Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III


We had the girls gift exchange on Tuesday the 21st. It sure wasn't the same, without seeing you with Jenn. Stan & Matthew stayed in & had an evening watching T.V. Jenn came over early & gave Matthew a gift. He is always happy to see Jenn, She makes him light up. I even forgot the camera to take pictures. Wow that is not like me, not taking pictures. It sure is windy today and chilly from the rain.
Stan is off tomorrow which is Christmas Evening. We Promise to take Matthew to see you in the Afternoon before we take him to Church. I am going to close for now. Until later. I hope you are warm up there. Please watch Jenn, she is going through a lot now. We are always there for her, as well as her family & friends too.


December 23, 2004

Hey babe,

Well it snowed last night. Thanks for not overdoing it. I could hear your voice in my head saying “it’s snowing, it’s snowing”. I forgot to put the ice scraper in the car yesterday and found myself this morning shoveling the snow off with a Starbucks Coffee cup. See, going there pays off! Your Dunkin Donuts cup wouldn't have been tough enough :) I put your truck in the shop to get it ready for winter. I wish I had it last night though. I would have tested out the four-wheel drive in your honor. Remember how we would just drive around while the storms were happening and find parking lots that had mounds of snow to drive over? I remember that one fall night when we first got the corvette in September of 2002 how after we were ready to go to bed, we got up and took a drive while your cassette of the Miami Vice song was playing. We both realized we looked like geeks trying to relive 1989 and finally turned it off after about the third time of it playing.

I went to see the kids at St. Elizabeth’s on Friday. They are truly amazing and so inspiring. I was loaded up on lots of cards and posters with some good advice and care written in them. Their teacher called me Friday night to tell me how she had several parents call to say their kids were so happy I was able to come and that they had a good time and want me to come back again. I would love to if I get the opportunity again. I went to Kim and Stan’s Saturday night and didn’t get home until early yesterday morning. It was fun, although there were some moments of sadness. Erica from the fire department came. Shannon came with Mike, my high school classmate who she met at the funeral home and the guy in my Junior Prom picture, and a couple of other friends of Kim and Stan’s came. Kim made these really cute yellow star ornaments with your name on them. I put mine on the sad little fat dried up Christmas tree, which the cats won’t leave alone and stop drinking the water. I missed sitting on their couch with you like we would do before we left to go home. I also missed the rides home. Their house was always filled with warmth and love and we were always touched by that after we left their house. I am going to Missy’s tonight with my parents, Mark, Mary and little Debi. Missy didn’t have her party Saturday. Abby and Lizzy are getting so big. I saw them this past Saturday for a couple of minutes before Mark, Mary and I took little Debi to see Santa. My cousin Chris also came over to my moms and he is doing extremely well. My Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mike sent me this beautiful glass angel in your memory the other day. I put it at the top of the tree so the cats wouldn’t knock it off. It sparkles from the lights shining on it. Speaking of lights, Rick hung your name up in the center of our house only since it was the only place it worked. It looks awesome when it is really dark out. People are going to know what it really means or they are just going to think I am a Duke University fan since blue is their color as well.

Today makes five months that you have been gone. I still can’t tell you much about the last five months except that I miss you every minute of every day. I still can’t believe all of this has happened to us and our simple life has been turned upside down and destroyed. I would desperately give anything to be able to have you back. I guess Keith’s baby was born last month and Jen is due any day now. Paul and Peggy are expecting and are moving back to the county. Your future niece or nephew is doing well also. I attended Hannah’s Christmas performance at the airport almost two weeks ago. I have always loved going to the girls school performances and I am sure they are so glad that you were able to go to their stuff as well. I have decided to go to my cousin Michelle’s house and then my dads for Christmas Eve this year, if I don’t change my mind before then. I can’t do dinner at your parents. I wouldn’t get through my meal. I think all the time about you eating turkey, mashed potatoes, and rolls and I cry just thinking about it. I am going to see if I can take the girls out to breakfast that morning since this is the first Christmas Eve I have ever had off. I am still debating about Christmas Day. I get brave and decide I want to be with my family, yet I dread Christmas morning and knowing how I am going to be. I keep telling myself that you wouldn’t have been there anyway because you had to work, but it doesn’t help since I know there will not be anything under the tree for you. I will be spending some time with you at the cemetery though. That is one place I know I will be on Christmas Day and really that is all that matters. It is sad knowing you won’t be getting your annual stock of socks and underwear. You would feel the packages and know immediately what they were. I asked my parents to not give me anything this year because what I want I can’t have and if I can’t have you back, nothing else matters. I got Amber and the cats some stuff. I couldn’t find Amber a big stuffed baby this year so I got her a little one, some pigs ears, and a rawhide bone. The cats are getting some more balls yet they really don’t need any. I also got Hunter some num-nums from Amber. I haven’t wrapped anything yet because I lack the ambition to do anything for the holidays this year. It is horrible! I found your naughty and nice Christmas cards I bought you the end of last year for this year and that tore me up reading them and knowing you weren’t going to be here to read them aloud. I better stop because I am getting myself upset writing all of this.

