Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann

Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana

End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann

Three years have passed since your EOW and those that love you dearly have thought about you on each and every day during that time. For some it will seem like just yesterday that they heard your voice, saw your smile and then for others it has felt like a lifetime. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and also those still out on patrol. You are a true hero and heroes never die. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 5, 2007



September 5, 2007

Craig Allen, Hello my love. Well it's been three years since you were with us. We still love and miss you. You are my Hero! I will never let your fade from my thoughts. The kids are getting big and we talk about you all the time. They say that every thing gets eaiser with time. Well some times I think that and some times I really disagree with that saying. I have had a lot of ups and downs. Some times I feel like my life is a roller coaster. We will be out to see you in the morning and we will be letting balloons go. Declan is going to go to school a half day and then we are going to do some thing. I will really need to get out of the house and keep my self busy. We love and miss you very much. K

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

September 5, 2007

Dear Craig,
I'm sitting here thinking of you..still unable to understand why you are gone. So many memories and still a huge hole in our lives. Seems like yesterday when I received the call---I was at the parade in Lowell. Never went back to it again until this year, I was late and missed it, maybe that was done on purpose. Mike will be 30 next month, grandma was 72 in July & Eric is 27 with 2 little girls. He is a big softie when it comes to them..justlike you with Kylie. A hugh smile on his face when they yell daddy and start running to him. I remember that proud smile on your face at Kylie's 1st birthday. You took so many pictures and video's. Smiling the whole time.
Just thought I would drop you a line, an emotional day today...still wondering why you were taken away. I don't think I will ever understand.

Love and miss you so much,
Aunt Louanne

Aunt Louanne

September 5, 2007

My Craig, my friend,
My, my, my,
If only you knew how much and what is going on, I guess I should not say if only you knew because I know you do! Denny and I were just talking this evening about how long it has been, it seems just like yesterday on one hand, but many years on the other. You are missed so very much down here in Florida, I walk by my curio cabinet everyday and just shake my head, your bottle of Captain Morgan, the candle I held in Washington DC 1/2 half burnt, the pictures of your children with you, the Wine glass from you and Karen's wedding, the Bronco's Back to Back Superbowl trophy you and Karen got me, I could go on and on, all these memories that will forever be in my life to remind me of you. I still and always will miss you. You were not only my son in law but my friend as well. You were a very special young man, great morals, very caring and responsible. Your life ended doing what you loved, serving and helping other humans, and I have the utmost respect and love for you for doing that. Thank you for all the joy and love you brought into my life and continue to do through your children. God bless you Craig and please keep watching over us all. REST IN PEACE
Momma Sue

Penny McManama
mother in law

August 31, 2007

Dear Craig,
It is hard to believe that it has been so long since you were taken from us. Know that we will always love you and miss you. Allea is a year old now and growing up so fast. Jess had her son on 8/20/07. She is going to be a great mom. You would be som proud of all of your family. Little Hos has followed your footsteps. They are big shoes to fill but he is trying his hardest. He loves the job the same way that you did. I just hope, he can stay with us a lot longer than you got to. The time we did have with you will never be lost, forgotten or missed. You are always in our hearts, prayers and memories. Take care up there and save seats for all of us when it is time to meet again. Keep a watch over my miscarried baby too. s/he would have been 2 in February. Thank Godd for all the good and bad times that we had Craig.
Love Bear roofus


August 25, 2007

I'm thinking of you and your family today. Today is the funeral for the Gary PD officer. I miss the good old days when you would sit in dispatch and tell your jokes. You will NEVER be forgotten.

