Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann
Craig, As you know Christmas is only a few days from now and I keep thinking about you a lot. The one thing that sticks in my mind is Christmas a few years ago when you came to Grandma's house for dinner during your shift and said "I need someone to come help me". We all looked at you and thought "What a strange way to come in for the holiday". After you told us what was wrong we had a good laugh. That year we all had cameras and went down to the corner to pull your squad car out of a snow bank. We still look at those pictures and think what a crazy driver you were. Please have fun at His birthday party and know that we all love you and miss you greatly. Also know that Karen and the kids are looked after daily and we are all here for her.
Mandi Blann
December 23, 2004
Happy Birthday Craig. Miss you!
Candy Wiseman
December 22, 2004
We sure miss you and love you. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.
December 21, 2004
To Craig's family, our thoughts and prayers are with you especially during this holiday season.
Newton County Sheriff's Department
December 21, 2004
To your dear wife,
True Love Never Dies
I cruised the freeways, far and near,
and patrolled the highways long.
I assisted those in need of help,
and tried to right the wrongs.
I knew my job put me at risk,
thus faith came into call;
I never drove without the Lord.
He was with me through it all.
I didn't want to leave you,
but God said that I must go.
So, I held your love inside me,
and let my spirit flow.
Tell my family, and my friends,
that everything's okay;
Up here a deputy uses wings,
to cruise the Great Highway.
Teach my children to be proud,
and to not live life in fear.
Tell them Daddy's still on watch,
and that I am always near.
And you, dear wife, remember, please
that true love never dies.
What lives today, within the heart,
lives on in Paradise.
Janice Winslow Harper
Janice wrote this poem for Brandy. I love it so much...I hope you will love it too. Wishing you love and support during this diffcult holiday season.
Sara Winfield
Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10-14-04
December 11, 2004
Craig Allen, I miss you so much and there's still not a minute that goes by that I don't think of you. The kids are getting so big and they miss you. Life still sucks and it's just not fair. I keep in touch with your dad and he really misses you. We wen't and stayed a week with mom and Denny and it was just not the same without you there. Kylie and Declan loved swimming in the ocean. But Kylie did'nt like the birds. We saw the gators and there was a turtle laying eggs in the back yard. Your birthday is coming up!! I'm still going to have cake for you and we are going to send some balloons up there for you so on your birthday be on the look out for them!!! Declan is doing well in school and we talk about you every day!!! Kylie has to go back down to Riley's for an MRI and she has to be pretty much out for it so I'm really going to need your help to make sure she is alright. Things are so hard with out you here to help. I love you so much and wan't you to know that you are the only one who will ever have my heart. We love and miss you!!! I really wish that I can have you back, but I know some day we will meet back up with each other. I can't wait to be able to touch your lips,hug you and give you the best kiss ever!!! So you better watch out!! Lots of love,hugs and kisses!!! Karen,Declan and Kylie Please keep on watching over us and keep us safe.
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
December 5, 2004
Karen is taking the kids back to rhonda's as you already know. Rhonda says Kylie is getting so big. I'm excited that Emma will have a playmate. We all miss you and keep you in our prayers. Gob be with you
Jason and Candice Krug
November 11, 2004
God Bless you Deputy Blann, I too am a Deputy and as I read your reflections I am so saddened. God Bless your family and friends. We will carry on from here brother.
Jeffrey Bessinger
Delaware County Sheriffs Office-Ohio
November 11, 2004
Craig it has been 2 months since the good lord called you home to be with him. They say he only takes the best, well I think he got one of the best. Your are missed by all of your friends. Well friend I am sure one day you will be reunited with your family because I know that they miss you so much. Until that day comes continue looking over them while protecting heaven.
November 8, 2004
Peace be with you Brother Blann, and with your family. My heart is saddened, but my resolve to carry on your fight is strengthened.
R. Knotts - Correctional Officer
Alaska Dept. of Correction (Former Indiana State Capitol Police Office
November 7, 2004
God Speed, Brother.
