Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Hey babe,

Well this month has been an extremely busy month with functions honoring you and next month is just as busy. This past Monday, I was a guest at a banquet sponsored by the 100 Club for Anne Arundel County. I know you are probably saying “huh” and “what’s that”, but they are supportative of public service personnel in fire, EMS, and police. They have a memorial fund in your name, which will go to support supplemental funding for training, equipment, scholarship, and surviving families. They were there to help me the day after you were taken away from me and I have agreed to assist them should that most unfortunate of circumstances ever happen to another family. I don’t ever want to see anyone have to go through what I have been going through, but it happens almost every day all over the world and it is just a matter of when it will happen here in Maryland again. The loss of officers will never cease as long as there are people who have disregard to public safety walking amongst us. I had to tell them how supportative you were in rallying for take home patrol cars for your department (when you would go bug Mr. Jimeno when you would drop off our insurance bill because he was not only our insurance agent, but our Senator) so hopefully with the memorial fund in your name, some lucky cop will be able to maybe get a take home patrol car one day. I know you would want to see that happen. You washed the patrol cars at work like they were your own vehicles. You loved L-4 so much and would always keep it shiny. All the other guys had to get to it first to use if they wanted it because you always seemed to be the one who got to it first. Speaking of L-4, I finally did get a chance to see it not to long ago. Duke, I am surprised you hung in as long as you did. I am so grateful that you did though because I was able to be with you at the hospital and that means so much to me. You knew I was there with you and I truly believe that. L-4 will forever be yours that is for sure.

I was talking to my mom the other day while I was doing clothes and had finished up my grocery shopping. I was telling her how I missed seeing your black t-shirts you wore for work in the dirty laundry. I was telling her how I go to the grocery store and how lost I am in there. I really have nothing to buy anymore and yet I find myself buying just to buy. I bought you so much from the grocery store. I see the junk food like cookies, peanut butter kandy kakes, butterscotch krimpets, coffee cakes, pop tarts, and twinkies and I miss buying those. I miss buying potato bread, potato hamburger rolls, and potato hotdog rolls because you liked them better than white bread products. I miss buying juice boxes and gator aid. I miss buying you turkey or ham for your lunchmeat. Speaking of turkey, I drove past that little seafood store that we would stop at and get the sandwich meal deals with a sandwich, Amish macaroni salad, and chips off of Ritchie Highway. You were always getting turkey on white bread with lettuce, tomatos and mayo.

My dad came over and drained the pool and got that all taken care of for me. I have to laugh every time I think about you guys putting that pool up last year. He worked you and Jarrod hard didn’t he? He laughs thinking about you trying to put the pool up with a Dunken Donuts coffee in one hand. I have to laugh when I think about you calling me at work to tell me that you where so exhausted and how you weren’t feeling well and how you had to clean up Amber’s mess in the house because she got scared somehow and then you threw up as well. My dad laughs at what happened and he still has no sympathy on you by the way! He is such a slave driver isn’t he??? All three of you were proud though of how the pool turned out after all the crap you had to go through (like the tree roots popping up after you had the pool completely filled and having to drain it and pull the liner back up) to put it up. I bought a new pump and filter for the pool that will be more powerful and we can actually use a real vacuum on it. The water is crystal clear and the sand that was in the bottom of it (from when you guys got in it while trying to keep the sides pushed up while it was filling up) is finally gone thanks to the new vacuum. Remember how you would always try to stir up the water so that more of that sand would go into the filter. I looked at your floating rings. Everything is still blowed up from when you blew them up. You didn’t want a floating lounge chair because you loved to use those little kiddie rings to float around with instead. I was so happy to finally have my little whale to play with remember? I got a new pool ladder as well. That took care of the rust problem we had starting around the old ladder remember? Sharon looked at it the other day and was impressed at how clear it was again. She told me she is going to drag me in it more this year. We also talked about the landscaping you and I did around it with the gravel and step stones. I chuckled when Sharon said how red my face was and how you got frustrated with me because I was complaining how bad I was starting to feel and you finally told me to go lay down and cool off because I looked like I was ready to pass out. That was a hot day and it seemed like it was taking forever for us to fill in the little path we created around the pool with the gravel.

Oh Snookum, there are so many great memories. Ten years and ten days of them as a matter of fact. There is not a moment that goes by that you are not on my mind. I miss you more than anyone can imagine Duke. I wish you could come home and I would give anything to be able to have you home.

