Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland
End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III
Today is the one year anniversary of your crash. For three hundred and sixty five days now you have been gone. For the past three days, I have been recounting the last three days we shared together leading up to the crash. On July 18, 2004, you came home from work and were upset because you were forced to go in from 3a to 3p on July 19th. You went to bed early and I soon woke you up because your sister had called to tell you about your uncle and his stupid stunt that landed him in the hospital. You got up around 1:30a on July 19th and set out on your twelve hour day. When I got home from work that evening, you were upset and told me how you were again forced to work over on the 20th from 7a to 7p. Your right wrist had been bothering you as well. You were so tired that we ordered a pizza for dinner. Then we went to the grocery store. You caught up with a guy you knew from high school and as I was checking out, you went back and gave him our phone number so that you could get together with him and hang out. Then before we went home, we stopped over your sister’s house and chatted with them for a few minutes. Then we came home. At the time, I was so addicted to my Sims game and decided to play the PS2. You went out back on the deck with a couple of our neighbors and enjoyed the rest of the evening in the presence of their company. Then you came in and as you passed me, you told me how you were tired and was going to bed. Then as you got to the bottom of the steps, you looked back at me and made that comment that I will forever cherish and you went up to get your shower and go to bed. About 9p or so, Mary called laughing to tell me how she was listening to love songs and dedications and this girl was making a dedication to this guy named Duke. Mary wanted me to wake you up and I just chuckled and after I got off the phone with her, I came up to bed. You were so tired that you were snoring. I woke you up shuffling around and when I got in bed, I leaned over and gave you a kiss and told you I loved you.
On July 20, 2004 at 5:20a your alarm clock went off and you got around for work. You wore your wrist brace the entire night before, but took it off to get around. You fed the dog and cats because I could hear you pouring food into their bowls. You ate cereal because I could hear the cabinet door close and the sound of cereal being poured into your bowl. You were also getting your lunch together because I heard the sound the cooler made as you took the lid off of it and put it back on. Then you came back upstairs. You leaned over and said you loved me and gave me a kiss. I told you I loved you back. As you got to the bedroom door, I stopped you. I told you to be lazy all day and do nothing but wear your wrist brace and take it easy. You just stared at me and turned and walked away. I then heard you open and close the door and then I heard your truck take off down the street. That would be the last time I heard your truck take off down the street, but it wasn’t the last time I would see you.
Most of everyone who knew you has a happy memory of the last time they saw you. Mine is not so happy. I went to work on the morning of July 20th and decided to call you since I had not heard from you. I got hung up on and thought that maybe you were on a traffic stop and couldn’t talk (which was unlike you because you would talk on the phone with me sometimes while writing a ticket and I would always say finish up then call me back). I got busy at work and then the phone rang. It was my dad. He asked me what I was doing and I said working. He then told me that I needed to get around and that you had been in an accident and that he was coming to pick me up. I started panicking and asking what happened. He told me that he was told from the department that you were in a chase and that you flipped your patrol car (which later turned out to be so far from the truth because you were rear ended while parked on the shoulder of the highway completing a traffic stop). I remember waiting for him seemed so long. I called your mom and told her I was leaving for the hospital and I called Mary looking for my mom and to tell them what I knew. I stared out the front window of my office patiently waiting for my dad to come. He called back and told me that the department was on their way to pick us up. My co-worker Steve was sitting at my desk and he said “you know they fly us to Shock Trauma for a paper cut”. I turned back and looked at him and said “no, I don’t feel good about this”. Something inside of me felt empty and I didn’t know why. My dad finally arrived and so did Kevin Anderson. As Kevin was trying to drive and talk on the cell phone, I buckled his seatbelt for him. We were cruising down 295 and as we turned the corner to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma, I saw all the media camped out on the corner and my gut feeling back at the office made more sense that the situation was as bad as I thought. I was rushed up into a wing of the hospital and put into this conference room. A nurse came in and asked me if I was Mrs. Aaron and I said I was. She then proceeded to tell me that she needed me to sign for a ring and a watch and that you were in grave condition. I looked at her and said “you’re joking right”. She said no and that she needed me to sign for a ring and a watch and that you were in grave condition. I signed the paper and then I put your wedding ring on behind mine and put your watch in my purse. Our families started rolling in by this time and I had to give your insurance information to a hospital staff member. There we so many people