Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland
End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III
Hey Duke, just thinking of you and Brian...again... as Maryland mourns the loss of another hero. At least I know he is in good company. Hang in there Jenn! Im thinking of ya girl!
P.O. Rollhauser
June 21, 2005
Hi Duke,
It will be a year soon since you left everybody. I cannot believe how time went by. Things have really changed since you have been gone. Anyway, I want to wish an early Happy Birthday and a Happy Forth of July. I pray everyday for your family and wife. Hoping in time that their hearts will heal and that they will have the inner peace and strength to go on with their lives. You are always in my prayers. Take care, my friend.
Shannon Pratt
June 20, 2005
Hi daddy,
Today is Father's Day and you are not here for us to give you a card like mommy would get for us to give to you. All four of us miss you daddy and wish you were here. I miss you taking me for car rides, asking me to show you that lay down and roll over trick, trying to comfort me during thunder storms, playing out back with me, taking me for walks, waiting on the steps with you for mommy to come home from work, and just hearing you call my name all the time. As for the cats, they miss you to daddy, but I know I was the one who was "daddy's girl" and always will be.
We love and miss you,
Amber and the cats
Amber, Rocky, Daisy & Blackie
Furry Babies of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III
June 19, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Well today was my grandma's and little Debi's birthday's. I went over Mark and Mary's and celebrated Debi's 2nd birthday with the rest of the family. She got lots of goodies just like she did on Sunday at her big party at McDonald's. Mary told me awhile ago about Debi's 1st birthday party and how you can hear your voice in the background of the video, but you never see you. I am so glad you got to be there for that. Sadly, none of us ever knew what was coming down the road a little over a month after that happy occasion.
Before I went to the birthday party, I left work early to buy flowers to take over to grandma's grave. My grandma always told people that if they couldn't bring her flowers while she was alive, then she didn't want them to bring them to her when she was dead. You know how I always gave my grandma flowers so I knew that I could go to the cemetery today and put flowers on her grave. My mom did the same a little earlier today. I talked to her and my grandpop for a couple of minutes about you. I told my grandma again how I now know what she meant when she would always say how she just wanted to be with my grandpop even though she was surrounded by other family and friends who cared about her. No one would understand unless they walked in our shoes why I feel the same way as my grandma did. I lost you, the only thing in my life that I ever wanted and lived and breathed for every day. I believe I may have told you this one time, but I would say my prayers every night before I met you and I would ask God to bring me someone I could love. He sent me you. Now I am struggling to revive myself, but I know with your guidance, support and my determination, I will make the best of what I have been handed.
Mrs. Marylee just emailed me. There was an accident involving two troopers and their car being hit. One of the troopers was her nephew that just graduated the academy. The situation hits to close to home for me. Thank God no one was seriously injured. Also, Baltimore PD and Ofc. Winders family were handed a raw deal last week. Please help Brian watch over his co-workers and family and help them get through this tough time. The journey with your situation may bring similar results, but we will have to wait and see.
Well my snookums, Daisy and Amber are curled up on the bed so I guess I should turn in. Oh, I have decided not to go to Ocean City next week for work. I know what you are saying "geesh make up your mind". You were always good for saying that to me. I love you Duke. Sleep tight my love.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
June 16, 2005
Hi babe,
Well you know it has been a rough several days for me. I am sorry, but I must admit that it didn't help much sitting with you yesterday at the cemetery because you weren't able to put your arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay, but it is the only place I can run to when things start getting complicated and I need to just talk to you more so than my conversations I have with you every night before I go to bed.
I am taking a leave of absence from work all next week. Can you believe that the busiest time of the year for me there and I just up and take leave? Things need to be taken care of around the house that I have neglected. I will however spend the day in Ocean City on Tuesday for work and even that took a lot of thought to decide to do. I look around our house and every thing seems so black and white and lifeless. That is what it seemed like before we brought color and happiness into it almost five years ago. This house was in horrible shape from the previous occupants wasn't it? Sharon asked me the other day why I haven't gotten the patio set out on the deck. I said why should I. It isn't like anyone will be sitting out on it like we did every chance we got. The pool is so clean and you should be proud of me for that one. You were the one who kept it that way all last year. You only had about two months or so of happiness in it but you loved floating around in it after work. Sharon said she is determined to get me in it this year. The water is extremely warm.