I love you my Snookums.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

April 27, 2005

Hey pal sorry i haven't written in a while but i have been busy with work and all i have been transfered to another location so i am not close to the cemetary anymore but me and ann stop by on the weekend, you got your wish we had a snow filled winter this year, it's a shame you were not here to enjoy it, anyway got to go for now starting to get busy at work talk to you soon pal.


April 26, 2005

Duke - I have written to Jenn on here before but don't think I have ever written to you. I have had the honor of getting to know your amazing wife recently. I have become a firm believer in the fact that somehow God has a hand in Survivors marrying officers. That way when the unfortunate circumstances that have become a reality for Jenn and my sister Sara, they transform into these amazing strong women. Your wife has made her priority in life to make sure you are honored and that justice is served for you in every way she can. I am proud of her. I wrote a letter to support her and your case the other day, and I will do everything I can to help Jenn in any way I can. I just wish I could have met her under different circumstances. (Something like being stuck in an elevator with you and her for 4 hours or anything else would be better) But we can't change the course our lives have taken, we can only help each other pick up the pieces and try to put them back together without the most important piece being there. Just know that she has some new pieces to her puzzle that she is stuck with and that is the new friends that she has come to know along the way. Friends that will always be here. I just wanted to tell you (but you already know) you married an amazing lady and you would be proud at how hard she has fought for you.

You and Brandy I'm sure are up there looking down at us thinking those crazy girls and laughing at all of us. Brandy always had an amazing ability to make people laugh and smile. Both of you keep watching over your girls, they know you are with them and need you there.

Missy Pierce

Missy Pierce
Sister-in-law, Brandy Winfield EOW 10/14/04

April 22, 2005

Hey my Snookums,

Where to begin. Nine months ago today you were taken away. Nine months ago today was the last time I heard you tell me you loved me and then you walked out of our bedroom door to go to work. Last night, I was thinking about our last night together. We went and got pizza and then went to the grocery store. As we were leaving the store, you paused before we left and said that you wanted to go back to the deli to give one of your former classmates our phone number so that you could invite him over and hang out on the deck with him. Then before we went home, we stopped over your sisters house and spent a couple of minutes there. Then we came home and you sat out back with the neighborhood crew while I played my Sims game on the PS2. I will never forget what you said to me before you went upstairs to go to bed while I was still playing the Sims. How ironic that in all the years we had been together that the night before your accident was the first time I ever heard you say the word "no" to something we always joked about that you and I knew you never could say no to. I have to smile and chuckle every time I think of that. I am sure you are thinking the same thing. When I finally came to bed, you were snoring so I knew you were totally exhausted.

This morning my dad and I attended a last minute invitation to attend the NLEOMF wall engraving ceremony. I saw where your name is going to be engraved, and as a matter of fact, I am going back there tomorrow to watch them engrave your name permanently into the memorial wall. After my dad and I left DC, we went to Annapolis to the court house for Victim's Remembrance Day. Your picture was displayed and that corny poem I wrote about you was below it. It starts out by saying "a four-wheeler and a pick-up truck, you were guaranteed to never get stuck". Duke you were so much better at coming up with the corny lines especially in the very beginning of our relationship. I also think about the impersonations you would do of our relatives and friends. They would crack me up and I would bug you to do more and you would just sometimes roll your eyes at me like to say enough is enough. The one of my grandma was the best "Jennifer, its time to go to bed". Then there was karaoke. Sharon asked me tonight if you could sing. The reason why she asked me is because as soon as I started up your truck tonight, "I Cross My Heart" came on WPOC and I told her how you always sang that song to me and how it was our wedding song. I told her I could picture you at our wedding singing it in my ear as we danced. I also told her the first time you sang it to me was when we were watching "Pure Country" when I still lived at grandma's house, and I also told her that how every time you did sing it to me that I cried. Today was no different because I could hear you singing it to me and it made me cry. I knew you had a hand in me hearing that tonight because of what this day meant. As far as answering Sharon's question about if you could sing, I told her you got really good at karaoke as you continued to sing it. I will never forget the first time I heard you sing karaoke. It was at Shan T's the first time you took me there (you know the time you told me to tell them I was 19 if they asked because they thought you were 21 when in fact you were only 19 and I was 17 and it wouldn't have looked good for a 21 year old to be going out with a 17 year old). You sang "Thank God I'm a Country Boy". I was amazed you got up enough courage to sing in front of people since you were on the shy side and didn't like crowds. You didn't like talking much to strangers, but you would sing for them. I never could figure that one out :) It was all good.

