Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann
I was just sitting around watching t.v. while Uncle Steve is picking corn. It is a beautiful day here despite all of the devistation in TX.and LA. We just got back from MN. a few days ago. No matter how hard we tried, we could not forget the anniversary of your much too early death. It made for a couple of rough days. Even sitting here at the keyboard is pretty trying. It's just so hard sometimes. Your dad had the kids in the garden with him Sat.; they were picking pumpkins and watermelon and having a good time. Your dad just beams when he is with them. Never forget: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.
Psalm 37:23 Rest in peace, dear one.
Love, Aunt Janet
janet blann-aunt
September 24, 2005
Craig, I cannot believe that it has been over a year since you said your last good morning. I still think that it is a bad joke that someone is playing on the family and that eventually you will come home and be where you belong. It seems like yesterday that we said our final goodbyes to you. Scoot, Maegan and I went out to your gravesite a few weeks ago. The flowers are beautiful. I just cannot imagine what Karen is going through at this time in her life. You were the only true thing to her and now you are gone. I see that you mom is working in Morocco now, your dad is still busy at Agrokey and the rest of the family is just trying to get on with life. Sometimes when I hear something that reminds me of you all I can hear is your laugh. It was as unique as you are. There will never be anyone like you Craig. You truly are missed. I just wish that I could tell Karen that it will get easier but I don't see how it could. Your dad's picture made it in the papers a few months ago and he and Bev were beaming. They put up a good front but I know that they are hurting. We can all say that we blame you for loving your job too much and we can blame the driver of the car, we can blame REMC for not getting there soon enough but what it boils down to is that sometimes things just happen that can't be explained or figured out and we should not try to. Just know that you are still loved so much and everyone reminisces about the good times and the things that you went through for the love of your job. You will never know the amount of people that say so many wonderful things about you.
The department will never be the same either. So many changes have happend since you left but only you and Steve will be able to sit up there and have a good laugh. All the best to you.
September 20, 2005
I did not know you but my dad was the paramedic on duty the night of your accident and he said you were a good man. Rest easy and keep a watch over those of us down here.
Deputy from Yuma County Sheriff's Office Arizona
September 11, 2005
Sheriff Blann..please know that my thoughts & prayers are with your family - friends & co-workers during this difficult time..continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL, YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!
p.s. could you please watch over & help the officers in LA, they are having a difficult time there right now..other agencies from cities across the u.s are sending officers over to help as well..and i am proud to say that a few of the cities - counties & state troopers have gone over to help their fellow brothers & sisters in LA....
girlfriend of a leo
September 8, 2005
Craig I realize it has just passed the anniversary of your death. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. When I woke up on the day of your anniversary, i remembered my Dad. It was unbelievable how close together you two passed.All I can remember about that last week with my daddy was, how so upset he was.It was so incredibly hard for him. So on this date, i hope your family keeps their head up high, and holds on to the memories the had. For that is all we have left. You are forever in our hearts.
Rebecca Gulley
P.S. Tell my Dad that I love and miss him more everyday.
Rebecca Gulley
Daughter of Steve Gulley
September 7, 2005
Here it is Sept.6th 2005, one year since you were taken from us all. I will never forget you, along with everyone else. You were so special to us all.
Rest in peace my friend and know that your children miss and love you.I was holding my little Craigette the other day showing her different things of your's when she saw a picture of you she smiled and said DADDY, it melted my heart, Declan talks about you all the time, you made a very big impact on that little boys life. Denny says hello and he loves and misses you too.
Until next time, all my love.
Love you Momma Sue GOD BLESS YOU
Penny McManama
mother in law
September 6, 2005
Craig, I cannot believe that it has been a year already. It seems like yesterday I was holing Karen's veil at the wedding when it fell off and then you were at the hospital holding Maegan. Shortly after that you were at the hospital holding your own little girl. Can you believe that they are 21/2 years old already? It does not seem possible that Kylie is going to grow up without a daddy. She and Maegan are still shy to warm up to one another but when they do you better look out because that means trouble. Declan has started kindergarten and that is not possible either. Your dad had a family get together last weekend to mark the anniversary date of your death. It just does not seem fair that you gave your life for the job that you love doing. You are truly a remarkable person in life and in death. Gone but never forgotten. Please keep tabs on the family during the traumatic experiences that we have all gone and will go through. Please look out for the newest baby Blann that made it's way to you on August 11, 2005. I know that one day everyone will be reunited again. All my love Bear roofus
Mandi Blann
September 6, 2005
Craig -
Today and every day over the past year, your family is in our hearts and on our minds.