Union PD, NJ
October 25, 2004
Craig Allen, Well things still are the same around here. We miss you sooo much. The kids are going to go trick or treating as woody from the toy story and as piglet. Declan has a party at school this week and he had a field trip this past week. He had lots of fun. Kylie says NO very well these days and is becoming a hand full. Both of the kids look at your pictures and they both give you lots of kisses. But you know every thing would be so much better if you were here with us!! We miss you and love you. I think about you every minute of every day and I'm still so lost with out you. If I could only have five more minutes with you. But I guess if I got those five minutes I would just wish for five more. This is so unfair and you were right when you said that if something ever happened to you John would know how to get in touch with me. that will always be the worst day of my life. I still can't figure out what happened out there that morning. I know I should'nt be mad at you but I am. I know that you did'nt mean to do it, but it's just hard to understand it. Life's just not fair. One day I'll be with you again and nothing will be able make us part from each other. We love you and miss you and are thinking about you!!! Lots of love and kisses!! Karen,Declan,Kylie
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
October 24, 2004
I could never begin to fathom the amount of grief and loss your family is feeling along with the many other friends, co-workers and everyday people that you somehow in someway touched lives with in the short time you were here on this earth. For someone who left us all too soon, to me, you lived a full and great life. You had a great job that you did with such pride and compassion that one one could deny. You had such a great family life and I only hope that one day I will be lucky enough to have even half the love that you shared with Karen and your kids. I will always envy how happy you were every day. No matter what challenges faced you, you stood tall and seemed to face them with no fear. Even though I've only known you for the last four years, you've become such a great friend that it was not only a pleasure & privilege to know you but also an honor. Your hearty laugh and cheshire grin I will always reflect on and miss. The very last time I saw you, you said to me "It's nice to see you again." I'm not going to say good-bye because in spirit and in all our hearts, you'll never really be gone. It's a calming feeling to know that no matter where you are, heaven or earth, you'll always be watching over us and be there to talk to. I know someday we'll all meet up again and I'm sure it will be nice to see you again. Thanks so much for the friendship and the memories.
October 14, 2004
Craig Allen, It's been over a month and nothing seems to be getting any better. I miss you and Love you so much. You are always on my mind. I sprayed our bed down with your cologne and now the only thing missing is you laying next to me. Declan is getting big and really likes going to school. Kylie is starting to say so many new things and her hair is getting long. Things are'nt the same and never will be with out you here. I wish so bad that this is all just one bad dream and that I will wake up with you giving me a kiss and I'll sit right up and tell you every thing and when 6:00pm comes around you will be pulling in the drive way and all of us will be waiting for you. I hurt so bad with out you and wish you would just come back home to us. I know that this happening to you was just one big mistake and I still just don't under stand. I'm so lost without you. I've got so much to deal with now and I ask myself every day how will I make it to the next day. I give your picture a kiss every night and I tell you good night then I cry myself to sleep. Every one says your looking down on me and our kids but thats just not good enough for me I really want you here again. I found old cards you got me and I've been watching video tapes of you working. We love you and miss you!!! Love You Always and Forever !!! Karen,Declan,Kylie
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
October 11, 2004
Craig, I think back to when you were a baby. Your parents were so proud. Then when you were the ring bearer in my wedding (although a bit shy!) Then there was when you were that ornery little boy...somehow always getting your Uncle Mike in trouble! I remember you as a teenager, always loving and always had a hug...especially for Grandma. And as an adult, you were such a loving husband to Karen and a great daddy to Kylie and Declan. You were a special son to your dad...and always will be. Adam and Amanda were blessed to have you as a brother. All of your aunts, uncles, and cousins are so proud of you. You were also one of Newton County's finest officers. Your are sadly missed by your family...but you will never be forgotten.
Aunt Susan
September 29, 2004
Although some times our profession is one of the least appreciated, but the most demanding, thank you for performing yours with such passion and determination. You will always be remembered.
Mike Rowe & K-9
Newton County Sheriff's Department
September 27, 2004
I'm free
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm folloing the path God laid for me. I took God's hand when I heard the call
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I found that place at the close of day
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
Ah yes, these things, I too, will miss
Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief;
don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your heart and share with me-
God wanted me now, God set me free.