Well it is really late and I should be going to bed so I can be in DC by 9 a.m. I don't know where the "kids" are right now. Hopefully I didn't lock any of them in the computer room. I'll go check. Duke, we miss you so much. I can not believe you have been gone for so long. I would give anything to be able to have you home. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world and don't ever forget it. Sleep tight my love.

Love ya,

P.S. I found myself taking a detour yesterday since the Key Bridge was backed up and while I was en route to the Harbor Tunnel, I drove past Fantasies. So that's where that place is? I will never forget you trying to tell my brother to shut up (when he started talking about what happened at your bachelor party that you failed to tell me about during your confessions on the steps before we got married) by shaking your head no and you not thinking I could see you out of the corner of my eye. Everyone got a big laugh out of you for that one. Don't worry, you still have me convinced your bachelor party was harmless and I still feel bad for you about what the dancer did to you :) I LOVE YOU SNOOKUMS.

April 20, 2005

Hi Duke,

This is my first reflection to you. I don't know where to begin. First, I want to say I miss you, my friend. Life has changed so much since you have been gone. I know Jennifer takes one day at a time. I pray for strenght and courage for her everyday. I know she will get through this, but it will take time. I just hope she will be able to find the peace she once had when you were here. I also hate to see her when she is upset or sad. My heart breaks when I see her like that. I want to cry every time when she mentions you and the loss she subtained from this situation. I hope justice will prevail. I know Jennifer will make sure of this. I would like to thank you for the sign last Monday at church. It was interesting when I was sitting on the pew reflecting on my things, and all of the sudden, I thought of you. Then I noticed in front of me your name (DUKE) spelled out into the wood. I told Jennifer about it. She stated, " That is Duke for you. He is around everyone" I think it cheer her up. Duke, I must go. Court is getting really busy here. Take care, my friend.

April 20, 2005

When I thought I had your heart to keep forever. (Forever) Now I live with how it is, nothing lasts, never. (Never) I'm never in a place with too much time, try to leave my troubles far behind. Everything I did, I did for you. Now there's nothing left for me to do. I'm never gonna fall in love again, the way I love you. You know it's so damn hard letting go... Standing here, holding my heart in my hands Yes, I am... Trying to live every day the best I can. You know it's so damn hard letting go...of you. Every day's a brand new start of a pain never ending. (Never ending)
I can't erase this lonely heart that keeps on remembering. (Remembering) Every day I live, I live with you, and with all the things we'll never do. Heaven holds a place for souls like mine. Try to leave my troubled past behind. You know it's so damn hard letting go... Standing here, holding my heart in my hands Yes, I am... Trying to live every day the best I can. You know it's so damn hard letting go (so damn hard letting go) You know it's so damn hard letting go...of you

April 13, 2005

Hey baby,

Today I had a bad couple of hours. When I got out of the MVA from getting the M-Tags, another reality check that you were gone crossed my mind. All of this because of the M-Tags. I haven't had my own M-Tag account since before we got married because your work provided you one for our cars. I gave that one back to them. After I left the MVA, I came right over to you at the cemetery and just had to talk to you and get it all out. I know I talk to you all the time no matter if it is at the cemetery or not and I know you hear me when I do, but the cemetery is where I feel the closest to you. I just wanted to tell you what was bothering me and how I can't thank you enough for your friends Duke.

The other day that I wrote to you, I told you I couldn't remember the name of that little Italian ice place down the street off of Mountain Road. Well it finally came to me and it was Carmen's Italian Ice. Remember Rick and the boys would go there as well. They did have pretty good custard.

I was outside today doing a little gardening before I met up with Jaime. The mums are getting so big that were planted in the front of the yard. It looks like I am going to need more mulch. Remember we got it from AA Co. Recycle. Remember how we had so much left over that you took it over to some of the neighbors houses for them to have? You also attached every piece of wood together with your new electric saw to make the flower box better so it wouldn't warp. The only thing you didn't get to do last year was make me flower boxes for the deck. That wood is still out back. I guess God just has to send you home because all your chores here are not done huh? I would give anything to have you home with me and the "kids". Also, the tree stump out front is going to be grinded up thanks to the county. Remember how our sidewalk was buckled up because of the roots? Well the county has cut down several other trees on the street and they will also be removing that stump and fixing the sidewalk. I am so glad you had that tree cut down when you did. Our cars were always covered with crap remember. And you were so particular about keeping your vehicles washed, waxed, and dusted off that any ounce of pollen, dirt, or anything on them made you upset. I would always laugh at you because you would wash the truck and corvette at least once a week, but my car was always dirty and I didn't care if it ever got washed. I loved coming home and seeing you outside spraying your tires with that nice smelling glossy stuff. You took a pizza box and made it into a rim cover so that glossy stuff wouldn't get all over the rim when you sprayed it on. It is still right where you left it. I would also laugh at you when you would look all over your truck and wonder where all the scratches came from.