Your kindness will never be forgotten by the lives that you touched.
September 6, 2005
September 5, 2005
To the Family, Friends and Co-Workers of Deputy Blann:
I have read some of the Reflections of Deputy Blann and I can feel the hurt and pain that you all are experiencing. I know it doesn't seem possible that he has been gone a year. I can feel the love you had for him. I want you all to know that we grieve with you.
Time will move on but you will never forget the wonderful person that he was and you can be very proud of him.
God bless you have give you the comfort that only He can give.
Lorraine Bond (Mother)
Hamilton County, TN. Sheriff Deputy:
Donald K. Bond, Jr.
EOW: 9.06.01
September 5, 2005
To Craig: I miss you Craig, we shared alot of great times over the years, and I'm sad that you are gone. I miss all the time we shared together, everyday of our youth. We played from sundown to sun up, we shared jobs and all. But now your gone and it doesn't seem right. You have left your mark on all of us and I miss you so. I cant believe its been a year since you went away. I will never forget you, I remember you everyday... I love you Craig, love your big brother -Mike-
Mike Blakeney
September 4, 2005
Dear Craig,
I will be flying up to Indiana tomorrow, Sept 1,2005 to be with Karen, the kids and your family. It is going to be a very emotional time once again for all of us, we will never get over the tragedy, but we will all find the strength to go on some way or other. You will never be forgotten and will always be loved by all of us. All of our lives have changed and will never be the same. I never imagined my daughter would have to call me and tell me something so tragic, my world collasped around me, I was in so much disbelief and I guess I still am. How could you be taken from all of us, you were a very good husband, FATHER, son, grandson, son in law, friend, police officer,citizen. What is so very wrong with this picture. Yes I still hurt and so many others do, you had a very big impact on so many lives.
Declan is really having a hard time dealing with something a little one should not have to deal with, that little boy really loved and admired you I feel he is so lost and I know he doesn't understand, my little "CRAIGETTE" is so sweet and innocent it is such a shame that she didn't even get the chance to enjoy and have some kind of memories of the fishing trip's, riding on the lawn mower, feeding the dog, the hug's and kisses, the love that you had for both of those children and their mother.
You were not only my son in law but a very true friend,when you and Karen were younger and had your "lover" spats you still stopped by ,you would ask how she was and give me a hug that meant so much to me, from the first time she introduced me to you I knew you were a "keeper" and I always let you know that. Craig, you are so very missed and loved, please keep a watchful eye on us all as you and God sit up there and watch us, steer us in the right direction. One day I will be up there with you to get that hug once again and tell you that you are my favorite son in law and I will once again hear you chuckle and say "Momma Sue" I'm your only son in law. God bless you Craig, gone but NEVER FORGOTTEN. Love you
Penny McManama
mother in law
August 31, 2005
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord your soul to keep
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise
I would video tape each action and word
so I could play them back day after day
If I knew it would be the last time
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more
so I can let just this one slip away
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right
There will always be another day
to say "Ilove you"
and certainly there's another chance
to say "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong
and today is all! I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope you never forget
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone
young or old alike
and today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved tight
So if you're waiting for tomorrow
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes
you'll surely regret the day
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone
what turned out to be their last wish
So hold your loved ones close today
and whisper in their ear
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time so say "I'm sorry"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or It's okay"
and if tomorrow never comes
you'll have no regrets about today.
Miss you Craig, you are still in our hearts.
