Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann
Not a day goes by that we don't think of you, I miss our talks and hearing your laugh, your children are getting big, Dec starts school in 2 months, Kylie is getting very independent she is a little "CRAIGETTE". On labor day Karen and I are having the 1st Annual Craig Memorial cookout, we are really putting our thoughts together to make it a big success, we will be sending balloons up on that day so make sure you are not writing a ticket so you can catch them.
Declan ran with the officers who dedicated a run for you from Crown Point to Indy, Karen said he thought he was gonna get to see you and your would tickle him, bless his and Kylie's heart. Karen is still having a difficult time just yesterday she called crying as she had to locate an important paper and she ran across cards and various items that meant alot to her from you. I try to keep her spirits up, encourage her and help her in any way I can, it breaks my heart to see my daughter hurt and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is be there for her.
Well my friend you are so very missed and loved by all of us, we will never forget your sacrifice to all of us.
Love you "Momma Sue"
Penny McManama
mother in law
June 12, 2005
I remember Craig from school in the 90s. A real good boy and a blessing to Newton County. All the family should know theres a little peice of Craig standing tall in every LEO on duty today, and that means he will never, ever die. Always remember, and keep in your hearts that you walked with a hero.
Agency TAC
Yancey County Sheriff's Office
June 8, 2005
I just want to let you know how much I really enjoyed you and Jamie's company in DC. Keep your chin up and keep moving forward. I will never forget you. I never did get to give you my email address, but I believe you do have my number so give me a call someday. My thoughts will always be with you and your family and I know that Craig will always be with you and will continue to look over you and the kids until you can all be reunited with him once again.
Love and hugs,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
May 16, 2005
Thursday we will be flying to Washington DC in your honor, this is going to be a very emotional time for all of us, I am really concerned how Karen will handle this. I will be there for her along with alot of your coworkers and friends. You are missed so very much. Rest in peace Craig.Gone but never forgotten. Love you,
Penny "Momma Sue"
Penny McManama
May 8, 2005
Craig Allen, we just had our first Easter with out you. It was hard. The kids had a good time. It wasnt the same. I find it really hard to get into the holidays. I could really care less about them but I know that I have to care because of Declan and Kylie. They are getting sooo big and some times I wonder how I'm supposed to handle your part of the job of raising them. Its very hard doing it all on my own without your help. I still wonder why you are where you are and why I'm here without you. I was going through all your cd's the other day. I was crying and laughing. I wish i could just hold you and tell you that I love you and be able to do that with you standing in front of me and not touching or talking to your picture. I love you and miss you so much. You are on my mind all the time. love you, karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
March 28, 2005
You are greatly missed by all of your family and friends. We were truly blessed to have you in our lives, even though the time was too short. The memories of the fun times we all had together will live forever in our hearts.
Karen is such a strong woman. She is doing what she believes that you would want and I think that you would be proud of her. Be sure to guide and protect her and the kids as they make changes in their lives.
Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Jenifer Olehy
March 22, 2005
Craig Allen, Well we are getting closer to being able to move into our new house. The weather is starting to warm up. The kids have been able to play outside. Kylie still loves to swing on the swing set. life still isn't getting any better I still love and miss you more than ever. I still give your picture a kiss every night. I stare at you until I fall asleep. People tell me the reason why this happen is to make me a stronger person but why did this had to happen. I can tell myself that you arent coming home and I can believe it. I really wish this was just a really bad joke and that you would just jump out of a closet and say surprise Karen Sue I love you!! But thats not going to happen. The kids miss you. The other day we were going out the door and Kylie saw your picture and the shelf and she started waving and said bye DADDY ILOVE YOU!!! we miss and love you Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
March 17, 2005
I think that Craig was a great officer, I got the chance to ride with Criag as a ride along throught the South Newton Public Saftey class. Craig was the the first officer that I had ever ridden w/. Craig should me the whole county. He always had the answer to all the questions that I had. Craig has expired me to keep on trying to become an officer. I will miss him trully, he was one of the best officers and will trully be missed by all.
