Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Hey Duke,

Well it has officially been three months and exactly one day since you have been gone. Time has gone by quick. Yesterday morning, I woke up one minute before your alarm clock clicked over to 5:20. The weird part is that I don’t remember much about the last three months, but I can tell you what happened from the time you walked out of the house that morning and all the months and years prior. I am still trying to figure out this new person I have become unwillingly. Amber and I sat down with your patrol hat the other night. She smelled it and then licked my hand and then my cheek. She knew it was yours. She and Daisy keep your side of the bed warm at night. They even warm my feet up sometimes.

You would be proud of some of my “manly” domestic accomplishments. I changed the light bulb on the porch and I also changed the toilet seat cover that broke. It took me over a half an hour to do because the bolts were so tight that I had to take each piece off separately, but I figured it out. I thought I would also attempt hanging up my shelf by myself that you painted for me. I need help with covering the pool and my parents, along with Rick and Sharon have offered to help.

Guess what? You may be an uncle again. Little Debi may have a brother or sister. We are awaiting the official word. I played soccer with Brittney’s team last week. I almost kicked this girl right in her forehead. She told me she could feel the breeze of the ball going past her. My dad yelled at me the other day for not bringing you coffee when I visit you. He called me One-Way. I told him that would always be your nickname when it came to coffee and donuts. Besides, Dunken Donuts is right across the street from where you are. You probably go there every day like always. My mom and I got to go to that concert in Atlantic City we were supposed to go to on July 23rd. Mr. Phil did his usual thing while he waited for us. Glenn put your radio in his car. He said it worked just the way you told him it would. I talked to Schrier last week. He said you must have been with him when he almost had a head on collision on the Bridge when two-way was put in. He locked the guy up because he was also suspended. I know you are looking out for all the guys and they are in return looking out for me. The flagpole they put up in your memory is so pretty with all the flowers they planted around it.

You know, I am writing all of this to you, but I know you already know all that I have written. You are still here and it is extremely comforting yet frustrating. Frustrating because I can’t see you or hear you. I’d give anything to be able to spend one more minute with you, yet even that wouldn’t be long enough. I miss you Snookums and missing you isn’t getting any easier. Keep me strong.

Love ya,

Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

October 21, 2004

I am so glad you and Jenn Meet. You both were a great Couple together. Everyone want to be like. So in Love and you and Jenn would always go the extra mile for a friend, family,or even stranger.I am glad I had you and Jenn watch our Son in June. I know our son in only 14 months old. He knows who you were. You made him laugh. Your last picture of you and him are up, and will always stay up. If you ask him where is Duke. He points to your picture and smiles.I am glad I had a chance to know you over the years. We will keep in touch always with Jenn. Thats what Friends are for. We all miss you. When Jenn is over it still is a habit to look behind her.You are there. Remember we will all meet again.Jenn is one of the Strongest Women I know. You watch over her now and the days ahead for her.


October 20, 2004

Well my friend, sorry for not writing something sooner on this page. I just really discovered it from Jenn mentioning it to me last weekend. I must say it has been very difficult not being able to see you when the girls get together. I really enjoyed the times and things we did to pass the time by. You did a great job on your deck out back. I'm sorry we didnt get to drink those coronas on their that one night. My son's party was nice, and I thank you for suggesting we have it your house. Jenn and I had our moment of sadness, wishing you were there with us. It was blistering hot that day, and I recruited my dad and brother to help with the grill. We saw the butterfly that day, so I know you were with us.

They are coming out with another GTA game. I am going to buy a PS2 just for that game. I know you would have bought it too. I hope you are finally beating the mall level of Vice City.

I will always keep my promise to you, Duke. Kim and I will always watch over Jenn. I will always be here for her, and your family. Remember what we talked about at CICI's. I will never forget David Allen Coe Night, and how much fun we had.

Take care my friend, until we meet again.