This past Sunday I knew you were with me as I read a list of about 72 names of victims of violence from all over the State of Maryland. Your name was the first to be called (obviously because of the AA) and it was the hardest one to call out. It seemed like forever that I was standing up there trying to get your name out and I finally got up the courage to do it. It was just hard. All the practice in the world didn't prepare me for that exact moment. Thank you for standing behind me and getting me through that. It was an honor to be asked to call out names, although I must say that I rather had not been there at all because I would have rather have had you safe at home with me.

Well Blackie is looking up at me and it is almost midnight so I should go to sleep. I don't know where the rest of the "kids" are. I guess I will have to call them like you did every night before we went to bed. You would always say slowly "Come on Amber, come on Rocky, come on Daisy, come on Blackie". "It's time to go to bed". I miss hearing you call for them. I can still see you lying beside me with your back to me because you and I always slept "cheek to cheek" and "feet to feet" because my feet were always cold. I miss waking up in the mornings you had off and throwing my arm and leg over you and just cuddling. Again, I would give anything to have you home.

Sleep tight my Snookums. I love you.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

April 12, 2005

Hey buddy....I hope you are doing well in heaven and drinking some coronas. Everytime I pop one open, I think of the times we use to have. I miss you man. I will always keep my promise and keep my eye out for Jen. Take care Duke! P.S. You should see Matt now he is getting so big. He knows who you are, we make sure of that, when he sees your picture with him from 4th of July.


April 11, 2005

well duke the time is here for me an brian to start with the grass cutting so we wll be over in your yard to cut your grass and weed wack. we will leave the gardening up to jenn. we all miss you very much you looked after us kids. we love you take can you say hi to my family for me love, Jarrod

jarrod jenkins

April 11, 2005

There is a line that protects us from ahrm in all we do day or night.

There is a line no one can penetrate,no one can alleviate.

There is a line made of those who choose to follow a calling many do not hear and still ore do not comprehend.

They choose to walk the the path of fear,hate and mistrust taken by so few yet marked by so many.

And when one leaves this line they leave a legacy for all to follow, but the line does not break for the remaining must still protect.

There may be emptiness a loss or sadness but never a hole in this line.

This line holds the souls of those officers who have gone and those of the officers who will be the THIN BLUE LINE.

Thank you Duke for all that you have given us you will always be in are hearts and minds.

acadamy class mate
Md Transportation Authority Police

April 8, 2005

Hi daddy,

It's me Amber Lynn. I just wanted to let you know what the cats and I have been up to since the last time I wrote to you. Now that spring is here, you really need to get on mommy about the "outside" if you know what I mean. Ms. Sharon was out back this morning and well.... All the neighbors know mommy is not allowed to cut the grass unless she does her chores first don't worry. You told them about her and they don't let her forget :) Rocky has gotten really fat daddy. I try to chase him just to give him a little exercise, but mommy is always yelling at me when I do to leave him alone. Daisy sleeps up at the top of the bed by your pillow at nights still. I am usally just below her where your feet always were. When mommy is sad or cold, Daisy and I tend to lay on her feet. We definitely know when mommy misses you daddy and we try to comfort her the best way we know how (lots of licks and foot warming). You would be amazed at how much Blackie comes out now. Mommy can walk past him either in the hallway or if he is in the cat bed and he won't run from her. Now if she goes to pet him or pick him up, he's still a scardy cat and runs.

Mommy has been taking me to the cemetery during the week more now that it stays lighter out in the evenings. I mostly stay in the car and keep guard from there. You know how much I love car rides and I can surely say that mommy takes me everywhere she can as long as the weather is okay. She always tells people how you made sure that I was not home for long periods of time without a potty break and how you would stay over at work, but you would tell your supervisors that you had to go home first to let me out because mommy wouldn't have been home for several hours later. Please be proud of mommy because you instilled that good habit in her and she always makes sure she is home on time to let me out.