Please Snookums, guide me in the right direction and continue to keep me strong. I love you more than anything in the world and more than life itself.

Love ya,

Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

December 20, 2004


Hey there, Our Christmas Party was Saturday. Jenn came, we were so glad. She even came a little early & help set up with Stan & I. It sure was nice to see Jenn smile again. I gave out the Christmas Oranments too that we made for you.We all had our Moments. We miss you alot. Stan had a few Beers for you. Jenn even had a drink WoW. It sure wasn't the same not seeing you here. Jen was the last to leave like always. I will email Jenn the Picture's tonight. We are meeting up this Tuesday for the girls Christmas exchange. Jenn, Jen, & Shannon. I remember last Year Stan wouldn't let me go unless you drove due to the snow. Stan is going to have Daddy night on Tuesday.

Talk to you again soon.


December 19, 2004

Merry Christmas Duke. Say hello to my husband Brian Winder. I will always look out for your wife Jennifer. She is a wonderful young lady and you were a blessing in each other lives. You will never be forgotten by me or my family. Peace and Love to You for a job well done on earth. You are one of God' angels watching over us standing side by side with my angel Brian.

lorrie winder

December 16, 2004

Hi babe,

When I let Amber out this morning, I noticed that the pool was frozen over. It has to be drained in the spring because I didn’t get the cover on it in time. How quickly the weather is changing. There is the talk of snow maybe this weekend. Don’t even think about a blizzard Mr. Aaron! You never shoveled much the past several years being on the daylight shift at work and when you would come home, you would waltz up the clean path with that grin on your face and lunch box in hand just to tease me. Remember I would throw the plastic shovel at you in disgust because you got out of all that hard work. You would rather have played in it with the truck or the four-wheeler and actually looked forward to going to work for the same reasons. I would always hope we would get snowed in together, but your work knew you couldn’t use any excuses because you had a 4x4.

The sad little fat Christmas tree is decorated. Jaime and little Kevin came over to help me. It was the first live tree Jaime and Kevin have ever decorated. She was so funny complaining about getting stuck by the needles and I told her to suck it up and get in the middle of the tree with the lights. She was amazed that three hundred lights were put on such a little tree. I told her she should have seen how our big tree was decorated in addition to all the lights we would put on the house and the train garden we would put in the dining room. Little Kevin went home and told his grandmom he helped decorate the tree. If I could only keep the cats from drinking the water. I hung a set of blue and frosted white icicle lights up all by myself. I know you were helping me though because they went up too easy. Rick and Brian are going to hang your name up on our houses in blue lights today sometime. It is going to look awesome. About two weeks ago, I went to the mailbox fairly late at night. I watched a county cop slowly pull up in front of our house and stop for a few seconds. They are still looking out for us. I have noticed other neighbors with single blue candles in their windows. I did some Christmas cards this year and that was rough. I knew you were with me when I did them because I got through it. It was hard not being able to put your name on them. I have never had a single identity. It has always been “Duke and Jenn” and just seeing “Jenn” doesn’t make any sense yet this is how it reluctantly has to be.