Dispatcher, Kim

August 18, 2007

Craig Allen, hello my love. Today was a very hard day for me. I went to Indiana state trooper Rich's funeral. There were so many memories that came back. I still have tears. I honestly thought that I was done with asking the WHY question. But I guess that I was wrong. It's still all so unfair. For Declan,Kylie,me and the rest of your family. Also all the other wonderful people that I now know because they lost a family member. I still wish that this was all a really bad dream . But the truth is I know that it's not. You were every thing to me and you still are. I would just love to turn time back. That day before when you were out working on the house with my dad. I keep on thinking that I should have pushed you off that ladder you were on. Then you might have broke your leg. Then you would still be here. I just miss you and love you so much. Until next time my love,K

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

July 11, 2007

Happy 4th of July Craig,

Still miss you and think about you all the time. Time is sure flying by here it is with one half of 2007 gone, in 2 months you will be gone for 3 years, the pain is getting easier but it still hurts, still hard to believe, I miss our talks. Your children are doing good, Dec will be in the second grade this year and Kylie is already 4, they are great kids and you would be so proud of them.

Take care of you and God bless you and us all.

Love ya Penny

Penny McManama
mother in law

July 4, 2007

Craig allen, Hello my love. Today the bike riders are going to be in town. We are meeting were you were laid to rest. We miss you so much and we think about you all the time. Kylie has been asking about you and I answer her the best way that I know how. I tell her that you love her and that you are so proud of her and Declan. It is so hard to do all the parenting by myself. But I just do the best that I can and hope I'm making the right choices with both of them. Paco is going to be a daddy again. Maybe this time he will get it right! We miss you and love you! I would give it all just to have you back with us! Well I guess I should get going. I love you Craig!! K

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

June 28, 2007

Dearest Craig,
It's hard to believe that it's been almost 3 years since you were taken from us. They say time is supposed to be a great healer, but it doesn't say anything about the scars that are left. I hope you know how much you are missed by all of us. Mandi, David, Adam, Grandma and the kids were at your dads yesterday for Father's Day. Declan and your dad participated in a fishing derby in Brook on Saturday. Dec won second place for the largest bluegill. Your dad said he was really proud. He won a rod and rel. Another cousin will be joining the family in August. Jessica is having a baby; it's a boy.
Rest in Peace dear Craig.
Love, Aunt Janet

June 18, 2007

Thought of you this weekend and how much fun you brought to the lives of others!

You are missed and will not be forgotten.

June 4, 2007

Hello Craig,

Happy Memorial Day, just wanted you to know I still and always will think about you, not because of the holiday but because you are still with us in spirit, thought and love. We all miss you so much, Kylie is 4 now and such a little sweetie, Declan is 7 and the "man " of the house, they are both wonderful kids and you would be so proud of them, Karen is doing great raising them by herself, I'm proud of her. She has to do what she thinks is right by the kids, she preserves your memory very well with the two of them, you can count on her to let your children know that they were both very loved by you.
Until next time keep watching over us all, keep us safe and blessed with our family and friends.
Love ya Momma Sue

Penny McManama
mother in law

May 21, 2007

Craig Allen, Hello my love. Well our little princess is turning 4 this sunday. You would be so proud of her!! She has her dance recital on her birthday!! She looks so cute. She is getting so big!! So be on the look out for some birthday balloons!!! They will have big hugs and kisses from her and Declan!!!! We love you and miss you!!K

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

May 19, 2007

Craig Allen, Hello my love!! I was just thinking about you and all of the sweet things that you used to do for me. There still is not a day that goes by that I dont hurt because you are gone. There are soo many things that remind me of you. I really do miss you and I have come to realize that I was so lucky to have you in my life. I was very lucky that you picked me to love and to give me your heart. The time that we did get to spend together was great I just wish it could have lasted for ever. There will never be any one who even come close to being the wonderful daddy and husband that you were. We miss you so much and I just wish that you could still be here to see the kids grow up and for us to get old together. I love you and nobody will ever have all of my love. I love you!!! k

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

April 30, 2007

Happy Easter Craig,

Love and miss you.

Momma Sue

Penny McManama
mother in law

April 8, 2007

God bless you and your family. You sound like you were a wonderful man. Even though I do not know you, you are an inspiration to me. Again, God bless you my friend.

