Newton County Sheriff's Department, Indiana
End of Watch Monday, September 6, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Craig Allen Blann
Karen...I graduated the same class at the Indiana Law Enforcement Adacemy with Craig. He was a great person and an outstanding officer. He was a little quiet at the academy but always had a smile. We talked a lot and were good friends. I am so sorry about your loss. I was stunned to hear of his death. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children. Craig is missed by all who knew him. If there is anything that we can do for you and your children please let us know. I'm sure Craig would have done the same for my family. God bless you and your children.
Terry Conrad
Graduated the same class at ILEA
July 12, 2009
Happy 4th of July Craig,
Missing you like crazy. I will never forget the yr that you put that M-80 or whatever in the gutter by the mailbox, it went off and you ran like hell, Geri could hear it clear down at her house. I'm so sorry that we can't do that crazy stuff anymore. I miss it!
Keep watching out for us all, as we live in a "messed" up society.
You will never ever be forgotten.
Love you and miss you like crazy.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
June 29, 2009
Hello my love. it has been a while since i've wrote to you. You are on my mind all the time. I still love and miss you. Our kids are getting big. Dec is going to the 4th grade and Kylie is going to 1st grade. They are growing up so fast. Dec plays bball. I remember you always said you wanted to coach his team. I really wish you were here to do that. It is still very hard and some days seem like they are never going to end. Just keep on watching out for us. I love you and miss you K
Craig's wife
June 25, 2009
blann this week dustin and i were looking at old pictures, just wanted to tell ya we still miss and think of you often. we had alot of good times together with the old crew. rest in peace brother.
June 24, 2009
Happy Memorial Day Craig,
As always you are remembered and missed
Love ya
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
May 19, 2009
Dearest Craig,
Been thinking of you a lot lately, probably because of the memorial service held this week in D.C. Your name was added to the Law Enforcement Memorial. It was an honor, but one I wish you would not have received. I would rather have you here, as would all of us, to receive awards. I start crying every time your picture comes on the display. We really miss you, dear nephew. Rest In Peace.
Aunt Janet
janet blann
May 15, 2009
Happy Easter Craig,
Sure miss and love you.
Love Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
April 8, 2009
Hello Craig,
Well it's been awhile and just wanted to let you know that we are all still thinking of you and miss you like crazy everyday! We will soon be approaching the anniversary date of your death and it is SOOOO hard to believe that it has been 5 years since you were taken from us. God has a funny way of working sometimes taking people that are needed so badly here on earth, while leaving some others that are suffering on earth. Your children are growing so quickly and I miss seeing them all the time. Kylie and Maegan are very good friends in school and I just love that so much. Karen and I have not talked in a long time and I miss her. Don't really talk to your dad much except at family events. Our prayers are with Bev right now as she fights her battle and we hope that things get brighter for her.
Well just wanted to say that we love you and miss you very much.
February 25, 2009
Dear Craig,
Happy Valentines Day
Love and miss ya
Penny McManama
mother in law
February 15, 2009
Craig and his family are always on our minds and are never forgotten. We wish you the peace and happiness in 2009.
January 11, 2009
Hello my buddy,
Happy New Year. Wow 2009!!!!!!!!!!!
As always, missing you and loving you
God Bless
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
December 26, 2008
Craig Allen, Hello my love. Tomorrow is your 32nd birthday. HAPPY BIRTDAY!!! I wish you were here. I miss you so much. I love you. I was on the phone with momma today and we were talking about you. I asked her if she thought you would have gray hair. She said Karen no. We miss you so much. The kids are getting big. far away for far to long. I loved you all along. I keep dreaming that you will be with me and never go. Happy birthday my love! K
Karen Blann
Craig's Wife
December 22, 2008
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Craig,
Wow, another year has gone by and what a year it has been.
Your kids are doing great, Kylie loves school and is doing wonderful, Declan struggles sometimes but he can do it.I'm still concerned with Karen, she needs to grieve in my opinion.
You are so very missed and loved by us all.
Keep watching out for us all.
Love ya
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
December 18, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Craig,
Still missing and loving you. God bless you and us all.
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
November 24, 2008
Craig Allen, Hello my love. Well i guess I can start off by saying the kids are getting so big! They still wish that daddy was coming home. I wish that also. I have been having a very hard time still trying to except what has happened. I miss you so much and I love you. I was just at your dads house tonight and we were talking about the time we found out we were going to have a baby. We went over to your dads house with our first ultrasound picture of Kylie. Bev had a big smile on her face and your dad freaked out because he was too young to be a grandpa! We had a really good laugh about that! I sit and think how complete our life was and how happy we were and then I every thing hits me in the face. Your gone. we cant do any thing to change it. WOW. It is what it is and thats it. I love you Craig Allen Blann. Love K
Karen Blann
Craig's wife
November 5, 2008
Dearest Craig,
I oculdn't leave this reflection when I wanted to because Uncle Steve and I went to Minn. We Miss you so much. It just doesn't seem possible that you have been away for 4 years. It all seems like a bad dream( or nightmare). Things just aren't the same without you. Thank God Kylie is here. You would be so proud of both of the kids. Maegan and Kylie really like being with each other; seems hard to believe that the girls are in Kindergarten already. I guess it's a good thing that time goes on no matter how hard it is sometimes. God has plans for us, we just don't always agree with them. May He be with you, Karen and the kids. He is the source of our strength.