Stan Krenzer
Duke's Buddy

October 14, 2004

Duke - You were an inspiration to us all. You were the police officer that everyone should be. We all know now that you are in a better place & that God has his reasons. Although you are no longer with us physically, you will ALWAYS be here with us spiritually. Every day I'm on patrol, I know you are there looking over me along with everyone else in this department & others.

Jen & Family - We're sorry it has taken so long to leave a reflection but it's hard to write something when you just don't know what to say. And truthfully, we still don't. We can't imagine - and never want to - what everyone in your family has been through. We just hope you know what an inspiration Duke was and still is to everyone. His new journey in life has now begun and we know it's a great and well deserved one for Duke. Just know one day we will all meet with him again but in the meantime we all must fullfill our duties here. Please know that your entire family has been in our thoughts and prayers since the day of this tragic loss and always will be. Try to hold your heads up high knowing that you will see him again soon.

With all our Love & Condolences.
God Bless.....

Officer Robert Rabe II & Nicole Rabe
Maryland Transportation Authority Police Dept.

October 13, 2004

It has been a honor to talk with officer Aarons wife and to know he was at my husbands funeral on July 9,2004. His soul along with Brians is in heaven and will watch over us forever.
God has placed officers Aarons wife in my life in a soul hurting way. I am thankful and blessed to have meant a wonderful soul Mrs. Aaron. I will meet you today for the first time in person but I feel like I have known you for 10 years. May God bless us both and keep us strong. Your friend forever Lorrie Winder

October 13, 2004

Hi Snookums,

Well it was today that we decided to take my dad to dinner. As usual, that whole bunch ate til the very end. My mom and little Debi were the only ones not there. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I had to laugh because they were picking on Stephanie and Tim like they would pick on you and I. Stephanie has a picture of you and little Debi in her photo album she keeps in her wallet. It is the picture of you and little Debi in your uniform after in-service that oneday you were anxious to see her. I must admit I got upset at the dinner table and on the way home. It hurts me that she will never remember you. Mark and Mary want me to tell her about you when she gets older. I told them it was an honor to tell her about Uncle Duke and how he loved her so much even though she kept him up a couple of times we watched her overnight :)

Brittney and Hannah have fond memories of their Uncle Duke. As a matter of fact, Hannah asked me the other day if I was going to come to kids vs parents soccer night like we did last year. I said sure. I can't help but remember how you kicked that one lady in the head with the ball. None of us could have done that any better than you did.

I went over to Ryan's house the other night. He has a picture of you on the fridge. He and Jarrod and Brian were all saying how they missed you and wished you were there with them at their "little gathering". Ryan takes Shawn to your grave sometimes. Ryan also wants to be a police officer. He said that the two of you had numerous talks about that and that you encouraged him to do it. Sharon and Rick don't plan on moving. Rick washes your truck and the corvette for you when he washes his cars. Speaking of the corvette, the hood release cables aren't in yet. Hopefully I won't need to get under the hood any time soon! Oh and one more thing, Kevin is now the police chief of a little department in Paris, Alabama. He even gets a take home car and rubbed it in. I know what you are thinking and Kevin knew to. He got sworn in today as a matter of fact.

Well I guess I better close for now and get around for bed. It is past our bedtime and I know you would have turned into a pumpkin by now. My dad always brings up how you would sit on the couch and fall asleep when I rubbed your head. He cracks up everytime he tells the story. See babe, you still know how to make people laugh. Gotta love it!

I love you more than anything in the world. Sleep tight my love.

Love ya,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

October 4, 2004

Hey babe,

Well today is my dad's 52nd birthday. The crew and I are going to take him to Feifer's Seafood down the street from our house instead of where we took you for your birthday. You never got a chance to go there, but everyone seems to like it. I don't know if it is going to be today or Monday when we take him. It won't be the same anymore because you won't be there to help celebrate. As always, I put your name on his card. When Brittney turned 13 last month, she asked me to put Uncle Duke's name on her card. I told her I wouldn't think of doing anything different than that. She was so happy. We got her a book bag and gave her some money for school clothes, but I know you already know that.