August 30, 2005
Dear Craig,
I can't believe it's been almost a year since you passed on. I have been reading all of your letters with tears running down my face. You make me very proud aunt. As I read all the messages, I get a catch in my heart for our loss of you. You have left us all with a huge gap in our lives. I saw your mom last week, she is still having a difficult time, but holding her own. We talk about you quite a bit. Mike & Eric miss you. Mike finalllllly got married in July. Your mom, Amanda & David came I was glad, it was good to see them. Eric is now a daddy, a little girl. He melts every time he sees her, just like you did with Kylie. You were such a proud daddy. I try to remember all the good times, memories of when you would come up and spend the weekend with Mike and Eric. All the little "episodes" you guys would get into. It makes for a good laugh. I remember when you came up to show us your "new" red car, Karen was with you. We all walked out to see it and then it wouldn't start! Uncle Roger got it going for you. Everyone misses you so much it hurts.
I didn't know this site existed until a couple of hours ago. How odd that I came across it now. Did you have something to do with that? I know you are watching over everyone with that big ol' grin on your face. Wish you were still here.
Love you,
Aunt Louanne
Aunt Louanne
August 26, 2005
Wow, I can't belive it's been almost a year, but on the other hand it seems like it took forever to get here. It's funny how around this time of year now it will always be a reminder of what happened. Just the feeling in the air that triggers the memory I guess. I visit this site often to try and keep up on how Karen and the kids and the rest of your family and friends are doing. It's nice to read about other peoples thoughts and memories of you. I was just finally cleaning out my glovebox in my car the other day and came across the little black flag that went on the car for your funeral procession. It's still rather hard to believe you're gone. I remember around this time last year I was nagging Dave to get with you to go get fitted for your tux's for Brandons wedding. Seems like forever ago now. I stop by the cemetary every now and then on my way down if it's still light out if nothing but to just say hi. Karen did a great job on your stone. I guess I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that you're not at home with her and the kids anymore. I remember you coming over and showing us Kylies picture after she was born. You were so happy. A while back someone came to the door at Daves and did the Craig knock. We both kinda sat there a little stunned. Hoping for a miracle I suppose? Every once in a while Dave tells me a "One time me and Craig..." story and I can tell he misses you being around. It was rough last year when your cruiser was parked on the courthouse lawn. You could see it straight from the window. It was a beautiful display though. I can't help but wonder if the sticker on my back window has gotten me out of a ticket or two. Me and my lead foot, but as I recall, you weren't exactly a slow driver either. We'll always miss you and wonder what life would be like if you were still around. I guess death is just a part of life though. You may not understand it or agree with it but you just have to learn to accept it and move on however you can. You'll always be in our thoughts.
Karen I hope you're doing ok. It sounds like your mom is taking great watch over you and the kids. I was jumping on a trampoline the other day and couldn't help but think of Declan :) You guys are always in my thoughts and I wish you nothing but the best.
August 25, 2005
It's hard to believe that you have been gone for a year. We all miss you desparately. We pretty much lead our lives as we did before your passing, but their is this big void that will always be there. Your dad went to Mn. and for sure was thinking of the trips we used to take when you kids were small, and looking forward to the trips that you, he and the kids will never take. Believe it or not, he caught a 10# northern. He would have loved for you to have been there with him to share the joy. He settled for Uncle Mike. God Bless you, Craig. We love and miss you. Aunt Janet
Janet Blann
August 22, 2005
Somehow a year has almost gone by since I last talked with you, my how I still hurt from the tragedy we were dealt, I will never forget you, you brought such joy into my life throughout all the years I've known you. You were such a sweetheart alway's caring about the other person, always making sure everyone was OK!
DeClan started school today I know you would of been there to put him on that bus, you would of been so happy and proud, he sat with a girl on the way home but he only "talked" with boy's @ school. Karen came down last week , I really enjoyed the visit, my how "MY LITTLE CRAIGETTE" has grown she is just a little bit sweeter than you, she has so many of your traits, you would be so proud of her also. Uncle Buck really enjoyed the trip we made to Seaworld, Kylie was alittle afraid but Karen made sure she was ok, Dec and Uncle Buck were up in front for "Shamu" the whale they got soaked. DeClan told me he told the story today at school about "Shamu". I wish like hell you were here to tell you instead of me trying to type while I cry, the page get's really blurry, Karen is planning a memorial cookout for your honor on 9/04/2005, I will be there to make sure her and the kid's are not alone on this 1st unforgettable weekend in all of our lives. Craig rest in peace and know that you will never be forgotten, you will always be my "BESTEST SON IN LAW" even though Karen has got to move on with her life, your memory will never leave my thoughts. Make sure you are not writing a damm ticket @ 8:30pm on Sept. 4th because you have alot of balloons to catch. Love you and miss you, Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
August 16, 2005
Craig, we haven't forgotten about you and never will. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. I hope your wife and children know that they are also in our thoughts and prayers!