My departments Christmas party was this past Monday and your detachment’s was this past Tuesday. I wanted to go to yours, but was given a last minute assignment and had to instead go to Frederick. I will be seeing P.J. the end of the month because he is retiring. I can see why you liked him so much. He is a great guy. I did tell him months ago that he was the reason we didn’t have an answering machine after last Christmas. I confessed I threw it out. He laughed. The guys I work with have offered to come over and teach me how to turn on your four-wheeler and make sure it is okay. They are also going to check on the lawn mower and the mini chopper since nothing has been started up since you have been gone. I have to make an appointment to get your truck serviced and geared up for winter and also learn how to use the four wheel drive. Glenn told me a little about it when I was at the Bridge the other week. He said he would help me too. Between the posse and the guys I work with, I have so many caring brothers. The only sister I have is K-9 Gilda! I am so fortunate and grateful to have all of them.

Last Thursday, P.J. and Sgt. Jester came to my work. They dropped off an envelope and something else. In the envelope, there were cards and letters that were made by kids from St. Elizabeth’s Catholic School in Rockville. I was so touched by their words of wisdom and care that it brought tears to my eyes and a smile on my face. It goes to show that there are still wonderful kids in the world. They are amazing. I wrote them a letter back thanking them for everything and I am also going to their Christmas party tomorrow. I am so excited and can’t wait to meet all of them. This weekend is my cousin Missy’s and Kim and Stan’s parties. I think I am making brownies for Kim’s because she likes my brownies and I have yet to ask my cousin what she wants me to bring. I wish I could be taking your homemade cookies instead.

As always Snookums, I ask that you keep me strong through all of this. Just when I think I gain some confidence getting through the day, I find myself always taking a step back. You are all I think about every minute of the day. It has almost been five months since you have been gone. Every time the cell phone rings, I wish it was you on the other end. I have cried many rivers since you have been gone. I always look at our 8x10 wedding picture taken of us close-up in the limo that my step-uncle took. I find myself touching your face and getting those butterflies in my stomach every time. I just wish I could touch the real you. Now the closest I can get to you it standing at your graveside.

I love you more than life itself,

Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

December 16, 2004

Jenn - Although we have never met, I still consider you part of my large family. Being a wife of an MDTAP officer is something that many of us have in common and can relate to on such a strong level. I know the holidays are coming up and it's going to be difficult, but I want you to know that you are in my thought and prayers constantly.

As I hang up w/ my husband on the phone each time while he is at work I am ALWAYS sure to tell him that I love him. Duke's passing opened my eyes and he has given me a new outlook on life. I couldn't even begin to imagine what I would do if I were in your position and for that I give you all the credit in the world. Jenn, you are the strongest woman I know, yet don't really know. Keep strong thru the holidays. Duke is with you now and always and is now able to give you an angel kiss & tuck you in each night and he couldn't always do that before. So, with that said, stay strong and know that you are in my heart, thoughts, and prayers now and always.

Nicole Rabe
Wife of MDTAP Officer R. Rabe II

December 15, 2004


I wanted to let you know I am so so sorry for the pain you are going through. I read your husbands reflections quite a bit since my husband is also with the MdTA. My heart breaks every time. I know this time of year is always hardest when we have lost someone special to us, but from reading all the reflections it sounds like you have a great support system and especially take comfort in your 'furry babies'. Animals are the best friends in the world when you are sad and need someone to hold on to. Please try to enjoy the holidays as much as you can. I had only met you briefly at the viewing, but you are truly someone to be admired for your strength. Remember also to take comfort in your memories. They are yours forever. God bless you, Jennifer.

Kim Haynes
Wife of MdTA Officer Bryan Haynes

December 14, 2004

Jennifer -
Thank you for the reflection you left on Daniel's page. That was truly very nice of you. Right now I am listening to a song on the radio that has the lyrics "Only want you for Christmas, baby"....So needless to say I am sad. I was sad last year, but this year I feel even more sad. Maybe because it was to be me and Dan's first Christmas together as a married couple. Instead, he is buried and I am here to carry on. I am sure you can relate in a way to me. I try not to be so "glum" but it's really hard when people do not understand why this year is difficult.