Our Lady of Fatima had their carnival last week. Me, my mom, Philly, Mark, Mary and the girls all went. You were there with us last year. Remember we won a flower. Mark told me you won money on some wheel, but I don't remember that happening. He said you didn't want me to know, but we both know how he probably wants to just get you in trouble. He loved to rat you out, but it was all in good humor and fun. The bachelor party was the best and you even got to admit that one.
I look around at everyone going on with their lives and I am trying to do the same, I really am. Almost eleven months later and I am still saying "Wow, I can't believe this has happened". Every room of our house holds great memories of you and I. I love thinking about memories in the kitchen. You cooking dinner or baking cookies. Then me giving you kisses in the middle of the kitchen and you laughing because they were tickling you. Hearing you pour your cereal into the bowl in the mornings or hearing the sounds of the dog and cats food being poured into their bowls, both which I could hear from our bedroom. Every time I drink a bottle of water I can still hear you say how you can't believe I buy bottled water when the sink water was free. Then I would come back and say how even the sink water wasn't free because we got a bill for it from the county every three months. I still have a pack of frozen steaks in the freezer that you labeled. Your pickles and sodas are still in the fridge. Your clothes are still in our closet and your cup is still next to your alarm clock. Your Duke's of Hazard trash can is still right next to your side of the bed where you left it. I miss hearing the sound it would make when you would empty it. Remember how I would tell you to throw it away because it was rusting and jagged on the edges and we would sometimes cut our fingers on it emptying the trash, but you refused to throw it away because it was something you had since you were a little boy. Your alarm clock was another part of your childhood that you laughed about and wouldn't give up. You couldn't believe it was still working all them years later and I was just hoping it would never break down in the middle of the night while you were sleeping and make you late for work. Remember during thunder storms we would use that ancient wind up white one you had in your night stand that was unreliable as well, but if the power went out, we were hoping that would get you up in the morning to go to work. That was so funny. Your stuff is still all here Duke. All that is missing is you. I still wonder sometimes what either one of us or the both of us did so wrong to deserve what happened and why we are being punished. I know I will never know the reasoning behind all of this mess. I am going to ask you something that I haven't asked you in a long time. Please Duke, keep me strong.
Sleep tight my love and I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
June 13, 2005
Faith Hill - You're Still Here
Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun
then you turned away
And I know it couldn't be
But my heart believed
Oh it seems like there's something everyday
How could you be so far away
When you're still here
When I need you you're not hard to find
You're still here
I can see you in my baby's eyes
And I laugh and cry
You're still here
I had a dream last night
That you came to me on silver wings
And I flew away
with you on a painted sky
And I woke up wondering what was real
Is what you see and touch
or what you feel
'Cause you're still here
Oh you're everywhere we've ever been
You're still here
I heard you in a strangers laugh
And I hung around
to hear him laugh again
Just once again
Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun
then you turned away
June 8, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Well it is shortly after 2 a.m. on 6/8 and I am happy and excited to announce that our new little niece Kathryn "Katie" Elizabeth Panowitz came into the world at 12:05 a.m. weighing in at 7lbs. 2oz. I was attending a COPS meeting when I got the call to get to the hospital. Mary was in labor for about six hours and had no complications whatsoever. Everyone was taking bets on when she was going to come and I won the bet. Mark and Little Debi are doing good as well and little Debi now has a "mini me" because Katie looks so much like her when she was born. I cried Duke because I was so happy yet at the same time, I was so sad. I was sad because this time, I wasn't going to be running home to tell you that we have another niece just to hear you say "another girl" like you did when I told you that Debi was born. It saddens me even more to know that you will never get to hold her like you did with Debi and even Brittney and Hannah for that matter. On the way home, the song that came on the radio was "Your Still Here" by Faith Hill. I know you had a hand in me hearing that song. How true that song is.
