Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

As the result of a horrible decision I made one evening in May 2005, I was required to attend a Victim Impact Panel meeting last night. Deputy Woods told the story of Duke and his wife Jennifer and the accident that ended Duke's life too early. I wanted to express my apologies to Duke's family and friends, and my promise that I will never get behind the wheel of a vehicle impaired again. Duke's story has changed the way I will make decisions from here on out. It is such a tragedy that this person's life was cut short, and his wife's life was forever changed by one horrible decision.

Stephanie Barger

October 20, 2005


Today makes fifteen months that you have been gone. I am still finding myself saying, "wow, I can’t believe this has happened to us". A lot has changed in the past fifteen months. Some stuff for the better and some stuff for the worse. But the one thing that hasn't changed and never will change is how much I love you and how much I miss you.

I have shared so many stories about you the past several weeks with friends, family and both your and my co-workers that I am finally able to focus more on the good memories about you and not the one about the last time I saw you in the hospital. My mom and I were laughing about the rabbit incident between you and Amber. I remember going out back and seeing this white bunny over in Sharon and Rick's yard that looked like he wanted to come over to me. I was surprised to see a white bunny out back because all the ones I was used to were brown and I thought that maybe it was an albino bunny that just liked the way I was calling it and that is why it seemed to want to get close to where I was. I remember I was going over to my mom’s house and left Amber at home. I called you on your cell phone because you were at work and I told you that there was a white bunny out back that seemed to be kind of friendly and that when you got home that you needed to make sure the bunny was not out back before you left Amber out to go potty. Shortly after you came home, I got a phone call from you and it was not a pleasant one. I remember you saying, "Amber got the bunny". I was so ticked off at you and her that I was seeing red (and I know you are laughing right now, but it still isn't funny Mr. Aaron). I had emphasized over and over that you needed to go out back to make sure the bunny was not in the yard and you left her out assuming it wasn't out there because it wasn't in your immediate sight and Amber took off down back and grabbed the bunny. Ugh! I remember telling you that the bunny had better disappear before I got home and that I was mad at both you and Amber. When I finally did come home, you and Amber were sitting on the couch and you had a smirk on your face. Amber came running over to me and I told her to get away because I was mad at her and daddy for killing the poor bunny. You kept smirking and I kept telling you that it wasn't funny and it was as if I was punishing two little kids between you and Amber because of the lecture I was giving you both. You were both in the doghouse and the funny thing was that no matter how much I was mad and didn't want to smile, you made me smile and I hated that. Somehow before the end of the night you and Amber weaseled your way back to my good side, but to this day, I can’t believe you left her out without checking for the bunny like I had asked you to do. The sad thing is that someone mentioned that the people down back had a bunny that got out of the cage. That must have been their bunny. That would explain the bunny’s friendliness, but we will never know because we were to chicken to ask back then and I am still to chicken to ask now. I feel guilty though every time I see the kids playing out back.

Of course that isn’t the only bunny story about you. How about the one you anxiously volunteered to shoot during Cindy’s yard sale. Oh my gosh the redneck came out in you that day. Oh and poor Terry. I felt so sorry for her. She didn’t know there was a nest in the ground while she was mowing her lawn. She accidentally ran over it and there was one little bunny that was barely alive after the fact. Then there came you to save the day (I am being sarcastic). You volunteered to take it out back in the woods and put that poor little bunny out of its misery without hesitation. The part that cracks me up is that instead of you burying it in the woods, you brought it back out front in the box and all the neighborhood kids were out there. Here I am thinking they were all going to be upset seeing this dead baby bunny, but no, you were considered cool for your heroic actions in sparing the bunny a slow painful death. You were all warped! You always laughed at my philosophy on humanely putting sick or wounded animals to sleep, which was to take it to the veterinarian to have it euthanized no matter what kind of animal it was. The hunter in you was never really sympathetic to my ways unless it was a dog or cat, but you loved all kinds of animals and wouldn’t hurt anything unless it was something that was putting you in danger or someone you loved or cared about in danger. I will never forget you asking me what I would do if I became sworn and had to use my gun on an animal for whatever the reason warranted because that is always a possibility. You would impersonate what you thought I would do and it would crack me up. You were always able to make me laugh at almost everything.