I want to offer you my sincere condolences for the loss of your precious sweetheart. I am confident that Daniel has met Duke and they are having a great time up in Heaven. Swapping some stories, hanging out, and of course watching over thier ladies down here. :)

No words can describe to you the pain and hurt I feel for you, as I have been in your almost similar position. Being a wife and being a fiancee is so close, and I feel we share a commonality that will never fade. I wish it wasn't under these terms, but it is. For that I am sorry and I pray God's blessings upon you and your family every day.

I like to think of it like this..Daniel worked the 5p-3a shift and, there were some days I did not see him at all. I like to think now, that every night as I drift off into dreams, he tucks me in and gives me an "angel" kiss. Something he couldn't do when he was alive, but can now do every night, all the time. I'm sure Duke is doing the same for you.

May you remain strong, and couragous through this Christmas season, and may you be blessed all year. Perhaps we may run into each other at Police Week in DC.
Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Officer Daniel Starks
FMPD- Florida
EOW 10.25.03

December 11, 2004

To Jenn:

Memories of the Heart

I close my eyes and feel you near.
It's almost like you're standing here.
I say your name, you turn and smile.
I hold that vision for awhile.

The memories that I have of you,
one by one they come to view.
We laugh, we talk, we even cry,
within my heart, just you and I.

I smell the scent of your cologne,
a fragrance different than my own.
I touch your face, I stroke your hair.
I feel your presence everywhere.

My cheeks are wet from sorrow's dew.
I cling to every thought of you.
I cannot bear to look away.
I fear the vision then will stray.

Forever you are in my heart;
the place where dreams and visions start.
When I need to feel you near -
I close my eyes and you are here.

Janice Winslow Harper

Janice sent this to me. I hope you like it as much as I did. Wishing you much love and support during this difficult holiday season.

Sara Winfield

Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10/14/04

December 11, 2004


It is that time of year again. Jen, Jenn, Matthew, & I bake cookies. We are not this year it is too much. Stan & you last year, went to Arundel Mills to pick up a few gifts. We always had fun, the messed up cookies we would leave for You & Stan. Our Christmas Party is on the 18th. We are so glad that Jenn decide to come to it. It will not be the same without you there. We made Christmas Ornaments we are going to pass out that day. We received Jenn's Christmas card in the mail yesterday. It is weird not seeing your name on it. We put the blue candle in the window for you. Matthew is going to be 16 months this month. He can say your name now, when we say where is Duke he points to you & him on the shelf with a smile. We will always tell our son what a great man you were. We are so glad that you were a part of our son's life.

Talk to you later. Please watch over Jenn she is going to need it in the days to come.

your friend,


December 11, 2004

Hi daddy,

It's Amber Lynn. Me, Rocky, Daisy and Blackie miss you so much. Mommy is doing pretty good at taking care of us, but it is still not the same here without you. She still has to work on some things. I knew something was wrong when mommy came home on July 20th and all these other people were over our house and you didn't come home. I sat on her lap and wouldn't leave her side. She told me she could see the sadness in my eyes. The cats went into hiding because there were so many people around. We take car rides more now that the weather is cooler. Rocky is still carefree, Daisy sleeps on your side of the bed and sometimes helps me keep mommy's feet warm at night, and Blackie still is a scardy cat yet he comes out more often during the day. Mommy and I sit on the bed with your patrol hat some nights before we go to bed. I comfort her by licking her hand or cheek. A lot of people tell mommy that animals sense when something is wrong and believe me, I always know that when mommy crys, she misses you. Mommy brought home a stray yesterday. Don't panic though. It was that little Christmas tree you wanted her to get. She knew it was your doing because it was on her mind all night long and it was dirt cheap! Now Rocky has a place to climb up into and he and Daisy will have lots of balls to knock off and break. Speaking of balls, mommy lets Rocky get away with playing with that noisy ball at night. You would take it and hide it after about the fifth time of him running it up the steps and dropping it down them. When you worked at the Bridge, mommy laughs because you would Christmas shop for us at the K-Mart on the other side of the shore since it was the closest store to your work if you were working. You were in-charge of buying and wrapping our Christmas presents every year. You would buy cards for us to give to mommy on Christmas and Mother's Day and mommy would buy us cards for you for Christmas and Father's Day. I am listening to mommy more when she calls for me to come in from outside. The neighbors probably don't think she is nuts any more when she would constantly call for me and I didn't listen. It didn't take much for you to get my attention though. I always knew to come to you if I were in trouble because I was going to get away with whatever I did wrong. Mommy got me to lay down and roll over not to long ago. She wanted to see if I remembered what you tought me. Mommy tells me all the time how I was your number one girl and how much you still love me and the cats. Well daddy sleep tight and remember the four of us love you unconditionally. We were and still are your one and only kids.