Oh Duke, you would be so proud of all four of them girls and I know you are looking down on all of them and will always be there for them. Cindy told me the other day how you would have been proud of Hannah for what she was wearing because she looked like a cowgirl in her boots and hat. You would have been covering Brittney up if you would have seen her in her gown she wore to the school dance she attended and how much skin was showing in that dress. I must say, she stunned me with her beauty when I went with her to pick it out a couple months ago. And you would be patiently waiting for someone to change Debi's diapers because as they get bigger, so do the diapers and we all knew how you were with that situation. All three of them have grown so much in the past ten and a half months, but I know you know that.
Well my love, I should be getting around for bed so I can get up the hospital later this afternoon to spend sometime with our new little niece. Sleep tight and I love you.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
June 8, 2005
Duke - I just wanted to tell ya, what a cute little red head you have. She has to be one of the sweetest, caring and loving people I have met. It was so nice having here come up for the weekend. Showing her our life. I can't wait to go spend some time with her and the "kids" aka Amber and the cats.
Duke, I have to tell ya, your wife loves you with all her heart and struggles everyday to put a smile on her sweet little face. But she manages to put one on everyday. She is so sweet and didn't deserve the hand she was dealt. Please keep a close eye on her and let her know you are here with her, so she can keep moving on in this life. Through your watchful eyes, she will find happiness again in her life and you will be behind that sharing it with her. I know you only want her to be happy. Me too....
Missy Pierce
June 1, 2005
I know you'd be so proud of your Jenn. The hurt she is going thru, the yearning for your arms, is still so fresh.. but yet she reaches out to help others feel better. She cares about everyone else before herself. She has those around her though , both family and friends, old and new, that are watching over her, praying for her, and there when she needs us. We all wish you were here, but until we all reach those pearlly gates, we'll watch over Jenn for you. Keep those streets safe!
June 1, 2005
Hey Duke,
Well you know I took a spontaneous trip this past weekend and for once, I did something for myself only. I had a really good time and I know you watched out for me the entire trip. I was in what looked like God's country and when I was up in the clouds, I couldn't help but wonder just how far up heaven was from my plane seat. If I could, you know I would have brought you home if it weren't that far away. Wishful thinking huh?
Mary is due in just a little over two weeks, but I don't think she will last that long. Little Kathryn is starting to look like she is ready to meet our crazy family. Yesterday me, my mom and Mr. Phil helped Mark and Mary get some stuff done at the house to prepare for Kathryn's arrival. Weren't you with them when Mark and my dad put the crib up when Debi was born? I can't remember, but I think you were. I am getting excited about her arrival as well, but the thought of knowing that you won't be here to hold her like you got to do with Debi kills me. Speaking of Debi, she kicked me yesterday, but when my mom told her to tell me that she was sorry, she looked at me and said "I sorry Ju-Ju". Oh Duke that just melted my heart and she could have beaten me up the rest of the day and I wouldn't have cared. You also know that I was able to get her the motorized Silverado awhile ago that you wanted to buy her before she was ever born. How ironic that it is black and is also a 2003 like your truck. She is still to short to drive it yet, but by fall she should be ready. Mark got a new SUV and traded the truck in. I am glad he did because it was the same type of truck that took your life and I didn't need to be reminded of that every time I saw Mark's truck. My mom and I got to talking about how shy you were when we first met and how I was able to get you to come out of your shell. I mentioned about the little scoop of mashed potatos you put on your plate and how we all stared at you and I finally said that you could take more than what you took. You did like mashed potatos and after I told you to take more, you did and didn't hesitate. When Mark and Mr. Phil were putting the air conditioner in the front window at my grandma's house, mom and I started laughing about the time you and I tried to take hers out of her living room window and it fell out the window and on to the ground when I lifted the window up and we didn't catch it in time. Oh my gosh Duke were we idiots :) If I am not mistaken, that was around the same time Amber chewed the end off the five hunderd dollar coffee table and we told Mr. Phil that the air conditioner fell on it. That worked out well until Amber chewed two other corners off and we ran out of excuses and finally had to tell him about all three corners. Oh what fun times they were weren't they? After mom and I talked about the air conditioner falling out the window, mom was talking about how neat you thought is was to dress up like Learch from the Adams Family our first Halloween together in 1994. I told her how your black suit you were so proud of finally went to the Good Will about a year or so ago.