I miss you daddy. You and I had a special bond. Mr. Keith always asks about the four of us when he talks to mommy. He knows how much I meant to you because he has told mommy that. The cats miss you to, but you know how they were much more independant than me.

Well daddy, it is almost time for my potty break. When mommy comes through that door after she gets off of work, I greet her with my bone and a tail wag. I wish I could be greeting you as well.

Love you daddy,
Amber Lynn (and Rocky, Daisy, and Blackie)

Amber, Rocky, Daisy and Blackie
Furry Babies of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

April 8, 2005

Hi my Snookums,

Spring is definitely here. The flowers are poking through the ground, the rose bushes are budding, and our $0.75 pare tree is beginning to flower. All of this saddens me. I look around our yard and all I see is the hard work you and I put into the landscaping and how much we loved to do that and now you are not here to share in the upkeep of it all with me. I look at pictures from when we first put the shrubs in front of our house and I look at them now. How big they have all grown. Remember I would just keep buying flowers and you were always asking me where I was going to put them. The week before you died, remember how I was at Franks and they had a “great sale” on perennials. When I brought them home, you just shook your head. Unfortunately, those flowers never did get planted. They are in the same place I put them and I haven’t been out back to see if they even survived. You always told me that just because something was on sale didn’t mean I had to buy it. I never listened to you. I just had to get those great deals. I have some more bad flower/plant news for you. Your cactus has died that you brought home from your barber when we still lived in the apartment. That was funny seeing you carrying in that cactus when he gave it to you with a big grin on your face. You were so proud of your big cactus and you would have thought that the barber gave you a million bucks. That was pretty hard to transplant because it was getting so big remember? Those experts on the home and garden channel say that you should talk to your plants and flowers. I guess it missed hearing your voice because it died not to long after you. I did nothing different to it as far as moving it or watering it so it had to just miss you. Once your grave marker is put down, I promise you that I will chop it up and bring it over and sprinkle it all around you so it will permanently be with you.

I sat out on Sharon and Rick’s porch the other day when I got home from work. Sharon and I are going to work in the flowerbeds this year. You and I had talked about doing something different with the one in front of our house because the weeds were starting to find their way to the top and the bricks were starting to get knocked over remember? Then Sharon and I started talking about other women flirting with our husbands. I had to laugh and tell her a couple stories about you. Remember that time we went with Steve to the bowling alley and that girl decided to talk to you and take your hat off your head and put it on hers? I just sat there quietly and then she asked if we were together. That is when I said, “yes, were engaged!” She didn’t mess with you the rest of the night after that. I don’t believe you knew she was trying to pick you up because you weren’t really paying attention to her until she took your favorite hat off your head. Then I was telling Sharon about the couple of times I would duck down in the truck when we would be stopped at red lights and cars with girls would pull up next to you and try to get your attention. The one girl used her dog to get you to look over. As they would make comments, you would just stare straight ahead and turn beat red and say to me “get up, get up”. I would just laugh at you because I thought it was so cute to see you blush. Then there was the time you came home and told me how you pulled a car over with teenage girls in it and after you issued them a citation and was walking back to your car, they yelled out the window “hey you’re cute”. When I asked you what you did, you told me you just got in your car. I am sure you were blushing from that one as well.

I was looking at my prom pictures and high school graduation pictures yesterday before I went to my moms. All of that seemed so long ago. We looked like two little kids. You never went to any dances at your high school and my school dances and prom were the first you were ever at. There were a couple of pictures in my album of you in your first (and actually only) black suit that you and Rob picked out. You were so proud of that suit. Rob had good taste ha-ha. You even wore it on Halloween 1994 when I dressed up as Wednesday Adams and you were Lerch from the Adams Family. Oh, remember when we went to that Halloween party and I was playing with my headless doll and her arm popped off and landed in some mans fries and ketchup? Everyone cracked up laughing about that one.

Today my co-worker Carson and I went to Rita’s at lunchtime to get an Italian ice. He got a cherry one. I automatically thought about you and how you would get Italian ices and snowballs all the time. You didn’t like Rita’s because they had the chunks of fruits in them, but you loved that little place down the street from our house. I can’t remember the name of that place, but you loved their cherry one’s and you loved the fact that if you bought so many, you got a free one. Also remember how we would go to the little snowball stand off of Katherine Avenue and the one up the road off of Mountain Road where Steve used to work? You liked root beer snowballs. There was also that place off of Fort Avenue in Baltimore City you would stop at when you were still a cadet at the Ft. McHenry Tunnel. You liked their butter cream snowballs. You would make my teeth ache just by me watching you sink your teeth right into the ice. Speaking of teeth, you had such perfect teeth. You were and still are just perfect all around.