Also, don't forget about tomorrow. Another one of our many anniversary dates. I know you couldn't keep track of all of them, but I know you definitely remember that one. Also, the pizza that day tasted to me like it it always does from Little Caesars, like cardboard!

There is not a moment that goes by that I don't think of you. No matter where I am or what I am doing, you are always on my mind. I miss you more than anything. Some mornings, I listen for your alarm clock to click when it hits 5:20. I relive the last moments from that day in my mind a lot. You leaned over and gave me a kiss and told me you loved me. I told you I loved you back and then I stopped you at the door to tell you to take it easy that day. I can still see you staring at me from the door. How I wish you would have took it easy that day, but I know you always liked to keep busy to make the time go by quick so you could get home.

I love you Snookums more than anything in the world.


Jenn Aaron
Wife, Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

September 30, 2004

Duke, the following was said at the funeral home; "while at the hospital, your nephew was told that you had passed away, and his response was, "nope, that can't be because I just saw him walk out the door with 3 other police officers....." All of us believe that our 3 other fallen comrades in heaven came to bring you home....

Officer II J. Pacheco
MD Transportation Authority Police Dept

September 29, 2004

I am sorry for you loss... May God Continue to keep your family...

PED Shawnta Privette, Dispatcher 20
Baltimore City Police Dept

September 18, 2004

Duke, Sorry that it took so long for me to do this. It is really hard to know that a year ago I met you for the first time at the bay bridge,and now your are gone. It was you and "your sidekick". I still have the card you 2 gave me. And I will keep it with me all the time. Once again the "Thin Blue Line" is a little smaller. Rest Easy
You may be goone, BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!

Queen Anne's County

September 14, 2004


Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary. You must not have wanted me to bring you roses because it took me three places to find them. You knew I was determined to bring them anyway. It was a peaceful four hours with you. It rained and it shined. I didn't budge. Sorry about the bad singing of our wedding song. That was you who should have been singing it to me today like you always did. It always made me cry. Today was no different.

This morning at midnight, I remembered how I was putting stuff in my car about the same time four years ago while you were at your bachelor party. I remember about 2:30 A.M. or so you coming home and trying to give me a kiss. That's when I found out the dancer poured beer all down your pants. Oh how I wanted to make her wash your clothes. Anyway, I remember when 6:30 A.M. rolled around and you were sitting on the steps at the front door confessing your "wild" time. Everyone was so surprised you confessed, especially on your wedding day. No harm was done. I think! I kind of felt sorry for you being the center of attention that evening. When 1:00 P.M. came, I remember looking down the isle to see if you had cowboy boots on. Thank God you only joked about it and didn't. After we took our vows and exchanged rings, I couldn't believe we were married. Finally after five years of being engaged, I was Mrs. Duke G. Aaron, III and proud of it. Then we were off to the reception. I know you were a little upset we had to share the limo, but we couldn't let some of the bridal party walk. It wasn't their faults they were left with no rides. Then we got to the reception and everything moved pretty fast. So many people to greet in such a short amount of time. Everything went wonderful from the first dance to "I Cross My Heart" to the cake cutting. I got even with you on that one! Then it was time to go home. I am so glad I hid my keys from everyone so my car wouldn't get vandalized. I remember what we did to my moms car when she married Mr. Phil so I knew to hide my keys. Cindy came over that evening to help us with the new camcorder remember? Our honeymoon went well for the most part. After we figured out the hotel and what we planned to do, everything went wonderful. Then we had to come home and back to reality.