Well my Snookums, I guess I should get off of here. The weather is starting to get colder and the nights are getting longer. I wish you were here with me to snuggle up with during those chilly nights.

I love you.


Jenn Aaron
Duke's Wife

October 20, 2005

Duke I remember when we were hired as cadets in the truck saftey unit. I was one year older than you so I was able to start the academy before you. I remember we used to joke with you about being so young and skinny. You were the only person I knew who could talk without moving your top lip. It's hard to believe that it has been over tens years since we were hired (Jan.of 94'). To bad that you weren't able to get a take home car like you wish for. That was a sore subject with you.LOL. Besides that you were a good officer and I will miss you alot.

former co-worker
county officer in Maryland.

October 17, 2005

hey jennifer. i think of you often. i know how you feel since the trail is over and everyones world goes back to normal but yours. i don't watch the news much anymore. i turned it on and saw you seeking last week. you did an outstanding job and your statement was 100% true. i miss talking to you. i will give you a call soon. i laugh at times because i know Duke and Brian are above keeping things in order and stirring up things and having many laughs together. they will never part from us because we have them in our hearts forever. they will always look after us and guide us in the right direction. I know he is proud of you and so am i. i will call you soon. love you! lorrie

lorrie winder

October 13, 2005

Jen, I am happy that your court case has come to a close for you and your family. I know Duke had to be with you and was watching over you with pride and joy! Keep your chin up and know that when times get tough, your friends and family will always be there to pick you up! God bless you, Jenn!

October 11, 2005

Hey Jenn,
I saw your interview on the news and I commend you. You are so strong. I find you so amazing! I know Duke is so proud of you. Just know that I am always thinking about you and my offer to call me anytime still stands. I read these reflections frequently and I feel I know you and Duke so much better. I envy the love you two shared. It was so special. I only met him a few times and thought he was such a fun, shy, great person. You were perfect for each other. Please keep your head up, as your days ahead are only going to get better. He will always be with you. I love ya, and I am always here.

Dawn Byron

October 10, 2005

Hey Girl, Your impact statement was one completely from the heart. Duke & God held you in their care that day in court. You are very strong on your own, but I also know there comes a time when we are alone with just dark walls, we awake from comforting dreams to face great saddness & loneliness.
Dreams & memories are all we have left.
I pray to God that you are kept in his care & that all the love you have inside your heart & soul will someday be released & will fly like a dove.
May God's light always be with you,
your friend


October 9, 2005

Hey my Snookums,

Yesterday marked the end of almost fifteen months of legal nightmares involving your crash. I had been told by the media that a total of sixteen of your colleagues filled the jury box in full uniform. There were more that sat in the back of the courtroom. The judge was ignorant in the beginning because he would not allow a change of courtroom to compensate the number of officers that attended the sentencing hearing. It was told to me that he didn't understand why so many of them took off of work to be there and he didn't understand the "brotherhood". That didn't stop them from piling into the small courtroom and at least the judge offered up the seats in the jury box in the end. Everyone that wanted to was given the chance to read their victim impact statements. Your moms was read by the assistant state's attorney, your dad read his, and Hannah read her statement. I know you are extremely proud of her because I am.