NC Dispatcher
Newton County Sheriff's Department
July 27, 2005
Hello my buddy, I sure miss you and miss our talks. I still ask why, I talked with your Dad and Bev the other night, it was great conversing with them . Your Dad sure misses and loves you. Karen and the kids are gonna be coming down before Dec starts school in 3 weeks, my how time as flown I remember you holding him in the driveway you were so proud with that "shit eatin" grin on your face, My little Craigette would not talk with me last night on the phone she said" MauMau I'm crabby. She has such a sweet voice, the Dr's are still trying to figure out what is wrong with her, they are gonna check her heart out also. When we were up there in April I was teaching both of them about the moon, they were really interested I hope Karen will bring them down here so they both can see the space shuttle go off. I ask Kylie were the moon is when I talk to her Karen says she always runs and looks out the window and says MOON. Your Dad took Dec fishing and Dec caught the biggest fish an 18" bass, your Dad said the look on his face was great. I know you would of been proud of him.
Rest in peace my friend until next time I love and miss the hell out of you. Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
July 20, 2005
Craig Allen,
Hello my love, I still think about you all the time, this is still not right. I love you and always will.
Love your wife Karen
Karen Blann
Beloved wife
July 20, 2005
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your family. It was a pleasure to meet you and your family at National Police Week. I wanted to know how things were going for you since May. Please know that I am thinking and praying for you and your beloved children. Please call or email me anytime, I would love to talk with you again.
Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03
July 14, 2005
Craig, Guess what? It is fair week for Newton County again and low and behold, I am finally having a second child. I am not going to be able to tell you and Karen first as I have already told the family and friends. I remember though 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Maegan and you looked at me in disbelief as Scott and I had not been married a year yet. I just want you to know that I let Maegen know all the time who you are and what you mean to this family. I have not seen Karen in a long time but I will let her have some space for a little while. She seems to be doing well, at least that is what she shows. I know that she is still shook up more then anything and when the time is right, I will be there for her. Well good buddy, look over all the little ones being born into the family this year. We have lots of them coming up. May peace be with you and remember to look after Karen, Declan and Kylie. All our love, Scott, Mandi, Maegan and Baby Blann. XOXOXOXOXO
Mandi Blann
July 11, 2005
I have been thinking about you as another hurricane season comes around, this weekend a big "ass" one is coming named Dennis, watch over me my buddy, I remember you and Karen calling last year to make sure we were ok, I held the phone up to the wind so you could hear it, you said unreal. I miss you and think about you all the time, what a tragic moment in all of our lives, if I could turn back time I would of protected you from those freakin power lines somehow but who would of ever known, I dislike the house I live in because when it is really humid the power lines in front of the house hum, just a constant reminder to me of what I have lost. You were the best son in law anyone could ever wish for, rest in peace my friend, love you and miss the hell out of you. Karen and the youngings are going through the motions of life trying to cope with what they were dealt, I will always make sure they are "FINE". Karen is fixing your house up really nice, she is very proud of it, the kids have 5 acres to be kids on, My little Craigette is getting very independent, she is quite the trip, Declan is a little withdrawn which concerns me alot, the little guy just not understands why you are not coming home anymore, Karen tells me at different times the things he says about you which breaks my heart, one day he will understand but until then she tries her best to smoothe it over, she is doing great with your memory towards the kids. Watch over us Craig and know that we all love and miss you so very much.
Love "Momma Sue"
Penny McManama
mother in law
July 7, 2005
Dear Daddy,
Happy Father's Day, we sure miss and love you, Mom does to.
Love you always, Declan and Kylie
Your Children Declan and Kylie
June 20, 2005
Happy Fathers Day Craig, we sure do miss hearing that knock at the door and you being around.
June 19, 2005