March 16, 2005
Craig Allen, Hello my love. Well there's been a lot of things going on around here. We get to start moving soon and I have to sign Declan up for kindergarten soon. i miss you so much and wish you were here with me thruogh all of this. I know now that you arent coming home to us but I still ask why. All i have left is memories and stuff in boxes. I wish that I could just hug and kiss you and have you next to me with your smile on your face. my life will never be the same. I still wish this was just a bad dream. I miss you. I love you with all of my heart. I always will. The headstone is out there and I will be next to you when it's time for me to join you. I love you and miss you. Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
March 15, 2005
Karen and I went to the Reds spring training game on saturday, all of the Reds players are signing a tee shirt in your honor, I wished like hell that you could of been there, but you were there in memory, yes I had tears in my eyes quite a few times just thinking of the razzing you were gonna give me about the Reds, you and your giggle or chuckle. I really miss our conversations and all of the joy you brought into my life, life is just not the same without you but I try to keep it alive with memories. Denny and I hung the Indiana law enforcement flag in our yard by your flower garden I planted for you,every time the wind blows the clips rattle and I say to myself there's Craig. I have your memorial sticker on my window of my car, a florida deputy went by one day and gave me the thumbs up, I know it was for that sticker. I miss you and love you, you will always be special to me. Karen, Declan, Kylie love and miss you also. Karen is doing a great job by keeping your memory alive with the kid's,she has been so strong though this very unfortunate time in her life. Your headstone was placed on her birthday which was very sad for her, but she did some great thought on what she wanted said on it, from the pictures I saw of it you would be proud of her.God bless you Craig, rest in peace my friend.
until we meet again, Love Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mom in law
March 13, 2005
Craig Allen, Well things are going. I won't lie and say they are wonderful but I can say they just suck. I closed on our new house today. I'm very nervous about every thing. But I know it will all be fine I just have to remember that I have you looking over me and the kids. My birthday is coming up and I'm really not looking forward to it at all. I will be older than you and thats something that was never supposed to happen. You really gave me everything I ever needed and more. I'm sorry that I did'nt see what I see now when you were here. But I dont have any regrets about anything. I know I Love you and always will and you will always be a part of me. I'll never have any one love me the way that you loved me! If I could have just five more minutes with you. i dont think I could ever let you go and I would hold you really tight and tell you I love you over and over. We love you and miss you so much craig allen! Love you, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
March 2, 2005
My name is Jason. I am a Metro Police Officer in Nashville T.N. I'm truly sorry that we never had the opportunity to meet one another. It is painfully clear that you are loved by so many people. Honestly, I had a hard time reading the reflections, (especially the ones left by your wife) without a sea of emotion overwhelming me for you and for them. My brother, I just want you to know, that you have not, and will not be forgotten. In May of this year, I will ride in your honor in the unity tour to preserve your memory and recognize the tragic but heroic price that you paid. My partner, Christy Dedman, was also killed this past year while working an accident. After her death I knew there was something more for me to do. Something for her and something for you. Unfortunately, shortly after her death (two weeks) my plans were cut short when I was diagnosed with cancer. (small "c" because I refused to give it any credibility!) It put a short damper on my plans but after several months of down time I survived after surgery and treatment. Now, I am blessed to be back at full speed to the task at hand. I will not be complete until I have accomplished my mission of honor for you and your family. It is my privilege to ride on your behalf and preserve your memory. cancer has been a blessing in that it makes me thankful that I live and breath another day. It also has made me understand that there are people all over that are sufferring through much greater circumstances and to appreciated life and to never take it for granted. Craig, God Bless you. To your family, there are people all over this nation that weep for you and your loss. You are in my family's thoughts and prayers May the Peace that passes understanding be with you . Craig, You will never be forgotten, my brother. I ride for you and for your familiy. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Officer Jason Beddoe
Metro Nashville Police Department
March 1, 2005
Craig Allen, Of course nothing has changed. Every thing still sucks and we still miss you more than ever. I'm going to visit mom and going to watch the Reds play baseball. You know that I'm really not a fan of the sport but I'm doing it all for you!!! I will be thinking about you every minute while I'm there. I love you so much and I still don't except that you are gone. I was told that I need to quit asking my self why. I will never know why. You are the only person who can answer that question and believe me when we are together again I want the answer. The kids just got there pictures taken and they turned out real good. I have been tanning and of course getting burnt. We miss you and love you and think about you all the time. I love you craig allen!!! Love always, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
February 22, 2005
Craig, Karen has been working out with Patty and me for a little while, but she is starting to slack off. Patty and I went to the accident scene last night, Patty had never been there. You look so handsome in your uniform and everything was still in its place. Karen has been doing so much by decorating out there and your burial plot. She is getting things ready to move. I wish she did not have to go, but I understand her feelings. She loves you so much and so do the kids. I keep thinking that if I could turn back time and make everything better for her I would. She puts up a very good front making people think that she is fine when deep down inside she is tearing herself up. It is extremely dificult to think that you will not get to see any more cousins growing up. I have told Scoot and Karen that with or without their consent I wanted to name our next child after you. I know that had you and Karen had any more there would have been some form of your name involved so I want to be the one to carry that out. I just wish you could be here to see him or her grow up. Maegan and Kylie ask about each other alot. They are so cute when they get together. Declan still calls her Magan. I do not know what we are going to do without you, but please keep a safe look out for everyone. You have been my gurdian angel so far. Keep up the good work. Love you and miss you and look forward to being with you in the future. You better keep an eye on the rest of the family too. They might get mad at me for asking too much of you. You are always in our prayers. Happy belated Valentine's day.