I think it was last week, but in an email from Jen J., she mentioned to me how she misses the "old Jenn". I told her how I miss the old me as well, but she is gone. The "old Jenn" to her consisted of Duke and Jenn and we can never get that back. Jaime said that to her, I am still the "old Jenn" because she hung around with me before you ever came into the picture, but not as much after you and I started dating. Erica F. told me awhile ago that I was still the "old Jenn" because to her, I still think about others before I think about myself. Oh I am so confused. All I know is that I miss the Jenn that was the girlfriend, who became the fiance, and then later became the wife of Duke G. Aaron, III (aka Snookums). One thing I told Jen that will never change and has remained the same since you have been gone is the love I have for my family, friends and especially you no matter where life may take me.
Well Snookums I guess I should get around for bed. Work has been so busy and you know how this time of year gets to me there. Kevin's house across the street is for sale and I emailed him and Mary to tell them that for 230k they could own their old house again. I wish they would move home. It wouldn't be like old times because you aren't here, but having Kevin here would help keep the neighborhood crew in line.
I love you Duke. Sleep tight my love.
Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife
May 31, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Well it has been some time since I have written and to be quite honest, I am still trying to digest the DC trip and really don't know what to say. It has left me speechless for the most part. Well where shall I try to begin? Friday made ten months since you were taken away. Duke, where did the time go? I still can't remember much about the last ten months and two days. I was thinking on Friday night while I was playing bingo (can you believe that I actually played bingo) with Jaime, Cybil, and Smiley (remember Cybil's boyfriend from my school that you sat and talked to at the one dance of many that I drug you to) how the evening you passed away I was sitting in your chair and I made everyone leave that came over our house. I locked the door behind them and got a shower and went to bed. I woke up about two hours later and called your sister and asked if I could come over and be with her, Joe and the kids for awhile. It was as if I was numb from being emotional earlier that day and all I can say is that I was in this zombie like mode in a daze. I don't think I have ever come out of that daze because everything since then has been a blur. All I keep thinking about is what we were doing this time last year (every day I think this) and that is what I dwell on because nothing matters anymore but the past yet I keep moving forward with the life I have been forced to live. I did have a good time at bingo though and I am so thankful they all asked me to go because I believe it helped me cope with that day a lot better.
Now for the DC trip. Oh that was so overwhelming and emotional. To much to take in. I finally got to meet Sara and her families, both related and the Ohio COPS family. What awesome people they all were. I don't think I could have made it through that week as good as I did unless I was hanging around with them. There were so many other really nice people I met the entire week as well, but I hung out with the OH--IO crew all the time. I just wished I could have met them all under better circumstances, but now I have extended family in Ohio who will always be there for me and who know exactly what I am going through. I spent time with Lorrie and the boys while they were eating pizza one night. She is such a sweetie and a dear friend. Remember you were at Brian's funeral two weeks prior to your accident? You were always supportative in that respect when it came to honoring fallen officers. I also got to spend the week with Glenn for the most part because as you know, he came to be my escort for the ceremonies. We had to go to BWI on Wednesday to bring back posters so they could hang them up for incoming flights on Thursday. He drives worse than you! He had me laughing though and was telling me stories about the posse. On Thursday, we came back for a memorial run and ceremony in Baltimore City. Richard was there and he and I got to talking and he introduced me to another cop he went to elementary school with that works for BPD. I told Richard that must have been yesterday that he was in elementary school because he hasn't grown up yet. Of course, he just laughed at me. I made a mends with him during your funeral. It is kind of funny that I am the only one out of the family that holds a grudge against him and you would tease me all the time about it and would just laugh at me anytime you would be around him and you would make a point to get the pot stirred remember? But in all honesty, he loves