Then it was my turn. I didn't hesitate that's for sure. I sat our wedding picture on an angle so he was able to see us. Then I pulled out my pants I wore on the day of your crash that had your blood all over them. I made a point to tell him that was your blood and that was the only part of you I visibly came home with that day from the hospital. He never looked at me which I found disrespectful, but then again, I didn't expect anything different. That's okay though because I know he is not deaf and heard every word I said to him and I am sure he saw everything from the corner of his eye. I didn't mean to make anyone in the courtroom cry, but as I looked around, I could see the sorrow in peoples faces and as I read my statement, I could hear weeping behind me. It was hard for me to not break down and cry either, especially talking about the last time I saw you alive. The one time I didn't cry though was when I told him the following, "Today’s decision to incarcerate you has been nothing but long overdue. Your sentence for the crime you have committed in my opinion is to short. No amount of time you serve will ever be suitable for me nor will it ever be enough to bring my husband home and erase the pain and suffering so many people have endured for almost fifteen months now and will continue to endure for the rest of their lives. Personally, I believe in an eye for an eye, but our justice system believes differently and I respect that. But I don't worry, because we all get what we deserve in the end. I have no sympathy on you nor will I ever. If you have any sort of a conscious, I hope you are reminded every day that you killed my husband Duke G. Aaron, III. If I have to live the rest of my life knowing that my husband was killed by you, it is only fitting and proper that you do the same." I then thanked the judge and went back to my seat. One of the news reporters later told me that I gave my statement with such eloquence, which I thought was a nice compliment.

Then it was defenses turn to lay out their sappy "he's sorry blah, blah, blah" statement and then they offered him the chance to get up and speak, which he did accept. I stood up and started walking which made everyone nervous and jump up because they thought I was going after him. I wasn't though and that never crossed my mind. I walked out of the courtroom because I didn't want to hear what he had to say. He was ignorant to me throughout my entire statement so I wasn't going to afford him the opportunity to speak to me. As he gave his speech, I stood out in the hallway in tears wanting you to hold me so bad and tell me everything was going to be alright. Everyone assured me you were with me and you were the reason I was able to get up there and face that guy with the strength and courage I apparently displayed. After he was done giving his statement and apparent apology, my dad came out to tell me I needed to get back inside because the judge was ready to give his verdict. The judge sentenced him to three years at the Department of Corrections and five years supervised probation. The greatest sound I heard after that was the sound the handcuffs made as they were placed on the wrists of the man who took your life and according to my dad, the deputy sheriff got them out before the verdict was ever read and he was standing there anxiously waiting for that moment. Of course after all that was over the media wanted to get their story and so I fed the sharks their bait. What humors me is how they can't report the story correctly once they get the information. That has been a problem throughout the entire ordeal. My pants I held up were reported as being your pants. All the cops from your department that were there were wearing grey uniforms and um the last time I checked, your uniform was grey as well (except for your in-service uniform which is black). That goes to show how observant they were. Yeah at least I still have a sarcastic sense of humor right? At least the one thing it looked like they did get right this time was your rank thank goodness. But I don't remember how many times it took before that was corrected either in the past.

Then it was time to leave. I had to go back to work which surprised everyone. This weekend is the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, which is similar to the National Fallen Police Officers Memorial that is held every May in DC (which you were honored at this past year). I volunteered to do two survivor escort details to Frederick, but because of the heavy rain and traffic, I was only able to make one. I wasn't going to allow my tragic situation to stand in the way of assisting the families of those who have served proudly and had given their life like you did in the line of duty. I have done this detail before and it is personally gratifying and does my heart good to give back to those survivors who have lost so much.

Well my love, I guess I should get off of here and get to sleep. Rocky and Daisy are here with me. Now that the court situation is finally over and the guy who took your life is finally incarcerated, I hope you are finally able to rest in peace. That doesn't mean I don't still need you to keep me strong because I will always need your strength and guidance every day that I live.

I love you more than anything in the whole wide world Snookums. Sleep tight my love.

I love you,

Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

October 8, 2005

Jenn, yesterday in court you were amazing!!! You faced your husband's killer with such courage. Believe me, there is no solace in him going to prison, even if his term was longer. It wouldn't bring Duke back to you. He will live with his wrong choices and actions for the rest of his life. That is a life sentence! Hold Duke's memories close to you. He will always be with you. Love Ya, Girl.

Laurie wife of Sgt John Platt, BPD
EOW 10-14-00

October 8, 2005

Mrs. Aaron,
God bless your soul, and that of everyone your husband left behind. You are in our prayers everyday.

Abingdon, MD.