Mandi Blann
February 15, 2005
Happy Valentines Day Craig,
I sure miss you and not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Spring training is starting this week and it makes me sad because you,Karen and the kids were suppose to come down so we could watch the Reds beat the Braves.
Kylie is really talking alot now, she has such a sweet voice, I call her my little "Craigette", Declan is having a real hard time dealing with the fact that you are gone but he always says you are in our hearts. Miss and love ya.
mother in law
February 14, 2005
Craig Allen, Happy Valentine's Day my love!!! I will be sending some balloons your way so be on the look out for them. We miss you and love you so much!! I just found one of the valentine's day cards that you gave to me last year. Now I have to read it like it would be the card that you would have given me this year if you were still here. Your dad gave me a single red rose because he knew you always gave me flowers. I thought that was very sweet of him!! why cant you just come back home to declan,kylie and me? It's just not fair we love you so much and need you here in so many ways. We are moving out of this house in a couple more weeks. it's going to be hard but I know where ever I go you are with us and you are watching down over us!!! We love you and miss you!! Love you always, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
February 13, 2005
Craig Allen, Well I went to see my brother and Jaime this past weekend and we went to the star. I remember when we were there and we took those pictures. It wasnt the same. The kids are getting big and Kylie still looks like you!! Declan is a brat most of the time and he never wants to mind me. We miss and love you so much. I keep on wondering when is it going to get better and I wish that I had the answer and knew just what happened to you that day. I really wish you would just come back home to us. This just plain out sucks. I put the house up for sale and I've looked at another one not to far from here. I know that you would like it!! Craig I love you so much and would do any thing to be able to see you again. I just dont under stand why or how this had to happen. I miss and love you and I always will. K
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
January 26, 2005
Craig, All I can say is that I love you and miss you so much. I'm sorry that I didnt get up with you that morning. If I knew that you werent coming home at six that night I would havedone so many things different. But I know I cant change anything. Please keep looking over Declan,Klyie and me and remember that we love and miss you. love you and miss you, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
January 15, 2005
I did not know you but thank you for putting your self out there with this type of job. I ask that you give your wife strength to carry on. Comfort her, help her get through this. It's not fair that these things happen to good people.