Amber, Rocky, Daisy and Blackie
Furry Babies of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

December 7, 2004

Brandy turned 29 the day before Duke was killed. We have both lost so much but we each have so many memories to cherish. I met Brandy when I was 20 and we were married in Hawaii almost 1 year later. On that beach the song played by a man with a guitar was "I Cross My Heart". Part of our wedding vows included verses from that song. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that you danced to the same song. I hope Brandy and Duke are cruising the Great Highway together. I think they would like one another. Hope to meet you in DC......Tell Duke to watch out for Bran for me.


Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10/14/04

December 6, 2004


The academy graduated this past Friday. This was class 36. I can’t believe there have been that many classes since 29 went through. I was invited and was honored to have attended. It was like sitting through yours all over again. Listening to their stories sounded all to familiar about the first day of the academy and the nicknames people were blessed with. The opening prayer included acknowledging you. The class leader made reference to you when he said that all faced personal losses, as well as the loss of a fellow officer. Those recruits were so good to everyone at your funeral and they were a big help.

Saturday for all that it’s worth was good. I went down the Bridge to the roadside memorial to give you flowers and I had some company. Glenn, Gerald, and Cpl. Wilson showed up. I told Glenn earlier that I was coming down, but I didn’t give him a time. You know how conscious I was about getting you in trouble when I would come down there or called you so I didn’t want to interrupt the guys while they were working. I can’t believe I laughed at their warped sense of humor or actions. We all knew you were there right along with us laughing. I leaned on Glenn for support and he gave it. I told him how the house was not decorated and how upset you probably were with me. He said at least Baltimore Gas & Electric was probably happy this year. Again through my tears, I couldn’t help but laugh at the warped sense of humor. Gerald looks great and seems happy being retired. Someone put this really thoughtful sign right below the flagpole and someone else placed this pretty fall wreath on the guardrail. Tony had his aunt weatherproof another hat and they placed it on top of the cross. Cpl. Wilson mentioned that there was no stripe and tried to get Glenn to give up one on his arm for you right there. You know how that went! Glenn is upset with you. As usual, if you could torture him, you would and you did. He unfortunately got your schedule and realized you didn’t have off for Christmas like you had the past four years. If he were on 3-11, he would have had off this year. You got him good! I then went with mom, Mr. Phil and Mr. Danny to PA so my mom could pick out her tree.

Last night, I went over Rick and Sharon’s house. Rick asked me what I thought about somehow making your name out of blue lights and hanging it between our house and theirs. He had been thinking of this for a long time and didn’t know how I would take it. I told him I have been having these urges to put up some kind of lights, but nothing you put away last year. We are going to see if Brian can get something together for us. I even spotted this really cute little tree at Ace yesterday. It caught my eye and it was on my mind all last night and today as well. I felt like I was looking at a homeless animal that just wanted to come home with me. I swear it is you putting these urges in me because I am going against my better judgment and wanting to do something. My mom tells me all the time you have the upper hand over me now and you loved to decorate just as much as I did and you will not give up until I do something. And what is up with the Christmas music? Sarcastically, I know how much you loooved Christmas music and me singing off the wall tunes to you. I guess you just want to make me to listen to it this year because you know I truly do love it. Please keep me strong Duke. This has been the hardest holiday since all of this has happened and I thought our anniversary was torture! I love you with all my heart and soul.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