Merle Burkhart
Fort Smith Police Department

March 29, 2007

Craig Allen, Hello there my love! Well our little boy has turned 7! Wow where has the time gone. I had a party for him this past weekend and we let birthday balloons go. I wanted to make sure you were part of his birthday party! Your dad got him an ice fishing pole and he loves it. Now if only we had some ice. He is getting so big. I remember you cutting the grass with him on your lap and the fishing trip that your dad, declan and you went on. What great memories!! Before we know it our little girl will be turning 4. You would be so proud of both of them. They are very good kids. We love you and miss you!!! Love you always, K

Craig's wife

March 18, 2007

Craig Allen, I just wanted to tell you I love and miss you!

Craig's wife

March 3, 2007

Craig Allen, Well here goes another valentine's Day with out you here with us. I wanted to bring you some flowers and let go of some balloons for you but we got one heck of a snow storm and I'm snowed in. Sorry. After I can get out of the drive way I will be there. I love you and I miss you today is going to be hard. But I will smile and try not to cry. I will just have to remember all those flowers, notes and dinners that we had together!! You will be in my thoughts my love!! Love always, K

Craig's wife

February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day Craig,

You were a sweetheart and always will be a sweetheart in my eye's, so Happy Valentines Day. Still missing you like crazy, I wish like hell you were still here but then I think what your life must be like now, I know you are reaping the rewards that you sowed while you were with us, it must be glorious, just please keep watching out for us all, steer us in the right direction.
Take care of you my Buddy, Love you, Momma Sue.

PS the Bears lost to the Colts sorry!!!!!!!

Penny McManama
mother in law

February 11, 2007

I think of you often and wonder what it would have been like to know you. It is difficult to know Karen lost some one so precious to her. I realize now, more than ever, that we only have one family and they can be gone so quickly. I feel comfortable with the knowledge that you made a difference. You were, are, and always will be a hero. Your family is carrying on, but you will never be forgotten. I am honored that Karen knew and loved you, and I am honored to call you Brother.

Patrolman Brad Rumsey
Terre Haute Indiana PD Craig's Wifes cousin

February 8, 2007

Craig allen, Hello my love. I miss you so much. I keep on thinking about how our lives would be and what would we be doing if this would have never of happened. I know that I would be much more happier than I have been. The kids would love to have a daddy around. I would love to be in your arms again, Have candle lit dinners and notes that say that you love me. All those times that you bought me flowers and all I get to do is bring some to your grave. This just sucks and its so unfair. There's not a day that goes by that I dont hurt in side. I think about you all the time. Kylie will do some thing that reminds me of you and its so weird because she hardly got the chance to know her daddy. But on the other hand she is a lot like you. Declan and kylie miss you. They talk about you a lot. All of us miss you and wish that you were still here with us. I love and miss you I always will my love!! love K

Craig's wife

February 5, 2007

Hello Craig,

Well the Bear's did it, they are going to the superbowl, it's all for you . It is going to be a real interesting game as the Colts are pretty tuff. Still miss you like crazy and think about you all the time. Take care and continue to watch over your Karen and your babies.
Love ya Momma Sue

Penny McManama
mother in law

January 22, 2007

Craig Allen, You have been on my mind a lot lately. Last weekend auntie Joan came over and we watched our wedding video! What I would give to do that day over with you. It was one of the best days of my life. This still just sucks and it isnt getting any better. There are so many things that both of our kids do that are just so funny. And every time I think to my self if only you could be here to laugh with me. We miss you so much. I still dont understand why all this had to happen the way that it did. I can still remember you kissing me on my forehead and telling me that you love me and that you would see me later. Gosh that was the worst day of my life. Iwill never forget when I heard that knock on the door and the look on Johns face. I keep on playing that over and over in my mind. We had so many dreams and goals. I love you and I always will. Until next time my love, K

Karen Blann
Craig's wife

January 21, 2007

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