I didn't know how to deal with you being gone and Chuck is the only one who has been here through it ALL. You were right he does take care of me and does a fine job. If it were not for him and the kids I know I would have given up a long time ago. You are so needed here. I talk to you almost daily though I don't know if you can hear me. Your were such a positive part of my life and someone I could always turn to, or you'd just drag it out of me because you knew when something was bothering me. Well I was thinking of you and thought I'd leave you a note. Jonee and the kids are doing ok. I worry about Jess and all she has gone through with her back. I know that stresses Jonee. I wish I has your strength. Riley, Syd and Macy are my world. They are such good kids. Riley has turned into an awesome young man and Syd is such a beautiful young lady. Macy is still Macy, smart as a tack and the most outspoken 4 year old I have ever met. She is certain she has met you before. And I just tell her grandpa sent you to me.She says "I know". AnywayI will be thinking of you during the holidays and praying next month I continue to hold it together but I'll have to for the kids birthdays. I love you, I will alway miss you and selfishly want you with me.
I'll write again soon.
Love you.
December 5, 2010
Sorry I didn't write on your birthday, I still have a hard time with you being gone. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that it is gone for ever, like your on a trip and will be home. I still dream your here with us and i can see your face, hear your voice and touch your hand. I still can't believe how weak of a person I have become, lucky to manage to get up out of bed. What happened to me, where did that strong, smart and capable person go? And why can't i find her. Why can no one see or understand the pain and damage. It doesn't look that everyone who has lost someone just stop living and just exist. This sure is not the life I signed up for. We don't do your poker run anymore and I can't understand why cause I know you'd love it like a kid loves candy.
I wish more than anything you could have met Macy. She talks about you like she met you in heaven before she was born. You would love her. She is a little you, your mini me.She cracks jokes (and she thinks they are hysterical)just like you. She would have wrestled with you, you wouldn't have been able to scare her. She would talk your arm off for sure. And God she is beautiful and what saved my life. She was supposed to be induced on the anniversary of your death but I wouldn't let them, I didn't want her birthday to be a sad day. She is the only reason I have to celebrate holidays (not that I am celebrating on the inside). I wish you could talk to me in my dreams, give me advice, push me to find myself.
Well Happy belated Birthday. The fair is here and I will be looking for you in uniform like all the years before. I love you and still miss you as much as the day you left us.
September 27, 2010
Today is your birthday. I miss you more than ever. We honor your memory & the time we had with you will always be cherished. Happy Birthday. Wish you were here to celebrate. You will never be forgotten.
Love always,
August 9, 2010
Happy Birthday, Tom
August 9, 2010
You and all of your family and friends are in my thoughts on this holiday which you helped protect and preserve. Hero’s like you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
July 4, 2010
Happy Fathers Day. I watched the video they played at your visitation. Hearing your voice was amazing. seeing all of the good times we had was hard, as always. My life since you have been gone hasnt ever been the same and I a afraid I will never be that happy person again. I want so badly to see you again. I dont know why I write, it is always the sae thing. Id trade places with you without a moments thought. People wonder why I still write but they couldnt understand. I am still so angry your gone and angry at the ones who have moved on, I guess because I cant. Going through the motions of life without really enjoying it is just no way to live. I miss you. I love you. And Ill never stop writing.
All my love.
June 21, 2010
I love you. I miss your smile, your laugh, and your jokes. I miss your determination and love for life. I miss you dancing like Mrs. Doubtfire while running the vaccum. I miss your singing to the oldies. I miss you beating me at bowling. I miss watching you spit shine your bike. And the best off all the day you sat on the picnic table with the sun shining on your face, smiling. I'm glad I was the one that got to take you there and that you enjoyed it so much. My only regret is that there will never be anymore days like that. But everytime I go back there I remember and smile.
May 20, 2010
Sgt. Cochran,
Sir sorry for the delayed update but spring and summer are quickly approaching and you know what that means. Tommy and I won our case we had together; and like I stated before- she was perfect on the stand!!!With Tommy's expert testimony the perp received 22 years out a possible 23 year max sentence!!! She needs your eye these days as things have become a little rough for her; she'll make it she is one tough cookie you know that. Keep an eye on the boys in blue!
May 19, 2010
Dear Tom and family,
It is so not fair to those that give their lives to protect n serve their community n their love ones to suffer such a loss and change everyones life forever I know the cost that it takes on their love one's. I just don't know why it has to be so painful and damaging for all who loves you and you love. Please help us all help those that have suffered the same loss. Let us never forget the price you n your family still pays for your service to protect us all!
May 9, 2010
hey daddy, i love you and i miss you. i need you so badly right now. i need your comforting advice all i can do is pray. help me through this time of need. i love you daddy.
your princess.
May 7, 2010
Hey dad! I have thought about you a lot lately and it has given me strength to do the right thing. I miss and love you very much. Please watch over us and keep me safe. I will continue to do the right thing. You are my hero. I love you. Kiss & hugs!
Tomya Cochran
April 29, 2010
Happy 25th Anniversary Tom. Can't believe we would have been married 25 years today. We all miss you so much.
Love you Forever.
Jo'Nee Cochran
April 20, 2010
Happy Easter. It was such a beautiful day yesterday. The sun was shining and it was warm. You could hear the motorcycles going up and down Sunnyside. It still gives me butterflies to hear the sound. I know if you were here you'd be waxing the bike (and putting the tire shine on the tires....that was an experience!) You'd be all giddy as a kid in a candy store getting ready to ride and ride all day. This was your favorite tie of year. The smell of fresh cut grass. I miss you still. Wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I love you.
April 5, 2010
Hi dad! It was on this day 5 years ago that we said our goodbyes but it feels like yesterday, even now. I miss you so very much and I wish you were here so much. I know you are watching over us, but it's not the same. I love you so very much!!! Love always!
January 26, 2010