October 8, 2005

It pains all of the blue fraternity, when such good men and women leave us. The word "brotherhood" is not adequate to decribe the bond that the men and woman of law enforcement hold in common. We don't often admit it, but we feel each others' pain, we suffer one another's loss, and we hold a special place in our heart's for their families'.

In closing, Officer Aaron, you serve with eternal honor. Mrs. Aaron, you serve with eternal dignity. May God Bless You.

Maryland Police Lt

October 6, 2005


You are in my thoughts and prayers. I check Duke's page weekly and your reflections bring me to tears.

October 5, 2005

Dear Cindy,

I was so glad to meet you at the siblings retreat a few weeks ago. I was so glad to meet people who were going through the same things as me and could understand. I was so glad we got to talk and to share our stories about our brothers. I'm sure Duke and Bert are watching over us and the people they loved. After talking to you it sounds like our brothers had a lot in common. Now they are our guardian angels. Please keep in touch. I can't wait til we meet again.

Andrea ZImmerman Lomas
Sister of NJ State Trooper Bertram T. ZImmerman III

September 26, 2005

Duke lost his life almost 3 weeks prior to my son. Very similar circumstances. My solace was that the intoxicated driver that struck my son's patrol car was also killed so my family did not have to deal with a trial and then end up with the individual receiving only 3 years which I consider a crime for what his action has done to a family and his close friends in law enforcement. Judges and Juries do not think about the devastation caused the families. Wives left to be widows at a young age; children who will grow up without their father or mother; parents who have lost a part of them that they brought into this world; siblings that are also suffering. I know that Duke loved his job and if it's any solace, he died doing one of his life long dreams, being a cop. There are no words I can give you to comfort you as there are none. I ask that Duke looks down on you and protects you and wraps his arms around you to relieve some of your grief. All we can do is take one day at a time and keep their memories alive. Duke will never be forgotten and will always be a hero. God be you.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon EPW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Asst. Chief, Retired
Riverside, IL

September 16, 2005





September 15, 2005

Dear Mrs. Aaron,
My heart reaches out to you. Your husbands death was so tragic. I hope it gives you some comfort knowing that you're in my thoughts and prayers. One day, as you know, you will dance hand in hand together again. That song was also the first song my husband and I danced to at our wedding. I cannot even begin to imagine what you have endured. I do know how proud you must be of your husband. He'll always be remembered for the true hero that he is. Thank you and God bless.

From Ohio

September 12, 2005

Mrs. Aaron as I read you reflection I see that it was your 5 year anniversary. WHen I was reading your reflection I got this tug in my heart and had to leave you something to let you know that others are thinking of you today. I did not know your husband or know you but I will be married 5 years next month. For I do not know your pain and cannot say I know what your going through because I don't. I just want to say may God be with you as you go through your day and as you visit your husband at his grave. I ran across your husband reflections one day and I have to say I come back often to read your words to him. I can see you have amazing strength and if I were in your shoes I don't think I could have made it. Keep your head up and know I am thinking of you today. God Bless you always.

Shalon Coleman

September 9, 2005


Five years ago today, you and I became husband and wife. I hope you like the five roses I brought to you today. The number of roses I will bring to your grave on our wedding anniversary will increase over the years until you and I can be together again.

No matter where I am or what I do today, I know you will be with me on our special day and I can hear you so clearly now, as I did during our first dance as husband and wife, sing this song to me (and yes you know I am crying right now because I always cried when you sang this song to me no matter where we were):

I Cross My Heart - By George Strait

Our love is unconditional, we knew it from the start.
I see it in your eyes, you can feel it from my heart.
From here on after let's stay the way we are right now,
And share all the love and laughter that a lifetime will allow.

I cross my heart and promise to
Give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true.
In all the world you'll never find a love as true as mine.

You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete,
And as long as there's a breath in me, I'll make yours just as sweet.
As we look into the future, it's as far as we can see,
So let's make each tomorrow be the best that it can be.

I cross my heart and promise to
Give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true.
In all the world you'll never find a love as true as mine.

And if along the way we find a day it starts to storm,
You've got the promise of my love to keep you warm.
In all the world you'll never find a love as true as mine,
A love as true as mine.


