Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann
Dear Daddy,
We both miss and love you, we both are wishing you a very Happy Father's Day. Love, DeClan and Kylie
DeClan and Kylie Blann
Son and Daughter
June 17, 2006
Happy Memorial Day Craig,
Just wanted to say hello and let you know you were very well remembered on this day, God bless my friend, watch out for us all. Love you and think about you alot, miss you as well.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
May 29, 2006
Hello Craig,
Not a day goes by that we don't think of you, the hurt is getting easier to deal with, I just try to remember the good times and god knows we all had alot of them, planning for your wedding was a good time, all the stress was worth it, seeing you cry as Karen walked down the isle was one of the greatest moments of my life, the love you both had for each other was so wonderful. The day Kylie was born was fantastic, you were so proud, the day you held Dec in our driveway will never leave my memories as you smiled that ole Craig smile, the day we both cried @ the airport as you 4 were leaving Florida, Karen just said quit babbling Craig and Mom, the time you lite that illegal firework and it blew the mailbox apart, we all laughed our asses off as you ran like hell, all the times you picked Karen up for school I just knew one day you would get married to each other. Life is so unpredictable. Karen is making a speech on May 9th in your honor in Jasper Indiana, it will be tough on her but she will do it and do it well, it will come from her heart. The kids are doing wonderful Declan is almost out of kindergarten, before we know it Kylie will be starting. Those 2 babies really miss and love you along with Karen, my my my how our lives have changed. Take care buddy and always know that we all think about you and love you. God bless
Love Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
May 8, 2006
Craig Allen, Well we are almost into the month of May. Kylie is turning 3! Wow how the time flys by. She is almost potty trained and its a lot different than when we potty trained Declan. She is doing such a great job I'm very proud of her. Declan is almost done with school. He is also doing very well and I'm also very proud of him. The new house is working out well for us. But we do miss living out in the other house. On May 9th I'm going to be a speaker at a memorial for law enforcement. I'm going to be talking in front of a group of about fifty. I get to tell people how losing you has changed the kids and my life. Things would be so much better if you were still here. All the little things that I used to get upset about I found out that the dishes, laundry,garbage ect.. will always be there. They dont go any place. Koal is doing great with his new family! He really missed you right after you lefted us. People may think writing you on this web sight is pretty stupid but they have no idea what it's like to have your husband and best friend be taken from them. Some times I still think this is all just a bad dream but them you quit the day dreaming and it's so true and in black and white right in front of you. When I had to pack up all our stuff when we moved. I got looking and realized that besides Klyie the three or four boxes of your stuff was all that I have left. That is one of the worst feelings to ever have. I know that my life will never be the same. I can honestly say I dont see any thing good come out of this. People say things happen for a reason but I still dont know what the reason is. All I know is that we love and miss you!! We talk about you every day. If only I could have one more day. But then I would want another and another. The other day I went to the flower shop and got my self a dozen of gerbers. All I could is smile and think of our wedding day. Ilove you so much and no one will ever have my heart because you will always hold the key to it. Please keep on looking down on us and we will keep on looking up for you. On Kylie's birthday we will send you some ballons some keep your eyes open for them. We love and miss you, Your wife Karen P.S. give your self a great big HUG for me and I'll give your picture a kiss!!! Love you
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
April 26, 2006
Happy Easter Craig,
My gosh how time is flying by, here we are in April of 2006, spring is in the air everything is really green down here in Florida. I'm sure up in Indiana it is green by now. I talked with my "Babies" a couple of days ago, my gosh the vocabulary Kylie Mae has she is just to sweet, she is gonna be 3 already, Declan just turned 6 a few weeks back, he is so awesome and growing up fast, he loves school and his Mom, sister and Grandma and Daddy Craig. They seem to be adjusting but they will never forget. Our life down here in Florida is going great, miss the kids, friends, and family but we will survive. Denny and I had a memorial stone donated to a park in Venice in your honor, the park is called Patriots Park it is a way for us to preserve your presence and respect. We are both very proud of it. The park is for HERO'S so you know I could not pass up the chance to honor and remember you that way. You will always be a very good memory and have a special place in heart. God bless you Craig and thanks once again for being a great husband, father, son in law in my life. You will never ever be forgotten. Love and miss you.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
April 13, 2006
Craig Allen, Boy it has been a long time since i've wrote any thing to you. To start off the kids are getting BIG and they talk about you all the time. Declan is having his first T-ball practice this thursday. He seems real excited about it. I know that you will be looking down at him with a big smile on your face. I wish you could be here to play out in the yard with him. Kylie is a hand full. She still has those big blue eyes. She looks a lot like both of us. More you than me. We love and miss you so much. Wish things could have been so different. We moved in to a new house with more room. My life just isnt the same with out you. You are still my life. I miss you and I love you and I always will. You hold the key to my heart. You are always in my thoughts. Love you always and forever, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
April 12, 2006
Just sittin here at work thinking about you today and I wanted to leave a reflection to let you know that everyone here thinks about you often. We all miss you sooo much. You will NEVER be forgotten.