Our one year anniversary was spent at the Pocanos. We were both embarrassed that we had to call the plumber to unclog all the drains because of the overflow of bubbles from the champagne tower. It was also funny when we cut into our cake and found out that there was Styrofoam in the center. Luckily there was real cake for us to eat and it was pretty good a year later. Our second anniversary was spent on the Disney Cruise with Cindy, Joe and the girls. What an awesome time. It was fun coming back to the room and hearing the answering machine messages left by the kids or their sleepover. Everyone laughs about your family karaoke song when they bleeped you out after the fact for cursing. And who could ever forget you asking for an ice cream cone with sprinkles instead of eating "cream barley" aka crème brulee. The lifeboat drill was also cute. I am sure we all would have walked to our designated stations in the event of an emergency ha-ha. Then our third year anniversary came. We decided to go to Williamsburg since I had never been there. We stayed at the bed & breakfast and were the only guests. That was fun seeing the town and touring the winery. We didn't get to finish everything and were supposed to be there today to finish up our year passes.
Instead, I sit at home and without you. I have nothing to celebrate anymore except our memories. I have been robbed of spending the rest of my life with you and enjoying more anniversaries and more vacations. The one and only vacation we were able to plan this year because of our work schedules has been ruined for life. It have been dreading this entire week for awhile. I can't wait until it is over. Unfortunately, the holidays are approaching and I don't even want to begin to think about how I am going to feel.

The only positive news I got this week was that my request to have your rank from Corporal be changed back to Officer was honored. I know it was with your help that the decision to do that was so easy. It was something I wrestled with since I first agreed to let the department do that and it haunted me. Almost everyone is happy it is back to being Officer. I know you are happy it is to.

Thank you Duke for all the wonderful memories we have made throughout our ten years. Every anniversary of "our firsts for everything" will forever live on. Our wedding is just one memory of many.

I love you more than anything in the world and more than life itself.


Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

September 9, 2004

Words cannot express how sorry we are for "our" loss. Duke was an exceptional person and he will be missed very much. You should be very proud of him. He was an outstanding officer and he was proud of his work. We were all blessed with knowing him. Your courage and ability to be so strong is an inspiration to all of us. You are an amazing woman and you will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.

Diane Sollers
Maryland Transportation Authroity

September 9, 2004


As a wife of an officer I could not imagine nor do I ever want to imagine if I could be as strong as you are. I only had the pleasure to met Duke on a few occasions, although my husband had the pleasure to work closely with Duke for several years. Through his stories I felt I've know Duke personally, even more so when I would see him drive that Red Truck or see it parked at the Shell station again for repairs. At Dukes funeral you said to me to hold onto my husband. I worry everyday that he leaves for work that someone will take him from my loving arms. You just remember they may of taken Duke from your arms, but know that no one can take him from your heart. I think of you and pray for you everyday.

Stacy Knipple (Wife of Officer James Kni

August 19, 2004

TO: The family; loved ones; friends and department members: A POLICE OFFICER’S PRAYER : O, gentle Lord! Keep the day / night watch with me. As I begin my tour of duty, I ask your protection from all mental, physical and spiritual harm. Sustain me with the knowledge that I am doing your work, endeavoring to keep peace among your people. Help me to be just as I enforce the law without prejudice or favor to anyone. May I be courageous but not reckless in carrying out my duties. Let me respond to all calls with haste realizing that so many are dependent on me for life and safety. Support me with your consoling power when I am tempted to think that no one really cares and that I am taken for granted. Sustain in me the conviction that so many thousands do care and are grateful for my presence. Grant that I may be loyal to my partner and my fellow officers, and that I may back them up effectively when called upon for assistance. Lord, I ask that I may return safely, after my tour of duty, to my loved ones and those who love me. I pray that I may be a good and honorable police officer; and after my tour of duty is over here on earth, may I enjoy the peace and happiness of heaven that you have promised to those who serve you well. AMEN. ** REST IN PEACE** Sent to you by the father of Master Officer J.D.Koeppen, Capital City Raleigh NC; Trooper D.C. Koeppen, NJ State Police and Cadet Officer A.M. Koeppen Wilmington N.C.

Chief ( retired) Douglas A. Koeppen
Washington New Jersey

August 17, 2004

Duke, I will never forget you. Words cannot express how I feel. I lost a great co-worker and the world lost a great man.
May God bless your family and may you rest in peace.