you Duke and misses you. He and I have had conversations about you and he is genuine in his feelings toward you. I have always known that. Well after Glenn and I left the beautiful ceremony Balto. City PD had with the run, he came up to close to the back of this car in front of us and I grabbed for the ceiling and yelled out your name and then yelled out Glenn's name and then I apologized to him. He understood as you know he would, but that was just a typical reaction to your driving and what he did just made me think you had something to do with it because in ten months now, I have never yelled out your name while driving with anyone. I guess you just wanted me to know you were with us and that was comforting. Friday was the candlelight vigil. Your name was read in front of thousands of people. That was a tough ceremony to sit through. Your parents, sister, Joe, and the kids, my dad, Michele, and Glenn were all there. It was a beautiful ceremony as well. Then on Sunday, your name was called again in front of thousands of people. Many of your co-workers attended and PJ was there as well. Once I saw him, I lost it and had to go over to him and give him a hug. If I could have hugged everyone from your department that came, I would have because I was so grateful to see all of them there and they all looked so sharp in their class A's. President Bush was the guest speaker and I got a really close up pic of him. I was trying to get a pic of him and Glenn together, but he kept moving in the opposite direction from us. Daryl Whoorley sang his song "I Miss My Friend". That is a tear jerker if I ever heard one. The ceremony was televised and many people back home saw me, your parents and sister at the memorial wreath. Uncle Gary supposedly saw my parents on tv as well. Philly wore his shirt that was in memory of you. Then on Monday before we left for home, DC Metro PD had a beautiful ceremony that gave honors to the three MD officers killed last year. Lorrie and the kids were there for Brian, your parents and I were there for you, and Tpr. Jones' family was there for him. All the honor guards for all the agencies were also there to support the families and that meant so much to all of us. Once the ceremony was over, it was time to finally go home to our "furry babies". Boy did they miss me and how I missed them so much as well. I was so glad to be home and in our own bed at night snuggled up with Daisy and Amber. Blackie made his appearance and Rocky was just typical Rocky. Amber did well at my moms and it was good to give my mom a hug and kiss as well because I didn't get to talk to her to much while I was away and you know I talk to her at least once a day every day.
Okay, one more thing before I close because it is after midnight and now it now makes ten months and three days since you have been gone, but anyway, remember our trip to Pier One Imports???? Well today was the first time I have been back there since we had to find that you know what that we you know what we did with a long, long time ago while we were still boyfriend and girlfriend. Well now Sharon knows what we did and she laughed at us. I looked around, but they don't sell them anymore. That was by shear luck that we found a match the first time around wasn't it?
Well my Snookums, Daisy and Amber are both sound a sleep so I guess I should go to bed as well. Got to get up in a couple of hours to go to work. Sleep tight my love and I love you more than anything in the world.
Love you,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III
May 23, 2005
You don't know me, but I was in DC to honor a friend that was killed last year. I saw you at the Memorial Service. I just wanted to let you know that people from all over the world care about you. We know how difficult it is to lose a loved one. It simply isn't fair. We hope you find peace.
May 21, 2005
I just wanted to tell you how amazing you are! Full of strength and such pure love and kindness. I'm so glad you became part of our crazy little Ohio family. We will be there for you, always. I enjoyed talking to you and hearing your stories about Duke...he sounds so wonderful, the perfect match for you. You represent such an honor for his memory. I'm so glad you and Sara have bonded. Hope to see you and your beautiful red hair again soon! Take care sweetie. Love, Krissy Vazquez Ensoll (Frank Vazquez, EOW 11/06/01)
May 19, 2005
I am so glad we finally got to meet in person. The time I spent with you in DC was very precious to me. I know that I have forged a lifelong friendship. We will never let you walk alone in this. We love you and will be by your side through it all. Knowing that I have you to hold my hand and walk with me in this journey gives me great comfort. Remember it's still an option to pack up and move to O H I would just bring a lot of attention from what we discussed...We will explore Amish country very soon. Miss you already.