The woman you made your wife on this day,
Mrs. Duke G. Aaron, III

Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

September 9, 2005

Hey buddy,

Wow how time flies by. I want to wish you a happy anniversary. You have one strong wife here Duke. I promised you I would watch out for her, but when we get together I find her consoleing me. This has definitely been a very difficult time for me, and I must say my friend, I miss you. We just recently had my son's 2nd birthday, I can not believe how fast he has grown. He knows you when we go to the cemetary to visit you he says Doook. I sure wish you were here for us to take him on the 4 wheeler. I remember how scared Jen was when you took him for a ride. He was only about 7 months old at the time. I trusted you and knew you were great at riding that 4 wheeler, and I knew how much you loved my little boy. I will never forget the times we have shared, and memories last forever. I hope they have Corona in Heaven!

Your Friend for Life!


September 8, 2005

I am thinking about you on your anniversary. I know we just spoke on the phone, but I wanted to let you know that I am sending my prayers, my love and my support to you.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12.13.03

September 8, 2005

Hey Snookums,

Five years ago today was our wedding rehearsal and dinner. It was also five years ago today that I interviewed for my job. I was telling Ted today at lunch that I have officially known him five years. My how time has gone by quick. As for our wedding rehearsal and dinner, remember all of us ate at Squires. We gave our wedding party their thank you presents for being in our wedding that evening as well. Then it was off to the church. Monsignor Parks made us practice several times and it was fun. When we did something wrong, we had to start all over from the beginning. There was a lot of laughing and carrying on going on which made it fun. I remember my dad and I were in the back of the church talking to the Monsignor about my dad being his alter boy when he was little and my dad asking me if I was sure I wanted to walk down the aisle or if I just wanted to walk out the front door instead. He was joking the entire time don't worry babe, I assure you he was. He asked the same question on the day of our wedding as well, but I said nope that I was going to walk down that aisle to become your wife :) Then Monsignor Parks signed our marriage certificate after the rehearsal. I remember asking you if that meant we had to show up on Saturday (since the certificate was already signed) or if we could just skip out and go right to Nashville earlier. You laughed and told me that we had to show up because everything was already paid for. Of course you knew I was only joking because my dream wedding was finally coming true. You made all my dreams come true that pertained to you and I. I am not going to lie and say that I am okay today. I can’t even talk about the 9th without tearing up. Our five year wedding anniversary was to have been a milestone in our marriage and our relationship. Now instead of you and I going on vacation together, I will be spending another anniversary with you at your grave for a while, but no matter where I am on the 9th, I know you will be with me on our special day. I love you Duke more than anything in the world.


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

September 7, 2005

Hey Snookums,

Two weeks ago today (19th of August), I went to Wildwood, New Jersey to participate in the Mid Atlantic Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial Ceremony. You were one of many fallen officers honored that weekend. It was the first time I had been back to Wildwood since you and I were there in 1995 during my Senior Week. Remember (but how could you forget) Richard and Joy went with us. On the way there, I was telling Martha Wood some stories about that trip. I was telling her how you had to bring me home to take the Baltimore County Police Cadet exam (which you weren’t really happy about having to drive back home then drive back to NJ later that day because it was in the middle of our vacation) and on the way home that morning, you got pulled over by a New Jersey State Trooper. I had to laugh as I told the story. After a sleepless night because the other patrons in the hotel decided to party all night, we got up and left for our three-hour ride back to Maryland. I remember it was about 6a or so when we were going over a set of railroad tracks and you spilled your coffee all over the place, including my clothes. You were trying to make up some time (which meant yes you were speeding) when we passed a patrol car that just so happened to make a U-turn after he passed us. Well both of us didn’t have our seatbelts on (because we were still trying to get the coffee mess cleaned up) so we quickly got them on before he walked up to the truck. He noticed your little cadet badge (or as you would call it your cracker jack badge) in your wallet and asked you where you worked. You told him then he gave you a big lecture, which included him in a stern voice say to us “I am a New Jersey State Trooper”. You thought you were doomed, but he told you to slow down and go back and tell your department what you did (uh huh sure you did). Anyway, we made it to my house so I could change my clothes and then to Towson on time and you slept in the truck for about two hours or so while I took the exam (which I am happy to say I passed so it was worth the trip at least to me, but I know not to you). I remember we saw Jen Johnson there who was also taking the exam.