I love you more than anything in the world Duke. I miss you more than anyone can imagine. Please continue to stand behind me and give me strength to stand up for you and for what is right. I will see you later on when Amber and I come to visit you at the cemetery. Now that it is lighter longer outside when I get off of work, she and I can stay longer with you during the weekdays.

Love ya,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

April 7, 2005




April 6, 2005

My sister and I stopped by your memorial site the other day and planted flowers. Just wanted you to know we are always thinking of you and Jenn!!!! Jenn my prayers are with you, stay strong!!!

Teresa(Officer Jordan Fiance)

April 5, 2005

"Mud On The Tires" - Brad Paisley

I've got some big news
The bank finally came through
And I'm holdin' the keys
to a brand new Chevrolet
Have you been outside
it sure is a nice night
How about a little test drive
Down by the lake

There's a place I know
about where the dirt road runs out
And we can try out the four-wheel drive
Come on now what do you say
Girl, I can hardly wait
to get a little mud on the tires

'Cause it's a good night
To be out there soakin' up the moonlight
Stake out a little piece of shoreline
I've got the perfect place in mind
It's in the middle of nowhere only one way to get there
You got to get a little mud on the tires

Moonlight on a duck blind
Catfish on a trot line
Sun sets about nine
this time of year
We can throw a blanket down
Crickets singin' in the background
And more stars than you can count on a night this clear

I tell you what we need to do
is grab a sleepin' bag or two
And build us a little campfire
And then with a little luck
we might just get stuck
Let's get a little mud on the tires

'Cause it's a good night
To be out there soakin' up the moonlight
Stake out a little piece of shoreline
I've got the perfect place in mind
It's in the middle of nowhere
only one way to get there
You got to get a little mud on the tires

And then with a little luck
we might just get stuck
Let's get a little mud on the tires


April 1, 2005

Hey my Snookums,

Thank you for my sign today. I am sorry I had to ask you for your help today when I visited you (because you know how independant I am with making decisions), but I needed to know what you wanted me to do and you made it clear. You know I will always keep my promise to you.

Easter came and went. It was just another day. When I got up that morning, I looked on the dresser and there was my Easter card from you that you gave me last year sitting right on top of the pile of stuff that had accumulated over the year on your side of the dresser. I knew I was meant to see that and read it and I knew you had a hand in me seeing it lying there and wanting me to read what it had said inside. I LOVE YOU TO and don't ever forget that.

When I got home that night, Hannah left a message on the answering machine for me to call her when I got home. We played phone tag and when I finally talked to her, she didn't know it, but I was crying on my end of the phone. In her little perky voice she said "hi Aunt Jenn" and that just did it for me. She went on to tell me how her and Brittney decorated eggs and she made one for you, but it looked like it said "Happy Easter Puke" instead of "Happy Easter Duke" because the D got messed up. I told her that you wouldn't have expected anything different because you knew how they always picked on and joked around with you and called you silly names. I also talked to Brittney and your sister. The girls got their cards I left them in the mailbox earlier that day as well. The flowers they put on your grave were really pretty.

I got asked by Mark and Mary last week to be the Godmother to our new niece. I was so thrilled and honored. Mark had told me that he and Mary had talked about if they ever had another child that you and I were going to be the Godparents and Mary's sister and brother-n-law were also going to be Godparents. I just wish you could have been here to accept that honor and challenge with me. You were so good with our nieces and friends children. You would have made a great daddy as you were already a great daddy to our "furry babies". Remember how you said you wanted a child by the time you were thirty and then when Kyle punched you (I know that had to hurt because I don't think there was anyone in the room that didn't feel your pain right along with you), you changed your mind quick and said that you could wait because thirty wasn't that far away?

Speaking of thirty, your 30th birthday is coming up soon. I so wanted to give you that surprise party this year. Our 5 year wedding anniversay is also coming up in several months. Next to my birthday so far, our anniversay has been the toughest holiday since you have been gone. I think your birthday is going to be a hard one for me as well. I think because they were days that were special to only us and not the whole world is what makes them hard. They also bring change, which I hate. I would rather preserve everything although I know I can't. Christmas has come in third so far, but we will see when your birthday comes around if it is moved to forth. Only time will tell. I do know one thing, life without you has only gotten harder. I am so lost without you Duke. I had another dream of you yesterday morning. In my dream, I was just holding you and when I woke up, I just wanted to go back to sleep and hold you some more.