roaming around in a panic that I only saw figures, but couldn’t tell you who everyone was. Finally the nurse came back down and said “you can go up and see your husband now, but I don’t know if he will be alive when you get there nor can I tell you what he will look like”. I swear I looked around the room for the candid cameras because I could not believe what I was hearing. All I kept thinking was how that was a cruel joke to play, but no one was playing. Your mom, sister and I went upstairs and the wait seemed like forever. Then a team of hospital staff rolled a gurney into a room. I looked at the body and said to myself how that couldn’t be you because you were not that big. That was until I got to the head and saw that it was you lying there on the blood soaked gurney with your chest cracked open like a gutted deer in an effort to save your life. The doctors told us to talk to you because they believed that you could hear us. Your mom was talking to you. Your sister was talking to you and telling you how you needed to get better and give her that niece or nephew she was wanting and how you needed to get better for the girls. I was talking to you and telling you how you needed to get better so we can do what your sister told us to do and telling you how much I loved you and how I didn’t want you to leave me.
A short time later, the nurse said that the doctor wanted to see everyone downstairs. I leaned over and gave you a kiss and told you that I would be back because the doctor wanted to see all of us. Your doctor was a saint. He was putting his entire heart and soul into taking care of you. He sat down in front of everyone and said that you had severe spinal injuries that he couldn’t even get to and how if you made it that he didn’t even know what your quality of life would be like. I kept thinking how this was all just a terrible dream and couldn’t possibly be real. After the doctor left, the nurse told me that I could go back up to see you, but this time I could only take one person. I had so many people saying “I’ll go, I’ll go”, but I looked up and saw Jack and said that I wanted him to go with me. He asked me if I was sure and I said “yes, let’s go see Duke”. I found comfort in my supervisor going with me to see you. For what was about to happen, he was the best choice I made. When I got back to your room, I told you I was back and began talking to you again. I held your right hand the entire time and I looked up. That is when the doctor said something to me. I said “what” and he said it again. I still couldn’t hear what he was saying so I leaned over you and said to him “I can’t hear you”. He said “he’s gone”. I gave him a really nasty look and said “no”. I repeated the word no over and over and found myself out in the hallway surrounded by both our co-workers and my parents. I remember Captain Wilkins telling me that I needed to get it together if I wanted to see you again. I finally calmed down and they took me downstairs. I was bombarded by people as I came through the doors. Everything seemed like a daze being dark and blurry. I remember some of the comments people were making to me and how I just wanted everyone to leave me alone. Then I was rushed into a lecture hall where the state crisis team was waiting for me. I can thank a co-worker of mine for filling in the doctor about me as the doctor told me he was a friend of my co-worker. I remember one of the comments I made to him was “I never let anyone take advantage of my husband when he was alive and I will not let anyone take advantage of him now”. I new that I had to remain strong and keep in control of our lives because it seemed like everyone else wanted their names on our marriage certificate at that time. It still seems like that sometimes even a year later.
After I met with the state crisis team, it was time for me to come and see you. They put you in what looked like a janitors closet but then again, I wasn’t looking at anything but you. I could not believe what had happened. I grabbed your hand and was stunned at what I was looking at. I didn’t even know what to say to you. After I had my time with you, it was time to let others visit with you. I was asked by someone in your department if it was okay for your co-workers to visit with you. Of course I said it was. The outpour from your department, my department and other allied agencies was significant. Then it was time to leave. As I waited for Mr. Phil to pull his truck up to the exit, I saw a group of motorcycle cops from various agencies standing by their bikes. I was told that they had been waiting there since they found out that you had been flown to the hospital. I went up to each of them and personally thanked them for being there for you. They said in return that they were also there to take me home. The entire way home, traffic came to a halt except for us. When I pulled into our driveway, an Anne Arundel County cop you knew that transferred out of your department stood guard at our house to keep the media away. I walked up to the sunpaper lady and told her to get off our property or I was going to have her arrested. She laughed at me. I almost gave her another story to write about. So many people came over our house and finally I told everyone they had to leave. I locked the door behind me, got my shower and went to bed. Amber stayed by my side the entire time. Just the way she was acting and the look in her eyes let me know she knew you were gone. I got up a little while later and went over to your sister’s house and sat with her, Joe and the girls for awhile before returning to our house to spend the rest of my life without you. Our exactly ten year and ten day fairy tale novel turned into a horror story.