The 19th of August was also the MdTA’s police graduation ceremony, which was the day Ofc. Candidate Turner was to have graduated. Lt. Perry invited me to the graduation. I tried to make it, but I had to be in New Jersey by 4p and there was no way that I could have made it to the ceremony in time if I had gone to the graduation. I left a message for Lt. Perry letting him know that I would be thinking about him, Ofc. Turner’s family, and the academy class that day, but that I had to take care of my boy and be in New Jersey to honor you. The 19th was also my moms 50th birthday, but the crew celebrated it the day before because not only was I out of town, but Mary and the girls went to the Ocean and Mark had to work.

Speaking of Ofc. Turner, I was at a reception for MD Fallen Heroes this past Wednesday at the Governor’s Reception Room. His parents, siblings, and his fiancée Jennifer were there. Jennifer and Grant were to have been married on the 17th of September. I told her that you and I were coming up on our 5-year wedding anniversary on the 9th. I told her that I will be thinking about her on the 17th, but then again, I think about that family often. Jennifer made a comment how she has no one to blame for Grant’s death. I told her that she does. She has your killer to blame indirectly. Had he not have taken your life, Grant would not have been running in a memorial race in your name and therefore, he may still be alive. Your killer will know of Grant Turner when I give my victim impact statement at his sentencing hearing in October.

It must be the week for plea deals because there were two that happened right after yours. Officer Winder’s family can finally find some closure and so can Deputy Winfield’s family. No amount of time served will ever bring any of you guys home, but all three of you will finally be able to rest.

Well I guess I should get some work done. It is so beautiful out today.

I love you Duke and I miss you more than anything.


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

September 2, 2005

Hey Duke,

Well what is there to say, but we are at the end and closure is right around the way. It has taken me since Thursday to write to you cause truthfully, I didn't know what to say. It has taken me that long to decompress and to think clearly about all that happened and to be honest, I am still mixed up as to what happened on Thursday and still don't know what to say, but you know what, it doesn't matter cause the plea agreement has been handed out and no amount of time will ever bring you home so there is no use in thinking about it all. The only good thing is you will finally be able to rest cause I know you and I know you would not rest until justice (if you want to call that) was served. I just don't understand why we have to wait another month and one week from now before we have a sentencing hearing. Justice is not in favor of the victim that is for sure. Glenn and Keith were there, along with many of other of your fellow co-workers. I made a point to thank all of them while they sat patiently in the benches and waited for the hearing to begin. I just wished I could have personally thanked each and every one, but it was so crowded in there and I didn't know how long I had until the hearing started. The media was all camped out as Keith and I pulled up to the court, but the Sheriff's Department took care of me and let Keith and I park under the courthouse so the media didn't bombard us. I slipped in and they didn't even know it. I sat in on the press conference. Of course a couple of the panel put on their camera faces and yes, I was a good girl and bit my tongue. I knew the sooner they talked, the sooner everything was going to be over with. And I know you know who I am talking about. Then my parents, Martha, Kristine, Mary, Keith and I went to Bella Napoli for lunch and it was actually enjoyable. After lunch, I went to Starbucks and came to see you at the cemetery. It was such a relief to be able to talk to you and tell you everything that was built up inside of me. I know when I finally am able to see you again, we will have lots to talk about.

Yesterday I had breakfast with you at the cemetery. I went to Starbucks and then McDonalds for my McMuffin. Remember how you and I would do that ritual every Sunday that you had off? Then there were weekends that we just got up when we felt like it and it didn't matter what time it was. It is still a habit of me to lay my arm over your side of the bed on the weekends. Somehow I get a feeling that you are there. This morning I heard your alarm clock click over, although the time is not set to 5:20a anymore cause I knocked the dial when I dusted your alarm clock off. I have not heard that click in a long time. I have also been waking up within the 5a hour for the past several mornings and thinking back as to what you and I would have been doing around that specific time. Your alarm clock was always set for 5:20a when you had to work.