Newton Co Shf Dept
April 2, 2006
Maegan, Declan, Karen and my birtdays are all coming up this month and I wish that you were here to help us celebrate. I enjoyed going to Lonestar that year and embarrasing the hell out of you and Scott when they all started singing to us. Baby Blann would also have been norn this month but things happen so now we wait until August. It is still so unfair the way you were taken from us. No one understands or even tries to anymore, we just know that you are looking out for us until we can all be together again. Please continue to look out for all of us and in your passing wind in Florida tell Penny and Denny hello for us. Love you and miss you.
March 6, 2006
Happy Valentines Day Craig
Love and miss you, Penny
Penny McManama
mother in law
February 14, 2006
Hello Craig,
My gosh how I miss you, life will go on but not the same without you, being a great father and husband, son, son in law, friend. Your death is getting a little "EASIER" but it still hurts so much. I know that you are gone in body but your spirit will always be with us. You were the best. God bless you and us all. WE MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
January 20, 2006
Hi Craig.
I stopped out at the cemetary on your birthday and everything was decorated so nicely for Christmas, which made it hurt even more thinking of all the birthdays and Christmas' of the past and the emptiness for everyone without you in the future. It looked like a hundred footprints in the snow to and from the road to your grave and I am sure we all know who put most of them there! Adam and I talked for quite a while that day about you and missing you and how wrong it all seems and how much it continues to hurt. He doesn't talk too often, but he feels your lose very deeply.
I spent most of your birthday driving which gave me time for reflecting and thinking of all the special birthday and Christmas memories I have of you. Some are funny, others poignant, but all of them say Craig in their own way.
I found a picture in my desk the other day of you, Mike, and Adam all dressed in matching green shirts. You and Mike were about 12 and 14 and Adam about 2. I always called the picture "My 3 Sons". I have it sitting on my desk again. All those years watching you grow up none of us ever thought that you would be taken away so young. And eventhough your smile, your love, and that special part of you that touched our lives will live on within each of us forever, the hurt and emptiness live on too.
Always my son.
Sharon (Blann) Hayward
Time doesn't heal a broken heart;
it just teaches us how to live with one.
January 16, 2006
January 3, 2006
Craig, As you may already know, you have a new cousin up there to keep watch on. We are trying for another one which will be due around the time that I miscarried. Please look after all of us and make sure that we are all okay.
I still find it hard to believe that all of this is real. Mike and Angie named their new little guy after you and I think he looks a lot like you.
We all struggle everytime we see or hear something that reminds us of us but we push on trying to look forward to more promising times. Scott is still working his ass off and complaining everyday doing it. Brian has moved so we get to see them a little more often now. Can't imagine life without you but we will meet again. All of our love and prayers.
Scott, Mandi, Maegan and baby
January 2, 2006
Happy New Year 2006 Craig,
As you know life will not be the same without you even though we have to try to go on. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Karen and the kids decorated your gravesite really nice for Christmas it is really hard for them as well. They love and miss you as well. Love you always ,Penny
"Momma Sue"
Penny McManama
mother in law
January 1, 2006
Merry Christmas Craig! The department WILL NEVER be the same without you. We all miss you and keep you in our thoughts.....
Newton County Sheriff's Department
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas Craig,
We all love and miss you.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
December 25, 2005
Happy Birthday Craig,
You are so very loved and missed,not a day goes by that something or someone reminds me of you. You were very special to me and always will be. Rest in peace. Love Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
December 22, 2005
Hello Craig,
Somehow this Christmas hurts worse than the last one, I know it is because reality is trying to sink in but I am still trying to avoid the fact that you are gone, if you only knew all the hurt and all the things that don't make sense, but I guess I have to deal with everything the best I can. We all miss you and love you so much, who would of ever thought that you would of ever been taken away from us, it will never be right with me.