I miss you more than anyone can ever imagine. A year later and I am still saying “wow, I can’t believe this has happened”. I miss everything about you and about us. I would give anything to be able to hold you one more time. I will never forget the last spoken words you said to me that morning. You told me that you loved me. I love you too Duke and I will love you forever. You will forever be my heart, my soul, and my dream come true.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
July 19, 2005
It's hard to believe that a year has gone by since you were taken from us. Although we cannot see you, we know that you are still here in our daughter's heart and ours. We just wanted to thank you again for loving our daughter as much as you do.
July 19, 2005
Duke the other day i was watching our academy graduation, I don't know why i just put it on. I wanted to remember all the fun times we had there, you and i were in the same group several times for diffrent things.
I never told you this but i wanted to thank you, if it wasn't for your humor class 29 would not be the same. I was proud to work with you when i was a MCI and you were a cadet. And i had the pleasure of going to the academy with you. We became more then friends we all became brothers. I was honored to call you a coworker,friend and brother in arms. God bless Jenn and your family.
Off. II B. Goodman #0585
MDTA Police
July 19, 2005
i am so terribly sorry to hear of the tragedy that happened at duke's memorial run...please extend to the family our heartfelt sympathies...
today was the one year for me of chris' stinks!...the kids and i are trucking along on a daily basis...each day gets longer and harder...
i wish for you peace on will get through even though it will be hard...i look forward to seeing you at spouses retreat in sept. if you attend...
God bless you and your family...
Susan C. Shea
Surviving Spouse Cpl. Shea 07/18/04
July 18, 2005
Hey Duke,
The memorial charity run in your name was tragic as you already know. I was there, along with everyone else in attendance when MdTA Officer Candidate Turner crossed the finish line and collapsed and died. It never should have happened. He was supposed to finish that race, graduate the academy next month and marry the love of his life in September and live happily ever after. Now another family is preparing for a funeral as I write to you and another young lady is left to go through life wondering what could have been. I was asked personally by your department to speak with his fiancee and I helped them out with whatever they asked me to do. I got to meet his parents as well. Your mom and sister also came to the race and hospital. Please Duke, keep an eye on Grant. From what I was told by some of his family, he was a great guy. Don't corrupt him to much okay :) If heaven has swamps, no four-wheeling in them on duty up there. I forgot who I was talking to about that situation the other day. Mr. Aaron, I am still upset with you about having to rip out all the insulation from under your floor boards in that brand new truck all because you were dared to go through the swamp and the truck got stuck and started filling up with water. I look at the pictures and think how much of a goof you were for doing that. It makes me laugh everytime I see those pictures of you sitting in the swamp in the truck.
I got a call from one of your "favorite" co-workers tonight inviting me to a memorial cook-out on the 20th. I had known about it for about a week now through a rumor, but no one ever called me until today to invite me. He told me no one at the department had my phone number to get in touch with me earlier. On the 20th, I just want to sit with you. You didn't like to be the center of attention and didn't like to make big deals out of everything so it will be just you and I as usual on that day together. I can't be at work because that is where I was at last year when everything happened. Sharon asked me if I would like to go to Starbucks that morning and I will go with her, but the rest of the day will be just you and me. I can't believe how the time has gone by so fast. Every day that I live is one day closer to being with you again. I can't wait until that day arrives that I can see you and hold you again. Until then, please keep me strong and guide me through the rest of what life I have left to live.