January 14, 2005
Craig Allen, Well lets see how do I start this. I can tell you that I really miss you and that I'll always love you. But that does not even come close to the way I feel about this big mistake. I can say that you really made me happy. I honestly don't think any one will ever be able to treat me how you treated me. I really did'nt see what I had in front of me until it was gone. Now I just wish that I had it all back. Declan misses you and Klyie sees your picture and its Daddy!!!! She also gives you big kisses and big hugs! Life just plain out sucks. Theres no other way to say it. I've been looking at houses and I really want to get out of here. Its just way to much. I walk through our house and all I can think is this was the last place that we kissed each other and told each other I Love you. I never want those memories to leave me but I just cant be faced with them each and every day. You are missed by so many. People tell me how sorry they are but I would never wish this upon any one. Are life was so complete we had our little boy and our little girl and we had each other. It was perfect. I honestly can say that I had the dream husband. Not once did I wish that I had what some body eles has. But know I can say I wish I had you to come home to. It hurts so bad and I'm so sick of crying. but theres nothing that can ever make this pain go away. They say time. but I just don't think theres enough time to heal the loss of the love of my life. I think about you and I miss you Craig Allen!!! Love you always, your loving wife Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
January 13, 2005
Craig Allen, Well it's after the first of the year and I thought it would be a better year but was I very wrong. I can go a few days and not cry, but still be very sad and hurt that I don't have you. Then it seems like the next few days well my whole life just falls apart again. All I can say is that I miss you so much and I love you. I still remember that Sunday the 5th of September. What we had for dinner and where the last place that I gave you a kiss and a hug and told you that I love you. I just hate to be in this house with out you. So much work has been done and the house looks good. I want to have a house built this spring and put this house up for sale. It's just too much. All I wish is that I had five minutes with you. I know that I would never want to let you go and if I had it my way I wouldn't. I just don't know what to do. I was so happy when we got married. I knew without a doubt that you were the one and you were all that I needed. Well I still need you now and I understand you can't always get what you want. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me and there will never be any one that could replace that. Well my love please keep looking out for Declan, Kylie and me. One day I'll be with you and I'll be very happy again!!! Love, hugs and big kisses. Love you, Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
January 6, 2005
Oh Craig...where to begin. You are truly missed. I think about you often and I know Mike has you in the forefront of his thoughts. You know he thought of you like a brother.
Mike and I toasted a drink to you on Christmas Eve. It's still so unbelievable to us that you are not here. Mike tells me that he still looks for your squad car on his way to the farm. And every Sheriff's car I see, my heart saddens. Sydney, Elliott and Jacob talk about you and know that you are in heaven and in all our hearts. I will never forget you coming to the hospital to visit us when the boys were in NICU. It meant a lot to Mike and I.
Happy Belated Birthday Craig! We as a family have been blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you for all that you did and your smiles.
We love you!
Mike, Angie, Sydney, Elliott & Jacob
Angie Blann
December 30, 2004
Craig, I've sat and thought and I can not figure it out. Why did you have to leave Declan,Kylie and me this way? I'm still so mad at you. But I know that you did'nt mean for any of this to happen. We miss you so much and we love you. Life I don't understand it one minute you are here and the next you are gone. We did'nt even get the chance to say good bye. When you wrote I love you Karen Sue on the shower door who would have known that would be the last time I would see that in writing. I never had any doubt that you loved me. But why? If I could just change things. You would still be here and our lives would be normal and we would all be happy. One thing that really gets me is that I'll never know what you'll look like when you got old and I'll always remember you as being the way you were the last time I got to see you in that sunday. All i can remember is you were so excited about it being a holiday and you were going to write tickets. Our bed is so empty and I miss the sound of your laugh, your smile, your hugs and your kisses. I miss you coming in the door and saying Hello!! I miss tripping over your shoes and putting all your buttons on your shirt. If I only knew why there are people sitting in jail for all the bad stuff they done and you were just doing your job and you are no longer with us. I just miss you and I wish that I just had five minutes with you. I love you sweetheart and I miss you.
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
December 29, 2004
Happy Birthday Craig! We miss you!
Dave and Michelle
December 23, 2004
Craig Allen, Happy Birthday my love!! All I can say is it's just not fair to have to tell you the way I had to tell you. We miss you so much and we love you. The kids are getting big and I still wish that they came with a pause and a mute button. I've finished their shopping and I really wish you were here to help me with every thing. But your not and there's nothing that I can do about it. I'm sorry that I never got the chance to give you that big party that you wanted. I still can't accept the fact that you are gone. Why Craig? I've sat for hours looking at those pictures of you at the sight and I just can't figure it out. I would give everything just be be able to be in your arms again and to be able to touch you and to wake up next to you, but I know that I'll never get that again. I'm still mad at you for leaving us like this. I could really use your help with the kids. They are too smart for their own good. Kylie's MRI came back abnormal and she hasn't stopped breathing for a while so I guess that's great. You just need to keep her safe and keep all those monsters out from Declan's bed because I told him that you would so don't let me down. Well we love and miss you and I hope you are having a great birthday. Love and miss you!! Karen
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
December 23, 2004