Officer II J. E. Knipple
Maryland Transportation Authority Police

August 16, 2004



August 16, 2004

We wish to thank each and everyone who has encouraged us through prayes and love. Words can't begin to express how we feel at this time. With Gods help we will make it through. Knowing that there are so many people who care for our family all of us is a great help.
We sit and remember our son with pride, our daughter is also on this journey with us as well as his neices. Along with Jen we are feeling the hurt and the pain of losing a special person in our lives. We all will miss Duke, yet he lives on in our lives by the memories and the good times we hve. Duke
will never be forgotten. Sometimes I wonder if he knew how many friends he had and how much he was liked. Duke was a quiet person and didn't like being the center of attention. He has earned all the attention he,s getting now.

We thank God everyday for him. God has a purpose for him and even if we don't know it now, someday we will. Also there will be good come out of all this.

Again thank you all for your love, prayes and support to our family.

Duke and Linda Aaron

Duke and Linda Aaron

August 5, 2004


It has been over two weeks since you have been gone. I miss you more than anything. Our furry babies miss you. Amber is stuck to my side. I have no feeling right now about what has happened. I am still adjusting to this new way of living. I must admit that I hate it. I just want you to come home Duke. You were my life for over ten years and I want things back the way they were so bad. Please don't be mad about the corporal promotion. I know you never wanted to be promoted, but I allowed the department to do that. You don't have to worry about being shipped back to BWI or the Nice Bridge. You will forever be stationed at the Bay Bridge. As for L-4, that car will forever be yours as well. The department has retired that number. You deserved every honor that has been given to you the past two weeks. I can't believe how such a shy and quiet guy like you touched so many lives. You should feel proud of yourself and believe me, I am extremely proud of you. I know you are standing behind me giving me the strength to carry on. I know you will never leave. I look forward to the day you are waiting for me when it is my turn to leave this planet. And when it is my turn, I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and to tell you how much I love you with all my heart and soul.

Love always and forever,

August 4, 2004

The one thing I think of most when I think of Duke was his infectious smile and his sense of humor. He never failed to make me laugh. I remember him as a cadet and was proud of him when he graduated from the academy. Not only was he a great officer, he was a truly good man. My heart and prayers go out to Jen, Tony and the rest of the family. The Maryland Transportation Authority has truly lost one of it's finest.

TCOII Nicole Bryan

August 3, 2004





August 1, 2004

My thoughts and prayers to Corporal Duke Aaron, his family and to the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department.

You will never be forgotten!!

Sergeant Damon Cole
Double Oak Police Department, Texas

August 1, 2004

Brother, we go back to the airport, and I was Blessed to have known you then, and I am Blessed that I know you know.
May God continue to Bless you and your family.

10-7 10-42

Rest now, we will take it from here.

Off 2 Courtney G. Brooks
Maryland Transportation Authority Police

July 29, 2004

Duke, I can't even find the words to express my sadness for you & your family for the most recent events. Although I didn't know you well, I knew enough to know that you are an officer that is driven to do his job to the fullest! I remember when you were a cadet. I remember that because when we were getting new badges, you came to me & asked if I wanted your badge because it was mine at one time. You are such an unselfish person. I want to thank you for becoming what every Police Officer with the Maryland Transportation Authority Police should strive to be. My prayers & thoughts will go out to you & your family forever my friend. Until we meet again. Rest in peace my brother!
Officer Lisa Reichart
Maryland Transportation Authority Police

OFF II Lisa Reichart
Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department

July 29, 2004

God Bless Corporal Aaron, his family and the Maryland Transportation Authority Police!

Montgomery County Sheriffs Dept. Maryland

July 29, 2004

I hope the family of Duke Aaron the 3 feels better. i know how it feels because Jrooper First Class Anthnoy Jones was my uncle and it feels so bad.god bless you all i hope to met the mom and dad of Duke Aaron

Belinda Talbot
(hop you feel better)

belinda talbot

July 28, 2004

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