I love you more than anything in the world. Sleep tight my love.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
July 17, 2005
Duke, please be with the family of Officer Turner in this sad time. Along with his family I will be thinking of you and Jen this week. This only adds more heart break to a already awful month. Say Hi to B for me. Jen
PO. Rollhauser
July 17, 2005
Hey there!
I know you were so proud of your girl today. The run didn't end quite the way it was planned, but Jenn was go good with the family... making sure they
were taken care of...given their privacy and room to think. It doesn't seem that a year has passed, but it has and I know Jenn has hurt each day. Duke, I know you know that we're all here for her, but sometimes that stubborn streak comes out! Then comes the tough love. Martha, Christine, Lorrie will watch out for her, and we be there on Wednesday. Just keep watchin out for us down here and take that newbie under your wing would you?
Veterans Affairs Police
July 17, 2005
Hey Snookums,
I got a call this morning to come over to the monument place to see the bronze portion of your grave marker. When I got out of my meeting with MDE I did go over. Seeing that marker made every real. It looked so beautiful. It has your name on it and that "preserved" rose in the center with a heart around it and more roses all around that. Then it has our date of courtship on it. July 10, 1994. We would have celebrated eleven years together this past Sunday. Right below our courtship date is our wedding date with wedding rings in the middle of it. I got to see the granite marker through the bubble wrap and it is huge. The monument place plans on putting it all together as soon as the pictures that need to be placed on the granite come in. I know it will be beautiful once it is all put together.
We are less than a week from the anniversary of your death. My how time has gone by so quick. My heart still aches, my eyes still cry and my arms still long to hold you every day. I wouldn't know what to do if I one day didn't have a tear fall from my eyes. I just want closure to everything Duke. I want you to finally be able to rest because I know you are not with all the stuff going on with the courts. They don't make this easy for the victims that's for sure.
I remember exactly what we were doing the entire week before the crash. That whole week will forever be with me in my happy memory bin :) And because of your big mouth (okay, my big mouth to), others won't let me forget either. I am glad some our neighbors and some of our friends remind me of that often to put a smile on my face.
Well Snookums, I guess I should get off of here and go home and let Amber out to potty. The five of us love you more than anything in the world.
Love ya,
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
July 14, 2005
Jen I think of you all time hoping you are doing good plus saying hi to Duke when I am at the memorial working thier
Mary Cocke
July 8, 2005
I am just sick over the E mail I got from Jen this morning. I want you to know I will be there for court. I am so sick that would even be said, at least his family can see him your family does not even have that option. Well, Jen I will be there even if I am 9 mos preg heck you can deleiver a baby right? HAHA No I do plan on making the trip these people really have me upset Jen can I sit on your lap if need be? LOL :) Well, I just wanted to tell you Duke I will be there for the next court date! Jen stay strong Love ya Girl.
July 7, 2005
Hey Officer Aaron,
I am sorry I have never had the pleasure of meeting you... but, I have had the pleasure of meeting your wife... She is a lovely person.
Jennifer, I always pray that you continue to be strong and if you ever need anything ...I am only a phone call away ...
Your new friend
Shawnta ~ Dispatcher 20 ~ Baltimore City Police
Ped Shawnta Privette
Baltimore City Police Dept
July 6, 2005
Just thinking about you. I know that today is probably a really rough day for you. Stay strong.
July 5, 2005
Today would have been your 30th birthday yet you will forever be 29. I don't know what to say to you. I didn't even know what to bring you over to the cemetery. I am so lucky we saved all the cards we ever bought each other throughout our ten years together to remember the happiness we shared on our special days. I think back to last year and how I asked you if you wanted a party at our house or if you wanted all you can eat steamed crabs. You chose the steamed crabs. Remember it was my entire family and my moms friends that decided to come. Becky was even there with us. Everyone had an enjoyable time and you got your belly full from the all you can eat crabs and beer that day. You were in your glory. It was a memorable birthday for everyone there that came thats for sure. Remember how I told you for your 30th that I was wanting to have you a surprise party? Remember how you told me you wanted a kid (as you would always say) by the time you were 30th until Kyle hit you where it hurts and changed your mind and you said that you could wait because 30 wasn't that far away. Kevin just sat back that day and let you handle the situation with Kyle didn't he. You laughed at that after the fact. Remember how I would always tell you that I would never catch up with you in age? Sadly, I am only seven months away from catching up with you in age. Something I never imagined would ever happen.