Much love,
May 19, 2005
I guess what strikes me the most about Officers Aarons page is the people that have left him relfections. I did not know Ofc. Aaron, but by all these pages of love and support from family and friends, fellow officers from all over the country, and people who only wish they could do more, it is clear to see he was a great person. I pry for Ofc. Aarons family, including the MD Trans Police, but most of all his loveing wife Jen. I wish you all that god can give...even if it some times does not seem like much at all.
It is Officers such as Officer Aaron that motivate me to become a police officer. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you, sir. God bless.
Police Explorer
May 18, 2005
Just wanted to let you know that I love you like another daughter and that we will make it through everything that has been dealt to us cause we are survivors. I feel so lucky to have gotten to know you in D.C. and been able to hug you and know you have been pulled into Sara's family. Duke you have one special little girl and know you had something to do with her getting connected to us and I will not let you down. Hopefully some of my little bull headed hillbilly daughter will rub off on you Jenn. Love you and keep strong
Your second mom Johnna
Mother-in-law of Brandy Winfield
EOW 10-14=04
May 17, 2005
I had the privilege of briefly meeting you this past weekend in Washington D.C. during National Police Week as my husband served as escort officer to Denise Zimmerman. While Bert was forefront on our minds, I wanted you to know that I thought of you and Duke often during the weekend and as his name was read at the candlelight vigil on Friday evening. I wish you continued peace and strength.
Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of a NJ State Trooper
Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of NJ State Trooper
May 16, 2005
Jen -
thank you for leaving a message on on Daniel's site. I think of you often and was so glad to hear from you. These days - it is so great to hear from friends. True friends. I consider you that even though I have never spoken to you. I hope the days are getting somewhat better for you. Better and easier but I know that it can never be perfect. After a year and a half it is still hard for me. I am hoping DC will be somewhat more "healing" this year. I will definatley see you at the wall I hope. I will be with Juli Verkler some of the time so Im sure we will run into eachother. I hope to give you a BIG HUG and fianlly say HEY JEN!! :)
Be SAFE in your travels. Duke is watching over you!!
Jess Ruhl
Fiancee of Officer Dan Starks
EOW 10.25.03
May 10, 2005
I can't believe Washington is already here. I'm very anxious about returning. I just realized that it will be your first trip there for Duke. For me, it was all a blur. There was so much going on and so many people - it's quite overwhelming. But at the same time, it's amazing to know that your husband is honored and remembered by thousands of people.
I will be there at the vigil when they call Duke's name and I will say a prayer for him.
I will find his name on the wall and know that you will be the woman there standing guard, watching over your beloved.
See you soon,
Jennifer Waters
Wife of Mike Waters EOW 9-11-03
May 10, 2005
Duke, On Friday I finally got the oppurtunity to give a sweet redhead a big hug. I know that the stength that Jen has shown through all of this is a inspiration to all of us. I want to personally thank her for the concern and support that she has shown to my friends. Duke please know that things are ok here and if Jen needs ANYTHING she knows how to find me. You are a true hero and we will be there Sunday to honor you, Say hi to Brian for me. let him know we love him. Jen Rollhauser
P.O. Rollhauser
May 9, 2005
Hey my Snookums,
Well it is after 2 a.m. on the 8th. I just got home from my ten year high school reunion that you were expected to be at with me. I know you were there, but it wasn't the way I wanted you to be there with me. Jaime's Dave was so lonely that he could have used a buddy to pal around with while Jaime and I were being social butterflies. You would have been upset with Kim (according to Stan) because she dropped an entire six pack of beer and ruined two perfectly good beers (a cardinal sin according to Stan) when they broke all over the floor. Stan and I just laughed thinking about what you were probably saying. As I was driving home, I started to cry when I heard the Travis Tritt song about please tell me you didn't say goodbye. I remember the video was about a man whose wife had died and he was left to raise their little girl. "Tell me I was dreaming", oh how I wish someone would tell me I was dreaming over nine and a half months now about all that has happened. I was going to head down the Bay Bridge for awhile and just sit next to the roadside memorial because I wasn't tired, but something told me to just go home because the deer may run out in front of my car. I remembered all those times you would tell me how the deer were all around the station and how they would run out in front of your patrol car on the service road. I also just thought about the time you were dispatched to the woods because a veterinarian was behind a car that hit a deer and when you arrived on the scene, the vet told you that the deer was badly injured and couldn't be repaired so you had to shoot it. The redneck in you came out when you pulled out your universal knife (the same one you would clean your fingernails with and the one you used to cut the twinkie open with to fill with hot sauce that you gave to Glenn) to field dress the deer. I am sure that was a site to see you in uniform helping to field dress a deer. Another thought that just went through my mind was the time you were dispatched to the scene where someone had hit a racoon and you had to shoot it. How many times did you say you shot it??? I will never let you live that one down :) That was just as bad as poor Bucky when you went deer hunting. Oh that's right, not all the bullets were from your gun :) All I kept hearing from you was "he wouldn't die". I have talked to several deer hunters who have taken up for you. You are all crazy :) I also wonder if that little duck with the broken beak you would talk about that was down near the station is still alive. You talked about him a lot.