I love you Duke. Please continue to stand behind me, keep me strong and guide me through this mess that we are in.

Love you,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

March 29, 2005

Dear Jennifer,
Thank you so much for your reflection. I wanted you to know that I have Duke's ODMP bookmarked and I check it often to read your reflections. Often, I feel very bonded to you and your tragedy, based on my own. I am sincerely looking forward to meeting you in D.C. this year, and it sounds as if there will be few of us meeting up that have so much in common. Although the circumstances that we have to meet are all so horribly unfortunate, I am hoping that we will gain some peace in making new friends and new contacts that will hopefully get us through the next year without our beloved husbands'.
Last year I was so incredibly numb to so many things, and in returning for the second year, I hope that things will be somewhat more healing.
Again, thank you for reflection and for remembering. I hope that the Easter holiday came and went o.k. for you. I know that yesterday time really seemed to creep by, as I was missing Bryan as I do and continue to do everyday.
God Bless You and again, I am SO looking forward to seeing and meeting you in D.C.

Juli Verkler, Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler 12/13/03

March 28, 2005

Duke, I stopped by to see you for the first time today. Well it was the second time I was there. I didn't know where you were last time. Thanks to Jenn I found you. I sat there for awhile just waiting for you to speak. But it was like old times and there wasnt much said by you. But hey, you were always the quiet one. Sometimes!!!! I left a few things for you. Just a reminder that your brothers and sisters are still out there working to keep things safe. I sit back sometimes and remember the conversation we had when I was first transfered to the bridge. I remember telling you that you are no longer going to be the top dog around here. Boy was I wrong. There is nothing I can do that will ever match the sacrifice you gave. Duke you are and will always be the top dog with me. I miss you brother. You are gone but we will never forget you.

Officer II Michael Schreiner
MdTA Police Lane Bridge Detachment

March 27, 2005


March 27, 2005

Hey there Snookums,

It is really, really early Easter morning. I just got home from watching little Debi for Mark and Mary. It was so good to be able to spend some time with her. She is getting so big so quickly. I had her trying to say your name tonight. She picks up a lot of words people say now and I know you would have been right there teaching her a few yourself. When I left, Mark was telling her she had to go to bed so the Easter Bunny could come. She wasn't buying it.

I just pulled out your little Easter basket I made you our first Easter together in 1995. Remember how I would put malt balls and Ike-N-Mikes and other candies in it? I would also give you your white chocolate bunny as well. You had to work pretty much every Easter so I would either bring you a plate down to the Bridge or you would go with me to my dads after work because your parents and the rest of your family ate earlier. There were several times we did get to spend with them though and I have pictures of two of those times where we are standing by the water at the restaurant. I think the last time you ate with them, you had to rush to get to work and that was when you were still on 3 to 11, which was some time ago.

This must be the year for flat tires. Now the corvette has one. Don't worry, I will get it fixed soon. Ryan was nice enough to find the nail and circle it for me. He told me I have to buy a whole new tire since it is a low performance tire or something like that. I am so glad they know what they are talking about because I didn't pay to much attention to you when it came to brands of tires. Hopefully this will be the last flat I will ever get.

Well I guess I should get to bed. I was at my dads house before I took little Debi home and as I was sitting there, I started to cry. Thinking about your Easter basket and knowing it wasn't going to be filled did it. I also heard the song "Mud on the Tires" and a George Strait and Kenney Chesney song. When I took little Debi home, the special on CMT was about George Strait. It seems that I can't escape songs by George Strait, Brad Paisley, and Kenney Chesney every time I turn on country music. My stomach turns into knots just listening to them and thinking how you would be singing right along if you were here.

You know how little kids go to sleep to wake up to find that the Easter Bunny left them treats or a present? If I could have the Easter Bunny bring me one thing when I woke up, it would be to have you back here with me. I miss you more than anything in the world Duke. I hope they have white chocolate bunnys up there in heaven for you. I just wish I could be the one to give you one this year.

Sleep tight my love. I love you.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

March 27, 2005

I'm sorry that its taken me so long to leave something here. As everyday passes, I still can't believe you are no longer right across the street. I remember when I was a little boy when Cindy and Joe lived next door and you used to take my matchbox cars and play right along with me....that was back in the day. I wish you could be here this summer so we could all goof off and maybe I could throw someone else in you're pool, haha. Well buddy, I gotta go. Everyone us of in the group miss you. See ya soon....