You know how Ofc. Winder's situation at court went today. They are hoping to retry the case later on toward the end of summer. I feel so sorry for Brian's family for having to go through another trial. No closure was brought to them today, but one thing is for sure, at least someone will be sitting in the you know where longer. It isn't comforting, but things surely do have a way of working out in mysterious ways. I just hope we don't have to put up with all the Winder family has endured this past week when we go to court for your situation.
Well my Snookums, I should get around for bed so I can go to work tomorrow. It is thundering and poor Amber is shaking so I should try to comfort her although we both know how that will turn out. You would always say "it alright Am". You were so concerned about her that's for sure.
Sleep tight my love and I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
July 5, 2005
hey bud,
sorry i havent talked to you in a while everything is going okay for me i have a good job now and things are going good i just want to say happy birthday to you bud and casey says hi to well i will talk to you later
neighbor/ jarrod jenkins
July 5, 2005
Happy 30th birthday Duke. Your the best son-in-law anyone could want for their daughter. There isn't a day that goes by that Phil and I don't think about you. You'll be in our hearts forever.
July 5, 2005
I am thinking of you today thank you for all you have done for me in just the short time I have known you. You are such a wonderful person I am so glad that Sara indurduced us. You and Sara are so strong. Thanks for talking Love you girl
July 5, 2005
happy 30th birthday pal I sure do miss you,sorry can't talk long got to get back to work.
Justin Skarda
July 5, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Today is 4th of July. After today, I can relax a little worry about fireworks displays although I issued over a hundred permits between the first and the tenth of the month. You know how I worried that something would go wrong and I always worried that I may have processed the paperwork for the displays wrong. I will cross my fingers tonight like I always did and hope that nothing happens. The Inner Harbor got theirs fairly early this time and you and I would have been watching them from Kim and Stan's like we would usually do had you have been here. I did tell Kim and Stan that I would come over for awhile, but I don't know if I can watch the fireworks. Dundalk's is having their tonight as well and there may be a chance I will go there or I just may go home depending on how I feel as time gets closer to the displays going off. You and I were alone last year watching the fireworks because no one else wanted to walk up to the park remember? Still, the best fireworks display we saw together was the one when my dad was your FTO and we watched them from the top of the Fort McHenry Tunnel in 1998.
I didn't decorate the house this year with lights nor did I put any lawn ornaments out except a flag. Speaking of flags, I went down to the roadside memorial on Saturday to give it an extreme cleanup. I had some company. Martha and Kristine who also lost their husbands came with me to help me. When we pulled up on the service road, there was a gentleman who lived down the street cutting the grass around the flag poll. There are still complete strangers who haven't forgotten about you Duke and that was truly touching for me to know. The four of us cleaned up the grounds around the memorial, pulled weeds in the flower bed around the flag poll, and took down the weathered flowers that had been hanging on the guardrails and cross since the day after you were killed. Then a maintenance truck pulled up. It was Erich who went to the David Allen Coe concert with you. He is a really nice guy and had fond memories of you. In his hand, he had two new flags to hang up so Martha, Kristine, and I helped him hang up the new flags. He gave me the old ones which I will have put in cases. Those flags had been hanging up since the day after you were killed. They are special to me and in a sense actually mean a little more to me than the protocol flags I was given at your funeral because your co-workers hung them up for you. I have some brief media coverage of the day the roadside memorial was constructed and it choaks me up every time I see it.