September is almost here so that means fall is upon us. The crickets have been loud for the past several weeks now. The leaves are starting to fall in the pool, but the new pump and filter have been sucking them up so there are hardly any on the bottom of the liner. I love this time of year cause school just started back. You would always tell me how crazy I was for liking school so much. You could hardly wait to graduate and spent as little time there as you had to your senior year so you said. You always said you knew what you had to get on your final exams to pass and as long as you got that grade, that was all you cared about. You said your favorite classes were wood shop and auto shop. I always felt like a nerd around you when we talked about school :) You always talked about your high school buddies Steve, Shawn, and John Smith. Speaking of John Smith, I did call him not to long after the crash. I found his phone number you had written down. He knew about what happened and said if I ever needed anything to give him a call. I had only met him once, but that was so nice of him. Shawn and Sandy have a little boy. I also talked to Steve and his mom the other week as well. His business is still a success and he bought another house. He also bought a motorcycle last year. That was something you were considering getting, but I worried that you would get hurt on it. Remember how I worried about you driving the mini chopper in the middle of the street? I would always have to go in the house cause I was always afraid that a car would come around the corner and not see you on that little thing and run you over. The cops have been cracking down on them around here lately. I know you would have kept driving it anyway. You would always press the buttons when it came to the mini chopper and the four-wheeler as well when Mike and Brian would provoke you to take it out and drive it up and down the street. What a little rebel you were!

Well my Snookums, it is time to get off of here and get around for bed. Daisy and Amber are with me right now. Duke, I can't tell you how relieved I am that closure is finally upon us and you will be able to finally rest. I know that no matter where life takes me, you will always be there to guide me through. And I know that every day I have left here is one day closer to being in your arms again. I miss being in your arms. I miss everything about you and about us.

I love you. Sleep tight my love.


P.S. How do you like Jarrod's new tattoo on his arn with your name on it? He showed it to me in the grocery store the other week. I almost cried, but I just smiled and thought how it had to have hurt so that distracted me from crying.

Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

August 29, 2005


May you find comfort in knowing that Duke gave his life for a noble cause - the protection of his friends, family and nation. He was a good man. I am just sorry that I never got a chance to know him better. I have been favorably impressed by your strength of character and your ability to withstand the seemingly endless legal proceedings over the past year, which thankfully, is nearly at an end. You have honored Duke's memory. I know that nothing will bring him back, but I am glad that Justice will be served. I know that he is proud of you. May God bless and keep both you and your family. If you ever need anything, just let me know. Take care and keep in touch.

Ed Milligan

August 25, 2005

Dear Duke,

I wanted to say hello and just wanted to let you know that I have been praying every day for Jenn and your family. Today, Antonelli was in court for a motions hearing which became a plea hearing. I was glad to see that this individual had come to his senses to plea for his wrong-doings. In the Capital newspaper, I saw that Antonelli will be getting a 3 yr sentence after pleading guilty to manslaughter. I wish he got the maximum 10 years for his crime. At least he got 3 years, even though it will never bring you back. Also, I ran into Antonelli in person on my way to work this morning. I was walking towards the courthouse, and we passed each other while he was smoking a cigarette and seemed cool and calm, like nothing bad was going to happen to him. To myself, I felt angry and thought only if person knew how he affected so many lives, including my friend, Jenn A., her family, and everybody else that knew Duke. Duke, Jenn has gone through so much, and I pray she finds closure from this situation. I do know she a strong person full with a lot of love and compassion for the people in her life. I am honor to have her as my friend and love her as a sister so much. Duke, so you know, I will always be there for Jenn no matter what. Well, I got to go. I have a jury trial, and this trial has been moving pretty slow. I hope it ends because I ready to go home and relax. Have a good evening, my friend.


Shannon Pratt

August 25, 2005

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