God bless you Craig, you will be greatly missed. You are forever in our hearts. Keep an watchful eye out for Karen and your babies also.
Joan Terry
September 26, 2004
Craig Allen, Where do I begin? Well, I guess I can start off by saying We miss and love you soooo much! Declan has asked a lot of questions and Kylie looks at your pictures and says DADDY!! All I can think is this is so unfair. You mean the world to me and you make me so happy. We just did'nt get enough time with each other. I know that I have you in my heart and I have all of our wonderful memories. I think about you every minute of every day. I hardly eat or get any sleep. I miss you and I love you. I'll never understand all of this but I guess it's not up to me to understand. For some reason you were taken from us. I wish that I would have gotten up with you that morning and I really regret that I did'nt and if I could I would trade you places. My promise to you my love is that our kids will always be taken care of and you will always have my heart. The kids will know much you love them. Koalisfer has a new home and he is a very happy dog now. Our house is going to get done and the yard is going to be the way you wanted it. Watch over us and listen because I talk to you every night. Well my love, my sweetheart,my soul and my life .I love you very much and when the time is right I'll be there to see you. With all the love in the world your wife, Karen
Karen Blann Craig's Wife
September 25, 2004
I remember Craig as not only an excellent officer but a good friend. Craig was like the other brother I never had. He was married to Karen three days after my dad died. I went to his reception and wished them well. Apparently I had drank just a little too much and I recalled him asking me if I had a ride home. Well I did. It just would not be right to ride home with the bride and groom now would it. We would talk of baseball and football. I think he was puzzled at just how much a woman could know about sports. We talked about his wife and children and his love of life. He will be missed greatly. If need be I can talk to him and he cannot say "woman shutup." as he did with a smile and chuckle when I carried on too much. Until the time when I can see him again, the memories will linger in my heart and the pictures that my mind can produce will keep him alive always.
Lots of hugs
Patty Kwiatkowski
Patty Kwiatkowski
September 24, 2004
Craig was a wonderful person. Not only a devoted husband and proud father but a truly wonderful human being. I remember going shopping with him and Karen and he would always make fun of me because I wanted to push the stroller in which is "son" was riding in. Craig never truly understood the reasoning behind it until we were on our way to the Newton COunty Fair and Karen turned back to me and said "did you tell Craig your news" He laughed and said "what are you pregnant?" I said yes but don't tell my husband yet. Now all that stroller pushing has paid off since I now have my own child to contend with. I married into the family and will alway remember the pet names that Craig had for everyone. His smile will brighten my days from now until I see him again.
Craig make it safe up there for everyone as well. You did a tremendous job here on Earth and I want to know when I come to Heaven that it will be safe there as well.
All my love
Bear roofus
Mandi Blann
September 24, 2004
Craig you touched many hearts while you was here with us. Your smile alone was enough to take someones breath away. You are up there with Jamie now living it up. See you "One Sweet Day!"
Candy Wiseman
Newton COunty DFC
September 23, 2004
Thank you for all the wonderful year's you brought into Karen, the children, and my life. You meant the world to me. You were the best son in law anyone could ask for, always kind, thoughtful, loving, caring, devoted. I will miss you so very much. You made my life complete knowing that my daughter and grandkids had such a wonderful husband and father. You will be missed but never ever forgotten. I love you. Penny (Momma Sue) Rest in Peace my friend
Penny (mother in law)
September 22, 2004
I am so blessed to have known you for the few years I did I'll never forget your smile!
Courtney Silk/Dispatcher
Benton County
September 21, 2004
Craig - you were called away too soon. For those of us who knew you, you will be missed and our lives have been enriched for having known you. Godspeed.
SA George Frantz
Bi-State Drug Task Force
September 20, 2004
Craig was someone who would put smile on your face even of you were having the worst day ever.He is a very special person and will be missed by everyone who knew him.My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife and 2 wonderful kids but know he will always be watching over you and keep you safe.REST IN PEACE CRAIG THIS WORLD LOST ONE HECK OF A NICE GUY.
September 19, 2004