Yesterday was the Maryland Fallen Hero's Day at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens. Keith was my escort through the entire event. It was extremely hard to sit through because some of it was like sitting through your funeral all over again. When the bag pipes played Amazing Grace, I lost it. Taps was rough as well but Amazing Grace just kills me every time I hear it. I don't think there were many dry eyes in the crowd. You received a beautiful plaque of the replica of the wall that is in the cemetery dedicated to police officers and fire fighters. The Fire Marshal was also there. He is such a wonderful man and he, along with my entire department, have been wonderful to me throughout this entire tragedy. The dedicated, HONEST, and SINCERE men and women with your department also have a place in my heart and I am truly grateful for everything they have done for you and I and continue to do to remember you in their own ways. You know where the issues lie by far (I mean really high up) and you know I will always keep my promise to you. I sometimes think you were trying to prepare me or give me a heads up when you would always say that motto you were famous for saying to a select few of us. I never would have dreamed that you would be right on that one. Then again, I never would have dreamed that any of this would have happened to us.
Well enough for now. I should be getting to sleep. Amber is with my mom tonight so it looks as if it will only be Daisy and I snuggling up. I love you Snookums. Sleep tight my love.
Love always and forever,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III
May 8, 2005
"She Thinks My Tractors Sexy" - Kenny Chesney
Plowing these fields
in the hot summer sun
Over by the gate lordy here she comes
With a basket full of chicken
and a big cold jug of sweet tea
I make a little room
and she climbs on up
Open up a throttle
and stir a little dust
Just look at her face
she ain't a foolin me
She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always staring at me
While I'm chuggin along
She likes the way it's pullin'
while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy
'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one
who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractor's sexy
We ride back and forth
until we run out of light
Take it to the barn
put it up for the night
Climb up in the loft
sit and talk with the radio on
She said she's got a dream
and I asked what it is
She wants a little farm
and a yard full of kids
One more teeny weeny ride
before take her home
She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always staring at me
While I'm chuggin along
She likes the way it's pullin'
while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy
'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one
who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractor's sexy
Well she ain't into cars
or pick up trucks
But if it runs like a Deere
man her eyes light up
She thinks my tractor's....
She thinks my tractor's sexy
It really turns her on
She's always staring at me
While I'm chuggin along
She likes the way it's pullin'
while we're tillin' up the land
She's even kind of crazy
'bout my farmer's tan
She's the only one
who really understands what gets me
She thinks my tractor's sexy
She thinks my tractor's sexy
She thinks my tractor's sexy
I had to laugh when this song came on the radio the other day. You would sing it so loud and proud and sometimes would do a little dance with it. You always wanted a John Deere tractor, but we didn't have a big enough yard for one. Remember my mom gave you a John Deere bell for Christmas in 2003 and you hung it up on the shed. It is still there and it will always be there until it falls off. I also thought about your farmers tan. Your left arm was always darker than your right (because it hung out the car window more so than the right one) and your left wrist was always white because of your watch. I love you Snookums. Sleep tight my love.