December 6, 2004

Well babe the Christmas season is here. It has been a year since you went hunting and that was a long four days without you. I missed you the minute I heard your truck pull out of the driveway. Everyone would laugh at how crazy you were to call me from your tree stand everyday. You didn’t get a chance to help me decorate the tree last year nor were you able to put up the train garden because of your work schedule. I am so glad you put the lights up though. I laugh thinking back at you threatening to unplug everything if you caught them on before Thanksgiving night. Remember how I was so depressed when my grandmom passed away and I didn’t even want to decorate the house or put up the train garden in 2002? Your persistence got me to enjoy that year because you knew how much Christmas and decorating meant to me. Well unfortunately, there will be no Lampoon’s Christmas this year at our house. I know you are probably disappointed. I am reminded of that by my family and some of our neighbors, especially since you made that diagram last year of the house where everything went and how it was to be plugged in for future decorating. I cherish that drawing. I apologized to Sharon this year because you weren’t going to be able to clean out the gutters while you were up on the roof putting up the ice sickle lights. I miss yelling at you to wait until I could spot you before you climbed up or down the ladder. Duke, I just can’t bring myself to undoing all that you put away last year. I force myself to listen to Christmas music because it seems to be the only station I can get on at work or in the car that is decent. I dread Christmas morning and the thought that there will be no tree or presents to put under it Christmas Eve like we would do before we would go to sleep and wait for Santa to arrive. I didn’t even want a chocolate advent countdown to Christmas calendar this year because you weren’t here to call odd or evens. I am going to miss the homemade chocolate chip cookies you personally made for me and how you were always proud that your M&M cookies came out soft and chewy. I don’t have you here to share our annual cold with this time of year. I miss you holding me when I would get sick and me tucking you into bed when you felt bad. Snookums, I know how much you love snow, but please don’t give us a blizzard if you have anything to do with the weather. It is bad enough keeping up on shoveling what we do get. Just help get me through all of this so that I can get it all over with quick because it isn’t getting any easier the closer it gets to Christmas.

Love you more than anything,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

December 1, 2004


We move Shannon stuff Saturday, to her new place. Jenn, Stan, Matthew, & I. It was alot, we were their we use the truck.I am glad the rain held off until later. Our Promise to you is to keep watching over Jenn. We all miss you.
Take Care, Later.


November 29, 2004

I am sorry I have just found this site now. Duke I knew you when you were a Cadet and I was a Motor Carrier Inspector And when I got into the police Academy we were in the same class together Class #29. You were everything all of us aspire to be. You went out and did your job day in and day out with true compassion, conviction, integrity and fairness. I feel blessed and a better person to have known you. God needed a Police Officer to patrol heaven I can't think of a better man.

Officer II Brian Goodman
Md Transportation Authority Police

November 28, 2004

hey pal, well it's thanksgiving day and the world just doesn't seem the same without you here, me and ann stopped by to see you this afternoon and you sure do have alot of flowers, it just goes to show you have many friend you have and how many lives you touched in your short time on this earth. It sure is windy and cold today all the leaves are off the trees, i guess winter is on its way, and as jen would say if you are in charge of the weather this winter it's going to snow non stop. As the first snow flakes fall i will know thats it's all because of you. well got to go, rest in peace pal and talk to you soon. bye.


November 25, 2004


Today is Thanksgiving. I have decided to do something different this year. I am going with Jaime, Dave and little Kevin to that game/food place you went to with some of the guys when you were in the academy. As much as I want to be with my family, I can't bring myself to doing it. It brought back memories of all the wonderful Thanksgiving we spent together, although most of them you had to work. I would either bring you a plate down to the Bridge and sit with you when you were on 3-11 or you would come with me to my dads after work. I have to laugh when I think about hanging out at the Bridge because every time I was there, if Gerald was working, he would usually get me upset about stupid stuff intentionally for laughs so that you would have to deal with me there in front of them and when you got home. I remember when he would walk in the plaza you would tell him "oh don't get her started" and as usual, he ignored you. He retired not to long ago because of his situation. Thank God his family didn't lose him. I have no idea what to be thankful for today. I am not even thankful that I woke up this morning because I don't have you here physically with me to share in this day. I know you are with me though and I know you will continue to keep me strong and get me through the rest of my life. I love you more than anything in the world.


Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

November 25, 2004

Well babe what can I say. When I got that call on the 19th, just one day shy of your four months of being gone, I was happy yet sad that that day had finally come. Now starts a new chapter in what was once a fairy tale novel turned horror story. And unfortunately, the media still refers to you as "Corporal Aaron". Your department and I have been working on getting that corrected as well. Don't worry Snookums. It is a shame that the media won't leave us alone. Everyone wants the "big exclusive story". What they don't realize is that there is no story. You are gone and people who love and care about you are hurting because you are gone. There is no glory or fame that comes with any of this. I know you hate all the attention and so do I. I just want our simple life back. I miss you so much and love you more than anything in the world. Please keep me strong through the upcoming events.

I love you,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

November 21, 2004

hey pal, me and ann drove by your house tonight i see that jen is keeping the competition going, she put vent visors on your truck, it looked sweet, i am waiting for her to put the big tires on, your truck stays clean just the way you always like it to be. It's been four months today since you've been gone and we sure do miss you. REST IN PEACE OLD FRIEND....AND TAKE CARE, AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT JEN WE ARE LOOKING OUT FOR HER, YOU TWO ARE ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS, TALK TO YOU SOON BUDDY. GOODBYE


November 20, 2004

Hey Snookums,

Today was Colleen's wedding. Remember you were approved to have off and should have been there with us. When I got dressed, as usual, I asked you how I looked. I knew what you thought because you always liked to see me dress up and always told me how pretty I was. I just wished I could have heard you say it to me. I wore the pearls you bought me. Colleen made a beautiful bride. The Deacon made a comment about family members who were no longer with us physically, but how they were with us spiritually. I knew you were there. Everyone was concerned about me, but I hung in there like a trooper. There was no other choice but to. There is no other choice to live anything but the life I am forced to live. A life without you. Your future niece or nephew is due on June 16th. That was shocking since that is little Debi's birthday. It is so weird how you and my grandmom passed away on the same day two years apart and now little Debi and her new baby brother or sister will be born on the same day two years apart. How Mary got pregnant with little Debi right after grandmom passed away and how she is now again pregnant and right after you passed away. God sure knows what he is doing up there! I miss you babe. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about you or miss you. There is never a day that goes by that I don't shed a tear. I love you more than life itself and more than anything in the world. Sleep tight my love.


Jennifer R. Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

November 13, 2004

duke, don't worry about a thing me and ann are looking over jen,we all miss you dearly,i wish you were still here but you will always be in our hearts, our friendship was too short old friend. take care pal, justin

friend-justin skarda

November 6, 2004

Ofc. Aaron,

Your family, friends & co-workers are all in my prayers. I know you are with our other Angels in Blue and looking over your wife, parents & siblings. You are a true hero.

Romaine Cheney
Sister of Tpr. Jessica J. Cheney
VA State Police, EOW 1-17-98

November 4, 2004

Duke, may you rest in peace.

I had the honor of meeting your awesome wife this weekend, and am so impressed by her vision to help others and live her life honoring you. She is one strong woman that I hope to continue to stay in touch with.

I told Jennifer that I really would prefer that she and I never met, considering that would mean our lives would not have been changed forever by the tragic deaths of our husbands. My heart breaks when I read her postings here on ODMP to you, since I, too, know the personal and unbearable pain as I lost my husband in the line of duty over 12 years ago.

Continue to watch over Jenn and the rest of your family, friends and co-workers.

Stacy Cullinane Smith
Surviving Spouse of Patrolman Mickey Cullinane, EOW 8/26/92, Sea Isle City, NJ Police Department

November 1, 2004

Happy Halloween Snookums. Not exactly a happy one is it? Kevin called tonight to ask me if I decorated the house like we usually did. He was not surprised when I said no it wasn't. Sharon and the crew sat outside like we normally would except it didn't feel the same. It was unusually quiet in the neighborhood as well. Brittney, Sharon, and I made caramel apples this year. I know they were your favorite. When I came home from the Ocean today, I drove to the roadside memorial and parked in the spot you sat in the day of the accident. You can still see your tire tracks. It was difficult and I still can't understand. I focused on all the pretty flowers spread out on the guard rail and the flag pole. So many people still care about you Duke. I couldn't wait to come home and pick up Amber from my moms. She seemed to miss me and that made me feel good. Sleep tight my love and remember I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III

October 31, 2004

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