Tomorrow would have been your 30th birthday. I am not looking forward to it. I don't even want to talk about it right now, but I want to ask you a favor. The trial involving Ofc. Brian Winder will hopefully conclude tomorrow. Hopefully the jury will reach a verdict and justice will be served in favor of Brian. If there is any thing positive that can come out of tomorrow, it would be to see that Brian's family will finally find closure and peace. If you can Duke, can you please help Brian see that closure will be brought to his family.
Well babe, Amber has to potty so I should let her out. We will then go to Starbucks and come visit you at the cemetery.
I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
July 4, 2005
We're trying to take care of your lady! She makes it easy though, because she's got so much strength and fight. I almost swear she's more Irish than I am. Today we'll all be with Lorrie and her family on Brian's 1st anniversary.
Martha, Christine, Jenn and I all went out for dinner the other night. It was a very nice time for all. Do me a fabor and watch over us all... help our wish come true... that no other name goes on that Wall. I know it's wishful thinking as man will be man... and the killings will go on ... but we can wish and hope that no one has to go thru what your Jenn has dealt with. Thanks for being our hero!
July 3, 2005
Found a song that speaks right to my heart and I know it will speak to your heart too.
Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
Leann Rimes
Got a date a week from Friday with the preacher's son
Everybody says he's crazy, I'll have to see
I finally moved to Jackson when the summer came
I won't have to pay that boy to rake my leaves
I'm probably going on and on
It seems I'm doing more of that these days
I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad
I never pictured every minute without you in it
You left so fast
Sometimes I see you standing there
Sometimes it's like I'm losing touch
Sometimes I feel like I'm lucky to have
Had the chance to love this much
God give me a moment's grace
'cause if I'd never seen your face
I probably wouldn't be this way
Mama says that I just shouldn't speak to you
Susan says that I should just move on
You oughta' see the way these people look at me
When they see me 'round here talking to this stone
Everybody thinks I've lost my mind
But I just take it day by day
I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad
I never pictured every minute wihtout you in it
You left so fast
Sometimes I see you standing there
I feel an angel's touch
Got a date a week from Friday
with the preacher's son
Everybody say's I'm crazy, guess I'll have to see
Nobody knows what it is like unless they have been here. And most people don't even want to imagine living daily life with this pain and heartache. We take it day by day. The way I look at it...We probably wouldn't be this way and we probably wouldn't hurt so much if we had never met our husband's but then we would have never had the opportunity to love so much. And we probably wouldn't feel this way if they were still here. We must take this life we have been given and make choices to move forward or stay stuck. I know Duke and Brandy want us to live happily and move forward in this life. Stay strong girl I love you..
Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10/14/04
July 1, 2005
It is almost a year already thet you have been gone. It has gone by fast. The trail is coming up soon. I hope justice is server for you and god knows for Jenn. She needs something good to come out of this. She is lost with out you. She needs to remember she has friends there for her. Ones that have always been there for her.
June 24, 2005
Just popped in here to see what you have been doing because I have been neglectful in my phone calls to you.
I saw the other day that another Maryland officer was killed and thought about you. I thought maybe you would go to the family. Strange as it seems I have found it very healing to reach out to new survivors. I hope you have found the same. It is difficult but feels good that we can help these people in their journey. It brings a lot of those first emotions you felt to the surface though.
I know the one year mark is fast approaching. Remember you don't have to acknowledge that day if you don't want to. Stay in bed and cry if you have to or do what you feel is right in your heart. Remember it is only 24 hours like any other day. Most of all remember how Duke lived his life and the love he brought to you and your furry babies. I know he watching from heaven and wants you to be happy.
Go with your heart girl and choose to live this life that you are left with happily. You have so much to give to other people. Remember I love you and am here anytime you need me.
Much love...
Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10/14/04
June 24, 2005
I haven't forgotten about you and Duke. I still visit his page frequently. I wish I had met you in Washington. I went by Duke's name several times at the wall, but I never found you. It looks like you met up with some great people, though.
I know that you are coming up on the one year mark. Just be strong. Oh nevermind, just let the tears flow. Sometimes that's what you gotta do.