Your Grandma called on Wednesday night it was so good hearing from her, you had so much of her in you, I could hear the hurt in her voice as she talked of you but she tried to be strong, I still and never will understand what the hell happened for you to be taken from us all, this is not right, but I know God has a plan for us all, I guess when someone is taken from us it is a warning to us all to get our shit straight and don't take our life for granted, tell everyone we love everyday how we feel
and how thankful we are for them. Please rest in peace knowing that you will always be in my thoughts and prayers and I will never let your memory leave me or your children. Watch over us Craig as we deal with this cruel world, we will see again one day. All my love until we meet again one day. Your children are really exicted about Santa coming, I sent them cookies and presents this week, I made them GREEN ALLIGATOR cookies plus chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I wish I could be with you all as a family at Christmas but I can only say how I feel right here as we have all been dealt the wrong side of life with you being gone. Take care of you Buddy. Love and miss you
Penny "Momma Sue"
Penny McManama
mother in law
December 16, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Craig,
It is still difficult dealing with the fact that you are gone but I am real thankful for the time we did have you, we all miss and love you so very much. Your children are doing great, Declan has a girlfriend now, he loves school, Kylie is saying big words know from what Karen told me, she is getting tall and is looking more like you, she really loves her brother and of course they fight like all siblings do. Both of them miss and love you. Rest in peace Craig, gone but never ever forgotten. Love Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
November 23, 2005
Craig, another holiday season is fast approaching and you will not be here to celebrate with us. I hope you know that we all love you and miss you so much. It is still just so hard dealing with everything that has happened in the past year and a half. As Momma Sue said about the Kenny Chesney song there is also one out by Leann Rimes that talks about her talking to a grave stone and getting back into the dating world. I have not been out there for a while but occassionally I stop and talk to you. I ask you to look out for the family and friends who miss you so much. I know that you are up there taking care of the baby that scott and I will not have next year and that you are looking after all of the babies that are now in the family. Your baby is growing up so fast and she is so sweet. I hardly get to see her anymore. I fell really bad but circumstances have made our lives go in two totally different directions and we just don't see each other. The department is hiring 5 more guys and Tom is back on the road for a while but noone will ever be there like you were. Even if you were running cars off the road in the winter, we still love you.
Mandi Blann
November 17, 2005
Rest in Peace
Deputy William Bennett
Henry County Sheriff's Department
October 26, 2005
Yes I made it through another hurricane, it was a little bit scary at times but I knew you were on my side. We boarded up and went to Uncle Buck's, I was really concerned about the storm surge and you know I can't swim, but I did it.The wind blew like hell and the rain came down sideways,I was awake and tracking it at 3 AM, it came on shore at 6:30, thanks buddy for watching over me.
Here it is Halloween time again, I talked with the kids tonight, Declan is gonna be a power ranger, Kylie is gonna be a Princess,they are such sweet children, you would be so proud of them. Craig this whole situation is and will never be right with me, I still can't figure why or how, I feel so much hurt and can only imagine what your Dad, Bev and Mom are feeling, you were like my son and I know how much it hurts me so I really feel for your parents and your family. Well my buddy until next time, I love and miss you, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Love you, Momma Sue
PS Your Dad and Bev just called what a coinicidence, they were making sure we were ok from the storm , we shared Grandparent stories. Love you
Penny McManama
October 24, 2005
Craig, I still miss you lots. I am now in College, following my dream to become a damn good police officer!! I still think you you as one of the real reasons why I try so hard to do good!! You were and still are my menture!!Thanks for being so great!!!!
October 23, 2005
Hello Craig,
Another month and one half has gone by and the hurt is still here, it has been so hard for me and alot of other people to accept the fact that you are gone, this totally sucks, you were "one" of the greatest human beings I will probably ever know. There is a new Kenny Chesney song out now that really reminds me of you, I cry every time I hear it, it is about a young person who died way before it was time, I know that your work on earth was done, but tell God that we all miss you and love you and we will never understand WHY!!!!!. Also on Wednesday of this week I went to a funeral for a 5 month old little baby, he was the son of a very dear friend of mine, I hope that you can watch over that little guy, teach him your values and let him know that his Mom and Dad really miss and love him.
Craig please know that we all love you and will never let your memory leave us, one day we will meet up again and you will say "Momma Sue" I missed you also but I was looking out for you and everyone else. God Bless you Craig, until we meet again. Love you always
Momma Sue P.S. The Braves lost the wild card playoffs, but maybe next year!
Penny Mother in law
October 14, 2005
October 11, 2005