Loving and missing you: Aunt Janet
janet blann
September 25, 2008
Well, its been 4 yrs now, and your still missed my friend. Rest in peace. My prayers are with your family.
Speical DeputyCourtHouse G.Hamilton
Newton County SHeriff
September 23, 2008
My hero Craig,
I can't believe how the time has passed since you left us. It just seems like yesterday. I'm sure you have been quite busy keeping an eye on everyone. Everyone is doing great, tho we sure do miss you so much. I thought the heartache would get easier but it hasn't. I have a lot of great memories of you with Mike and Eric. With some of those memories you guys were in a "little" trouble, but now it just brings a smile to my face. Miss you much.
Aunt Louanne and family
Aunt Louanne
September 8, 2008
Thinking of you on the 4th anniversary of your EOW. Sharing the pain that your
family feels in missing you. It's not fair you don't get to help raise your kids, but
I'm sure you're proud of the job Karen is doing. Keep looking up! That's where your help comes from.
Lynn Kole
Belingham, WA
September 6, 2008
Craig Allen, Well today is the day that you have been gone from us for 4 years now. I still dont understand why things happened the way they did. Kylie and Declan went over to your dads house today and I didnt move from the couch. I went sky diving this past week and to me it was my chance to be close to you. It has been a rough 4 years. Im sure it will always be that way. Our kids are getting so big! They are both in soccer and their first game is tomorrow. Kylie is like you in sooo many ways. They ask me questions about you. Most of the time its hard for me to give them a good answer because I still dont under stand. But i do try my best to give them the answer that they want. I think about you all the time and I still do the what if. I love you and always will! I miss you!! love always, Your wife K
Craig's wife
September 6, 2008
Remembering Deputy Blann today.
The years go by, but I know that it seems just like yesterday that you lost Craig.
The years go by, but the hurt never leaves you.
May God continue to bless and give you the comfort that only he can give.
"Gone, but never forgotten".
Lorraine Bond
September 6, 2008
4 very long years have gone by now. Oh my how things have changed. Karen called today and was so very sad and upset as today is Labor Day, she said it hit her hard today which it has last yr and the yrs before. What a crying shame that you are gone. Your children are 2 wonderful kids, Karen will never be the same and I worry about her, a big part of her life was taken away and she has really never started to accept it that I can see, she has tried to do different things she thought could fullfill the void but she knows her true feelings and she has still to accept what happened. Please guide her as best as you can, let her know in whatever way you can that she has to move on and that you will always be watching over her and your children. Let her know that it is ok to feel sad, that grieving is a process that doesn't happen over night.
You are so truly missed by so many people. You were so remarkable and such a sweetheart. All of our lives changed 4 yrs ago and we will never forget, we all just try to move on which is hard at times but we will and just think of all the great memories and times with you that God allowed us to have.
Miss you my buddy
Love ya
Momma Sue
Penny McManama
mother in law
September 1, 2008
Dearest Craig,
Kylie and Maegan have started kindergarten. Mrs. Hammel says that they get along really well for being related. She is such a cute and sweet little girl. You would be so proud of her.
I miss not being able to come over to see you guys all the time like I used to. I still remember climbing into the "attic" of the house to dig out the crib when Karen found out she was pregnant. She yelled at me for being pregnant without her when she asked me to stand up in your wedding and then found out that our little girls were going to just be a few months apart was the best thing for us. We talked about sleepovers and the fun things that the girls would do together but so far none of those things have happend. I just hope now that she is back in Morocco and settled into her new life that Karen and I can get back to being friends.
Momma Sue told us after the wedding that we looked so much like sisters in the pictures it was funny. I want to have that bond with her again.
Please keep looking out for our family so that one day when we are all reunited, it will be like our ties were never broken.
Rest in PEace as we approach the 4th anniversary of your death.
Mandi Blann
August 27, 2008
Hello my friend,
Your little girl was crowned Little Miss Newton County, what a little sweetheart she is, so full of energy and life just like her Daddy, she will be starting kindergarten next week, wow where has the time gone. Your Dad took Dec to Minnesota last week on the Blann fishing trip, he caught a 23" walleye, I bet that little guy was just so thrilled and your Dad also. Oh Craig, I know here I go again but it is just so unfair that you weren't with your Dad and Dec in Minnesota and you weren't at the Newton County Fair to see you and Karens little girl be crowned, but God has his plan.
I really miss you and really wish you were here right now!
Please look out for us all and guide us in the right direction.
Love and miss ya
Momma Sue
P.S. Uncle Buck asked me to tell you hello, the big boy is still really trying to accept what happened.
Penny McManama
mother in law
August 8, 2008
I graduated from the academy with Craig. He was a wonderful person who loved you and his family alot. He was a lot of fun to be around. I was very sad to hear what had happened. I have watched this memorial page from the beginning and would like you to know that you are and have been in our prayers. God bless you and your children! Craig was a great guy.
Former Dana Town Marshal Terry Conrad
Dana Police Department
July 29, 2008