God bless you, Duke.
Love, Jenn
Jennifer Waters
Wife of Mike Waters, West Memphis PD, EOW 9-11-03
June 22, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Well I am sure you know by now that another Maryland Officer has joined the ranks of heavens finest. Yesterday before I found out he had passed away, I was talking to Martha Wood and Lorrie. It was kind of strange that they both got in touch with me at home within about an hour of each other just to talk. Then Lorrie called me back when we found out that he had passed away to tell me that she wanted to go to the hospital to be with the wife of Cpl. Gaughan and so she, Martha and I and Brian's sister went to the hospital. What an all to familiar site that was. I did get to meet his wife and give her a hug. She said thank you to me. All I could say was that we were all there for her. I hoped that the killing would have stopped with you, but that was to good to be true. I pray Cpl. Gaughan will be the last, but that is just wishful thinking. I don't ever want anyone else to experience what I and others in the same situation as I have experienced. Then the four of us went out to dinner after we left the hospital and then we went back to Lorries house to talk. I am sure you, Brian and Barry were with us and probably shaking your heads at our conversations. I asked Lorrie to talk to Brian and then have Brian talk to you about what we were talking about. Please Duke, help me out on this situation as difficult as it may seem to ingest for the both of us. Lorrie is experiencing the exact same feelings so that is why I asked her to get involved.
I meet with P.J. tomorrow at your headquarters to give him the title to the camper. I was just telling my mom the other day how I miss the camper and our camping trips you and I would take. How ironic it was that she mentioned to me that she and Mr. Phil went to Chincotiqgue, Virginia and how there was a self-contained camper for sale that they were interested in that was about five minutes or so from the beach. Then we got to talking about how the four of us went there and spent the night. My mom was laughing because your red truck was acting up and if I am not mistaken, it was the water pump and they had to follow us home remember. That was the last time you and I went there. We did a lot with my family didn't we. All three of my parents love you like you were their own son. All three of them miss you.
Well Duke, I guess I should get off of here and get to work before it gets dark. Yeah, I am such a dedicated employee aren't I! Remember how I would get phone calls when you and I were on vacation from my co-workers asking me questions and you didn't understand why they would call me when I was on leave? You know how particular I am about my job and how I don't like anyone else doing my work for me so on my leave of absence this week, I have decided to go to work for about an hour every other day to see what is going on. I went Tuesday and there were nine fireworks display permits to do. I can only imagine how many are there today. Plus I have to do my time sheet so I should be going. Oops, I just realized I missed payroll. Somehow, today feels like Wednesday. I am all mixed up! Typical and nothing new huh. Oh well I will still go in anyway. I will take Amber bye-byes with me since it is going to storm and you know how scared she is of thunderstorms. You would always hug her and tell her how it was going to be alright. I was so impressed with you how you remembered that one time you were with my dad and you were somewhere across the street from Amber's vet and you stopped in there to fill her prescription of valum. You were such a concerned daddy when it came to Amber's well-being. Amber, Rocky, Daisy, Blackie, and I miss you Duke.
I love you Duke more than anything in the whole wide world.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
June 22, 2005
Hi Jenn,
I was thinking about you yesterday when that other police officer was killed in Prince Georges County. I'm sure that was tough for you. I hope you are enjoying your summer and I hope you can enjoy your pool. Maybe the weather being so hot is Duke's way of forcing you to get into the pool!!!!
Jenn, I know this is a really hard time for you and it seems like it isn't going to get any better. I can promise you it will get easier. When I was 10 years old, my mom was killed in a car accident right before Christmas. I was only a little girl but I had a lot of anger and bitterness and I also felt like I was being punished. As time went on, my pain started to diminish. It is going on 21 years this year and I still cry on mother's day and on holidays but through the years, my pain turned into more of an acceptance. I love my mom and always will just like you will always love Duke. I just wanted you to know that you won't always feel the way you do. I hope this helps youfeel even just a little bit better!
Kim Haynes
June 22, 2005