Love ya,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III
May 4, 2005
I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you today as I am preparing to get things together for National Police Week. I hope that we can finally meet next week in D.C. I just wanted to let you know that I bought Duke's patch on Ebay several weeks ago. I still visit Duke's ODMP site often, and your reflections are so moving and beautiful.
Please know I am thinking of you, and I pray for your safe travel as your friends' and family head to Washington to honor Our Fallen Heroes.
Thinking of you,
Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler
May 3, 2005
Hey Snookums,
I talked to Keith yesterday. His father-in-law passed away last Wednesday. His mother-in-law is holding up, but I am sure it has to be hard as I can relate to what she is going through. It seems as if his family has been handed a tough year as well from what he was telling me. I feel so sorry for them.
Well where shall I start? On Friday the 30th, you were honored at the VFW for excellence in law enforcement for 2004 as their Officer of the Year. As always, I am extremely proud of you Duke. Your parents, my parents, Cindy, Joe and the girls, Mark, Mary and Debi were all there.
Also on the 30th, your Amber Lynn turned 7 years old. I told her that in 7 1/2 more weeks (because remember she was 7 1/2 weeks old when we rescued her) will be the anniversary of when she came to live with us. We didn't even have the apartment yet and for the first couple of weeks, remember she stayed with my dad and he house broke her for us. Remember how we would go over his house at night and watch her in his kitchen from the back door. Then we would go around to the front door and she would have happy tinkles clear across the floor from being so excited to see us. Then after we got the apartment, remember for the first couple of months there I would bring her over in the mornings and pick her up after work before you would go to work? Then she and I became permanent fixtures in your little "bachelor pad" not to long after that didn't we. Remember how we would always have to stand out in the rain, snow, hot and cold weather until she did her business and how difficult she was because she always had to find the right spot and was always chasing the rabbits. It was sure nice when we got our house that we had a back yard to just let her out into without having to go outside ourselves wasn't it? I told her that you knew it was her birthday and I know you gave her a big hug and kiss on her day because after all, she was your pride and joy.
This coming Friday, Keith is going to be my escort at Dulaney Valley for a memorial ceremony they are having. Next week is Police Week. I remember the one and only time you went to Police Week. It was with my dad and it was while I was still working at Giant. You guys came by after and visited me. You were still a cadet with your department at the time. Glen is going to be my escort there on the 13th and 15th. I am so grateful you chose such wonderful friends/co-workers Duke (even though you guys were goofs at times).
Yesterday was my grandma's sisters 90th birthday. Her husband, Mr. Bill, who is a couple of years older than her was telling me how he still thinks about his first wife and how as time goes on, it should get easier. I told him that I just "deal" with it because there is no other choice but to deal with it. I have accepted that crying is a part of my every day life now and comes as it pleases and the best thing to do is to let it out instead of keeping it in no matter where I am. I have accepted that I have no other choice but to permanently sleep with the lights off because you won't be coming home, at least in the way I would want you to come home because I know you are still with me. I have accepted that I have to move forward with life because life is not going to rewind itself for me and give me back all that I long for (and you know I would give anything to go back to that morning of July 20th and handcuff you to the door so that you would have missed work or to have kept you up later that night so you would have been even more tired than you were and you would have called out of work).
Well Snookums, it is time for Amber's potty break. I hope you are proud of me at how I am always thinking of her potty breaks like you did. You were such a great daddy to her. Speaking of being a parent, Mother's Day is this coming Sunday. As I was picking out a card for my mom the other day, I got upset looking at the cards from the dog and cat. I am going to miss those cards Duke. We would give each other those types of cards from the dog and cats every year to each other.
I love you Duke more than anything in the whole wide world and don't ever forget that, but you know I wouldn't let you forget that anyway and I know you will never forget that as well.
Love always,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III
May 2, 2005
It is Kim again. Well I know it has been awhile since I wrote you. Well today we are having the Girls over for Shannon's Birthday dinner. Matthew can say your name alot now. I hope it all goes well. Well also our Reunion is coming up next week. I know Stan will miss you not being there, to chat and to have a drink or two.Talk to you later. It is chilly out today. We will sure take a picture today to have up on our wall of Friends.
April 29, 2005