Ryan Cluney

March 25, 2005

You will never be forgotten. You are thought of everyday. Rest in peace Duke. My prayers to you and your family.

March 25, 2005

I received my NLEOMF email and the article was about Duke. Just thought I would post some of it on here for you and his friends and family to see. Your husband was certainly a "top cop".

Jennifer Waters

Auto Accidents Killing More Law Enforcement Officers
By Craig W. Floyd
Executive Director of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

By all accounts, Officer Duke G. Aaron III, of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department, was one of the top cops in his state, if not the nation. He had been named his department's "Officer of the Year," and among his many heroic acts was preventing a woman from jumping off the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and committing suicide.

Gary McLhinney, Chief of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, described Officer Aaron as "an outstanding young man, someone I'm proud to call one of my officers.

Jennifer Waters
Wife of Mike Waters, West Memphis PD, EOW 9-11-03

March 25, 2005

well what can i say we all miss you in the little group of friends on our street we miss the 4wheeler rideing and the goofing off we did well g2g i will talk to you later love ya bud


March 25, 2005

Hey babe,

The last two days have been eventful tiring, and tearful. I know you were watching me and keeping me strong while I testified in front of the MD Senate and Delegates Judiciary Committees regarding bills for stiffer penalities for suspended drivers. When Zagraiek called me before he came yesterday, he told me I was also testifying. I was like "what, I don't even have anything written down". I had a feeling the night before that that was going to happen. I was actually honored to be asked. Anyway, after he called, I looked at the clock and saw that I had about forty minutes to get something together. I took part of my victim impact statement and geared it toward the cause I was testifying in favor of. Sen. Jimeno was there and told everyone that you were the "hometown hero" and told everyone how you and he had numerous conversations regarding your job and what causes you were fighting for like take home cars. He made me cry even more when he told the entire Senate and spectators how much you loved your wife and family. Speaking of family, your mom and sister came. Some of your fellow co-workers also came. It was good to see some support yesterday. The one person I wished would show up didn't, but we can't always get what we wish for can we? You know how I feel.

When I got home yesterday, I saw Jarrod and I was telling him about all that happened. Then I told him how Mary and Kevin called me and said that they sent those pics of you and the four-wheeler. Right before I left, I told him how I was glad they didn't come yet because I knew they would make me cry and I wasn't wanting to cry anymore the rest of the day because I was already drained from being in Annapolis, although I knew my crying was yet to be over because nights are really hard for me. Well I ate my words earlier than I thought and the tears started again. There was a box at our door and sure enough, the pictures were inside. Mary framed the one with you, Kevin, Jarrod and Ryan in a frame about friends. You had the biggest smile on your face and it was so big that you were showing your teeth. Not the usual grin you are famous for. Your four-wheeler was a mess Duke. It was so gross with all the mud on it. Mary was right about the mud situation with you and Kevin. Sharon laughed at all the pics. Sharon and I went to Starbucks later last night. One of the baristas Jen said to me to look at the date on the pic. It said 03/22/03. Sharon and I were shocked. Yesterday was 03/22 and I had literally got the picture yesterday and Mary had sent it a week prior. How ironic. I am sure you had a hand in the delivery date. After I got done crying, I was able to smile looking at how happy you were exactly two years prior. I sat the picture on the dresser and went to sleep earlier than usual because I was so drained. When I went to work this morning, I took the picture in to show the guys I work with.

This past Sunday Shannon had a flat tire and I had to help her out with it. I know you were watching us to goofs trying to put fix a flat in the tire and watching it all spray out from the side wall and us rushing to get the car up to Mr. Tire before it all ran out. I tried to remember what you did for her friends when she had that one party at her house. The only difference was their tire had a hole in the tread and the side wall wasn't scraped on concrete metal grates like Shannon's was. Lesson learned, fix a flat doesn't work on side walls. She had to get a new tire the next day. Hope you were entertained up there. How I wish you were there to help. You were always so good to strangers who had flat tires both off duty and on duty, but that was you so giving you yourself.

Well my love, I guess I should go let Amber out before we go to bed. I am watching the Newlyweds while I am writing to you. Remember how you said Jessica was good to look at, but you thought that she acted stupid? You weren't fond of that show so I would tape it because it was on late while we were sleeping and I would watch it when you weren't around. She hasn't changed by the way :)

Sleep tight my love. I love you.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Duke G. Aaron, III

March 23, 2005

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